Times-Advocate, 1988-11-02, Page 15Elimville speaker on Friendship House
ELI\1\ ILL•E - The Elimville
Women's Institute recently held
thcir'Cktober meeting at the church.
Tile convener~. were Jean Lynn and
Shirley Cooler.• -
The roll call was "bring an article
for 'Friendship House'" in Go dcrich. •
Shirley introduced die guest speak-,
er Julie Lee, the c' eCutive director
of Suryitat through •Friendship
This organization provides shelter
and support • Ivor. battered women
throughout Huron County. They
also provide ser ices tb help chil-
dren of these families. Jean thanked
Julie -arid presented her with a dona-
tion on behalf of the \Voniens' In-
• president Marie Brock presided -for
the business.
A donation will be given to the
Exeter Agriculture Society early
next year. . - .
Jean and Shirley gave a report
from the Fall Rally. held in Ilensalf
• Uiaited Church recently; -The No-
vember meeting will be held at Ver -
la Allen's at 8 o'clock unless nrti
Mr. -and Mrs. /toward -Johns, Mr.
ancj-Mrs. Philip. Johns, • Mr: and
Mrs. Elson Lynn and \1r: and Mrs.
Floyd' Cooper were among a bus
load of people Who enjoyed a- tour •
to the Smoky Mountains with
and Mrs. Iry Armstrong as hoses.
This included a tour of the Kune-
land Race Track and the: city of Lex-
ington on the way to Pigeon Forge
and G,attlinhurg arra. There we en -
Seniors meet
at Ailsa Craig
AILSA CRAIG - On October 26
the seniors gathered at the Legion
Hall for their monthly Pot luck din-
ner:- Following this- we had our
meeting with president Harold•Gil-
foyle presiding, assisted by Shirley
Williams as secretary and Florence
White as Treasurer.
It was •reported Murray Collins
arid -Earl Rees were in hospital.
We decided not to have a pot luck
dinner in Novcinher .its we plan to
have a Christmas dinner early in
December. !v.1orc details at our next'
erecting. All the members who attended the
Dessert Euchre at Lucan on October
.13 reported having a lovely after-
noon. - -
A nominating committee will he
named at the next meeting. to bring
in a slate of officers for the conning
There- were nine •tables playing
euchre and the prizes went to: La-
dies High - Beckie" Ross; Mens
High - Sadie Graham (men's card);
Ladies Lone Hands - Laura Axford;
Mens Lone Hands - Fred Lewis; La-
dies Low - Marjorie Steeper and
Mcns Low - Betty Lockhart (men's
, (sand). .
joycd a day at "Dollywood" several
country and western shows, and a
craft show to name a few.
The highlight of the trip was the
tour around the Mountains by a
. couple who ,live in Gattlinhurg.
This took us up_ in the wilderness
'of the mountain. -and of the main
road to sec things many 'a tourist
• wouldn't see. The weather was per-
feet and the colors out. of this -
On the way back -to Lexington we
toured "Shaker Village." Everyone
enjoyed the trip.
Elimville • t-.C.:W. -
Thc Elimville United Church
Women met • at the •church last
week. President Sharon. Lynn .
opened with a poem. The roll call
was.answcred by turning in our cal-
endars froin the previous month. it .
was reported the first Bible Study
had been held at the manse on Tues-
day evening at 8 p.m. The study is
on the life of Jesus. Everyone is
welcome sand -may still join in with
rhe group.
-Grace Pym read a- letter from the
Bible Society thanking: us for our
used stamps azul we are allencour-
aged . to continue saving . used
stamps.- •
Joyce Fulton reported on. the re-
gional meeting held at=}tensall re-
cently. Donations were made to
seeds lar Africa and Medical Elec-
tive. .
The group will. cater to a town-
ship banquet on November 3 and
will also cater to the Gddfellows
banquet on. March '25. They will
serve lunch ata wedding reception
on November 12.
The theme at the- meeting was
"Thanksgiving"_.. The conveners.
wereEvelyn Horne and -Muriel Par=.
sone • A9uriel•opened with a poem
"f•Offer Thanks". Kaye Grubb read
the scripture. Evelyn led in prayer
and then introduced the guest speak-
er.Elaine Pym.
Elaine showed slides on Germa-
- ny, Amsterdam, Paris and Switzer-
land. She had visited Gcmtany as a
• Junior Farmer delegate, staying -
With several German farm families.
The • members enjoyed hearing
Elaine'bcomments and slides. Mu-
riel thanked her on behalf of all
present. Muriel read an anicic
"Slow me down, Lord".
Hallowe'en Party
. The.Messengcr Hallowe'en part)
was held at Elimville church -on
Thursday evening- with 54 children
.attending. Judges were' Ruth Skin-
ner and Marjorie 1)ykeman. The
winners were: ghosts and witches
Star Jiiwius and Susan !Miner;
ckiwris - T,lra Noyiti and Lori Ker-
nick;:princesses and fairies - Natalie
Kerslake and Vanessa Bray: animal:
- Brenda Miner and tie<i for second
\lathew Rowe and Meagan Parker;
T: V..charactcrs - Paul Morgan and
tied for second L. Sackdavone Oun-
sonune and I:: Keirigkay Ounsa-
tone; hobos, cowboys and indians-
Iva Weston aria Ryan 'Fulton:
Draculas and monsters-Andrecw
-Weston and Justin Miner; couples •
Rcbccca Miller and Jodi Rowe:
Others - Derek Etheringon and J.J.
