Times-Advocate, 1985-05-01, Page 20Page 8A Times -Advocate, May 1 1985 Manore levels criticism Heirbour committee sets new rates At their April harbour committee meeting members Tom Lawson. Harold Green, Bruce 1%1'e►Ix11e). Ituss Lingar& .1ee Green. Larry Whiting and secretary Wendy Jennison were all present. It was moved by Harold (:reed and seconded by .foe (:seen that the following rates be charged ter dockage and the launch tamp tor the 1985 season. The (lockage rates will he $.35 per foot : launch ramp rales will be $4.00 daily. $12.10)weekly. $40.1)0 residential (seasonal' and $50341 ter commercial 1 seasonal Larry Ifhiling and Bruce 11"uodley along with a representative limn the GB Chamber of Commerce interview ed students over the weekend Ior summer jobs. 'Phenates of the new employees were 1101 available al press tithe. If the Summer Canada (:rant is approved. the first two students will start on May 1:3 with the remaining three starting on May 20 A dockage by-law was presented by Ilarokt Green as prepared by Janet Smolders, county planner to council. Council has accepted this by-law and a copy will IW given to each commit jar. n►enlelx•r tor apt►ruval. when completed. copies of the by-law well be sent to all ratepayers on the river Dick Alanort• attended this meeting to express his dissatisfaction with how the 1lar1x►ur Committee and GB coun- cil were ctnlducting themselves. Ile staled that he was not agreeable with the S20.e4t lee imposed for the pi rmit of the (locking by-law. Manure ques- tioned why tete village boat. which whas purchased recently from Warner Auto Marine. was not tendered out. Ile also questioned other matters which the harbour has made note 01. in other platters. the in -water boat show commenced on Saturday. April 27 and will continue to May 12 along the village docks. The Grand Bend 1141 is planned tot' sometime in olid June, reported Ross Lingard. The GB Yacht flub will advise the committee of the event officially by the next ha • boor meeting on May 15. Also present at this meeting to resolve questions were Dermis Snider, Bill Brenner, Shirley Michell. Roy Johnson. Peter Warner and Mery and i\lrS. Sharpe representing the Sinalh Beach Association. Plan First HBO The GB Legion Branch 498 held their final evening of darts Tuesday night. Lou llainilton and Marg iledlev %von first place while Bob('hapxlelalne and Eve Buttery won second. The Legion euchre party was held h'riday with the year-end dinner al the "Thirsty Fox. Special thanks to Kevin and Marilyn and staff lor the exc'ep- Grand Ben and district news Lynne Deslardine 238.8768 READY TO GO Here ore your Grand Bend paper boys ready to deliver the daily news to your doorstep. From left to right Cullen Kobe, Joson Desjordine, Jarett Kobe, David Maguire and Scott Keyes All the fads finish their routes before breakfast. Resort's paper boys get early start on day Getting up in the morning al 5:311-6:441 a.m. seems extr'eme'ly- ear Iy for most of us. That's the general time that 1Iie live (:raind Bend paper boys hear their a la rills ring Willi nearly 251 hom's among them to deliver the daily news. .1;11101 and Cullen Kole. David Maguire. Jason 1 jardine and Scott Keyes. ar•i' hack home between 7:00 and 7:30 a .111 . ready lor their breaklasts before school. The largest route consists ut 49 stops ..ith the least being 23 deliveries. The area covered ranges from the Tindale Subdivision. just soul o1 the Village. i Southcott Pines. Green Acres. along Hwy 21 within the Gli boundaries and west of the highway to the lake 'That's a lot (iI bicycling or leg -work %Then I asked the boys who Iheir replacements were. 111 the ease of it Iness or holidays -Welt Kobe spoke tip and said "My Mons is hec•atise i don't have to pay her and she's our secretary as well -- Phoning In paper stops and starts can be a full lime cob itself Delivering the news is nothing new for the Kobe Mindyh Two older brothers had it first and then the jobs were passed In another 1amih They in turn. gave 11 hack to the K(1hes when .Iarett was old enough Keyes. who started delivering.. hen he was none years old. said that of the three year's that he's been working. he likes the money I0's1 and ne'Ver refuses a tip Ile hires a Inflict Trent Stellingwert1- in training, In lake his place when absent Iron) the jolt The two newest recruits. Maguire and Desjaidine. were amazed al all the wild rabbits. squirrels and the odd skunk that they see at daybreak i remember on one morning. while aceomparung my son on his route an owl hooted from a nearly tree. near Iy scaring ole off my hike ,Jason saiid Engineering that's just out of this world Heavenly pictures at' down-to- earth prices Uniden Television Systems . cin t y to TV & Appliances RR 2 Gond