Exter Times, 1910-12-15, Page 6HIS MAJESTY'S PLANS
First Affair Will Be Chiefly Official
Second Will Be a Social Function
`ed Third Will Be an Overflow
Sessee,_State Concerts May Be
Revived-a,-,ee Balls May Also Be
a Feature of les New Reign,
It i3 now possible 1•• snounce-
upon very high authority -"tet the
London season next year is lila, to
be one of the most brilliant on recote.
Both the King and Queen aro of an
rice when they can thoroughly enjoy
the social pleasures of lite, and their
court is likely to be of a more youth-
ful, and consequently more lively,
character than has been tho case for
many years past, says Modern So-
Neither of their Majesties has any
considerable liking for foreign travel,
and the Continent is likely to see
much less of the sovereign anti his
consort than was the case in the last
two reigns, when England's tnonarchs
were constantly running over to
Prance, Germany and other parts of
the Continent. They will spend the
greater part of their time mainly at
Windsor Castle and Buckingham
Palace. and this bodes well for the
success of the London season, the
formal opening of which will take
place about the tniddle of February.
when their Jlajesties will arrive at
Buekinghain Palace for a stay which
will extend -with but brief holiday -
at Windsor and Sandringham -tilt:!
the Coronution is u thing of the past
The first event of the season w:11
be a •'ourt, which will -according t.,
precedent -be largely of an otti, i:t!
character. That is to say, the limi :r-
ity of those present will be drawn
from the diplomatic tie ! political
world. and the general will be!
extremely limited. .At • : e•.ment of j
writing there is a posy.:.!,ty that this
court will possess an even greater
signitiennce. since three of the young-
est members of -the royal family may
be present. These are the two daugh-
ters of the Princess Royal, and the :.:.::.a..: ; .: .........
Prince of Waite*. The latter is almost , i ,,111,04.Ai,Ueo ,::Ice :
certain to join the royal circle on Ito forty galleries cx: .... ••. • .•
this occasion. bed of Inc ,ea. its 1,,A• -: , t..
Te. Princess Royal will, however., directly out tato the es..:, .. : t :
lollo,cing her usual custom, spend a mile. A few years age „•
the a 1: ter m E'ypt. mainly cruising mitt) was one of a party • 1 1.
on the Nile, and it is not yet certain der ceeert et she: t - : •
whether she will return home before wand.•ted away l► :•..
Easter Should she decide to remainrest of thena talked. U. ••
in the Past for the spring. her daugh- i :Mug which resembled.. , r
ter• will not be seen at court until ( neat, he ells lingering it ellen, ant u:.
towards the end of \lay.•,i tae "thctai5 11.1:411,•,1 up: t .. •t
The first c.•urt will he followed, a fly ,leer sire' he tete:rimed, "sou 1;g -t 42
fortnleht or so later. by another. ' :.ill-: ;lot do that. you know'" I ea -jai k. t ..
which will be very iargely attender!, lot reit eh) net:" .tnjuirtel the . the In'et
.l• .., the t,itl.lal caubllt his aria '"1211Le a,
1'. it ell: let i31 tee Atlantic. :: "hiHi ! w::, •
. fern:, :L-.1 at t::t. :1•
An Ever -Present Danger to Miners
Along British Coast.
Mining under the seri is cualittued
to a considerable extent itt Great Bri-
tain. It was only u hurt time ago
that the overtired sena u! the White: -
haven thine burst through the sea
floor and drowned scorns of men in
the workings, snaking the further re-
sunlptiuu of work inlp:u. '.,lc.
Workington, u t1ear neighbor to
1Vhitehavtu, once Leel .t- e.tdur sea
mine, into which one dot)• rho water"
of tato Irish Seat suddenly burst.
drowning the thirty -hex men who wero
working out the coal. In all et th13
mining the sea floor ordinarily Is only
a few yards above the workers' heads
and the uncertaint • of the ocean bed
lends the chief risk to the workings.
'"nu of rho roost famous of extstiug
sea " ,fes wus the liotallack, a col,-
per mite.tit Penzance. 'The coast is
rocky [hero �.J shelves sharply down
tufo the water. tutu tiro : wgal-
leries were driven, lht!2'- wfe h2.p
ping within :t few Yu re- .pee door of
1110 .sea. As the Mein° war -k wctit vu
at ,U►terent levels the hill beeerne
honeycombed with galleries ane .vitt'
?ovule until the Atlantic began to
leak in at scores of pence t. causing
tie abandonment.
teries are told of tete time, wne:n,
under influence of heavy reseals
breaking on the coast, tai .1t.:Little
v :h with thunderous sounds up-
. thin strata lying between tee
...Cot .,.bol 1... Nee... ee. bevel-
• . tt e. _ _. :Lei
... 2 .. .:111,1
lit-al2, . •. 111e
:21110 ran in terror ..• ... . . .. o,erk.
t7::-e1:g the workers. Nctut.i,s 1••..,1(-.
