Times-Advocate, 1988-08-17, Page 21GENTLE URGING -.Marie Debruyn, substitute coach for Henri De- bruyn, gives Tyke soccer player Jared Neville some last minute instruc- tions before he hits the field. Financial assistance to farm women groups . OTTAWA - Farm women's or- . ganizations across Canada will ben- efit from Agriculture Canada's new - Farm Women's Advancement Pro- gram 'which will provide additional financial. assistance to farm wom- cn's•groups. The.program, announced today by Agriculture Minister John Wise and Minister of State for Agriculture Pierre Blais, will have a budget of S650,000 over the -next five years- to help organizations address the needs and special circumstances of farm women. 1t is designed to encourage more farm women to become ac- tively involved in the agri-food tor. About About 90 organizations will be eligible for assistance through pro- ject grants. It is essential to recognize and re- inforce the vital contributions of .farm women to Canadian agricul- ture," Mr. Wise said. The- progr.•rrt is being designed to support legal and economic equality for women, promote their increas- ing participation in decision-making. on the farm and recognize their im- portant contribution to the well- being of the agriculture sector. "The Farm Women's Advance- ment Program will help women to continue progressing and playing a greater rote in decision making in the agriculture business," Mr. Blais said. Criteria for -determining priorities are now being finalized in consulta- tion with faun women's groups across the country. Projects eligi- ble for grants will likely include in- formation, education and training programs. Also eligible would be programs aimed at presenting farm women's concerns to government, attendance at conferences, and pro- grams to promote awareness of farm women's involvement in agricul- ture: The amount of federal funding will depend on the merits, funding priorities and other potential sources of support for each project. Farm women's issues arc defined as- women's issues that have differ- ent applications to faun women be- cause of their special circumstances. These include economic security and equality, access to farm credit, child care and family responsibili- ties. i Playhouse .contributors entertained at party By MRS. HUGH MORENZ . GRAND BEND - A well -attended cocktail party sponsored by .the Playhouse•Guild was held Saturday afternoon from -4 -.7 p.m. at Eva Nancarrow's home in Soutitcott Pines. Contributors to Iluron Country Playhouse were entertained Satur- day, at a luncheon -pit the Play- house, followed by a musical - per- formance by the Young Company. who:have. been here all summer. About 100 attended, concluding with a tour of the theatre„ United Church .News__ GRAND BEND : Special music enjoyed at Grand Bend United Church outdoor service last Sunday , was hy- the group, "Jesus Loves Mc", the Baker family from Sarnia, comprised of father Cyril, mother. Karen, and sons Tim and Corey. Along -with the music Cyril gave testimony and witnessing and they sang ducts and solos:- Musical in- struments -were guitar, drums .and bass guitar. Thcy.receivcd a hearty • handclap.. - • . - Rev. Red Smits' sermon text was Nehemiah 2:18 "So they.said: Let. us start to build"-.• Rev.. Smits spoke of the rcbuildinit in Germany - and 1 Tolland after World War II. The scriptures were read by Don Kobe. In the children's time the hymn "We .are climbing Jacob's.Ladder" was sung.. • • In Rev. Smits prayer of interces- sion he prayed for the needs of the world peace talks between Iran and Iraq., the troubles -within Israel, the birth of_a Royal baby, our own countries' needs and those who need our prayers. Coffee, -cookies and freshie were served at Close of the service. About Town GRAND BEND - Of interest to many long-term seniors of this area is the recent death in Toronto, of Mrs. Marguerite (Canters) Bell. She was the daughter of Reverend and Mrs. S. A.