Times-Advocate, 1978-07-27, Page 17 (2)• New owner of Shipka store Fete departing couples By MRS. HUGH MORENZ More than 6o people were in attendance Tuesday night at the Shipka Community centre for a farewell party for Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Arnold who are moving to Mount Carmel. and Mr. & Mrs Bill Massie. 'Pony 'and Michael who are moving to Thamesfo (-d'. The Massie's _have operated the Shipka store for the .past few years and the store has been bought by Mr. & Mrs. Tom Bradley, Ingersoll. The Arnold's were present with a large mirror, and the Massie's w•ilh lawn chairs. Velma Russell read the address to the Arnold's and gift presented by Donald Russell. Mabel Guenther read the address to the Massie's and gifts presented by John Kingna and Fred Gibson. During the social time there were ,10 tables of progressive euchre in play. *Mk`� COMPLETE 4A4 COVERAGE FOR G� 4i Home Life Farm �4 • Commercial �� • Automobile * Registered Retirement Plans CON TACT Bev Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 238 Main St. Phone 235-2544 Exeter Across from Saveway Lumber We'll Do the fob Right... t messimis. Whatever the protect, callon us for Ready -Mix Concrete • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FARM (Including Manure Tanks) FREE Es'iMATES C. A. McDOWELL LTD. CENTRALIA ONTARIO Plant: 235-0833 Office: 228-6961 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111IIiIlEllltllllli IIIN1111111111111111111111LI1111lWIlllll111t11111i11111Ylnitillle Where Can You Get More?? Domestic & Commercial Refrigeration Heat Pump soles & service, central air conditioning, room air conditioners. Tower Installation & repair. Stoves, Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Refrigerators sold & serviced. Television Repair to all makes. ( Used colour T.V. Rotars, Antennas, Towers) MAX'S TV & APPLIANCES REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE GRAND BEND 238-2493 y Winners were Ladies- high - Mrs. Lorne --Dietrich, ladies low - Karen Guenther, Men's high - Cliff Russell, Men's low - Jim O'Houlahan, Most lone hands - Bruce Russell. A delicious lunch topped• off a happy evening. Bridal shower More than 20, friends, and cousins, attended a miscellaneous bridal shower, Friday evening for Michelle Webster of Goderich hride elect qgf early August. llostesses were Rosanne Russell and Gloria Martin and was held -at the home of Annie Morenz. Presenting the gifts to the bride were Ruth Anne and Lisa Martin, Crediton, great nieces of Mrs. Morenz. Several contests were enjoyed and a hilite of the evening was a surprise birthday cake for Mrs. Morenz. Michelle thanked all for coming and their lovely gifts. Honour bride -elect About 30 relatives and friends met Sunday af- ternoon, at Shipka Com- munity centre to honor Judy Harvey, bride elect of early August, with - a miscellaneous shower. A smorgasbord supper followed the shower. Relatives were present from Cottam, Essex, LaSalle and Kingsville. Mrs. Elsie Comfort, Mrs. Sylvia Anger, Welland and Orville 'twister, Dunnville, spent the week end visiting at Mrs..- Comfort's three daughter's home's Mr. & Mrs. Jack Pickering, Mr. & Mrs. Milton Sweitzer,-and Mrs. Doris Sweitzer. Mrs. Fred- Hoffman returned to her home in Barryton, Michigan, last week end after holidaying here at her daughter and sortln-laws, •Nlr. & Mrs. Harold Vincent. Lori Michael and ,Michelle, for the past two week. Thomas Miller, Ottawa Visited a day last week with his aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Miller, and other area relatives. Mr. & Mrs. L s Adams, Exeter visited Saturday evening with Mr. & Hugh Morenz. Notice to Public Utilities Water • Consumers Our Commission presently has water restrictions for customers using hoses to water lawns and gardens. While the supply is adequate, we are ex- periencing extremely dry weather that has resulted in high water consumption. Unfortunately, some customers are not aware of these restrictions and some others are ignoring the restrictions. The Commission has advised the staff that the restrictions must be adhered to