Exter Times, 1910-11-24, Page 7} c, tai s 617A;R CURE rk tip la•hu Stud ',Hese et Wr 4t. n1,1e•e 1nett t (4* b•11014eat, or the e3 et.. �.1, all :1 a4 ,arlre.'•1, Nand, 1/10,110'11'1., 10'."116-1ern•.r Gads,:, Paha In thew 1., A. 11'111 le Ihrlr woof, SICK ihsdaebe, ,yet Cu!or'" 1I, . reser PIsla .i$ .4uWly aluehloin, uoatlptt.ml,curinga,riprr saacinglhtoannoyi(j rn.pr:.iut.w11'rtheyalio erer.4 t all111nnlern..rth 1.(.uurh, atltr.ntatethe lIv r 411 Mutate the b,,wtle. ►ncnLir Wcrurljr their EA Ia.sthey wtvald r derf athl. owris nt;t ittmt ately g n "t t-ud h.rr,aud tidy,OMoar•. try thea[ n to t!r t th.'se lithe p,llr rata. 4.!.ev,lnaly'.a,i tLatl4.y I. i1! not I' %All. W do w ttioot them. Ent aft: r all .telt teat nA tfe tLe t1aCH E orsoe,anv live, that baro to whet* we utak., our grv4t b,�ut. U,.r j. Ilia turvit r 411* others do not. (•utu+b!rule Liver Pi;la are very email and stry cavy t., take. One„r :'.', !:!awnake a 1...e. They at. etilcu segetabt h. amt do n.•gripe o wee est by th•,Ir guutlu at L.4.4.1 ykauet all why ,rs(018MUii iltgt: lfl et).. >lt>tw T 111T. POI, ball Du ha Prix ;,......_...r_ ..�.... ., ..-....,.••••.,.._....._,...•SI. t r Hints for Busy [Housekeepers. Recipes nn 1 other Valuable Itiforniitlota of Particular Interest to Women Folk& '• 1\at time gt'•,•ll vegetables r('ttniref 1 .r cuukiug. Te test beef, },rens it duw'lt %titin 1J41 t un'b. 11 it rises tluiektr, the rucat Is gaud. When' cutting bread uud butter very thin clip the knife occasionally in very hut, ,tater. Oil of lavender, sprinkled about -.- ' in the bunk shelter, will prevent ' 1 books from mildewing. PICK HELPS. 11111- 1„ every pound of fruit ellen Potato pat•iugs dried in the oven (.)live pickle.; Slice gallon crock 11,a1:111...; preserves will liet•p the 141- ful of cucumbers. let net !Peet.d,wcrlli off erystieermeulh tugtud slugs all Sprinkle through thein one cupful '.f !;1 Ilio t bond brushes should salt. Lel this stand for three hour,, , at the then draw through a eeLinder. (leo) ''!ld .,f [h4' house „leaning, b0 thor hl gond shed 014.4.41, line. t'ur- : °uglily ensiled. For this, disselye six half an •roue• of ruck ammonia in chase one ounce out:* el white and t'ru yualt, "(1 but water. Dip black nrllstnrd bred, one ounce of the *til lI r ligts to whir till clean, eatery soeai, and one-half pint of then reuse la rind writer and dry in olive oil. Put layer of cucumbers in crock and sprinkle uvcr theta i the air. onio11s, uulxtlu•d seed and •one table -i Steamed I'1• !cling. - - One cite nlu- are goi*t t•. kindle tires, Ise they light Mute easily than wood. .1 pair of scibsur4 is infinitely bet- ter t for trimming u ft the ria u q u d from 1111 or Lacon than a knife. ('lean windows alightly moistened with Inc thylatt d spirit, and ,you will be satisfied with the result. If the water t,e hard, a tiny piece of washing soda \4.111 soften 1t, and give vegetables It brighter color. The saucepan should be left un- apuontul of olive sal. Then repeat, lasbe4, one cue emir milk, three Covered '.turn 4uiliug green eege- layer of eneunibt.i , onions, seoc s, cope deur, OM elf, raisins, one-half tables, and the color will ho all ( til, Iluut, one tea-p'unful stela, one the hrighter• and oil, until you have us(�e, up ten tca+puiutul salt; steam two and (linger poultices aro as ellicisci- Zc(t afterrs. 'l'hrre+ will be some nil one-half hours. `:lu(•e for steam nus as mustard and will not blister. left hating put rematablining 1,11dding: Two tnLlr,pounluls hut- They 'Mould be Made in the sante titer each layer. This ems ning oil ter and two txblesl,iinfuts hot way. st 1ho he puureu over the cup if te,tlrr; [ it in pufvrri'ed sugar and When hanging tett clothes, hang nil the pickles in (ruck. then til! l ",In till as ,tiff as drsird and skirts by the bands, nightdresses by crock with vineker, strung uidel -.oft e un pudding. the shoulders, and stockings by the vinegar preferred. These are tine and are ready to use in three et.;an:utus 4''n half Shell. Trim four days.ends of bananas, split lengthwise see - Uncooked Cucumber i'i(klr;.