Exter Times, 1910-11-03, Page 8e .
ESC) pe Brom Asylum ail Balloon Attempted
Ey Dining Inmate.
Abse: 111 .l:- ,111.
atIon.171•,4 n, ti h ., pati,•nt
at tit., 1'- nu ,•,... r .. 11.e
.1 a. ,u:u in 0'3.41 I1,. ',L;.iL, tel:u
erlde:lV.,ra•t)1 ' , II'. : ., f1-.,:,1 til• 141-
.41Nt:un 111 a batt,.. 11 whi(•h 117t1.1
quirl,d tlr. blest), '1 elan)' Inont1ts
t.. ttt.il.•• it .t„ ).sass. of silk be ha.1
li!• !,•.i :;r i , IL's'
from the tailor
11•.'r,;r !'.I,•.• ,., ;t• ,.1111411t, wllu
11:141 11 .•n ,,al;•••l 1.! ,.e ling front a
•,•- .. ,1 and lat-
er t,••••.,':,.• to .t• -r. -tiit'l' his itICar-
4•erat. 0. 1,...!
`"t.(:•.4 as a Il lltSe irl
the I: •'1..r:e{ Iutt•lay Ile dlfd 114
ged ofi fro::. .1.1•911diug chul•rh, say
mg he was 1••e, ill. 111.0st avert
.111•• 4•dae wa-t rt 'I. . it tl i•;I ,'rtl: .•i
teen (11,11,r,, 1 „ 11.,• • bill t ell-
fr• tot at • 1 41.1; 11!.1, 441 111••
'roof of the !!::: .i ,l. 114. s.huot : ' he critxl. Dupre was Ire (Or twut, .n o.f (11'';t
• 11.: i h\-
a gas 1i1!'•' "1 the 1111{!11„•, :tall i coaling flu,tell.d at his failure to iax•=.
tilled it.. 11•4•1.• lesng to a ti -i1•.•... I soar hight•r. In about three min- '1'114• ;1ToH1r'e:l! Board of l en(r„I
11"4/" of ,t 1,1 • esteti(•k, afi:d ....J. a ( utas the balloon was tout.!' lower has a fereel at reward of $;,,ID ter
rater rut Ow guy r.,. 1- },• lt was dropping d4-)%, '. 111heu the information leading 111 the t.•nvic
bad }mood, ':.•• I.a� • ,.: • 1 ba}loott rear%•,•1 tho ground two !ion 411 the nlur<lert•es of Cecile .tI
guard Iu the 1 .: r,l „1 : ,. :,, t�• , g141,1s
Dupe.. :Intl hurried 111.1.
the tit• -t _ talo, xhich lire's. j ; , a ,••Il.
•' .•ev. Several
,•u•,; •.''ating riflts at
1•7•1:• ,1 feet fill
and n!ni. • -. ;t , l hull,,• t,,.,
sitspc•It<{•.1 11.' ., , . 11g e4) lit,
hroom=,,. ,, n• i tt,
,r 41.0 ,Iniad
hol,,.v 14 : !:• away,
mon..eut$; t, la, tl:nl'4 , u rate!
11;11 he nhoutse
1`r,fortnnatelt for !t 1 r• . !herr
were !sea, 'ell' any air 4., I . ;U14?
(Or mire thve a minute ,
HAPPENINGS Ell O 11 .41.1. U
lute„^ra;,hie Rr1ets Iron' Our Gltn
and Olhr r 4 uunitit•, of
Meerut 1.t cart.
t'.1 N.1 11.1
'1'i,.• hy•law to rain.. 1 ••Leat•) for
water.% rk.s wa. def.-it•'.1 at Clop-
en 0'111•10I 'Ito trent• r••g;;t••i-e11
against (411•,11 ti„„nd h•It,1„eel,,.,y $•;.:t); second patdnts, $5.10, 7111.1
for .:'•Ilio); !spiel.. strong bakers', $5, on true:;, '1'e
.1 great tit•'t-m raging on tilt. 1't- {',11471,
Citic cunt. ue:rr Planta. i i 1 t.'rt• ha • Matetoba !!'heat --Nn. 1 northern,
canoed a let .1 damage. 9t)' Bay ports, and :flu. 2 at
A shipnlc•nt .•: ••i,hl hundred part- 14!,4', h 4: ports.
hal!uou F!•'+rly span around,
ri:tg.,t from l I. 1 ', !titer to ?11•,nt- thttas1 tt}tent -No. 2 white and
1:1:1'0:11'S ('t(O 1 TIii: LI:-1DI1U
TRADE ('I:Niili:C.
)'rices of Cattle. (,rata, Cheese acid
Other 1) dry Prcdneo at
Bowe and Abroad.
niti-.11)ti'1't 1't'f;.
111rlr•,nt',, Nur. 1.-- !'lour !!'inter
wheat !i0 per cent. patents, $3.3:,
to $3. to oolside, in litiveti' sacks.
N1,tuitul,:t Hours First patents
> it ..11 1..s.
Standard At'`'~-•'�~ •:. '
Ready for use in :ay
Useful for live
hundred purpose.
A C.o. cquah 2t)
UN only tllc Boot
••r •
' wr
For Mating Soap.