by all customers and that periodic checks be made to enforce this rel#uiation. The Commission has no wish to discontinue service to any customer for infraction of these restrictions and would solicit everyone's co-operation. The permitted use of hoses for watering lawns and gardens are as follows: Residential Customers ( households) Sunday to Saturday inclusive 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Comercial Customers ( businesses) Moriday,-We5inesday & Friday 9- a.m. to 11 a.m. Exeter Public Utilities Commission Gat:Dian Stone Calcium Chloride in 100 pound bags Sand & Stone Gravel Stone for Weeping Beds EARL LIPPERT TRUCKING LTD. Crediton 234-6382 GET CHEQUES FOR CALVES — Members of the Hensoll Fair calf club were treated to o pic- nic Monday night and received cheques for the calves sold June 22. Above, Jim -Darling of Darling's IGA presents the champion calf cheque to Paul Parsons and reserve champion Don Gill receives his money from Melanie Veal pf the Tender Spot in Grand Bend. The picnic was financed from o picture drow sponsored by Ron Wareing. Henscill photographer Brian Richman also presented pictures to the club members. Saintsbury residents attend birthday party By MRS. HEBER DAVIS Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll. 1Jrs. Earl Greenlee and Mr. & Mrs. !Heber Davis from, this community at- tended d- birthday party for Mrs. Elva Godbolt at the home of her daughter Mr..& Mrs. Jack Stone and family, Atwood. Wednesday. Dinner was served under a huge maple tree in their yard Mervin Elston asked the blessing and extended best wishes to Elva- from all present along with a huge birthday cake and money tree. Guests were present from Viking Alberta, L•on- - don. Brynston.- Luean, Saintsbury. Centralia and. Exeter. Personals ' Ron Cunningham, Connie and Lenora. \1;iarton were week end guests with•Mr. & Mrs. Bob Tendall and family. hlr. & Mrs. Harry Carroll. and Mr. & Mrs. Heber Days accompanied - Mrs. Earl Greenlee to the c•otkige of .& Mrs. Gerald Godbolt - at Port Elgin. Friday. :\ number of cousins gathered for a picnic dinner with Mr, & \Irs. Hilson Hodgins of Alberta. ;\ pleasant at- ternoon was spent in visaing and games. Early in the • lHoo four Davis brothers. Moses. Samuel, William and Francis and -four sisters arrived in Canada from Ireland. On Sunday thirty of their decendents gathered in the Parish Hall. Saintsbury. Mr. & Mrs-. Sid Davis and Mr. & 11rs Bernard Reynolds of Huntsville at- tended. Mrs., Reynolds read the obituary notices of- the late \loses Davis and h °son, all of Huntsville. She is making a Davis !amity tree and as anxious to sleet as many of the decendents as 1)ossihle. the families of the tour brothers T -A photo were represented and one of IN. sisters Mervin Elston was chairman. -Tie asked the blessing before the dinner and led in prayer' • Many pictures were taken 01 each branch of the family. A sing -song followed led by Mrs. Harold Davis- Kirkton at the piano and Allan Elston and Mervin Elston, Cen- tralia Alt enjoyed a decorated cake before breaking up- Gote \Lennerstrom spent the week end 1n London with :Mrs Myrtle. Isaac and Marjorie Crediton East By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR Stephen Glanyilte. Dalt.a British Columbia visited last week with Mr & - Nlrs. Charles Glanyilte. Exeter. Mr & \Irs. Harold Glanville. and Mr. & \Irs. Stan Preszca tor. - \Irs Gord?n \lc•Itolerts. min and Dora Hingland. \eyy York Visited. recent ,y with ).1r. & Mrs Charles Glanville and Nlr & \irs. Stan Preszcalor Mr. & MrS. Stan-Presz- catol' visited Wednesday with Mrs. Mary Thornton In Sealorih hospital and later Crediton library shut until August 8 By MISS ELLA MORLOCK The Crediton library will be closed for summer vacation until August R Murray Mackie. brolher- •in-law of Mrs. Allan Fink; beiner. died at McCreary. Manitoba, following •a lenghtly illness Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hayward and family. Sarnia. and Mrs. George. Jamaica. Mrs Ilayward's mother, were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ray Morlock, Sunday. Adrienne