Times-Advocate, 1985-05-22, Page 12Page 12
I ones Advocute May 22, 1985
United Church plans for '86 Centennial
Initial plans \\ ere made on 'Chiu
day evening at the 1 ulte•el1'Lurch I,er
the IIK)111 .lnnner•;u \ ,d the church
building \clinch 11:11 I, e,rl .1111(1;e.
Nuveruher I1;. NCI, l etu-ir,r; the• 'r:u
diiterenl (•\ cots are planned hi
celebrate the too \e,,rs the budding
has ser\ed1hi* 'ti t uuet•. 'I hese u,
(Inde a inulol show. it In ilea' dresses
over the \ears as well ,e- .1 ser‘ 14 't of
renewing marriage tu\t 111':(11 ilio"•
inarried in Ilse church :t quill Ii�pla\
day as ue• reInentl,e1 .111 the quilling
bees held bw the ladies rat the church
an ()inside garden p.+r!\ '. 111, \.este.
ty concert and open hueise at ib+•
1 ~penial .lutugrapt, cludt +111 I,e
made wall an oppilun;r\ :e,r
ever\nlle• in the u41,1)..2.1 iltat Ion in 19:3.
(0 ttawe" their n,trnes uu 1Ii quilt
Chairpersons lire :+. h „t these cum
inittees have been appointee) Vol. lush
forward to I9111i
t uttrd f h►ueh
The Junior t'hoir ;u the I rttcd
Church 1111 Sltuda\ morning I,ree11;_tit
a very spirited Ant hem 111 ihe• le:eller
ship of music called 1 \illi e,.• un
Trusting V011.- Laken 110111 "I'he tiro,\
Uf Moses \with nniste b� 11arc\
Donald \Varemg greeted the eon
gregation and the ushers \vere Alex
Irvine, Pini 1:;Brien. I1iiri.el l llare•urg
and Randy Parker .
NI r Mel )onald spoke on the subject
"God is :1t tVork in You taking his
Iexr tronI Philippians 2:12 18
•1'he•re•lore. n►) beloved \work out
your ouu sadwatuu with Tear and
trembling. fur God is at work in you.
holt te, a ill and to ‘work his good
pleasure .. 1 l said that it we are go-
ing to understand what God is trying
to acconhplish \\ ,thin us we need to let
biro make us more loving, as Christ
V- Inure 10wulk. and \t'e• wed to r•estx•c(
people a� persons.
••(:od is at work in our lives con-
stantly " tie said. "to draw us into love
.11111 fellow ship in harmony. with
Mier.. and \\e need to become more
alert to his presence and respond in
couperatnn V. hint "
The \►hole wrvic(• was worked
:round Ihe theme "God working
Uu uugh us' and for the children's
story Nlr• McDonald used garden
.eee1s 10 illustrate to the children how
orkuig his purpose in a small
seed. there it i• in our lives also.
1 lu• congri•ga1it were reminded of
1 IIIIInllliIun and 'Transfer eI
nit miens next Sundae morning and
that all members are encouraged to
.lather Lodge
Amber Rebekah Lodge mel on
Wednesday -eyeing 11ay 15 for their
regular meeting. They had D.D.P.
Sis. Kay Wise. tnakin- her official
SOLD Sandra Johnston and daughter Jane purchase some
crocheted articles froth Ida Dickert at the Hensall flea market held
in the Community Centre on Saturday.
visit, along with several from Huronic
Lodge, Clinton and one from Pride ot
Huron Exeter as their guests.
Following the meeting the enter-
tainment committee conducted a pen
ny sale and the social committee
served lunch.
Unit I
Anita Cook presided for the May
meeting of Unit I and opened by
reading a poem "Our Children from
the Prophet" written by Kahil
"A Mother hails a miracle" was the
theme of the devotional. it is a story
of a Jewish woman named Miriam
and her two children and the changes
in their lives after leaving backward
Ethiopia and going to modern-day
Israel. Iler husband was taken from
her in Ethiopia and never seen again.
