Times-Advocate, 1988-11-09, Page 1SILLERY
North Middlesex
& Lambton Since 1873 November 9, 1988 Price per copy 60 cents
Candidates tell us why they should have
your support for six spots on council
we forget
WE REMEMBER - Exeter Legion -president Vera Armstrong lays a
wreath at the Exeter Cenotaph. Legion members will be participating at
four elementary school Remembrance Day services Friday morning.
'Grant severance for
north end properties
EXETER - Council. Monday
night accepted a recommendation.
from `the town's planning advisory
committee to approve a land sever-
ance application from Laidlaw
Transport and Charterways Trans-
The severance for the two compa-
nies would create a new highway
commercial lot with dimensions of
135 feet by 291 feet at thc corner of
Highways 4 and 83 at the north end
of Exeter.
The application was approved
with conditions. They included title
of the severed lands, title of the'rc
tained lands and a stipulation that
any buildings or structures existing
on the properties, that .will become
non -conforming as a result of this
consent shall be demolished or al-
tered to achieve compliance with the
town of Exeter zoning bylaw.
Realtor Bill Gilfillan told the
committee, the vendors wish to en-
ter negotiations for sale of both of
these properties and added,
"Negotiations are in the process
with all parties."
To a question from Bill Mont-
gomery regarding blockage for busi-
ness exposure to thc comer and the
need for a fence around the property,
Gilfillan replied, " The setback is
50. feet. It will be a daylight.cor-
Ben Noogenboom added, " A
fence becomes part of a develop-
ment agreement. Both pmpertics arc
in a Highway Commercial zone, so
no buffer is needed."
The committee also suggested
that impost fees of $400 per unit be
imposed on conversion to rent units
in C-1 zones and any new residen-
tial construction in conjunction
with commercial units. -
Expect to approve recycling by December
. EXETER - .Council is.expected
- to approve a recycling of garbage
program before the end of this ycar.
A recommendation from council-
lor Morley Hall was tabled until
Hall discusses the matter with the.
public works committee.
Thc move to wait until Dcccm-
ber came after several council mem-
bers asked if the public works de-
partment could carry out the
program 'rather than a private con=
Hall had received a bid of
X26,000 for one year to collect sep-
arated garbage from Blue Boxes
which would be provided for each
household in town.
The Ontario Ministry of the En-
vironment will pay a grant of 50
percent for the first year for collec-
tion costs and reds 't •t figure by
10 percent for cacl . . the next four
Thc Blue Boxes will cost $6 for
each of the 1,500households in Ex-
eter. The municipality will pay
only one-third of this cost. Thc bal-
ance will be shared by the provin-
cial government and an association
of soft drink manufacturers.
Hall said revenue from recycled
materials could amount to about
59,500 each year.
He continued, " We have been
dragging our feet for a long time.
Public pressure will force us into
The town's recycling co-
ordinator Geroge McEwen said the
province is committed for collec-
tion funding for five years. He add-
ed, " Starting on our'own; won't
stop us from joining a regional pro-
- gram later on. • -
Deputy reeve Lossy Fuller sug-
gestedthere may be cheaper ways
for a recycling program possibly
•carried out by the public works de-
partment. She was supported by
councillors Ben Hoogeriboom and
Gaylan Josephson.
Reeve Bill Mickle commented, "
Please turn to page 2
Town to add to police force
EXETER - Council Monday
night accepted a recommendation
presented by police committee
chairman Dorothy Chapman to hire
another officer.
On a recorded vote of six to one,
it was decided to hire a cadet to be-
gin his or her duces on January 1 of
1989. The only dissenting vote
came from Reeve Bill Mickle.
Mickle said he was not really
against the motion, but wanted a
little more precise figure on the
1989 police budget. He added, " I
think this council has been good to
the department in the allottment of
monies. But, 1 want to know exact-
ly how much more it is going to
Chapman presented figures which
revealed a saving from the 1988 to
the 1989 budget of S14,455 in the
difference of a cadet's salary and that
of a first class constable.