Greenwood after a term- of camping at the United Church grounds r1enesetung near Goderich, slx'nt several days with her Owners of smaller businesses... we provide: • Financial assistance • Management counselling (CASE) • Management training • Information on government programs for business Can we help you? See our Representatives ROSS ARMSTRONG & DINESH RASTOGI at: THE DEVON BUILDING, 476 Main St. S., EXETER on: EVERY TUESDAY ArFEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK (Branch Office Address) If convenient, pleas call collect for prior ap- pointment 1036 On.ario St., Stratford (271-5650) grandmother, \Irs..t%'itliam Oestricher- .\drienne's parents. Nit & Mrs Robert Greenwood. and Nbc•hael. of Don Mills,- joined her later in the week. Dr. & Mrs- Ross Wein and family of Fredericton, spent several days with Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Wein. They are on their way to.lapan where Dr. Wein is to deliver a week's lectures, then to Canberra. Australia. for a year's research and study in the university there. Mr. .& Mrs. Loren Padehaugh, Pandora. Ohio, visited their cousin_ Ella NIorlock . Saturday. Mrs. All Smith has returned from a trip to Olds. Alherta where she spent some time with her son. Randy. Mir• & Mrs. Bruce \1cClen nan. Larry and Robert, Bea ms are holidaying at the home of Mr. & Mrs Ray Morioc k. Michael Pierce conducted --Tthe-morning service at Zion t'nited Church. Sunday morning. He and Russell Watson provided several musical numbers with guitar accompaniment. ;Members of the Women's Institute attended a per- formance of Parlour. Bedroom and Bath at the Huron Country Playhouse. Tuesday evening. - ADAMS Heating & Cooling • Heating Systems of All Types INSTAtIE: y1ODERNIZEC ago NTAINED • General Sheet Metal Work • Air Conditioning • -Humidifiers • Ventilation 235-2187 133 Huron St East, Exeter ,ttr•nde(t her Salt' at It R 4 Walton \Irs Mary • Gower 4.elebrated her '42nd bir- ihda). Friday July 21 Sunday morning visitors with Mr & Mrs Stan Presica;4,r were Mr & Mrs ' iltred Preszcalor and Allan LVashington. and Jir.-& N1 r; - ('lifiord Thornton. London .Miss Brenda (Glanville returned home alter holidaying with the 'l'liornton s for the past two weeks Mr &. Mrs Stan Presz- c•alor 811d Brenda Glanville visited Sunday with Mrs. Mary Thornton in Seaforth hospital and , were . supper. •guests with Mr .( Mrs. F red (;Linville. Jelly stone Park. Bay tleld. Miss Barbara Preszcator and Brian .Lovett. Goderich (!speed Saturday evening with \1r.. & \Irs Stara Preszcalor ('ontratulations .to \tr. & Nlrs Rill Tideswcll nee Umney, who were married Saturday in Crediton Church Pow wow at SPARK By LAURA JOHNS "hhe 5 P A R.K ground- a1 Huron Park t' Is west this week with the theme of Lt ltd West Week A lig Indian pow wow was held \bridal Everyone wol'(' t1F•adbands -•and leathers :Ind smoked the peace pipe The"e111441 group (lrcoraird'11le tribal tee }>E•e and determined ,he'Ir c•hle't as the w inner ' of the leg wrestling contest F,d Mor1-lsnn was declared -("hiet 1trta11Z Legs and a _.tribal -pie -tura w:(:-t;tken-rn front of the- tee pee Tuesdal morning theice was .1 hti<c rodeo with stall event' :ts .10 nfi•sti(•le course. a relit y , :4 fast race and a slow :'are Rlhhnns were glyetl to Ulf' w Inner. (Il the (Acnt< LLednesrt.n morning the Junior t.1'44up went how lung and all are becoming crack- - shots '1 he lieekl\ movies were shown Lednesday atte•rnovn A sock -hop and square dance was. also held and everyone enjoyed It Tod:u and. 1-r 1(111 the Ir,lcrntedtate and senior groups have gone: 10 , the Puler 1'roynlctal Park for then_ oyernlriht camp out 1Whlle at the Pinery, the group o1 about :to children will learn catlaping skills, go hiking, swimming and play a good nature game called survival The group hopes to return early Friday- at Ier•noon The tumor group w 111 he hat ung a picnie of !heir own on Thursday' as well as the whole playground to themselves The week has been ex- citing and full of fun Next • week will he S 1' A It K sulhtner fair week with such special events as a parade and penny carnival