Times-Advocate, 1988-08-17, Page 10Paae 8
Beatty's nuclearsubmarine plan defended by local
• Continued from. page.4
become increasingly sophisticated
over the last decade. Stealth, ma-
noeuvrability,speed and endurance
are the ingredients of successful op-
erations. The potential threat we
face possesses these qualities and it
is simply not practicable to respond
with anything of a lesser perfor-
mance. To do so courts death and
-defeat. The use of nuclear propul-
sion is the only means by which
the submarine can bcdirovided with
the necessary levels of performance
to become an effective • weapons.
A nuclear propulsion system is
- not a nuclear weapon; it is, in its
, simplest form, merely an exotic tea
kettle whose only purpose is to
provide. steam to power the propul-
sive motors: Nuclear weapons are a
non -issue for the Cana ian boats.
- They arc not required n r arc they
We must not be naive enough to
the cessation of hostilities in the The nuclear powered submarine
golf, or the Russians publicly de- gives us that means and should you
stroytng a few obsolete missiles be in any doubt about its ability to
herald a new order in world ten do so you might well explore the
sions. The Russians may indeed be events of the Falkland Islands war
softening their hard line of the past in 1982. It was in this conflict that
but there is absolutely no indication one British nuclear powered subma-
that they have any change of heart rine operating at large, rendered the
as far as their military is concerned. entire Argentinian naval fleet inef-
They're still building six to,eight fectivc. It is an awesome deterrent
nuclear propelled submarines per to any aggressor in any waters.
year and equipping them with nu- As citizens of the most magnifi-
clear weapons. They still represent cent country in the world, it never
a threat to -world peace and will con- ceases to amaze me how we can
tinue to do so into the foreseeable have such a blatant -disregard for its
future. defensive well-being. She deserves
Canada is perhaps the most pea. e- better than we allow. Perhaps we
loving nation of all. We have no are more selfish than we realize, be -
identified enemies, but yet we do ing.content to absorb the good life,
have contested areas of our sove- moralize about the nuclear thing,
reignty, the seas around our Arctic pass opinion, do little of conse-
islands. An arca of untold value qucnce with our lives; least of all
which we could well forfeit if we do to protect the future. 11 is allsomenot exercise our sovereign rights. how .terribly hypocritical sincie the
Much hype is generated about the good life we enjoy has only been
means by which we may protect made possible by a nuclear umbrcl-
our Arctic regions.. la wielded on our behalf by our al-
1 suspect the truth of the matter
is we .choose to ignore the prob=
lems of defence because to address
them would invade our pocketbook
and the pain of parting with a few
more bucks would be just too
much to bear. l wonder how much
it would hurt if we were ever to.
wake up one morning and find our
magnificent country wasn't ours
anymore. ..
We just simply cannot go on ig
noring our defensive responsibili-
ties forever. Thank goodness for
Perrin Beatty; he at least.had the vi-
sion and courage. of conviction to
redress the balance and pl ice our na-
tional, defence in its true perspec-
tive. -
Ronald W. Helm
• ... THE EVENT ...'
• • SALE
betide that recent events such as •
Letters tothe Editor • 5 0
0 o f f •
Dear Editor:
I hope you'll be able to find some
'spacc'for the attached story. If the
proposed Exeter/Morrison Dam cor-
ridor is to be a success, those using
it will have to pay more- respect to
the environment,. as well as to pri-
vate property.
These are the third remains of'a
picnic we have had to clear up!
* * * * * * *
Becky and her friends wcnt for a
picnic last week. They packed their
lunches in a -white.plaslic bag with
'Huron Public Education -Opening
up the world' on it and another bag.
from Bayfield's Red Pump. Becky's
lunch was in a little brown paper
bagwith her.namc on it.
To cat, they had some sandwiches
and chocolate -coated cookies. To
.drink, they had a large bottle of
- Coca-Cola Classic, a fruit -juice box
and two cans of pop. And, of
course, they took along napkins.