A considerable amount of over-
time is expected to be avoided with
the addition of another officer.
Overtime for officers increased from
546 hours in 1986 to an expected
1,009 hours this ycar.
In pointing out thc workload for
the local force, Chapman said the
number of occurrences investigated
in 1986 were 3,381. This year the
projection is 4,095.
Chapman continued, " Overtime
is a costly way to increase resourc-
es. Thc expected overtime this year
will amount to 1,513 paid hours.
That amounts to well over half an
officers time."
"Within the present situation
with extended lost time, sick time,
courses, etc., the force would be
stretched for resources and overtime
would increase. Thc officers have
no time left in a shift for preventa-
tive. general patrol or other duties."
Thc added salary cost for one offi-
cer for one year is estimated at
$18,933. That is based. on three
months as a cadet trainee and the
balance of the year as a fourth class
In • reply to a question from
Mickle regarding co-operation with
OPP detachments, chief Larry Hardy
said, " The OPP is putting in ane
dispatch system at Mount Forest. It
will cover thc Godcrich arca. We
only use their line now for emer-
gencies or assistance. That's the
sole purpose for the OPP frequenc'.
as far as town forces are concerned.
They don't take over responsibility
for municipal dispatch."
• After comparing the Exeter depart-
ment with other municipalities.
Chapman said, " We appear to be
handling the cost of policing better
than the average of comparative size
forces while having population rates
per officer that arc higher. Thc 1988
actual per capita cost to taxpayers
will be 582.08.
The biggest challenge to our
council for the next three years has
to be the tremendous growth we' ,
face now and in the next few years.
Growth affects every aspect of our
town, therefore we must be sure
that any development we condone
will be an asset to the older estab-
lished portion of Exeter.
The Official Plan for the town
was established to determine the fu-
ture direction of Exeter, and any
.changes to this.plan should be made
with great concern for the effects on
the town as a whole.
We do need diversified and afforda-
ble housing.
We also treed to look at growth
and its repercussions on depart-
ments such as administration, pub-
lic works, recreation, police,
P.U.C., and planning.
I see the past threc.years as requir-
ing more professional input in order
to avoid costly errors in the future.
This is one arca we will have to ad-
Policing, part of my mandate as a
councilor for the past six years, is
certainly of prime interest to me.
We have developed a quality force
• for Exeter and have been working
diligently at the provincial lever to
correct the inequities of policing
C. Morley � HALL
Thereare several concerns or ob-
jectives I would like to see brought
to completion during'tllis next term
of office, depending o the wishes
of the people of Exeter.
First and foremost i :the matter
of the recycling of n wspapers,
glass, metal and plastiLc cans of
household waste.
Even though it has been well
over a year since it was first pro-
posed, I can see a light at the\end of
the tunnel and I believe a curbside
pick up will be a reality early in
Another concern that I have had
for quite sometime is the crying
need for affordable housing for
many of our people in Exeter.
And that, too, is well in the way
to being a reality.
Lastly, the creation of a new
parkland for Exeter and for families
and people to enjoy. This proposed
• costs. 1 have represented the small
forces in the arca and look forward
to continuing this work if elected. •
1 believe there is a definite need
for -more kkal support groups for
our seniors living "in their own
homes, particularly those with a
horns -hound st)ouse.
1 would like to encourage more of
our local interested people to apply
for • position on our town .commit-
tees. We need you and your sup-
The only promise 1 will make is
commitment; honesty and dedica-
tion to the task as a councilor for
parkland has already hcen presented
to the present Council for their near
future consideration.
This parkland is located north of
Pryde Boulevard and cast of the
South Huron Recreation Centre
grounds. -
These are just some of thc objec-
tives I would like to sec brought to
fruition and will ccriainlj' work to-
ward during the next term of office..
On November 14 1 will be seek-
ing your support for re-election as
councilor in the Town of Exeter.
