Times-Advocate, 1982-02-17, Page 14Times -Advocate %brunt 17, 1982
HensaII's new crest
HENSALL CREST CONTEST WINNERS — Hensall celebrates its
centennial 1984, so sponsored a crest design contest for children in the
village. Forty-one entries were received and the winners were announced
and presented with their awards at Monday ngiht's regular council
meeting by Reeve Paul Nellands. First prize went to Brian Moir (middle),
11, of London Rd. He is a grade 6 student at Hensall Public School. The
notes that accompanied his design explained: "Hensall is in Canada, has
railway tracks, mills and manufacturing industries." Second place
winner was Debbie Lawrence (left), 10, of Richmond St., S. She is a grade
10 student at HPS. Trevor Cottrell (right) won third place. He is 12, a
grade 7 student at HPS, and lives on King St. Honorable mentions went
to Christine Rose of King St. Lott "
Hensall groups busy with activities
Raise °501.90 in March f
The OntarioDimes 1982 fundcampaign Is officially over.
Joyce Pepper, campaign
chairman for Hensall, is
delighted to report that a
total of 8501.90 was collected
in the village.
The Ontario
Dimes campaign
"We can't help without youhel.".We certainly can continue to help the thousands
of physically disabled adults
across the province, as
donations received from our
community .will help enrich
the lives of these people in so
many ways - by providing
employment and job train-
ing opportunities, camping
holidays, wheelchairs, elec-
tronic units and other aids,
improving transportation
services and housing,it also
helps disabled people re-
discover their potential - and
their abilities.
Joyce would like to say a
very special "ThankYou" to
the dedicated willing
volunteers who worked so
hard and of course a very
special 'Thank You' to
everyone who gave a dona-
0oT canvass
March of Bell; gent's first, Mary
Broadtoppt; consolation,
Irene Finlayrson; lone hanVera Srnals; nearest bitth-
day, DDick T lor.The deTcious h tee served a
March' of Rrmel Presbterian Church
slogan was ducted Kenneth Knight con-
Presbyelan serviChurch in on Sun -day. His mesage was
Brotherhd in Christ".
The "Covenant Players"
will te present at the service
on Sunday, March 21 at 10.
a.m. Thewomen's mis-sionary society will meet on
March 1 followed by the
Ladies Aid meeting.
The World Day of Prayer
will be held in Carmel
Church, March5at2:pmApril 3 has been set for the
"Daffodil Tea" sponsored by
the Ladies' of the Church
and Arnold Circle.
It will feature a bake sale,
tea, and sale of good used
clothing for adults and
HensaN United Curch
Service in Hensall United
urch was conducted on
nday, February 14 by Mr.
ter Snell of Exeter whokeon the subject "Living
To Your Highest Poten-
Roll call was answered
with a Bible verse on
"Love" Minutes' were read
and adopted.
Kay received the offeringand dedicated it. The study
was 'Faith and Justice".
Kay stressed how impor-
tant agriculture is overseasand here in North America.
We do not look far enough
into the future to see what
could happen.
She closed with prayer,
Helen Scone took c e
of the business in the
absence of Audrey Christie.
She read a poem entitled "ADily Valentine".
Audrey Joynt gave us
some information on our
new adopted child "LouHta
Keev who will be 12 on
March 27, and is at Lashio -
Laken Christian Home in
She also read a letter from
our former adopted girl who
no longer attending
We were again reminded
of the WorldDay of Prayer
Unit 2 meets
Unit two of the
Hensall United Ch
on Monday evenin
ing the collecting
March of Dimes.
Mrs. Eric Mansf
in charge of the De
the topic being "Tw
Life". She read
"It All Depends 0
and led in prayer.
The business w
ducted by Joyce
Hilda Payne an
Parker served a d
Valentine par
The Hensall W
Institute held a Va
Party on Wednesday
in the United Church
Mrs. Elizabeth Ril
sU.C.W.of Upurch met tia
g follow -
for the stor
field was hivotional,
Two Views tak
apoem Thn You" tion
as con- Hea
Pepper. G
d Judy Cha
eliclous ush
tY and
omen's N
lentine • .L
evening Feb
parlor. goy
ey gave •
motto "Roses Arpes Are Blue and Mrs. the
Pepper presided over who
program - prepared by Re
Hilda Payne.
yce read a
ugh Lines" and
er on ''The
min.zel Corbett ga
of St. Valentine
followed by Vale
Institute is intq a dessert
h 17.and ' Raising
rs" is the topi
ar at Clinton at
SteetUnited Ch
h 10 from 10 a.m
by themist Jane Mu
tration to be
3. Anyone can
charge and
one number is
He also told the children a
y and sang "A Love Song
Them" accompanying
him on the guitar.
