Times-Advocate, 1988-10-05, Page 35NOMINATIONS
TAKE NOTICE that persons may be nominated as candidates in an election between 9 o'clock in
the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of nomination day, Monday, October 17, 1988, but
nothing in section 35 of the Municipal Elections Act, R.S.O.,1980 c.308 prevents a person filing
a nomination paper with the clerk during his normal office hours during the four days immediately
,preceding nomination day.
REEVE _, .*.,..�...�.:.
Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and further take
notice that the manner in which said nominations shall be filed is set forth in section 36 of the Mu-
nicipal Elections Act. Nomination forms and full particulars of procedures to be followed, may be
obtained from the undersigned.
If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices are nominated and make the
required declarations, notice of the time for the holding of the poll, including the advance poll and
notice of the last day for making applications for a certificate to vote by proxy will be given forth-
News from Grand Bend Churches
by Roberta Walker charistic Ministers. Roberta Walk -
GRAND BEND - A baptism I er was cantor and sang a solo "On
took place at the 11 a.m. Mass on This Day" at Communion. The
Sunday at Immaculate Heart of choir, directed by Delores Tighe;
Mary Church. Craig William Wes- sang at Communion.
ley Simmons, infant son of Wil- Father Paul Beck based his ser-
Iiam Simmons and Betty. Rasen- mon on the gospel, "What God has
berg, was received into the Catholic joined together, man must not di -
Community through the Sacrament vide," on the sacred principle of
of Baptism. The reader was Rose matrimony.
Vanbruaene, who was joined by her There were 18 high school stu-
husband Jerry Vanbruacne as Eu- dents out to attend the first get -
Will be held at
Lucknow Community Centre, Lucknow, Ontario
Thursday., October 13,- 1988
at 8:00 p.m.
Guest Speaker
For the purpose of selecting a candidate to represent the Pro-
gressive Conservative Association in the Federal Riding of Hu-
ron Bruce in the next federal election.
The constitution provides that the following delegates will be
entitled to vote at the nomination convention: the executive and
honorary members of the association; the chairpersons and
'vice -chairperson of each municipality; the executive of the
Young Progressive Conservative Association and three resident
delegates from each polling subdivision. Each candidate must
file a written nomination with the secretary of the Association at
least 48 hours prior to the nomination meeting.
Barry Johnston
Mary Donnelly
Secretary -Treasurer
Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township
of McGillivray that the period during which nomination papers may
be filed in the office of the Clerk, (located 1/4 mile off County Road
#24, south of West McGillivray) for the purpose of Municipal Elec-
tions,'will be October 13, 14 and 15, 1988 from 9:00 o'clock a.m.
to 4:00 o'clock p.m. and October 17, 1988 from 9:00 o'clock a.m.
to 5:00 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of nominating fit and proper
persons for the office of:
For the Township of. McGillivray
The prescribed forms for the registration and the nomination of
persons to any offices are available at the office of the Clerk. If a
greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices
are nominated and make the required declarations, polls will be
opened on the dates stated below for the purpose of taking the
Advance Poll - Saturday, November 5, 1988 (being 9 days before
polling day) from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Advance Poll - Thursday, November 10, 1988 (being 4 days be-
fore polling day) from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Polling Day - Monday, November 14, 1988 from 10:00 a.m. to
8:00 p.m.
Shirley Scott
Clerk and Returning Officer
-1-.,-<.•,�1 CORPORATION OF
TAKE NOTICE that nominations will be received by the Clerk of
the Town of Exeter at her office, 406 Main Street South, Exeter
in the period commencing from 9 a.m. on Thursday, October 13,
1988 and concluding on Nomination Day, Monday, October 17,
1988 at 5:00 p.m. for the following positions:
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that where the number of candi-
dates for an office who are nominated at the end of Nomination
Day is not sufficient to fill the number of vacancies to which the
candidates may be elected, on the Wednesday, following Nomi-
nation Day. namely October 19, 1988, the clerk may between
the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. receive and certify additional
nominations for the office in respect of which there was an insuf-
ficient number of candidates.
Each of the members so nominated if elected, arr: to serve a
three-year term from December 1988 to November 1991.
The required nomination forms may be obtained from the Munic-
ipal Office and must be completed, filed and certified by the
Clerk by the above deadline.
PLEASE NOTE CHANGE - Saturday, October 15, 1988 is
the final day for adding or deleting names to the preliminary list
of electors. The Exeter Municipal office will be open that day to
receive last minute revisions as well as to accept nominations.
Elizabeth Bell
Clerk & Returning Officer
406 Main Street South
Exeter, Ontario
together organized by Father Beck
last week. The next meeting will
be on October 30 and Father hopes
that even more can come and join
in the enthusiasm, as he is organiz-.
ing quite an interesting program for
the teenagers.
