Times-Advocate, 1981-12-22, Page 11THE FIRST CHRISTMAS — Shown dressed for a Christmas skit in the St. Boniface School
Christmas program are (from left): Jeremy Neilands as a sheep; shepherds Patrick Regier.
Brion Regier, and Jamie Baker; donkeys Paul Rau and Loretta Regier; sweeping up is Amy
Wildfong and Martin Regier gets to wear a crown.
tattictrve ikon
Mrs. Cannel Sweeney
Phone 2364702
PROGRAM OF SONGS ASID S S — The grade 2 and 3 choir at St. Boniface school
spells out Christmas. The group sang carols, chanted Christmas verses and danced to the
Maple leaf Stomp.
a I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
United Church
Thurs Dec 24th -7:30 p.m.
Christmas Candlelight
Sunday. December 27
B A B. Div.
Mrs. E Grace Martin
11 15 a m Worship Service
Mr Archin Andrews
to speak
11 15 a m Sunday School
Please Join Us.
We extend a warm
welcome to all.
St. Peter's
Lutheran Church
Mrs Christine Eagleson
Sunday. December 27
1000 - Worship Service
10 45 - Sunday School
There is a nursery for small
children which is supervised
during the worship service
Everyone Welcome
Zurich Mennonite
Sunday. December 27
8 45 a m Worship Service
9.45 n m Sunday Church
1100 n m Worship Service
Wed 8.00 - Bible Study
R Prayer Service
Thurs. Evening 7:30
Ohristmas Service
But the angels said to them,
do not be afraid I bring you
good tidings of great Joy that
will be for all people.
Luke II, 10
wawa- sei.esei,issesossieseleseiseeieseiiss
jet us rejoice
as we celebrate
remember the
true meaning
of this holy day.
Oesch Shoe Store
& Nete's Flowers
er Nits SVAStirikSCStis
We're sending you glad
tidings of happiness...
wrapped with sincere
thanks for making this
year a successful one!
Ed Smith and family
Ed's Burner Service
B & T sal•: & Service
Installation and Repairs
Delhi Towers
T.V. and C.B. Antennas
Brian McAsh 482-7129
If no answer call 482-7157
Hay Township
Hall decorated
for WI meet
The township hall was
appropriately decorated for
the December Women's
Institute meeting with
Evelyn Schroeder and
Margaret Westlake in
After the Ode and the
Mary Stewart Collect, Jingle
Bells was sung.
Heather Westlake played a
piano solo. Heather and Tim
played several numbers on
their violins. Gerry Kane
gave two readings, The
Spirit of Christman and The
Christmas Candle Legend.
Several Christmas songs
and carols were sung with
Margaret Westlake at the
piano. Tim and Heather
accompanied the singing of
O Little Town of Bethlehem
on their violins.
Members introduced their
guests after which the gifts
were given out. 20 members
and 12 guests were treated to
a lovely lunch by Group 1.
During the business a get
well card was signed by all
for Verlyn Fisher who was in
the hospital. A card and
letter from Mrs. Meyers was
Not having a card we
signed a Christmas serviette
for her.
It was decided to hold card
parties again this winter.
Edith Hohner gave a report
on the convention she at-
tended in St. Marys in
Data needed for "controversial" decisions
Debate need for account info
Zurich council members meeting resolutions. He add -
engaged in a vigorous dis- ed' he felt there was no
cussion on the needs of reason why the accounts
tighter control of Zurich could not be more fully
Hydro and water system ac- documented to council.
counts at their December Leroy Thiel said perhaps
meeting. items discussed at the
Councillor Bob Fisher ask- system meetings could be
ed Wednesday, why the put into motion form to have
council always approved a them appear in the minutes.
single figure for the Hesaidalotofthelternsdis-
system's accounts without cussed by the meetings did
examining the specifics of not appear In the minutes.
where the money was spent. Council then accepted the
Clerk Sharon Baker ex- minutes of the meeting with
plained that other. com- the exception of the wage
mittees' budgets had a recommendation.
direct effect on the village After a meeting in com-
budgets. Areas such as mittee, council passed a mo -
recreation are funded tion giving village
through taxes and a deficit employees a 13 percent pay
will affect the village increase. Baker said the
budget. percentage may vary to
The hydro accounts are arrange part time worker
controlled by Ontario Hydro, wages but full time village
who approved capital expen- employees will be getting
ditures and set Hydro rates, the 13 percent increase.