.During my seven years as coun-
cilor 1 have tried my best to meet
the needs of those individuals on a
wide variety of issues. As council's
representative on thc B.I.A. rela-
tions between council and the busi-
ness community have improved:
As a member of the public works
committee 1. am proud of the im-
provements to our streets and ser-
vices. For the past three years Ex-
eter has reached record levels of
As chairman of the committee
dealing with zoning and official
plan amendments, Exeter has seen
these following developments: The
Saari Department Store, The Plaza
on Main Street and Wellington,
Professional 'Office Building, Main
Street North, Relocation of Exctcr
Sherwood to Highway 83 E, pro-
posed apartment complex at Victor-
ia Street West.
Finally, council's decision to hire
a town administrator is a move I
have supported for sometime. -
My areas of concern arc: traffic
lights at Main Streett-and Victoria
and Main and Wellington; reloca-
tion of our fire hall; greater fund-
ing with Huron County and neigh-
boring municipalities; -more
flexibility in our zoning to encour-
age development within the Town
-of Exeter. • - - "
With - many exciting" develop-
ments being considered for Exeter, I
would be honored_ to continue serv—
ing you to the best of my abilities
for the next three years.
Aftcr living close to Exeter for
the last 25 years in Hensall; recent-
ly my wife Ann, daughter Eloise
and myself became residents of your
nice town. -
It's the difference between looking
in from the outside, and looking
out from the inside. You may
know that Exeter is always used as
a desirable model to copy from out-
lying municipalities, especially
Exeter has everything going for
them, especially thriving main
street, plenty of residential building
lots, ctc. etc. There is however a
danger clement lurking and that is
Having visited hundreds of house-
holds the last few days, 1 became.
aware of what people want and ex-
pcct of a new council. They want
fairness, honesty and equal treat-
ment. I might add approximately
80 -Percent arc quite happy.
Here are a few quotes from resi-
dents. "Thcy (council) promise you
the world, before election, get in,
and forget about the people." "This
town needs new blood on council,
that way we getfiew ideas." "Why
can't we have another bowling al-
ley." (For the economic develop -
Ment committee to tackle.) . Some
residents arc concerned about the en-
If council gives us the right direc-
tion re: garbage recycling wc will
cooperate in anyway we can. Main
street traffic flow is another con-
cern; sometimes you just can't
make a Icft hand turn. Cars from
opposite direction just don't stop
while traffic is building up behind
Tenants in the Victoria Park
apartments arc mad, because thc
roads arc still not paved yet. -In or-
der to maintain the quality of life
we enjoy in Exeter, I promise to
get these items on the agenda for
council to discuss, and properly'dcal
t Ervin
I was born and grew up in Tuck-
ersmith Township and farmed near
Brucefield. My wife Doris and I
raised three children, whoattended a
rural school. I was asked to serve
on the Local school board in 1959.
After hearing the famous speech
quoted by the late John F. Kennedy,
"Don't wait to see what the Coun-
try can do for you but go out and
see what you can do for the Coun-
try"'(Community), I was nominated
and acclaimed to, Tuckersmith
Council as Councilor for 11 years,
Deputy -Reeve for four years and
Reeve fotrr years.
After retiring to Exeter in 1983, I
was appointed by Exeter Council to
the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation
Authority and have represented the
town forfour years.
i was appointed to a Senior Hous-
ing Project and worked with the
Council and three citizens as a com-
mittee: 1 have been Vice Chairman
of Exeter Cancer Society for four
Exctcr is one of the fastest grow-
ing communities in Iluron County.
It must have the ability to handle
growth and expansion with contin-
ued co-operation with our rural
township neighbours.
I feel there is a need in Exctcr for
affordable housing.
We have to keep ahead with plan-
ning to he able to handle growth
through future development. /
I am letting my name stand for
town council, for I feel as a busi-
nessman and a father of four, I have
experience which will benefit the
town of Exeter. .
With three years on the Economic
Development Committee, I feel
this Committee with help from
council can bring some small busi-
nesses to the arra.
