Times-Advocate, 1978-10-05, Page 19 (2)A DAY FOR GRATITUDE NOTICE Effective Ocf,_.7, 1978 Lucan Small Engine Repairs 128 Market St. Lucan Will be closed during the day. Open evenings 7-9 p.m. • NO OPEN Book your winter vacations now. LUCAN TRAVEL Lucan, Ont. 227-4443 Operated by Debbie Loyens and Chris Dietrich. Nominations For - Middlesex County Board Of Education Representing Township Of McGillivray Will be received at the Clerk's Office 171 King Street, Parkhill From 9:00 A.M. Monday, October 16 to 5:00 P. -M. Monday, October 23 W.J. Amos Clerk & Returning Officer NOMINATIONS ,TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY FOR OFFICES OF - Reeve, ' -DeputyReeve, Councillors - wili be received at the Clerk's Office 171 King Street, Parkhill From 9 A.M. Monday, October 16, 1978 to 5 P.M. Monday, October 23, 1978 W.J. Amos Clerk & Returning Officer J GOOD OLD FASHIONED RiDE Jar1:e and Becky Robb and their children Michael and Jen ,vies were moray of the Ildeiton Fotr participants completing the route in a hot'e drown vehicle T A ,linty, Seniors asked to dig items for indoor garage sale TJte Lucan senior citizens club members held- their regular meeting Thursday aliernoon with th.e president Mrs. Tom Kooy in charge. ' Further plans were discussed -for the en- tertainment M the groups from Ailsa -Craig:- Granton and l lderton, Wednesday, October . 18. in the Lucan School. at 7:15 to see the 3M Minstrel show. from. 7:30 to witii cards and lunch to Birthday greetings - were extended lo Ed Dowdell and Jean Miller. An "indoor garage and sale of home • baking ^ will be held Saturday:'Ucf»f-ier-=2t. in the hall and memb€rs and Iriends are larged to look up all, 111eir salable articles which 'are not" now being used. For "pick-up" call 227- 471.1 before October 20. • The family of J. Alex (Sandy) Young cordially invite all friends and relatives to join with them in celebrating thea father's 80th birthday on Oct. 7, 1978 at LEGION HALL Market St., Lucan OPEN HOUSE 2-4 p.m. 7-9 p.m. Best Wishes Only Please if you haven't heard about the good value available from Dixie Lee,,trv___us. Please enjoy our Chicken, Seafood and/or Salads .,., • 14e - FRIED CHICKEN EXETER " 235-2665 ZILUZIZZUlt - The Red Cross blood donors' clinic on October 23 was announced not that many of the members could give huh 10 help publicize it. A humorous poem but one with many trutlis was pmol=idcd by .Mrs. Kooy and read by Mirs- Earl Atkinson.. The Busy Buddies- craft group continued with their ceramic figurines, and this Thursday will he their last class lo he. followed by at least two classes in "Papier Tole" • - making of dimensional pictures • from greeting cards, _etc. in- structed by Mrs. James Robb .of ildertort. Later in- October the second class 'of ceramics will continence. In late November or early December classes in !lower arranging will be uttered with Mrs. G. Nicholson as instructor. • - The Sunshine- group _00- joyed euchre and bridge with high sccire going to Ivan Stanley. and -euchre prizes bei rig Hann as follows: Lady's high, F;va Allison: lone hands. Harriet Holnieit low Ann• Kish: roan's high. Ed Dowde11: Ione - hands. Marjorie Sleeper. playing a- inan's card and low', -Lori. Phillips. 1attwit was provided ,by Rose Bakker. Gayle ('ronyn. 