Bend 238-8270 that happens quite often. .lust in case you think your paper carrier is overpaid. you should try dehwering yourself. Summer is nice hut those trusty wintery mornings can be very nasi y. Sometimes you have to walk when there are no vehicle tracks through the snow before yot1. Taking everything into considera- tion. i think these young In(')) are lear- ning eanning not only responsibilityand num- Middy. but they learn he►w to save nwney and handle their cuslonuvs Witt) an insurance plan and pension they experience some oI the Iuture -knowledge needed. You never know. .e-ith another son growing up. I ma even become a morning person yet Photographer plans field trip in Pinery icy Puck \lerkies When April showers have subsided it will he a perfect time for photographer to enjoy a couple of days outdoors. experiencing fresh en- counters in nature with new growth. spring colours, and perhaps with an opportunity to observe and photograph wildlife. A field trip in Pinery Provincial Park offers just such an occasion on the first weekend in May. starting at the Pine Dale Motel in (:rand Bend. with instructor Sandra Sen(•huk to guide photographers into a unique way of seeing, and 10 respond lo the environment with the camera with a new sense nl personal awareness. Sandra. whb has worked as a freelance doctlmen! ary photographer. a film editor and pro- ducer. as a performance artist _and has conducted numerous photography workshops. came to this area from Meadow bake, Saskat- chewan. in 1981. as an assistant pro- fessor at the University of Western Ontario She has since (Ione graduate work al the University in New \lex- icoand returned to i,on(Mn, where she is now a member of the Forest City (:alley . tier work has heen exhibited in Saskatoon. Regina. New York. I louslon. San Fransisco. New Mexico. Registration For September 1985 Grand Bend Nursery School Inc. Wed., May 15 9 - 11:30 a.m. Phone 238-2829 for further information London (England 4. Toronto. Mon- treal, Ottawa. London (Ont.t and ilam illon, as well as in a travelling exhibition with the National Film Board of Canada. Attracted to the observation of nature and to philosophy since an ear ly age. Sandra has developed a uni- que way of responding to what she observes. using the c'ame'ra as a tool equivalent to one's consciousness Stu' Sandra .enrhok considers making the right conner lion with the environment 01 great nn port alive to the expe'rienc'e To go on a weekend field trip «Ill such a sensitive teacher will Ix' an un forgettable. enriching learning experience. interested photographers can oh lain more information al the local libraries - tional food and service Trophies were awarded to Winnie (:ill. high ladies' _average: Verne Fischer. high men's average. Lawrence Uverneyer•. most Ione hands. the play -oft awards were won by Irene Ward. Gord Brown and most improved was (:race ;Masse and George Gallant won the most helpful trophy. r )n Alae 7 the year-end dinner and awards night for the darts will to held at the Sunset Restaurant. A happy hour from 5:30-6:30 p.m. will be Held at the Legion before. ()n May 4 there will be an annual open euchre (hi v, so it you have four player•s..comeout and join the euchre competition from (1:00 a.m. until it's finished. A general meeting evill be held on Mon- day, May 6 at 8:30. The first [MCI is scheduled for May 18 (Saturday) so'mark your calendar. .lune 1 is the grand opening at 11:0x1 a.m. with a parade, I1B(1 and dance. Host %ut'ic•li Youths The Church of (Alec youth fellowship were hosts to the Zurich Mennonite youths on Friday night. Laura ('amp - hell gave the welcome, followed by a get acquainted game. The film "The Return to Evil- was shown, in which tour people told of their experiences with Satin V '' the blink of suicide: now they are happily serving Jesus Christ. Lunch was served after in the auditorium. The Church of God congregation welcomed the Rev Wayne Lyons. 11'etastiwin, Alberta. as their guest speaker on Saturday night and Sun- day. Monday evening will be an infor- mal fellowship time with ltev. Lyons at a carry -in supper. - "tineel I'aony" Bridge Conte out and see the demonstra- tion on how duplicate bridge is played on Monday, May 6 at 1:041 p.m. The GB Legion will he hosting, so any beginners are welcome to take lessons or a refresher course anytime. Welcome to ladies from (;rand Bend. 'I'hectford, St. Joseph. fort Franks and areas. .loin in the summer marathon too' For further information phone .lean Gibson 238-2202 or Irene Ward 238-8:145. Refreshments will be served at the Sweet Tann. doh - 1-11 l plate' 4)n Tuesday the t;rauxf Bend No. 1 and (.11 No. 2 clubs held a joint Iueeting at the home (II Mrs 1.oreen Guest speaker was Ah'::. 