. .::e thunders i11 the ocean w.e- • ...
:ilia teen left the mina
.lay, howev.r, ve.lte r., 11
• r may explore I1.eely et
,idcruo,e dt.,tauce,.
- ::, extended u time
u..: .tee ocean. The late
,..:. 1. iwtu.l el.:• :ed it several )•.af3
ago, 2212,1 U11.itr the quletent cru tu.l-
rlg just above his head lie discovered
11123 temper of his subjects who once
totic.l mere i11 all weather, merely that
::fey might earn the.: e :• ad.
1ltttuu a few 1(r.• - • : the Butt,:
.:ick copper mine ,, L.•vaut m.1:,•,
,17e .,f tn.. r., ., . • 1 'p ... 't 111
... .a:ue
Raiment of Authors Ha blot Always
Been Bohsmi
There have been tunny Iterary dan-
dies. from the days of 1' $unius, "ar-
biter clegautiaruni," wis to the
times of Lord Lytton and Dickens,
who evinced great pride itt the matter
of ltuo raimt.
It is probenable that note apptouch-
ed the great Disraeli in this respect.
The fulbowiug eatalogues whet was
said to be his not infrequent attire:
A black velvet coat lined with anti,,;
purple trousers slowing a gold band
the full length of the seams; bright
scarlet waistcoat with exquisite lace
ruffles so disposed a, to cover the
hands; and white gloves, ort the out-
side of which were exhibited a num-
ber of valuable rings. Disraeli. like
Ricketts, affected a profusion of gold
chains all over his person.
It may be added in passing, that
Dickens invariably wore two watche.,
with cable -like chains of gold, in addi-
tion to the other gaudy bits with
which ho enriched his attire.
Across the channel, in Franco, Du-
ma:; did his best to uphold llto pre-
eminence of his 1,r,•fcs::011 in mutters
sartorial. The :11exandre
particularly 1 11:liforrn { :
:dully sup; . . •. ,... •1•-.
atjons t t I::
reported, the tee., r • i "Jlula• 1'..
to ' attended a •eip!o:n tt e re••.'i ..
wearing a shirt ec:,ort:'letet w cut : I
Denton, disporting themselves 111
(lames. 1)10::as aniii:a •(1 :mother uni-
que effort ata teal r: a -,hue when le.
presented hies:.. li in the character of
tiuc2 h His c...ttu:,e--or lack of it
--w.. • reanl.tl,• 1) admait of his en-
In Dread
of Piles
Many believe that nothing short of
the surgeon's knife will effect
cure. They do not know
The agony caused by the Intense
Whine. the depressing and debilitat-
ing effect on the systeut, the dread
lest it surgical operation might Lo
necessary -these are the things which
make piles or hemorrhoids so dis-
The doctors have been recommend-
ing surgical operations as the only
cure. But the surgical operation, with
all its dangers and expense and pain,
does not usually effect a lasting cure.
Many a case has been cured by Dr.
Chase's Ointment after the surgical
operation had failed. ilere is a case
which doctors gave up.
Mr. J. Mawer, Roden, Man..
writes: --"Dr. Chase's Ointment is a
wonderful preparation. I had itching
)tiles for over six years, and though I
tri --1 two doctors' prescriptions and
tie 1 many other preparations could
not obtain much benefit. The doctor
no there was no cure for mo,
:end that i would have to undergo an
• •peration.
"I bought a tax of Dr. Chase's
':uuent and was completely cured
ret' week. As this was six months
e. and there has been no return of
t?. aid trouble, I believe that the
cure is It permanent one."
1st••• • -!ile _u-. 7lc.,phile j One thing certain. Dr. Chase's Oint
hi, ger- ; meet will bring you relief from the
g''' i:,2: • :.to dress • dreadful Redline and burning almost
hit .2 0-1,-11'• a . ; . :. and gold. ; us stun a5 applied.
Alt indiscreet biog. t; r tells that • To ??lake the cure thorough and
ill ll, y'•uin, Paul 1:,u:y'2 habitual- i lasting it is only necessary for you to
ly wort- lcaf.t grcea eousers. i keep up the treatment regularly and
There may 1, 2: e•n:1 ,:ed Duro row= , persistently. 1)et't he satisfied with
nuttier:, who as-rine•.1 singular garb relief. lir. Chase's O.utment will cure
while at nor'. Tia first that Collie, completely if you will do your part.
to 111111.1 14 L.dzn.` 0) 0., robe of a GO cents a box, at all dealers, or Ed-
Denuulcatl melte ha, been immortal- ! manson, Bates & Co., Toronto.
