Times-Advocate, 1988-11-30, Page 31Winning judges. • Centralia College's winning team at the 170,it Winter Fair wre coach Florence •P(, c"'. s'i; dents Shelley Swift, Mel -Bergsma. Todd Jenkin and Janice• Convey. coach eria McEwen. and tit r operas'.'^s manager tti'alfy Knapp. CCAT team best at judgin TORONTO - A team of livestock judges from the Centralia College School of Agriculture attended the Royal Winter Fair .to put their Adis up .i ainst -those of 11 other :teams, and were judged the: best team of judges. ' C'oaches' Phil McEwen and Fl_or- encs Pullen brought their team of Shelley Swift, Jamie Convey, Todd Jenkin, and Niel Bergsma to top honours at -the event. Swift is from the Animal health program, and Convey. Jenkin ,tnd.Bcrgsnia arc all from the Agricultural.- Busing;s llanagcntcnt progrant..at the: Tha teams, mostly from Ontario colleges and .universities, but in - chiding competitors from as far as Alberta -and Quebec, were given the chance. to judo:e livestock in -11 cats; gories: heel hulls, cows, steers, dairy heifers, a dairy:cOw mating CX - e. breeding cee es, rnarki t lambs, breeding boars, hog carcass - el, and even a breeding meat rabbit class. . In the' afternoon they were asked •to justify their judging•dccisioms and in the evening, the Centralia team was picked as the top overall team al the evening banquet. Guest speaker for the evening was J.C. Renney, assistant. deputy minister of ttgriculturc for Ontario. . Book fair - This week. Hensall Public School is holding a book fair to bring inexpensive books'to students.and to help raise money -for the -school library. Lsbrari ti -Enc Mansfield helps some grade three students find Inc books they like best. . Open Lambton OMAF office PETROLIA - The !Ministry of: Agriculture and Food's new Lamb -'- ton County Agricultural Office in Pctrolia was officially opened by Agriculture and Food Minister Jack Riddell and Tony. Lupusella, Par- liancntary 'Assistant to Govern- ment -Services Minister -Richard • - Provincial, municipal and k'ical • officials joined in the ribbon - cutting ceremony at the new Petro- lia offices. The building, worth S61;000, will house I4 Iall-time .staff. "A major function of the Mini- stry of Government Services is to support provincial government • programs by providing the accom- • modation ttacy need in communi- ties throtighout Ontario. This building, designed by. !-IGS 'staff, -will provide modern facilities which will meet the .year-round needs of the agricultural staff work- ing in Pctrolia," l.:upusetia said. • -ii11ucc will allow staff to -better serve the fanners -in Lambton County and ve'i11 offer a meeting place for local agricultural organi- zations," Riddell said. "This building. u. part of our on- going program ti iniprove and up- date seri. es to the rural comntuni- ty' • he said. '"The opening of this new facility, marks a new era lir agriculture in 5.- (=i L e1 r3CJrar P t P .. y 16;_iL fJ f1 r1 �l �����;1j�-rtl ;wryle Arrive in a chauffeur driven l TAXI ii Earl's • i Taxi & Van Service t 235-1013Ito.; V ACtiAOACC7`ACCOACCTtATtA7 Co . A Dream Worfd -of Beauty . -• • • Poinsettia / • ,Christmas OPEN HOUSE I 1 0 Dec. 2nd, 3rd, 4th ••• 1 ••••• • • • RON RIDGE ARES East off Hwy. 21 South of Bayfield et Stanley Sideroad 15, then take tirst right , 1' 1/2 miles west; then 3 1r2 miles north of,.Zurlch or follow our signs. DAVE & CAROL STECKLE AND FAMILY, R.R.2 ZURICH, ONTARIO (519) 565-2122 Larubiou- and will contribute to this community's (Icvelopnient," Lambton" t\1F'P David W. Smith said..•. . ... The new agricultural office fea- tures a large board -wont which can he diVide(1 into two meeting spat- -cs=two computer rooms designed for working with individual clients, a demonstration -kitchen and park: ing for 44 cars. The buildings (Ie- -sign is based on a prototype devel- oped by- !s1GS -for the Stormont agricultital office in Avonrnorc. Restore garden GUELPH - Seeds from a Ken- tucky coffee tree and other native Ontario trees ,,. black. maple, mountain maple and crab apple -- have been donateO by the University , of Guelph Arboretum to help re- stock wind -damaged areas of the -English countryside. Many of the seeds H'jll bc,plantcd next spring at England's Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew.. . The Guelph effort was part of a .Canadian project that donated one evergrecn.sced for each Canadian -- 26 million -- and 35,(0X) broadleaf seeds to help restore woodland areas damaged a year ago by a violent windstorm•. Th.: storm destroyed or severely damaged 