-Carricre, who mini- stered to this area.for 40 years at the United Church. Brothers Emery, Lawrence and -Samuel predeceased her. Hernephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Carriere, in accordance - with her wishes, recently brought her ashes to be interred in the fami- ly plain Grand Bend cemetery.. Elizabeth Kennedy has returned to Vancouver after a month's holidays with her mother, Irene Kennedy, .family and friends. She spent an af- temoon at het sister can Weigands, with a- grou6 of school friends, some who came' from London and Toronto for a.class reunion. . Vanessa Van Den I leuvcl, of Sar- . nia visited recently with her great- grandmother, Elizabeth Norris, of Grand Cove: Erwin'Holt is a patient in Univcr- si;y Ifospital, where he has been for some time. We wish hint a speedy recovery.. - - • - Barry Hamilton, of Ottawa, Visit - cd last weekend with his .parents, Alex and -Clara Hamilton. • . - Mrs. Neva McVittie, of South- ampton, spent Thursday.night:with her mother, Mrs. Latwrencc. - Anniversary GRAND BEND - Jack and Gladys Livsey are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary on August 20, with all their family and friends. They have lived at Grand Cove Estates for four years now, conning originally. from Toronto, and living for years in London, be fore moving here. Gladys Livscy was in the paper earlier this sum- mer when she von a silver medal for shuffleboard at the Senior Olympics, still an active lady. Come and join the relatives and friends of Jack and Gladys Livscy on August 20, for an Open House at Grand Cove Estates Community Centre at 7 p.m., and celebrate LIFE. Queensway Views IiINSALL - Our highlights of Ionday was Bingo in the evening with several ladies from the Zurich Mennonite Church. A special thanks to these ladies ford the prizes they brought. On Tuesday- morning Father Hayes . was in to have Mass with P oman -Ca died ic-reside-iaIs, -Later_ in the morning a group of residents got together and reminisced about some of their earliest memories in life. In the afternoon Rev. Stojkov- ic of. the Zion Lutheran Chyrch in Dashwood led our wcekly\'orship service. We certainly appreciated his message and as well his visits with - us afterwards. It was a. joy to sec their three month old son. On Wednesday morning the Queensway Auxiliary -met to make plans for the November 16, Christ- mas Bazaar. Watch our news for more details. • On. Friday morning residents en- joyed -a • thorough workout at Fun and Fitness. Everyone stems to en- joy listening to old tymc favourites as they exercise. •ren inderto-any-Seniors-inter ested in a Foot -Care Clinic here at Queensway with services provided by the Huron County Health Unit, to contact us at 262-2830. Upcoming events are: Monthly birthday party August 25 - 7 p.m. with Kim Guenttncr and friends providing entertainment; Interna- tional Day August 26 2 p.m.- fea- turing Switzerland. Bob Heywood, Auctioneer 235-0874 Thursday, Augest 18 at 6 p.m. sharp at South Huron. Rec Centre We will be dispersing by auction, for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Madge who have sold their home, - quality furnishings, appliances, antiques, china and a large selection of hand and powertools. • HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Chesterfield and chair, •coffee table and 2 end tables, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf extension table with 2 leaves (mint condition), chrome tab(e with 4 chairs, liquor cabinet, card table with 6 chairs, 26" Phillips colour TV, vinyl sofa and matching chair, cabinet stereo, refrigerator, dishes, electric range, Warever pots and pans, component- stereo and stand,•double bed with matching dresser, bed- ding and linens, plant tables, B & W TV, humidifier, several swag and . table lamps, brand new kerosene heater, radios, lawn chairs, chaise lounge, 2 metal patio chairs, stepladders, garden tools, Toro 5 HP rid- ing mower (electric start), 8 HP MTD self propelled snow blower and cab, iI? Tecumseh engine, -elec:-Iawn uiWer, pusti gas mower, bicycle, propane Barbecue (Like new), a large selection of tools including pipew- renches, vise, table saw with 3/4. HP motor, 12 ton jack, grinder, tree pruner, sanders, skit saw: jig saw, chains, block and tackle etc. