Times-Advocate, 1988-08-24, Page 2..Page 2
Times -Advocate, August 24, 1988
Disease forces career change
Refuses to be defeated by multiple sclerosis
Ity 1 ► unne Reynolds .
11 hen 32 -year-old Jim •
\ionto get, up in the morning, he's
r,l,t 'sure hich parts of his_body.
tun -lion that (1:ty. hlc may be
..1 ork on his latest stained
t or he may nOt be able
I , 1. u;• hi, (:up of breakfast cof-
, J1111 ha, niuluple sclerosis.
,1. ..ribs,.; having MS as."like
'.1,.p...do‘.‘n the barrel of a gun,
1.r1. .:;:; .:enntall� someone -will
pull Ili,.tri •f.. "file nar►e trilns-
Lit, a, -man) sears"; damage to
tli • ;;, r:: coat in !y distOtts and dis-
nal, lroni the brain to the
ul, of tl►e body. "17te only
TRANSOM The transom betweer
the living and dining rooms -in the
house across the street was Jim
Morris' gift to his friends the -Coop-
Prs. - -
P:irt J can rely on is his-
is aria.
;reit years • ago this hard -to -
insidious, cruel disease
Olt 'short the Orillia'native's burge-
i'qiiig career as head:chef and admin-
i:trcrtor in the prestigious kitchens
of l►lacc- like the I til::hwayman Inn
i.i 1 nr;;ii.t. and the Geneva Park
Conference Centre. It did not stop
his plan toarry his fiancee a reg-
istered nurs a originally from south
York -hire, England. Jim and Ann
began married life in a London
apa•ttnent in August, 1985.
Jim first began working with
glass when an estimate on replacing
the leaded glass panes in. an old
hutch was so. prohibitive he deter-_
mined to do the job himself: HZ-
eenjoyed the experience. After a -par-
ticularly bad attack from -the capri-
cious warden that holds him prison-
er, he decided to learn More about
the ancient art of creating with
stained glass.
-"1 had to find something to do or
go out of my mind", he said.
A check of the • yellow pages
turned up the name of Jim Gratton
in -Lambeth. The random choice -
it was the closest - was an excellent
one. Gratton answered .all the be-
ginhcr's questions, ordered design
books especially for Jim, and con-
tinues to supply materials, assis-
tance and encouragement. Lambeth
Glassis now located at RR8 Park-
hill, even -handier forthis enthusias-
tic and grateful' customer as the
Morrises moved from London to -
Exeter 18 months ago. _ •
Worry over what to do if Jim
needed help while Ann was away •
workipg a 12 -hour shift at a Lon- -.
don Hospital spurred a decision -to
look for a house in a small town•
outside -.the city. The Morrises
rhymed oft about l0 .places they
considered, but -none had "felt
right". Then they, carate to 1'xcter.
They .sensed sotncthinf; "different
and good" about -this fawn, and --
soon bought their home on An-
drew St. South.
The longer they live here, the
happier they arc with their deci-
sion. Jim reports the townfolk arc
very friendly and ready to engage
in conversation; it often takes him
two hours to get the mail. The
best part, the couple emphasize, -is
THE BEGINNING - Stained glass artist Jim Morris points to the hutch
doors that started him working _with glass.
4-H workshop
-( 1 IN 10N - 1 ightcr and leaner
r,:, alp. k-rrilie
tacos, .hcavcnly.}am-
hl,r savory stews•- these arc
t a l% v of the reasons why 4-11
1.s iitakrng . 'Much ...Ado About
• i ill's new 4-1 ',project offers youth
cep 1 2 : pd 21 years of age, the
c ;Tt,r1unij.-y to learn how to buy,
; ar,i1'cook beef, veal, pork and
'.alit or your fainily and friends.
Trough recipe preparation,
trips and other fun'ac-
tr.iti. titenrhers will also learn
bow ni;atcan play an important
•.h:crt in retaking your life healthy.
\\'orkshops for leaders arc being
held on Thursday, September 15 -
t nue -day time workshop and one
'e‘ ;limo, 111 the Clinton arca.
1=ctr more information on 'Much
\•;o► About .1cats', contact Jane
\;u;gee, Rural Organization Spc-
i.' ia. Ontario Ministry of Agri -
Mur; and Food, Box 159, Clin--
. t;': i ( mtario, NOM ILO or phone 1-
\ ` 5'170 or 482-3428.
10% OFF
6:00 p.m.
(,:00 p.m.
. to
9:00 p.ni.
9:00 p.ni.
Ilollrly Specials
,Startitlg 6:00 p.m.
Come to ,Seaforth
and ,Save
i de
St<,It..t rh
2- `1.'11
their caring, helpful neighbours;
they do not interfere unnecessarily,
but the Morrises know they will
be there if needed. Ann can leave
for work confident that someone
will drop in to see how Jim is that
"The neighbours are wonderful.
