Times-Advocate, 1985-06-26, Page 17Suliding Centra Values SOLAR YU SKYLIGHTS SIZE FLUSH MOUNT 18"x 18' 45.95 24"x24•' 68.95 24"x36" 96.95 36"x36" 141.95 SELF MOUNT 173.95 216.95 269.95 Glazing clear over clear draws the highest solar heal gain FFROM EMCO SUPPLY DIVISION OF EMCO LTD. THAT'S HOW IS IS . Newly elected president of the Ontario Com- mand of the Royal Canadian Legion Bill Smith of Lucan makes a point with District C Deputy Commander Glenn Bridge of Brussels. Lucan' !l1►1 district news smog Guth Three vehicles in three area accidents Three of the seven af'cidenls in vestigated this week by officers et the Lucan detachment of this Ontario Pro- vincial Police invOIved;lhi'ee vehicles and were rear -end collisions- ' At 9:20 Sunday evening vehicles driven by Loraine l.aliberte and James Harrower. tooth of London and Anthony Siroen, RR 3. I lderton collid- ed on Middlesex road 5. Constable Revival Centre Sunday morning Mrs. Charlene 1ta- zeen accompanied herself on the piano as she sang Jesus Lord to Me. followed with I Saw the Lord. Rev. George ilazeen ministered from I Peter 1: 3-5. As Christians we can get excited about the inheritance we have in Christ .Jesus. Christians are heirs to vast permanent eternal riches. We become heirs through adoption into God's family through acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour. The blood of Christ was the price of our in heritance. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the proof of our inheritance. The apprearance of Christ will bring 'the possession of our in- heritance. This inheritance in the Lord is undefiled, uncorruptable, and eternal. 11 will never be marred. Being a Christian does not pay much. but the retirement plan is out of this world. Yet it is given to people free by God through faith unto salva- tion. With one hand God is giving our inheritance, with the other hand Ile is keeping us throughout life. Without God's grace we could never live the Christian life. Jesus blazes the trail throughout life. showing us temptation can be conquered. Jesus suffered 10 know both how to comfort and save us. Ile blazed the trail through death. 'Then Ile rose from the dead. showing us there is life eternal. .(esus not only walks Itefore His peo- ple. His presence surrounds us with Ills arms so that nothing can happen., to him) unless God allows. it. These trials show (sod is bigger than these problems. and he can conquor them. The eternal God is our refuge. and underneath are the everlasting arms. Song leader Mr. Rirk Thornton in- troduced ced Rev. ('art Pierre to be the guest speaker Sunday evening. Rev. Pierre spoke from Hebrews 11:1-2. '1'o every )man God has given a 'measure of faith. but many do not know hots to use this spiritual weapon. Unless ane learns how to use his faith. it can be changed into doubt. Because Good is willing to bless Ifo people. the Bible is full of miracles (;ox1 performed in answer to faith The woman with the issue of i)lood tor 12 years. tried everything. but no bet ler. When she heard of .Jesus. by Iaith she carne to Ihm. touched ilis gar ment, and was healed in hark 5-25 :3.1 Some think to receive from Gm1 they roust perform good works The blessings we received from God do not come from good works. but from when we put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Religion will not bring; God's blessings t'niting faith in God among Christians can bring Gods blessings. To receive daily blessings and miracles from Gex1. one needs to look for thein by faith in ,Jesus Romans I • 17 says the just shall Ide by Lauth Upcoming events Dail} Vacatum Bible School is In start .Luh 22 to Ju Iv 28. tor children of ;ill faiths Sunshine. and Itus'. Buddies Nlary IGX)y acting president Thurs day. wch•omp(' everyone She thank ed those that helped with the float entered in the I.uc•ait Lions Club Faun parade and those that helped in the booth ,lessee Lewis ha liked us for the card she received and 1;ay le %;t'om n who celebrated her 80Ni birthday, 11 was announced a ceramic lamp base and parchment shade would be the• craft beginning to the tall Nlary thanked the conveners today Iva lfodgins read a pike that brought 1 smile to everyones tate and Muriel 'ohlrigh pianist for today played Ior i sing -song era 11 class continued with andlewicking ('rail prize winner as Beth Neil Euchre was played nd prizes went to: Ladies' high Lary Kno\. ladies' lone. \largaret arter. ladies' low Eva Nia(•Lean. cot's high Verna 1)owdall. gent's Ines Mary Scott. gent's IOW