1,000 trees at Kew alone, one of the world's most important botanical gardens. Guelph arboretum curator John Ambrose collected Sox) seeds each frwn wild .populations of black ma - plc near Windsor, mountain maple at Everton and wild crab apple at Simcoc. "We had to kx:atc a pure stand of each tree to avoid hybridi- zation," says Ambrose. These seeds were shipped to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources to help make up Ontario's contribu- tion to the project. Sceds from the. Kentucky coffee tree, however; were donated directly' ..to.the Kew. gardens. Ambrose has . collected seeds from this rare spe- cies frorn wild populations across North Antcriea.tor a study of genet- ic. variability. The seeds -for the Kcw gardens were collected by the Essex -Region Conservation Au- thority from a pure stau(1 of Ken- tucky coffee trees near burg. The The Arboretum has a regular pro- gram for seed cellcction-and main- tains a hank of seeds available to other institutions and botanical gar- dens around the world. "\1'e usually collect -40 to 50 different spgcies each year, being careful to offer rare species or those that have potential for. use elsewhere," says Ambrose. 'In turn, the Arboretum looks -to other seed banks to obtain new plant materials that have horticultu- ral or landscape potential for Onta- rio, he says. RI DE program EXETER - Exeter, Goderich and Wingham Detachments of the Onta- rio Provincial Police will again this year strengthen the year-round Anti - Impaired Driving Campaign to deter drinking and driving. at this festive umc of the year. All available .personnel anti vehi- cles will be detailed .to this program with assistance from -the Mount Forest O.P.P. Headquarters District R.1.D.E. Team. Also, joint force operations will be evident at the towns of Clinton, Exeter, Godcrich, Scaforth and Wingham. ..In last year's Blitz,•O.P.P. Offi- cers in Huron County checked -(1637 drivers and charged 19 people with alcohol-rclateil criminal code drivifig offenses. A total of 51 mo- torists were taken oil the road with 12 hour licence suspensions and 56 people faced Liquor Licence Act Charges for having alcohol easily 'accessible to the driver Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 Thursday, Evening December 8438 at ,6 p.m. Sharp South. Huron Rec Centre We will be dispersing by auction ;ender instruction of a local storage company a large offering of household furnishings, antiques, collecti- bles. appliances. tools and mist along with a good selection of bland pew giftware including leaded crestal._ plass and silverware. men's and ladies Watches etc Watch next weeks paper for a fun 1,,ting. South Huron Community Centre Quotations for Steel Cladding Sealed quotations, addressed to tli: South I luron Recreation anti Com- munity' Centre itoird. Victoria tit. E., Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1SO, will he received until 4:0) p.m. Wednesday.' December 14, 1988 tor the supply of materials for the cladding of the South 1luron Com- munity Centre. " Plans and specifications may be obtainer from the office of the under- signed. Lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. IL M. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LiMiTED Consulting Engineers 62 North Street : G(xlcrich, Ontario - N7A 2T3 Phone: 524-2641 Fax: 524-4403 • o r4,1•• NOTICE Township of Usborne Usborne Township Council requests the co-operation of the ratepayers regarding the parking of cars and other vehicles on township roads during the period in which snow clearing opera- tion is necessary.. The Township Township will not be 'hetd'ressolsi le for any damage done to these vehicles. Also the residents are asked to cooperate by not pushing or dumping snow or ice out of private driveways onto public roads as this practice could lead to an accident, in the event of which ratepayer concerned could be held liable. Ken Parker Road Superintendent Times -Advocate, November 30, 1988 HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY P.Q. (HC) 89-01 Stand by Custodial services and Move out Cleaning on an 'as and when required' basis at OHC buildings in Huron County. Tenders will be received for the above unti111:00 a.m. lo- cal time, Wednesday. De- cember 14. 1988, by the Hu- ron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, GODERICH, Ontario N7A 1M5. •(519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifica- tions may be obtained, quot- ing reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARI- LY ACCEPTED Page 15A HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY P.T. (HC) 89-0101 Move -Out Painting on an 'as and When required' basis at OHC buildings in Huron County. Tenders will be received for the above unti111:00 a.m. lo- cal time, Wednesday. De- cemper 7. 