Her whole life style was changed
and she had to learn the language, the
ways of the modern world but she
called it The promised land"
because her children were well fed.
This to her was a miracle.
Iler thoughts were of the Bible
Verse Isaiah 40::31, "But those who
trust in the Lord for help, will find
their strenghth renewed, they will run
and.nol get weary, they will walk and
not grow weak.
Anita gave a humourous reading
"Mother Stands kir the mud Mom
mops". Helen Scane gave an in-
teresting study on the faithful journey
of San ('hul Lee, a Korean and yet so
For 16 years he has served as the
Korean United Church minister in
Toronto, since coming from
Stevenston B.C. where he preached in
three languages each Sunday.
Well-educated Koreans in Canada
must take on menial jobs until they
learn the English language. There are
40,000 Koreans living in Canada.
Audrey Christie conducted the
business: The money for our adopted
girl is to be given to Audrey Joynt ear-
ly in June.
Unit I please meet al 7:30- p.m.
before Gerneral meeting at 8 p.m.
June 3. Unit i iu charge of lunch.
Marg Consitt. assisted by Gertrude
Middleton. served a tasty lunch.
Unit 2
Unit 2 met in Hensall United
Church on Monday evening. Jean
Wareing welcomed everyone and
opened walla poem "Mother's Love".
The devotional was taken by Hazel
Corlett. after hymn singing the Scrip-
ture Ephesians 5:22-33 and 6:1-4 were
read - Hazel gave a reading "The
Whistler's Mother Plaque" in keeping
with Mother's Day theme.
were )y your
Mother's maiden name. Project
money was collected. June meeting
was reviewed. Shirley McAllister had
the study. She read from the Mission
magazine. a personal story of a
Korean woman in a textile factory.
.Jean gave courtesy remarks and
read a poem "Where there is Love...
Shirley and Kay served a dainty
Three (.inks Seniors \lee(
The regular May meeting of lien -
sail Three Links Seniors was held
Tuesday evening with president Mrs.
Carl Payne presiding. An invitation
was accepted from Huronvie\w for
entertainment. Two dates were set.
first choice •June 18 or Wednesday,
.June 26. Mrs. Ida Dickert and Mrs.
Pearl McKnight were on the enter-
tairnnient and Mrs. Alice Ferg and
Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt were hostesses
for lunch.
Eucjwe was played following the
meeting. Prize winners were: Ladies'
and district news
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor,
Phone 262-2025
Legion -
G MA E news
YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS Pete, Ovten Bisbuck (left) and Chris
Kenttner mon the Hensall Nu; so( y School s lemonade stand at the
market en the Hensni-1 C',r►uounity Centre
Deb Smote. Hotpoint
-Mitrowave Consultant
will be giving a '
Learn how to prepare delicious
meals with a Hotpoint Microwave
Oven. Actual dishes will be
prepared during the demonstration.
All Micro
Cooking Dishes
Less 10%
for school only
Over 50 Micro
In Stock
At our Store' on
Wednesday, May 29
Get your ticket now.
Limited to 50 people
Incredible Rebate
in Effect to May '11
Ask for details and
YOUR rebate claim form.
We Service Whet We Sell
HENSALL 262.2728 Ontario
First. Evelyn Flynn: Ladies' second.
Ruby Bell: Men's first. Carl Payne:
Men's second, Wes Heywood; nearest
birthday, Aldeen Tolland. next
meetipg is June 11.
(Queens% ay Nursing Rome
Queensway's quote for the week.
• A well ordered life is like climbing
a tower the view halt way up is tet-
ter than the view from the base. and
it steadily improves as (he horizon ex-
pands." - William Lyon Phelps
On Monday afternoon the Ladies
from Unit 2, Hensall United Church,
came to play Bingo. They provided
prizes for the winners. Lunch was
served after the games.
Rev. Bob Donnan -led our worship
service on Tuesday afternoon.
Assisting him were his wife Connie
and daughter Melinda. Erlene
Stewart ushered and handed out
hymn books.