1'11 have to be dragged away from
WOODWORK, TOO - Jim Morris
made a cane stand from the solid
oak of an -old Bell Telephone booth.
this housz. kicking and screaming",
Ann remarked.
The two laugh about the time
Jim skimmed around .the lawn as
Ann chased him with a garden
hose. He hit a rut, spun.out, and
was thrown unceremoniously from
his wheelchair. As he lay 'igno-
miniously on the ground, one of
the neighbours called over and
-asked if his chair needed a body
"No, but I do," Jim called back:,
A sardonic sense of humour is a•
r 1ajo weapon in Morris' arsenal.
"Being married to a nurse is cheap-
er than hiring -one" is a favourite
line, the straight-faced delivery be-
trayed by a loving glance at his
The bite was sharper -the day the
couple went -shopping in a London
plaza on a snowy winter's day, and
Ann had to push husband and
wheelchair through heavy slush be-
cause an unauthorized car was in
the handicapped parking spot.
An overweight .middle-aged
woman was unlocking the offend-
ing car as the Morrises trekked
back through the snow to their ..
own vehicle. Jim informed her
that being fat and illiterate did- not
constitute legal handicapped status:
The woman directed a stream of
curses his way, got into her car and
drove off. -
MS has created a strong bond be-
tween husband and'wifc. Though
thetwocan no longer go skiing or
swimming together, they are part-
ners in making Tiffany lamps,'
windows, door panels, transoms,
mirrors, sun catchers and other
lovely articles from stained glass.
Ann cuts the -glass, and holds heav-
ier items while Jim. applies copper
foil and solder: (On days when his
body systems are "down", Jim
turns to designing on his IBM
clone computer.)
The Morrises arc also becoming
increasingly vocal. advocates for
making public and governments
aware of the need of the,physically
. disabled for both an information
and support system, and financial
assistance. Jim notes that the cost
• of keeping him in a hospital would
be about S 1,000 a day, yci his
small federal disability pension is
based solely on the amount he con-
tributed to the Canada Pension
while he was still a member of the
work force. The degree of disabili-
ty is not a factor.
- He is limited in the amount of
money he can earn; anything over a
set sutra is deducted from the pen-
sion he dares not relinquish, as he
doe.s not know when or if he will
- become completely disabled. • One
specialist had good news and bad
news for him recently. fie was as-
sured the frequency. of his MS at-
tacks will decrease as he ages. That
is because eventually mosi. of his
organs will have been destroyed!
The Morrises heard accidentally
of a provincial government pilot
project. to lend 515,000 to each of
-10 Ontario residents, the money to
be used to pay -for the home renova-
tions necessary to accommodate the
disabled. They applied; and became
one of 'the fortunate recipients:
"Next to cancer, MS is the larg-
est graveyard lir mistaken treat -
(penis. .And initial diagnosis is dif-
ficult. Once l found the cause of
my mood swing:, 1 could control
them," Jim said. 'N.lany people are
going through what 1 went
throw' h, and they may not_ be as.
strong. Jim admitted admitted to one positive ef-
fect of NIS. The price.was high,
but tie has discovered the joy and
satisfaction of stain, -.1 glass artis-
try. -
WINDOW - A Morris window is the
highlight of a neighbour's bathroom
decor. -
Some of -the money will he dcsig-
'nated as a forgivcablc loan. (There
is a string attached - if Jim dies or
has to be permanently institutional-
ized within the next live years, Ann
must repay every'cent.)
Jim wonders why such informa-
tion is not sent out to all eligible
persons by means of a notice with
their monthly disability cheques.
- "We would like treatment accord-
ing to our needs", Jim remarked.
He would also like to plug into a
network to save others some of the
grief he has experienced in the past
four years, coping with a disease
that claims over- 30 'percent of its
victims by suicide within the first
five ycirs of diagnosis.
ARTISANS - Jim Morris and his wife Ann display
crafted in stained plass.
the first article ',key
Anstett Jewellers - Goderich
The collection is magnificent. A few examples are listed below,;.
Replacement Estate
. Value Sale
N883 14 kt river of diamonds necklace 7.25 et total 7.90.0. 5,290.
11930 18 kt dinner ring with -3.90 ct yellow sapphire
and 2.35 et of diamonds 6.000. 4,020.
B710 14 kt tennis bracelet 3.55 ct total diamonds4.700. • 3,150.
H642. 18 kt art deco brooch combination locket and
P\14I ring set; with pearls. turquoise and rose cut.
diamonds set 3.800.
3016 Sapphire and diamond drop earrings 2.900
N401 8 strand twisted coral with 14 kt clasp set with
turquoise 1.0 1,200.
N1388 14 kt lavaliere necklace with oval sapphires 575. 385.
