Times-Advocate, 1985-06-26, Page 5f bines -Advocate. June 26, 1985 Page 5 Clandeboye United Church jammed for final service' )ver 174) people came on Sunday to pay tribute and respect to Clandeboye United Church at its 120th Anniver- sary and Closing Service. The auditorium was tilled to capaci- ty and the overflow crowd listened to the service through loud speakers in the basement. Rev. Keith Brown conducted the service. Ilelen Stanley was pianist apd the choir made up ot members and former members. including (;race /Darling, Erskine. Judy Scott 1 Bond. Brenda I Scott 1 Smith. 11.u•jorie .Donaldson/ NIc(ar•tlit Following the service. retr•esh nients were served in the church basement and the visiting con- tinued on for sometime. everyone reluctant to leave the church for the Iasi time Clandeboye lltited ('lyu•ch - Ir165-198.1 Dung the 1850's when the north- west part at Biddulph and the north- east part of McGillivray were becom- ing settled. church services were held in the t'mon School at Lewis Corners I1 1 miles north ol Clandeboye. To this log building tvluch served as both school and church. itinerant Ifelen I Simpson) Hearn. as well as preachers from Exeter and other cen- Ruth Hardy and the Lynn sisters. t•es came to conduct Sunday Ser - (;race and Ruth sang beautiful vices.Herepeuplefronmalldenotnina- solus and ('a1herine. ('beryl and Bon- nie Lynn. a trio. which was enjoyed by all. The choir led the congregation in the singing 01 the old familiar hymns "O Worship the King.'` ..Faith of our Fathers'•. "Corte Let us Sing of a Wonderful Love.- and "The Church's Out. Foundation'. Needless to say. the root almost, lilted during the singing ut -incise hymns. Gue,s1 spea ker. Rev. Sl anley Johnston. 1ttl i er illMister of Clandeboye United ('lurch. and 9; years ot age. spoke of happy memories during his pastorate on the charge during the :in's. Ile emphasized that the Church is not a building. bol :people. and paid tribute to our lurelathers who he6d- ed Christ's call to the Church -makers. They established a church which has been a house of prayer open to all. and a place where lives have been chang- ed through meeting wrth God. Thoughour building is Io be closed. Christ still calls • us today to he Church -makers. part ot the Body of Christ. continuing the work of pass- ing on the Good News of the Gospel to other::. 1'he communion rail and window sills were harked with flowers and plants. placed "In Loving Memory'. by the families of: Mr. and Mrs. Mac McNaughton; Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hodgins. Everson. Bruce and Ar- thur: The l)escendants of Mr. and Airs. Robert Hodgins. The 1.intoff- ('ollins family. The Thomas Collins Family: The Kilmer~ Alr. and 1Ir5 tions worshipped together, but later congregations were organized anti churches built at Nursery 1 Canada Methodist 1 Clandeboye I Wesleyan Methodist 1 1865 and Fraser. 1 Presbyterian 1 1870. '1'h first church within the limits ot the village of Clandeboye was known as Wesleyan Methodist. It was a frame building located across the cor- ner from the present site. In the early years of its history. Clandeboye Methodist congregation formed part of the Devonshire circuit as did Lucan and Nursery Methodist. 21 • miles north of Clandeboye. In 1865 when Clandeboye Methodist Church was built, the minister on the Dea'onshire circuit was the Rev. Samuel Tucker. This arrangement continued until 1870 when Clandeboye. - Lucan. Nursery and other smaller charges were transferred to McGillivray cir- cuit with Ailsa Craig as centre. Later. in 1877 an attempt was made to organize districts and conferences and in 1878 the churches of Lucan. Clandeboye and Nursery were plac- ed in the Stratford district. Guelph Conference. However. in 1898 the area was classified as Exeter dis:rict. London Conference. an arrangement which lasted until church union in 1925. in 1870. Clandeboye Methodist Church had the following members: Melissa llodgins, Anonde Hodgins. Ellison Hodgins, Mare flicks. Rhoda Ellwood. George.Lint•►tt. Louise