Today recreation is expensive and
When Kathy and I moved to Exet-
er a number of years ago, we made
a decision to move to an arca of our
own choice. It was because of this
commitment that we had made to
Exeter that 1 first offered my servic-
es a councilor. The term that 1
served, only reinforced the decision
that Exeter was right for us.
During the past throe years 1 have
continued my involvement in mu-
nicipal affairs by attending council
meetings on a regular basis, sitting
as a member of the Planning Com-
mitee, attending planning seminars
on the Town's behalf and at the
Mayor's request, developing and
in Exctcr it is no different. I would
like to see more tax dollars spent
on recreationfor the young and the
What is the cost of a life of one
of Exeter's youngest citizens? Do
we have to wait until one of our
children is seriously hurt or killed
to have traffic lights installed at
Main and Victoria. Let's get thc
chairing a seminar on Economic
Development in order to revive in-
terest in the economic future of Ex-
eter. '
As a Director of Co-op Housing 1
have been working to bring afforda-
ble housing to Exeter to serve Sen-
iors as well as other segments of
our population.
One of my most personally satis-
fying activities has been working as
an Optimist to assist and help the
youth of our community.
Everyone who offers themselves
for Public Office must be willing
to serve the fellow citizens and
job done and have lights installed,
what -ever thecost in cash not a
We should take a long look at re-
cycling the tons of reusable materi-
als that we throw away each ycar.
If elected to town council, 1 will
endeavor over the next three years
to promote Exctcr to the hest of my
some candidates may have special
projects or interests. As a member
of your council I will strive to en-
sure that not only will wc have re-
sponsible government hut also a
council responsive to the needs and
desires of our townspeople. Long
range planning and major considera-
tion of our future needs will he one
of my major concerns to ensure that
todays decisions arc right for tomor-
row's circumstances.
As someone with the Timc; Inter-
est and Dedication needed to serve
properly, I look forward to being a
strong voice on council in repre-
senting the citizens of Exeter.
School Debate
Board of Education
candidates speak
page 2
New Image
Cleaning facility
opens in Hensall
page 5
World's most
important job
page 8
1( ts
Heather Redick
Do your own
folk art
page 13
Dave Shaw
tells own story
page 2A
North Middlesex
& Lambton Since 1873 November 9, 1988 Price per copy 60 cents
Candidates tell us why they should have
your support for six spots on council
we forget
WE REMEMBER - Exeter Legion -president Vera Armstrong lays a
wreath at the Exeter Cenotaph. Legion members will be participating at
four elementary school Remembrance Day services Friday morning.
'Grant severance for
north end properties
EXETER - Council. Monday
night accepted a recommendation.
from `the town's planning advisory
committee to approve a land sever-
ance application from Laidlaw
Transport and Charterways Trans-
The severance for the two compa-
nies would create a new highway
commercial lot with dimensions of
135 feet by 291 feet at thc corner of
Highways 4 and 83 at the north end
of Exeter.
The application was approved
with conditions. They included title
of the severed lands, title of the'rc
tained lands and a stipulation that
any buildings or structures existing
on the properties, that .will become
non -conforming as a result of this
consent shall be demolished or al-
tered to achieve compliance with the
town of Exeter zoning bylaw.
Realtor Bill Gilfillan told the
committee, the vendors wish to en-
ter negotiations for sale of both of
these properties and added,
"Negotiations are in the process
with all parties."
To a question from Bill Mont-
gomery regarding blockage for busi-
ness exposure to thc comer and the
need for a fence around the property,
Gilfillan replied, " The setback is
50. feet. It will be a daylight.cor-
Ben Noogenboom added, " A
fence becomes part of a develop-
ment agreement. Both pmpertics arc
in a Highway Commercial zone, so
no buffer is needed."
The committee also suggested
that impost fees of $400 per unit be
imposed on conversion to rent units
in C-1 zones and any new residen-
tial construction in conjunction
with commercial units. -
Expect to approve recycling by December
. EXETER - .Council is.expected
- to approve a recycling of garbage
program before the end of this ycar.