-- At, without removing skins; mark see - this busySCasull of the tions crosswise with a knife, and scar one squeeze a little lemon juice over likes to make pickling and canning' 1 tons. (�re11SC marks can often be re- moved by covering them with blot- ting paper or thick brown paper, and then ironing this with a but hem, and sprinkle with sugar. iron. t FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND easy !41141 itt the sante lime have it Servo on a lettuce leaf and garni..h A little eau de cologne or other gaud. I nm'se tiding a recipe for un with Slices of leucon. Nice fur spirit rubbed into the scalp once or cooked cucumber pickles which I breakfast. - have made for 14 number of years '.0l'};8 0F' IX ft:RI:MT F'R04M and have never once _lost one. Try If ERlt,t. h 9 .!,'1 U IIR.t 1:1. it for yourselves and be oonvinced. Take une teacupful of salt, one of sugar, one of ground mustard, and one level teaspoonful of pulverized alutu. Mix thoroughly together. then add slowly, stirring all the time, one gallon gond eider vine- gar ; if strong weaken with water. Nile( (loins Oa la the lighlauJs and ).ort lands of Auld Scotia. convolvulus hawk moth, a rare 1 i,itor, wile caught at Laugttoltn, twice a week helps to keep natur- ally greasy hair in good condition. Tea and coffee stains will usually SALADS. go if rubbed with powdered borax, Pimento Snllt/t. One small head `lightly damped. Pour boiling cabbage, one-half can Pimento nl4• 1 meter throughethe marked places. ruue1. Chop beat fine and add .nay- Children who cannot er g inducedw unuaile dressing. ! to take milk as a beverage will of• Beet Salad. -Cook Meets, then; ten take it. willingly in the form of suttp, custard, curds and whey or Aimand chop with cabbage, ane(• junket. Have your pickles washed clean, add a little vinegar. horse radish, Tu pec cent black eye rah the in - drain in colander a few minutes, and sugar. 1 pretty dish us well •I jtired part immediately with butter I)utnfreshtre. put in earthen jar, and pour the as good• and it will never turfs 4111 colors of A new dry duck is to be con- vinegar over. I add a teacupful of Pineapple Sallie - 'fake one ran' tolled In the prlsuner's behalf,Trust at, a cent t•f S2.500,000. and (don. It wxs rr0111ior. his father, 1Yt1- lanlctee(1 at Renfrew hs the Clyde hirlu'rnclish rent if 1 can get it.. of pineapple, draitl off all tho juke, the thrnis ireme, as (tri, apt t„ do with -there was poi attempt whatever to 4 pant Henry Prior, draftsman and out this treatmt lit This makes two gallons. Mr,. E. J. and one-half pound of tmar,hntal }lo not keep ti,;d of a damp i, secure :I just and impartial judg-esi hisa talent. uteHelstud studied art ein Greenock (ladle parish' clench Crape .taut. - Tarte slur grasp's, low's cut• up in small pieces. 'fake ! juicy nature in paper bags. Chemi � Boulogne and in London and in As lately re -opened after a reuuva- separate the skin flout the pulp, your salad Binh and put first ,t I1(y • 1:41. el ill': false witnesses came - 6 ' ! .t,l•eys eoluntrrred all sorts 104.) made his first appearance on r +• ire but none of it wasthe battlefield during the Ashantee . : lnlinating kind; and, be- 'Ir. T 11 �: S S L 1 J SO N be worthy of death (GR). R•, answer- ed his a4ssu'intes. And tlo y had the iaw with then) (Lev. 91. ll;). 1t is not probable that such melt ns Nice - denies and Joseph of -lrirnatllaea were }1l"aet►t. 67. Spit in his face --Such treat- ment of rt eunlleanned prisoner ens extraordinary' in its sh:ttl,eltssness. This 4nlirc•h epee the record of the Jewish court some of their' owls his- torians have sought in vain to wipe ( 141, 64. \Vho ... r.truck tin -et -An idle and ironical (tu(•..ti.•14, called forth by the fate that they lied blindfold- ed hint (Mark 11. (35). INTERN 1T1o\ tl. I.I:ti. 11x, \I)1. '2,7. 1.l•- '4111 1. Thr rial of .14',1.4, 1111" '_I,.:,;•lig. liuld4'u '1'e‘l, I. Pet. 2';l. Verse 57. 