Times-Advocate, 1985-04-10, Page 30Page 18A
Times -Advocate Apr i1 10. 1985
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Stephon Central
March 8, the Grade eight class put
on a play for the school and parents
called "The Fastest Thimble in the
West". It was about an orphanage run
by a woman called Ma Cozy. An evil
man by the name of Lawyer Grudge
was trying to throw all of the orphans
and Ma Cozy, out of the orphanage.
But two brave orphans Two -Bits and
Henry save the orphanage by getting
the money and also finding Ma Cozy's
long lost husband who was lost at'sea.
The play was a good experience and
it was fun.. We are now working
towards the operetta "Oliver". -
Kathy Hendrick
Spring Time! It's that time of year
again in our school. It has been sun-
ny almost every day. The school
children have been playing soccer
and baseball. Soccer has been the
most popular sport at Stephen Cen-
tral. I hope everyone has .a nice
spring. - Tim Hoffman
Our class, along with the grade
eights have been selling magazines
for about three weeks to help raise
money for graduation, etc. Mr.
Donders talked to us about the prizes,
instructions, etc. He told us that if our
class could sell $1800.00 worth of
magazines we would get a 10 ft. sun-
dae. We raised $1849.09 so we get our
sundae April 26. It will have
everything on it, cherries, whip
cream, chocolate sauce and all the
other good toppings. We can hardly
wait. - Terry Hoffman, Derek Dinney,
Alex Russell
When Grade four made masks from
plastic containers in art, everyone
was excited. I made mine black with
green eyes, yellow nose and mouth.
When 1 was finished it looked good.
Ms. Thomson used them to make an
interesting bulletin board.
- Gaudio
We had a Science Fair at Stephen
Central School. The overall winners
were Shawn Finkbeiner and Bruce
Dundas. Their project was on solar
energy. Lots of people enjoyed look-
ing at the Science Fair projects.
Basketball has begun at our school.
The boys who signed up are already
put on teams. The captains are Jamie
Brand, Steve& Martin, Randy Hoff-
man and Terry Mellin. The first game
was a success. Team 1 defeated team
2 by a score of 4-2. The girls have not
been put on teams so they just shoot
baskets. The people who get the most
baskets in a row get 50 cents from
Mrs. Hogarth. - Christina Glanville
On March 19, Mr. Lightfoot and
Rev. Elder came from Crediton fire
department. Grade five watched
three sets of slides. They brought in
an extinguisher to show us how it
works. This year we are going to
make posters to give to the fire
department and they are going to give
prizes. We started to work on them on
Wednesday. This year we are again
going to the fire department. It seems
like it wilt be fun. We are going on
April 17. - Kristy Dobson
March 3, Mrs. Skillender gave us
sets of books. There were set A, B and
C. Then we started a Readathon,,,
There were 30 books in all. Right now
I have 19 books done. The first time
I was on set three. Now I am on set
A. The Readathon ended Friday.
March 29. The person who read the
most so far is Doug Jones. He wins a
prize for being the farthest. There are
six people who have done over 19
books; Doug J., Candace, Elizabeth,
Lisa, Dwayne and I. - John Leibold
Yesterday we got our photographs
taken twice. Today we had them
taken for Primary Choir. I have lots
of photographs. We get them every
year. This is my fourth year. We don't
just get them here. We have them
taken at home lots of time, especial-
ly when you do something funny.
Everyone likes taking pictures of
other people. - Ryan Ratz
Last Tuesday we started our
special book called our writer's book.
In it we do story or sort of like a jour-
nal. You can write a story, song or
poem. We've now had it for seven
days. We got our own choice of book.
colour and size. For Friday's we look-
ed through magazines and found a
good page to be a story starter. = Can-
dace Miller
Jump Rope For Heart - Jump rope
for heart is an event when ,you go
around and get sponsors. You don't
have to get sponsors to get in. You
have to be in Grade three to Grade
eight. The program is on April 12.
from 1:15 to 3:15 p.m. It will take part
in our gym. I am taking part in it. The
grade three's in Ms. Thomson aren't
in -it. The different skipping techni-
ques we learned were toe to heel,
crossover, side to side swing, twister
and the bell. My favourite is the
crossover. We are using the new skip-
ping ropes. - Teddy Hoffman
FIREHALL VISITORS — Dashwood fireman Jim Hoffman demonstrates the folding ladder while fireman
John Becker in the background, and the "A" kindergarten class from Mt. Carmel Separate School watch.