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES; Chest of drawers, 2 old vio- lins and cases, wash stands, pine blanket box, 2 oak chairs, knick knacks, fine china, such as Nippon, Bavaria, Neritake, Flo Blue, Carni -i vat, etc.. etc. • ' AUCTION SALE Of 6 tractors, farm machinery, straw, organ, appliances, furniture etc. to be held 1 1/4 miles east and 1 mile south of Winchelsea for Murray and Gwen Coward. Tuesday, August 23, 1988 at 6:00 p.m. TRACTORS: Case 730 diesel with duals, IHC 414 diesel with loader, John Deere M, John Deere AR, 2 John Deere D's. COMBINES: John Deere 45 with 10 ft: head, Massey 300 with grain head, not running. MACHINERY: 10 ft. Ronne Cupit pick up, New Idea 7 ft. trail mower, Ford 13 ft. 3 PTHitch cultivator with harrows, Dunham 16 ft. harrigator, Dunham 14 ft harrigator, Overum'3 furrow plow, Kewanee 10 ft. disc, Cockshutt 12 1/2 ft. wheel disc, Kongskitde 11 ft.,cultivator, Kongs- kilde 9 1/2 ft: cultivator, IHC 4 row corn planter, 3'drum roller with 2 pups, old IHC PTO manure spreader, gravity box on wagon, flat rack of wagon, IHC 15 run seed drill on steel, 32 ft. elevator, 3 PTHitch fertiliz- er auger, Massey one way disc, 16 ft. auger, 5 section diamond har- rows and pole, 1955 Chev truck with hoist, Case baler for parts, table saw, gas push lawn nfower, Ariens 7 HP rear tine garden tiller, older 26" riding lawn mower, 32 ft. aluminum ladder, milker parts, 2 milk cans. STRAW: Approx. 1500 bales. FURNITURE AND .HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Chest freezer, 30" electric stove, G.Ef washer, Viscount dryer, Inglis almond fridge, Elka electric organ with 2 key boards, china cabinet with glass front anc. sides, large antique chest of drawers, 5 drawer chest, Eureka vacuum cleaner, rollaway bed. 2 bedp, office chair, round wicker fern stand, 2 desks, recliner chair, occasional chairs, small antique table, chrome table, toaster oven, Coleman stove, humidifier, coffee table , gas bar- becue, electric barbecue, picnic 'table, 3 - 10' speed bikes, garden 'ools, plus other items. • FARM IS SOLD. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Lunch 3ooth. AUCTIONEER: Richard Lobb, Clinton Ontario 519.482-7898 OWNER: •Murray and Gwen Coward 519-229-8235 or 519-235-2679 OWNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS .DAY OF SALE. • BOB HEYWOOD AUCTIONEER. 235-0874 Thursday Evening, August 25 at 6 p.m. sharp • at South Huron Rec Centre We will be dispersing from the well kept home of Mr �d.Mrs.-Russell Snider of.RR2. Zurich-quality=furnishings, •app lances, antiques, col- lectible's along with additions from another,Exeter home. • HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Double pedestat maple table with 6 chairs (1 captain), mint condition, complete dining room suite with table, chairs, hutch and buffet, chesterfield and chair, 2 frost -free refrigera- tors, gas range, (Brand new), chest freezers, (1 - 29 cu. ft.) automatic washer; electric dryer, 3 pc. bedroom suite, waterbed in solid pine, complete, 5 pc. chrome kitchen set, 2 bunk beds, several dressers (some antique), press back chairs, ,hall.table,elec. sewing machine, several lamps, pictures,. upright piano, electric sewing machine, exer- cise tread mill, Franklin stove, crib, car seat, play pen, mats, mirrors, bedding, drapes, 2 burner electric stove, crocks, hamper , ski equip- ment, Gilson roto -tiller, dishes, 1 set of 12, 1 set of 8, misc. small ware and fine china, linens, and collectibles and much more. Watch next weeks paper for complete list: AUCTION SALE Antique furniture, electric organ, snowmobile, trailer, household ef- fects, to be held at old BAYFIELD HOME main street BAYFIELD for a JAN SIMONS. SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 at 1 p.m. Victorian oval dining table with splitting centre•pedestal six matching caned seat chairs, large sideboard with carved fruit on backer board, large flat to the wall cupboard, antique ornate bonnet chest with mus- tache pulls, antique melodium desk. Antique lift top desk, antique or- nate Victorian dresser 7 ft. 10" high x 43 x 20 mirror and tear drop pulls, antique bonnet chest, large antique chest of drawers, dresser top swing mirror with spooled arms, unusual large antique oak desk with 4 drawers, antique dresser with mustache pulls, antique drop leaf table, walnut double bed, antique table with 2 drawers, sideboard bottom, )ook shelf out of old post office. 