Minute for Missions was
en by Dana Bozatto.
e choir, under the direc-
of Dr. Ralph Topp, sang
sus Our blessed Hope Of
ven' .
reeting at the door was
ries Doxtator and the
ers were Ross Sararas,
e Corbett, Cecil Pepper
Ken McLean.
ext Sunday being
aymen's" Sunday,
ruary 21, Rev. Dr. Greer
ce of Emmanuel College
e Red, Toronto will be guest
speaker in the .absence of
minister Rev. McDonald
will be vacationing. .
v. Dr. Boyce is from the
United Church Theological
paper College in Toronto. Please
also a plan to be
Love present to
welcome Dr. Boyce. _
ve the Teacher's attend conference
Mrs. Margaret Deichert
, which and Mrs. Mary Jacobi,
ntine's teachers at Hensall Public
School attended the
feu hre February Conference for
the 1"eaeration of the
With Women Teachers of Ontario
c of a at the Cons - Hotel in
the On- Toronto on�ry 12, 13
urch, and 14.
Unit 1 meets
Elder presided at the
ary meeting of Unit I
U.C.W. of the Hensall
the va ''Fuss opened the
482e meeting by singing "What
The World Needs Now .Is
” accompanying
f at the piano.
Devotional for
ary was Love, using
Rev. Goodman's thoughts as
a guideline, Kay compared
the Church to Noah's Ark.
We struggle along the sea -of -
life with many "Ups and
Downs" looking forward to
God's promise at the end of
our journey. We see God's
imprint on' our lives every-
day be it happy or sad. By
discovering the needs of
others and doing our best to
help, we gain strength within
All took part reading the
Scripture, Corinthians,
Chapter 13, and John 15
verses 12-17, Kay gave a
short prayer and closed with
singing "Come Let Us Sing
of a Wonderful Love".
..,ay Harburn of Brock St., and Chris the
Webber of R.R. 1, Hay Township. The students were presented with Joyce
small stipends
for their achivements. the
Representing many trust com-
panies, highest rates usually
For more information contact
John R. Consill
at 236-4381 or 236.4560
*VACUUM CLEANERS - (Sales art Service to
Most Makes)
For Farm S business
VARNA, ONT. 482-7103
from �� by
John Patterson 482-3183 -
527-01910 N HENSALL
482-3405 282-2418
:• ;y
Okay hikeJo
in day ca Vita
Rate increases which will story
become effective in March was
for the Tuckersmith- conte
Vanastra Day Care Centre The
rewere approved at the me
February meeting of ; .,F
Tuckersmith Township Bazaa
The proposed increases sernin
were presented to count tario
day care supervisor
McEwing, who said
centre's last rate inc
was in March 1981.
Bob Bell commented
even with the new rates
centre costs substan
less than some sim
centres in the district. •
Following are the
rates (with old rates
brackets); full day,
(7); half day with lun
85.25 (84.75); half day,
($3.75); lunch, 81.50 (81
drop in rate -. minimum
hours, 81.50 (81.25) '
For families with two
more children the new r
are: full day, $6.50 each
half day with lunch,
:each (84.25); half day,
each (83.75).
The Vanastra Recrea
I Centre has increased ren
10 percent for both
regular day care centre
Lady Diana Nurs
(special day care) to
(8800) per month and 8220 Keller:
(8200) respectively..
Council approved a .budget Richard
of ;69,782 for the regular d Mrs. Br
care centre, and a budget
839,150 for the Lady Dia
Nursery. Most of the inco
for both nurseries com
from government subsidi
Deputy reeve Bill Brow
who is also chairmn of t
Seaforth and District FI
Area Committee, reported
council on the committee
continuing quest for a ne
fire hall. lie said the co
mittere had been i
vestigating differen
properties for possibl
renovation in the Seafort
area, but found costs wool
almost equal building a ne
Brown said the committe
has instructed its engineers
to do plans on a steel -clad
building, as a first step
before calling tenders. Work
would then proceed, or not
proceed, on the basis of
projected costs and the
approval of the five
municipalities involved.
Brown added firefighters are
investigating the possibility
of doing some interior work
themselves, which might
help cut costs. He says the
committee hopes to proceed
with the project this year.
Council also approved the
expenditure of slightly more
than $500 to buy emergency
supplies for the Brucefield
water system, to prevent
complications should an
emergency occur in the
Tuckersmith's 1982 road
11 by Marc
Karen p . m .
the Econo
tease Regis
Reeve March
that at no
,the teleph
tially 3428.
ilar The
new are M
In and M
87.50 The
ch, a dona
84.25 Fair Bo
.25).• A Va
two ed the
er Carlile
$6); TheCot=H
84.75 Rebeka
tion with sev
tthe ladies
and Keller;
Mrs. FI
egge. Febru
of the
in bted
attend U Bell
Bursary money
ted. The 4-H l
rs:- Janeth San
iss Donna Zwain
group decided to
tion to the H
lentine lunch oonclud-
esses were E
and Pearl Koeh
Lodge euchre_
ttee of the IOOF and
h Lodges held a
on Thursday evening
en tables playing.
prize winners were:
high, Mrs. Ron
ladies' • consolation,
orence Keller; men's
tewart Blackwell;
consolation, Ron
lone hands, Ross
son and lucky draw
own, Exeter.
tables were playing.
t euchre will be on
4th. Mr. Eric
Id was master of
nks seniors meet •
ree Links Seniors
e local hall on Tues-
rnoon with Mrs.