1'hry that had taken Je::cls- The sc,ldieIS sent uta Ly 1.110 Chef prieStx and elders. T1 c house of ('alaphns 111 inter- val 'lust be thought of het tt 4 e'11 this and the arrest, as described by Luc. , Luke. For r a description of the une- thud of procedure hefure the San- hedrin, bee Duuuuelow'a Commen- tary. ion- tary. tVcre gathered together -It is not clear (compere Mark) whether they had already wet and Isere antici- pating the arrival of their victim, or Whet Ile they cant.' together as I+0 was tett in. At any rate, the mieimun► number of twenty-three were certainly' present. 58. Peter -He and John had re- covered from the fright which led them to flee 'upon their Mast.er'a being arrested, and at. a safe dis- tance they kept track of what was going en. At first Peter remained few then of his day, even uniong pro - outside the court of the high priest, fessional soldiers, who have seen but afterward he gained admission more of the perils of the firing line. through John, who had !Wine kind 1I4• WAS one of the ,urcuu,1t war cur - of passport• there from previous re-pundonts and illustrators of the last half century. And by means of his facile pen and pencil, the gener- al public of shay -at -hones were like, Shows that the case' WWI prejudged. wise made familiar with the Ashan- 11'hat they sought was not evidence ter'' JI••rzegovina, Knffirian, Zulu, but pretext. (Compare Mark : rransvaitl, Egyptiau, Soudan, Nile, "They sought witness . . . to put iturmtth, Tirah, Turku -Crock and hint to death.'') Any testimony 1 other campaigns, home twenty -tulle would do, whether false or true, in all. "The most rapid sketch4 1 so long as it contributed to the de_ !I ever knew," was Stanley's (1" - sired result. `'They met not to try seriptien of hint. but ta. condemn." No witness wast Mr. l'riur was a native of l.on- A SCORE OF CAMPAIGNS y'IIItRI1u LIVE 01•' MELTON PRIOR, WHO 011:(1 RECENTLY Narrowly t:w•Aped With life in a Midnight .111aek During War in Spain. felt•.8 Prior, the war correspon- dent and lutist, ,'hose death occur- red on Lundin, L• eglaid, recently, saw some twenty-four campaigns And revolutions. There have been being (John 14. 1L'). 54. Sought false witness --elf this is an accurate atetemont, it simply WAR c.tly .ire often us,vl In pre pannq the tion costing about $1,5011. keeping them in separate dishes; } !1t er of pun apple and then a las er ..f t,,el.er, and when damp are injul . .About ;34X) weavers in the :lirdale the pulp in your preesrving kettle, I the ular;hrnnllevrs until dish is hats to food t kind. Cello!) Works struck work and in- +titlt a teacup of water. 11•hen Dior- about tee -thirds full. ('over with w)lt•<d uootlier 10•: mill workers in • oughly heated run them through a idleness. colander to separate the seeds, then Satisfactory progress is being I put your skins with therm and Caught a Cold Which Ended in a Severe Attack of Pneumonia. Too much nlre.s cannot be laid on tills that fact when , a er4,r,4 l catches chs. c. p * d,l 14 must he attended to iminiAiately, serious r0sllltn are liable to follow. )lrot'rhitis, Pneumo...•, and 1 oosun.p- tion aro all caused by neglectirg to cur* tho simple cold. Mrs. O. W. Bowman, Psouth, Ont.; %votes ---'•Three years ago 1 caught a *011 which elided in a severe attack of 1'uta,rnorea. Since that. tinge at the beginning of each Winter I seem to catch cold very easily I Late been 441 hour's* I was 1111 able to speak loud enough to b* heard aerobe the room. Lot winter, however, a friend advises( me to try Dr. Wood', Norway Pine Syrup, saying It had helped her. I buotht a bottle aro! Lel..," It a sd 1.•slf used 1 wan completely cured. 1 att. find i1 a gout medicine foe the children when they have cohle." beware of the many imitations o' De. Need',: Norway fine Syrup. Ask for "Dr Wood's" and insi.t oa getting what you eat for. It is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade !),ark ; ' ne price, 23 rents. Munufacturet only by The T Milburn t'o , Limited, Tnmoto, lit. Argentine insurrections. He was with Jamosun'4 raid, and aceem- panicd tile troops in the Matabele and .lfridi 11'ars. He was on the north-west frontier in India, and in ('rete during her insurrection. He was also at the siege of Lady- smith in 1900. 