1988.•by the Hu- ron County Housing Authority„ 48 The Square, GODERICH,Ontario N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifica- tions may be obtained, quot- ing reference number as above. - THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARI- LY ACCEPTED ESTATE AUCTION to be held at the Jacob Auction Centre, 185 Herbert St. In Mitchell Thursday. December 1 at 6:00 p.m, Including: Two 9 piece walnut dining room suites, Kroehler floral sofa bed (as new)' round oak carved table; old wardrobe: -washstands; dressers; wicker pieces; numerous antiques and old collectibles; good dishes; a-fuil line of household effects. Prop: Estate of the Late Mary Hingst Auctioneers: Doug Jacob and Wallie Ross At Pinery Auction Barn on Hwy. 21, miles S., Grand Bend AUCTION Sunday, December 4 at 1 p.m. We will be selling the contents of an area home plus additions, consist- ing of chesterfields, sofas: occ. chairs and tables, crib. T.V„ beds. dressers. coffee and end tables, stereo. -student desk, library table, humidifier, oil lamp, patio set, -billiard table: pictures; lamps, small ap- pliances, stove;' -water pump, air conditioner. tarps, set of _weights, wheel barrow, 12' fibreglass sail boat, commercial elect. french frier, 3M auto photocopier, mod. 209, plus a targe -selection of new toys and giftware. Auctioneers Pat and Phyllis Lyon Phone' 243-2713 AIJ C i 101 ti Saturday, December 3 at 10:30 a.m, at • Just for Kicks, 38 Main St., Grand Bend We have been instructed by owner -to dispose of the entire stock and fixtures of Just For Kicks, Grand Bend. • - • Novelty items. and signs. Hallowe'en costumes,. masks and wigs, adult novelties. jewellery, watches, summer toys, crystal, banks. brassware, pot and pan sets, 'figurines, wood ducks, desk sets and clocks, teddy bears, cars, dolls, educational toys,plus a selection of Christmas giftware and toys, racking, shelving, pans, heater , TEC MA 136 cash register. Auctioneers Pat and Phyllis Lyon Phone 243-2713 Sale of Land By Public Tender Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984 The Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of land described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on January 17, 1989 at Municipal Office, Grand Bend Ontario. The tenders will be opened in public on the same day at 8:00 p.m. - Description of Land Minimum Tender Amount (Set out the cancellation price as, of the first day of advertising) $2,546.40 Composed of part of Lot 92, plan 24 for the Township of Ste- phen, in the County of Huron, now in the village of Grand Bend, County of Lambton, and more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the southwest angle of the said Lot 92; THENCE northerly along the westerly limit of said lot; a distance of forty feet (40') to an angle; THENCE/easterly parallel with the southerly limit of the said lot, a distance of twenty-five and one-half feet (25 1/2') to an angle; THENCE southerly parallel.with the westerly limit of the said lot, a distance of forty feet (40') to an angle; THENCE westerly along the southerly limit of the said lot, a dis- tance of twenty-five and one -halt feet (25 1/2') arriving at the place of beginning. Municipal Address 31 Centre Street (Vacant lot) Tenders must be submitted i n the prescribed fbrm.and must be accompanied -by a deposit in the form of a money order or a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust company or Prov- ince of Ontario Savings Office payable to the municipality (or board) and representing at least 20 percent of the tender amount. - The municipality makes no representation a arding the title to or any other matters relaling 10 the land 10 be sold.. Responsibili- ty for ascertaining t(tese matters rests with the potential pur- chasers. - This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984, be- ing chapter 48 of the Statutes of Ontario 1984 and the Munici- pal Tax Sates Rules made under that Act. The successful pur= chaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes ants' the relevant land transfer tax. For further Information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: DIANNE MOLLARD, CLERK TREASURER VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND P.O. Box 340 4 ONTARIO STREET, GRAND BEND, ONTARIO NOM 1TO 238-8461 November 18, 1988