Several residents were bowling at
Town and Country Bowling Lanes on
Wednesday afternoon. Lloyd
McDougall and Neil Regan tied for
men's high score with 108 points.
Muriel Gunning bowled 88 points for
the ladies' high score. The Baking
Club met on Thursday afternoon.
They made delicious lace wafers.
Thursday evening we watched a
movie entitled "The Desert'. The
movie examined the lifestyles ot
various animals who live in the
Recent visitors with Ross and Don-
na Corbett were Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Caldwell. Clinton, Mrs. Anna Riffe, El
Centro, California, Mrs. Ruth Taylor.
Blue Water Rest Horne and Mrs.
Hazel Corbett. Jeff and Sheila
Corbett. -
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor returned
home after spending a holdiay with
her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and
Mrs. D.R. MacLaren, Jodi and
Brooke in Oakville.
FLORAL DISPLAY — The Hensall Horticultural Society had a well -
stocked table at the flea market held in the Hensall' Community Cen-
tre. Waiting for customers are Society members Kathy Mann (left)
and Eileen Ronnie.
Rest Horne Nursing Horne
The community
is cordially
invited to our
Open House
Sunday, June 2
2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
An expert is a person who
makes his mistakes quietly.
The only guy who has all his
troubles behind him is the
school bus driver.
When people tell you how
young you look, they're also
telling you how old you are.
Nothing gets you into debt
faster than trying to keep up
with folks who already are.
Clock: a small mechanical
device used to wake people
who have no children.
We're up early at
Jack's Small Engine
Repair Service
107 Queen St. Hensall
See us for soles that are
backed by service -- all under
one roof.
e •
The Hensall Branch oI the Royal
•Canadian Legion \rill he holding in-
stallation on i lav 24.1)11icers-elect to
he installed are, President - Larry
1ryl: 1st Pierer 1'resident - Dave Simile
2nd Vice President- Monty Plumb.
Secretary - Beatrice 1'yl : 'Treasurer
.t1array'Traquair. Sgt -al -Arms 11'
yin Ferris. Service off leer - 'I'(•c1
Taylor and Chaplain - Rev Stan
NIc•Donald, Executive Pete Zwenn.
Ted Roberts. Charlie ('oolxer. Lloyd
Allan and Robbie 'Taylor
(:Menai Branch 1 u9 \wi11 Ix, here to
do the installing. A social will follo\t
with :Alt Sultiin playing the piano
Everyone welcome
Renovations to our. Branch are
almost - completed The men have
been working hard to gel most of it
finished before Friday. The new fur
niture the ladies Auxiliary donated
is here and it sure make quite an
The Ladies auxiliary will he
holding their installation on ;flay 29
Elected to olfire are Past President
- Colleen Ferris. President Marg
Vanslone. Isl Vice President Donna
Allan. 2nd Vice 1'resulent Louise
Allan. Secretary tarry - Unna Campbell.
Executive Vera Smile, VinnieSkea,
Alice Neilands. Joan Beierling and
Marg McDonald
The Branch and Auxiliary- extends
their• sy mpalliy to 1low au -d S►nale and
fancily in the death of his wife .lean
.lean was an :luxiliary member for
many year,:
:11x11t this time forty years ago the
boys started coning hone from \V11'
11. boys like Uix• Cameron. 11o\c;irrf
Simile. Wilmer Dalry mple. ,Cohn
Skea. `Ian Kochan..lohn McAllister.
.lark 1)'('onnor. so man) we can't
natnte them all "Then there were the
hogs and they were toys al that
time that did not come home
At Ihe going dove n
of the Son
and 1,1 the moaning
We wilt remember them
1' It
Bea 1'\I
Summer is your chance to get away
from it all in Ontario's Provincial Parks.
To sleep beneath towering pines
or beside a clear blue lake. Or both.
Then wake to cook breakfast over
a crackling morning fire. Ontario's
Provincial Parks and private campgrounds,
are inexpensive and easy to get to.
So make a break for it.
Come, park yourself.
Ministry of
ev,' 4erNMe4lmt
Mary Moceord
.c.,ti u...e..