Times-Advocate, 1988-10-12, Page 14Page 14 Times -Advocate, October 12, 1988
HOT DOGS FOR ARC - Employees of the Exeter branch of the Bank of
Montreal held a hot dog sale Friday with proceeds going to Arc Industries in
Dashwood. From the left are Dennis Carty, Annette Drouillard and Dennis
Get the same great
prices we offered at the
Plowing Match
Hydrostatic Lawn
Starting as low as Tractors from
$1695 $2995
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(519) 523-4244
County Rd. 3
Readers write
Defends fair board policy on judging
Dear Sir:
In reference to Mr. Dixon's letter
in last week's TA, I would like to
present my view on judging. My
first comment would be, "How
lucky every fair in Ontario would
be to have every new bride in the
area enter her apple pie in her local
fair!" We should not use a new
bride as an example or we may nev-
er get them ' hibitors but let us
use any exhibitor for an example.
I want to familiarize you with
Judging Standards for Food, Cloth-
ing, Quilts, and Handcrafts, publi-
cation 447, and Horticultural Judg-
ing Standards, publication 34
published by the Ontario Ministry
of Agriculture and Food. Quote -
"Exhibits should set the standards
of excellence. Classes should be
designed to best illustrate the high
quality of the product and workman-
ship to encourage creativity and
originality. They should also de-
velop personal. pride in doing quali-
ty and in demonstrating skills to
others. These guidelines, by identi-
fying accepted standards and desired
qualities of a product, may also be
helpful to exhibitors.
I have judged many an apple pie
in my years as a judge and the first
thing you read are the rules and the
prize list of the respective fair.
Docs it read ---apple pie, 2 crust; ap-
ple pie, 2 crust with spice; dutch
apple pie; sour cream apple pie; ap-
• ple pie with crumb topping: A
judge is required to know the judg-
ing criteria for each of these pies
and hopefully you would not have
to judge each of these kinds of pie
in their own section.
A two crust pie is 20 points for
general appearance, 50 points for
crust and 30 points for filling while
a one crust pie is 15 points for gen-
eral appearance, 35 points for crust
and 50 points for filling. There
may also be some specifications in
the prize list for the size of the pie
The proper way to cut a pie for
judging is to cut to the centre of the
pie and cut out a small wedge. You
are in for many surprises when try-
ing to lift out this wedge as it may
fall apart which means it will not
hold its' shape or the prize list says
no spice, the crust is cooked and the
apples still uncooked, too sweet or
too sour or taste too much of lem-
on juice, the crust is so hard that
you can hardly cut it let alone flake
it, the crust tainted with old lard or
shortening or soggy.
I could go on with much more
criteria of an apple pie but I am try-
ing to point out that this apple pie
should resemble the apple pie asked
for in -the prize list and measures up
to what is expected of an apple pie.
This method or similar methods are
used for judging in the Culinary Art
However, when one pie or one of
any exhibit is in.a class, it should
meet reasonable standards to have a
Chance to. be Minister
TORONTO - Ontario's young
people can win a chance to be Min-
siter of Agriculture and Food for a
day by entering the Royal Agricul-
tural Winter Fair Public Speaking
Contest this fall.
Young people ages 17 to 24, arc
eligible to enter the contest, which
will be held November 17 at the
Coliseum, Exhibition Place, in To-
ronto. Contestants must deliver a
five to seven minute speech on an
agricultural topic, as well as intro-
ducing and thanking another con-
"This is an excellent opportunity
for young people to speak about ag-
Rugged 2 x 4 frame
construction clad in pre-
painted steel
Display units priced
to sell
Exchange your shed for
larger size.
234-6401 Crediton
For a custom application job you can count on...
CaII us today
riculture, and it win be a good ex-
perience for the, contest winner to
join me in my official duties as
'Minister for a day'," said Agricul-
ture and Food Minister Jack Rid-
dell. •
To enter, send your name, ad-
dress, telephone number, age and
topic of your speech to Carol Stew-
art -Kirby, Guelph Agriculture Cen-
tre, P.O. Box 1030, Guelph, N I H
6N1. Deadline is October 14. 1988.
first prize ribbons. Judges are en-
.couraged to write comments on the
back of the entry tag to inform and
educate the exhibitor. 1 found some
comments on the back on my entry
t2gs this year. •
We need to maintain Rule 19 in
the Exeter Agricultural Society
quote "Judges will be further in-
structed to withhold prizes, if any
entry is undeserving and where there
is only one entry per section, a first
prize will not necessarily be award -
.ed, unless worthy. After looking
through many of 236 prize list
from fairs across Ontario, 1 have
found that they also have -rules to
govern judging according to merit
and to maintain the standard of ex-
cellence. •
There are judging symposiums
for committee personnel, judges and
exhibitors held at the fifteen dis-
tricts across Ontario. 1 would he
happy to include all the new brides
and exhibitors and anyone interested
in my next class or would personal-
ly answer any questions about judg-
ing in the Hornecraft Division.
Your Fair Friend - Dolores Shap -
Past President - Homecraft Divi-
sion Ontario Association of Agri-
cultural Societies.
CORNUCOPIA - The Thanksgiving theme at Crediton
day morning included this Cornucopia display.
United'Church Sun -
We are ready to meet
- fast unloading
- large storage and drying
- prompt payment
- up to date market
- 15 flotation custom fertilizer
- liquid or dry fertilizer
-. custom spraying of
Round -up and other
fall chemicals
Call for prices
- Hyland Brand Augusta and Houser
- Harus and Fredrick
- Monopol also available
The 'Blue Tag' assures you of Certified #1 coed. For Purity, quality and top yields,
sow Hyland brand certified seed.
The staff at W.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. are ready
and looking forward to serving you this fall.
Seatorth 345-2545
Pt. Albert 529-7901
Hensel) 262-2527
Allsa Craig 293-3223
Mitchell 348-8433
Granton 225-2360