Times-Advocate, 1986-04-02, Page 11Indian customs
at Dorcas Unit
Ruthanme Curtis chaired the March
meeti►g& of the Dorcas Unit, United
Aiurth,Wanen at the church, Tura -
day afternoon. Marj Park presented
a brief . study of Indian Spring
customs, noting some of the
similarities, and also the difference
between their culture and ours.
Marion Lee led in a meaningful
Easter devotional. She quoted from a
book by Elisabeth Elliot who describ-
ed a visit to the ancient Garden of
Gethsemane and the Garden tomb
and her attempt there to reconstruct
the first Easter. This proved to be a
high point in her experience of
Christ's presence. Likewise today,
Easter gives us opportunity to res-
pond to the Living Christ.
The general U.C.W. meeting was
announced for April 2. Rev. and Mrs.
Bruce Pierce of Granton will show In-
dian artifacts and slides, as part of
the group's mission theme for the
The Dorcas Unit is in charge of the
April Coffee Hour which has been
changed to April 13, the day of the
dedication of the Clandeboye win-
dows. Final plans were made for the
Spring Supper April 10 at the Com-
munity Centre. The meeting closed
with a social time during which the
women enjoyed delicious
refreshments provided by Elnora
raster Saturday, the fourth annual
Shamrock Open tournament was held
at Lucan Bowling Lanes. A total of 60
bowlers took part in this handicap
Top bowler was Sylvia Fahner of
Huron Park, who bowled 274 pins
above her average over five games of
bowling. She won $240. for her efforts.
Second place went to Bob Moore of
Lucan with a plus 205 and Bill Neil,
also from Lucan, finished with a plus
Participants taking part came from
Lucan, Huron Park, Stratford,
Lambeth, London, St. Marys,
Stratjiroy, Exeter.
Special thanks to the following local
and 'area, merchants who donated
prizes - Tuckey Beverages, Frito-lay,
B &'B Auto Supply, GrandeEentral
Hotel, Printing Unique, Haskett Fur-
niture, Sanders Pro Shop, Joyce's
Beauty Salon, Lam's Rest., Davis
Hdwe., Langford Lumber, North Star
Restaurant, Big Hitter, Donna's
Decorating, Ultramar, Shaw's, Crest
Centre, Nicholson's Flowers, Penny
Saver Pub., Wraith Hdwe., and Lucan
Bowlers' Assoc.
Tycoon shouting into telephone: "Did
you hear what I said? I said, 'This is
Harry B. Jones, and I'm too impor-
tant to talk to a recording!' "
Inflation is being broke with a lot of
money in your pocket.
BIDDULPH PLAY - Tabatha Mair, Lisa Carroll, Brian Herd
Naier are shown in action in an Easter assembly play at.
Luton School.
and Jason
T-A photo.
Good attendance at
UC Easter service
George and Linda Wilkinson with
Tammy and Jennifer welcomed a
large number of worshippers to the
Easter service at Lucan United
Church Sunday morning. The expand-
ed choir, under Helen Stanley's direc-
tion, added to the joyful spirit of the
worship as they sang arrangements
of "This Joyful Eastertide," and
"Crown Him with Many Crowns".
Linda Froats told the boys and girls
about Doug and Pat whose Easter li-
ly helped them understand that the
story of Jesus' Resurrection is really
true. Mr. Brown spoke about the
Gospel beyond the Cross. The resur-
rection demonstrates that evil was
powerless to destroy Christ, and that
not even death has power over Him.
It reveals that suffering can be a
pathway to glory for those who deny
themselves and follow Christ
wholeheartedly. It shows also that
God's final word is to all who will ac-
cept Christ's sacrifice as being for
them, and who will allow Him to be
Lord of their lives. Easter lilies are
placed in the sancuary in loving
memory of George Thomson by his
wife and family, and of Mr. and Mrs.
Davidson by their daughter Jean.
Coming Events
Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the C. E.
Wing, is the General U.C.W. meeting,
at which Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Pierce
of Granton will show Canadian Indian
handicrafts and slides. Thursday at
9:45 Prayer and Share Fellowship
meets. They welcome all women of
the community to join in an informal
time of Bible Study. The choir meets
for their regular practice at 7:30 that
Next Sunday Larry Cruttenden and
Wes Stanley will tell about the Lay
Witness Mission at Lac LaBiche,
Alberta in which they participated
several weeks ago. The U.C.W. An-
nual Spring Supper will be held at the
Lucan Arena Thursday April 10
from 5-7 p.m. Tickets are available
from U.C.W. members $6.00 for
adults and $3.00 for children under 12.
Pre-schoolers are admitted free. The
final film of the Charles Swindoll
"Strengthening Your Grip" series
will be held Tuesday, April 8 in the
sanctuary of the church.
