Exter Times, 1910-05-12, Page 2r•
C()N ST.1 N t'I:'S 1.0(1:1:'1'.
'.Eight yeses old to -day'" said
.lent Ethel, as Constance came
sl, piling int:, the sitting-reolll. Nervous disco sea become more `w;k from a Dover fisherman, and
".1nd that is what father had en- common and more serious in the \I I1't1 Jladetia, Las 1'alulax, and
graved 011 mylocket,"replied Con- sl;ring than at any other time of the ('ape Verde Islands. From
',Vince, Papp:ly. "See, 'l'enslanee. the seer. This i, the epinio11 ofthe !here they hall purposed returning
Eight years.' .1 lid the locket is best medical authorities after lung to Englund; but the spirit of 11(1 -
Can Only be Removed by Toning
Up the Blood and Strength-
ening the Nerves.
Voyage From (lover lu ('ape Town
iu Fishing >maek.
011 January 211, IINNI, four young
Yu.kshircnu•n, who had left Dover
in a fishing suuu'k the previous
J1:110, arrived at ('ape Town, after
Co+cl•111', It distance of 10,1)1111 !lull•),
'1'Lt;v purchased a t12 -tun fishing
'11I.1'1' DOD It's K111\I:1' PILLS
:I R E ,1 131111 \ TO N l F-
'THI\1: li"1111EN.
Paint Without 00
Ily using Pcwdr Paint you raft turn
out as gn.td w,vL a. •, 1,,,'Inu•Ierg
pe.lnter. write t,. POWOR PAINT CO.,
Pur„oto, Out , Lu' full iuf"rmatinn
Gun t'•tt:down° ,.,th Color yard and
1'rc• • List.
Iles, Itoa+,eau Tells Ilow• They IntiallfiNCSKstilitill
Cured Her After 'Three Years of Edward C R O N V N h Co.
Almost ('ea::eleiss Pain. M•mb•rs Toronto Stock Each.ng•,
'' tits 1'r ':`tt weeklynit., DAy3Sa1R Investments Hntotd,lrg,
eir:u{aroil •ecur•iu..
,. 1!11111 l'e hall rirw•II ll ,/,ll the 11, 1111(1 (S el'lltl-1':+•c•ry dtl furniah,.s' 1tec•r•s to Sts iJrtg to asy',u.k.
solid gold, :old inside is mothers ubtervation. Vital changes in the g 1 I ) Y
tt•ty made for the lune) inland of lresh iroef that the woolen of ('an w.n...en...e1e,•
pit lure.'' system after loth; \rllller IllUlltl►ti ,, Y I ournaw6•'111.11„ 'Q BaySt.,Toronto•
Aunt Ethel admired tho HOT gift way cause much more than "spring Tristan da Cunha, in the Suula .St- t:da cue be cured of uiluu nts which,
null while she looked at it,\(Wt weakness," and the familiar meati- 11(11(ic. They• received a hearts eel ' have hitherto scented to be a (tart'
stance said, th••ughtfully : ( ners and aehiugs. Official records (coule from the eighty-one inh:thi- of, the inheritance of the s• x by the t (i;{;i i Ir, H�I�t' i�„,Ki,i l,u,Il(h(tc'hr1N1
"Cold. 11'hat is gull, loot Neve that in .lpril and Ably nen- tants, and found the st.r:ulg-• cool- use of Diel(d's Kidney ('ills. :nd glots•rs Report,( nn porrrri•tm•- white cur
• 'nullity llity perfectly happy awl llu'iv- tills place has a living proof in the 1•artirulars. 1'. m. llutrrt,u, 25 1144nntua;
Ethel!' i rulgiu, St. Vitus dunce, epilepsy treads. 'ror,.ntn, out.
"I know''' exclaimed rllary, look -and various forms of nervous lis- it .,. though the whole island vas Person of Mrs. Williuu, Rousseau,!
ing up iron! her book. "It is a turbuncex are at their worst•, c,verrun with rats, !nuking ag'i- of 37 Morton Street. ('ItI:J1.1'flll\1 1\ I:\1:1,.1\I1,
mineral." especially among those who have
culture impossible. Front J It,J.ut "For r over three )'tors, Mrs. ---
('onstnnce shook her head. "So ne'. reached middle age. Ihc3 sailed for Nightingale 'sand, Rousseau states, "1 was very ill. My There Were Sdd Last Year- Num.