27.1 1'y that weird etatue by Rodin.
: Ifi.har,ls.:,a, rho author of
.:'.. -boa Ilan',,,." was wont to de- IIELP %VA' T1:1),
i.t heat he could never write Savo GI:NTS WANTF.n -FGit TWO X1.1•
. :: 1 .i: n laced (•coat, a favorite ' lilies ; grealest pretnfam proposltton
• sparkhuF the whlLr ,,n Canada. A ply for p.utle:tilers to Nal.t.aa,,
'its Albert street, Gttawa.
�irdil,uly , lin-..:tri • .
work when array-
-• •hones eloore lit.
ellets labor+ wrh kid
Mine,' practically everyone ill 5OCiety
will seize this opportunity to fornrl'-
1y- rrr0,•t the new Kitl; :41111 1115 111111.1• .
Sono• consort. Naturally, it will h.' e. .
.. . • . :.:1(t the ru,y finttt•ll- i 1.'r*' "••". x11: a a.,•,
limit the number of : .11 1 . ,. 4.11 11 ,t.l his co:or for two :.un•lh cf ddf)c.l:l,.'
IMr••.saty t2 , .
presentations on this oc('aSioll; other-: i21y.:1•' rsar'i. ---.. -__--- --.
wise the function would le prolonged ! from , ca ll< r side of the Frith ,,r ! He Wouldn't Repeat.
OW if all reason. and it i3 just po'- . . ..rt.1 cued tone, tune been rue 010
1112ra Harry Limier wee: :• Len -
Fib!, t!.nt 1 thir.l "early" court will ,ter the water until tete ends of tae ; en for ties ere time the stage repu-
fake place. :;.there, almost meet under the soot t.,ti,.:: lin I:321 1.122: • in the province,
retie the Kine 1111.1 Queen are ex-: uta rite Cvuuty of Durham are s.•y- ;.:1.1 ne 1 made tau, -iii 1.! lel itnpr.-•.el
tr•'ne')v fend 111 _o.ed music. and Hie . • ra! great -ui,:uarine coal nines. et 7. lic me:r ,',),AIS lath a A11r,w f '
Majesty 1111.2 seem' idea o1 reviving the wt2:,•i. the 1.I2t,us Monk 11'earnsouth -•-f the value 42t -taking efLet•, 1.
sate concerts that were .such a fete,,. boy has wt.rkin*s se vast awl le. !.2 :t . +1,,,•:1i ie went"
lure :.1 the court sen5•,n dur,r. • t!r.• a- 1,. nl:tkr• it approach the ,,v.. i • ••11 t,, 111. 1; .•1111.17
foie!' of Queers Violet -la. It .• h•• . . es. of Leak streets. On ..:. • . 1.- . : u.trr.er. L- r• .2
rem *inhered that Ihest• mor.. !••:n- • t11.• North Se:t broke int., t : ,r 1 ' r other ice procured the ne :
.4,11'1 by King Edward. ae the ... :etc of 3.00 gallons a minute. - ::-like specimen of horseflesh it.
en nh••r of musicians in 111•• I rig's 1 •ut the flee finally was cheekee. 1: l;.1 tied. on this 110 piennee 10
'?tint.• hand considerr:1,k r : tile present time a 200 -horse tower en- ..;k4. his first stage entrance.
It is expected that the 1:.••. - .'1 gine 15 required to keep the mine clear Thu old horse was tractable et: .ugh
rt•( illy rive an audience to ';r 11 a11.•r • 1 water. e.th Leader astride nwalting Ili- 172:
I'atratt--Ht. :lfnjesty's "Master of et the wing'. but when the htt:
the Mii.tck"-when these concerts He Told Her. :.,w ureel hits forward for the gl.t:. 1
w ill 1.e Ji'cu+!e.1. tend 5etre decision A young woman stenographer who entrance there was n balk, a lee le
ns re the strength of the hand arrived does a ie:g business with tho patrons and Barry was ingluriuusly shot t ,
ret Rhottld it he decided to revive j'•f a hu•)• hotel was talking about the the fr. :21 et tlw stage ever -the tr. r.''•
r concert• ns n portion of the { .•iuttertri••+ .ot her client.. h••ad, the animal leering after hint
5e t•• fun -1 ons nt Ruckincham I ' V. coat I call a roan in a hurry•" with a i;1t sleight be terries! an new --
I' . ren• wilt he 111.11 1-, irds the -!:e .311, "1s a non who a:Ii hen 1 tato, el , i; rr'•:':a. Lauder slowly and
1 • r'.• of Murch. wheel ere. or two card with an a'IDr,•ss 4.:1 it amt n ; eiree a r•ie to his feet, while the
' • rated •in ger. n1141 soloists will 1 -tc note•6 of wlnt h.• wants said and e; tliery app!AuJeJ anal 'tamped and
„1•teenr i tell nee b. write tate letter and tnilil it ••-c..1 21±:ay:
.1 prominent place will also be amt hurry away. I have quite a Lunt- "D beep' 'Arty; do it nenirl'"
once affecte•1 ly
n,o11 i5 tines .1 •-
Il tl r of t 1
t171:r.e! siert,
1 1: twi-:2.1 :
• .-... e a
t c ..