Lin - Lloyd Lynn. flat -old and Minnie Lynn. tots, James Windsor. George Wind - Katie and Tommy Collins: Mr. and sor, Nancy Windsor. Thirsa Windsor. Mrs. Arthur Simpson and Mr. and Elijah Dancey. Charlolle Windsor. Mrs. WM Simpson; Mr. and \Irs. Miriam Windsor, AsaCollins. Hannah :Austin Bice. Carl and Eugene and all Collins, George }%'iIlia ms and the Bice Descendants: The Williams Margaret Williams. Family. Mr. Lorne Derbyshire. The About 1900. the Northgraves; Air. Alex Macintosh. Nursery began to nemlership of iminish and it Charlie and ('ora Carter. Russell and became a struggle ti► meet financial Evie Blake. Helen Gilbert and Gladys obligations of the clitirch.-ln 1908 the Hall. Mr. .and .Mrs. Edsell Collins. church was closed and tater remov- Leslie and Stella. Mr. Brown read a ed. but the sinal) tree -bordered note from the Barnby family whose cemetery which surrounded it is still father was a minister at Clandeboye used. in 1914 expressing their regrets for mol Names appearing in the minutes of being able to attend the church dos- the Congregational Meeting through ing. Also from Rev. Geo. Sach who the years 1925-1915 are as follows: was unable to attend because of David Collins. W.E. Williams, Ansley illness. Neil. Kea Neil. Meredith Bice. Wm. Former ministers in attendance were Rev .A. Gardner. of Goderich. and Rev. Ewart Madden. of Kerwood. Jean Hodgins. Curator for the Clandeboye community 1 Tweedsmuir 1 History, prepared a historical outline. Clandeboye Lnited Church 1865-1985. Each lamily atten- ding the service received a copy. Several large posters were made by Jean Hodgins and Hazel Williams with headings as - The Sunday School. Through the Years. The Women's M issiona ri` Society. W.A. and United Church \Votnen. Weddings and Bap- tisms. The Collins Family. The Hodgins Family through Five Generations: The Williams Family through Four Generations: The Bice Family: The Lee -Simpson Family lin- t ire nnlive General ions. Many thanks to everyone that con- Iribuled old pictures. recent pie! res. too. We couldn't have made the posters without your help. Also thanks lo Lucille Blake M- em/loosing a nt•em/l o►singa poem. especially 101-115 Church ('losing. Note Poem can he bound on copy ol Church History and Agnes \orthgraves. Olive Ran- ting. Ward Hodgins. Arthur Simpson. Miss. A. Munroe. Wm. Lee, Wm. Halloran. Earl Palon. Mrs. Andy Paton..lean and Alice Itodgins, Mrs. C. Carter. Stella Dundas, Alice Simp- son. Edsell Collins: Darius Windsor. Mrs. Powell. Hiram 11'indsor, Steve Dundas. Mrs. Ward llodgins, Mrs. Arthur Simpson. Mr and Mrs. Mac Mc\aughlon, W.W. Kilmer. Hilt. Ranting. Russell Schroeder. Wm. Stevenson. Murray- Collins. George McEwen. The large Bible which is used in the pulpit was donated by Miss. E. Sproat of Lucan. It was originally used in Or- nniston Presbyterian Church. Lucan and when that church was sold. Miss. Sproat. a member for many years. kept the Itihle as a remembrance. When ('landelx►ye Women's Associa- tion was making enquiries about the purchase of a Bible, Miss. Sproat will- ingly gave the Presbyterian Church Bible 10 be used in the Clandeboye Church. The Church has leen honoured by two of its memhersgiving their lives to full lime service The first was the Rev. Elmore Hodgins. son of Robert Hodgins and Mary Ann Pardy, born in Clandeboye, December 14. 18)i9. After teaching school for four years he entered the ministry of the Methodist Church r 18955. He spent 42 years service in the Ministry. most ol it in the Canadian West. The other devoted servant of Christ is Miss Jean Darling. R.N., daughter of the late Win. and Emily Darling. who grew up in Clandeboye Church. A graduate nurse of Victoria hospital, London. she spent 40 years as a missionary in India. She is retiring this year but at • the present lime she is doing Deputa- tion Services for the Church of the Nazarene, the church she served under the Mission Fields of India. A number of our men were volunteers in the First World War - 1914-18. Again in 1939-45. those