Fur S,,ftcn,ng Water,
For Tic nav,ng P•,it,
Fos Mettle:ting
real Walt sct't'.: , t)t4:tltct and con- ted' ”, out -de
passing he�'4,na the walk. Oflicin,l.. '
i,-:• ,,e<{ 4t i r!ry e,; to ;,sic outs!
of the institution marveled t the de and
1 1 '1 71 ' 'e r
! l , 4 11 111,11 t P
\ - K 1
71 ,
,. ,
! s'l t ,
. taut ra ,fit d
strange affair, which was of ulauy I .ni•1 ! .',n Oot1 tot re
colors 4:!!!1.1 at 4'uhalt 4:. falling <1•••+11 )111 u. 11 whit•°, -y to 3fi(• Oat
1t and
-brut (}filen fret 1 g hark• Toronto, aux! 3Y!'' to :Kir: out.
in diamrt �r told ter.' ragged at dm
t ,•, ,hall- ,•f mel;•,. ., , i I.. N. Ger- s
%•11,-. .11',1,71,••.1 .I •1•,. 14,..1..; N.,. :s at 342, to :',3t• outsxle.
Finally the heal guard went to Thl•r i11•.:,Lrc,I .•. t, :l i, , Rr•r ae•i \11'. C. eats, :Ib'e, Bay ports,
faking ort:••n •1'• 1.11-t • , 3 at 34e, 1411 ports.
t•he hospital roof. '1•et. the air out • , • !tern )'
pools,' 1 '4- • r ►aur:11;; { ' . .•.huuti
of that and come (IoW(' 01' we'll
,.. • +, ••!,;IlH x 1, found
h . t , . - nnlr.l..i- at hie lh.,r,,. 1 • onto. Ontario bran, $19, in
l r•;•Iry ail I:n'c a r4 4.'•n, - t ' J• Toronto, and shorts $22, in
Porn—Ne. 2 American yellow,
56e, Toronto) freights; No. 2 yellow,
55l -;t', Toronto freights; No. 3 at
31,.4., Midland.
Peas-(let:xl No. 8, free front bugs,
115 to 87e outside.
Rye --No. _' at CBs to t;:.• outside.
Bran ---Manitoba lits), in hags,
• forento, and short., $22, in hags
Canadian Northern Railway Blamed for
the Fires in Minnesota
.1 ih•spatei► from Si. !',tial iiiilti., way just east of 1Y:nler Road ltiv-
sa4-3: Tho Canadian \'•„thet'n Hail- 4.'i. ''hilt hie, worked east three
nay 13 held resp.-se—h!.• 1 r the fire miles. and about. two miles back
that destroyed 1i.'.iutiett.•, in a re- on ea.'}I side of the track, when. it
port mado to 41ene.-al C. 1'. An- coefiectett with the fire which vias
dr<'t3, formerly ('ununi,'i•,ner, by started on the Benudcttu side of
` i George Chapin id St. Paul and the river.
111ftF,1Y 4411{1' �1\ (;['"f"1"Fitt. `i \ 1:\'11 I,Ot.'4 .1T �1:1. it.••1, , 1.1t,10c'•1! "6' Frank Curtis of Roosevelt. Eight prnseetltlons against Ciel
:,: -, •1,1.•11. • til• 1r:.„::, r. The report say, there is sufficient C. N. It. for allotting combustible King George 4..n Thulxdnt accept-
cre It-
1lunul lva.+ 1111!,11t in the 1•'t al fen (...nerals of Bailie!' Cepnl,tie i, udl sena t!:e t• 1.+.,t t„ In . (1i'\'i'K1' t ROf)f'('F:• evidenc.� to show that the lite was material on the right -of way are 1
t. F2.4 pet barrel 14untrrxl• tinvug 14e Ilruttn.d. , 41,,•! '.i atartid he the railway en the Ca- now pending in the district court of honorary membership in the
1 ,i• ,i,.ltcil from11o11ura' :a\ \ tlea,at. 1, fBeau 111)11 -111 1't n • . !41!:11„ e ,mad .l(nrt11 .4 1..+; f„r g•,, t , . ;. :'+ ,tock. narii.rn side during the luta=•• pert Beltrami County. The company •lncient and Hotu,rable artillory
f '•', 11!• a pr ding ie u. r:, . it r. , t:: t t:,• 1.1;661'11) inti„•.::
.i .t \lonlr.•al .•/) n, tart:,,- \.•,• brans, •$1.Fn (n Rt. of July. It worked south io the is lighting the constitutionality of Company of Massachusetts. Vuti,
:1 1\',., in, •1 i11i. 1.. 111:1,1 .,. , :b.. .Lt,• 1. 1' 1,• i,.t i1. . a ., ,. If Po•it ' • ' ^K hIlfk• ht Ila',;n f t.. 1 i, I."1 1Se (tern points.
north branch of the 13rautiat lc the law. I[ the state wins in these
Cat:V 11 of ht • h'<ttUn t.n itttdt ti,
1• r.. If • 1. •.1 •1 1., >+a,,,'.I !, t •. ., :o ,T1 -ext• River, anti north to Itainy II•v..r, cases, We forestry department plans his Majesty by a c•,ntwitt,•r present -
tile .,1'..7r' Kit /0i .. ' t .. .: ,•.., ,, - :.n Un y
1, 1 • ,4'••1 in 'fon.ut 1 and ,,toe, 11..:, •, !,;tract •J, in t!!r•, 9 to eovrring nbnllt eight square mutes. to bring action against the ('. N. 1t, eat at M tribwough Hnn.,e by the
)fiat, nod ! t::r..x„ tilt.. tit,• ,t r• e + 1'teat)• d tiult s,•.'- I 1':t x1 of itribo ma
! !, • It hitrne d up to the west sid : offires, alleged to 1 • Lieutenant -Coni-
'• :' co:, r,ue•J the L• <lv ..fan••.. un(ler the nam•' 4,. It►.• „•r L.
ii, w4 n• either killed • r •I \ t ,o•nb, L•hr'lessl•`,t for sixteen other ,manl.cr of the H,•uetable AButtery.
bole child !., they began 11:1 mese- d,''•xll •t the! ,, , `` I, 'ti :t.'1 :,, ,t -I : 4 , 4•. '.•,r^n : _ ,huh, tho 'Town of Benu.Jette, and lay have been started since July.
