Times-Advocate, 1982-05-05, Page 5{
is 1
Book Now to hay • \ r,ur
happiest day prewar ci
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Good quality second hand items to
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Consignments needed now
Opening May 17, 1982
For more information call 235-1901
including cleaning dr' repair
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Shutters & Awnings
Crediton 234-6401
A packaged deal. inspect our
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2x4 frame construction
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The readers write
Times -Advocate, May 5, 1982
Page 5
CrItIcal of Posta/ service, kick of curb-euts in Exeter
I am within concerned
minority in the town of Ex-
eter. There has been a recent
hand-out, available through
the Alpha Association per-
taining'to the accessibility to
buildings for physically han-
dicapped in the Huron Coun-
ty area. -
Considering accessibility to
different buildings in Exeter
is hard to imagine when the
curbs in front of them are the
main barriers for
wheelchairs, people with
canes and even baby
I was amazed and disap-
pointed to find out Exeter is
the only town in the Huron
'County area without curb -
cuts. In my own travels, there
are no curb -cuts in the
downtown area, where they
are desperately needed.
Yours sincerely
Pat Brown
Concerned (handicapped)
* * *
Dear Editor: ,
Would like to advise you` at
this time we have been
receiving the Times -Advocate
for quite some time, and since
both my„wife and I are for-
r-iyfrom the area we look
forward to each issue for
news about the many folks we
know from the home area.
Your editorials are ex-
tremely interesting and cer-
tainly keep a community
abreast of the truth about
what is going on in the area
and especially what the
leaders of our country are do-
ing in this country.
What prompted us to write
this letter, was none other
than the mail service we con-
tinue to get, after paying
almost double the amount for
postage. Mr. Warren, we
understand, was hired for the
sole purpose to give the Cana-
dian Public a more efficient
postal service. We understand
his salary exceeds that of our
Prime Minister of Canada by
a good amount.
He did two things, and two
things only; almost doubled
our postage ratesandincreas-
ed the wages according to the
demands of employees at a
time we have over two million
people out of work. I can im-
agine Mr. Warren is laughing
all the way to the bank to
think we have a Government
in Ottawa who were crazy
enough to hire him to do
nothing more than increase
wages and 'postage.
We live in Wingham, a
distance of approximately 40
mile north of Exeter. All last
week we looked for our April
21st issue of your Advocate
and did not receive it. Then on
Wednesday April 28, went to
Pigeons are flying
The Lucan Horning Pigeon
Club started off the new
season Saturday with a race
from Georgetown. Six
members shipped a total of
112 birds, which were releas-
ed at 8:00 a.m.
Adam Bratscher from
Bryanston continued his win-
ning ways by capturing the
first three positions.
Bratscher's first bird was
clocked in at 9.55.46 and flew
at an average speed of 1080.73
meters per minute.
Local fancier Al de Haan
nine, while Harry Winters
came in eighth. Club
newcomer John Frankovitch
from London placed fifth and
tenth. Lucan stalwarts. Jack
and Clarence Hardy took
positions six and eleven
This Saturday a race will be
flown from Stouffville. From
now till the end of the old bird
season in early July, each
Saturday will feature a longer
race. At season's end the
birds will attempt to find their
way back from Grand Mere,
Quebec, a distance of 500
took positions four, seven and miles`
Teachers stage program
The Biddulph-Lucan home
and school meeting was held
Thursday evening when a
group of, teachers had
planned a brief program on
work and study habits for all
students. Their objective
was to provide parents with
hints on how to help their
children to become more
During the business
meeting, chaired by
president; Shirley Fowles,
the usual donation was voted
toward prizes for the Science
Those attending , the
Federation annual meeting
held at Holiday Inn,
Downtown, the weekend of
April 24th, reported that the
local Association had been
presented with a certificate
in recognition of their in-
creased membership this
year. Congratulations and
keep up the good work.
Transcolor semi -transparent wood stain and preserver performs two jobs
in one application, with one brush and one quick clean-up.
Transcolor not only protects the surface of the wood from harmful natural
elements it soaks in deep
to preserve against rot
fungi and other forms of
wood destroyers.
Transcolor comes in
a select range of excit-
ing trend -setting colors.
It's finely ground color-
ing pigments intensify
the grain patterns and
enrich to wood's natural
Writ NI
Qts. (1.14 L) 729
Gals (4.55 L) 2189
221 Brock St.
the post office in the forenoon
and received the Times Ad-
vocate and it happened to be
the April 28th issue.
For a moment I couldn't
help think how fast the mail
service was, that we received.
our Advocate on the same day
it was dated (April 28th). We
were overjoyed to say the
least that lust maybe Mr.
Warren was worth his exorbi-
tant salary.
Now, what about the April
21st issue we had not receiv-
ed from the week before? Did
it get lost in the mail or what
ever happened. We just kept
wondering; However, on
Thursday morning April 29th
when we went to the
Wingham Post Office... our
blood pressure began to rise,
when we discovered our April
21st issue of the Times Ad-
vocate had finally arrived. It
made it exactly one day later
than the April 23th issue, and
this is Mr. Warren's great
post office service he has been
guaranteeing Canadians.
As far as we are concerned
the mail service is no better
now than it was prior to Mr.
Warren accepting his position -
tb improve it, so pray tell
what are Canadians getting
for the increased postage and
tax dollars they are con-
tibuting towards him, and his
department in Ottawa. •
As a subscriber to your
paper I thought it was worth
the time and effort to tell you
about this situation, and if you
wish you may convey it to
your readers. The only thing
we begrudge is the double
postage we have to pay for the
wasteful spending of our
Government in Ottawa.
Very truly yours,
Earl and Martha Heywood
• P.S. This incident has now
happened on several occa-
sions. It is not the first.
GRADE EIGHT WINNERS . Science Fair winners from Precious Blood school in Ex-
eter were: (from left) Jeaneete Van Esbroke, first, ESP; Dale Kints, third, on motors;
and Darryl McCann, teeth.
SCIENCE WINNERS t Winners in the grade seven division of the Precious Blood
separate school 5pence fair. were: (from left) Lisa Rankin, second, peanuts, gravity
and growth; Jq gne Kints, first, heat energy; and Greg O'Toole, third, wind tunnel.
AN USBORNE WINNER — Deborah Pfaff is shown with
her Eskimo home display which won a first price, in the
recent History Fair at Osborne. Central School.
To the following winners in our
grand opening celebrations
The "Grand Opening" draw prize of
a storage. shed was won by Irene
Penfound, R.R. 1 Grand Bend. Door
prizes were won by: Gabby Mol,
Harry VanBergen, Jack Taylor, Bob
Dietrich and Ross Cooke.
The draw was made by Dawn
Boone, daughter of Mrs. Mary
Boone, R.R. 2, Grand Bend.
Sunday, May 9th
or consider...
- beautiful cut flowers
- roses in good supply
- potted plants for home and garden
bring a smile to someone's face - for a birthday par-
ty, anniversary, birth of a baby, or business promo-
tions - even. MOTHER'S DAY!
Our clown will deliver •your balloons if you wish
- he will put the finishing touch on any celebration.
n 0-r?
PI Imps
395 Main St.
Exeter 235-2350