Times-Advocate, 1985-07-17, Page 33Page 10A Times -Advocate, July 17, 1985
Special awards to
Biddulph graduates
The 1985 Biddulph-Lucan Central McCarty by Mrs. Brophy.
School graduation banquet tor the The academic awards were won
Grade eights and their parents.
grandparents and stall was held al
the Lucan Community Centre June 24
on the theme "A New Beginning".
Grace was said by Carrie Moore
and. following a delicious dinner. the
Principal. Mrs. E .1. Br'ophey
welcomed chose present. and vice-
principal..1.S. Duddy. introduced the
Mistress al Ceremonies. Christine
Blay. Greetings from the Middlesex
County Board of Education were
given by Robert Benner.
The awards were presented as
follows: "The Fred Bertha) award" to
Tabatha Froats and Matthew lane by
Mrs. Brophy: "The Mowbray award"
to Tim Hayter by Mr. Duddy on
behalf of Biddulph reeve. Wilson
Hodgins• who was absent due to il-
lness: "The Morley award" 10
Christine lila}. by Mrs. Earl French
and the "Trogan award to .lean -Marie
and presented as follows: English to
Lisa Roe by Ian Bennet!:
Mathematics to Jason Byer by Anne
Bansley : History to I(ay Butler by
Cathy 'anlop: Geography to Mat-
thew Lane by Dave Wilkins' Science
to Ken Beatson by Roger Hathaway:
Physical Education 'girls and boys,
to Christine May and Tim Ilayter by
!11r. Duddy French to (folly Darling
by Sharon Barnes: \Lusk• to Tabatha
F roots by Randy Martin: Art to Dana
Bannerman by :Shirley lIachlillan
and Most Improved Student to Robert
Aldridge by Les Howarth.
Various members of the staff in-
troduced the Graduating ('lass and
the choir. under the direction of Mr.
Martin, sang tour numbers.
Greg Ilayter gave the valedictory
address in the lighter vein much to the
delight of his classmates. and the
evening closed with dancing.
Centre news
Back from holidays Mrs. Lorraine
Armitage played the piano while Rick.
Thornton led the song service. Rev.
Roger.Mason ministered from Corin-
thians 1.1:15 concerning praying with
the Holy Spirit. Praying with the
Spirit means to pray •tt•ith words that
are understood. Sometimes people
just pray with words that are given to
them. This 15 not necessarily pr•ayirlg
with the Spirit. When praying with the
Spirit. one allows the Lord to guide
one [sham to pray tor.
United Church
11li:nt)ers and- friends-. fit Lucan
United Church Sundae. were eleiii r=
cd by Mari and Dennis Maguire and
.the "Service of Praise" -was led by a
member of the Session and the
Couples Club. Freeda Melanson.
Lays \lelanson, Fawcett. accom-
panying herself on the guitar. open -
e(1 the service with "A Song of
Praise' with the congregation join-
ing in the chorus. ' ,
Muriel (bbleigh was at the piano
for the many hymns and choruses and
Marjorie Park gave a Minute Talk for
1lissions. Mrs. Melanson read several
"Praising" setectit►us from various
books of the Bible and several Psalms
of Praise were read antiphonally by
-the choir of Couples flub members
and the congregation.
Lays sang two solos "A Touch of the
,lasler's Hand" and "The Bright
Shining Star.... again accompanying
herself on the guitar•. - _.
Jfbt�erin iiicirictu,try were -
froin the funeral of the late Reid
Smith -father and father-in-law of Dr.
and Mrs. E.J. Anderson. The prayers
of the congrcgal inn were exlended to
his loved ones.
Mrs. Melanson asked for assistanl
Leaders 1(1' the Vacation Bible School
to be held at the Revival Centre. Ju-
uly 22-26. Please phone Barbara Simi-
les. 2.27-4037. if you can help.
Next Sunday at 10 a.m. Wes Stanley
will he in charge. basing his message
on Matthew 6:30 with choruses being
sung at the beginning as well as dur-
ing the service. You are invited to
worship with us.
Mrs. Melanson spoke on "A
Festival of Praise'. and to be sure
everyone understood Ihoroughly the
meaning of "Praise". she gave the
definition from Websters Dictionary
and a more meaningful one from a Bi-
ble Concordance.
In her message she gave many ex-
amples of praise as she read vers(•s,•
from the Bible and said that Praise.
Thanksgiving and Joy go had in hand
Do we have the right to expect God
to guide us how to pray'' Yes, we do.
Ask God to show us what and who to
pray for. A mark of a Christian is to
be guided by God. Prayer is a two
way communication. While praying
in the Spirit one prays as God wanis
one to pray. then listen to the Spirit
to speak to one. One cannot live a car-
nal life. and expect God to speak to
one. God will tell one how to live.
'l'o pray in the Spirit is to pray the.
thoughts of God about a.certain per-
son or situation. One becomes like a
'radio. receiving and transmitting.
.lames 1:19;shows one needs to 1)1
nuiet. and listen to Gal.