Mary heckle all placing a man's card Stables set damages at $b.000. Vehicles driven by Jeffrey Annett. Delaware and Mark MacDonald and Timothy Gibbons. both of London col- lided on Middlesex road 20 at 1:05 a.m... Saturday. Constable Lang estimated damages at $2.900. On the same road at the same time. Constable Risher listed damages at $7.000 when vehicles driven by Gregory Marshall and Steven Thorn- ton of London and Kerry Boyd oI Cambridge collided. Sunday at 11:25 a.m. vehicles driven by Joseph Mitchell, RR 3. Lucan and Donald Shropshire collid- ed on Concession 4 of London township. Damages were set at $71x0 by Constable Osterloo. Also on Sunday at 7:02 p.m. a vehi- cle driven by Michael Orloff stopped for a red light on Highway 4 was struck by a vehicle operated by Spiro Athanasakos. Both drivers are from London. Constable lance listed dan►ages at $3.50(1. Friday at 1 a.m. a vehicle driven by Frank Collard, RR 1. Lucan left the roadway of Ilighway 4 and struck a sign. Constable Lang set damages at $1.550. Constable Osterloo estimated damages at $7,001 when vehicles driven by Bradley Griffith. RR 2. iI- derton and Catherine Lambregts. RK 1 SI rathr'oy collided on Concession 8 of London township at 11 a n1 Wednesday. Friendship Unit attends Blyth play Blvlh Festival Theatre was the slle of the annual outing tor Lucan l Inited Church Women's Friendship unit Thursday evening. A group of 25 travelled from the Church 10 attend the stage play "Polderlaud". it drama w•tth a lower fol message regarding the obscenity of wear. Following the play. the group gathered at a local restaurant to en- joy' refreshments and a lime of fellowship - Times -Advocate. June 26 1985 Page 5A All is well, the footbridge is back F'r'iday morning while Howard Cur- rie was cutting wood. Mrs. Ruth Anne Curtis stopped to ask him what he did with the footbridge. A1r. Currie thought she meant the old tittle one between the Currie and DeBoer pro- perty, that was taken out when the • drainage ditch was cleaned out Shortly atter Evan Ibbotson came along. and the bridge that was miss- ing turned out to be the footbridge eonnec(Ing east Duchess with west Duchess. over the drainage ditch. 11 seems Friday June 14 Lucan work PUC crew removed the bridge. Because the senior citizens. school children. and neighbours on west Duchess use the bridge to go uptown Lucan, to get trail. get to senior citizens.•and shop, as well as people returning from London on the bus. that bridge was going to be sorely hissed. The question was why was it removed. and not replaced then. and no one had been notified it W8S going to be taken. Mr. Ibbotson asked Harry. Wraith. deputy -reeve, why; it was taken. Evidently the PUC crew found it was beginning to rot at the ends. so said it was unsale. Mr. Wraith told them to remove it. When Mrs. Curtis went to go up- town. she then had to bicycle an ex- tra three blocks to get there. Mr. and Mrs. Ibbotson always walk to get their mail, then With an extra three blocks. he took the car. That atter- noon two school girls came _to. Mr. Currie to tell hits when they got oft the school bus. there was no bridge to walk over to get home, without going around the block. or going over the ce- ment bridge across tete drainage ditch at Mr_ Stotesbur'y-Leeson's garage There Mr Stotesbu►'y-Leeson had erected a sign saying Toll Bridge - lo cents. The girls did not feel they should have to pay to get home when for years they had the footbridge to walk across. Mrs. Currie went to see Mr. 1Vraith to ask why the people at east Duchess were not notified, and when the town was going to replace the footbridge. The answer was the towel did not plan on replacing it. Currie and Ibbotson agreed they would build a new footbridge if they had to. with the help of the ratepayers on east Duchess. Mrs. Curtis agreed to help pay costs. Later Mrs. G. Buckareft came to ask Mr. Currie about the bridge. She carne home from London on the bus. with an armful of groceries, and had to walk the three blocks extra to get hone. She had phoned Mr. Doug Johnson. town foreman. about why the bridge was gone. and was told the same as Mr. Currie and Mr. Ibbotson had been told. She also agreed to help pay to build a new one it the ratepayers micas! Duchess had to do so. Mr. lbbolson asked councilman Brian Smith to help in asking for an emergency council sleeting Monday. evening. June 17, to see about replac- ing the footbridge. This was agreed on, and at that meeting the Lucan council decided to replace the Discuss