Times-Advocate, 1982-09-22, Page 23Rebekah: dedicate
Amber Rebekah Lodge
members met on Wednesday
evening with Noble Grand
Bertha MacGregor presiding,
assisted by Vice Grand Mrs.
Gladys Coleman. Following
the business a dedication ser-
vice was performed when a
jewel box to be placed in the.
Lodge room obtained by a
donation from the family of
the late Sister Mrs. Inez
McEwen and a donation from i
Sister Edith Bell in memoryof
her mother the late Mrs.
While Mrs. Bell presented
the jewel box for dedication,
Sister Dorothy Parker gave a
most impressive ceremony in
memory of the departed
Sisters whose Jewels will be
placed in the box. Acting
Warden Sister Beatrice
Richardson assisted with the
ceremony. Lodge closed in
regular form.
Rev. Stan McDonald con-
ducted the Worship Service in
Hensall United Church Sun-
day morning.
His sermon subject was du-
ty or service. Douglas Klopp
presided at the organ.
Steve Corbett greeted the
worshippers at the door.
Larry Elder and Jim
McDonald were ushers.
Flowers were placed in the
church in memory of the late
Mrs. McLeod also from the
Taylor-Baynham wedding.
Sunday evening a
fellowship hour was held at
the United Chuch when Miss
Clara McGowan return mis-
sionary shdwed pictures on
the Thomas Crosby boat
which she travelled on this
Bob Heywood Conducts
Bob Heywood conducted
the service in Carmel
Presbyterian Church on Sun-
day delivering an inspiring
message from the Scripture
of St. Matthew. He also sang
several numbers accompany-
ing himself on the accordion.
Mrs. Dorothy Taylor presid-
ed at the organ and led the
choir in the singing. Rev.
Knight was conducting ser-
vice at Ilderton Church.
Queensway Visitors
Bill Triebner of London
visited with Mrs. Muriel
Triebner. Francis Gibson and
Edna Weber of Dashwood
visited Irma Schroeder.
Isobel Alcock visited with
Cora Alcock. Robert and Ruth
Wilds and Nancy Mohns
visited Irma Wilds.
Rev. Forsythe conducted
Church service at the home.
jewel box
Neil Regan was high bowler,
Residents enjoyed a bus trip
to Western Fair last week.
Hensall Branch of the
Canadian Legion Makes
The Hensall Branch of the
Legion met on Wednesday
with President Irvine Ferris
A donation of $300.00 from
the Poppy Fund was made to
Parkwood Veterans Hospital
(Building Fund) and
Members decided to hold a
Bingo every second Thursday
commencing October 7, 1982,
during the winter months, at
the Community Centre,
There will be some changes
in the . Remembrance Day
Banquet this year. It will be
held in the Community Cen-
tre, Hensall, Thursday
November 11, for members
and theif wives, Auxiliary
members and husbands and
guests of members.
"At the going down of the
sun and in the morning, we
will remember them."
Mrs. Carl McDonald,
Listowel visited last week
with her son, Rev. Stanley
and district news
Mrs Bertf otGregor,
Mon...1 2.2025
CLOSE CALL — When the wiring on Marie Murray's car began smouldering, the
firemen were on the scene on Hensall's main street within minutes. After everything
was under control, the men strolled back to the firehall.
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NEW EXECUTIVE — The Three Links Senior Citizens chose their new Executive at their September meeting.
They are (from left) secretary Bertha MacGregor, president Eileen Ronnie, first v/p Hilda Payne, second v/p
Aldeen Volland and treasurer Dorothy Brintnell.
Three Links r activities
The "Three Links" SeniorsBrintnell; secretary Bertha followed by progressive
of Hensall re -opened their 1. McGregor. Euchre. The prize winners
Fall meetings with a pot were: ladies high, Nellie
luck dinner on Tuesday even- Carl and Hilda Payne will Riley; ladies' consolation
ing with twenty-one in atten- arrange lunch for the October
dance. Mrs. Eileen Rannie meeting and Ruby Bell and
presided and opened the Bertha McGregor will be in
meeting by singing "O charge of the entertainment.
Canada" with Mrs. Sherritt at A bus trip for the group is be -
the piano, followed by the ing arranged for October 5th
Lord's Prayer. The Roll Call to the Cullen Gardens at Whit -
was answered by the pay- by. Anyone wishing to take
ment of the year's fees. the trip is asked to contact
A word of thanks was Bertha- MacGregor at the
received and the treasurer's earliest possible date.
report was read and adopted.
