Exter Times, 1910-05-05, Page 51
THE EXETER Tibias, MAY bth 1910
••••••••♦♦•••♦N•♦NN♦♦•♦♦♦N♦♦NN♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦H♦ ;
The Molsons Bank 1
incorporated 11355
CAP TAL (paid tip)
$3 isoci.000.00
.- Has ski Branches in Canada. and Agents and Correspondents in all the i
Principal Cities in the World.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department I
�at•alt Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. •
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
16-41••••••••••• *4f• •••••••••• ••••••••41•••••• •• •• ••••• • • •
i. S. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
jVVTANDER LAIRD, General 1![anager I Reserve Fund, - 6.000,000 Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy has
Given up by Doctor
"I had dropsy, and was told
by my family physician that
there was no chance for me. My
y gave me up. My
limbs and body were swollen
one-third larger than natural,
water collected around niy heart
and I had to be propped up in
bed to keep from smothering. I
took Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy
until I was entirely cured. 'Phis
was in 1902, and I ani now able
to do any kind of work on my
farm. My cure was certainly
\`' ilmore, Ky.
The new Travellers' Cheques recently issued by this Dank are a most convenient
way in which to carry money when travelling. They are issued in denominations o%
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200
sod the exact amount payable in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden
tial Switzerland is stated on the face of each cheque, while in other countries
they are payable at current rates.
The chutes and all information regarding them may be obtained at every au.
or the Bank. 131A
Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager
Branch oleo at Crediton.
4-14-14-;-:-1-I-44++++++++++++++++ 1
AT 40
been wonderfully successful in
heart trouble. Its tonic
effect upon the heart nerves and
nitlscles is a great factor its
assisting nature to overcome
heart weakness.
Price $1.00 at your druggist. He should
supply you. If he does not, Ilene price
to us, we 'arward prepaid.
nie \li!i; r. \\ iIlie Ziler, Howard
'1'rtt utte•r. Valentine Becker. Jr. Pt.
I-Eluu)re i{licnfc!d1. Elda 9ltsener.
Edward Messmer. luno Merman. \l.
Becker. A. C. Milligan, Teacher.
Thames Road
Girls Waisted to \Worlt in Clothing
Factor)' Exeter. as ,operators on ma-
chine* and hand,aewina, by the Jack-
son Manufacturing Co. Apply .to G.
'VOL] will regret you did
\\• Unt'' u e . or t[ml p'rticulnrs.
not attendone ofCanada's Have you seen the cornet.
Very recently some of our young
High -Grade Business Col- 4- neighbors ait.hiug to be enlightened
leges, located at •F a little on the sub!ect of the comet,
4't0 (lo that Painting, Pa- arose one morning to Ret a view of
't Peterborough Welland poring or Graining. To Pa -
that heavenlyion 0trolly, which has the
1 �,distinction of possessing a long tail.
Orangeville Wingham :, have it (lone promptly They looked totvarus the raft and
'` and properly go 10 there behold, was a -- what ? One
Clinton Walkerton .� 1 1 Ysaid it was the cornet for the tell
could be seen but another lhoui;ht
that the t11 Dart was ilnagination as
MhI�O� Harris It looked more liken star. However
enter. ,'1I we should all be able to have a look at
it this month without having to rise'
Our graduates receive before the usual time.
from $400 to $1500 per Crediton, Ont. A number of the members of the
Ministerial Association timet at the
I anum. Presbyterian Manse on
`Mail Courses in tiro Prices Right and satisfaction Y Monday.
Miss iiodKo is atayinR with her eis-
ditTcrcnt subjects. ma -
ter Mrs. Spading.
Miss Anne Allison was a visitor at
Miss Mary Kydd's on Monday.
Write for particular:, � Crediton 111 r, and Mrs. Gowan were Sabbath
+ visitors at Mr. James Monteith's.
Clinton Business Wanted 10 Work in Clothing Me. and Mr. Leigh ,of Kirktou, were
x Factory Exeter, as ,operaiors on ma- visitors at Mr. John Allison's on Sun-
College :. chines and band eiewind, by the Jack- day.
+ non lfanufncturing Co. Apply Ito G.
Dir. Frr.1 Stewart is confined to his
•�. W. [laves, 'Supt.. for :full particulars. })ed for :a .. bile with a sore leg.