'Leri.' Conlin and Ethel Crouch. Lucan.teams best UCW evening unit hears about Trinidad \Ie•rnlx•rS u► Ili• Lucan 1 tided ('lurchr J;Lint nit held their September sleeting In the ('1.: Wing "Tuesday et'ening With the leader. Mrs James Lockyer conducting the brie( business meeting and with Mrs Ed :llelanson giving the opening pivot The secretary Nil's- 1 -'rank Goring read letters uI thanks Iron the t(othholrn \1urt,eu s Bunte. _1,on(100. for the donation of a quill and a contribution lo their building lund and- from the Fltxigaorl family for cratering 1or .Irs. Eldon Hexlgson's 9011L .hir- lhday celebration. Ait inyllalisin was tsseied to au women of the community to hear \Irs. Lillian Dixon of the Mustard Seed \liss,aft October 18 at 7 45 p til 111 Ilderti n l nt1ed Church :11rs. Hitt Fl-oais an- nounced that the final order al Regal cards. etc 11 ould go 00 November .'o . The General meeting of the l- ('.\\ was announced tor Tuesday. October to. Mien member's will hear "first-hand" of Trinidad a, \Ir. (1.4 Alt's. Alt 11'tlttains will be special guests. Mrs. l,ockyer ,led 111 worship. assisted by: Mrs Sheridan Revington with Mrs. I). MI. -101)ntpsun a1 11* piano The pr'ogr'am was in charge of \1rs Keith Brown and ).hr's Al H. Hrxigins who conducted the 1mal session on the Study Pack 00 Trinidad. 'The r-ol1 call was '.:1 Fact about Trinidad and many interesitnl points were brought out Mrs. Brown Brown gage :::t in- teresting review. cit the history 01 the Christian t'hurc•0 - since the ' 1.tatais discovery h. Coluinlnis up to the preseitt ante• tthich •.y;is' toliow:ed by an- inter•tu•w given it "Ie•w tear, ago worn The Ret. H 1' }'1an!nl the 1. 111f'd Church of ('a'rada head .office t;ike'n by Mrs. Ilodgtttts find the 1{(•y Harold Sitahal'., the then Moefe ,s',, n1 the l'reshytertatt ('Korai to 'Trinidad and Granada taken by \Irs. Brown Mrs. Ret-ington and Mrs ' Gordon Matso0 also (•on duci((1 an Irtteryu•w type of - presentation with \1r, • • e Unison acting as the in - in intertoWn bov',ling'Revi .! n iferaMe as, dim In Interlow•n bowling -competition Saturday Lucan teams fared extremely well. The firs) Lucan team blanked Mikes of Stratford 11-0. High scores were Charlie Glenn 312-1296 Glen (;agan 309-12.21: Don Walt 359-1211. The Lucan No. 2 team To design 4-H covers downed Clinton 7-4 High rollers were -Ward Ellvatf 263-1111: Ken Eaton 28.7)- 1102: .Teff Park 272-1071. The Lucan ladies defeated t•ioderich 9-2. high 'scores were Audrey Watt 285'106. Lorna Eilya11 :30-812: Nancy Densmore 26:3-8:36. . Monday ladies --. Joyce Sovereign 32:3-792. .loyce 1'anGee1 - 279-696 Mary .telleries 2-11-686. Loretta 1)1 -kson 240-637.- Tanny Vanderhoek 2:.:3-628. Sharp Redick 251-625. , We dy Members M the first 411 (lardy 266. Pat MacDo tld Club of Lucan under the 240. Helen Hardy 240. Mt '1 leadership of Mrs. Fred Kennedy 233. Kit Hearn 233. Cowdrey and assistant Miss Irene Brown 232, Vicki Bev Huffman held their Horbaniuk 228. Kae Haskell opening meeting at the home 220. Audrey Walt 217. Marg 01 .Ile former Tuesday Y'outg 215' May Murphy 211. evening with 13 members Senior citizens --.. Alex registering. Young 107 546, Gonda The election of officers Vanteishout 212-542. Laura resulted as follows: Williams 211. Nellie Blum president, Anna -Lee 192, Verna i{amsay 175: John Bakker; secretary for this Park 175. Pert-' h'illiams 'meeting Lauri Burns; press 17.1. (luring regular 0111(1' hours reporter, Cynthia Bakker... Tuesday juniors , .Jeff Irons October 16 to 23 in. Beth Arthurs and "Lauri yct'in21n-359. Mike Ned 2340- elusive Burris were•chosen to design :3:32. Stephen Neil 170-311. An .election it necessary