riron," she replied. `'!'other told The antiqutttc`<d custom of taking %%Lure tt brief stay was made, and ti tildes were painful. 1 sufere:l l her Steadily Increasing.
us that. Nideoly wants an iron I'utgativcs in the spring is useless, thence on to Gough Island. 110 very n}ueh with toy back. My head) ,
little vessel next made for ('apo ached Gluiest continuously and 1 the movement in favor of crenla-
locket, but I ant sure every little for the system really needs
Irl wants agold locket•" xllell 'l Benin -- ,llr ativtW matte 1ewn, 11nd the voyagers had 111111.00 senrcoly knew what. it was to he (lull In England ('ulltl11ltex to make
RS gt R t slow• but steady progress,
"One reason you like your lecke. +'"'1 weaker. Dr. Williams' fink reached the end of their res•, uc,s fro, from lain. 1 was very lyes!; 1 geese writes
{Glen 'Pablo Mountain was ,igi t.?d, au/' stat dolvn. Occasiuneily buy 1 it l.ondou correspondent of the
IC because of its color, ' said Aunt 1 :i -s have a special action on the
l:tl:el. "See," and she held it up bl..ud and nerves, fur they give, their provisions having been r•lt,e- hands would swell up, and tllls, tum, N. w lurk ,[edicul Journal. 1►ur-
s . (.I to a few gallons of tit. Ilod Pave me a great deal of annoyance); is 1!)OJ the number of cremations
w•hl re tho -studio's, touched the lit•, strength and have cured nut only • r chi reel out in Creat Britain was
tle <l.'.:k of gold and made it shine many forms of nervous disorders,! muter. Only one of the four nes) and discomfort. l began to use, I �.�5, 111111.inadvance of sixty as eoru-
• h.ld ever been in a boat betties. Dcdd's Kidney l'ills rind %cry soon
with light. "It has a yellow• and but also other spring troubles stick rated with 1908.
I .t. Continence i to improve. . Three • 1
rich color. Gulden sunshiny, sou n-4 headrlches, weakness in chef bogies cored me completely." Tho first crematorium in Eng -
',bow. The very word gold means limbs, loss of appetite, trembling! PREFER MEN AS SERVANTS. Nes tenths of suffering women's' lt.was opened at Woking in es5
b;•:ghtuess, glow, beauty." 1 of the hands, melancholy and 111011-1
, 'Cho increasing enll,loti lent of troubles start front diseased kid- UHJ the total number (If cremations
'Isere," exclaimed Constance, cul and bodily weariness as well as' nu,; and buys for domestic work is ntys. The natural way to euro since that time is »,121. There are
'now I know why it is better than unsightly pimples and skin iron j pointed to by some u e rte as n eti them is to take away
the cause. "IOW altogether thirty' it crematoria
iron !" b1cE• ntliettnt sign of the Itinles. 111 Len- that is, to cure the kidneys. Dudd'x iii Creat Britain and this number
"But it is fount! in tho ground,. 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills cur(' dun, the • papers of that own stoic kidney [ills always cure diseased mil! prubul►ly soon be increased.
isn't it, Aunt Ethel!" questioned !lures nervous disorders and -spring lu(la aro bung trained with eonspi�. kidneys. Tule ('reniation Society of England
31ury, eagerly. - ailments because they nctuall�' ,•onus succe'se to du daily work in -----.y hag been very active In its propu-
:1unt Ethel nodded. "Yes, and by al new, rich, red blood. Sold Lises, and both as conks and illi: N[:1V IIII.1,IN1: ('01111.-1'. gander work and public int.•rest is
sometimes it is mixed in with iron, 1'y all medicine dealers or by mail . I;,.usemaids" they leave the weak- -- view's. being aroused.
verd sometimes with copper or sil- at 3u cents a Lux, or six boxes for .•I -ex far behind. Such, at least, Ontario iseertuinly g play 314 eptly a cremation society was
ver; and it is found all over the g-'• >0 from The 1)r. V1'illinms' :11e- going to la
world." divine Cu., Brockville, Ont. ' the I. .tluu•t►y of the grateful a very prominent part i11 the fu- formed in Edinburgh. The object
"Could w,; find any in our field J" i 1""•"•k• ''1' •t+ W110 culpluy thein. Lure of the Milling industry in of the. se0iely is to promote the
Canada. practice .,f (•rentatien and burial re -
asked Mary. FI{E.1KISH. - A11.1so it is that we find that the f. Im by means 40f meetings, lee.