(leo. tipotu:u, Principal.-
V. If some 4 f those gentlemen who
Ur. McCue, fonnerty of Crediton, were very p 11 tial to pork last winter,
to Fri'•1-•F.•(r•F-1•d :•-1"l•,t•.-:-:-•:-.... ; :--:'-i- oho has neon visiting in Centralia. would take a stroll along the Thames
left on Thursday evening or fast week Road th. y would very probably
;' -
for Regina. Sask. The doctor is go stumble a. et. two old tons and about
VLil 1 ital. %a % in,1 out with the intention of locating a dozen toal! pigs, if they would do
r r / i/ in the West. the disauptoring Irick with a couple
F nt
' ri cr ,o,.{notion
�� A /,t ck,N take the n tt
jZ•[•C • 1 rtor so the t her might. t k
i. �/%G Jr
'sbr th-
•, his o
• 'til
e ' i own visiting t}
n) o R•u piggery with
•w• dot r in his tend to none his
.fr Char •'. in hie own limits and not having his
M'w, Lillian Geiser was in i.ondoif pigs a nuisance to the whole neigh.
Three Departments Saturday. on business. - boyhood.
Commercial. Shorthand an
Therfarmers should'd not
\r.11; tnrd.neroast
Frillid 5_t
Telegraphy • ,Ino about not having enough rain but act sudden w taken al. out in eine.-
* till you wi.Igind some fretting about
We'11hst improved. '
assist . raduntes to posi-•
having too touch rein.
Dons. The demand upon us • i Mies Mary Bertrand ,spent a day In \I r, F'. C. Stewart the otter eh
for trained help greatly 1x- • Exeter visiting friends, ''•iPP,d and tell and is at pn -
cceds the supply. The three • 1 Iloiese-c:ginning is the ,order of 'thr ':''d tip with •a sore knee.
most recently placed are re- da with 'the 'neop'e around this burg Two ch 'dren or :Mr. James Illall:u.
ceivin„ $40,00. $50.00 and 5100 ,. tntster•e arc lcveliinq off rho tyn sr• . ( at• their home with pacts -
1 The
month respectively, Bee- icemetcry and it should rnake n great rn'.•! I,
-°-- -
ims men state our graduates • Iitnprovement for shear neve room for
are the best. Enter our ease- �tto 'etth nic to Is' done.
anow. Get our free cata:atly- We and•r.lnnd that Mr. George
1). A. McL:1CIiLAN.(Young is goingto move his (finale
o; to London in ;the near future. John
Principal. • will certainty he mimed.
• • Council meeting env held in the
M••••••••••••••••••♦•••••• 1.0" :11 Hal on 'Monday.
Th •t town cnn only boner of having
en hot .I. Mr. Clark .waagiven thr^e
monlhi to sell out hot he decided to
Pianos ,ton ane,, runderstn. iiecrt is
,(o ng back at hie oat job. Success
e' er retnrned
` 1�' h 1
I is., Bertha ink n
home after !spending n few weeks In
Exeter v Oiling friend,.
A nuncio r from here attended the
1 i a fir was10-
I r !lorry 11od n.
fora / rRto Rent
torted n the Church of l:n;t:and ceme-
tery, lir n.' -y, The deceased had been
$'L per 'Month .tial Up. til'e and b Arty lip to the Iait two
)rare. 11.• w ns !Sting with hi, sun.
Jame. on .11 • oaf homestead,
Are Your
Children Puny ?
A Suggestive Letter to
Nature is not often at fault.
Stupidity and thoughtlessness of
par. its are responsible for many of
the half-dead men and women we
Their fathers and mothers did not
supply the aid that would have et t
their body uclivitles luso full force to
develop vitality and rugged strength.
Mrs. Timothy Bristow srites a 1.I -
ter that should set thousands of Isar-
ents thinking: "My Lo)• and girl•
fourteen and sixteen years old. looked
6 IIJontlls l'('llt allowed 011 No Serra s w•cr:• held in the Meth- pale and puny. They seem••) not to
care for play like neighbors' children.
ocl a church Sunday inornin{
/ Inst 0,1 They were too effeminate anti lacked
the purchase ')f a new 1 a110 :'Account of quarterly 'fleetingservices something 1 would have liked to Pee
lead in 's h • Vetere -tee church. then) possess. 1 don't know what Put
What's Ih - utast -r (with the 2lth• It Into my head, but 1 gave up mak-
ing cookies and !wit 1 disites, and it
didn't take me long to bee they wer,
eating more of the right kind of fold.
1 just thought I would give thorn
Mr. W. i,..leevis, of Toronto, son of 30111e of my own !Dale, ' F'crrozonc.'
!dr. 11 -m. Lewitt. ons OIH tnled 011 in n and was delighted with the result.