I u. 1144- a 1 Thu .1me►•ieana xt•rr ('apt. J•lsn 1).
flia,e pur,tllt, which etile)! in 1r .. •••tl. \' of the a.•,){Balt ev. • 1,r-. (;••.•Ill•• 1!'!'1 N7< , r tt1,,.'.••.1..'. $Lw', r.rr d •r as:o.l.4#er'::Ig anti! Oct. 3, 11411•, it The .ss from rase tit fires is esti
I, ,i, . ,it xis fa e.4 by a h., rift.. xin.l and mated In altenl., of the furrslt1'' Nichol.
Lieut. 4-rn1141 H. .lpl,le4ln
. ,,;!tore. II... .l. ;n:ut Lca> held I. d ! • 1\'r11ar•tlay. . Th' ' 1 ,? ' apt.':. and Col. Lieut.
F ncAl. Hedges, Pali
ul-. i..ti .1 }1„. \o ..' kl_'t,•:i�', :11 out the .'t,4 c<In,ntis,�,ii at shout tiro million
the tie I :fist)! rh• } fele!!;! a peL I 'r"tn this port can ('ummlitd, t•. The• ping cordially
1:.,111, 1.,n. . arts 140 i '\� l;r. I! t4.-1,.k,ern? `.., i .i l to t 1 . tragi 11 t4.r r.ei , f d'1113 r�' 4 t)t1l welcomed the ,re n
is 41 ,:n they fit rend • r... .'i .. , .i o; he.1 J ,v:►I that hie
1..•r. 1 -. h•p..!'.....,111 l:.'1 l tit,' ll I. ( •'
the xoulan sa..4 ! a- i. „ole .n K f r. t•• $;. r.
• 'slut f I',• , eau fist t fetirr 111144 `!+ !t..•, • -- - I'll/tale be placed 11,7701 the rutitruul
L. 1::,.u•.n, .,f I•, .,1,•41. 1 the ;,f t::;: J.JII to
t Ow !!'.tads ej•" .'.tt -••1 .,•,1,. 1. 11 -.est ae,1- ' , I' al' lot., i1t1 (e ;..r. nr; K4;t !'0!11!1111„ : ,.f the t 111Hetit. slat!!;!- "1 al)}Iro-
1'•+: 1 , •• •t. 1 x11.1 the. ,'ni!•4 tt. •r !'. r 1111.1.1.11 roll 1111l�11.f\(i.
:t , :Ill 1t. 11, r: : 141, r 4 t•1 •.• . .' .•.. •. . I �__ • ..t••• ,, '
•I .., :net ow 4, tilt 4,114 us . , eh.. ...re• on t:,' .1 .vat t ,: 1'11- !r' ?” :en through
' _ 1 1:1!.4, tt a ,an 4 - ---_ l,en a41,r, .'�! • boils, $:s to •?1 1, i ,.. l'erunn I'1•Ie 'hot T. 11'ait h 1 :n.• .1-
• he L 41'11 tel / et tic, • t es s •b. is- 1' + I I. p• K 1'unr ! ,•d .t it 11 4114,
.1 (,•,' •,'41•• l,. • ! 1:•11. 'I''.,•,1• 1••nl 1 lil.ul,� 1 l!1•• ! i lll(u,•tit •,f (-•)11':.\'i t:l;l'1'\I\. !!1,, , .. !t l 1 ix•1 41.. _ •; .•';'..::5'4,,.; '. 17•••4 ,4443 , N•:rt•i 'flutes. billing flit!! Instantly. ., •'r_, 'atm,' f this
ill , e t; U 0,' • 11 t\Ill 11 v t • (l ,!1 l•
a I t.►••i .•. til 2i:, a ,4, 4.:1( t! noel'. I)•t.ti;. ars !.t• to:, 1 \}4' 4:1.- .'4 f' •,!, I.;l,,. t 11 t, J. le ,,, t., $G. If„1 .te• f • , •ea it
-,i . I 41. tQ
• ..11• tt ; •,' per 111. • lurk<• 't. 111{1• at rS.•':,, soul sella •1 despatch from [••nil William t• f lh,•
t i••t r,; •.t,.. shat.!,• t' :t'. eh.. tit. "tilt ,ielirite ,,,('•)maltiou L.•ing1. ,tr•I .7. t!,•• 1..' 4.1••,1:ell 1n South
re per lh., and gPV'st f1 to 411' p/r _., t ai.r, Irr4•u . R:' , 'save: Because T. !laugh, a `tvL<h11.-;,.1..Y4',4;,,
KI t , , L, 4_. r.} 1. ti 111. sent au•I
t".••1 .s..• ...I, .'i• i ,.• 1.• nit ;lot .le. a, le the 1.:•• . f life and t!„ fart' 1411.•'.1`. 1,ti a sev;eel:. et .:.111!!. !!•. f#le--•••L 1 t.' �'.' more. ` •'4','r• !tits \u,', i. milker, and !!flat!, del net. cease a histlttlg when : Art.,}i••r•.. 1 •1. )ally of \1:t,..1, ..,•;...i',
l told, Jest )h Gr000siu, knuttn aslant] I •„p
•'� •r ,,! l:; •11. - a:: rt1:'• -:(r1 " . 1,1:, 1 spr4411;rra 4•th:b,t,•I elect slrrnyli, I at:d t .. !! nr:tble .lit t'..771 -
'ill h - i \'I'l'l {1 �'I.1'11'�. 1= 1l 111{1- N1AitKLT•, t ,
t. e.4'713 :1 i rr:e nal' (1••01 '4.;11 to •4,44.4 P el 1111'1 1'rle... J, r111t''1 a gun and i uta.. • t•
1 1'It 11 I It 11. I I.F. •.' 1 •• •,g atkled. ' l ))fist that
Ret:4.r 4),l:r. 1r10ts. 2. 14, •1r+,
ll r l'..•• 4:•,:,• {44'••11 111;141, for 1 t}Irr.:Fueut the x'e,k. F:xn•,rl ,1t- t hire four tier.:, killing him (;;,. ;,1 and intimate lila-
t 4i'.., t:it,s, .'t 4•. :1• 1nf4 ru4•r, I5 to tic• tt••r,• hot ,1.4.uih.•i.1 at Ili::, alar- ir.s( inti, at O'Brien. en Stur)Sror' i cave tont) existed b..-
hri•4,,,, fo...:, t • ,,,, r, .1 of ii•., •' - ra do.... t ,,a Lad .•r:,4•r fr••10 . i
n.tr•h Jonrnali 1 .,:•u• Meet- t 1 hl t \,u 1.41k
Pic. ( rr::n,4'rl quote 44 al _+; t., _•',• het. Lnrr: :I r• nee snots•{ at :t -t - lake( north of here, 4,11 the (,. T. 1•,,. t lncient and lfonorahle
! •. 7 1 se -r .1, f•'r 1,,;;,, .s1 t1, 2'.4 for :,H t•, 154.!11! a .xt., bet': and culla l'. Tuesday night. 4'rezeni 1 made \ , '•
.1 11'1:' l Fits 1'I:N1)I:T'1'.1.
