Times-Advocate, 1982-02-24, Page 17w• , j .,i. r p •./ vi M'W'i o7T J.0:705 wits 4* 71Plf..:Y r i
Kippen Ea�t WI
tet up quilting,
KIPPEN Kippen Wast W.I. met at
)Oppen East W.I. put st the home el Mrs. Vern
quilt in the frames February Alderdice, February ie, Mn.
JS at Mrs. Grace Drum- Drummond opened the
amid's,quilt and ens y a showedt meeting wtth a poem on
jo "Love". Mrs. Robert Kin -
up Lo
luck dinner. The next sman conducted the
gyiltittg will be February 2S.am,
Roll call was "Something I
taught my children on how to
plan for the future." Jane
Muegge, Home Economist,
Dairy Princess was a most delightful
visits schoolsspeaker.
She reported that about 800
girls were taking the 4-H
, By MRS. HUGH MORENZ Bread, Winners course, the
SHIPKA bazaar course March 10,
Mrs. Dick Zielman, ac- Microwave March 16. She
companied her daughter was thanked by Mrs. Jack
Ruth , "Huron County Dairy Sinclair.
Princess," last Monday The motto was given by
afternoon Feb. 15 to Stephen Mrs. Al Hoggarth on
Central school, and on "Education is with us all
Thursday February 18, to through life." Mrs. Wm.
Gray Central _ School in McDowell favoured with a
Brussels. Ruth gives a short poem and a sing song
talk to the pupils and shows a followed with Mrs. R.
film. At Stephen Central the Broadfoot at the piano.
film was "Zoosters" per- During the k• business
Wining to zoo animals, and portion of the meeting; Mrs.
at Gray Central she showed • Alderdice gave the
the film, "From cow to treasurer's report, a thank
carton." you note from Irene
Euchre party Finlayson was read.
The fifth euchre party of It was decided to spend
this season was held last $100 and buy some household
Wednesday night. at Shipka articles. for Mrs. and Mr.
Community Centre with nine Ron Denys and that at the
tables in play. Winners were March meeting ladies would
ladies high, Ortha Baker, contribute fruit, jams or
ladies low, Nancy Baker, pickle§ as a roll call:
men's high, Lloyd Durr; The next meeting will be
men's low, Bill Fink- April 20 on account of the
beiner; most lone hands beef supper in Hensall
Norman Breen. . United Church, April 21.
Group four werein charge Mrs. Jack Sinclair gave a
of lunch refreshments. It resume of Current Events
was • announced another and also gave courtesy
euchre party will be held in remarks.
two weeks on March 3rd. Mrs. Hugh Parsons gave a
Personals Spice Contest, winners were
A good attendance was Ruby Triebner, Verda
out last Friday night for the Sinclair and Mattie
Benefit Dance, for Rick and . McGregor. Lunch was
Anne Reaburn at Parkhill served by the hostesses and
Community Centre. The th committee Mary
Reaburn's lost their barn by Brow foot and Grace
fire last month. Dru mond,
Nola and Ervin Ratz Breadwinners
visited Sunday evening with First meeting of Kippen I
Milton and Eva Sweitzer. 4-H Bread Winners club was
Jack and Marilyn held February teat the home
Pickering attended the of Margaret Hoggarth.
funeral last week of a family Leaders are Thea Wisch and
relative, Wilfred .Cook, in . Margaret Hoggarth.
Welland. Officers elected were as
Nancy Baker spent the follows: president, Kathy
weekend\,in Kitchener, and Finlayson; vice president,
Waterloo, visiting Friday Gesa Wisch; treasurer, Lia
with a girl friend Sherry Hoornaert; press reporter,
%hicks, and attending the Janet Hoggarth.
wedding of another girl Bookwork was finished
friend on Saturday. and the 'seven membefs who
Donna Baker and a girl were present made pizza for
friend who are off work due their meetings assignment.
to a nurses' strike. in All meetings will be held on
Edmonton are holidaying in . Tuesday.
Hawaii. A name and cover design
Hugh and Annie Morenz will be decided on at the next
yisited Tuesday evening with meeting which will be held at
George and Marie Chowen the home of Thea Wisch
in Southcott Pines. February 23.
No Obligation
Thurs., March' 4 — 1 to 3 p.m.
Batteries, accessories, repairs to most makes
Hrm.nq Aid S.'vc.