They found a lovely shaded spot
tinder a big willow tree in a meadow
between Exeter and Morrison Dam;
It made a great site for a picnic on a
hot summer's day.
When they had finished, they
- threw all the plastic bags, sandwich -
%%rappers and drink containers, as
well as the napkins and drinking
straws into and around a handy creek
so they didn't have to carry their
own litter home. . -
How dismayed Becky must have
been when she got home again to
find that in the brown paper lunch
bag she threw away was one of her
mother's teaspoons.
But don't worry Becky, I picked
up that too, along with the rest of
your litter. If you want it back,
please call me at 235-1459.. I'll as-
sume you and your friends don't
want the refund on the large Coke
bottle, so I'll collect that myself!
Peter Darbishirc.
Dear Editor.
I am concerned about the sudden
rush to abandon railway lines across
the -country and especially in Onta-
rio. I see railways as an alternative
to the ever increasing proliferation
of separate fossil fuel burning high-
way vehicles. It may well prove
necessary and beneficial to make
greater useof the fundamentally
more energy efficient and environ-
mentally less damaging rail net-
work, as an alternative.
The interests of the nation must
lie in: conserving energy supplies;
reducing pollution (e.g. carbon di-
oxide, lead and asbestos); slowing
down the onsct of the greenhouse
effect which is heating the planet,
and which by burning fossil fuels;
increasing highway safety, by reduc-
ing the mix of heavy trucks with
smaller automobiles; reducing the
costs to taxpayers of an ever heavier
duty highway system; maximizing
opportunities for regional develop-
ment (e.g. rail access for industrial
parks, commuter and tourist trains).
I feel that it is essential to devel-
op a mechanism to assist lean, mo-‘
tivated, regional entrepreneurs, who
would be willing to grow with the
communities they serve in the reac-
tivation of rail lines, which the
large centralized companies wish to
I recommend that interested citi-
zens write to or send a clipping of
this letter to The Honourable Benoit
Bouchard, Minister of -Transport,
Ottawa, Canada K IA ON5, no post-
age required and to Mr. Michael Far-
quhar._ Director General Rail Policy,
(Please turn in .,onh. 1 nA)
Starts Wednesday, August 17th
• 10 a.m. to Midnight and
... It Continues...
th6PF2 naffs
fashion bodtIq?Je
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1 1/4miles south of Grand Bend
on Hwy. 21 238-2818
Anstett Jewellers - Goderich
The collection is magnificent. A few examples are listed below.
ReplaceValumente EstSalatee
N883 14 kt river of diamonds necklace 7.25 ct total 7,900. 5,290.
R930 18 kt dinner ring with 3.90 ct yellow sapphire .
and 2.35 ct of diamonds • 6,000:
B710.14 kt tennis bracelet 3.55 ct total diamonds. 4,700.
R642. 18 kt art deco brooch combination locket and
PN641 ring set, with pearls, turquoise and rose cut
diamonds.... • set 3,800.
3016 Sapphire and diamond drop earrings 2,900.
N401 8 strand twisted coral with 14 kt clasp set with- - -
turquoise s 1.800
`'138814 kt lavaliere necklace with oval sapphires 575.
R298 18 kt white gold ring 1.60 ct centre diamond
6 diamonds .08 ct total 4,000.
R980 14 kt white gold ring .50 ct emerald cut dia-
ia mond 4 emerald cut diamonds .40 ct total2,650.
"- Replacement
B923 18 kt handmade slave bracelet 56 'grams.... 2,000.
B604 18 kt bangle 24 grams 1,100.
R962 18 k -t handmade gent's ring 32 grams - 950.
BB64 Gold rose brooch 230.
TJ25 14 kt gold collar 1,109.
TJ59 14 kt yellow and'white gold collar 2,295.
Matching bracelet TJ28 1,595.