Centralia repeating cantata
The Easter Sunday service in the
United Church on Sunday morning
was well attended. Rev. Crowe in his
usual capable manner delivered an
inspiring Easter message. There was
special music by the choir under the
leadership of the organist Mr. Donald
Stuart. The beautiful Easter lilies and
pots of mums were placed in the
church by Mrs. Jean Palmer in
memory of her husband Bill Palmer.
her parents Mr. and Mrs. George
Hepburn and her brother Jack
The cantata "Beyond the Cross"
will be repeated at Centralia United
Church this coming Sunday April 14
at 11:15 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Walker and girls
were Easter Sunday guests with
Rick's parents Mr. and Mrs. Walker
of Zurich. •
Mrs. Helen Overholt. Patrick and
Pauline of Zurich were Easter Sun-
day guests with Mrs. Von Overholt.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden had
their family as guests for the Easter
Sunday noon smorgasbord at the
Black Angus restaurant. London.
Miss Wendi Horton of Peterlxirough
spent the Easter weekend with her
mother Mrs. Linda Riley.
Tom and i were Easter Sunday
guests al the home of our nephew Mr.
Town Topics
Mrs. Lewis Tasko of t'entralia ac-
companied by her daughter Patti. of
Toronto. spent an enjoyable week
recently with her other daughter,
Mary Lou Tasko. Mary Lou is a
teacher at Fort Alexander Indian
Reserve. near Pine Falls, Manitoba.
which is about 85 miles N.E. of Win-
nipeg. situated on the S.E. side of pic-
turesque Lake Winnipeg.
it was the March break at the
school which has an enrollment of 300
students. Mary Lou teaches Girls
Phys. Ed. and Health. as well as
music. She is enjoying her work and
Plans to stay another school term.
While visiting with Mary Lou. they
toured the area by car. to Regina.
Brandon and other places of interest,
dropping in for a visit with Lorraine
Lewis, of the Denfield area, who is
teaching at langenburg,Sask. which
is N.E. of Regina.
and Mrs. Howard MacDonald and
family of Lucan.
The regular Monday evening
euchre at Centralia Community Cen-
tre on April 1 had 13 tables playing.
Prizes went to high score Mildred
Hirizel, Cleve Pullman; lone hands
Helen MacDonald, Ilarry Noels; low
score Isabelle Harness. George Cun-
ningham. Next party on April 15 will
be convened by Percy and Jean Noels
and Tom and Mary Kooy.
JUNIOR OLYMPIC WINNER — Cathy Cade of the Royal Bank is seen
here presenting Blake Schade of Stephen Central School with his
prizes for winning the Royal Bank Junior Olympics at Stephen.
Stephen Central student
Junior Olympics winner
The Royal Bank ,junior Olympics
winner at Stephen Central School was
Blake Schade. Schade received his
prizes. a Royal Bank Junior Olvrnpic•
jacket and a 'Calculator savings ac-
count from Cathy ('ode. a represen-
tative of the Royal Bank. All the
students were free to enter and Cade
expressed hope that more students
enter next year
The Junior Olympics program
makes available ribbons and crests
for childrens' programs and cultural
Schade received his prizes at the
school Easter Assembly The
assembly- also featured several skits
and songs bv the school children.
The Kindergarten kids recited
spring verses. and the Junior Choir
sang spring songs There was a skit
called "The Night Before Easter
written f»- the grade 8 students for the
grade ones to perform ' he grade
ones also sang a song about F:aster
Lilties wearing lily- decorations on
their heads. Finally. several studen,ts
recited appropriate verses about the
religious meaning of the holiday. m-
cluding "One Easter Long .Igo
bringing the assembly to a close.