Miners. Alt receive(1•can(ls• treats
.andiunch kitlowed. •
The church celebrated their anni-
versary- on Sunday. •Guest Aluriel
Coulters' was_ introduced by Grace
Pym. Muriel tot 1 of her cxperienc-
cs when she vision Ethiopia with a
groan- from the -London arca. She
_said help such as grain is getting to
the proper place and -the group felt
there --is hope for this area.-
Following the service Muriel an-
swered many questions. A pot luck
luncheon followed in the basement.
Times -Advocate, November 2, 1988
Page 13
GHOST AT SCOTIA BANK - Students of kindergarten classes at Exeter Public School visited the .Exeter
branch of the Bank of Nova. Scotia; Monday. From the left -are branch. manager Lloyd Robison with students Bri-.
• anne Simpson, Jessy Johnson, Ashley Nixon,'Jeffrey Beaver and Kyle Farwell.
Lucan St.
LUCAN•- Plans are being mule
for Remembrance Day celebrations.
Classes throughout the whole
school are participating through- ac-
tivities such as coloring, posters,
poems and essays. The climax.. of
the -celebration will occur at 'the Lu=
can -arena where the Legion is spon-
soring the event.
Exeter 4-H club
Tiger TimeL.. from
Stephen Central -
- C'REDIT(t\ - The Fabulous
Farming. Shod- - On Monday t
went to sec the Fabulous Farming,
- Show. h started when a hand sang
a. song. A scientist carte. out. - 1.
heard lightning. I thought it would_
rain. lie had a weed killing.potion.
Ile drank half a bottle.- He fed the
rest to some plants. The _weeds
died. But the scientist did not die.
- Shaun Dawe, Cir. 4.
October •i a._scary feeling [or
sire reason. (('s a Hall(iwc'en
poem to ore. The birds disappear--
isappear-ing, dark mists. Everything seems
so real. Small creatures crawling
around at night. Sounds like a real-
ly Hallowe'en night..to Inc.. Stay-
ing in the house sounds like a.good
to mc! - Angie Pickering, Gr.
King's Court - This past week
the junior students have been play -
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ing King's -Court. You need two
-teams and -a hall to•play. One team
(.nite:r-fri»ri each leant is a King.,
Both King's play in .a circle in the
.centre and switch sides from their
team. The object of the game is to
hit people on the other team bele:
.the waist with the. hall to get peo-
ple out.- it is a really fun -game. -.
Melanie Neil. Gr. 5
Room 5's Animal Projects
- Room- 5 is doing a project on
their favorite animal. After ctoin<e
the rescarch.they can choose doing a
diorania,•mohilc, ho okcovcr or -pre-
tending they are the animal by put-
ting it on paper. , When they are due
we have lo show them to the class
and read the information. It is in-
teresting to li:arn new facts about
animals. - Danny Gielnrk, Cir. 6
Partner Reading - Every
\Wednesday our school has partner
reading. \ly partner is Dean.
Brown. He is a very good reader. r
The last time we had peer reacting;
he read -six hooks and they were
fairly King. too. Dean is a very
smart boy. We read in Mrs. Ho- -
garth's class all the time. We like
partner reading. - Chad Benncwics;
Gr. 6
Pig; Unit - Room 5 and 6 had a
pig unit... It was for two weeks. •
Ms. Thomson and Mrs. Dcelstra
made up groups for everyone.
Thcre were 6 people in most of the
8 groups. We were kept busy do-
ing many activities and learning
facts about pigs. On the last day of
our pig unit we went on..a scaven-
ger hunt with our group. Pretcnd-
ing We're Templeton from Char
lotto's Web we had to find about 10
things. The . group that got the
most got :i pig sticker. We ended
the unit with a pignic. -'Lisa Stc-
wardson, Gr. 5
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EXETER We had our fourth
meeting Thursday, October 27: We
started our meeting off by saying
the 4 -II pledge. Then- did roll call
"Name a -cut of pork or pork prod-
uct that you would have for break-
fast". - •We read over our hooks and read
about pork: Our leaders gave us
sortie: pencils and we had to judge
which potion would be the best 10
use. \\'c had to do that hecali c
have to judge pork chops at
Achievement Night.
We went to the kitchen and made
a Caesar Salad with bacon. After we
were finished our president official=
ly adjourned the meeting. . -
-Press Reporter - Karen
Patrick School news
.The Stodart• Council of Si. Pat-
rick ScluxiI• are. holding an event for
Hallowe'en. Ther are inviting class-
es -to participate in the Haunted
-House activities. Pupils \gill see,
touch, smell :sink of the strangest
things: A new program has been
added this year to 'St. Patrick
A• junior •cl-ioir has been formed
under -the. direction o1 Mrs. Jane
Earl. i am sure .we'll hear Iron
them as the 1•car progresses. Many
sports actix itics have already taken
place •so far this year. Cross country
was held on October 2f) after three
rain day delays. Five-a-side •soccer
for the junior grades terminated 0:7 --
!ober 26 and 27 with a tournament
at Ahhousc College. The girls team
placed second overall and the boys
canto in 5th out of 15. A very good
The school soccer team has also
-completed its year by attending a
tournament in London. We played
in the A division but lost in the de-
ciding game before the champion-
ship game.
A special thanks to George Gait
for coaching the team. Ile certainly
had a team of boys and girls to he
.proud of . As you can see many
events have already taken place and
only two months have passed!
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