A recommendation from council-
lor Morley Hall was tabled until
Hall discusses the matter with the.
public works committee.
Thc move to wait until Dcccm-
ber came after several council mem-
bers asked if the public works de-
partment could carry out the
program 'rather than a private con=
Hall had received a bid of
X26,000 for one year to collect sep-
arated garbage from Blue Boxes
which would be provided for each
household in town.
The Ontario Ministry of the En-
vironment will pay a grant of 50
percent for the first year for collec-
tion costs and reds 't •t figure by
10 percent for cacl . . the next four
Thc Blue Boxes will cost $6 for
each of the 1,500households in Ex-
eter. The municipality will pay
only one-third of this cost. Thc bal-
ance will be shared by the provin-
cial government and an association
of soft drink manufacturers.
Hall said revenue from recycled
materials could amount to about
59,500 each year.
He continued, " We have been
dragging our feet for a long time.
Public pressure will force us into
The town's recycling co-
ordinator Geroge McEwen said the
province is committed for collec-
tion funding for five years. He add-
ed, " Starting on our'own; won't
stop us from joining a regional pro-
- gram later on. • -
Deputy reeve Lossy Fuller sug-
gestedthere may be cheaper ways
for a recycling program possibly
•carried out by the public works de-
partment. She was supported by
councillors Ben Hoogeriboom and
Gaylan Josephson.
Reeve Bill Mickle commented, "
Please turn to page 2
Town to add to police force
EXETER - Council Monday
night accepted a recommendation
presented by police committee
chairman Dorothy Chapman to hire
another officer.
On a recorded vote of six to one,
it was decided to hire a cadet to be-
gin his or her duces on January 1 of
1989. The only dissenting vote
came from Reeve Bill Mickle.
Mickle said he was not really
against the motion, but wanted a
little more precise figure on the
1989 police budget. He added, " I
think this council has been good to
the department in the allottment of
monies. But, 1 want to know exact-
ly how much more it is going to
Chapman presented figures which
revealed a saving from the 1988 to
the 1989 budget of S14,455 in the
difference of a cadet's salary and that
of a first class constable.
A considerable amount of over-
time is expected to be avoided with
the addition of another officer.
Overtime for officers increased from
546 hours in 1986 to an expected
1,009 hours this ycar.
In pointing out thc workload for
the local force, Chapman said the
number of occurrences investigated
in 1986 were 3,381. This year the
projection is 4,095.
Chapman continued, " Overtime
is a costly way to increase resourc-
es. Thc expected overtime this year
will amount to 1,513 paid hours.
That amounts to well over half an
officers time."
"Within the present situation
with extended lost time, sick time,
courses, etc., the force would be
stretched for resources and overtime
would increase. Thc officers have
no time left in a shift for preventa-
tive. general patrol or other duties."
Thc added salary cost for one offi-
cer for one year is estimated at
$18,933. That is based. on three
months as a cadet trainee and the
balance of the year as a fourth class
In • reply to a question from
Mickle regarding co-operation with
OPP detachments, chief Larry Hardy
said, " The OPP is putting in ane
dispatch system at Mount Forest. It
will cover thc Godcrich arca. We
only use their line now for emer-
gencies or assistance. That's the
sole purpose for the OPP frequenc'.
as far as town forces are concerned.
They don't take over responsibility
for municipal dispatch."
• After comparing the Exeter depart-
ment with other municipalities.
Chapman said, " We appear to be
handling the cost of policing better
than the average of comparative size
forces while having population rates
per officer that arc higher. Thc 1988
actual per capita cost to taxpayers
will be 582.08.
The biggest challenge to our
council for the next three years has
to be the tremendous growth we' ,
face now and in the next few years.
Growth affects every aspect of our
town, therefore we must be sure
that any development we condone
will be an asset to the older estab-
lished portion of Exeter.
The Official Plan for the town
was established to determine the fu-
ture direction of Exeter, and any
.changes to this.plan should be made
with great concern for the effects on
the town as a whole.