There will be a Marriage Encoun-
ter Weekend on November 11, 12
and 13 (Friday night until Sunday
afternoon) in Melrose, near Lon-
don, for all couples striving to•im-
prove their marriages. For registra-
tion or information call Bill and
Betty Pond, London, 438-7545 or
George and Rita Mottram, London,
Any parishioner who is aware of
people who would like to join the
Church, please Contact Father Beck
at 238-8556. The -Easter Vigil
(Saturday, March 24, 1989) is the
most proper time to receive people
into the church, and time has to be
allowed for instructions in the
faith.. Please $Ion't wait until that
well-known last minute.
Bible Study.
There were 19 ladies attending
the Bible study at Sauble Court last
Tuesday morning. Clara Hamilton
called the meeting to order, Vera
Brown gave the opening prayer and
Millie Desjardine led in a hymn -
Discussion leader Nita Sinclair
began on Chapter 2, "Two Who
Ministered to Great Men of God,"
from the books "A Women's Work-
shop on Hospitality."
Not all of us can- go as mission-
aries or be great speakers, but we
can show simple hospitality', like
the Shunammite Oman did to Eli-
sha in 11 Kings8-13 or as Simon
did for Peter in Acts 9:43 and Act
While at Simon's home, Peter
had a vision that all of Gods' crea-
tures were released from the dietary
restrictions of the old law, and that
Jew and Gentile alike could receive
the Good News of the Gospel.
Nita closed with a prayer, remem-
bering the sick and shut-ins.
United Church News-
ewsGRAND BEND - The sacrament
of Holy Communion was observed
on Sunday at the Grand Bend United
Church. Rev. Ted Smits' sermon
topic was taken from Matthew
18:22, where Jesus said to the
Apostles "1 do not say to you seven
times, but seventy times seven".
Due to illness regular organist
Idella Gabel was unable to attend
and Evaline Curts volunteered to
play in her stead.
Thc doorgreeters were Bertie
Keyes and Elizabeth Norris. Thc
children's stories were about chang-
es, both in directions and in sea-
sons. Thc scriptures were read by
Bertie Keyes, ate choir's anthem
was titled "This Do In Remem-
brance of Me," accompanied by
Rev. Smits on the piano.
The United Church Women's pro-
vided a birthday party at the Blue
Water Rest Home. last Tuesday
night. Rev. Ted Smits was the pia-
nist and Nola Love led a singalong
of old favorites. After the program
the ladies served the refreshments.
FRESH CIDER - Marg Dean takes a peek as Bruce Dean and Lambton
Heritage Museum curator Bob Tremain press apple cider at Sunday's Har-
vest Home activities.
Photo -history now out
GRAND BEND - Thc Lambton luired over the past three years. Thc
Heritage Museum of Grand Bend Museum now holds the most exten-
has just released a photo -history ti- sive collection existing of historic
fled Grand Bend: Images of Yester- Grand Bend photographs.
year. Thc volume was created and Tire written text of the book takes
authored by museum volunteer re- the reader on an imaginary histori-
searcher Paul Miller, and Lamhton cal walking tour of the village, pro -
County Museums Director Bob cecding down the Main Street,
Tremain. along the beach, and hack up the
Images of Yesteryear was dc- river. Stops along the way are illus -
signed as a popular history, intend- Crated with the use of historical
est to enjoy broad-based appeal photo postcards, many of which
through the generous use of photo- were in earlier days offered for sale
graphs. Thc book came about as a in the village to tourists.
means of sharing with the approxi- The book touches on the major
mately 100,000 seasonal resiients influences of the beach resort's his -
of the arca the excellent photo ar- tory, moving from the lumbering
chives that the museum has ac- of white pine in the 1830's. to
commercial fishing on Lake f luron,
and finally, the emergence of tour-
ism that accompanied the accep-
tance of the automobile.
Thc 64 page edition represents
the first community history ever
published of the Grand Bend arca.
Copies may he obtained from the
museum office at •59.95, plus S3
for postage and handling.
Thc Lamhton Heritage Museum
celebrates its tenth anniversary this
year, and presently draws approxi-
mately 28,000 visitors per year to
the Grand Bend arra.
Around the Bend
by Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - A small but en-
thusiastic crowd enjoyed the "Har-
vest Home Days" at the Lamhton
Heritage Museum. Thc staff put on
an exhibit of "olden Days" activi-
ties like candle dipping, apple pres-
ervation, oat threshing, corn husk-
ing, broom making, and a perennial
favorite, cider pressing.