Baker said and noted that Reporting for the recrea-
the accounts were paid by tion committee. Dan
hydro users not by the tax- Turkheim asked that a letter
payers. be sent from council to the
Fisher was concerned Zurich agricultural society
about wording in the questioning their
minutes of the system's applications for grants.
meeting. Hydro accounts of Fisher said that under an
$28,032.62 were listed as old agremeent the ag society
"passed", white a pay in- rented the arena for the
crease of 13 percent for three days of the fair at a
employees was cost of about $35. He added
"recommended" to council. that this had not been in -
Fisher asked why wages creased as the ag society
and other controversial could apply for grants from
issues were the province which could be
"recommended" to council used to improve arena
when accounts were not in facilities.
council's eontrol. He added the arena did not
Reeve Fred Haberer noted receive any money for 1980
that it is within council's or the current year.
power to contravene the Turkheim also told council
hydro and water systems' that members of the recrea-
Festival of Lights
Congratulations to the
lucky winners of the "Christ-
mas festival of Lights" con-
test that was sponsored by
the Chamber of Commerce,
the first prize in the residen-
tial category went to Bob
Redick for $100.00, second
prize was won by Doug
O'Brien for $50.00 and third
went to Ted Geoffrey worth
First place winner in the
commercial division was
Heimrich's Store, second
went to Tony Bedard's Bowl-
ing Alley. And third to Leo
Meidinger Apt's. (each get-
ting the same amount of
prize money).
The Chamber would like to
thank Reeve Paul Neilands
of the Hensall council for his
astute judging. And to Jim
Bridle for driving him
around. All enjoyed
refreshments at Mike
O'Connor's home
Thanks Fredl
Fred Haberer has now
completed his term of being
reeve for Huron County - and
should be commended on a
job well done!
Visit Garden City
Hockey players from the
Atoms, pee wees and ban-
tams teams along with
parents. friends spent last
Saturday and Sunday (12
andl3th) at a tournament in
Garden City Michigan. The
kids were billeted out at
different homes. All In all
they did pretty well and had
a good time. The atoms won
two games, the pee wee's
won one and tied one while
the bantams lost one and
tied one game. Garden City
will return to Zurich around
the end of January.
Golden Agers party
The Zurich Golden Agers,
held their annual Christmas
party at the Dominion Hotel
Monday evening with 37 in
attendance for a delicious
turkey dinner.
President, Harry
McAdams welcomed
everyone. Gertie
Fleisehauer's group were in
charge of the program which
consisted of an old fashioned
country Christmas reading,
given by Annie Finkbeiner.
Gertie read a poem of the
Poinsettia, which was the
door prize and was won by
Lil Dinnin.
Mr. Joe Risi was our guest
and entertained everyone
with slides of his recent trip
to Switzerland. The show
was enjoyed by everyone
C.W.I. pot luck
Several members of the
St. Boniface C.W.L. enjoyed
a mother's and daughter's
pot luck supper (approx. 80
in all) in the school gym on
Tuesday night, also joined
by Father Mooney and Fr.
Following the meal of
Combined service
atUC Christmas
A combined Communion
and Christmas service was
held in Varna church on
Sunday, reminding us for-
cefully that the baby
received with such joy was
the same person who was
later crucified that all
believers might have new
The lovely flowers were a
Christmas gift from the
Nguyen family.
Please remember the
carol service on Christmas
Eve at 7:30
Christmas wish
I'd like to thank all who
contributed news items for
this column during the past
year, and wish a Merry
Christmas to all who read it,
and a happy New Year.
1.11(1.1 }.ad+ran�a�!w«Rtl+wtt erw+!tn+1,1n1ew.!w.!+n*1n.!w.•as Wwci star
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Ringing in
the Holiday Season
with Greetings
and Best Wishes.
Dick and Barbara
Murvin Johnston is in
Clinton hospital, having
suffered a heart attack
Thursday evening. On
Sunday he was still in
critical condition.
Several women from
Varna who belong to the
Bayfield weight -watching
club and their friends en-
joyed a shopping trip to
Kitchener on Tuesday,
travelling by bus.
tion. parks and community
centre board would meet
with members of the Zurich
minor athletic association,
the chamber of commerce
and the Lion's club to
organize a game between a
Zurich bantam hockey team
and a team from Zurich
He said that the OMHA
would not let the ZMAA
organize the game, as it
must be done by the village.
The group will meet to
organize a meal and sell
tickets for the game. It is ex-
pected to be a sell out he
Fisher reminded council
that 8250 had been allotted
by council to present
souvehirs to the visiting
Isidore Laporte told coun-
cil there would be trees cut
by county workers along
Goshen Street near the
Lutheran Church.