i• , •, 122 et:lte halls. sir.' •,1,'in' 13 Ler• at those. L:ne 1 •r boa eel his aching lack, felt
ere, r - reatinft t•. 1',. tit their "The most interesting nein 1 ov •r eetee.tels bones, looked lack
•ti••. The format -tit•• quad- ' ere' wi a .one wit„ stepped aril g the at ti„• f, -tie, nnJ. turtling to the
t'h. - .tall b•• retain'./1 to .nn fhe.' a se.iting tend. 1115 ll !Dress was .eu.i,• hey 52121
h.1i15, hat tin• .nhseque'nt ev,•nt+ ,1:;ra3e 1 in the ! 'r co. tier Ile "!.. • -{1 w ill'.'
le c•.nsrlerthly brighter than lather• ; 'el:2 1e 1 rue a dollar •.. 22 the car•I and 1 d' :t'1, brit thereafter hi=
to. antl elans formerly entirely mm 2 • e:•1, 'l'lenre write a :• tier for is ' ; .; 1-.•s ns nsrured.
Lipase, wit! introdut''t A fear"1 s•:1e1: 'Certainly. -1•• why:;. ---
t. • e. •' ereeent Qtteen urc•'.1 " 'Tt• r0) wife,' he 1412-2' ••• 1 entity Lord Selborn •.
1' w, :j
1 •f .int to rev,• n lath y try Immo you have o ; 1 a ant of his apse , t
•', - • 1.: •kinclintti 1'ainee, :and I eol•
n • -tend that,' 1 . a••.••.
llrica that toned te•
o such n dance will be • r' - • '1 I write 1.,e title of ' Peacetime
I,. r 'Oh. write about n pig.•,' h r.•- n man who has )ro3-
1.2-• • ter as farraneern'nt: plied as he st itleel and 4tro,do n1..2r ' care.,,. offices. not ibe.
l:•tw• •t the n1 liI. nt--will be I eretary for the ('ole: 1:
pnan.• 1 Windsor ('115t,e: but short-, Home Pets In En -.end.
H•., td
1! •
I} of • the London Season will corn•1.-el"i of the .t,I!I • .
1'• .• r ley t ton ncuti, aeries. ec •l >i- I! l •
1, eir.)ugh life
menet. bon pottiest 'their 111jeetee • • .• ; t- e•e- +.l ill •
have already 5;1_nifi•'•1 their intentlee , 'B j !1 :knew. The t .
of t. �1ury's, I hal+tow. ;1 chaps 01 ,�st % g, he teem, he tete
of taking over the royal box for the ..r. .:tel er••: 1. ,1. :. . , 'he e eye of his old sethool all
opera season et Covent Garden. and cute•r vete ventured into tf, el e • ' •1J ( r
de- •fenl)•1r 6 •yp, Eastbourne, w•aa the
will he seen there upon many ecea• , ',:e:t:Le:lt, ter, although f • than , w:.y• Attributed his tnt.-
s(r.ns. The Queen is particularly, animals had b cn enter. ! retch f,►tutte omcbody else. Talking of
fond of npern, end ern follow it with ' ,rr2pt•i ter wee emgng,'d in try test to ;,as ,e.,x, da he spiel that he re-
l en.e %thrther it is given irl either:: his neighbor. theta in his first ter:,, n
1• ..a•: li•.r.. ire or French. since , The eat .cellon w:s mach •tr •• ger arses , perfectly confidential rat
11 r '•I , - -• . , sse5ses the "gift of i to pick it up by the tail.
the nninial at once tain-
t •need ••:, he. right thumb!
i '., •.2r.:- to identify
his 1 ri-hip, "they can do
e2i 1.:..,{ . t.r•ve rat."
too to a reninrknble extent.
• •: 115 the engirt tinnily ernerO' s
Ir • ' :11 \iny next, t1
'1 Itraetie,
• . -I.. Ise putili.• i -I''• • .,f
e• '• •1 r :.mother. 1 ilr 1.1
111• •:1I hr . 1 I •n •
(tri n 1 ... .••tette al !.\•- I t 'el 1,
nn ! rr„ !I be very I:irt
eel 1 , i..• - u I at one '!; '...