'Helen Kneale. She spoke 01) the stages of (ley( hymen! 111 it c'hrld curiosity etc.. stress and how to handle it and self protection for the ears. hands and other Ixxly parts. Reflexes and how to baby sit safer were discussed The next meeting will be held at the 1:11 lire hall on the :loth of April w ill both clubs together. .11►out the People You K The ('WI. ladies howled in Zurich fur the GB lancer campaign and rats ed $366.75 for the society. Good work girls' (:et well wishes ..ire extended lo Mrs. Annie Morenz who renamed honie Iron) the hospital last week. The Pinedale hockey pools are still going strong and will be even better ' now that the N.Y. Islander's are pelt out 01 ac'1o11 (:nel tuck. (::til' SeVer-a1 (:rand fiend fishermen joke) have entered the sport Sarnia Salmon Derby which started last Saturday So far all their lig ones have got away.' DONATE CHEQUE Over 190 riders lined up on Sunday afternoon at the Pinery Park for a 20 km. ride in aid of the Canadian Cancer Society. Here organizers Peggy Smith and Lydia Duchou, present Jean Wilson with a cheque for $7600.00 raised from the event. On the right is Brownie leader Margrit Breuer -who won the trophy for having the best percentage attend the annual ride. Notice to Grand Bend Property Owners IN THE MATTER OF Section 39 and 15 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1980, c. 379). -and- IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend for approval of its Restricted Area By- law 6048'83. -and- IN THE MATTER OF a reference to this Board by the Honourable Claude F. Bennett, Minister of Municipal Affairs and H. nest-by-Ja ovls on a alt .of Richleigh Investments Limited for consideration of the following part of Amendment Number 2 to the Official Plan for the Grand Bend -Planning Area: Those lands described as part of lot 405, Plan 25 in the Village of Grand Bend. w • • - 3 Minister's File NO. 38 -OP -0147.2 APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Monday, the 3rd day of 4une, 1985 at the hour of one o'clock (local time) in the afternoon at the Council Chambers, Town Hall, 4 Ont. St. N., Grand Bend, for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing the application. - If you dp not attend and are not represented at this hearing, the Boar ay proceed in your absence and you will not be en- titled to any further notice of the proceedings. In the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part in the hearing and wishing a copy of the decision may request a copy from the presiding Board Member, or, in writing, from the Board. Such decision will be mailed to you when available. DATED at Toronto this 1st day of April" 1985 D.G. Henderson Secretary. EXPLANATORY NOTE OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 1t2 AND BY-LAW 6048 of 1983 The purpose of By law 6048 is 10 implement the Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan for the Grund Bend Planning Area. Amendment #2 removed the Fn. ,ronmental Protection'" designation of the Official Plan from many properties which, according to an engineering study prepared for the Ausable- Bayfield Conservation Authority, ore no longer located in the floodplain. These properties were redesignated to other land uses. In one case, a properly was added to the floodplain by the engineering study and accordingly, Amendment N2 redesignated it to "Environmental Protection". This By-law im plements Amendment No. 2 by rezoning the affected proper- ties in accordance with the new land use designations of Amendment No. 2. This By-law generally applies to land abutting the Ausable River and Lake Huron in the village of Grand Bend. The Location Mop and Schedule 'A" shows more particularly the land affected. By -low 6048 of 1983 conforms to the Official Plan of the Grand Bend Planning Area, in accordance with Amendment No. 2. Dionne Mallard, Clerk Treasurer Village of Grand Bend SUPER SPECIAL ! STURDY POTTED GERANIUMS 31/2" POT 9 Svc I P;-, I t NO NAME SUPER SOIL LITRE 110 NAME AEE PURPOSE tlQUID SUPER SPECIAL 2.99 NO NAME 6l MIRA1 PURPOSE FEONOMI 3.99 NO NAME GENERAL PURPOSEECONOMY 6.99 NO NAM! 7 70 0 zehis fine markets... of fine foods BONE MEAL "' 3.99 PLANT FOOD !iRE 3.99 NO NAME CATTLE 70 KC. LAWNLAWN SEED UNCOATED NO NAME Alt PURPOSE LAWN SEED COALED 1.0 NAME CHUNKS MANURE COMPOST 2.99 PINE BARK '.h,IlilE 4.99 NO NAME 7 9-5?n 140 NAME WHITE K( ROSE FOOD KG 1.49MARBLE CHIPS 2.99 NO NAME SUPER • 4 NO NAME SUPER [AWN 70 5 10 SI OW RELEASE PEAT MOSS 851IIRE 399 FERTILIZER - .1, 5.99 NO NAME SOIL 36 I�TRE 2.99 NO NAME PATCH R E PA 1 R KIT 1.99 TOP LAWN NO NAME 20 5 10 FERTILIZER 11' 5.99 SUPER WEED & FEED DIM SPICIIIS Ir111AS11 01111 IM HIGHWAYS #4 & 83 EXETER eO►DAT. TINSIDAT S TRp1_SSAY 114 P.M. TMIISSAA♦ S MOAT ♦-SM PIS SATV RA/ Sd►S P.M