We do need diversified and afforda-
ble housing.
We also treed to look at growth
and its repercussions on depart-
ments such as administration, pub-
lic works, recreation, police,
P.U.C., and planning.
I see the past threc.years as requir-
ing more professional input in order
to avoid costly errors in the future.
This is one arca we will have to ad-
Policing, part of my mandate as a
councilor for the past six years, is
certainly of prime interest to me.
We have developed a quality force
• for Exeter and have been working
diligently at the provincial lever to
correct the inequities of policing
C. Morley � HALL
Thereare several concerns or ob-
jectives I would like to see brought
to completion during'tllis next term
of office, depending o the wishes
of the people of Exeter.
First and foremost i :the matter
of the recycling of n wspapers,
glass, metal and plastiLc cans of
household waste.
Even though it has been well
over a year since it was first pro-
posed, I can see a light at the\end of
the tunnel and I believe a curbside
pick up will be a reality early in
Another concern that I have had
for quite sometime is the crying
need for affordable housing for
many of our people in Exeter.
And that, too, is well in the way
to being a reality.
Lastly, the creation of a new
parkland for Exeter and for families
and people to enjoy. This proposed
• costs. 1 have represented the small
forces in the arca and look forward
to continuing this work if elected. •
1 believe there is a definite need
for -more kkal support groups for
our seniors living "in their own
homes, particularly those with a
horns -hound st)ouse.
1 would like to encourage more of
our local interested people to apply
for • position on our town .commit-
tees. We need you and your sup-
The only promise 1 will make is
commitment; honesty and dedica-
tion to the task as a councilor for
parkland has already hcen presented
to the present Council for their near
future consideration.
This parkland is located north of
Pryde Boulevard and cast of the
South Huron Recreation Centre
grounds. -
These are just some of thc objec-
tives I would like to sec brought to
fruition and will ccriainlj' work to-
ward during the next term of office..
On November 14 1 will be seek-
ing your support for re-election as
councilor in the Town of Exeter.
.During my seven years as coun-
cilor 1 have tried my best to meet
the needs of those individuals on a
wide variety of issues. As council's
representative on thc B.I.A. rela-
tions between council and the busi-
ness community have improved:
As a member of the public works
committee 1. am proud of the im-
provements to our streets and ser-
vices. For the past three years Ex-
eter has reached record levels of
As chairman of the committee
dealing with zoning and official
plan amendments, Exeter has seen
these following developments: The
Saari Department Store, The Plaza
on Main Street and Wellington,
Professional 'Office Building, Main
Street North, Relocation of Exctcr
Sherwood to Highway 83 E, pro-
posed apartment complex at Victor-
ia Street West.
Finally, council's decision to hire
a town administrator is a move I
have supported for sometime. -
My areas of concern arc: traffic
lights at Main Streett-and Victoria
and Main and Wellington; reloca-
tion of our fire hall; greater fund-
ing with Huron County and neigh-
boring municipalities; -more
flexibility in our zoning to encour-
age development within the Town
-of Exeter. • - - "
With - many exciting" develop-
ments being considered for Exeter, I
would be honored_ to continue serv—
ing you to the best of my abilities
for the next three years.
Aftcr living close to Exeter for
the last 25 years in Hensall; recent-
ly my wife Ann, daughter Eloise
and myself became residents of your
nice town. -
It's the difference between looking
in from the outside, and looking
out from the inside. You may
know that Exeter is always used as
a desirable model to copy from out-
lying municipalities, especially
Exeter has everything going for
them, especially thriving main
street, plenty of residential building
lots, ctc. etc. There is however a
danger clement lurking and that is
Having visited hundreds of house-
holds the last few days, 1 became.
aware of what people want and ex-
pcct of a new council. They want
fairness, honesty and equal treat-
ment. I might add approximately
80 -Percent arc quite happy.