the cover for the club project Terri McRoberts 157-311. Al would be held tut \ton(ta� . manuals. Craig 177-307. Jennifer \remember 13 The leaders advised of the Degraw 150 canvas and wool required for Colleen's - Carolyn Lewis This project and the girls 230-635 Nancy Densmore began to outline the canvas 25i6. ,lanet Dawson 221. into six squares for coasters. Wilma Avery 2n8.13ethSmith The next three meetings 2114) will be held al the Masonic 11 Wednesday Waxed - Bob Hall. in the lower room. and Smith 299-772. Mayne Smith operators of the garbage three Institute members will :301-753. Lorna Ellyatt 312- Pickup sellire 111 'mean be present to assist the ;:53, WardF;Myatt 244.702. Presented a Ieniatiye Leitch 265-662. Bill Ban- leaders. Brian Currie 282-697, Donna agreement far 1979 to council Needlepoint Most of council expected back 1\"heti the municipal nomination period ends :t1 :, p i' on I tctohe- 23 r1 is e\ peeled :111 members. 01 the present Loran 1 rllat!e C101111(11 \‘111 he qualit\ tr.k for re etecfion tot' anntlu r' hta year term. sl ivies 01 a quit k petit by the '1'-:1 at Tuesday , regular meeting of (-mined. reeve11 an Hearn and councillors [tarry tt rat 10. Norm Steeper and 1•,,rry Hot,on. ,said 'het '.1(3111(1 likely he :itailatde - The litho- present member nt council (;an \lt•hall'- was non-conttntt'ai ,:n me_ -1 • 1161 Kaye hr thunk about it a Nomination's Lor all council add Ptihlic• l titity lnnt- mission ,talion, wal he accepted at -the village office Slight rise in garbage 4-H topic Members of the Lucan 2 411 Club met at the home of the leader Mrs. . Adrian de Brouwer Sunday afternoon far their first-ineiling. The election of officers was held resulting as follows: president Karen VanderLoo; vice-president Rosemary Boland. There is to be a rotating secretary arid the press reporter is Janet VanderLoo. . The leaders discussed the types of canvas and the wool for needlepoint and the girls made up their own enl(xr: schemes: Members Were adi•ised of the change in the type of records to he kept in this project. Henceforth the meetings will be held on Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m. with the next meeting October 11 at the home of the assistant leader Mrs. 'John Van- (lerl.0o. nerman 231-644, Mike Wraith 263.623, Shirley Bannerman 235-612, ,left l'ark 250-608, Vie ('apitano 2611-605, Diane Park 266. .lm' Ilyde 243. Glen RoIhngs-236. Doug Lee 231 Wedesday Juniors - Lisa O2 l)eys::,41At.•eJ)1e111.: ►s -Van-E:eel 154-264.:-.11('; ha el accepted I0,' residential rate would increase by 25 cents 10 52 85 per' month and com- mercial would rise. 75 cents to 55 50 lx'r month. • ('ee 1A'wls .said it takes about 10 horn's per day for two sten to complete one pickup. Ile added. "our cost of wages and equipment is about 5311 per hour The average cost Lor keeping up a landfill site is 57 per tan. The ''early Luc;in -total is f:1171nns.-' The final derision on. the request for an increase will be left until a new council takes office early in l)ecen ber Tuesday night ('ee and Larry 1e•wis 101 G.11 LR1s rS !Ad requested small increases in both resulential and commercial categories saying they were within Inflation rales Cannon 156-231. ian Craig 136-240, Todd Hagler 146-236. .lett (;walchmai 125-230. Raymond VanGeel 121. Vicki 1Tae1)nnald 103 Thursday men Jim Hearn 327-889. Don Watt 295- 773. Wayne Smith, 316.7413, Jeff Park 265-713. Ken Eaton 240-709, Glen Snider 264-686, Art Hodgtls 