GREAT EGG HUNT — Numerous children gather around the tables at the Lambton Heritage Museum
to colour the eggs they found throughout the area. Lucky ticket holders claimed chocolate Easter bun-
nies to take home.
Cold doesn't deter 250 children
Egg hunt at Muesum
The annual Easter Egg Hunt took
place at the Lambton Heritage
Museum, south of the village, on
Saturday despite the freezing
Over 250 children with their parents
braved the windy chills to find eggs
scattered throughout the grounds.
They then raced back to the tables
hoisting coloured paints to decorate
their find.
It was a bit warmer in the chapel,
where Mrs. Nola Love played some
traditional Easter music on the organ
and told Easter stories. Inside the
museum there were live rabbits and
even a small cluster of bright yellow
chicks chirping away at the
Many children didn't seem to mind
the cold winds as they tested their
skills at various circus games set up
along the museum walls outside.
Optimist leader John Russell, said
the crowd was down from the
previous year but weather can't be
helped. The Grand Bend Girl Guides
and Port Franks Pathfinders also
helped out at the event.
Church of God
Thursday evening at the maundy
service at the Church of God, the
Lord's Supper and foot -washing were
The Easter Sunday activities began
with a tasty breakfast prepared and
served by the youths. The morning
service featured Doug Steckle as
pianist and soloist, while Pastor
Campbell spoke on "Easter Means
In the evening, a film strip entitled
"The Ressurection" was viewed.
Catholic Easter News
Pastor Father Morrissey led all the
various masses over the Easter week.
On Good Friday he remineded us that
Christ's death helps us to put our own
death into perspective. On Easter
Sunday, he said that more Christians
come to church now than any other
time all year. Why? -- because Easter
has a deeper meaning for all of us, the
realities of life and death.
Over 600 attended the three dif-
ferent services, Good Friday, Easter
vigil and Sunday. The choir sang
"The Beautiful Glory of the Bells"
and all the other traditional Easter
hymns at all services. Special music
was provied by soloist Roberta
Walker. She performed It Is Finish-
ed, The Gregorian Chant, and The
Easter Exulted.
Father Morrissey wishes to thank
everyone in the parish who helped to
make lent and Holy week so suc-
cessful. Thanks to Case and Anne
VandenBygaart for the decorations
and everyone who was so generous
with donations. Mrs. Kipp and Mrs.
Oke sold and delivered over 200 eggs.
These eggs have been sold and a
cassette/recorder purchased for the
choir and some extra carpeting for
the choir section. Thanks to everyone
who attended all the masses, especial-
ly on Wednesday evenings during
Service of Witness
On Good Friday. a combined ser-
vice with the three Grand Bend chur-
ches, Anglican, Church of God, and
United Church, participating was
held in the United Church.
Rev. Jim Sutton gave an inspiring
"forty minutes" dedication, leaving
the question for everyone "What are
we going to do now that He is dead?"
Special music for the afternoon was
led by Betty Campbell with Laura
Campbell accompanying at the piano.
A solo "It is Finished " was sung by
Millie Desjardine.
Legion Branch 498
On Tuesday evening, Dee Rath and
Bob Hamilton shot the first place
markers in the dart play. Bill Fischer
and Nora Voisin placed second. The
dart finale will be held on Friday,
April 26 at 8:00 p.m.
There was no euchre on Good Fri-
day. The playoffs will be on Friday,
April 12 at 8:00 p.m. The first annual
euchre play is scheduled for Satur-,
day, May 4 at 1.1:30 a.m. for signing
About the people you know
Nancy Thomas and Barb Shepherd
have returned home from their nurs-
ing break holiday in sunny Florida.
Both are well rested and ready to go.
Welcome to Mickey Webb and
Jeanne Kading to the new Sauble
Court apartments. The executive ap-
preciate all donations received so far
to help in making the building have
that complete look.
Congratulations to Glenda Desjar-
dine, RR 2 GB, on opening her new
flower shop in Dashwood last week.
