Times-Advocate, 1988-10-26, Page 12INDIVIDUAL WINNERS At the recent Benmiller cross-country meet
for the Huron -Perth Separate .School Board Joey Debus and Elizabeth
Groot of St. Boniface School came in first in their own races: Debus won
the boys 8 and under 1,000m and Elizabeth ran the 11-12 girls 2,000m tor a
first: place. medal.
Times -Advocate, October 26, 1988
Page 11
Youth bowling team kicking off fundraising efforts
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - The Saturday Youth
Bowling team will be taking orders
for Chocolate -Coated Almonds
within the next couple of weeks to
raise money for their activities.
. P.T.A. Meeting
Debbie Dennomme informed eve-
ryone at the St. Bonifacc P.T.A."
meeting that for a fundraising pro-
ject the kids will be selling pay -
what -you -pull tickets with a draw at
the Christmas concert.
A "hot dog" committee was set
up under the direction of .Carmel
Sweeney for the last Wednesday. of
each month. Leslie. Jeffrey will
head -the "Milk Money" program
.once a month also. If fnyenc can
help with these two projects please
let us know.
• The Parish family skating party
will be Sunday, February 5 from 1-.
3 p.m. at the Arena.
Principal David Sharpe introduced
all the teachers and invited the par-
ents to visit the classrooms to sec
their work; and taste the home-made
apple butter made by the grade 6
Paper Drive
A reminder about the paper drive
this Thursday at 6:30 p.m. .
Halloween Party
The next story hour at the Zurich
Public Library will be Monday; Oc-
tober 31 at 2 p.m. It will be a Hal
Winter Hours
Mon. & Tues. 9:00 to 5:30 p.m.
87 Main St.,
Thurs. & Fri. 9:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 to 12:00 noon
Closed Wednesday
For an appointment
Boniface grade 8 class are taking
turns selling stationery supplies in
school as a lesson in business
mathematics. New products will be
brought in during the year and a de-
cision to spend the profit will be
made in the spring. Last week's
salespeople were Mary. Hartman
(left), Jason Oud. Chris Ducharme
and Jody Masse.
Brighten Your Day
Plants and Trees
• Large selection • Best prices
Selected sale specials
Mon. - Fri. 8:30 - 5:00
Sat. 10:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Casual Industries Inc.
Hwy. 83, 3 miles E. of
Lake Huron Water Plant
Grand Bend
Bill and Gwen Waghorn wish to announce
that the Kirkton Market has been sold. We
sincerely thank all who have patronized us
over the past eighteen years.
It has been a pleasure serving our many
valued customers.
Also many thanks to all who have helped us
in any way during this time.
We welcome the new proprietors Ray and
Wendy Venturin to our community and invite
all who wish, to come in Saturday, October
29th and meet the new owners and have
coffee with us.
Bill and Gwen Waghorn
loween Party for the pre-schoolers.
Moms and kids dress up in your
funniest and best costume and see
you there..
A bridal shower was held at St.
Peter's Parish Hall; St. Joseph, on
Friday, October 14 in honor of Ca-
role Morrissey (fiancee of Wayne
Jeffrey) son of Peter and Evelyn,
R.R.2, Zurich. The couple arc to
be married on November 5.
Ambrose Denomme of Kitchener
spent last sum to Thursday with his
mother, Mrs. Juliette Dcnomrnc.
Congratulations to Jeanne Hay
who recently won a watch by play-
ing the daily T.V. Bingo.gamc: with
cards sent in from the Zurich Tender
- Spot 'Store. •
Curtis and Mary Gingcri. ti recent-
ly enjoyed going up North for a few
days to Stouffville, Beaverton and
Orillia where they visited with'
some of their friends.
The Voice of Leo
The Lions Club met October 12
at the Dominion Tavern and decided-
-that they will delver the new.phone
books again 11.. , year.
-The Club passed motions to do- -
nate money to The Youttt Exchange
program, The Lions- l lonte kw. Deaf
people, and gave S2(X) to -the Zurich
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
President Carl F inkbcincr remind-
cd'everyonc the Lions will be col-
lecting for the annual C.N.I.B. can-
vass • before • their next meeting
October 26.