1VOGNIEO MANY TIM CS. From 1e79 to 1886 Melton Prior passed only one year in which ho did riot see service. Ho was wound- ed many tines. Besides these martial expeditions, Prior represented illustrated jeer- ; any 1C mals on many of the Royal journeys. a glut! thick layer of wlti) ,cd a'1'ety should h(' lhorunglt's • ,til• s, no two of thein agreed. The In his pretty villa, in the Now- Ito went to Athens with the Prince cream. The sliced pineapple clot)u , beaten on the wrong side first, and stead Iniad, which lie made his tonne of Hales' suite in 1875; accempani- 1 I 1 1 then on the right side, after which law ree)u►red that nl lca�t [Wet when not dwelling in tent or bivou_ od the Marquis and 1larchio41. ;:• of in small pieces is preferable to the Mould of(0r for same testimonyLorne on their first visit to l auadn ; 1 , d by the a se col and eat• r. t, I am able to do -----the tem ;111 the world. A mute witness of was at. the Berlin visit t Conference; at plc fn this way, the Fuy"ing of that first campaign of his is the the funeral of the late Czar and Jesus by whichhe meant to refer 1,4,heading sword *rote AblIan tee, the wedding of the present one ; at 0 1 rub chest with 1 to his body, was perverted and %t;aich beheaded some thirty human the Delhi Durbar in 190.2, and at s. :1dd cupful of se ['ever} night and morning. The hand distorted (John 2. 19). Matthew Eng - and let stand eye( night. ('ep,k in' r awl Mark report differently the `ictiulx in the king's slaughter every State cercmnn that occurred uttn liquor until tender, then drain; must he warm before applying the1 bongo as a last fetich >acrilice he during his periosts of rest in J:ng• I nil. Word* 0f those witnesses. a fact fere the entrance of the British land thoruagh.s. Heald two quarts of Half a lemon )laced in the water which lnll,••s with knack's titnteme•41t sponte runt )(• re alone !Halle at the Itt.eytll Naval huge, and weigh; to each pound of fruit odd grated. This (makes a gond siled: I of u,, )rail ur ammo the number of workmen }las reached three-fourths of a pound of sugar: salad and is excellent. 1\hen t child tai:cs a Cole! it is ,,Lout 1,000. I add merely water enough to keep 1'ontatu Salad.- ('lop fen' 0410 and 11 an ex^ellent Inn t(1 take Fellle In the thew lentos Valuation Ile. ' from burning. C'uuk slowly three- one -(calf pecks green tomatoes and 1 sw•001 it and r 1 thet t 't ',artment,'Ayr ei11 le the centre fourths of an hour. This is a 410110- three union for the et tittles ..f 1su•, Wijtly„:1 'Ione jam and worth the trouble. and Kirke bright , ' •1r -aria rnelilr`ti :i, inking fountain 1(1::175. 1 u were Souvenirs gathered from heel] gifts,,' t• K1'.., 1rn•.rt. fv' `'ulegar, too pound' *rout' sneer, ► i troops alto Cuumassle, a sight w•hlch Chicken and Salt Pork. -Singe •e a in which (1i,11 towel; and kitchen that then (lid not agree. 1t was the artist describe} toward the PA II IICI E t II WHO ill; GOWNS the lural cu-up••n.,• i,three green ur red pepperm, chi}•- 4'•I„the$ are soaked is said to sweet- this di9agre•oe41t, dotlhtless, that; close of his career as one of the commem,•rntien el r jet . young chicken, remove pin fcathere. ped : tee) tablespoonfuls of gn,un<I • l m them Wonderfully. I1ow•ever. cawed the iu )lII((1 charge of hlas• :- :1n. Lhf•r til.! Cn: +n t. k ran tut, �,itthfflw'!angnbor�eis►� 4411 thra line wehicke•)l mustard, two. !a►,lcspuuofuis ground' after a thuruugh wn+Ling sun$hilhe phemy and anarchy to tall tint. ;�hust terrible he had ,•ver witness- Famous Parisian llre•suriker See n r 4 s n . tables uunfu! 4'l ler <}• geantsear ie tier person of Scr- : K K P J i will do wonders. 