Ted Jackson, Grand Cove Estates,
spent Easter weekend with his
daughter and family in the Leam-
ington area.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
are extended to Mrs. Christine Rut -
ten, Pinedale Subdivision, after her
fall last week.
Fred and Lee Newton are now
home from their winter vacation in
Florida. Both are enjoying their
gardening and beautifying the
grounds once again.
A fire alarm on,Satufday, April 6 at
8:48 p.m., sent the Grand Bend
brigade to the home of Gil Walker, 164
Lakeshore Dr., Southcott Pines,
where a chimney had caught fire.
U.C.W. served lunch in the Sunday
School rooms to family and friends,
Wednesday, following the funeral of
David Baird, London, interred at the
Grand Bend Cemetery.
Guests on Saturday night with
Loreen and Lorne Devine, were
Richard and Lois Shantz, Heidelburg,
and her parents. Harold and Edith
Widrick, Zurich. -
The Pinery -Grand Bend Optimists
are sponsoring a -cushion concert by
Jim and Rosalie, at the Thedford
arena on Sunday, April 14. Bring your
own cushion and enjoy the fun!
The Civic Awareness meeting was
held on April 2 in the Municipal
chambers despite the lack of par-
ticipation due to the support given to
Reeve Bob Sharen at the Petrolia
nominations, the same evening.
Happy belated 70th birthday to
' Laurie Mannell, Lakeview Ave., S.
Pines. Congratulations to Kim
Crawford and Mike Clay, G.B.P.S., on
winning first prizes for their senior
and junior speeches at Woodside
Public School last week.
A great new boutique. Inspirations,
opened on Main St. this Easter
weekend with owner Vida Iskauskas
featuring beauty and you.
The G.B.P.S. students will attend a
pioneer unit field trip to the Lambton
Heritage Museum on Tuesday, April
Morley Love of Ottawa is spending
a few days this week with his mother.
Mrs. Fern Love.
To decide future of
Clandeboye church
This Wednesday, April 10, at 8 p.m.
a meeting is to be held at the church
to make a very important decision in
the future of Clandeboye United
Over the years, the attendance and
support of the church has been
dwindling. These facts and the need
of extensive repairs to the church
building have brought it to a critical
point in the life of the congregation.
Letters have been sent out to all
members of the church with four
alternatives. A decision must be
made, signed and returned by
Wednesday night.
St. James Church Euchre
Eleven tables were in play on Tues-
day night. High scores went to George
Cunningham and Joan Cunningham:
Lone Hands, Lilly Swartz and Andy
Thompson; Low Scores. 011ie
Hodgins and George Simpson. Next
party April 16.
Visitors and Outings
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Scott and Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Scott and Brad, attend-
ed the wedding of Betty Scott and Jim
Cairns, Saturday evening. at Trinity
United Church. Hill St.. London, with
Rev. Morrow officiating. Reception
was held at the Junior Ranks' Hall,
Wolseley Barracks.
Sandra and Chuck Schwanke, Dar-
ryl and Paul. Pincher Creek. Alber-
ta, are spending Easter week with
Sandra's mother Hazel Williams and
visiting with Rupert Williams at
Craigholme Nursing Home.
Bill and Marilyn Dixon, Jack and
Marion Hodgson. Gerald and Irene
Lynh, were among the group from
Crediton that enjoyed the weekend
bus tour, "Hawaii in Pittsburgh".
Harold Hardy entertained a few
friends from the Chesley Riding Club
on Friday and Saturday.
Corey, Shawn and Trevor Smith
spent a few days last week with their
aunt. Betty Ann Martin. in Hanover.
Elsie Lewis accompanied by her
sisters, Lucy Bernard and Margaret
Crow. London. on Friday to visit their
mother, Mrs. Florence Tilbury. who
is a patient in the Leamington Nurs-
ing Home.
Patricia Brownlee of Gravenhurst
spent a few days last week with her
mother, Mrs. Viola Carter. John
Brownlee joined them on the
weekend. also visited with his mother.
Mrs. Myrtle Brownlee. a resident of
Craigholmc Nursing lforne. Ailsa
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