and a lig trip to hullo 151811(1 Anuasenle'01 Park for the tiler mediate and °senior groups Times -Advocate, July 27, 1978. Page 17 Granton girls holiday By MRS. E. SUMMERS . Misses Elaine Rooney and' Jo-anne Pennington are vacationing -at Elliot Lake for a couple of weeks. Frank Squires has taken up residence at the Blue Water Rest home in Zurich_ 11r Sr- Mrs. Elmer Sum- mers were dinner guests of Mr's J.W. Armstrong of London on Friday evening. Mr & Mrs. Roy McRoberts vacationed last week in the Parry Sound area Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Anderson and family have returned from a two week camping holiday. They toured through Kentucky, Virginia. Pennsylvania, New York, North Carolina and tthe District of Columbia. Mrs. John McQuarrie of Hamilton, - sister of Mrs. Walter Harding. and Miss .Joyce Harding motored to Frankenmuth this week and took in surrounding points of interest.' Mr. &.Mrs. James Hodgins. -entertained-the Hodgins and Kennedy families Thursday; ,July 2V and celebrated their son Scott's first birthday. Miss Ann Marie Moriarty. of Vancouver. B.C: is visiting. with her sister. Mrs. Betty Rooney for a few weeks. • Mrs. Alex Dobson of Welston, spent last week with Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hodgins. Visiting witb Nrt. '& Mrs. John Clymans - and family are Mrs. Selina Van -Dyke. .John's aunt and Jeff Van Dyke. John's cousin of Belgium. Last Friday John and Alix accompanied their relativesona trip to Niagara halls. Miss Marion Herbert is holidaying for a few days with Miss Beverly Hall of Stralhroy., Mr & Mrs. Norman Riddell. and Mr. & Mrs. \Wilt red' Riddell have, Brinsley By -GORDON MORLEY Cecil Ellwood. Sunday with Mr. George Prest. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Hartle returned home recently from a plane trip to Vancouver. Recent visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Trevithick were Mr. & Mrs.' Garnet Trev-ithick, St. Thomas and •Mr. & Mrs: Neil Trevithick, Brantford.• Kathy Maynard who has -been on holidays with her Ester in London has returned home. Kathleen Morley visited w Ith her sister Mrs. Violet Allison. Sunday. afternoon. Cecil Hartle returned home from the • hospital. Wednesday. A large crowd attended the -,oth wedding anniversary dance tor Mr & Mrs. Wilfred Dixon Friday- night at the Lucas Community centre Mr. & Mrs Charles Corbett attended the annual summer picnic of the (Intario Maple Syrup Producers Association held m Woodstock. Friday.. visited & Mrs. returned home from a three week motor trip through the western provinces. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Hanlon visited with Mr.& Mrs. Cyril Morley of McGillivray last Saturday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Anderson and family took in the Home County Festival over the week end. At the United Church, Rev. Elwood Morden was in charge of the Sunday morning worship, and took his sermon from Luke 17 verses 7-I0 entitled "The Self Satisfied Servant." HEARING TESTS No Obligation EXETER PHARMACY Thurs., August 3 — 1 to 3 p.m. Batteries, accessories, repairs to most snakes erionree HEARING AIDS J. D. FAIR seeing A,d Se..'ce 145 Ontario St., Stratford STEAM CLEAN your own carpets (At dll-iyllllP8flIfpP!cos) RENT OUR RINSENVAC - the new compact carpet cleaning machine that lifts dirt. grime and residues out of carpets and doss the lob professional cleaners charge up to a hundred dollars for We have cleaning supplies which can be purchased ate surprisingly low cost We'll help with easy operating instructions RINSE VAC e) CLEANS CARPETS COAXER KEEPS THEM CLEANER 400(10 RENT ONLY 4 hours 57 8 hours312 �esr. RINSENVAC •- ca, • ,-u, ca.pets tea I, clean. Fisher Pro Hardware 391 Mdin St. Exeter 235-2190 GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 5 years—Annual Interest CAR11ER TRUST GDMIANY (416) 276-2112. Agent inqu'res invited INVENTORY 20%. Off * Al! Hoover Spin. Washers In Stock CHOOSE FROM 3 MODELS * All Viscount Automatic Dryers In Stock 2 ONLY - HARVEST GOLD DISCOUNT PRICES ON REFRIGERATORS EXETER DISTRICT COO P Phone 235.2081.