"No, by all over the world I CURED HIS LAME BACK. n,•a big Ontario milling CVU. tult'x and publications or other -
in all the different countries. A gentleman who had just re -1 w'e,t Fort w ,uial,e. N„\. 7th, .906. v hu h Wilt he known as the 'dlnl,lc '•• ise. 'Phero are.aln tidy abwlt Iq0
In :lm0ren, and in }:,(gland, and turned from Africa brought benne! 't have been troubled with n t.an,, Lcaf Jlilling ('o., Limited, and will nund,rrs, including m:sty well
with him a negro as his servant. Beek for the past twenty year. and base sleuth the Maple Leaf Flour Mills known persons.
in Asia. And iu your Stitt lav The lurks)' had always been used used planter, and ointments witl t
:shun! lesson you remember that it eR.rt. At lay! l treed Gin Pitt., whhh (!c Ltd.,' Aad with it the Hedley ,g,
tells that the furniture of the house to hot countries, and had never ,roved lout the Using, and 1 would hien. q Cu., has ulread .,
seen water in its sl,l:d form as ice. ' 6huw Millin) Miss Screecher- I wonder if
of Solomon wait of eld.'
R le recommend 'mein t•, anyone who Iia under way rho construction of u i• ,cls Jim rememborod Inc when
•'My !" exclaimed Constance. �fle morning he come into 1115 IIIaY-tur's room, carrying a large piece: a strained or Lame naek. R-O(i)l-Larrnl mill ,a million I.01h .l ... - .r
"How shiny the rooms must have
1f. t1ARKN}:SV. elevator, and storage waiehouse (,•r him. Lawyer -!'TCA, lie 4.x1•
been when the sun shone in !" 1 oft ice, and exclaimed: filo Pm. art lien Ur nn ort• Kidneys out un the new piers that have dent)
"I have u old dollar," said See, master, what a Targe piece whtrh vie 1)11' generally formed lnwhrn ether!•/ is • y remembered you -at least,
g of glass I have found• been constructed at Port Colborne. scut name isn't mentioned in the
Mary. How do they make gold Kidney Trouble Naturall • it takes a pile of mono ••
into money, :tont Ethel:" f His master, by wets• of Joke, told Try sin Pion yourself before buying ) 1 Y docuuu`nl.
1 t carry through h b'under-
11 rn to .put it in the oven to dr} . 1 1e rettular 1A'. la,rrs. write National ' a ! Iruug auc ,Ig _
Ethel laughed at this new Drug A Chemical l'.,., (Dept. W.i.... To takings, and the men whip are at ..1 Daynol
question. "It is lucky I visite,! V' r}' soon
he came back, carrying ronlo. 1,r tree ample' the [tend of the new Company, in- «'r
DcoouNgh fasetle(11--P8)10 nyontulaset itu cwild
the government mint," she answer- the partly -melted ler, and saying: - chidingMr. ('awthra Milloek, of
ed. "And Dew don't ask whet! a` Sec, master, this is the queer- if neglected. Dr, Thomas' Eclectrio
Il est. glass I ever saw • the more I Toronto; 11 r. Medley Shaw, faun- pit will brink up n cold and cure rt
mint is. because 1 ant going to to • ; ! do- and ht ad of the Hedley Shaw
yea that it n int is where chins , f (try it the wetter it gets.' cough, and should be resorted to
I Milling ('e., and �Ir. U. l'. ('am' at once when the
Cam -
geld, silver and copper ors. n,n,1.' ♦ -- erzoi, first symptoms
1 the Western lumberman - -- - apeeur• It can be disguised so
that any unpleasant taste it may
have will be imperceptibie to the
delicate. Try it and be convince((.
Manly to man's Success is due to
his having strayed from (he beat-
en path.
l'erhnps the usefulness of dogs to
unto1 is nowhere more convincingly
shown than In polar exploration. in
aetieipatiun of his need. (luring iris
•!;ung expedition to the arltatetie,'
i.I,tai11 Scutt bus Neth Mr. l'cud
11. Meares to Siberia to pioeur'
(le.gs inured to cold and hardship.