WI requesting
Times-Advocote, April 2, 19e6 Pogo 11
Couples at militaryconcert
sale at Patterson'a garage. The
meeting closed as the couples enjoyed
a time of fellowship around the table,
and refreshments provided by the
couples in charge.
Good Friday Service
Members of the senior classes of
Lucan United Church Sunday School,
under the direction of Barb Coughlin,
conducted a meaningful Good Friday
service Friday morning at 8 a.m.
Sherrie Smith introduced the ser-
vice by pointing out that - we as well
as . Judas stand in need of God's
forgiveness, Angie Sire, John Mar-
shall, Carrie Lane, Bobby Jo Quinlan
and Heather Hugill read portions
from the Gospels describing the .
events that led up to the Cross,.
Lucan United ChurchClub
attended the Military Band Ca>aet't at
the Community Centre Thursday
evening before returning to the
Church for worship and business.
Couples in charge, Jim and Bernice
Lockyer, Dennis and Mary Maguire,
and Bill and Mabel Froats led in a
Lenten devotional period which in-
cluded the Scripture story of the
events leading up to the Cross, as well
as a short meditation.
President Gordon Frosts conducted
a brief business meeting during which
the group discussed plans for a
refreshment booth at Ray Neil's sale
on April 5.
Saturday, May 10 was designed as
the day for the annual spring garage
Tabatha Froats acted as narrator,
as she introduced an Easter drama
which portrayed the despair of the
disciples following Jesus' death, and
their overwhelming joy at His resur-
rection. Those participating in the
drama were Dana Bannerman, Mary
Holden, Abby Bates, and Matthew
A congregational breakfast,
prepared by members of the Senior
Adult Bible Class followed the
Easter services
at Revisal Cetnre
Sunday morning Mg...Judith Ross
led the Kid's Kluj ohiTdren in singing
Jesus is Alm
o Romagnoli,accompanied
byLorraine Armitage playing
the piano, and Mr. Verle Bend play-
ing his guitar, led the song service.
Playing his guitar, Mr. Romagnoli
sang Father, Forgive Them.
Rev. Roger Mason ministered from
Matthew 28:1-15, the account of
Christ's resurrection. Jesus appeared
five times that resurrection day, first
to Mary . Magdalene, last to His
disciples. Because they were so
disheartened by Jesus' death, the
more members
The Lucan Women's Institute
whose motto is "For Home and Coun-
try" would like to involve ladies of
the community in this friendly
Meetings are held the second
Wednesday of each month at 2 p.m.
at the Optimist Room under Lucan
Please come Wednesday, April 9
when the program will consist of
reports of last year's activities and
everyone brings any topic, draws a
topic and speaks on it for 30 seconds.
For more information phone
secretary Mabel Froats at 227-4879.
Seniors accept
Ilderton invite
The weekly meeting of the Sunshine
and Busy Buddies groups was held in
the Scout Hall with president Harry
Noels in the choir. There was one
visitor Voyle Jordan who also joined
the club. r'
The April entertainment committee
are Gayle Cronyn, Elizabeth Conlin.
John and Jackie Loyens, Ethel
Crouch, Marion Noels. The
treasurer's report was read.
Lucan seniors are invited to Ilder-
ton Seniors on April 8 at 1:30 p.m. A
crokinole party was held in the hall
March 21. Winners were high score
Marjorie Steeper, Ed Dowdall, run-
ner up Verna Dowdall, Roy Swartz.
Most twenties Mabel Needham,
Harry Noels.
Euchre winners for the week were
high score, Mildred Hirtzel, Clive
Pullman. Lone hands - Gladys Atkin-
son, Joe Carter, low score - Gertrude
Hodgins, John Loyens, craft winner
Mabel Needham.
disciples did not believe the women
that Jesus had risen. While the
disciples had fled, this group of ladies
remained at the cross throughout the
crucifixion. When they came early
Sunday morning they saw the stone
was rolled away from the tomb, with
an angel announcing Jesus had risen.
As the women ran from the tomb,
Jesus met them, telling them not to
be afraid. When the reality sank' in
that Jesus was alive, the women and
disciples had great joy and their
whole attitude changed. Their accep-
tance of Jesus' resurrection brought
awe of the Lordship of Christ, with
reverence and worship. The soldiers
outside the tomb were frightened by
the supernatural events of the resur-
rection. These soldiers were guarding
the tomb from anyone breaking the
seal over the stone. But they were
powerless to stop the angel rolling
away the stone, and Christ rising,
They left in fear to go the religious
leaders to tell them what had happen-
ed. They were concerned their sur-
vival for failing in their duty, as they
would have been killed by their com-
mander. The religious leaders told
them to say the disciples stole Jesus'
body while they slept. The religious
leaders would persuade the governor
to spare the soldiers. The soldiers had
only apathy towards Jesus.
