Times-Advocate, 1982-07-28, Page 10V se' ifs • • 6 • • , Tisisea.A1. 8 1982 era atom fly MIL IL 1111111141111111 • GININION At the United Church the Rm. Orme Pierce conducted the wainbip en lhoday morn- ing and took the tell for his sennan from Matt_ 11:1-10. Ms referred to the time lobes John was in prison and board of the works of Christ and sent twe iffaciples to ask Jews "Art then he Rut should COM, EIIT do we Met for airalkar.modJesais answered "linkindramive theirsight, lluelanne walk, the lepers are ithminek Ise eked are raised 9. Mad the poor have the V011111 liteadled W them." We mil all set gads, and Wind bleach them, said the minither .irsod is inviting us in din • omeregatio.n and it's wiiiiffer la come m further in Idionship with aim. In the Claldrea's Story, the Rev_ risme explained to them the membit of having love within them and sharing it with others. , As this Sunday was the 29th wedding aneiversary of the Rev. Bruce and Iti-s Pierce, Mrs. Pierce read a poem that she had written herself as a triode to her lasband, also sang a solo -Yon said You'd Came and Share all my Sorrows." Flowers were placed in the &web in loving memory of Mrs. Bernice Sulad. by her dauglder Madeline and her sister Mrs. Madeline Hardie. As the minister and Ms family will be on hohdays far the month of August, there will be no service at the United Church for that man& The congregation is invited to share in warship with St Thomas Anglican Church. ff a minister is needed in the absence of the Rev. Melee the Rev. Keith Brown of Limn United ChUrch will be available. Grandam Fun Day Gunton Furl Day, spon- sored by the Lion's Club was as always a gnat success, the weather was ideal, Mk anwd pleasbg =dime and all had a good time. Shriners with the magi cars were very entertaining, and the drurn and trumpet high school band from Seafarth. prcnided the musk Prize winners in the follow- ing categories were: Large float Junior Farmers, 1M; Lo-Deu Farms 2nd; unall float. 1st Granton Rd. North Neighbours; 2nd Scouts, Cubs and Beavers Antique car, just one entry, Eric Weisman. Animal class, one entry, Sylvia and Melanie }Watson; horse rides. 1st Kim and David Knaproari; 2nd Colleen Malcolm and friend, an ex- change student from Quebec annuli Gagnon; horse pull, one entry. IL.J. O'Neil and girls of Denfield; on foot, 1st Ken McGuffin; 2nd Kim -Gegen; 3rd Sam and Catherinelianing and Dixie McRobert: 4th Juanita and Eleanora Kop; sheel pull. ist Hansel and Gretel: Ind Greg and Andy Penner: Ird Jennie Rieke. Wheel push, 1st Caroline Jeffery: Ind Jennifer Jeffery ; 3 wheel. 1st Kim and Kelly Jones; 2nd Tracy and Colin PraU; 4' wheel push. Joanie and Crysta Duncan ;. '2nd . . • • it s FIT Day again successful, Super Stars score 114. At the dance al Laican Com- munity Center, the draw for $5,00, was split by Gary McfPalis and Jack Rundle_ SSC ird Andrea Preach. At tbe ball pine in the afternoon CFPL ratho Super Stars beat Granton with the winnera were: Mn. Marie A amiaber el members el go. and urn Kenneth Rms. Ron Tomlin. Jim Ryas, Grantee Wonsen's Inalgute and faintly attended audio Sally. Les Drury, attended the laddleom Caw the mown new at Marty O'Brien. Bill and Mar- ty Rally held at Alexander macNaughtooparkgzekucu nie Iffestman and Ron ?tow Park. on July 29. July 25. P..111 ' ''-' -ifit.tvc . 7-...c. i ,..1.:. 4: ti....,,, 4 it , ,..,;,,,,,. ... . Cangratuladans are extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Den Robson who celebrated their 25th wedding snide= with their family and at the Maim?' Hall July X Mrs. J.W. 'Ariang of London spent Sunday aw- noon with Mrs. Elmer Summers. fit ett • . . z .;" .- -''.; - 1 4-4 I. . . .