"Iwo Men Meet in the 11oods on $
!lamer Intent.
de )latch bon, Winnipeg a;nys •
T'p in the x'i.:l 44.untry between
Lake Winnipeg and Lake Mln11ito-
ba, 100 mile, Hoith of 11'innip,•K,
two Ines! x{411 'In ,'„'rtth •lutitlg Ilat•-
rod of each other met in the bosh
last Mamas. Ruth of the:u car-
ried shotguns, and each was on
the lookout for tho other. Conrad
Krtilvko levelled his guts mita' oho
greatest :,peell and iustautly killed
:111x. B:u'ko. Krucku walks.! all
that night and all day 'Tuesday, ar-
riving at 'Teuton, 51) milts distant,
on Wednesday morning. He told
the peupt•• them► (chat had (icier -
rod, and slated theta he was going
to Winnipeg to give himself up. Tio
arrived here on 11•edncsday night.
and, after staying all night with
a friend,
Kayo hiwseif up t.1 the
authorities. Ho pleads e - e
1 K If lief oro
and 11113 retained a lawyer to fight
his case. (mi rad Kruezko, the
than who is now in the Provincial
jail, asty:s that Ratko !:hot him in
the back with a shotgun two week))
ago. and that the deceased heel
sworn to kill hint. The two men
were neighbors, and the 1111)11 un-
der arrest has left a wife and throe
small children at home. lie i/
aiiutlt •,.s yeatr:, of ago.
t ROY•1�..1R't'11.f,f:R1'. -1 N.
1(1ug George a .!!anther of Masaa-
ettuvcit', 1te,;tnit'nl.
A despatch from London says:
1; 1 1 '. 1 I 1 l'-' � I! '• 1 4.
• • 1,11• i,,', ..:, u':t:, of �• S
+r,•i I1 , 1...,
• "parry of Ma-sa<•h!f34tts
.1 d 111'• I• :n lido • 1 • - 1 41 , --- _ .• 444 •, „414 _';a to 1IC for bep:ll:l at e•:t,:,•l (loan to 6:1, 11041 lambs at Ins e•($IN'. Coroner 1114s:Ill• Pro- ,.144 ,lir tetre•nt organization in
It •;l, •r,:i, : , •,' . . Ashler V. 4 • 1” ' „ i4 1 4 1,4.\:1,!:.11•. i••r p! Hi', • y, ':.I (•, ,i 111. Ile•!•., ?.37' 45 (.fish. '.11141:11 4 :i'itabli St:'111 1- att,l Stl(1- 4r•ndntl :II1,J t1' i11(4 rC}tango Oi
11 1 h. .:•.r. t u• „1 I. n•I ,..•!'I:K14. a•,' 4,.t t•• , , ',1 flat and .It rlvl It the4rintrndent i'. -doh f t1.• t: T. T'.,
t 1'' i !ell and H' T t111111, tit:!} m {11411{11 suer the apirri
n I' .1 !',.. 1 4• 1 •-1 •114 I t::t,..1 - ,.f a ..,1 ,t. lave, ei.. art! . •.t.•, t••,1, _ marl:. r. left on 11'rdne da, f„r the of curnradrghip hrttsein the regi-
-. ' •., 4 1: -tea's• t:•-', the e 41 • r, C....1r ...; i,• •1 site ,. ,• -
„ 1t
t'l. , 1 1 1 t.. : '►, per alotrn vrnl• of the crura. t.. ►•. ., 111 in -
„lir. „n ,•.) nt•'i.-tutu r' -1:,'t t. - __--.meets and inerease the friendly ro-
t':.e h.l, 1 .4 I:' •: 4.71 a '14
t Hoe.... roe:, t fit: ter at of the two eountriey.
u•' -a.. 1 I .•,I' ..r..• v. l- •-t'•.1!•enfitrt . fh,t Ire „•:, I. t ,.Berl 1 , tool tx lo,,, :,t 1 t. Tho shoo Int, t4. lations e ”
! .l u r t It r.. 1'..•11 ,. ,. + 1
1Ig a here. ctl't„r'. 1.111,', {1;,;r ..• l feet .l: tl,••r stork and ,l!-.' 1:..• - . !-' ,,11 tt, i j t ' ',, R1:1 Ind: I Ill: s1,01..1 N. a r.u'111a<I lalr.rr • 1
1 . , Br's h �I ,.•.
