Times-Advocate, 1988-10-05, Page 38•
e 22A
9Determination is key ingredient in weight -loss recipe
By Yvonne Reynolds
Two events from the past four
years are etched indelibly in the
mind of Cheryl Englert. One is
the worst moment she has ever ex-
perienced. The other is among the
best. -
She relates the worst first, as it
is inextricably tied to its opposite.
After the birth of her second child,
the ordained Lutheran minister and
former chaplain at South Huron
Hospital, five feet six inches tall,
weighed just a shade under 200
Cheryl was fat. So fat she went
shopping for a new drcss in tic
Maternity section of a London de-
partment store. As she was paying
for her purchase, an obviously
pregnant young woman came up to
her and bubbled, "And when are
you due?"
Grabbing her parcel, Cheryl fled
to- her car, put her head on the
steering wheel, and cried in shame
and self -hate for 10 minutes.
Her extra pounds were affecting
not onlyher appearance but her
health as well. She knew her
overweight condition was the rea-
son she required half an hour to get
mobile each morning. She thought
of the time not too long before
when a sudden move in bed precip-
itated such pain she thought she
might die. She had frozen in posi-
tion, afraid to move. The pain va-
nished when she finally dared to
;."roll over, and she realized its cause
had been one slab of fat grinding
against another.
Cheryl lifted her head and reso-
lutely turned the key in the igni-
tion. She drove home to Southcott
Pines filled with a grim determina-
tion to do something about her
I decided it was my choice
whether or not to be fat. I didn't
Each weekly two-hour session be-.
gins with a weigh-in and a social
time. Each meting focuses on a
different topic. Members learn
about their relationship with food,
which foods act as "red lights", and
how to control "time traps" like
mid-afternoon snacks.
Exercise is an important part of
losing weight. Last winter Cheryl
slipped on her cross-country skis
every morning at 6:00 a.m., skied
over to the Pinery, and was back
home by 7:30, ready for the day.
She bought a stationary bike to be
used in bad weather.
The food plan provides nutritious
meals the whole family can enjoy.
It is a calorie -reduction regimen
rather than a dict. People learn
moderation in their eating habits.
One of the most important parts
of losing weight through Weight
Watchers is the support and encour-
agement members Rive each other.
In January '87 Cheryl was asked
to consider leadership training with
the Weight Watchers organization.,
and has been teaching both the Ex-
eter class and one she started in
Grand Bend. The Exeter group,
whichmeets in Trivitt Memorial
Church hall on Monday nights, has
grown to about 90 members: The
Grand Bend branch meets on Tues-
day nights in the Southcott Pines
Once members maintain their
has only one dessert a day. The
abundance of fresh vegetables and
fruits in the summer makes dieting
much easier in that season, Rob ex-
He passed on an integral factor in
his successful weight loss formula.
"I used to eat until I was full. Now
I cat until I'm satisfied", he said.
Rob also exercises regularly. He
is actively involved in baseball,
biking, water skiing, swimming,
and other athletic pursuits.
By January Rob began to notice a
difference. He stuck to his self-
imposed regimen, and has dropped
to 170 well -muscled pounds. As a
matter of fact, his doctor has in-
formed him he should be 10 pounds
Rob recently had an experience
similar to Cheryl Englert's. A
friend who moved away a number of
_years ago came back, and did not
recognize his old friend.
Rob's waistline has shrunk from a
42 to a 34.
Rob Russeil now
"1 tried on an old pair of pants the
other: day, It was kind of scarey".
Rob said.
Rob passes on some helpful sug-
gestions that have worked for him.
First, you must be determined to
lose weight.
"I wanted to a couple of years
ago, but 1 wasn't ready. This time,
I.decided I would do it, and I did. I'm
bull-headed", Rob observed.
Rob weighs himself before each
meal. . When he has eaten enough,
he does not linger at the table.
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He drinks "gallons" of water every
day, and reaches for no -calorie celery
if he gets an attack of "the munch-
ies". Rob avoids potato chips, one
of his weaknesses. He stays away
from the store bakery while work- .
ing at the A and H.