Toronto hoepitat for appendicitis. Th. 8001 an appetite 11 Rnt•e !Font! The)•
operation ons success,nl and Mr. grew fairly fat tool had n lovely peak
i.. n:A i! c.reet;d ,ova. ,horny, color. I think when such a good tonic
as Ferrer.' ne Is nt•alluhle thin' 1.4 n+
excuse for delicate children. Certain -
Ta e: :Dear - i i • : • ;•or: of 8. fa ly bite of nourishing food. and F. re -
e0. v fe • ',: r \dines in or.) r mune will give a child a gra at chance
of r . 1'• i i:::nz. • inhale to grow up hearty and r:trong."
heat( M ' r• r • • " Int. Th.e •!d.-.
Tr: ran.:. " , .. "1' tan r. t+
0v:•rho:t. ( - i iT • i:lrnz. Th,.,-FERROZONE
Thru'day. to Michael Fletcher! for dor.. \i' 1 r,r , t•',!di. 1-,i- 4
noon; 1Ilenc: to sista 'Rout ly st for w:n It .:. • :1. ', ',` •• rnd. Ot' Makes Health!
n:rrhr, Friclay. to Hohn laelland ae Truelu(: r. id , M -n r. ;;''y Nrhr r
(i1'nn.hard. for noon : th, ne - (0 0I:- ,ler. t';. 1 . t !'r •i ,belt. C. i And iccrrnznnr• is a Ruud tt•r:1r sur
ver Ilarr:e' for 01xht. i.r.:7,.. L ri: C111,41111:,, old touts, too ft's full of nutrition and
(ahem -a • 1.
N s's h i ••
fiatnrdny, ;n .Tnmre c01 t, .:n .:: •blond-Lu11d1nR properties and snakes
Bold. for noun : th, ne:• to his own '•1 -.•,, : , -' r, P -\r r '•1 ori- Chr - the weak ttmng
very quickly. Try
stab',• an the follow'in: Monday ; n:t II r:,'r.'o-•n^:t i n. i'. Fell I one or two tablets with pew mettle
morn `Ill r. •i:'••:i. d,. i' . •Ih ‘Vi, gaud. Henry,Fifty cents per box, Nix for $2.30; all
(:EU. -ma an e. 5'mate, ler and\inn- 0 e:c r. II ,'
r: M.e'r•r. Sr. 1't. idealers. or The Catarrhozone Co.,
seer. :\ :n -. Il.ir: olio. Ti!1! • Mee!!I r. Er. Kingston, Canada.
\1r. Fred 1'oan;r returned home at-
ep •nd rig n f, tw ,dnya in Toronto
- v:ei.in,t friends.
Lk! FFNi:• 1.
No. 111 .1181. Vol.:. XIV
1;I t;, 11,• 1 h route this season as
follow.' Monday. May 0th will liana+
his nen stable. Lot Zit. Con. 13, Rib-
ber( and go to Chi- !horst thence
south to John Horn y's for noon;
lhene • to las own stab!, for night,
v -her• he wilt remain •t.1 day Tn;erley.
Wednt <dny. to John John's for noon :
tbt nc • to •for. itflwKing .for night.
lar. %a:tilted to \1•urk in Collate!
Factory Exeter, u++ operators on 111:1
ch nc; and hand !sewing, by the Jack-
son Manufacturing Cu. Apply 10 0.
W. Davis, tiupt.. fur dull particulars.
Mrs. W. 1'. Data With in '!'orun(0
:ani weds attend:u„ lite funeral u%
h •r broth -r. Mr. Tho;. lei,;;ins. bar -
r --ter u: that wily. who was t1•::1
:Hill favorab:y known in Ibis section.
and -o very it hl1 r .(ICt,d In •rora
onto. u; th new paper reports choly, "i am only thirty yeas.• old. yet for
\'rty much �cmpathy i- (els here fur almost two years 1 have f •I1 more like
seventy-five. tat Bund 1
1 1 t difficult
\I r. and 11r.�, Davis
\(ru',\1', 1. Ft rd. uad Lrothn.r eEd- to sleep at night and In the morning
11•;t1,. of Lo,omis. \l ash- -10 ;Ir•, trot so depressed and heavy that et-
her: vi= tin; thole father. \l r. ,1 elm tort was difficult. My hands were al-
her.- clammy and perspiration on
Ford. who ha; been so very ill. We sllgltt effort would break out all over
are pleased to It•arn he !s somewhat tae. It true not unnatural that I
improved. Mrs. Hunun•d is u'5o her ehnnid begin to bones over the chance
from 11:ooinebur; 1'a.. V siting her that 1 ahuuh{ anon be unfit to do my ,
(:1th••r. stork• and this dread made my sleep-
\\'• node. by the Toronto dallies It ss nights perfect misery. After re-
peated trials of medicine and mix- i
of Al r, 11, N. Me'1'lt;„art. of Chisel -
Dr, Hamilton's PM* gave too
horst, is doing a very large and cite -
first gleam of hope. From rho
ce t;hu business at'a real estate went. very first 1 could sec they wen, dif-
1'h fo,lotyin ; officers have b •rn ferent In action from other pills. They
,: ctcd in connection with the . didn't gripe and acted as naturally as
If nature and not the pills were
north League: President G. 1'o,lick• cleansing my clogged up system. My
1.t \ ice. \1'01. 'Maunders. 2nd \Tice, spirits rose, 1 felt much better, the
Mts. Mil!)ard. 'ird..\'ice Miss L. IJo.• sluggish action of the system gave
ton, 4th Vice. _Hies Myrtle Clark: way to normal activity. Dizziness and
recording secretory. 'Aliso L,:cc Hum- headaches ceased. appetite, good color.