.r:.4 f• t I u,r. 1114!11... t. v ; 'o •
, 1 ,. , i! _ -----_4g,_
1{t1•; Pitt 1141 4.-r . til:!}fir Ifnpeuell 11bjeel• to "tan. ”'---'. t \I:/1 1111.11.1111' 1N11;I:If.
r . , , , , ,,' , , !''let' .-:Ili''• eter al' -14',•,lel; flit 1':(tt;Itl:ttr•4." - 1 \I,•!;Hp:ul.. is n. • ti L..:.g 4.4,11, I 1 t'• 1 ,, F'f l 1. i1 11 1 \ 'III!: 11 iltlu.. 1 1.
t.N•1 1•I i •► :4, ' I •1•••1'111.: ,11-.:rr`;, t'n,k lull' 4 11 111,'!11- ,A2"... • _- ,1'nP1':11 It al'
The Hell tie/11141f • t N - \ ,i. • 1 ' 1! • r••• '• t • , Ir,.• 1•••rl., 1 4i pa,. ;! (r,•nl 11'•titrraf aay9 : keniie 11 ill Su1v erd
robe ;11.1 a „f 4,4 re,.... 4. 1:1tr41, 441111, anti id". "-"14'11 x•,� 11 ill. i. ►
.1,4.4,...• i' tr; •4r 11 4i•.• :deo,: .. „ 'fatl suns • an ayes1.1, :..• ...• _ :e j.r-4,11. I1.I�nr H••,.' ,1 •'li. itlttat•a, x11•• fid- 1 Randall found titer Lone 141 1 eI'e)' Lake.
.I c 4 . The. Iter'! e,1ct!: .1- ;, h„ • 1 , 1 , 1 'i t•'-• Note• Latta 4,• rtedi,inl. II• to dlies.•.•el a la;r4.• 1,•1,1 ontatite Kath- 11•anderine % despatch from t)t`ta'ta says:
( 1 •. • I 1.1<f, . 111.• .'111- .,l • •.'.11', '1... :.:Ili :I1 . •:17121 -ail tl `1,:I;,,•rl l'.•,. ./1 '.a •! , • L.
'•' • : rlv . 11,tt : :1, 1^ iti' •4' : r• I; , •'1 tit: , ; nl.'•I11'•.•1 - of fill• Bearli Vf .1 .I,-1.:14,11 fru X11' 1'er/•i Lake. ('111ef Military :1d•
.. • • 114 , ,,.'r.t t. hal.! • 11,2!44 of In )'hat!!, n . i.
:Ill 1111.1•i1Q lit 1,11'It" til.• 1, ( .', - t• , •Lv..!(Jt r• i4 t• i t' '1'1,141' :1..41 ( i'alllln•r of ('411111171 rl'e I ltarltlntt a \ u. - 4-l•:er and izI. ector-l.rncral of Mi -
FI ” . •,• n ...vs- oi!• et !e ., 11 .,+••11K •' 'it:''. ill”' i . t 11i1 '.. f n alterI
':u' •l'fl, r••nt Lanai-!:` t•. r.•t.4f, i.. .Lfn r:,.,,•1„ 1 ) t' 4211: , h,i• k•, h.•rn „n !'•,Butt.#uy :lft.•ru,•o.n, ilrlrrng 11.•{111110%;11;i1
htia, otos'.'' tern) has ez tired
t) •, , ,_, t ,11.'••111•, , .1 1 ,.., , r, 411 kelt 1,.11.414 r•1�04 4'114 :11,. v'f1.11.•11111t4 ''t ill the x -n/ dN .:: . will
. 4 4 1 1hea'I !
I 4,\, II 11 le•1 1,Ie11• 14v - 1.' j , t},"I•' •',I,lu'tl ill letr•.,It! 1111` (iut'- of Jtl:,t,s.g I•HkP, It111<4e 111., %4Y11:' 1,'l, 1: ieatr l'allilli$ fur England Vn NU-
;,.,, .. ,.. •. . t, t „• c 11,1111!• 41111114 alraun,l;-, 'fill.,, 1,,,
lthrn tl..• `C. o4 1111 Oland '4iu•t.77••• I ar.i •for• • . ;F.. . t ..•• i.,•. etre.••et f r the 1.44111.•.•
• 11ntr sun- t„ Thibx' budding nn \t'<.. r •ether 4. 1111 a: •({secret Mac-
; 4111•..• Lc,•:,, , n th•• t:%we Ft el:t•ri.•n „1 1• R leo-,iay J
t. ! • II _ 11,1,._", t;.•, 4••11 .\1,• .• '. 1!{4•,4.'•4 P,... t d: ;:,'• 1 •• (4 Il.:111 Ray ('a- kellzie, who is to succeed hull an
t r aflrrn. <m. 1 rescue part, bony;
- - {'----- ; ln.,'! fns .,Niii4 , "I"I
ih. t .l..,.k "HI
\1 f,.l, I •---. ha, .•,'•„`lllt.,4 `tat( eft illy all<I:1•Ilel• 11!1,, there •',i Til{tri<i^-' morning. 11.111$1}• Adt'1$r'r and to become
11.11.•. 11/1111/ 11.1. 1 I Ill F: 111:1 , "f "r,<iil;•,n- ,•!,' entered l.. t4,.', . 1 •I'1, • 4 ,,,.1, '' • ,,, ._i ch.. 1:, '1'. I' — \'i' Mt 1\'1111. \1,. /•' 14' .41 •'t:' 1111, l e 41'41 not he- ('llirf of Staff, s1 expected to ar-
1 , and bronRhl hint down to 11%,k p
---" - --- metelr.- et 111, t d1, nes off. heln'l !•''t,' :" 4 ' :11'i ' ('atln,la fur 1111111'♦ 10i11. 113. 11110 fired all IIIA I1LP shortly. (!snare! Otter I9 t4►
'training Ship of the Ilriti•!t \sty s !:1!'1'4 41 11 t •,I , 11„4:11.-,I , \4•t. !. Oa: \•,. _
!11—, ,'.. ••I, ;et:1141,.1 I,/'1 -a le... .111,4,. hi'•t•. ' 1,.....,,10!