. Bertha MacGregor gave
the report of'cards sent and
Mrs. Eileen Ronnie gave an
outline of the Convention at-
tended at Sudbury. W. Per-
cy Campbell, past president
installed the following officers
for the ensuing year: presi-
dent Eileen Rannie, 1st vice-
president Hilda Payne; 2nd
vice-president Aldeen
Volland, treasurer Dorothy
The Fall Rally is being held
at McKay Hall, Goderich, Oc-
tober 8th. Registration at 9:30
a.m. Please contact Eileen
Ronnie 262-2005 or Bertha
MacGregor 262-2025 if you can
drive or wish a ride.
Slips were handed out for
name suggestions for the
Seniors Building, which is in
process by the committee.
The singing of the Queen clos-
ed the program, which was
Unit- 2 meets
The U.C.W. meeting of Unit
2 was held Monday evening
September 13th. Elva Forrest,
presided and opened with a
poem "Vacation".
Dianne Gerstenkorn gave
the devotional followed by the
meditation "Planting and
Reaping". The Offering was
then taken with prayer by
Elva. Fourteen members
answered the roll call with
"What Do You Get Out of
your meeting?". The minutes
of the last meeting were read
and adopted. Elva read a
poem "Grandad"'
The topic "Economic Suc-
cess Story" was taken by
Hazel Corbett: It told of the
country of Jorden, 80 percent
barren desert and how it has
risen to economic 'success
with much of the credit going
to King Hussein.
Dianne conducted the
business part of the meeting.
Joyce said to thank everyone
for the flowers in August.
Unit 2 is responsible for the
decorating of the church for
Thanksgiving, the devotion
for the General meeting in
October, sale of church
calendars for 1983 and cater-
ing to a wedding on Nov. 6th.
beginning in 1983 the regular
meeting of the month for the
Unit will be• cancelled when
the General meeting comes
the • same .month. • The
Regional meeting is being
held at Thames•Road United
Church, October 5th with Dr.
Alma Langford as guest
speaker. The meeting closed
with the Mizpah benediction
and Elva read a poem "My
Friends". A delicious lunch
was served by Helen McLean
and Deanne Brock. Rev. Stan
McDonald joined in and
related some. of his ex-
periences in Saskatchewan
when he entered the ministry
25 years ago.
Irene Davis; Gent's high
Myrtle Sherritt; consolation,
Evelyn Flynn and lone hands,
Mary Broadfoot.
WMS plans bazaar,
rummage sale
Mrs. Dorothy . Taylor
presided for the opening
meeting for the fall of Carmel
Church W.M.S. on Monday
evening with two poems
"Take time" and "Work a lit-
- tle". A sing -song of hymns
was enjoyed with Mrs. Taylor
at the piano. Mrs. Bertha
McGregor was in charge of
the worship. Mrs. Ruby Bell
read the scripture Matt. li
Verses 5-15 and Bertha gave
an interesting toipc on "The
Lord's Prayer", following by
the Lord's Prayer in unison.
The roll call was answered by
naming a place visited during
the holidays. The treasurer
Mrs. Kathy Bell gave the
financial report. The Fall Ral-
ly will be held in Carmel
Church October 13th. Mrs.
Moir and Mrs. Thompson will
look after the lunch. Mrs.
Margaret Hoggarth will be in
charge of the October 4th
Mrs. Dorothy Taylor read a
story "Hard Luck -Pot Luck"
and gave readings "Where Do
You Fit In?" and "Beyond
To -morrow". Tea was served
by Mrs. Hyde and Jean Snell.
Mrs. Margaret Hoggarth
chaired the Ladies' meeting
whichfollowed and welcomed
everyone back. She stated she
had taken a flower arrange-
ment to Mrs. Marlehe Bell.
Mrs. Moir reported to the
quilt committee and Mrs.
Eleanor. Thompson reported
for the Kitchen Committee.
Mrs. Hoggarth gavea poem
"Thank God" and led in
prayer. It was decided to hold
a rummage sale at the
YOUR DEAL — A short business meeting was followed by an evening of euchre when the Hensall Three Links
Senior citizens resumed their activities in September.