Atte t •It tit t1. - r•
lo,•n,e- .t:' 2 . bol r•,uch -
iv•, 1110• • • ! •-t ret t
very ,tr: • • rah 1' will 1 r
ti -•I • , • '1to. ,, Sir,.. ,
tri• 1 , 1.r. -• I as la: 1 1, 1 r•• ih r
illale'sr1• - a. 1.• r 1 i•,nth• r1,.1 ;
The Kill.; will •.1:11me•• to show
'lievution to his :.fm:'_ Ind navy. me e
ot1P of the chief 1un• (.,,ns of the ('••r
oration will be a 1, 11••0- of ilio n:1
exampled fleet off Spithcn•l. Prior ,.
hitt crowning moreover hu will .
' t. • • f r '1. n1 . . 2 !4.1; i- 1'1 'big' a1low24
2•1 tee.. There was also n lair show .11 neo-
;uro:s :111,1 '111• r h. '1 . 1 f
l ,•e- l arety of t 1)2''e• 1121:11•.'u4 1.
1 : 'Aiding turtois. 5, hzar 1 , ale," tri
• 'e, frogs, guinea pegs. , e o,
Lee -,e. fowls and pigeons
• - •rated, and there tens
1 'd rabbits. Donkey.
hod "Jerry." n fano
r ly, :':r )-ears of air', but
: ! t•, n el:y's work. - Linton
Ir ling to Scripture.
. e, •.f very atriet primal ,les was
,:.it of excusing the faults .)f
:.trim+ only if they could jus•
•.i,em5elves by Scripture. One
.1 W011:nn entered his shop and
i to s•••• some materinl, hat te-
l. , I-1: :t beenu5e it w•,:- In*
1;• 7 • awing her 5o:r.•• "the(
.-1:IIIt hrn11^.'It 1,:1, 1, the
a week or so at Alderslsot, when ho t1i, 1.1, :e-1,. { n
will wttneas his troops at w••rk in the I higher price, whereupon trio eustomer
field. The royal review of the troops itetieht it. Afterward the proprietor,
Will not take place until a d+ey or two ,1„ , tile tr,,::,:►?tion,
before the actual Coronation, who r, . .,-, •: .e r r.•1e The
the foteipin visitors will hove arrived tonus of the
Icstabllshuaei1. replied' tomb, t'A 10•
Usually a very rich teen LIR mere 11 c'nrding to Scripture all tight. Rho
Intends than he Deeds. 2 ens n tlrung•'r, 112 I 1 took her in."
20 le
the 1
the P
or fee
ats of a Swordsman.
Daily Mail: Squadron Cor-
r I.cgleton, one of the fined
in the British army, it re-
rtly front the Royal Norse
Blues) after 21 years' ser•
the corporal -major's sword
rut its Cato an apple re- : •
ct•k of n kneeling nssl,
swift downward e word
s of the fipple roll away ,
ant ries Unharmed. A1.•
with a horizontal strut. -
apple placed on a it. , . -
rpornl-tnal•tr hail eon times-
1 2 )the millt,try teur►nn, 1,2.
given displays of his skill
ueen Victoria. the late King
and fang George.
Or Both?
woman should have is vote
fti, s�mi
•• `N�'•
Christmas Giltsllt.rt.
Moderate ?rice%
are to l- f..uni by the "hundred,"
in our new 132 pee., Catalogue just
issued, Write for a copy at once
--it will prose r. treat help in
selecting suitable ('!ts.
E We pay 0.1 past.,' olid del:vet,
char,e, , :a •;.tcc safe delivery
and refund t'.: money if you are
not perfectly scr:sfees will 1::
\Pete T V. TO -1) '2) : ,:t
LATA 1e0(; t I : It
Diamond Merchants, Jewelers
and Silversmiths
134.1313-13R YONCE ST. - TORONTO
J. Root?, Ilseav Reale,
President. Se..-Treawrer,
BUST and
A 111:1 Al-. 1 I"Taid 1.
"Hall -Borchert Perfection Ad-
justable Dress Forms"
dose ae with a . • 0 ti rt, al 1
d l.a�.{..�ttellnenl, 11 lilting, a1
render the wink of drrastnaku
easy and aatlstactor
'I ' • fm l
Gain can be adjusted to to
rent to
51111 slrrs; hil-t
toyed (r l335hed, also, nl:w.••
longer and goat. r et the wa1 -2
In, and forst tabled or lowered to
any d541r5d 311t t length. 1 t
• • r y easily adjusted eaonut get
aider, An will adjusted,
• 111
WrIt.' t04fa , for illustrated
Roe 1 1. complete lilt,,
of 1)1,-- Forms an)) prices,
of Canada, Ltmlted,
Too 11. t to P„1 on Popper.