51r. Mares will go to Vladivo-
stok, and thence north to Yakut,
which is a great center of the sable
trade. He anticipates that he may
have to proceed to Okhotsk, and
even to the Verkhuiitnsk Mounlaias,
which are describesl n. bring "111
most, if not quite, the et•Ifie t re '
gion in the world." ile will also
collect ponies round Harbin, and
will join the expedition, with hie
animal auxiliaries, in New Zeeland
in December.
To make your gold dollar, nuggets BABY'S OWN TABLETS organised the Maple Leaf Flour
9lills ('e• , Ltd., have supplied
,l,o00,00o of additional cash calls-
tc-, whirl/ besides permitting of the
colnplrtieu of the entire new plant
already folder way at I'.'rt ('ul-
6..1 ne, and the constl'ltcti. it ..f some
1;. 1011 elevators throughout the
11 est, will provide the new Corn -
easy with further working capital
to go right ahead and get its full
share of the larger business that
is offering, not only throughout
Canada, but more especially in
(Prat ilrituin and various foreign
of gold were melted and run into
a little cast er site, and when the.'
het metal soled, there was a In thousands of homes throughout
bright gold d.,llar, worth one 114111•' Canada there aro bright thriving
dred copper celtts." 'children who have been trade well
"Aunt Ethel, tell us a true story and are kept well by the use of
about gold," amkcd M,lry• Baby's Own Tablets. This medicine
'Do you want t., hear about an cores all stomach and bowel trou-
emperor of the fifth er.ntury who Iles. slakes teething ra%y, and de -
sat. /'n a throne .,f tuttt9l+r gold strop; morins. It 1s guaranteed ab.
111a chariot was gold, and the two .. 111113 safe and free from foistw-
white mules that drew it It'd plate4 out upial•- MIS. John Laplaute,
el beaten gold upon their lie. . Bon-('cunseil, flue., says: ---''I con-
trol as they 1rot lyd 314 13 front the ser Baby's Own Tablets worth
shining i,alace, the little girls st .zed their weight in gold and advise all
and looked at thent, and then ran mothers of young children to keep
11• In.' and asku(1 their aunts to fell them always on hand." Sul(' by
tier elm) mads' the gold glisten medicine dealers or by mail at 23
on b11111e so brightly." eents a box from The Dr. Williams'
"And what did their aunts say 2'' 1It dicier ('o., itrockville, Ont.
.11 ,'mooned Constance.
!'The aunts said that the gold Many a man who i.9 smart enough
`(,one because it is n me't111 that to !nuke money hasn't sense enough
1 . ver changes. Nothing can tar- to keep it.
1.1-11 :t.. Now von !late !mimeo!
nu !.ting.•' 1 I'll1 that Proves its Value. ---
•'1 know it's a yellow metal dug. Th•,so of weak 8(4 "Kull will find
and I
out of the around t., nitre.ake moneyu, she; ; sttcP th in I'arttlelee'N Vegetable
(..ck•1 f." said Mors, , g
lane .3 an .1: 1 wth's ('on?paui„n,l ills, because they serve tomain-
1ain the healthful action of the stop-
- mach an<i the liver irregularities in
which oro most distressing. Dys-
peptics are well acquainted with
Two nell,libees kept 11e 1- u,d deem and '.31,10 thein nt their pro-
tlunrrelled ), , .-. they ht 111t,'Ied 1 ••r worth. 'rhey have afforded re-
citer (Abel'. 1.,1'ato rOWI 11p. 1111'• Ir•r when other preparations have
sold hie hen., unknown to the other, failed, and have effected cures in
who made .1 large run, and fasten- ailments of lung standing where
rid his heti- :ie. saying: other medicines were toned 41n -
Now, tt. • first hen I ser in toy avnil:ng.
e I •t1.tli sheet.''
\• 1t da\ Ir, sawn hen watching Ift--"‘Vender ally it is they al -
n, usual, .0 he get the gun and shut
it, then threw it over his neigh.
bor's rails,-:1\.offs
"Take 340(11 hen
The ben ea: (.irked up, taken in,
:led eked.
.w011) days the sante thing
1 �'tiil the no took
StJ(Yl' Ii IN OWN II1•:N
four nraver mean9 business when
y„(1 get 111153'.
Shearer, Liniment Co., Llmlted.
1 war very sick w,lb quinsy avid n alit
1 would strangle. i u1.ed 111NARtrS
LiNIMENT and rt cured nn• of once.
I ant never without. it now
Your. grat.•h,lly.