145 Ontairo St. Stratford
FLIGHT WINNERS — Winners of a duration aloft contest at an.information meet.no thn
South Huron radio control club were: (from left) club president Lorne Presicc tr Ioh„
Parent with first place Vincent Parent (16.8 seconds); Bill McNutt with second alar( Mr,r4
McNutt (16.5 sec) and Mel Melnick with third place Danny McKinley (13.6 sec) There
21 contestants in Friday evening's event. `
Craig moms canvass:
pillage for heart fund
Take -a -break moms can-
vassed the village for the
Canadian Heart Fund.
Twenty -.eight interested
persons played euchre at the
Activity Centre Monday
Winners were Mrs. Chap-
man, Jenny Morton, Hannah
Clark, Isabell Bannister,
Evelyn McNaughton, Roy
Morton and Jean McCallum.
Plan to attend the next
euchre March 1. The Activi-
ty Centre Committee served
tea and cookies followed by
a social half-hour.
A warm welcome awaits
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the run-around,
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Por'an appointment for further Infor-
mation on the Bank's services call 271-
5650 (collect) or write 1036 Ontario
St., Stratford, Ontario
you at the Craigholme
auditorium February 26 at 7
p.m. to view two films.
U.C.W. meets
Mrs. Wm. Sutherland led
the Worship service with the
theme "Christ above
things". As we march
through this life in the ser-
vice of our King, we want to
be sure we place Christ
above earthly things!
Offering was received and
dedicated and the worship
service closed with prayer.
We were pleased to
welcome Heather Karr to
our meeting. Our group
sponsored her to attend TOC
ALPHA during the Christ-
mas holdiays. She gave us a
clearer picture of what ac-
Wally happened at TOC
Ladles set ALPHA.
There was a short business
cateringfees s meeting conducted by presi-
dent. Mrs. Yvette
MacGregor, in Which we dis-
By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN cussed the upcoming
STAFFA programs for the year. We
Cromarty Ladies Aid met plan to . visit Craigholme
at the home of Mrs. John Nursing Home on St.
Templeman February 1 with, Patrick's Day. Our next
8 ladies present. Mrs. • regularmeetingMarch 9 will
Templeman presided be Bible study.
opening with a poem "Those A pot -luck lunch will he
served following the An-
niversary service in May.
Unit 3 served tea• and a
delicious Valentine cake.
Riverview WI
Riverview Women's
Institute met at the Masonic
hall. February 2 with a good
attendance. The roll call,
"The most beautiful site I
have visited, broughtto
mind a great many beautiful
places, some near, some far
away, that our members
have visited.
This was followed by
slides from far away places,
ending with the beauty of our
own town in different
seasons by Margaret Wilson.
Were the Days.`' Mrs. Tom
Scott accompanied the
hymns on her autoharp.
Mrs. John Miller had the
devotions taking . her
scripture from Matthew 25
following with devotions and
a reading, The ' Tree of
• Correspondence was read,
during business catering
prices for 1982 were set. The
annual ham and strawberry
supper is to be Wednesday,
June 23. A heavy duty-
utyvacuum is to be purchased
for the church. Layettes are
to be brought to the March
Mrs. John Miller gave a
reading. and Mrs. Tem-
pleman closed with prayer.
A delicious lunch was served
by Mrs. Jim Miller.
During the morning ser-
vice at • Hibbert United
Church on Sunday, Mrs.
Elmer Dow and Mrs: Ross
McPhail were inducted as
elders. Mark Elliott Ovens,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Ovens, Mitchell was bap-
tized by Rev. Wilfred Fearn.
Miss Cindy Benedetti,
Guelph and Miss Susan
Norris, Stratford, spent the
weekend, with Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Norris Jill and Robert.
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
John Templeman Friday
evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Cole, Hensall, and on
Saturday, Mrs. Dave
Capling Mississauga, Mrs.
Jim Neilson and Jennifer,
Miss Ruth Templeman,
Stratford, Mrs' Hank Ber-
tens and Kimberly,
We are pleased that Mrs.
Henry Harburn is home after
a lengthly stay in University
Hospital, London, and Mrs.
Fred Harburn is home from
Seaforth Community
Captain and Mrs. Murray
Haines and children visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Philip
James for a few days, before
travelling on to his new
' posting at Dartmouth, Nova
Scotia. Captain and Mrs.
