Times-Advocate, 1988-08-10, Page 6iu 1 Page 6 August 10, 1988 TO MARRY - Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johns are pleased to announce the -forthcoming -marriage of thein daughter Lori Jean to Russell Da • - 3id. son of Mr. and Mrs. CaVid 'Nes- bit. The wedding wilt take place on Saturday, August 20, 1988 at 3:30 p.m. at Elimville United Church. Open reception to follow. ' Visscher Farms Country Market Open 9 - 6 daily, Fri, 9 - 8 p.m. Closed Sundays OW • arvesting Sweet Corn • Cauliflower • Broccoli -- • Cabbage - • Tomatoes • Cucumbers • Mini carrots Baked goods, jams and honey • Beans • Beets • Blueberries •-Plums • Potatoes 3 miles W. of Exeter on Hwy. 83 Phone 237-3442 Special oftheWeek Peach Pie $3.25 Mercer! Beaucoup! a hot item By Mark Bisset GRAND BEND - The cast of Mercer! Beaucoup! had their work cut out for them Wednesday night when /the review of Johnny Mercer music opened at the Huron Country Playhouse. • There was no need to knock the house dead -- the heat did that. Performing in Playhouse Two, the smaller of the two Grand Bend stages, Peggy Mahon, Philip IticNiven, Jack Northmore and Sena -Lee Wood deserve top marks for thc effort put forward despite the adverse conditions. Clot and humid outside, Play, house Two was an oven inside. Pa- trons did their best to enjoy the song -and -dance rouuncs being per- formed competently by the four some, but the humidity stifled their reactions in the first act. There were -some empty scats in the second act through no fault of the actors. _ -Playhouse administration should seriously considcr.thc installation of air conditioning in both sec- tions. It is. no good to attract an audience with quality performanc- . cs, only to drive thein awaywith unbearable conditions. Compiled by Northmore, •a 'vete- ran Canadian actor, Mercer! Ieaucoup! flows along nicely - with quick costume changes and innovative renditions of the popu- lar Mcrccr music. The first: act was a- bit rough in. spots -- likely due to opening night -pressures -- but the cast Pulled everything together in the second, inciting the well -baked au diene to give a standing ovation at the end. . The review reached its height in thc first act whcn Wood and Ma- hon combined for a spine -tingling rendition of Blues in the night. That piece alone is worth the price of admission. Northmorc's interpretation of an owl Icft the audience twittering 'and Huron Apothecary Ltd. J. T. WILSON PHARMACIST PHONE 235-1982 440 MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. PRESCRIPTIONS We accept most major drug plans Blue Cross, Green Shield, Drug Benefit, etc. Hours_ _. Mon. Tues., Thurs. 83 Fri, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Wed. 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. "Your independent Pharmacist" /In IA MM. NUL 141111111"7 /. lea/ v ttttr LI 111 v YOUR GUIDE TO PROFESSIONAL PERSONAL SERVICES Klip 'N Kuri HAIR DESIGN KAREN KINSMAN 262-3048 Family Hairstyling Apts. not always necessary Main St. Hensall VE THAT HAM Angle's Personal Touch 350 Main St. S. Exeter 235-1792 'Complete Family Hair Care' Tanning sessions available Sfarons5fiirSeijes 235-2089 No appts. necessary Tues.,- Fr I. only Open 9-6 Su. 9-2 Wed. 9-7 249 Main St., Exeter Joyce Meyer 0cee'S UNISEX NAIR DESIGN • 7 JtmOs 8t. 235-2320 .Artistic Impressions Advanced Esthetics No Appointment necessary 1 16 Main St.. Grand Bend Mon Thur., n. 6. Fr, .SSal .9-9 238-5466 ask for Kathy consult any of these professionals for expert advice for the ANN BAYNHAM Esthetician Facials Eyebrows Electrolysis Lash & Brow Tints Manicures Suntanning Waxing Cosmetics 235-0421 346 Main St. Exeter Shalome Hair Fashions Owned and operated by Maryhelen London Rd. South, Exeter (4 houses S. of Pentecostal Church; 235-0782 Ask for Maryhelen or Sylvia CONCEPT flth. v •Unisex styling • Waxing 235-2455 Valu Mart Plaza • Exeter RUMOR'S Unisex Hair Design • Complete Hair Care Service • Open six days a week • Appointments not always necessary Coll. Janet, Sandy. or Laurie 235-0202 Centre Mall, Exeter Mary Anne's Hair Shoppe 83 Oxford St., Hensall, Ont. 262-2127 "Tho Friendliest Shop InTown" Air conditioned -t the group's version of Gloworm left no doubt as to the talent of the four cast members. If you're looking for an evening of light-hearted entertainment, head for Mercer! Beaucoup! -- but be sure to wear cool clothing and take a fan. saikft ho THEATRE• ♦ .• COUNTRY �•TN OLD SONG AND DANCE - Philip McNiven and Jack Northmore do a - little soft-shoe during a performance of Mercer! Beaucoupl at Playhouse Two. The production runs until August 13. • Touring company to play at area libraries GRAND BEND - The Huron Country Playhouse Young Compa- final play, "Stories from Around the Bend", to three Huron County branch libraries on Saturday, Au- gust 20. 