t ,t , 1';,: - I! 1:14-1' the iln )rep. 4 /He IHR lrctur-1;/)nCral. 1,,rJ
t',ltutd,In Nr•t.rn, ;s: !4.:. , \„ 1 ca rtri4lgr� �ignallinq the first night. 1
Ott Len la1(14- 4 f•,li •'11,•'ll.•Ih••4 4'IPnI with • ,'atll. ' ,,,jl. IP' •i” I;; ! R
1 !-", ),tit l'rtnrtdians 111111 foie f.•e1 badlt fi,aen• and wa,, l.auesboro', xhu is retiring as Ali-
i!•• tL • 1 • .! s a•, „til •,1 41.• :: 1':uladian 1\r t.'rn. .', t•• tall • ,
l .1.••}, l+ ', _', .n: 11,7•,3 4,, sumo'•! ha.' v4'11•' \,,..r !4.,.:,! nhit,•• •It: t, No. ; "11, •11:.!1 nr.,t asst). He brl143• ant lite .Ian's with 11,•411{11!; to rat. 4 tart Secretary to the Governor-
\I 1 . „ '. 1'. ..n 1 , II. , , \ ' 1., kelp 11,11;11 1., h. l !, , :I t , . (lent tel x{11 sail for lingland on
i 1, t.l,:t•, ..1 t.. 141u;1•ha 4•rt„114 who
'I •1., .1 . 4 1' 1,1•I(LIn. The s------ November 1.
• .4 f.1i n, 1111.1171.1 1, I . I 4, .
1 1 , ,1 . ,! , 1 •111.11,.•u1 ..f i:u 1; hear It 111
''�- r• :.•1..,. a •- i.: .1 ,� '. ,
Le}, x411.11 i, -1' '1.1 \ • • 4.7, • 14.0,4' ale. hate -''! •r••i
' L'Ih'•• \.: I. ts+ t.. t�' 1111 ,. .
still' f.o t!1 fl•: . ,.,.. .: It: t I. !: .tl, l..• tr. t. In t!„• l , fit torn{ 4444 t,.', .ti, ,.i r._.: t....-. iterate. ''1 :1. .:',1 1 . . laid ate- far
111 p•,'1 .41 1i. •I,; 7 1 ,, !!, r • !• 1!• h.
h•rI,(lil, 11'1.-' • r.,-• \. . : , '14, ..l' -'I,. , r.. ', -- - -_- 1..4 . ,fi., ! ,iL
Isrg.• iiiiitil l .•t 4, 1•..l . ,•1 • 4 !' !1 . iI • •i
a 1, a ••d i
bo .• , . 1 n 1•I ! , ••1 ; i 'i •r 1! • f.,•,, • , „1 1. , 1 1 1 f 11 ,•N I I.P.
fur •''alit .,1' t '„ .1 s . . '1''• i -to `.
%sill i, .1 fi,-t • LI- - , ,,,,r „
furr11e4 !,.11 ( 4 f 1'• ,, • 4 l; .,
trillion, • 1!.•"1
\•. I.,,1 r.. 1.1 1., 11-. 1 •••:,
\l,lh ! 141
tl 4'•r. .-'. .. `t': \I.,r,,t,•►..'
41'.I1 !•.1).-1.1.,
.1, .1 •I .1, , n ! ,.• e!11.I.t••r eh, 1i i.14.74-, .r -,.4J 1„
t- „, , 1,,,:.,,1 r., , : ..i 111 I .111111"3rr' of III P» Ili 11e'r , 111: M;.•1 1.• (,a tlr••li hake's ,
it• t 11' 1 4.' ,. .I„ (,ulrille','itl 311, 1 (,e, ;t•, , 4!,. �. ',
•I 11-tra•cht lit. r•. t.
. 4. .'I.1 , .1 1 •111• v,• •',i t 1. 4,l 1 ! k1 . ttu,1•'14 rr:iier- .41 !1114:`.
t( 111!:,•1:1 .h , "i}}•.• t - ri 4. , .r ,'r ' tt - ,
0!. •I ,1 ,- t... , , • 1 r . .i It' 4 1:1• .1 t) ,. I ,. ,2 4271; /•%! IIV-, ,I •. .', .,.
'I! .4• I ,4. , , '.4 4 "1!,-I , lot• f. • :11 not),• ill .,-� .,1• I, , \\ '4:1,, 4i, 1 t,• 11•'.4••rlr.. 74 4 1„ `11 ,
he, :Irl,. 11 • !4 ,e' • 4 ,41114
L',. :1• .1,, ,. �r ,114 � �r10Y. . ...I. !' :. 4, , .,.d i:r�•1 al 1,,. 'r: ..4•-'7"4” . I t'•r ft' Ir.,. Ill:t
11!4 • ,. 4 • , ,•4 11'..141.. ,.!,i, r, 1•r ( 1„ ., L.: .It _11'4•- F414• .
':e•'r 1444 -1. • L. 4 •oto t4- _ :,!,
• 1,- 1 r- _:1• 11 1 1. .r:4t4114. 1'ee' �' :
, t'.1.Y.:tt 1• 1 .1 .•t
•71, , 4.1 •,i. it 11.'1:41 i,. oarI .
