Times-Advocate, 1988-08-10, Page 327ZYZ?$To,H Goodies and sweets are all out on the sidewalk too. Load up for summfr outings! 1 1 1 11 E 1 I 1 E PAY ONLY E BIG V SALE PRICE /.Z7 ilk �� ;30 With Coupon Allan TWIRLS Chnlne of licorice or strawberry flavour 400g Limit one coupon per purchase. Otter valid till Sat.. Aug. 20/88. P.ST payable on .99¢ sr c. o • Rows. COIJPONN f. DARE COOKIES 400g . OFF Limit one coupon per purchase. Offer valid till Sat : Aug. 20/88. e. F 1-66841 r—i Christie's or DARE C90 BIOV SALE PRI LESS COU•i Mr. FREEZE POPS 36's Regular or Tropical flavours Kerr BAG CANDY OM I• Neilson WILL-O-PAK CANDIES Assorted flavours 200g each ices Co ltd. BIG V NIG 10, DELAWARE SPEE DTflITRE Friday, Augu $4 .00 nem r 1 •I7 1 r)N ‘ 1 I'IHA Coupon available at all Big V Drug Stores no pu ig g 1