287-687, Art ('obleigh 267-680. Don .Ruddy 285-629, Pete- VanGeel 250- 669, Bob Smith -271-661; Paul llodgins 230, Btfl Neil 248, Evan Hutcharl 46. Jack Van Geel 245. Jerry Morgan 240. F'r'iday mixed -- Bill Neil 248-692. Bill Buller 213-618. Anna Mollard 2:3:3.604, Van Neil 281. Maxine Parnell 2:38. Ruth Butler 226. Ken Wood 212, Jim Burt 201. FOR All OUR BLESSINGS; ilor incl, tianlp4111, a prontlnent Church woman and 0 great ('hrlstian worker it, her church and on the World 1'ounc'il of Churches w here. she serves as vice- ,uoderal4ir of (he Com- mission on F;ducatiotl and Scholarship. - :\ discussion period lutiuwed and the meeting cl•'serf 411111 the singing of the 1'0r3bheart hymn "The 1{i01 Hand et God-. and prayer by Mrs Brown Times -Advocate, October 5, 1978 Page 19 Shop at Home APPLES Macintosh, Spartan & Delicious picked fresh daily CRUNICAN BROS. 1 1/2 miles south of Elginfield C. HARRY RODER, D.C. • NORMAN L. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Ponel Lone. STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By oppointment please People do read small ads. You are PERCY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen. Ont. Auction Sole Service that !s most efficient and courteiKs CALL - THE WRIGHT A'UCTIONEER Telephone HensQIl. - 15191 262-5S15 Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experiepce of complete sale service Proyq,cially qensed Conduct soles of any kind. any,Lice We guarantee -you more. svrR success of your sale - or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER 8, APPRAISER Prompt. Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE. . aNywHERE tine o,.e complete sale service PROW' BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER HURON FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. 1st & 2nd mortgages arranged Box 1341, EXETER, ONT PH LUCKNOW 1.528- 2016 ` ice. G.K. REALTY ,%� Bruce Fischer 235.2421 Exeter 235-2420. Grand Bend 238-8484 Realtor Appraisals Mortgages life Insurance - Trust Certificates Ronald J. Broderick Walwyn Stodgell (Cochran Murray Limited 383 Richmond Street london, Orttan N6A 3C4 672.5880 MT CAR \41.1 irienmi.-T"iV (-entre' Income Tax Accounting Fort Farmers R Businessmen Monthly Bookkeeping service • ('hone 237-3469 Vince Ryan R :\ 13 F{ -3. Dashwood NORRiS & GEE Chartered Accountants J A. NORRIS L.D. GEE 497 MAIN STREET EXETER. ONTARIO NOM 150 519i235-0101 SL YE 208 - 190 WORTLEY ROAD - LONDON, ONTARIO N6C 4Y7 (519)673-i-421 GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr. EXETER 235-0281 (>r, H. W ARI) &1PART\ERS l..lturlered .✓ CCOtinlarfls' 476 Main St., South'Exeter, Ontario 235-0 2 1 Resident Partner Manager A.W. Read, C.A. J.S. McNeilly, C.A. Home. Telephone - Home Telephone 238-8075 735-1734 RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant 120 Alice St. Lucan, Ont. Ph. 227-4224 -• CLEANING & REPAIRS UPHOLSTERY - DRAPERY L-- CARPET Estimates and Pre -inspection No Charge Call 235-1451 DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic • 105 Main Street Exeter 235-1535 ` By Appointment Doily -- Evening • G. RANDALL PAUL Administrative Services MAIN ST LUCAN PHONE 227-4462 & 227-4463 .iOSEI'II Y..,.: CPRTIFIRD OEKBAA1, ACCOUNTANT TE[e 610-2111T-eQnn THE ata 'TOWN HALL. nese MAIN ftTHRRT p.SETRR, ONTARIO NOM 1.0 Let Over 18,000 Readers Know You're In Business To Serve Them Phone 235.1331 /nt47sur 147 Moir, Street, §. P.O. Box 1600 Exeter, Ontario, NOM 150 .07 Telephone (519) 235-2211