Haines have spent the past
two years in Australia.
Several of the ladies from
Staffa Women's Institute
attended the dessert euchre
at the Russeldale Hall on
Monday as guests of the Glen
Gowrie Women's institute.
The scripture, Ecclesiastes
4:1-10 was read by Alice
Ruth McCallum read an
excellent ahtd interesting
poem which was composed
by her aunt, Ethel Robson,
about Ruth's great grand-
m9ther's garden. This poem
Was entilted "Grand-
mother's Garden''. It was a
pretty picture of so many
flowers in the old-fashioned
garden of our grandmother's
time. Roses were popular
then too.
Leona Hughes read the
treasurer's report and the
minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
Alice Dickens conducted a
contest, filling in the names
of local villages and towns
from clues given. Margaret
Wilson was the winner of the
contest. Sharon Craven and
committee served tea and
delicious Valentine cake.
Church services
The Christian community
of Ailsa Craig will mark Ash
Wednesday, February 24, in
the United Church at 7:30
p.m. This service will be
taken by the ministers of the
Mennonite, Presbyterian
and United Churches. -
World Day of Prayer will
be March . S at 2:00 p.m. in
the Craigholme Auditorium.
• Nbi
A .traveler ,who drops his
camera accidentally . in a
lake. river or stream should
put it immediately in a
sealed plastic bag filled with
clean water, according to
photography experts at
"Keeping it wet will guard
against rust until the
camera can be serviced,"
they say. Servicing, of
course, should follow as
quickly as possible.
Times -Advocate, February 24, 1952 Pogs 17
Seniors sponsor Vials of Life
The Dashwood Senior
citizens held their meeting
Feb. 5 in the afternoon at the
Dashwood Community Hall.
Forty- three members and
one visitor were present. The
club gained one new
member. Mrs. Pearl Miller,
president, presided for the
business. The Vials of Life
containers were given out. It
was decided to make a quilt.
Quilt committee is Gertie
McCrae, Hilda Rader and
Nellie Weigand. An auction.
sale of several articles
brought 85.25 as well as a lot
of laughter. Rosie Rader's
group was in charge of the
program. Jack Geiser
showed pictures of Dash-,
wood people and business
places taken in 1954 and 1975.
Progressive euchre was
enjoyed with prizes going
to Frieda Keller Greta
Miller, Jessie Rawer and
Everett Haist. Prize for lone
hands went to Russell
Brown. A delicious pot luck
supper was enjoyed by all.
Donna Restemayer is a
patient in Victoria Hospital
where she underwent
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
Kraft, Maida Baynham,
and Marg Parsons motored
to Ottawa where they at-
tended the Wein-O'Connor
Good turnout
for carnival
Intended for last week
Miss Janet White, St.
Marys spent Monday night
with Deanna Copeland.
Mr. George Wheeler
received the sad news last
week of . the passing of his
sister, Mrs. Del Richardson
of Messa, Arizona. Our
sympathy is extended to the
relatives at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Ferguson and Denise were
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Bilyea, Lori
and Jeffrey, Ingersoll.
Mrs. Harry Webber has
returned home after spen-
ding some. time with
relatives in 'Rochester,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davis
and Jason, London visited
with Jean Copeland during
the weekend and also at-
tended the Kirkton-
Woodham Winter Carnival
and Church service.
Miss Karen Insley,
Niagara Falls spent the
weekend with Mr. and, Mrs.
Ted Insley.
A large number attended
the Kirkton-Woodham
Carnival and Church service
during the weekend.
wedding Saturday.
Dashwood 4-H club II held
their second meeting at the
hall Monday evening with
eleven members present.
Irene Dietrich, president
opened the meeting with the
4-H pledge. Alice Dietrich,
secretary, read the minutes
and called the roll. Roll call
was "Name , one way of
providing a warm place for ,
rising dough"
Topics discussed by
leaders Mrs. Ray Rader and
Mrs. Earl Keller were milk -
based breads, fats in bread -
making, and essential
techniques In the straight
dough method.
Buttermilk bread and rolls
were made at the meeting
and Finnish health bread
was started. For home ac-
tivities the giris are to make
Teddy • Bear bread or a
Dashwood United Church
services was held in the
basement on Sunday.