R298 18 kt white -gold ring 1.60 ct centre diamond
6 diamonds .08 ct total 4.000. 2,680,
8980 14 kt white gold ring .50 ct emerald cut dia-
. mond 4 emerald cut diamonds .40 ct total2.650. 1,775.
8521 Magnificent diamond cluster) .27 ct oval cen-
tre diamond 36 diamonds .70 ct total. .
8643 14-18 kt ring marquise shape swirl 36
diamonds .60 ct total
14772 18 kt ring with 3 marquise diamonds 1 00 et
tot9l 2 x .05 et diamonds 2.950
2,550. 1{511 18 kt trinity ring 3 diamonds tight canary 3.15
1,945. et l total 5.950.
8341 18 kt gent's solitaire ring 2.05 et diamond4.70o
8610 18 kt -coil ring14 diamonds .88 et total 1.5.111
R731 18 kt designer ring 2 emerald cuj diamonds .35
ct total 20 diamonds .60 ct total
G106 10 kt gent's solitaire ring 1.03 ct diamond.
4087'3 10 kt ring .65 ct total diamond pave set
6923 Unusual engagement ring .20 ct centre stone
.23 ct total diamonds
440 18 kt white -gold cluster ring -17 ct total
11841 Gorgeous 18 ktbow style ring 34 diamonds .90
ct total
11922 18 kt diamond shape ring bezel set .10 cl dia-
mond leaf design set 24 diamonds .70 ct total
11624 1-1 kt ring .80 ct marquise diamond 4 marquise
diamonds .55. ct total
1{812 18 kt sapphire and diamond ring 4 sapphires
7.041 5.025. •3i, (•t diamonds •
1 102E 18 kt sapphire and diamond ring tit, tet 0% al
1.500 1,000. . sapphire 12 c•t diamonds
11i;n1 18 kI cluster stile ring .itr emerald ;I
1.975. diamotds 714 c•t total
I(..:42 14 kt x hite-gold ring 95 c1 square -apphrr e 1
3.995. Baguette diamonds 41; cl Inuit
3,150. 1{1:,8.; Lapis and diamond pave et ra.,l
1.040. -,...,--,1.% 1%onderful braided style ring :;41,' total sa11,
phires 42 rt total diamonds 1,1 ,' hotel
1.8(041 1,200. gm-ralds .
1.454 972. R8;1 18kt rtng sapphire 70 et diamond, 4,P1 t i''.,i
1.104 740. IPI baguettes and rounds ,
1{641► 18 kt rung oral turquoise 24 than. in 1- «. (1
1.170 784. total ,
1{: ;1,o. 18 kt wonderhllldesigned sapphire tin, rhe
11:51) 435 mind ring •
I{.i'' Ittkt ring tan shill . :, rtihres i; dr►noindk l'i et
- total
13923 18 kt handmade slave hracelet'56.grams.... 2.000
13604 18 kt bangle 24 grams 1.100
8962 18 kt handmade gent's ring 32 grams 950
B1364 Gold rose brooch 230
TJ25 • 14 kt gold collar 1.109
T.159.14 kt yellow and, white gold collar.. 2.295.
Matching bracelet.TJ28................ . _. 1.595.
.•h! I•:state
., ., . Sale
' 110
2 11„
1.770 1,190. WATCHES - ,►
2.35o 1,575.
NoT1•.: *All sales final - •
•Anstett Jewellers AGS Gent Laboratory will issue
• appraisals on sales for insurance purposes at
no extra charge.
FINAL DAYS ....Our Estate Jewellery Show & Sale ends Wednesday, August 31st, 1988.-
• **Cam G(x SOL veToe•sr,p •s awa,ded only 40
se,e0•4 1ewN,e,i woo pre sess
WOW^ 9e•ro,og•ca,.,104.4age and
ire n.9rest !theta! su'.da•es 0 rs
Mu, assv,ance o fled rehab•,, and
capaD•,•ty or Pros tram
Do you own a piece
of Estate Jewellery?
Bring it mto•Ansteu's, (I(xleric•h
location during our Estate Shoo
We would like to display 1t and
yours may be judged the most
unique and beautiful So'join m.
a prize will ix awarded at the end
of n'mr show
- .. . Sale
11284 -i8 kI ()mega I let We ladit•. c itch 1 1:,11 770.
14 kt and stainless ladies Concord Match 2.1941 1.095.
. 14 kt and stainless ladies La 1 o,:ta ('ois ord
Aatch with diamond dial' 1 «1 795.
14 r.1 ladies' Concord vintc•h 1 ;4i 2.395.
14 kl :adieu Concord catch with leather strap, 1.1 575.
14 Cera(s ('oncord with leathetrap 2 ' ,ort 1,.
(lentkt . "enc, rd La ('ossa 'catchr t
Estate Shooand Sal(':
2 The Square
Branches 10 (11ton:.'eal1►rth. EN'eter. .St .liar (:'s :Mil ttalAerton