WI„.,, stat .1 in 1)
steel hu - .•re=• . , ed to re
Her New Thirteen -Inch Gun Stops
All Naval Construction.
Just as England created worldwide
surprise in 1905 by laying down u
Dreadnought embodying all tho big
gun principles and caused practically
all the naval shipyards in the world
to stand idle while their plans were
amended, so now regain the British
naval constructors get ahead of their
rivets with the new thirteen -inch gun
which is being 'upended in the new-
est Dreadnoughts.
This gun throws a 1,250 pound shell,
whereas the twelve -inch weapon with
which original Dreadnoughts were
armed takes only an 850 pound shell.
Tho whole naval outlook may bo
changed by the secrecy which the
British Admiralty has preserved re-
garding the now weapons. It was not
until recently that it became known
the Admiralty had placed orders for a
number of thirteen inch guns and
mountings fur all the new voasote of
the Dreadnought type under construc-
This development had surprising re-
sults in Germany. Ass soon as news
of the change in rho British policy
was received there the preparations
for the construction of four Dread-
noughts which were to carry twelve -
inch guns were suspended with a view
to reconsideration of their armament.
Consequently the relative naval
strength of Great Britain and (ler-
many was seriously affected.
To -'.lay England posessea ten
Dreadnoughts cotnpleted and will
have twelve by April, 1911. when Ger-
many will have five in commission.
Mr. Asquith's computation that April,
1913, would see Great Britain with
twenty-five and Germany with twenty
one Dreadnoughts will not turn out
This critical period of which so,
much dread has been expressed in
Eugland cannot be in 1913. By accel-
erating work Germany may complete
twenty-one Ureadnoughts by April,
1914, at which date the British fleet
will possess twenty-five Ve33ele plus
those in next year's naval program.
The London Telegraph's naval cor-
respondent remarks:
"We have the benefit of a temporary
lull, but it is only temporary. The
rials i+ 1w,st; (.0,-1, but the crisis will
BiIIiara and
Pool cables
Lari>;e and small Sizes
Get our fare, before enquiring cleeehere-
T+• t 1, 1 lr4- ' t'ig )'our 17 ' ', henult•
hilly .;:.t1 stet :. y drr,srd in 1 . dahltle't
Leo 0- 2 Ri%IMP:, drtee that tt doll r %Pr4
wore. A lure) • face it. tare hat, trinnle'dP
'3111, pretty y11,1,0111, h I Iche,( eeiret1>- 114
her gotdrn curie Ithe has Cos) theeksbud
big blur eyes Ih2tl opera end shut.
We give this lovely d•)J FREE far sell -
Ing only seen worth o1 . le high class Art
1'.st lards at a •,r toe These ser the
latest designs 11 110`.•:dy, Vitas, nom'.
Birthday. he.. and e. •1 tery fast. Write
114 it post card and the will send yonl a
package of card, and our big premium list.
of you hurry we 141:1 give you a 10121q),?lag
4111 ,. CODA I.T (1 1.1)
!)epL -. Termite, Grit,
,'Il C.:77W
aluee the urgent; .: accidents incident St.:,-,.- l •'-,
n1 to the work. 2 11,I he WAS very elle 1'::ni' (1.•1 er., ;tee' 3ec le'u,1 of suyin:
c, sfnl in executing this resolve. A things to one another on the stage
part of hie sueeess was due, no doubt, which will 'oIfuee them and tank' an
to the blank slips thnt every foreman 11ltiwer spry neon•+ural. 1 iow day;
had to 1111 up when One of les hand. :go, (luring the pr'•gress of n costume
got hurt. A rennin workman had one play, one of the actors Who ons wear-
dny the bail luck to suffer n slight ac -
Tea 1• a thee, Nein nosed Melte et lereeo d andel. steel? 1o1146d, .01 y 0.10..4, (oay:,t..lU dew
tea+. Urea pot ones$, o►ee7 a.1ah 5 .s. lens b. of wilt* born 14.1,, sod Ma .1 rod.. Seer thus CO�/rMs
wt eeear.l, I5 eee Ie a bar JWt seed u, your .ane rid s44,w. Awl serest* eon onlyeight Oozes of l♦f
ttaattarta • raelb.y Vegetable T11L..t % e. a box. A snail rued'� ad euro re. wean us 1aaar�
4..411(•,, ow, f tae bloIedlseatl.. '
$4 , ori trouble., eee.upsu.a. ted1
r -es• ,.,der• Coot., •1 the unreel
Jamie's. ekeuastn., we (enol. Ire IOWA 14114 1..40,,, Gioia Teal, rid Lee 1/n114••• Ther .r• a ay tow
tl.,,tl...b e$el m. a w. N gems nom 7,1(, re,ele0. at tit* wine t:zw ask* re.a7 r1s. 4111,3 .a bond rq
W IA* chancel •1 your life.