The religious leaders feared Jesus'
prediction of His resurrection. They
had the soldiers seal the tomb. When
the soldiers told them what happen-
ed, they knew Jesus had risen. Butt the
hardness of their hearts and their
rebelliousness caused them to per -
suede the soldiers to spread the lie
that the disciples had stolen Jesus'
body. The implication is that since
Jesus has risen from the dead, He
really is Lord. Communion was serv-
ed after the service.
Intermediate C
Finals :.
Whitehead waits to participate in
Thursday's Easter assembly at
Biddulph Central School.
Lent Learning
The fourth film in Charles Swin-
doll's "Strengthening your Grip"
series was shown Tuesday evening at
Lucan United Church. Godliness was
the theme. Dr. Swindell pointed that
those constantly exposed to Christian
influence need to watch that their
faith does not become routine and
lifeless. He pointed to God's ancient
people who moved from a wrong
heart attitude to outright rebellion,
with tragic consequences.
Wes and Helen Stanley were hosts
for the evening, and Freeda Melanson
and Jean Brown led the discussion
groups which followed the film.
Film 5, to be shown April 1, is en-
titled "Attitudes: Choosing the Food
you Serve your Mind". The final film
will be shown April 8 with the theme
"Authority: Hope for a Talk -Back,
Fight -Back World." Everyone is
welcome to attend these last two
films. •
LUCAN LASERS WIN - The Lucan Lasers won the 'C' championship of the weekend South Huron ret --
hockey tournament. Back, left, Andy Hardy, Bill Boshart, Dave Hill, Dave Revington and Dennis Carty.
Front, Gord Hardy, Gerry Brown, Tom Hardy Kevin Wood and Mike Anderson. T -A photo
/1 ft F: ,,
f!,1 N /7 .
BIDDULPH ASSEMBLY - The grade five choir at Biddulph•Lucon School is shown presenting a number
at Thursday's Easter Assembly at the senior school. T -A photo
Scores from the lanes
Monday Ladies - Donna Overholt
317-763, Deb Thompson 293-710,
Beulah Storey 332-686, Pat Riddell
316-678. Glena Tripp 225-657, Pam
Smith 265-635, Muriel Kennedy
255-630, Shirley Fowles 221-629, Joan
Scott 288-624, Lorraine Mosurinjohn
225-619, Heather Smith 265-618, Don-
na Hodgins 213-601, Jan Holland 248,
Pat Davis 246.
Tuesday Juniors - Peter Gibson 215,
Jeff Bond 182, Shawn Kraft 178, Jason
Woytowich 178, Matthew Dickey 163,
Laura Culbert 158, Jeremy Jemec
133, Stephanie Sandison 124, Desmond
Rodgers 122. -- -
Colleen's - Val Neil 238-671, Lori
Quinn 233-648, Nadine Hickson
239-610, Nancy Raker 246-607, Sarah
Richardson 283, Shirley Rees 245,
Sharon Gibson 235, Marion Blake 2.31,
Pat Hodgins 227, Marion Dykeman
224, Ginnette Gwalchmai 219.
Medway - Erika Jelinek 226-610,
Myrtlellastings 222, MaryArnott 207,
Tom Barr 205, Carol Kish 200.
Senior Citizens - Charlie Grieve 228,
Howard Currie 218, 215, Wilhelmina
DenOtter 212, Gord Higgs 208, F:d
Armstrong 193, Kay Armstrong 197,
Stan Roth 189, Verna Dowdall 177,
Alex Young 169.
Wednesday Bantams -,Jason Wyatt
169, David Wilcox 147, Erica Wilcox
126, Army Damen 119, David Damen
118, Chris Goddard 116, Shelly Wyatt
Wednesday Mixed -Roily Carty
229-633. Don Wallis 2.31-621, Pat Ryan
218f08, Rase Maxwell 259, Bill Dixon
255, Donna Evans 253, Tom Dohinson
231, Wayne Carty 233, Mary Cadman
Thursday Men - Don Watt 298-729,
Russ Smith 264-709, Ray Hands
276-695, Dave Mawdsley 350-673, Ron
Dickey 272-673, Jeff Park 250-656.
Mike Wraith 255-653, Ron Densmore
226-653, Devin Lightfoot 281-652,
Wayne Smith 254-650, Brad Taylor
230-651, Carl Dunlop 257-628, Brian
Noyes 232-628.
Friday Mixed - Bob Smith 338-855,
Al Robicheau 291-726, Wayne Smith
254-653, Russ Smith 264-649, Ron
Desmore 267-642, Paul Smith 231-6.34,
Darlene Fevery 219-602, Pete Smith
306-613, Winnie Rohicheau 235.
Sunday, April 6 at 8 p.m, at the
Lucan Community Centre
Fan bus to Creemore; Sat., April 5
Contact Gabby Mol 235-0743 or 235-2174
"Come out and support your