---.'Z' .,. . ,-; :fall's. HANS AND GRETI3. - Trudcry Kop talks to her children Bernadine and Benjamin op- A NEKSHIIRXIIIi T FLOAT -- Pie throwers and judges rode on a float in Saturdays' Granton Fun Day licirode. pearing as .Hans ond Gretel in Saturday'sfun Day parade in Gronton and they won The potential pie throwers ore. Kcrylene Roloson, Andrea Penmen. Joanne Lonsink, Tina Lonsink, Bedt=, - . -TA photo. Lori Leblanc. Ann Marie Lansink and Caroline Bryan. The judges ore Bill Whiting and JetChris and Donnis first prize in their category. . tAsshoto WINIS WITH WKS - Carolyn. Jeffrey's bicycle was judg- ed the best decorated in Saturday's Fun Day parade in Granton. T -A photo. GU TOUR GOAT - Melonie and Sylvia Beatsrxi joined their pet goat Gabby in the Gm:Anton Fun Day parade Saturday. T -A photo. NEW AXLES AV & 1111101011s 01011 As kw as 975 APS Tossilissm Tri sets owsileble spolesirSs *ars coess1ers SPECIAL K itchiest Cabinets -Issrsiasses Asisessosobte • 140 pcs reill-rwrode 0 ore dem biersisi ip•• •••• boatel 110 row smicificirrkies 0,8001,s, ire *at •181119 trace _ WOODSTOVES '100srallinsfc OnTs `Wt." Ont. '12." pis* ribose/ SUN UMBRELLAS asig. iso tam. Doty 9410." •mo — o.rtv sbe." COMPLETE un 1•101111*.S• SAW IPINOTA 'WKS COMO* - ••••AA YIP 9 211." rk, 'MC" REAL BARGAINS CURRENT PAINT nag sok sum Pio lisdessed.120.100 awes a Gross 41.110 got. ea 115 put drools Moor Isseaostriel Cale"; 'LSO psi- -is 5 gm, cows WAREHOUSE soit Laael DISPOSAL „a an CA1116.1. ST.. LONDON. WIZ IF7 a. S10-432-4112 DEALERS WELCOME VeriOOS SOISCRiell Of Items HOUSE SIDING "Good Simonds" SODA illesseiss fibrisboarrd Ilbssierseod or orrisroot/. SiorisisayssA TT' s Owls 914.0. Asps Os. 'US Si sis ibex • • . la primrose Owls 844.0111 bow Vorticsil Coisssosid Siherss es Isms es 611.09 I s T. s S. • • A GOOD DEAL v.ithis:0.1. festered 71" real nice 1511.34 soca arT•se• sioss srosPOsisi• Ch01111Ity • WINDOWS .r ficeserirs. Sfadlorrs. lissoss Arra aft*, *moat homes, to. NA *La / isisysseesmose ame41416.• 1101PT 011.11110111A0111 T•ssers Mon •Tri. 11110-5110 Surseird071151110-3110 aaa 11. 'Cabala 114 • g 1 -4.--Iri"..Tedes.11. Ms. III • • PRODUCTS fine markers of fine 'sods FRESH CHICKEN LEGS (PART BACK .0111) • WWI - 5 METES ZENRS COOKED MEATS sof WWII PIM FRESH PORK HOCKS 1 30 1St Prude ot Canada Smoked *get.. PORK SAUSAGE.,c p•c•e• cs.tt. of Canada SLICED BOLOGNA 375. Prude of Canada BREAKFAST GRILL 37s• 91.10$ *us No None Sioux! CHICKEN BOLOGNA 37s• 1St E04-0iCED HAM SIMS RUT COOKED SMOKED PICNIC PORK SHOULDER MR OF CYAN MUM WIBIERS 1. 12 8, :•••• * CAIIAM SIDE UCON FRESN MIDGET PACK PORK ) CHOPS 3 CENTRE CUT PORTIONS. 3 RIEI PORTIONS 3 TENDERLOIN PORTIONS RIM FUN CENTRE CUT ' LOIN CHOPS ME* MARA SUNS COOKED NAN 174- 39 UM IMMO BACK BACON tk 9 go,. 'hit. 15 15 mos - BURGEIERYS tir ▪ 20 dp 49 14 MIS FM KEF ORFIAFAST LIR SAUSAGE 3 51 tk9 159 lb BURNS COUNTRY CLUB 1259 NLACED NWT( TN/WET NEAT 3751 159 -tern CelICKEN NEAT SLICED MITE DAM TUNKET INEAT *1.4S RUN CENTRE PT PM BONELESS CHOPS se ROASTS sikv1.68., [Albs Deli Nat orrafidie lea OWN Prade of Canada .Sanchwich Style $5. COOKED HAM SUCE D 922,11k. SS. Mk. VINTAGE HAM SLICED SSIA. shopsrs PreOared POTATO & EGG SAUDI Pride of Canada Smoked Fully Cooked Fresh Atlantic %OA, OCEAN PERCH FILLETS %Oat SPECIALS'IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY. AUGUST 3. FREW NG NONEGROWN LETTUCE FINNIOCT OF Calla* COA CAPITAL/INKS t tr ORM INL 1. FRU NOM CIICINNIERS ,0•1 COLINNIFIN. RIKER NEOINIAS, ft 11, WATERMELONS • 'ALMS. BURNS. MCI MI CUT MELONS 33c kg ir FINN= IF CAUFMNIA NS 1. NECTARINES MINX OF ILIA FLORIDA WES N cottIP# DOLE DEL WWI k, oi CSOQUITA BANANAS PIMP * CAUFORNIA FRESII PLUMS 2 IS rig Ib. MOP OF SEAM NO. 1. CANUR.OWER E A 19# AMU IF ILSA. sust ' 'kg SPANN nri 'MRS MINIM Of WARN MCCANN SQUASH , 30 rig 59#,„ AMR IF MIR Mg MINES ea. tr RIMIIICT Sent ARICA 2 62 " GRAM =ITN APPLES 1. tt, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO GREEN ONIONS samples Foil et non- PRONICT OF ONTARIO BUNCH RADISHES ro.1 ONTARIO NIL 1. mu MINI -CARROTS 1 74 /14g •