Deal seed nal •eoaeg--oa oursaesod&Cie . alae.. rid .x.111 pro••7tUr .-rel you ►y.W1
5aatpold, U. •14141 bosom ar mita ..d to. Pims
ne. Mala .old, t.m11 to us the $*.b• 1e4 ...,2i 4,...1 7.1( t11114sad•
some Veol'a, 412 ..last se teyee/..M4. write boa -lay,
Dept- :inn TORONTO. ONT.
A Gents' orLadies' Solid Gold Watch costa
horn CIS to Oso. nu not throw your money •w11•
If you desire to secure a Watch, which to keep
time and last well will be equal to any Sold', GOLD
WATCH, send us your Dams and address immedi-
ately and agree to sell 10 boxes only of Lr. Ma.
turhl's Famous Vegetable fills at 2er. a box. The
are the greatest remedy on earth for the cure of
poor and Impure blood, indigestion, headsct'.
constipation, nervous troubles, !Iver, bladder
kidney diseases and all female weaknesses;
are the Great diseases,
ratifier and Invigorate".
Grand Tonto, and Life Builder, With the Pine
send 10 articles of Jewelry to Live away with
ptll-.-this makes them easy to sell. Thls Is the
chance of a lifetime. 1)o not miss It. Bend us your
order and we will send you the 10 boxes postpaid.
When you have sold them send Ds the money (sten)
and we will send you A
the satneday the money Is received.
We are giving these b,-auttria Watches to advert -
Use our Remedies- This is grand opportunity to
secure a valuable Watch without having to spend a
cent And our Watch Is a stein wind and stem' net
and apt the cheap back wind article generally
gQlvrn as premiums. Send for our pills without
Watch Dept. 600 Toronto, Ont.
ARISES FROM RUINS. Scotch Stories,
It was late in the afternoon when
Kingston, Jamaica, Is Again Second the Scotch minister arrived at the
Finest West Indian City. farmhouse. The housewife suggested
Kingston, the city which was wreck-
ed by earthquake and ruined more
completely by tiro in January, 1907,
again takes its place as the largest
city in the 'West Indies outside of
The work of restoration is almost
complete. and although a few vacant
sites remain unoccupied the principal
shopping centres and tho residential
area have all been built up. The new
Kingston is an imrnense improvement
upon that which went to pieces in
the catastrophe, and there are still
works of public improvement to be
undertaken. The tallest tree in the world eo fat
Almost without exception the new as has been ascertained is au Ada*
store buildings aro of re -enforced con- tralian gum tree of the species eue&
trete and are as nearly fireproof as lyptus regnans, which stands in the
local conditions have made it possible. Cape Otway range. It is not less than
The principal streets are adorned by 415 feet high. Gum trees grow very
colonnades, some of a very imposing fast. There is one in Florida which
character. shut up 40 feet in four year:. and a
Public gardens and open spaces other In Guatemala whiell grew 1'
adorn the principal sections of the feet in 12 years. This corresponds
••sty, the sites for these having been a rise of 10 feet in a yea-, or near!
, ::red by the Government at con- one foot a month.
. i• reble cost, much against the wish
of the taxpayers. Tho results have,
however, more than justified the ex-
penditure, and Kingston is to -day
more of n tropical town than it has
ever been before within modern times.
The Government buildings and the
•Jendid structures of the rand
Neva Scotia have served to alter en-'
':rely the appearance of King street
Irom the sea northward. The harbor
front has been completely restored,
and there is now talk of a sea wall or
esplanade being constructed, not only
• facilitate shipping, but or ualso to
rye as a
!earls are alsounderco consideration for
•o construction of a new park to
cover about forty-five acres of land.
that perhaps he would like a cup of
tea before engaging in "exercises."
"Na, nt," said he. "I aye tak' m
tea better when my work is done. Illi
just be gaun on. Yo can hing tlta {lean
on an' leave the door ajar, and I'll
draw to a close in the prayer when I
hear the haanr fizzin'."
Another woman of Scotland when
asked if she had understood the ser•
mon-to which she had just been 111.
tening replied, "Wad I hoe the pre-
Going Up.
Rough on Irving.
in the excitement of the moment
public speakers often say the opposite
of what they mean to convey, am1
when Henry Irving gave a reading in
the Ulster Hall in 1878, says Bram
Stoker in "Personal Reminiscences of
Henry Irving," one speaker made as
pretty an Irish hull as could be found
though the bull ie. generally suppos 1
to belong to other proviteee than the
hard-headed Mater. 1n descanting o't
the many virtues of the guest of the
.'coning he mentioned the excellcnc•
of his moral unture and rectitude :'f
his private life in these terms: "11 •
Irving, sir, ie n gentleman what lead
a life -,f unbroken blemish."