fire budget A ineeliiig between representatives Ireou Lucan and Biddulph councils was held an Monday at the I3iddulph council building. to discuss the fire - area budget. The Village ut Lucan and I3iddulph Township currently have a 60 - 40 split between them on the fire budget. The Village al Loran. which neiw pays the lail!er share. would like a 51i - 5n split This increase in the silaur Bid(lulph pays towards maintaining the lire department would he based on actual expenditures. and is therefore hard to estimate. However, had the 50 - 51) split been in effect tot. 1985. it w•ottkl ,- have meant an extra $3.3(H0 for (3iddulpll. '('Ile proposed change will be discussed al the next Bid(fulph coun- cil meeting on ,July 2. HONOUR PROVINCIAL PRESIDENT -- More than 400 persons attended a dinner Saturday night at the Lucan Community Centre to honour Bill Smith, the new president of the Ontario Command of the Royal Canadian Legion. Above, Smith and his wife Lorraine are shown with area Legion presidents Gord Clubb, Lucan: Paul McKnight, Exeter and Larry UyI, Hensel'. T -A •hoto LEGION PRESIDENT AND HiS HELPERS - The new president of the Ontario Command of the Royal Canadian Legion Bill Smith of Lucan is being congratulated by vice-presidents Ross Patterson, Kapuskas- ing. Joe Kobolak, Welland and Horace Tudhope, Parry Sound. • T -A photo toot bridge. Before the council meeting they had agreed 10 pay $50 towards the cost of , replacing the loolbridge. with Mr Currie and \Ir. Ibbotson doing the work. at the risk of the 15eople on east Duchess Ave. Monday morning all the residents on east Duchess were happe- to see the Lucan PUC work crew rebuilding the tlothridge. A sincere thanks goes to the Lucan (0011(11. PUC crew. and Mx. Ibl►olson for getting the footbridge replaced connecting east Duchess with the -west end of Duchess :lye. Ladies attend WI convention President Bernice Lockyer. Tweedsmuir History Curator Flora Robertson. Education and Cultural Activities Convener Margery Crozier and nmeniher at -large Panora Reycraft attended the Federated Women's Insilules of Canada loth Triennial National Convention Iasi Tuesday. June 18 anis on Thursday.. Bernice- and Flora represented the Lucan Branch. - The theme of the ('onvention. held at the University (►f 11'estern Ontario was "Women - Unlintlied Potential" and members. were present from each province and the territories. The next National Convention will be held in 1988 in SI. .leihns. Newfoundland. Members of the Lucan %%'omen's 111- stook. m stitute will hold their .lune mom ing 111 the form of a "clay (oil attending the Quill Show al the Lambtor- Heritage Museum on 11 'ednesday..lu.y:3. leav- ing the Optimist 11a11 al 10 a.m. A '.lunch out" is also planned. Non members who would like to attend are asked to 'phone Bernice Lockyer. 227-4421 or Mabel Froals. 227-4879. On location or Studio BartDeVrie PHOTOGRAPHY - COMMERCIAL - WEDDINGS - PORTRAITS - GROUPS - PUBLICITY Telephone 235.1298 • 137 Thames Rd., East, Exeter, Ont. Ci()1. I- I I .I R s (1f ('i11b(111 A STORE FULL OF BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE On the Main Street of Dublin 345-2250 Free Delivery Concerned About Your Drinking Water? Chernuul ppihn,mh 11) your outer , r C Ouse ser IOU. ,Ilr,esses Our wale, 1 1- 1 Ment System, Filters out over 100 contaminants Removes taste & smell of chlorine Doesn t waste water Is small 8 easily Installed Is guaranteed efficient Coll us today for free inhom,• demonstration or informotion Forest City Home Systems Doug Taylor 482-9104 Ray Mills 228-6704 '1 \MIIFFATT&ere The Builders Buy! shot) Where WOLMANIZED LUMBER 1"x6" 5' & 6' 330 lin. ft. 1"x6" 8'-16' 330 lin. tt. 2"x4", 8'-16' 390 lin. ft. 2"x6", 8'-16' 590 lin. tt. 2"x8" , 8'-16' 790 lin. ft. 2"x10", 8'-16' $1.05 lin. tt. 4"x4", 8'-16' 810 lin. ft. °t1J886.1 413111111 4 s..,.. tr..n• er.re•r PRESSURE -TREATED LATTICE No. 1 - 4'x8' *2695 IDEAL FON PATIO PRIVACY FEEUNG UQMTIVEIIT FIESEGLASS CORRUGATED ROOF PANELS 26"x8'0' *8.95 26-x10'0" 910.95 26"x12'0" 112.99 Clear • Green • White • Yellow FROM GRAHAM PRODUCTS LIMITED LPRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL JULY 6, 1985. 7 Yards To Serve You 0ODERICH, EXETER, MITCHELL, LONDON, STRATHROY, WATFORD, TILLSONBURG DECOR AID PROTECTIVE EXTERIOR WOOD STAiN $695 per gallon WALNUT • CEDAR • REDWOOD AN INEXPENSIVE STAIN FOR FENCING. SiDING. OUTDOOR FURNITURE STANDARD GREY IN COLO1►ti Add 301 each for delivery DECOR PRECAST COMPANY LIMITED Exeter 131 Thames Rd., West 235-1422 T