02. Stood up-- In order h, add dig- geant Wm. McDonald, t;rrenbrae, el ere through the wi'.sh ,nr and seed, one-half piund 11ititc plus- 1 good sized pan or basin of Wily and weight to his question,. I AIDED BY L0fl1) 11'OI.Slil.EY. who was St7 years of age clean on the Weide, Ka$11 and der ;turd Bred. A(W drained tomato^s ! water, changed evert date, should GJ. Jesus !telt} his peace --it teas. n aur o 1' th t • 1 L fl" !hese g 1 A fountain lI 1 rr y f 4f. !' breast lwlth a4clea -er n. dome hlI re-1IOneida Salad I lu4 i* t, he Pr.:.be placed !n every sickroom. The this that elicited the interrogations_ It oils whsle muun�ur• the hill to l'leghvrn, for to sears hcadnlast,.r lotpored the da, !,."f.,rr it i* 11:•.1• h to Coouwssic that Prier, overcome 1st general then stere• , ., I water a est s mu • h inuriuus mat f c m ('a'aphas. fl0 long [ts Jesus of Ifroxten Scheel, has been p1a.. ti n'nsting pan r , half a 1,04, of gelatin with n • r 1 of fat salt pork. on these lay theter and acts favorably in other ways maid nothing and the witnesses tem - in the school grounds. 1 r.,' of cold water and soak cur; Inverness Harbor Trustee. are. to i chicken' 4kin '..ide up, dr• 41;(1- W.ti, ti, 1 t, minutes, then add a (,int of upon the 4rSIicnt. tr:xlieied one another• there could t! .nr and lay over the top-ecer:1 ho....n , water, the juice of two I4'. 1 It is not generally 3(4.,1144 teat be n•• ground for emote:ening hime co41�l.►uct a hif „At, 1tr r e,timatccl t,• i " , i('.44(1 c"nvere(1 with Dolling water and itut, ne they did not agree, there r t.r.•r -'n • • [pork. taro in tut', :i loons, n eu.). $!•.,,0O(1 for deepening the. teaspoonful of sn1l, and a ell el hot eater e,r broth, cuter ,,:• I 1 alluw'cd to stand for five etinutt•. els n.I necessity ter hila to answer. channel. „wit u( cayenne pepper. stand are more m+nri•hing and more res 11••-eIse were nut his life and work l+4' kirk: -Mlle i, to u)Ip••!e tie a t t trek one hour and three-foilrth- . .4.1.11. to tool, but do not let it can- + - weekly da:' •.1 1c -t fit pullsell'ell 4.4 '.44te several tulle's with the drip- steal (41p 11 round Ilan into veld ill' digested than eggs placed in 1 '-"rh.:tent d'-fe'fl>:.r ,gannet such ac - weekly ''' u�,,il, r4• , fh'�.�,rouud that }p,!lcrnlen in that line •in the pan, dredge with flour water, put In n layer of (rooked boiling water and nll ew4d t ) 5• •1 quiet county aro' never 101441 w.'tk :tit• r each bast1111_ were bell* may (peas, then layer of serval) cube;! far three and a halftninute'1. i 1 adjure the* by the living (3otd- 1 1,•.• added if needed. 1of cold pettlte.es, nett a layer of , V1tlegnr is not used as it Should 1 Thie wa; the 'mot solemn possible. cd. .\Inddin Stem. This is a (then) be in the prepartion'.f t••ugh 41•ent, way of putting Jesus under oath. The whtl•'r S••.•ti:) alriteJ nt f hard boiled eggs. sliced (two eggs Ste ,., '•• • . !'••• •''.• 1, a ith a , :Intl, '1''`v • and i• else good. Material : arc sufficient), then a layer of an., Pitt one tablespoonful into 11. • cit• !and the solemnity of it is increased 1 t'.,(• pound ls.'f, one •lu:ut enter, kiu(1 •.f cold nkat. or Chopped n,.! . I••1 in which pleat i• t,. be 1..�110d, j when it is remembered that ('nia- con,) ! ee Ile, eerie, 1,e •.•I.':. } } our 4 r. .•f h• (..•. , - •.:.,, ,, ,, r,. •Ise teAsl,••,.r ;'.1! Sn..I, :r peppe)'!n►ay' be used in place of the rr ,• you will have n 1.•eder joint.' phrfs oc.'apied the highest position „"' '- - - - I he stewed -h- lisel In the church and nation. " rl)F, the •• e;lcl.lee I,. TT l,. '1, one !Sprinkle• wilt salt a11(1 pep, t ,.. V • .. i'. IS 1V 1 4 i,.tow LIu'dtrnik 1,. ,,,, ['are Ir:'i. 4,.:;, !.'If. '•r:•' ...rt tier xnoth"r iayer of /With , ! 1'' ' 'lied in vinegar. 1 11'h.,t0(4 thin ref the Christ -ft r; in car '0ts and u , u, - 41r:• • . 11, the 1,11! .,. .„ -I, „ . ,1, 1 .r, I. 1 . • !,t• quarter 1.111) 11)1•• !Pour over It the gelat11. 8la, ,, .1 i 1 I 1 1 1s 11••4 tie r.,,•a, 1•• 141 NI flat the I,.1•�. ,. �, 1 : , 1,•-.4 lt,,e•r. one small 17111dP i%'4'1111 ht. Serve W"1111 ••"., 1.1•rlc•s are 4','l Ie•ti,e•i1 !f hlgll 111,!•.1 re•II-:".t1•retl 1lesslnll and tutu, a4lj . aing the 1 I„lint 1310 ,i „414.•11. i«.• 1114.!(.l..,•I,fels flour, one !outs ise /loosing nod w'hule wl.• ,t these alter being th••r •r•tth'y' lnt•h ti„41 ,.f t;•.