" 1: '' n, •:1: !•.. ttl,•I t, , ;a, 14 r d,,.en, I i
%)• 114,,4-•• t, ..n< ..',I. t u', (''IrA1 h. !,ran. le 4W 4l) (tr .. .-
London is to See a Gay 'peetao1e of the
Good Old Days
11,•4, 11,,'1, L 1 , .1, - . - L'r : 1”
• 7„1.' 111 ,•,4 I _ r;,• 1 •1 .:1 �4..I!
- ..f 1!he 4.•,. i 11 1. !i„. 1,I.�r t 1.. ; u : -0.•
4.;'.111.• .,I !, . 1 .• 1'! :,7,
1'1111 • f 4 . u '1.. 1.
• !
1' •4 ,.1411.1
• t (1731 :. { :'. In.11441 .110(S, !,''2'2.54) 4•
I1, to Sly 1..04 1', the ,..4 1. It.
'..P'...‘,' - tt. 1:-'4,l'''."':"'- .•,t. 1111 ;t •i,. {,tp.l,. rlh• Mnr1 :• ..1
t', .,t • 4.1,1 !i l •. ;,,,:,Ane.• i1' �.. . i•4:r.- fattish 11104111: •-.
'11 •tr, 1414114.41, t<, :I!<4 4,.. I„ I 1 ': n. ‘4,41 f11nU11lie, $25 lis
i.1 :I tl; „41•••4 f '• -..f1 111 a' -
I':,.1- .11 n 41 its.• .tools}
,• .4 114,.. 0 !ti .nt i'•s, I \ I'('4 h �'1'.1TI-:8 1MA111 l:TS.
'•' 1i,4;••r 4. -•
144•es. "Ill!11:••u,•apeiis, Nov. i. -Wheat --
i':I!. •a 1..r ie'"i ""4""e Inti-, No. 1 h 11.1. cash. 7!41.06 I-8: No. 1
u ill 4,.• , !, •!. •' ,It• 1,.:1. to •'• bells i r a,yh, Allis! 5-)4; Oee'c•m-
-''n , r I:••'4.44 et1•rrgsed fhe t' -r, :11.031-8; May. $1.07'4. Houru
„1 4, • n :1..4 ilte •r4,41 -,hien •-f (no F r-1 patents, *5 to
7113.10: see -
t i,•• , :.h., •'4 •4•• ‘‘.0i'd hr neeorn- . 11.4 .tents, $'I.AO to A5; first clears
, _ • 1 \ ..*4 11 4,.•• '1. .11 .1. . 1:',.11,•.4 '.1:11'.11 :1 1• ..11141. i i
I '1.1711 ••1, :I1 :,Foto:. Ir•: r. ,4, - '1.4.' ,. a:1.1:1 t . $3.60; seeoncl clears, 112.111
fn 142..10,
well 111 all •'..rt•, „f tl,lt -'h ,,. 1. ,.,...t .' I • 4
1,1 f 1:1 P Ft:11 SI ICII)E. Buffalo No.*. 1.- -W heat Spring
t•.••••:-. gayly 4.11.11 . ,n„+1 r• i!! !•. wheat, No. 1 Northern, Carle,$<Is,
13 /1' cora)){ ,l ileitoe .4..03,.• • . If. l -
41' ,4 4 Iunlher'1 11 ifs 'Took Two Ounces store, $1,10'; ; Winter, No, 2 red,
f•. I 1�. ,,. the Y."1'of tit. 11(,' I'.`1' �, '1 1: •i 414 97e; No. 3 extra red, 05e; No. 2 fill) in the upholstering
l,,;t :►!• ha•: ,n7)• :, 41.:111. fhe it,•. to r
of Laudanum. white 11130. torn No. 3 yellow. r, 41 J Irl t1 1{ } thew :note .'I'; (' li••11. ' (•t ' .1 • ,'r• ah.,l (4..- t ii ‘,ill i.. , 1 • e1. f Spencer fi Co.. 111111 tilt fill! to the n,4•r+ of 11,':4 711 11 .4 ! 1r, •,'h t I Ttncbnre, )a n eery of 1(1(1,0110 0
A de- pah'll front Lemlon says: 53�yc 4 NO. 4 Yellow. f'2%e 1 No. 3 peep's.,
I. triter ILa. . tecta,1e: :,t thy l:•:!+ high )tied tint was Meats:. •-lurad'114' ►.'third, Mid it I.' ,, i„
t '.'••4 a c entering n Rust frrrft 1.0 1311[ on Its
+, •• "1 ''"' t 1 ^1 111.• isYg1'<1 1', k'.urN4•j111�ti, 4illlh•'ll'=. x'ifC Vf a illill<I:Ia cern• 52e; NO. 4 CO:tn, 614.; all on rept(!!}'. 8Pt Bra) vnr�rt t•Ir4 II,,, Irnr- ,,,..„1,,,:,, (.,.,.„1,,,,i. .•
tt „4 wee. !ar:rllo< „' n:, n rn khaki .lo )her ••ctt{en test! he uc,upit'tl track through billed, Oat. ;1 u,Iraklion lines there run only 13S horse.
tIell 11111111111.1', lank two etine'e3 ed, , g ed, her caught fire and tteir /1• •{,,•\eel• ',alts unit ten Herta, cars,
„,. ' <:Ilter reorder'' Ile 1.•11114 of the M 140111y 1111. and 11'.,1•.•; ref Urn. 1 lima:)ttte, and east found by n 2 white. 38%0; No, 3 white, ;t5e; Nu. The heaviest null. ideal le re- Viet..