2 book shelves, trunks, 2 square par - our tables, coffee table and 2 end tables, oil lamp, small wicker chair, :aned seat chair, old table 32" x 20". Day bed, Simplicity twin tub porta- )le clothes washer, Viking apt. size dryer, New 4 ft. bathroom vanity. Dld fridge, electric organ.with 2 key boards, clothes dryer, Quebec seater, old laundry stove, small pool table, modern Royal blue chester- ield with loveseat, and ottoman, 2 porch chairs, pole lamp, garden til- er, gas engine, double wide snowmobile trailer, 14 new aluminum win - bows 4 ft. x 4 ft.7", 2-28" x 55" aluminum windows, Silver pieces, )u et, books, cruet set, dishes, glassware, misc items etc, etc. PERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.d. Auctioneer Richard Lobb Clinton 482-7898. OWNER: Jan Simons -565-2145 Bayfleld. Sat., Aug. 27 at 10 a.m. 5 school buses for Huron County Board of Education. Antiques, furniture, appliances for other consignors at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn Clinton Times -Advocate, August 17; 1988 Page 7A Industrial training receives grant TORONTO - The Huron County Industrial Training Committee, lo- cated in Goderich, has received a S20,975 operating grant from the Ministry of Skills Development, Jack Riddell, M.P.P. for Huron, an- nounced today. Skills Development Minister Al- vin Curling noted that the commit- tee was a valuable resource in pro- moting a training culture throughout the province. "Because the committee members operate in the heart of a communi- ty, they provide a source of plan- ning knowledge and can be relied on to anticipate training needs," Mr. Curling said. "The committee members come from a variety of backgrounds, but they all have a common interest in training." Community Industrial Training Commiuecs arc autonomous organ- irations_made up of volunteers front business, industry, labour, educa- tion and government. The commit- tees are funded by the provincial and federal governments. "Employers are becoming increas- ingly aware of the fact that training and retraining the present labour force is the most efficient way to compete in this rapidly -changing world economy," Mr. Riddell said. "the information and expertise pro- vided by. this committee will be of great help in developing and pro- moting a training culture among employers in the area:" For more information on Com- munity• Industrial Training Com- mittees and other ministry training programs, call the toll-free Training Hotline number: 1-800-387-5656. Medal for Crosbie The National Citizens' Coalition is pleased to announce that the Honourable John C. Crosbie, Can- ada's Minister of International Trade, is this year's recipient of the Colin M. Brown Freedom Medal and Award. The award is named after the founder of the NCC who first start- ed his crusade "For more freedom through less government" in 1967. Mr. Brown died on March 4th, 1987. The medal and S10,000 award are presented annually to that person who, in the opinion of the Nation- al Citizens' Coalition, has made.an outstanding contribution to the ad- vancement and defence of basic po- Iitical and economic freedoms. Last, year's winner was Barbara Amiel. - Mr. Crosbie, who has 20 years of experience in political life at all levels, was chosen as this year's re- --cipient because of his committed and consistent support of free trade between Canada and the United S tates. Mr. Crosbie will accept the med- al and award at a gala dinner in To • - ronto's Royal York Hotel on Octo- her 18, 1988. r 10©0l i i lot 01_1 o S.