•I as rani'', l,•nt tempi. iu s, one the •11de.t ar4J 11itr?,• -! g t lt.' •-lo,:uf„1 '.l t,.,t: r. a n•• lett• hr(n<1 and butter and a 1.11, aro ntbhad over with a ; kali 11(•rlurt„ he meteor the, two with a in the lawn. pert• t eonlhinnt i•11t of 1(4,44 is 108.1•. clod, tiler, ens been (lipped in us ' s:ILN4' ,ur .itis : for. if he could get 'rlter0 «•ny so!, •• n 1\'ora -t, t�!I.rc -au,•e . 1fc- , I I 1 hy' a•.• I•••1, 1• Irl ti, d • f 1•r0 ,trirs; : Onr; wunei of . lon44)4n without n nu.meltt , ! ter to which a lift'., arsine et has J,..;, ti claim the latter. he Would ini,urgh roc• r•ilt („! ?tn n• e ! h• I 1 e• been nd•led. ()etre!), oLtninahh• nt 31041, ms. r ta'4• ••E 1j,It i +.:,, 1"' ' 11.1 oar' 1 unrt of %saner 114 11 h,t.. a senieeeit ground for centime- ii. en i e - I' I lc:ng spe t upon it the (lay ,t r Lr• :c ,l ti the bii!int; loin( :tall ,sort •,1 the butch,•r'M, is �uuil.0 It s f 11. n,it „n. e ' do11b1 he ens pr,mptecl • ie n • e e theles ; ceekei er 1 I �lilde11 $l:hin� Tho • o►netinler+ t•• pat the que•tien by his intimate •., , • ,•, ' ' et fee `•Ie '.' Metre 1 le1N'1'A1' vett �Irte41 !f it (lilt nw'a1' , klliwledge of the events connected if ttnnt your stew tot 114)1 i:H(>f.D HINTS. •1 e•r if it is k04.4 .n a dnnlp!with the triumphal retry. ' • rI 11 ""r "f the. beef it is 1 .11mon(1 chopper( line An(1 br4,en 1 4. • They will ulna". (livnnpenr 1 el. Thou hast said --To have kept i , • In t11 n It ;t; small ,ice . 1 • • -414 ►Wade of lee, a juice anti 1 , I,. i 1 lied 111 ittga1 a11' deliet„nm for ie. , if water arm I ,e•711th rl,nik silent at this er.t'Cat mentent would es set • ire" the ' ereant, have leen 0 pracCent setting aside , n .t: fiuc, ,114.1 414 Oft0n irritatiuu in the throat can ''1 14)1(.14 41,04,,. 1.1'1 the paste (,f all Sia claims fat all time. Elie (!len t1 t nt in half :v• l' I,r r4!ic'cd I,v t,11:in t!h• jnirr of .t `I' ' t4'. ' i I• .11 ' f<• and fetal of our Lord's reply is given :tip• :,,, \{ai ;Idr) tilt• '•, :1 }4•rtl .-!i :a''.; t4.,' .1::114•!1:,1 ,n 11,t" Il''I1I w'ay.'differently in Mark (''1 (rtll' 1. but d' the tnenning is the .AnlP. Nevcl Diciest-- Int "educing an im- phat:0 statement to offset what had preceded. "ft is true 1 new stand condemned before an earthly tri- bunal because of my claim to Mes- ainship ; but (his is not the Ind; from Hort• on (henceforth) yeti may look for another scene When 1, the Son of man, shall sit as Judge nt the right hand of fearer. 65. The high priest rent his gar- ments- Not "an affection of hoe. tor." "n mere pretense" (I)us id Smith). This is a very old Way of expressing anguish. Herr it is the high priest's (elicits). rather than abs... tee .411 r t , 4)uelfries A ',..el .,( le; . 4,e;.,-. Lel,,ng.,,,, ;•, Messrs (1„s• -. neva' i)tulferl,, 14, bet .. •:.i ;.t0retl 1,I•• .1 •Wer,. (0.tai! 1•.tt•! ('(o: I.ol'4(1 t'• x., „41 5''tih i I4'' II, s 1 nasi.•!; ••f ?Ye '•at•[ 51(4' f ,1 valva, Tnilock rtr•.•t from the gent ......4,, lo..1:11tat•,41 .[land to the Aea•leee. lhiut t«••ntt nua.,le^ i• (he the heiline I C' l ,11 'I-, • - .t ,.• (t 1. � •Its• easily1 ( i Had ?t'.:. ere' Pains nn •i lii!(r�Inke a t!, th•nr :► Id eat, 1 �A11 Skin Diseases 1,1 .Fuck. ``'`" 4'/t A 11' I,t Mint Break. 1,:ehuilders have been un - their tenders for the tie, for two dockyard .:i,.! e'1•! r. „ 4'•41 ?.dant.,. Left,,.. 4. :1, • %PAT S progranl- (! .:110. Ti,( 1t , I' ' •t41 -hire •ancc 4 Can be Directly mc. lt• th went to the Tyne. .,'}•G•'1 pee 4• •f• l sc1' Traced To 114111 itnr,:,til �!1e•tl,.'t \r.l .i, BAD BLOOD. i 0. I, !n.t(c.-, I I , .s,,,; _,.ft hall.....,.. --- Io .1 i';i'.!.. .,'!Ii 1'•..• 1.1:• •• ' f ta'i IP' 1hemline to ret rid of these skin chs• 1'''.• Dundee• whaling steamer Ah Way' r,. Davie, c:oro.. lent; rr„-r.• .+.:•1 to . I flit .1 - • :,.li, mash eraser it it abauintely necessary that the ylin,ing reached the xray hien the -"Foe ..orar e roar. I waft, rod tor.; n,ol t',.::•1 t,•_. L„ t;,, ,. Add one blood should be thoroughly cleansed of s•kills :health( fishing the other day ' err' pains et my 1.3(k, a(k, socorlai . .1414 f., „HI.. 1.. 