Following the service Jack
Gaiser showed pictures on
Young People meet
at Thames Road
A SLEEPING BONHOMME - Students at,Precious Blood Separate School in Ex-
eter participated in a snow sculpturing contest Wednesday afternoon. Shown
with a sleeping Bonhomme are Justin Charette, Jennifer Cook, Bernadette
Verberne, Fred Gregus, Chris Weernink and Mark Van Bruoene. T -A photo
Cecil R Squire
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Usborne & Hibbert Mutual
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Farm Properties
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Jock Harrigan
Robert Gardiner -
Lloyd Morrison
Lorne Feeney
Ray McCurdy
Robert Choffe,
Ross Hodgert
John Moore
Joseph Uniac , ,
Mrs. Elaine Skinner
Wally Burton
Mr- and Mrs. Fred Burton,
Wingham were Tuesday
evening guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Reg Hodgert.
Misses Brenda Ballan-
tyne. Toronto, Barbara
Miller, Kingston, and Donna
Stewart, London spent the
weekend at their respective
homes here.
Mr. and Mrs: William
Rohde'had supper with Mrs.
Marguerite Gibson of Lon-
don Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George
Kellett spent Friday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. William
Rohde. •
Young people
The Young Peoples met at
Thames Road Church Sun-
day evening with a good
crowd in attendance. After
the meeting was concluded
games were played and
lunch was served.
March 20 the Young Peo-
ple are to meet at Elimville
speaking test
Middlesex County Public
Speaking north=west area
finals. were held - at
McGillivray Central with
Drew Robertson as con-
Congratulations go to Dale
Appleby from Parkhill -West
Williams whoamused the
audience in what physical
damage he suffers yearly
through speech • writing;
Russell Grundy who spoke
very well on "The Games
People Play" and Robert
MacGregor from East
Williams who space of what
music meant to him.
Dale and Russell will
compete in the Middlesex
County finals, March 10.
This public speaking
competition is sponsored by
the Middlesex Women
Teachers' Association, the
Ontario Public School Men
Teachers' Federation, the
Ontario Secondary School
Teachers' Federation, the
Middlesex County Board of
Education and the 'Ontario
English Catholic Teachers'
Federation. Teachers. feel
that oral communication is
vital to Middlesex students.
Not to be forgotten are
Wayne . McLeod, Mike
McCallum, Dean Doerr,
Chris Hill and Dean Allen
who provided amusing en-
tertainment while the judges
deliberated on a winner.
. The East • Williams
Optimists club oratorical
contest was • held at
Craigholme on Wednesday,
February 17.
• Janet Eagleson andRussell
Grundy wno each placed
first in their respective
competition will represent
this area in the Zone finals at
Watford on March 31.
Congratulations to Debbie
Hodgson and Peter Pera who
both placed second.
at 7 p.m. to go to London to
see a movie.
The regular meeting April
4 at Elimville and another on
the 18th at Thames Road to
prepare for Mother's Day
Service to be put on by the
Young People..
Sunday servke -
Sunday Service at Thames
Road was led by Mr. Lorne
Thrower, and his message
wsa entitled "Be Prepared".
The Scripture lesson was
taken from Matthew 24; ,32-
The •• message
acknowledged the scouting
movement, and recognition
to Lord Baden Powell was
given. The words "Be
Prepared" were constantly
used as,,a warning as to how
we should face life.
Mr. Thrower used
references from the Old and
New Testament; plus some
personal stories, to
emphasize the need to be
prepared for anything and at
any time.
He also showed how we
could equate not only the
message of preparation, but
also how we could equate the
times we live in and the
times of long ago.
The children's story was
an object lesson- where a
compass, a Bible, and older
people were used, to show
how direction in ones life
could be channelled con-
The March meeting of the
United Church Women will
be held Monday March 1 at 8
p.m. in the church basement
and the World Day of Prayer.
service will be held Friday
March 5 at 2 p.m. Elimville
ladies will be meeting with
the Thames Road unit.'
the United Church T.V.
special and the community.
This was followed by a pot
luck dinner. The annual
meeting followed with Rev.•
Barbara Laing as chairman
and Stanley Hoist as
secretary. A new slate of
officers was elected, then
business was discussed.
Jim and Eleanor Weigand
have returned home
following a two-week
vacation in Florida. They
were accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Becker
of Crediton.
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