MembetfSMO is awarded only to
selected teweners who possess
proven gemofogicat Knowledge and
the highest ethical standards It is
your assurance of the reliability and
capability of Mrs firm
R521 Magnificent diamond cluster 1.27 ct oval cen-
tre diamond 36 diamonds .70 ct total 7;500. 5,025.
4,020. R643 14-18 kt ring' marquise shape swirl 36 . `
3,150. diamonds .60 ct total 1.500. 1,000.
R772 18 kt ring with 3 marquise diamonds 1.00 ct
total 2 x .05 ct diamonds 2,950. 1,975.
2,550. R511 18 kt trinity ring 3 diamonds light canary 3.15 •
1,945. ct total 5,950.
R341 18 kt gent's solitaire ring 2.05 ct diamond4,700.
1,200. 11610 '18 kt coil ring 14 diamonds 88 ct total 1,550.
385. 1(731 18 kt designer ring 2 emerald cut diamonds .35
ct total 20 diamonds .60 ct total • 1,800.
2,680. G106 10 kt gent's solitaire ring; 1.03 ct diamond1,450.
4087/310 kt ring .65 ct total diamond pave set 1.104.
1,775. 6923 Unusual engagement ring .20 ct centre stone
.23 ct total diamonds 1.170. 784.
440 18 kt white gold cluster ring' .17 ct total
diamonds 650. 435.
R841 Gorgeous 18 kt bow style ring 34 diamonds .90
ct total 1,775. 1,190.
R922 18 kt diamond shape ring bezel set .10 ct dia-
mond leaf design set 24 diamonds .70 ct,total 1,770. 1,190.
R624 14 kt ring .80 ct marquise diamond 4 marquise
diamonds .55 ct total 2,350. 1,575.
R812 18 kt sapphire and diamond rang 4 sapphires
.35 et- diamonds 1 890.
• C11528 18 kt sapphire and diamond ring .96 ct oval
sapphire 12 ct diamonds. - 1.330. 895.
R601 18 kt cluster style ring .50 emerald 3.1
diamonds .70 ct total 2.050. 1,375.
R332 14 kt white gold ring .95 ct square sapphire 4
3,995, baguette diamonds .46 ct total -- 2.500. 1,675..
3,150. R1583 Lapis and diamond pave set ring 600. 402.
1,040. 7352A Wonderful braided style ring .50 et total sap-
phires .42 ct total diamonds .40 ct total
1,200. emeralds. 1, 1,475.
972. R861 18 kt ring sapphire .70 ct diamonds .40 ct total
740. of baguettes and rounds 71" 1.850. 1,240.
R649 18 kt ring oval turquoise 24 diamonds .90 ct
total 2.400. 1,610.
R1566 18 kt wonderfully designed sapphire and dia-
mond ring 875. 585.
R366 18 kt ring fan shape 5 rubies 6 diamonds 20 ct
total • - 850. 575.
NOTE: *All sales final. .
*Anstett Jewellers AGS Gem Laboratory will issue,
appraisals on sales for insurance purposes at
no extra charge. •
Do you own a piece
of Estate Jewellery?
Bring it into Anstett's. Goderich
location during our Estate Show.
We would like to display it and
yours may be judged the most
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a prize wilt be awarded at the end
of our show.
ReplacementValue - Estate
W284 18 kt Omega Deville ladies' watch 1.150. 770.
1561283 14 kt and stainless ladies' Concord watch2;190. 1,095.
15622831 14 kt and stainless ladies' La Costa Concord
watch with diamond dial 1,590. 795.
2061263 14 kt ladies' Concord watch • 4390. 2,395.
2060670 14 kt ladies' Concord watch with leather strap* 1,150. 575.
2081215 14 kt gent's Concord with leather strap 2.390:" 1,195.
1781116 Gent's Concord La Costa watch 790. 395.
Estate Show and Sale;
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Branches in Clinton. Seaford). Exeter. St..11ar'.s and ltalkerlon