of a younger generation went forth to fight against tyranny that threatened the Free World: inspired by the ideals SINGING SISTERS Providing some of the musical entertainment at Sunday's closing service of the Clandeboye United Church were Cheryl. Bonnie and Catherine Lynn. T -A photo of Christian freedom received in this Church and Sunday School they will- ingly gave their services for Itorne and Country. Decision to close A meeting was held in April 1985 to snake a very important decision in the future of Clandeboye United Church. Over the years, the attendarlee and support of the church had been dwindling. These facts and the need of extensive repairs to the church building brought it to a critical point in the life of the congregation. Letters were sent out to all members of the church with four alternatives. The members made their choice and returned their ballots. The decision was final on May 12 with a Representative Irom Presbytery in attendance to conduct the voting and count the ballots and was to close Clandeboye United Church and amalgamate with Lucan and amalgamate with Lucan United Church. Sources of informal' Sure an' (his is Biddulph • by Jennie Raycraft Lewis. Clandeboye United Church' Cenhen- nial Booklet. 1965. Secretary Books of ('landeboy e United Church, Clandeboye Sunday School. Women's Missionary Society and United Church Women. ('losing of Clandeboye l tiled Church June 2:t, 1985 1}fy Lucille Blake 1t was back in the year eighteen sixty-five When Clandeboye Methodist ('blurb became alive There was a large steel shed on the right hand side. The shed sheltered the horses and carriages from the weather. While in the church people of all denominations worshipped together To gel here many depended 1111 I;INNI sloe leather ..The roads were rough. but the people were hard). About going to church. they were 15411 tardy They would rise very early to get things done Farlwoo'clock service. many doubt leave home by one There have been scoreless ministers • over the years Working with the people and etuielrnt; their tears. In 1925 some denonrinal ions 10 ether churches flighted Three stayed together and renamed this Church. United. The church and the Sunday School worked hand in hand. Po make better people throughout the land. The ('hutch Official Board and the Ladies Aid Ai) worked very' hard. without being paid. The Sunday School Superintendent. • Treasurer and leachers Taught every Sunday as (lid the • preachers Most of the teachers have taught here through spheres. At least one as long as thirty years F A To keep our church bright and sunny The ladies had projects to bring in r coney Bazaars. suppers. quilting. weddings �� • and crokinole ay` . ' �^' : ` C) ' Itelped keep the church in line shape.. :.' ` r • t 'r' ` - to feed the soul. • . c .i t 11 takes a lot of dedicated people. ,t1,‘ 10 keep the church active and ,, • :. strop - ' , ./ We wonder today where everyone is re k ., gone. CLOSING.CLA'NDEBOYE UC SERVICE - A former minister 97 -year-old Stanley Johnson was the guest speaker at Sunday's closing service of the Clandeboye United Church.- From the left are Jean Hodgins, Hole! Willinms, Mary Scott and Rev. Johnson. T -A photo Composed by Lucille Blake June 1985 our gigantic Response t0 was 50. g furniture Blowout W ood t last week that we hoveoffering decided to Continue teat savings the$e and other great for one more One of Canada's Best Mattress and Box Spring Chlrotonlc Supreme Value P, ler Volum Price. ce. Valun Prier 60" Queen S4" Oj+uble 610 unit 39" Singly 499 3099 31U9 Kroi,hler Dresser Cherry of & Wing 14,rr Pce' Krorhler 7 pat D;nin9 ROOM St)"e Supersf yle Sofa & Chair Lane Sofa & Love Seat wNh bu.i• in rrr I, All Kaufman Warrttnits . off ManutatInsets Suggected Selling prit r Kroehter far fast 4 pce. Bedroom Suite 467 Main St., Exeter Phone 235.0173 a .. THEY REMEMBER HIM Rev. Stanley Johnston who was minister of Clandeboye United Church in the 1930's is welcomed bock to Sun- day s final service by Wilmer Scott and George Simpson.