Here are a few quotes from resi-
dents. "Thcy (council) promise you
the world, before election, get in,
and forget about the people." "This
town needs new blood on council,
that way we getfiew ideas." "Why
can't we have another bowling al-
ley." (For the economic develop -
Ment committee to tackle.) . Some
residents arc concerned about the en-
If council gives us the right direc-
tion re: garbage recycling wc will
cooperate in anyway we can. Main
street traffic flow is another con-
cern; sometimes you just can't
make a Icft hand turn. Cars from
opposite direction just don't stop
while traffic is building up behind
Tenants in the Victoria Park
apartments arc mad, because thc
roads arc still not paved yet. -In or-
der to maintain the quality of life
we enjoy in Exeter, I promise to
get these items on the agenda for
council to discuss, and properly'dcal
t Ervin
I was born and grew up in Tuck-
ersmith Township and farmed near
Brucefield. My wife Doris and I
raised three children, whoattended a
rural school. I was asked to serve
on the Local school board in 1959.
After hearing the famous speech
quoted by the late John F. Kennedy,
"Don't wait to see what the Coun-
try can do for you but go out and
see what you can do for the Coun-
try"'(Community), I was nominated
and acclaimed to, Tuckersmith
Council as Councilor for 11 years,
Deputy -Reeve for four years and
Reeve fotrr years.
After retiring to Exeter in 1983, I
was appointed by Exeter Council to
the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation
Authority and have represented the
town forfour years.
i was appointed to a Senior Hous-
ing Project and worked with the
Council and three citizens as a com-
mittee: 1 have been Vice Chairman
of Exeter Cancer Society for four
Exctcr is one of the fastest grow-
ing communities in Iluron County.
It must have the ability to handle
growth and expansion with contin-
ued co-operation with our rural
township neighbours.
I feel there is a need in Exctcr for
affordable housing.
We have to keep ahead with plan-
ning to he able to handle growth
through future development. /
I am letting my name stand for
town council, for I feel as a busi-
nessman and a father of four, I have
experience which will benefit the
town of Exeter. .
With three years on the Economic
Development Committee, I feel
this Committee with help from
council can bring some small busi-
nesses to the arra.
Today recreation is expensive and
When Kathy and I moved to Exet-
er a number of years ago, we made
a decision to move to an arca of our
own choice. It was because of this
commitment that we had made to
Exeter that 1 first offered my servic-
es a councilor. The term that 1
served, only reinforced the decision
that Exeter was right for us.
During the past throe years 1 have
continued my involvement in mu-
nicipal affairs by attending council
meetings on a regular basis, sitting
as a member of the Planning Com-
mitee, attending planning seminars
on the Town's behalf and at the
Mayor's request, developing and
in Exctcr it is no different. I would
like to see more tax dollars spent
on recreationfor the young and the
What is the cost of a life of one
of Exeter's youngest citizens? Do
we have to wait until one of our
children is seriously hurt or killed
to have traffic lights installed at
Main and Victoria. Let's get thc
chairing a seminar on Economic
Development in order to revive in-
terest in the economic future of Ex-
eter. '
As a Director of Co-op Housing 1
have been working to bring afforda-
ble housing to Exeter to serve Sen-
iors as well as other segments of
our population.
One of my most personally satis-
fying activities has been working as
an Optimist to assist and help the
youth of our community.
Everyone who offers themselves
for Public Office must be willing
to serve the fellow citizens and
job done and have lights installed,
what -ever thecost in cash not a
We should take a long look at re-
cycling the tons of reusable materi-
als that we throw away each ycar.
If elected to town council, 1 will
endeavor over the next three years
to promote Exctcr to the hest of my
some candidates may have special
projects or interests. As a member
of your council I will strive to en-
sure that not only will wc have re-
sponsible government hut also a
council responsive to the needs and
desires of our townspeople. Long
range planning and major considera-
tion of our future needs will he one
of my major concerns to ensure that
todays decisions arc right for tomor-
row's circumstances.
As someone with the Timc; Inter-
est and Dedication needed to serve
properly, I look forward to being a
strong voice on council in repre-
senting the citizens of Exeter.