1t 141 I .'turn • the ae(uleted poisons, end far thus i.g Ilsolly hark at all, ami when I ettefp.d it. (e .,1 , ur.1 tic. ;hen fI.,c„ purpose there Is noihing to equal }sur- with n cargo of le'verl hint+ whales• dirt' to pe:4 +re teything felt na if my c 1 1 clock Biood 'titters. The catch will yield e:,, toes of Ione hack r•,.r<t 4 r•.es t t(.t4 lid.1.e,1 In Ill/ P• I,,'' . ' 1 , r. I• In 1.r oche) 'fhi( remedy has Leen on the market and 1011 tuns of oil. teeoes l(i- h'v 1',:!.t en.l 3 a utter%g in -r' .."t ..1 1.',i,.,r,a• 11 1 refe!'rc(I. for over thirty -live years and when you The Hangman's }!louse, St. John tee, i .I 'a ssl1A ('merely c 1r;.l. ;s:.'l 1 feet . (;.(,tl.,.• ons top tit a Itot 'fere can use it von aro not a'penmenthag with street. Stirling. has for generations text 1 cannot "f". rqp) ,iehly ,n their be ,Illitk`: rubbed al Uy putting Pomo new and untried remedy, formed one of the most p104414 roue O`• ':r" salt on the •crllbbiny brtsxli. Mei Stella Michel, Maitland Forks',illy r n wsa n••alit too: years silo and ( buil4linga in the street. r'!. still re:twin cut( ' • Torre :,re leer cnutr. ••f redclen- K.S., writes. -"1 have teeth hotiere, After the first store' had been l,n,s Fur it)caathe, LaloP flack, 1Veq, rd hands. one i• aaoiing in hot Leith , 'lit itbeum oa env hands for thyro Back, there is no remedy a-4oa1 to water. .lnothcr is exl;.r!.tr. t., cold 'Tern44-14 and it itehe,t ,'r i didn't know what 11 thea Il„l thA uki dwelling i. now Dean's Kiinry fills for leaking 001 tt,•s stir. ,\ third is hnuaow:'t!. Without seemed do. 1 tried everything hat nothing a thing of the 1raRt, leaving been ttitebee, 1411(hes and t1•ingoa, llruh4ring 4.+king the precaution .•l wearin seemed to be env good. i heard of taken down to tarot the needs cif the op the atitT leek ere( git;ng perfect 1 1 g burd.ek Blood nutters and pert two locality, somtort. i g vers• . II f to fferr. t i• the bre bottles of it, and now i am perfectly Dean's Feeney feebt me, :,0 (eine }err , hit • 1 bending the hands downwards. eared and have no Katt ((hewn on my haa:'s an more 1 rennet a [lox or 3'.oarc for gee-, ,(t sl) dealt". ••r ! :1 few (Iron: of Glycerine in the Y pP*k too rr*Slr il.r:rt en rer.•,I.s of price hy'fles a lev..,h, ,i .S' a teaspoonful t.. a highly of ItnrdtXk Blood Bettis." -1 4 Ylt''• : ..f 0 . 1..••''e•i 1' ;•.:o t)ptM 4,o,uoi o, 11. :1 aril range n cake anufactured only by The I'. �lilLuro is ',Aeries 4,,,,e• ape••ite ' I►osa'a' 1;10,,1 ei, 4i ,, •., i:e:y'. Three teaspoon- no., i:imited, 'Toronto, Ont. tell!) 1s announced of Alen. Re 1 •u 1. 1 I ter 50 yenrs n pilot at I) ...less . Itis grandfather. John Beaten. was one o fthe boat's crew that rewor1 Nelson ashore after the brittle of the Nile. Miss Jane Armour Burns Reeve, Dumfries, has just made[ a visit he Edinburgh, in the course of which she made a round of thn haunts of her 11111strious greet grendfalher, the national bard leets His Customer -4. One of the ercat lmlle •1• e'snuker$ who goes over to London from Paris twice a year toe air 041 eat( ie dozen with fatigue, found himself falling or so ladies whose gowrie he ton- • behind the soldiers. Ile caught the descends to compose:, le now in 'tail of a passing mule for support. England making his rounds. His The rider turned sharply, and the clients incl.ule the 1)ueliess ,:f I.4' x - artist to hie horror recognized 1.or<1 borough. Mrs. .1•Ihn Jinn!) Asti r; Wolseley. tut Mere tniflion.tir •s ('ln Mil•( t . "I beg your pardon, sir, gasped he include(i in his list, 1• r tietess ! the offender. a woman s netts and tigo • •• appeal "Held um, M r. Prior : • l:uughe•d to hien A9 being worthy of display- , his lordship. "We'll pull you in.' • Ing his cont .e ;on•,. he oil], Tike I There is the saddle on which 11r. Sargent, the painter. refuse to Prior rode during the memorable' work for her. i Nile expedition across the desert, This artist. in geten, insists that and in vuunection with it the owner ho be treated as :.n equal when le used to relate his vain attempt to calls for orders. Thus when lea 1 reach ill-fated Khartoum by hiding