ria t Ia. r- the 4•:t.!1:t..4 ..I 111th-{, OTefaalr.1. Is the greatest stmt:):•►
!. ••) ►v41irli r. 11,41 I,.• seen til, a Ina t . :},r r tt ;fire the trial o/ po!ierni::u 4,11 the street in n sop. ; 1 whae, 344.. {!autos—!Feed to malt- ported h • U. y lrnrrr tl• (, u h t
In the t.oceaci„n will 1� 1 J i p :Columbia. x44.1 t l•' lir t (',►n/rlinn of or.•Itr71wded 1'iennn. seventy ixr-
- Ii!r :,•,:.• .1'1',.4 r• rr. day l,ti h:Ni,al1:,; . r ! 1 rendition, on 4,. ,•� Ip
1 e I }111-r I!} r vn,' 4.n a in ;4 to 984.. ho Icrora and furniture ai• ;,'• port tour -1! .I he s1;';Ir,tel flout the sono In Moot) die from this dist-sae in
f • T',:t ir.*`- r•;'i:Ae-. nlr 1•. assn h•' 'ft : t •Irl ;,'= 111141 J1o'e '1t'utltA { l'I, • ., po e.
Thl:1'Vr :It'. x:14 removed 1,1 g t al''`e 4 Of tett). If la q 1.e,nt,4'11I1�' ,Illlal the xi i' Ir Claa+ 41llNiter of IhPo
7' ..•, ::f rf l;r� ::11.7 (',r (ta11r :,11:1 tit•`r4- •r7111111t111' 41111 110,10,,I, ai „Ile'• '•! !, r '.. who estimated the damage t,•K
} I...• r4 „'l.,r 1•[1'1; STOCK MARK uta. f about t►4 eon ).'1 :uleon la 1110 o.Lce
r' property at N1,4)00. The tt.•.t, In 4..l 411 v, 11{!11 a p'•}'n'alien o she; Bell tt'{►b
. , ,;r: lot •.f Irl It i•i, , f et,e1•.(•, 1,•' a el'I'evellted. have s40114• h :{1• of her r. • .. i NIontrea} Nov. I.-- ( ?hoiee steers t`nir•1:
1 ,n building x•41 Loaned, rwtl a 4 ._ >,n,r(l, d:.<tric
. .411
P1BL1114(;\T FOlt (111\ 1.
\••v. 1,•,rnlltl) ',molests it in 1fe.
mot lilt to the 'Throne.
\ .: <!•'111* fr. in
7; 4 „ „ 1 •e•mbly heti adopted a!
lit• t :.n'In.nh-u::l': a inf nnrial to
1!.:• thr• tie praying for the rttab-
I 4.11{•,:1 ,•f 11 ;4ef,u}ar Parliament
tit ti,.• ,•a r.i• '.4 I14. Ihlr 40111• ill
• 1.1 ,f at a "$.f •rr.vl elate.
1111111: .1 ITER '1 11' 1:1.1 1; 1 I 1 Its.
M1.4.4inr Nenfonnolaud *odor l;•'•
turns .lfter Lon•: 1 ii•.'n, e.
.1 despr„h f r • , - .1, i,11
Nflrl.. e: 1',.•!t.• , Go R sea
113.1,3 tit ihi' t'I4} lull h.» alb” and
1 of , the), three years old. and pail
ed aunt' 4 4, a 1 rreiUll lP'•1• I. �,llrr
Ih:11 tulle till Tuesday the wife had
heard n„ 1.<liust+ of her hti.ban !
%%better he has dead! or elite tats
knew of 1 •
k! n Ir�<4 ,
TI d1t the II'Is5
There ere about 800 aeroplanes in
Frans. itlt► of which have Leen )nude
III the latit ten mouths.
In the prurinee of ilradenburc. Ger-
many. there is n %vole of finer, for ltvl.
nlory flying over 'owns and t !haute,,
the tua3lnlulu fine bt'ieg $15. 7'4lH'14
are tlnt imjosed, however, un.4teernblo
An 114, .
Inti resting feature to Il,c patent
nrrn !t a'! r4) i•444• hie tt,{ •i.„uSe• •1eIe)nptnent of the )elf' In (trent Brit-
and tti't remain there.
)lin ata the number of nppllcntion,'
tllr.1 in the net/1 of aeron:►utics, being
more than three times the comber
diad during the preceding year.
English Etchings. '
Nearly one fifth of the deaths in
England occur in public Institutions.
A Large Part of the Business Section 1.<ndony4'. I'ereetwo n:deal betweenthe r2lp. nr,
"n Sarttrtlaya and tl n. In. on Mouthy*.
Prison rations of 1•:ngland give 51.4
ounces of food daily to the prisoner
doing hard labor, but only 40.8 owner.'
;.'til;. The In the vaso of a prisoner doll.g light
, !,, 'ale. lalwr.
•) lilt 1'e,nl,et
.l.r (Ian_. 1 fel
of the City De;t•roy ed
A deapflte11 (rein Victoria. IL (., •1• n I• , .
says: A Targe sret:.,n of the Inti -,'I 1,. - I.nil'i,r:.-
nous elistric't of Ville, is on. s. .,111 ,4 1",,, 4'r lard I1. t '
eel by fire on Wednesday night. an„i : '• 11 lel It. ..
hr fore the flames xere under e.•.i I,• 1,7)44 1)4•:
f rt,l damage estimated :, R2.n'.lull',,. .\t t . 1 11atriott 4 t - ' , l' .... Tokyo, the enpllal of .Japan, cors;v
haul been caused. The flames bloke; ,ng budding, Illi• t. ,,, 4 .,' Ihltty square tn!les, has 3.,4),r1U0 house,'
t ,. Ihr a ,•'n,r 1 Tett' ar•• f 1 1 t 341,1 2,0txi,:00 population.
Tales of Cities.