Nauwigewarlk, ort 21st
,\N OItSI:R1'.1TION. •
B•ee Year Beek Ache t It.:n't •sp•italost • iib
(sallal. ,n• I, it ,;et tL• 1,.n.11na, th• "n At 1.-'
Month,: 1•.+.1.. It cur•. 1,..1. A
, tnak•r•.
Hostess (at party)--11'hy so si-
lont, 11 iss do M uir 1 You've ve scarce-
ly xrtid a word since you camel
Youthful Guest Really, Mrs.
Leede r, I tun having a vel)' enjuy-
able time, but lily father 11118 'told
me 100 I'Ries never to say anything
unless I have something to say, and
I suppose- .,
my deaf child,
think what a stupid and tiresome
thing society would be if everybody
f..11ow'cd that advice!
TWO XINDs Oh 'Ph:.\RS.
There is something very genuin
in the little donieieic situation in
tli( aced by this scrap of converse
t•iun :
"My wife has cried only t•w is
eine0 we've been married.".
''On what U0caaiunh 2"
• %Viten I told her I couldn't af-
ield to get her it. set of firs for
( 1,1ist:nas, and when 1 got 'cru for
her "
of the Bowels is an absolute niers.
Pity for good health. Unless the
waste matter froze, the fond which
rnlhvl. there is got rid of at (rase
once a day, it decay,+ and tot )tII
the whole body, reusing bltioti1,nr•,
indigestion and mirk headarhea.
Hul1e und other harsh mineral purg-
atives in-itale the delicate lining
..1 the buweI. Dr. slog el.' Indtau
!t„ot )Ills t•ntlrt•.y vegetable
regulate the bow. la .festively
without weakening, ri.:kcning or
griping. t'se
Dr. Morse's
Indian Root Pills
o U}.NTS 55 A DAY EASY. NO }:x.
1 perlerce 01.14.11.(1. 14.-11,, run eight.
Absolute necessity to farmers. Dees murk
of 30 Hiell. 1'44)'14 for itself in one hour.
Write to day. t'. 11. Adams t'u., Sarnia.
Th, magistrate was inere.lul..u-
'11'ett 11114411 to SAY 11111) 111is nth}si-
ca.. wreck" (indicating the psi ---.11
erl "gave you A blaek e)• ' I
"Yes," r4 torted tie prosecutor. I.
At this season. scores of people.
girls and women especially. find
their faces marked with pimples,
dark spots. eruptions. etc. The
skin needs attention, needs renov-
ating after the trying winter season.
just think what It has had to go
through 1
You have been out in rain and sleet
and snow. You have been perspiring
from skating, or some other exertion.
Then you have stood to "c.lol of." Vol
have spent home of the day indoors at a
temperature equal to summer heat.
Then you have covered up your akin.
except your Jac,,, and gone out into a
temperature away below zero 1 No
wonder that the st•:n of the face and
neck shows signs of needing attention.
Zam-Rub is a skin food. Smear ft
light! over the spots, the eruptions,
the sallow patches, at night, and notice
how quickyy your appearance improves.
As the rich, refined, herbal elsunces
sink deep foto the tissue. the hard
scurvy -like patches are removed.
The cuticle is softened. The cells be-
neath are stimulated to healthy opera.
tion. The puree resume their work
properly. Better color reatrlte. The
cells of the skin being purified by 7.ain-
13uk's stimolating balm, becnmo trans.
parent the blood beneath is able to
impart its proper coloring to the tissue,
and His delicato bloom of heals h replaces
the sallownee• and pallor of diseases
A few ,lays of Zam•Buk troatment
will tran,b,.m a '•muddy," speckled,
spotty cumplriien into one of attrac-
tiveness anti pre: trnees.
U. lam Auk for more serious skin
troubles,su,'h ea eererue, pustule's, bolls,
ul^pees festering sores, ringworm, sally
•ores, mores on the hod r due to hod"poi.nn•
1. 1, etc. Mothers will find Zam Bak
une.t,tal1..ifeel-shy ' Su.box all store. -
11011}: III SIACnr,AT#
•,► by wing the Dusto Vacuum carpel
('leaner, 56.0). A. hilly 5".6 Dosercuurt
ltd., '1'.crouto, out Agents wanted.