'The play will be presented at the Kirkton Branch at 10 a.m., the Clinton Branch at 1:30 p.m. and the Wingham Branch -at 3:30 p.m. The Young Company has created an affectionate cartoon style look at the origins and development of the area around Grand Bcnd. With a mixture of original music, period songs, laughter, and drama, this production moves briskly through the decades celebrating local triumphs and personalities. "Stories from Around the Bend"' is family entertainment fpr all ages. Everyone is welcome and admission is free. Sponsored by the Huron County Public Library. 4t 4t ¥ GRAND BEND - A rose is a rose. is a rose. But Audrey 11 is the bi- zarre and hungry hybrid in Little Shop of Horrors running at the Playhouse from August 23 to Scp- tcmbcr 10. Audrey II is being constructed by the multi -talented Props Builder Tom,Levcly from Toronto. Iler original habitat was a down - at -the -heels Flower Shop in ski drow Manhattan, but she thrives in climates as diverse as Iceland and Australia. Locally she's just stat- ing a scenery -chewing stand in the zany Little Shop of Horrors musi- cal at I turon Country Playhouse. Oh, and one more thing, she de- mands a dict of human flesh and blood. In fact, she swallows a man • Your Kitchen Could Look Like This High Quality. Kitchen by Gerrie Glenn Inc. • Choose from our high quality selection • Beautiful yet efficient • Check out our showroom • Free estimates in your home • Also do laundry rooms & vanities Summer Hours Tues. -'Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Gerrie Glenn Inc. 111 Queen St., • Hensall 262-3529 ' a day just to get her going on stage! Don't miss Little Shop of Hor- rors; a horticultural talc of horror at uron Mu—Playhouse—from-- August 23 to September 10. For tickets and -information, call thc Playhouse at 238-8451. PLAN TO MARRY - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lesperance are pleased 1 announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Tracey to Mr. Ke- vin Tripp, son of Mr. Norm Tripp and Glena Tripp. The marriage will take place at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Mount Carmel on Friday, August 19 at 6 p.m. Open reception to follow at 9:00 p.m. in Hensall. Everyone welcome. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE - Mr. and Mrs. Don Brunzlow, Exeter, are proud to announce the forth- coming marria ge of their daughter Debra Ann to Kenneth John, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Mathonia, Zu- rich. The wedding will take place at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Mount Carmel, on Saturday, August - 13, 1988 at 2:30 p.m. Open recep- tion to follow in Hensall. IT'S BLUEBERRY TIME! BRING YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY "BEST FROM THE BUSH" PICK YOUR OWN OR READY PICKED Containers Provided — Free Recipes Open Daily 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Located on Hwy. 2, — 7 km E of Thamesville, or 4 km W. of Hwy. 79 692-5373 3000 PICKING — IRRIGATED FIELDS Wedding anniversary is 55th for Witmers Neighbours and friends of Wcs and Madeline Witmer of 109 Park street in Exeter surprised thcm on the occasion of their 55th wedding anniversary on August 5. A happy social hour was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Witmer, Wood- stock and Deb Witmer, Hamilton entertained their parents to dinner in honour of thc•occasion. On Sunday, Mrs. harry Witmer antJ,Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ilcrkonrad- cr.of Kitchener made a surprise vis- it. ma —a 4 SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE 4 4 1 1 H ua Q H J 4 A Summer Sale Continues -1- / 2- _price including Summer Jewellery 1 Fall Fashions arriving daily Areirdeduled Spe«nuy74elraKo ,14 - 44 383 Main St., Exeter 14 1/2 to 24 1/2 Also London, Sarnia, Kitchener H m H IR1 a 1,1 YIP 1 till a m SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE JUST ARRIVED Mendous e - Selection 300 to choose from in 70 varieties LARGE NEW SHIPMENT P► Too Good to be Real The Perfect Plant Artificial Plants, Flowers and Trees Quality Products at Great Prices WHEN YOU'RE HERE SUPER SAVINGS On our'fine Casual Furniture and many outdoor accessories. . All Floor Display Sets and occasional pieces "Must Go" SHOWROOM HOURS Mon. to Fri. 8:30 to 5:30 Saturday 10:00 . to 5:00 No Heat No Light No Water It TO BAYFIEI.O WATER PLANT GRAND BEND :LAKE Q.._ HWY. 21 TO SARNIA HWY. e3 TO EXETER i DASHWOOD CASUAL INDUSTRIES SHOWROOM 2 mays from wersr plant on Hwy B3 Box 616, Grand ,Bend Ont. NOM 1TO (519-238-2110 "We encourage a standard of excellence In product quality"