TheAmujin Cern Society.
of the tJnited Bracts and Caiiada
takes pleasure in announcing
the appointment' of
St. Marys
The REGISTERED JEWELER has met the ethical and gemological
standards established by fellow jewelers in the American Gem
Society. An AGS title is an annual appointment and must be '
rewon by yearly examination.
Church October 23 at 2 p.m.
Any articles may be left et the
Church October 22nd or
telephone 262-5491 or 262-6902
for further information. .
The Annual Bazaar will be
held on Saturday Nov. 6th
• The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to Mrs.
Jessie Armstrong, whose
sister Miss Mary A.
Buchanan passed away in
Sunnybrook Hospital, Toron-
to. She was a nursing sister in
W.W.I serving in hospitals in
'England, France and
Belgium. The funeral was
held from the Bonthron
Funeral Home of Michael P.
O'Connor, • Hensall on
Mrs. Mary Moody of Grand
Prairie, Alta. spent the past
ten days visiting with, her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Blackwell, George and
relatives and friends.
Mrs. Keith Koehler and
baby of Fort McMurray
visited recently with her
mother-in-law Mrs. Pearl
Koehler and members of the
Mr. Lloyd Mousseau
recently underwent surgery
in University Hospital, Lon-
don. His many friends wish
him a speed recovery.
Sympathy of the communi-
ty is extended to Mr"and Mrs.
Howard Scane in the death of
the latter's sister in Toronto.
Mrs. John Skea Jr. of Ed-
monton visited last week with
Mr. and Mrs. John Skea.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chaffe
and Sally of Mitchell visited
on Sunday with Mrs. Chaffe's
parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mr. Wilfrid Mousseau is a
patient in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter.
Mrs. Margaret Smith of
Thedford spent several days
visiting with Mrs. Annie Reid.
Times -Advocate, September 22, 1982
First-time try
for Irene Davis
Irene Davis, a . citizen of
Hensall for more than 20
years, will be making her first
attempt to enter municipal
politics when she files her
nomination papers to contest
a seat on Hensall council in
the November 8 election.
"I never had time to run
before", Mrs. Davis said,
listing an English childhood,
nurse's training, 12 years
managing a large enterprise
including three theatres, a
large cinema and productions
of "Seafront Follies" in Lion-
shead, ,Somerset, before
Irene Davis
crossing the Atlantic, settling
in Hensall and- operating a
Varna church
ay Mary Chessell •
The Anniversary Supper is
on Wednesday. (Note to
members who are bringing
food - please remember to put
your name on any dishes or
pans.you bring to the church,
including the Iids. There are
still roastpans and lids miss-
ing from . the barbecue in
June. If you think you may
have one, please leave it in
the church kitchen.)
Vai na United Church held
a special anniversary service
on Sunday, September 19. A
large congregation attended
to hear Mr. David McKnight,
minister' of Egmondville
United Church, and listen to
guest musicians The
Craigellen Singers from
Suzanne Stephenson, Stevie
McNall and Raymond Beierl-
ing are off to kindergarten.
Graduating to high school
were Laura Roy, Lori ConsitU,
Brent Taylor and Dale Reid
Luanne Taylor, after work-
ing at the Bluewater Centre
near Goderich this summer,
has returned to Fanshawe
College in the M.R.C. course
=Mental Retardation
Po9e 7A
restaurant in Hensall for 15
Irene was one of the
original members of a group
working to build housing for
senior citizens in the village,
and for the past two years has
been secretary of the Hensall
Senior Citizens Homes Incor-
porated, which recently
received its charter as a non-
profit organization.
Mrs. Davis reminds us that
1982 has been declared the
year of the senior citizen.
"Though I come into that
category I, like many senior
citizens, am not willing to sit
and let life and its activities
pass me by", Mrs. Davis said,
citing one of the reasons she
is entering the electoral race,
adding she has enough ambi-
tion, and energy and common
sense to work for the
residents and the village of
. Hensall.
Mrs. Davis refuses to make
any iron -clad pre-election
promises because "no matter
what council wants to do, it
has to be approved by county
council or regional or provin-
cial government" but pro-
mises to judge all decisions by
asking "is this beneficial for
Hensall or not".
She said she would like the
residents of Hensall to know
she will always make herself
available to anyone in need of
help and do her best to help
solve any genuine beef they
may have with council.
4111II111111II I I I I I I
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that's as strong as the_
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than in the direction
they point.
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