Ilridge Club.•
The 12 ladies who belonto the
• bridge club get together once a
Keck-. They cnjoycd a luncheon al
the Oakwood Inn near Grand Bend
last Wednesday as a farewell party
for one their members. Flo Murray
will be moving away to London.
She was presented*with a gift and
will be missed by her many friends
from town.
Blyth Festival hosting dinner auction
BLYTH - There will be a great
number of. surprises in store for
those who attend the Blyth Festi=
vat's upcoming Gala Dinner Auc-
tion on Saturday, November 5,
1988 at Blyth Community Centre.
All proceeds from the Auction will
go towards the Blyth Festival Capi-
tal Project: In addition to the great
•number of travel adventure week-
ends, children's toys, handmade
quilts, and one -of -a -kind treasures,
there will be many "Blyth Bonus"
door prizes given away throughout
the evening.
The Preview, Silent Auction and
Dinner begin at 6 p.m. with the
Auction featuring Richard Lobb as
auctioneer beginning at 8 p.m.
Over one hundred items will he up
Bazaar next week
ZURICH - The monthly St.
Bonifacc C.W.L. General Meeting
was held on October 18. Father
llayes thanked everyone for attend-
ing and asked everyone to recite the
Rosary in hope that our politicians
will stand for the right to life.
Evelyn Regicr and Mary Faye
Regier recently attended the Nation-
al Rally for Life in Ottawa. They
felt it was more than a worthwhile
trip and hope to be able to hear
Mother Theresa speak once again.
Final arrangements were made
for the annual bazaar on November
5 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.in
the St. Bonifacc auditorium. The
Knights " of Columbus Harvest
Dance will be held on November 19
and the date for Brother Bob's Bingo
has been set for February 26, 1989.
Gucst for the evening was Penny
Watson of Country Flowers. Every-
one cnjoycd .the demonstration and
tips on arranging a harvest wreath:
for auction, claim the Auction.orga-
nrzcrs. Tickets.are S20.00 and avail-
able at the Blyth Festival offices or
by calling (519) 523-9300/9225. A
special gourmet dinner is also pro-
vided with special surprise guest
auctioneers popping up throughout
the evening.
1f you .have a special item you
would like to donate to the Blyth
Festival Gala Auction, please call
the Blyth Festival at 523-4345.
SECOND PLACE - The St. Boniface senior boys cross-country team
took second place overall at the Benmiller meet on October 14: Craig Zim-
mer (back left), Jody Masse, Pat Regier (front left) and Ken Rau.
If we told you Barbara speaks with her hands, would you listen?
".\t brut In\ heist: deal w.l. tlith -1111 1 11,1.1
11:1W notch c tt, help ii v c.. -workers feel
ntl,rr itnntt,rt.lhlc ctith rile. Now they
know ht,N much 1 l,111
Rett‘ren the deaf contnlunit% and the
he;rrtni: wtlrltl, difficult% in Loinnllltllc,ttlnl.'
1 'r .r la,cter.,1 this dill. rift
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Ott. Jnr 1 )Is,lhlell 1 l'TN i71,,
7t\' Ra. Ctttt'r• Ihrh
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t.in be An I., 1:m11i;.titd fru•tr.rfrtl, l' 1111, :
Yet, e'very dal, pe. vie hke Rarl•.tr., itt 1i,
inc the ch,111cnLc' .inti hull.lrn,c hrl,lct ,
Wit enclair.ieement .inti •tire,„rr
from her f,unrll. the de.It cr,mminut' ,n1.1
hetrtnc People. R.irh:lr.t h.1• h.nl .It t c•.
h. -r .Ir1.1 111.. r1,reter• \%h., h.I�t•
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1,-r'• ett h.n •hc .In.l , ,there like her haver. . 1, ,n,1 lle.tr \% 11.1, the\ rc %.1% MC.
Do you have an open mind?
office for
Disabled Persons
Remo Manc n Mm,ster
David Peterson Premier