•`• c o `' 'q`�� Household PJ and Farm Equipment f�o�so Saturday, September 3/88 at 10:30 a.m. o For Mr. and Mrs. Clem Regier located on Con. 15 of Hay townRI - liiship. Complete listing in next weeks paper. 3 tractors, combine, o full line of equipment. Farm sold. o Auctioneer John Finlay 236=4814 0©0C. -0t 10t 10t lot 101 lot Pinery Auction Barn on Hwy. 21 4 mates south of Grand Bend 3 AIJ 011(1 N Thursday, August 18 - 6:30 p.m. Selling the contents of a Grand Bend home plus additiorts. Featuring fine furniture, antiques. 350 Honda motorcycle, 15 ft. new Classic row boat, 12 ft. sailing dinghy, plus many more desirable items. Auctioneers Pat & Phyllis Lyon 243-2713 J *x********************************* • FARM SOLD * * Auction Sale of furniture, farm machinery, etc. for Dr. Wm. J. * * Walker, Lot 13, Concession 14, London Township. 1 mile north * * of Birr on Hwy. #4; then 1 mile -east. * * Thursday Evening, August 25 - 5:30 p.m. ' * * * * HOUSEHOLD: Maytag automatic washer and dryer, antique * * chairs, chesterfield, tub chairs, stereo, 3pc. bedroom suite, * * lamps, glass coffee and end tables, glass shelves, patio furni- * * lure, ox yoke, etc. * FARM MACHINERY:J.D. 2130, high arch diesel tractor with * * loader, Mott 3 pt. hitch mower, J.D. 4 fur. semi mount plow, 2 * * wheel side rake, A.C. PTO manure spreader, triple K 3 pt. hitch * * cult., 1 auger snow blower, N.11. side rake, 14' mulcher-packer * * cultivator, auger and motor, oat roller, tandem axle 9 ton steel * * float, triple axle trailer, wooden 6 x 6 x 6 grain bin, Lincoln weld- * * era 16 h.p. Roper 4 speed riding lawn mower -(real good), num- * * ber of chicken pens fully equipped, gates, misc. * AUTOMOTIVE: 1978 Jiep 4 wheel drive, with blade, never * * used on the road, low mileage: Selling as is. Fargo antique 1939 * * 1/2 ton truck, selling as is. Freighter canoe. • . * * TERMS: Cash sale hight. Booth. * * Auctioneers * * Hugh Filson Tom Robson * *666-0833 ( 5 1 9) 666- 1 967* ********************************** ********* ter**************>********* FARM SOLD * * * * * * * * Clearing Auction Sale of household, antiques, farm machinery, travel trailer, etc. * For Mr. Clare Martin, Lot 8, concession 12,•Lobo Twp. On Cold- * stream Sideroad between the 12th and 13th concession. 10 m'uTes N.W. of Ilderton; 4 miles N.E. of Poplar Hill. — * Friday August 26 - 12:30 p.m. * * * *ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD: 8 pc. oak dining room suite, * *china cabinet and buffet combined in excellent condition, oak * *book case, press back chairs, 2 mahogany antique chairs, * *square oak table, pine table, cupboard, antique Thomas Bros. * *washing machine, tools, carpet, steamer trunk, sealers, fan, vac- * *uum, lamps, colour TV, BW TV, chesterfield and chair, bed, dog * *house, etc. phsyc couch. * *HOUSE TRAILER: 16 ft. Holiday travel, sleeps 6, stove, * *fridge, washroom. Good condition. * *FARM MACHINERY: Int. 806 diesel tractor with cab, good * *shape, Ford 901 Select -0 -speed gas tractor with one arm load- * * er, Oliver 88 antique tractor (real. good), Cockshutt 520 baler,,* * Massey drill on steel, Cockshutt 4 fur. semi mount plow, Kent * * 20' spring tooth cultivator, flat rack and wagon, 3 pt. h. Case,* * plow, Ace bottom drag plow on rubber, Oliver 40 plate wheel * * disc, set of drags, Letz grinder, 40'6" auger on wheels, 45' tabu- * * lar elevator with motor on wheels, 3 pt. h. blade, J.D. 2 pt. hitch * mower, Ferguson 3 pt.h. cult., 2 wheel trailer with 1/2 tort box, * ir snow blower, N.I. old grain chopper, Int. 3 fur. drag plow, Case P *plow, lumber, firewood, hardwood rails, wagon gear, wire, posts, « . gates, cement miler, air compressor, Skidoo snowmobile, roll V* * 2" cable, ladders, likes, root pulper, Viking 5 h.p. riding lawn- * mower, -windows, cement blocks, scrap iron, etc. etc.• * HAY & STRAW: 200 bales of hay, 300 bales straw. # * TERMS; Cash sale day. Booth - • AUCTIONEERS * High Filson Tom Robson * 666-0833 (519) 666-1967 **********************************