Rob said his father too has
"shaved off a bit of weight", but
does not make things easier by
"taking us to all the smorgasbord
places". The challenge in his tone
was unmistakeable.
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have to look the way I did. I could
do something about it...To be .a
child of God is to be accepted as I
am. But.I should try to be the best
person I can be emotionally, spirit-
ually and physically. It is all part
of the same ministry, the quality
of life" Cheryl observed.
She remembered that her sister
had joined Weight Watchers, lost
20 pounds and kept it off for eight
years. She attended her first
Weight Watchers meeting in Exet-
er in January 1986.
"It 'was a difficult step, to admit I
needed professional help. I hoped i
wouldn't run into someone i
knew", Cheryl revealed.
- Cheryl was impressed with what
she saw and heard. The guest leader
was a grandmother in her 60s who
had lost 50 pounds.
Cheryl began attending the week-
ly sessions. By July she had at-
tained her goal, and in October be-
came a life member, having stayed
at her desired weight for six weeks.
This led to one of the most exhil-
arating moments of Cheryl's life.
The Englerts are yachting enthu-
siasts, and Cheryl had undergone
most of her startling transformation
near the end of the 1986 season:
Her friends saw her at the club
dressed in her normal sailing garb - r
jeans and sweatshirt That winter she
exercised faithfully to tone and
tighten up skin that now covered a
great deal less flesh.
In preparation for the party in the
spring to launch the 1987 season,
Cheryl bought "a smashing- dress" hind Me 100 percent, no mfltter
in a size eight, had her hair layered, what I am doing", Cheryl noted, ad -
permed and highlighted the day tie- ding with a laugh that her husband's
fore, and set out to celebrate with only complaint is that his wife now
her husband. provides less ballast when the two
To her amazement, none of their go sailing.
old friends would speak to them. Fi- * * * ,
Wally, after half an hour of being Eighteen -year -ofd Rob Russell,
subjected to many a sidelong Exeter, lost 50 pounds on his own.
glance, one of Cheryl's friends tim- The grade 13 student at South Hu-
ron approached Peter Englert's District High School was carry-
slim, glamorous companion and
said, "Is that you, Cheryl?" ing 242 pounds on his six feet one
The, friend later explained that the inch frame when he decided last No -
previous year the appearance of one somber to start losing weight.
of the yacht club members with a Rob explained he- has been en -
young woman had preceded a nasty en-
couraged to eat from the time he
was born eight weeks prematurely,
divorce. The yachting fraternity; barely tipping the scales at three
not immediately recognizing the pounds two ounces. The pounds
new 70 -pounds -lighter Cheryl, had gradually accumulated ashe snacked
feared history was repeating itself. continually on junk foods before
They could not have paid Cheryl a sand after three hearty daily meals.
more sincere compliment. The loss of a close friend in a car
Weight Watchers achieves its accident last November was the cat -
spectacular results through combin- alyst that "threw me for a loop and
ing four elements -self-discovery, made me want to start over again",
regular exercise, a num- Rob said,
tious diet, and mutual support. Each He began to cut back on meals.
individual must supply one vital in- sometimes skipping breakfast, and
gredicnt. Determination. swing for soup and a sandwich at
"i have never met anyone who lunchtime instead of augmenting
can't lose weight. If you follow the the menu with fattening extras like
pian, it will work. if you only lose nut butter and crackers. He now.
half a pound per week, you are still e�ts more fruits and vegetables, and
better off than before", Cheryl said.
Cheryl Englert now
goal for six weeks, they comc for a
weigh-in once a month. If they
stay within two pounds of their
goal, they no longer pay the weekly
Cheryl vows to kc p the weight
off. Being slim makes her feel bet-
ter about herself, -and gives her more
energy. She modelled for the first
time last month, in a fashion show
organized by the Ladies Guild of the
Huron Country Playhouse. Al-
though she -didn't know it, her proud
husband was in the audience.
"Peter has always accepted me for
the person I am, and is always be -
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