A Precedent.
She -1 suppose you think ne wo
mall ever lived who didn't rep, tt
5e,nu•tlling Another woman told her:
Ito Oh, yes. 1 do.
She -Well. 1'nr glnd of that. A:1,1
who might the woman be"
Ile-11'hy_Fetc- _---
Poor Consolation.
lady Exhibitor (at Dense
show )-Rut good gracious.
not my baby. sir!
Check Taker -Very sorry. iiia:latn;
it's the last left. The cheeks got mix•
0.) up some how Rut 1'11 take care
tt shan't (wen, (• •`•1
of baby
This is
rag a sword knocked the thunder ` j
cidcnt. His 1,:e, 0:t, nn illiterete but I,Intes Down in the wings. .-:(;,1 ' . "
honest chap, tilled out promptly the Thunder ;Tates are sheets of tin '. '0 .,a. -
which t3 now pees. i ieJ at Skibo. Ilea nee .'taken to i'ro(I'i'' 11)1111- .r 1•121. = : •, it #
The slip ran: der, and the noise of the fall of a PHONE ':?`' ,',Z . l�-
I)nte Jlnrrh 5. r--1) •able of then can be irnaginc.l. The (l tt ,n ),:,..4.'.' , . '•:. w!
"N:Itlte-,Initics Ni ileo. ' k ; ' de to . •' I
"Nature of a et lent Ton crushes!. I,ieg, who war upon the stage, turn- M 1871 era.- e.e • '; i� 1; .a�,
^d to one of the gen es and haughtily - .r• •
"How Caused Oxdenlle blow from 1 B ' B 3 'I ' . 1 1
,laked, "Whatever is that."
:: s awful. 1 will To his surprise the page, who. n 1.. `s. ,
singe pngos often are, was n char. :r .`�-- "�
ing young lady in rent life, answered, . . -. -'' ... . - ,
"Thirty deaf mute•+ are down below. e e frIt'`g- . ' gr.i,),';
sire. raking for eoaV•'reation with your0 -r
ill jl" s
The best premiums and the best values
ever offered. Gold and slyer Watrhee,(;em
Net Rings and brooches, laughter -ph
Moving Picture Machines, }'nely J)eeurate(I
Tea a aety
amt many other premiums given
FKER for selllig our high ?lass Geld em-
bossed lectern 1'1,1t Cards. 11:e very latest
d -signs In flews R!rthday. Fhra1, 11('?1dsy,
c•,mics, 44.., ate for 10,, till f 3.(e worth and
win one of these fine premiums. You can
sell them to an hour or (wen, tint don't detsy,
for we gglva an 5111.1 f•remtnm far prompt.
neo•. Write to -day at we will send you*
poetislro and our 11+ prer, lura list. ('orae
with t':e criwds and r• 1 1 • } est premium•
.t1••r-d -.: rote your t e' •• 1 -...rise very
p1111!) COBALT • ; .i ;'t V CO.`1 It>Op : , • ::.., Ont.
•.- - - -�
TI1:• "resat %etch,
stein ei •1 creel set, fano)
rugra)• -el.ur `tu.v r4
ea,1',, .. 1.1,1? 'O'AII 55•
repels ;1 bo sent yon
�• Flt1at 1t 7111 sell eta
4e S3170 Werth of oar bra
11111y et fared end em
cd pant cards at r. for
1.11..i.• are the very
designs Int teas
f)n!Ida , i •
rwIlleat r• ' ' t. .1
them end 1 - • In
rend your • at
pfplain y R n, at
forwent , •
Car•:5 •'•1 rile
lie• 1• . eel
i Inv.' .'s . . ...1.
(:-,.v t
:t 3.2:1 1 ,.
' t • nal.. 'n i •
1' 'r', e- r
et, 't
us atiCee s...., ....., i..,.
Avoiding Extremes.
"I don't caro to employ a young
ninn who swears."
"1 never use profanity, sir "
"On the other hand, 1 don't want
a clerk who says. 'Oh, ftnlgo! "
1', ` king, walnut moving a muscle,
t': eerie the milieu?:• laughed, retell-
. I. -- ire you quite certain they are
•••• r ••• • I tile pegs
., 1t.., . ,) ' . 7
an awful nuiac .1. e:.
Origin of Ohe4cola 1e
1'ren1 tin' Aztoe tehoteo nfl Comes
our own wool Chocolate.
OUR R:7 int/
- I•.irty Year3 C2.,M r•J3us Eiva,-toss n ^' tr•f'-torr; and 9
70-?$ Furl Siren! • Cs1'ITRAL P� OINCY - 17S klleDerfoltga Agri.
e onoNTo Limited- WINNIPEG.