141 FJR'rl►.F: 1:t;0, 1•1105,1 i:INu1.F: COMM
mottled nucoua,, prize pens. 52.00 fog
15; 19.0) for 100. Eggs from nu,, utility
stark, 8700 per 100. 51.50 for 15. Fine table
fowl. Ilett wint:•i layers ou earth. An-
conas and Leghorn'. make the beet early
broilers. Single Lomb white Leghorn
5150 for 100• 31.00 for 15. *lone)'
makers !.11th. }'ret circular. Write vour
wants 0.1. C. Apps. nos 224. (%'tt•e. ,
dent International Ancona Club). Bra
ford. Ontario.
L t (,NTI:N•rs F111K7'd'LANS ROo11f.
N. house for sale. Pull of root/11.1'4 pa
ing well. Apply 136 Wilton avenue, T
rants. Highest price paid. For 6
Bess. Scott Rt., Toronto.
J system -constant practice; careful
Instruction; few weeks cornplete cnnrset
tools free: graduates earn twelve to
eighteen dollars weekly: write for rata•
Ingue- meter Rather College. 221 Queea
East. Toronto.
1 iron and wood -working machinery.
englnea, boiler•, steam pumps. gasoline
Pugtnes. electric motors, contraetori
mnchirtrr. err Rend for catalogue of
neer 1/00 rnarhinee. H. W. PF:TRIS.
Limited. T.,r,•.•tn. Montreal. Vancouver.
• • on easy terms. If you are going
west, eelsd for my het, it will pay you.
H. 1f. Mathews 75 Yong.. St., Toronto.
one of Ike marvels of the electrical age.
., use throughout the world. write for rata.
Inane. Donors! Acoustic Co., d Carafe, Ltd.
asg Toaseatr•N. Toronto.
Is Your Hearing Cood?
The 11EAR-O•PITONE will give you the
benefits of good hearing. Send for free
booklet, giving partit utars and names
of satisfied users. Also
Special Offer for a Month's Noma Trial.
334 Spadlna Avenue, Toronto.
Th•.e•th•d, omel-..e1 •t the A,n.:t Ienle. t.•
ere Me only !•.cusi u.etha le tor the e,o. o•
stlmtoeriee Th. -7 vest the CAlin, n,
r•.r., the ha••a. aol Inn .0 N ATI'n.I.
speech It .r. have the •..,hr..:.,r.a•,I.1.:. ...t
to your ap-erh dont hesitate towner us f..•••
p••pd. .•.ty•her.. Puuyhljt, (,aro Wet
ret. -rel:•. 11e,.1 nn request.
TAO Arnett Institute, Serlla,Owt„
"hut he wasn't a phy;ieal w't •� CAL VES Rabe TMfw Wsehsat Omni
until he gave nue the black es..s,t„kneelf«
3l r9. Slrongnund -"Our society nl•..s, brisg•lbed cot Ltd, TonatytO
bas appoint'd me chairman of n parents bur Mother Graves THE LIRDMAR TRUSS w '11 h..'
hernia. En.b.r..M L Jam raI w»le
Collllllllt/•4l whose` tib est 114 tU tr • to y (.,r.mo•1 mw•Iiral
1 ) worm 1�..lfertuinatur be.anse they 1 meets flee t°^''
bring nh.,ut a NVIue11 .11 in rents." U,Utrsai particu'an Fi LINUaILN. tK•edL
81reugnlind -"•1'111 glad to hear know it is t eufc medicine fur t11rir
- hildrrn and an ef[4.ctual expel!• 1 �LEANINQ wetLtptllN
it, la} dear. 1'eu can begin at once or worm.. oR
on my trou..'r+•" _ ADZES/0 OUT(
. • • eU1T
count.., people• make their owl' a be e.n• peer«11, ky oar !Prue• hrw••r Tea a
jnnl, I►nt people in the city gel SililBH AMRRIOAa Bnlwa OB.