October 15 and 16 mark the
Christmas Craft Sales at the Mu-
seum, with over 60 exhibitors ex-
pected. Get a head start on your
Christmas shopping, and see what
ideas these talented artisans have for
gifts in 1988.
Thc Grand Bcnd Chamber of
Commerce is also sponsoring the
Farmers Market on October 15-16
weekend, with local farmers selling
the best of their produce. Stock up
on squash, onions, potatoes, and
treat yourself to a wide variety of
apples, cabbages and other fall
fruits and vegetables.
Grand Bend merchants will be of-
fering great bargains too, so you'll
(rave to organize your days between
downtown Grand Bend and the Mu-
seum Craft Sale, to take advantage
of both.
One of the special events planned
for that weekend will be a barbecue,
auction and dance at the Grand Bend
Legion Hall on Saturday, October
15, featuring singer Rick Powell.
A D.J. will provide the late-night
dance music and tickets for the
whole event arc available through
the Chamber of Commerce and the
Legion, so buy your ticket now,
while they last!
Thc Untied Church Women of
Grand Bcnd will he hosting the
Thanksgiving Ecumenical on Octo-
ber 11, Tuesday evening at 8 p.m.
in the United Church. Their guest
speaker will be Mrs. Scott, who
will report on her trip to Poland and
the Zyiveic Team of Poland. All
ladies arc invited to attend.
Times -Advocate, October 5, 1988 Page 19A
Township of Usborne
Last Day for Filing Application for Revision
of the preliminary voters list
According to Section 23(3) Municipal Election Act it has now
been determined that the last day for making application to re-
vise the Preliminary List of Voters is Saturday, October 15, 1988
and not Monday, October 17, 1988 as previously indicated.
Usborne Township Office will be open on Saturday, October 15,
1988 between,the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., to accept
revision applications.
Sandra Strang
Clefk and Returning Officer
Township of Usborne
TAKE NOTICE that the period during which nominations for can-
didates may be filed in the office of the Township of Biddulph
Clerk, (located 1/4 mile South East of Lucan on Highway No. 4) to
fill the office of (1) one trustee to represent the above-mentioned
area collectively on the Middlesex County Board of Education for
the years 1989, 1990, and 1991 will be between the hours of
9:00 o'clock in the forenoon and 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of
nomination day, Monday, October 17, 1988 but nothing in sec-
tion 35 of The Municipal Elections Act prevents a person filing a
nomination paper with the clerk during his normal office hours dur-
ing the four days immediately preceding nomination day.
Given under my hand this 5th day of October, 1988.
Ray. G Hands
Returning Officer and Clerk
Township of Biddulph
1988 Election Notice
NOMINATIONS will be received at the Clerk's Office by the Clerk
of the Village of Hensall in the period commencing on Thursday,
October 13th and concluding on Monday, October 17th at 5:00
p.m. for the positions of:
And further that where the number of candidates for an office
who are nominated at the end of Nomination Day is not sufficient
10 fill the number of vacancies to which the candidates may be
elected, on the Wednesday following Nomination Day namely
October 19, 1988, the Clerk may between the hours of 9 a.m.
and 5 p.m. receive and certify additional nominations for the of-
fice in respect of which there was an insufficient number of candi-
Each of the members so nominated, if elected are to serve a 3
year term commencing the 2nd Monday in December 1988. The
required NOMINATION FORM may be obtained from the clerk's
office and must be completed, filed with and accepted by the
clerk by the above deadline.
Luanne F. Phair
Clerk & Returning Officer
25 (3) of the. Municipal Elections Act has determined that the last
day for making application to revise the preliminary list of voters is
SATURDAY. OCTOBER 15th on which day the Village office will
be open from 9:00 a.m. - 5;00 p.m. to accept revision applica-
tions and nominations.
- Every person who proposes to be a candidate for any office
must file a "NOTICE OF REGISTRATION" before any campaign
contributions are accepted or any expenses incurred.
All forms available at the Clerk's office during office hours.
L.F. Phair
Clerk & Returning Officer
Village of Hensall
The regular October council meeting of the Corporation of the
Village of Hensall will be held on Tuesday, October 11th at 7:30
p.m. in the.council chamber, at the Town Hall.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that where the number of candidates for an office who are nomi-
nated at the end of nomination day is not sufficient to fill the number of vacancies to which the
candidates may be elected, subsection 1 of section 40 respecting acclamation applies to those
candidates and, on the Wednesday, following nomination day, October 19, 1988, the clerk may,
between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, receive and certify
additional nominations for the remaining vacancies in the office in respect of which there was an
insufficient number of candidates.
Given under my hand this 511, day of October 1988.
RAY G. HANDS, Returning Officer