He said the trees look good
in the summer, but because
central branches were cut
out to clear the hydro lines,
water pools at the top of the
trees and rots out the centre.
Reporting for the streets
and sidewalk committee,
Laporte added the county
plans to cut every second
tree and plant new ones in
the spaces.
Fisher suggested to satisfy
residents, that the village •
contribute to plant larger
trees than the county would
put in.
The conservation com-
mittee reported the Ausable-
Bayfield authority had been
given approval to build a
new office complex near the
Morrison Dam.
Thiel said the authority
recognizes the state of the
economy and does not plan
to build right away. They
will investigate zoning and
do preliminary work on the
It was suggested the
Zurich arena be offered to be
the site of an authority an-
nual meeting. Baker said
this was .the type of event
which would be good for the
Thiel had noted the
authority hoped to move the
meetings to various
locations within the watersh-
In other business:
Council passed a bylaw ap-
pointing Bob Merner as the
new Zurich Fire Chief.
- Council accepted the
resignation of building in-
spector Harvey Clausius.
The position will be adver-
Council decided to set due
dates for tax installments on
March 1. June 1, September
1 and November 30.
Baker said the village
would probably not have to
borrow money for the.rest of
the year, but would likely
have to do so to meet
January accounts.
She said outstanding taxes
were about $14,800 this year,
up from 88,000 at this time
last year. Baker said some
people had said they would
pay the taxes on December
31 before the interest rates
on tax arrears increases in
winners named
delicious dishes and
desserts, Santa Claus paid a
visit and handed out candy
canes to all the kids.
Mary Jenkins (a teacher)
played lovely Christmas
music on the piano while we
all sang songs.
The door prize for the
evening was won by Julie
DeBus and the lucky chair
was won by Gen Doyle.
Annette Regier being the
lucky person to have a birth-
day closet to Christ. •
A brief business meeting
was conducted by president;
Coby Vanden Boomen, and
reported the league once
again paid for a milk goat to
help a poor family in India,
through "Save a Family
Christmas baskets were
delivered to the shut-ins of
the parish, rest home and
Also toys and money were
sent to the Children's Aid
yaxasckee eiia eiam assems o s iermiess
Greetings F
OVERHOLT -- Wishing all
our relatives, neighbours and
friends a Merry ..:hristmas
and the best in the New
Garry, Helen, Patrick
and Colleen Overholt
BECKER - To all our
neighbours, relatives and
friends, a very Merry Christ•
mu-, and best wishes for the
new year.
Leila Becker ll
and family
Seo4v4Utt•Ne>•ara aiea 4.aastieaQtat s'xi st,12
(>/at WA/ = nr s 12ftti �tiOMPlneaCt•CNI ? ttan1,4%11!�am e4i,rrnvter.
f/1;7' 0-
j CVZ CUZ CSaq cars ;TO 44151440 s>CA eXO, susCVO ore Cs.ta skp saes tNaq __ cess Cana Q
May the
beauty of Christmas 3
be an inspiration to you and those
you love. Thanks for your faith.
Fred and Steve Haberer and Staff
236-4305 Zurich
Best Wishes For A Joyous
Holiday Season From
David and Marie Gelinas And Staff
Times -Advocate, December 22, 1981
/we 11 A
aidt%Wl Ial.►arrltom,14.ea Chal ascw: 1 oda
Enjoy peace at
heart and hearth
for Christmas.
Warm thanks. -
General Trucking and Pit Materials
RR 3, Zurich 236-4036
gAta snrcsPh3 c!t V•ae>av cm ca't lost sat wt syp lofts Wft 1,4311,4111,41.111111.1111N.
May the happy'
music of Christmas
fill all your days
with harmony.
On a joyous note
we say thanks.
41MONSIVVICPM VIN3CIIrtrilft1743-amtion-upt I", aft
Sharon and Allen Brokenshire
236-4180 Zurich
g There's no holding
g back the wishes we
e have rounded up for
you. Enough to fill
p a corral with happiness.
l Thanks, folks!
PHONE 236-4898 ZURICH y�
rift loft sat eat lots saes ray san ar sst syv sats ea±n W sat
cars eft sats cin sat wn iirstortsystraralmitsfrarlottlottatialltet—.a!taseCi
g Thanks for your continuing trust.
It is our policy at this shining
holiday to let you know just
how much we value the
bonds of our friendship.
TonitntonTiminggounqe and Uavenh
� 7uttQtN gt..gunteh. «IWanw
cPkone 236-4371
"Thanks for your patronage in the past year"
Best wishes for the
festive season from the
directors, agents and start
236IRE-4381SZuricEh COMPANY
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