In 1 Corinthians 14:15 Paul is talk-
_ g mbout using the gift of tongues in
a public--seevice.__iviog .some
guidelines. A prayer in airtm Pmowu.
tongue in a service needs to be inter-
preted, or the speaker keep quiet.
Praying in tongues in speaking 10 Gal
from the Spirit.
Praying in the Spirit is a super-
natural was of praying in a language
one does not understand. One is lifted
beyond normal English expression:
expressing prayer in a language God
understands. One is given this prayer
language to facilitate one in praying
according to the will of God. Jude
20-21 and Romans -8;26 shows Chris-
tians the need for praying in the
Sunday evening Rev. Roger Mason
spoke from 1 Corinthians 14:2. of the
ability God gives believers to speak
in a language they have never learn-
ed. The wor _ ' os�; '
Imes -int ew Testament.
The first kind of tongues -referred to
is found in Acts 2:4. the initial
evidence of speaking in tongues. This
was the first pentecost. God's Holy
Spirit provides the language. while
the believer does the speaking.
The second occurence is in Acts
8:14-17. In Acts 19:44-46. is the third
pentecoslai experience. Acts 19:1-6
records when a group of Ephesians
were filled with the Italy Spirit. 1 Cor-
'or, -
inthians 14:2 tells of the devotional
prayer language in which a believer
can pray privately. It should be used
frequently. This devotional prayer
language can help the believer to pray
according to the will of God.
KIRKTON MIDGETS WIN -- The Kirkton midgets won the "A" cham-
pionship of a recent fastball tournament in Fullarton. Back, left, coach
Stan Francis, Jason Zvonkin, Steve Lightfoot, Allan Pym, Doug levy,
Jeff Pfaff, Jeff Francis, Steve Ulch and coach Steve Francis. Front,
DAIRY DAY HATS - Edith and Bill Stewart get Dairy Day hats from
.-Middlesex Dairy Princess Deanne Smith at Thursday's Dairy Day at
the fornibf-To and Marilyn Jenken. T -A photo
OPP investigate
five accidents
During the week officers of the
Lucan detachment of the Ontario Pro- .
vincial Police investigated five ite: -
ertt itsitlis `iotaIl ng
Sunday at 1:15 p.m. vehicles driven
by Kevin Smith. St. Marys and Amft
Martin, Parkhill collided on Highway
7. No injuries were sustained and Con-
stable Osterloo set damages at $3,275.
A vehicle driven by Kim Ellis, Lon-
don left the roadway of Middlesex
road 27 and struck the flitch while
swerving to miss a dog. Constable
Holland listed damages at $15,500.
Constable Wilcox estimated
damages at $3,500 when vehicles
driven by Janet Mc('otnb. RR 2. Lon-
don and Christine Poitr•as, Hamilton
collided on highway 4 at 5:05 p.m..
Upcoming events - Community Dai-
ly Vacation Bible School ---July 22 to
July 26. From 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Friday evening is to he the closing
Program. Ages from three years old
to teens.
July. 28. alter the evening service is
to be Farewell Get Together for Kim
and Gwen Bedford. in the Fellowship
ol the church.
Sunday at 9:25 p.m. a vehicle
operated by Ronald Chambers. Lon-
don left Highway 7 when the driver
passed out. Constable {dodge set
minor damages at $500.
The same day at 7:15 p.m., vehicles
driven by Michael Hersey .and
Charles Irnbroll, both of London col-
lided on Middlesex road 28 with Con-
stable Wilcox listing damages at
$6.500. '
CHECK MIDDLESEX DAIRY PROGRAM -- Checking over the program for Thursday's Middlesex Dairy
Day at the Elginfield area farrY't of Tom Jenken are the hosts Torn and Marilyn Jenken and chairmen
for the day Bev Shipley and Nancy McGill. T -A photo
Pat,'si Al ,
Gc ry Morrison, Jim Lewis, Dan Nairn, Marty Francis, Simon Vella,
Larry McCarter and Lenny Williams. Missing were Mark Penhale and
Steve Wilkinson. T -A photo
Dairy day attracts \
300; to Jenken farn'.
More than :3(x1 Middlesex farmers
and their families attended Thur•s-
'.day's third annual dairy day held al
the farm ol Toavid Marilyn Jenken.
just east of Elginlield.
In the morning the speakers were
Paul Meyer and Ron Parker an cow
evaluation and a sire selection
workshop and home economist Grace
Whittington talked about household
money management` for larm
families. A cow judging contest w•
also held.
Murray Best. a Waterloo county
homeopathic dairyman was the guest
speaker. Also included on the pro- \ '.
gram was a 4-11 showjng and tilling '� ''
demonsl('ation. d
Homeopathy is a sysfem of therapy t
using small doses of medicines that
produce the symptoms of the disease
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LUCAN POOL STAFF Rick Gwalchmoi Jr., supervisor Lisa Van Bussell, Allan Moon. Vicki McDonald
and Wendy Nevin make up the staff at the Lucan swimming pool for the summer months.