Rannie presiding.
ing opened with the
"0 Canada" with
othy Mickle at the
owed by the Lord's
unison. The roll
s answered by
e members.
MacGregor gave
eport and express -
thanks from Mrs.
for, the cards sent
eaders h T h e
gster Febru
ary high's s
ay Seven
of The nex
na March
me Mansfie
es ceremon
es. Three Li
n, The Th
be met in th
re day afte
to Eileen
's The meet
w singing of
m- Mrs. Dor
n- piano, foil
t prayer in
e callewa
h twenty -on
d Bertha
w the cord r
ed sincere
e Campbell
to Earl.
The tr
Dorothy B
financial r
The quil
pleted by,
display an
by Mrs. Al
The me
singing 'Th
The fire
mittee, Ve
nie Reid
the euchre
ing prize
first Iren
ladies' cons
L.y"t•:l '' •
easurer Mrs.
rintrlell gave the
t which was com-
the ladies was on
d was purchased
ex McBeath.
eting closed by
e Queen'.
sident and com-
ra Lemmon, An-
and Dorothy
were in charge of
with the follow -
winners: ladles'
e Blackwell;
olations, • Edith
subsidy from Ontario's
Ministry of Transportation
and -Comminication ha's
increased by six percent
from 1981's subsidy, to
8172,000 from 8161,500.
Miser: a dough nut.
You've reached middlei
age when you don't care
where your spouse goes -
as long as you don't have
to go too.
March 5 at Carmel Visiting• with Mrs. Irma Viaitoa-a with Mrs, Erma
reabyterian church at 2:30 Wilds were Pat Wilds, Wilds was Pat Wilds, 'Robert
p.m. Robert and Ruth Wilds and and Ruth Wilds and Ken and
The meeting closed with John and Ken. Mrs. Nell John.
the Mizaph Benediction. Kendrick's visitors were With Mrs, Nell Hendrick
Helve Fuss and Margaret Gerry and Marie from Jerry and Marie at Hamilton
Consltt were hostesses for Hamilton. Susan and Ruth pnd Susan and Ruth Durand
the social hour, Stern Helen and Lyle. Ken- and Helen and Lyle Hen-
NurshO home hes drick. Visiting with Mrs. drick.
Valentine po,W Muriel Triebner was Scot Mrs. Muriel Triebner had
On Monday afternoon the Triebner, Michael and Marie Scot Triebner.Miss Moss and
Kippen East Women's visited Miss Masse; Michael and Ann
Institute entertained the Alice Rozendal was visited Marie to
residents with bingo and by Andrew, Pauline and visit.
treats. Michael McDonald also her Mrs. Alice Rozendal
The Hensall Explorers husband Don, welcomed Andrew, Michelle
came to the home and did Amway and Pauline MacDonald.
crafts with the residents and
gave them treats.Monday afternoon Kippen Personals
ppe Mrs. John Corbett visited
Rev. Kenneth KN • women Fame in and played last week with her daughter
ducted church service. bingo.
Thursday„the Arnold Cir- Hensall Explorers came and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs.
ele members of Carmel and did crafts with the Robert Chaffe and family at
Church visited residents and residents. Mitchell.
gave them treats, for Valen- TdaY, Rev. McKniht
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor
tine's Day. visited and Thursda the visited on Sunday with her
On Friday afternoon the Y son and daughter•in-law Mr.
Arnold Circle came and and Mrs. Don Maclaren,
residents were treated to a brought Valentines for the Jodi and Brooke in Oakville.
"Valentine Party". residents.
High bowler this week was Friday residents went en Ernie Davis who has
Murray Howe with a score bowling and Marra Hall been a patient in St: Joseph s
of 123. had high score of 123 her
Hospital, London, returned
to- her home last week.
WARMED BY THE STOVE — These Huron Centennial school students worm their hands over rho wood stove while taking
part in a Rural School week. The school had students from various areas and grades tokinn rIn :ses tnqnther to simulate the
one -room schoolhouses which closed when Huron Centennial opened in 1967. Shown are• (f re.m left) Christine Cooper, Kris
McNaughton, Janet McBeatch, Lois Anne Lostell, Robbie Chorters, Marc Predhomme, and Steven Johnston. The class
simulated Tuckersmith school, SS # 2.
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