stays at Floors castle it at Hill hilnselt on a steamer commanded street, he eats with the family. Ile by Sir Charles Wilson. has a (•uuntry sett near Neuii;y There are portraits of his ('1d as- and some of the most exclusiv., soeiatc9, Stanley, Boyle, Henty, and ladies in London ',o."t "v have re- 1'art:e•ron, and a sketch of Colonel veived his "command" to lunch Nerve's party on the steamship with hits there, if they happen to i:a:i.la, bound fur ('hili, Peru, and drop in un him to met •r frocks in the nitrate fickle. Pnr1,'. He did his first regular work for For actresses he absolutely rer• the old "fenny Miscellany," con- fuses to design dreas0'., boWeve•' tributing for three months without great they may be. Before all pay before his ability ens reroani,- else, he is exclusive, and he orders ed. Then it sketch of a flower show duehesees about as if they were the at the Rot -anis Gardens gave hint merest commoner=. When Lady his first footing on "The ISlustrnt- ('heylesmore rented Ilughenden, ed London News," fur which he Disraeli's old home, he invited wrote and drew for the restof his himself there to make a study of Eft . Tho first drawing he sent her style and figure before bo made horse, the gallant 421)4 advancing a court gown for her that was the otl tho Ashantees in the leash, was sensation of the season. one of the best things he ever pro- dtwced. NARROW ESCAPE. During the Cellist 1'nr ho ear - reeler c44Apld with his life in a midnight attack, i urpriaing the troops of Alfonso in the foremost Heart T rouble Caused Dizziness, Weakness and Smothering Spells. tre tick at l'an:pelma«. The l(eiie- Through me 011444) or anothae a large quvinian insurreetiun against Tie. msjority of the people are troubled, more key footle, hits with Peet° Pavlu- nr le's, (vilh some term ,,f heart trouble. titch. Then ft -Molted the Russ, R'hcret•er there are (404)1' Ample Whlh tv1ak hrlrt!. Mitburn'a Heart and Nerve Turkish War. in which M r. Prior Pills will be. f:etn'l to he the Inose c'ff. er-vc follewe<1 the Tit lki1l► armie.. In lne,feint' 041 the Markel. the Kaffir and Basuto Wars he Irn(1 Mrs V. Leslie Craig, 114 Este Ave, many nevem- (-wipes. He witnessed Brrntf,r.l,tint ,oritre - "It is with'*- his personal, distress ' The high the light with the liner" at Mujtlhn • I:rr•tleef of pfeefeire I write you rtabng priest wits net !Mewed to rend Ills. Hilt, ono any (lir. (,Illi- man of the. Iho henelit 1 4,1441!. 4 peur`i Ly 1Nin4 clothes 1..r his own Morrow's, but he English fords 'villi slept in the Beer aufMfferei HIv Ieen and rt tro Tiltse . 1 w':Iti e'p<•eted to do s4', when n gr1:a'0741op the Oro. night After the pro- ea .rctillisonees, %feeler * arwll.lm'ther- offense against (3481 took place in cementite. of peeve. %there he [tit- Intl :.pelt.. 1 used it !creat 'lea] of Dr.'s words, that Jesus had spoke n t,lns- n(sv(d HMI (I('41'ribe<I their remark- Ine:1)•'ule but rN•Mteht no benefit. A phrmy, is full of 4uggestivene`a. able thankrcgi'•ieg ceremonies. friend a.ltio'.4 nos to buy a hos of your What further need have rte of wit- 'rhe n rellotved the ''/.t:le 11'nr, with I faille,d Inntheir1zuse belty tr.;tkimnR.' 1 did,and ! effore f tiro( nestles1 The glee and hensc of re- !11r. Phi,' evcrywh•'r4• •.1 the ftont! rontinuM 1 hs•ohetlerIroxea 1 lief on the part of ( aiaphtls is thinly i', the thickcel 1.1 the fight... 1 highly re4eo::,men•[ these pills to any e b eeveled. "He had compelled hlcl:ta nt AbuKlete end Abet! Kenn, 0044 tulle:ins from be.trt and nerve Jesus to speak, and. uilh consurr,' 'dlrrc he I% A3 i►it three lines. he de- :::&:ftiribi!,,,P,....!:, mete dexterity, had extorted from aer,IP1 as the molt base:den-. straw '. 14c.rt 430.4 Nerve fills, nett 111(11 such n declaration 111 the SAO• pie he eye,. wltll.'*rVtl. ret*,er Ir)( 4'4 .1 (.,r 111:',i, nl ail )iedrin's 1111111gn purpose required." In Stith Americo ;:e «71•, 1t4.'ent Iserehl'.�i-.l Imes•' :,y 'i be T. �Itt• , , Isere ('. , 1 ','!:••t, 'rernr.: y Q.t. To he guilty of blasphatny wss to at tb, 1 Cner(te}an, llra.1il:an awl