theirs •11 the art et car+. faSUTSBala Toaursut (rrrswa • ursneo
itickle's Anti-('ontiuuptivc Syrup
in agreeable t•. the taste, and in a
certain relief s ler irritation of the A P P E N D
!!lost that .Gomes hacking coughs. ; sed. N ewk. !!'ewer. Wwtery i:yew. CIT' S
11 heed According to direct101114 1t YIN,
t,•It.•v.•,I Icy Alnr(nr hyc 1Lm•.1). Try
will break Ih.• 111111! )N•r1l,tetlt .40!,1, M ,rtno 1'ur 1"our 0..- TruuhIe.. You fired with o, ., •- t•.,•.. All a h,: at. nR
w'111 1,1ke Murine, 11 Hesrihrt. tJ,e At 5't'( -r1 wish th'• d:•en nrd ,.•t.h t,. hn
1111.1 Irst40re ill(• nlr pns,ag. ; In four IlruQglatA. wine 1'ur 1:yr (tool., coral r•••rntanrntly• •stet} and Qu)• kly
1bele normal h.Vllthy letldltion. 'i'rse. Murluo I:yu Ipinedy l'u., Tom ilio. wl(h 1hu it►rat nnmropathtr r.,nely,
whrrh will he Gent Irost-pnid anew,;, re
There is no need to recommend it In ib. world with full (nstn,Mlor•• for
to those familiar with it, but to The trouble 1+"1111 file Ilnl'.\IN`rle.l esing .n ns fo fRrrt permenen t rgrs.
!trite e1 Artrtrr•.e
2ho-e who seek 11 sure. remedy and is that it t'ro uftrn 1efn.e9 to Pup dehn T. Walt.
Neeweenethle 1harinacy,
al i. In doubt what to 11it1`, tho a(1- IFcb. Arnprlsy, cosnada.
The reason flint so many poopll• vice is try Itickle's Syrup. A GREAT DEMAND FOR
like an even tempered man is lies �..w A ('ure for Iihe,nlntism. .1 pain
cause they think they can give hire We dun'! mind seeing other pCO' fol and persist.nt form of rheuni:1 PAPER S 10 C K
t11', worst of it a11(1 gel away with I (e get life ill 1114. world to long as tim, 19 caused ht impute -it ie- ,n the
It. they refrain from using ns as step- blond, the result of def( .- t t.• n.• WASTE PAPER or +►.i, r:c true!+.
ways •pr•11k ..f the blushing
••••••• JO
1111V Gull('{. 21(111 of the liter and klllllr. 'te• Also Rot(-, Iron. penis. Rob ,.rp. Bio.
/e►r GaeM' Fa;nkllter; it's sttscN Ira Onion
I•t:ti,•''" `llr "Nelhlllg very re.Ins(.nI'n.o,i'
. Purr. rule, horn. ant l.rul(•,. !titled 'weenies (Hinted by (1. 111111, E. PULLAN *1.1.1Ae and M►ud Ste.
,akso Internally run• tram)'.. •Ilareboa anJ Keep Mlnard'e Liniment In the hems*. (h1 1, rn .•f Ilei(• ask / Trronl ,. Ont
111:11 k:1111 • :(loll! if, e,,hisI(1,'flny,( the it •eater)). Arvid robs!!!nte. lhe:ebbut nna I, which . ie - Phone for wink:tiers l!,tu It•
lcil.d ..f own most worsen marry." '1'Atati11er•'- POUF Mlle -YSa led Y, much p.tin in the tissues and 111 tie•
_�• .1 NARROW 1:gC.11'1?. feints. 1'nrinclec's Vegetable I'll's •
Mlnard's liniment Lumberman t Friend. Leve i:t ,I;hs nt locksmiths be- Little ldoy's mother hod lo1d hint mi• known to have effected ml1tI) Best for Children
------• cause 21- . • in't keep the wolf from not to cry when het hurt himself. remarkable cures. and their use I%
( f:e day he fell down and humped strongly recommended. :1 trial of
hi. head. H. mastered himself then) will con% Mee 21113"ne of their
Ask far Mrnard s and take no o(htr With a struggle. and said: "Mani .allot.
11`,1, the juice \t'IV near came out
\ 1'(11,1'1'1: iN(,11 Ili!'. of ►n\" eyes." '!'llr -"(hl my last vewngr 1 saw
\ few <In1s after n fanner had '"--------- - waves one hundred feet high'" In113.Si 1f1E111CtIL KRC116i1Stit `lOS
h"11i a pig (o n neighbor Ice
'} - 4N Spar •'`i'vr been a sailor fort}' Gtvcainsient►clicf\+hrnlittlrlhront.
ch:,nred t•, pass lh:, neighbor's sC :•;• e i f year, and never seen 'en► ever. are irritated and .ore ("oohingroot.
place, where he Saw the Tittle luny �a•s- j` ((�� `` ��t, reify." Tar- ''1''rapv not; (tut' areno irtatend d sorcasant to take
sitting on tho edgo of the pig pen, tom, •;