,stun: corresponding Pecreatry !Hiss and ambition to work returned and
Pearl Meek; treasurer, Miss Bertha have remained. I am like a new man
11!atchfor'd: organist. Elisa Laura not. and I thank Dr. Hamilton's Pills for It
ton; asst. or4anist. Mr. !toy Geiger. all."
lltl�t Sara .1. fates art. teacher in B.
Thls was the experience o[ J. I•`.
S. No. .1 Hay has resi;ncd her posi- Parkhurst, a well-known grocery
and Las z on an nJndecl dealer In Jefferson. Follow h18 tui-
tion _on
ion:•nn tour with other re:atives. vice, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills for your
stomach, kidneys, and liver, and you'll
They took passage on the Rteamer enjoy long life and robust good health.
Frederick des Grosse, %which Left New All dealers self Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
York on April :10th and railed for In yellow boxes. 25c. per box, from 'rho
ita'v. Before returning they expect Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, nut.
to visit tunny important and note-
worthy places in S11it,eerland, Ger- Dr. Hamilton's Pills
many. France. ru :and% iralnnd told
Scotland. Mi's Stewart will b very
much missed in Ihie Fection. not only
by her scholars. who had become ver) Liver and Kidneys
much attach:d to her but also by all
thus • x ith whom she nseociated. Shy
will be slice:eded by Rob:rt It. Jatnie- gpAlrl''A
son. of Clyde. Wentworth Catintt,
Mrs. John Johnston bas ,rt -turned '.:r:s WOO. .1 to 'Wm k in C:o.latie
Those Who Lack Energy
and are Unsuccessful
Should Read This Closely.
from spendine a few Creeks with her
date attar. alre. Douglas. of weir i3lake.
Mrs. J. C. Stem art has sod hr -r
dwelling. on Iticbn,ond street south.
to Mrs. J. Bili;. 1. ho takes p0s8•'Fi011
in the fail.
The i-:citat of the story of Ben Hue,
a; ,-en y :M'smmn Ins. u
dt•r 5ilivaub.piersiss 1of iIr.i Juniorroilih:en-
Casa in the \1:thodist church. on Fri-
day cv;n`.n.t wa, 0.011 attended and
much enjoyed. The church orchestra
added much to the enjoys,: nt of the
Our newly organized thra's band is
down to hard 0lrnctice end obit fro
doubt soon give a good account of
them= eve,,
\l's• 11 dd •n. of tOriilio. was 11 -re
recently v:atin,l her brother.
Qua • a number from Ifensall and
w. coni, r ;.:nd Al the sprint show at
Itruc. 1. d on Friday et! Ince 1. vele .
Vis) atone i:c•mp•hns returned from:
Fre: :lust. Mich.. :where the has been
sp:•ndin,r the winter 'with her parents,
Bev. Mr. Smith (de:leered two excel-
lent sermons in Carmel church on Sab-
bath last which .have been the subjects
of very fayoraole,commen, from large
nu berg.
Mrs. iii. C.ark Sr.. intends to take
a Trip to the ted coufntry h:r native
Mr. John Moore hal added cens:dcr-
eel- to the !machinery in his machine
repair shop in .Petty's b:ock and now
has a very rood e luipmcnt.
Mr. T. Shaddock and ehi.dren were
in Londesboro and n1i4bbothood vis•
itin,f re:ativ,s and friends on Sabbath
Mr. Erna. Stacey. r•.dtct Pon o! Mr.
John Slac:•y. oho has been in Clinton
� a 'rood peention. tntr de
in; this wc:l..,r
or Saskatoon. where h^
flee secured a respon:ib:e situation in
a c o.lin; t•stabliehwent, We twist,
h'm na succ.•as,
Mao I o. l y Moore. vis-
London. � 1
i t_
iting her sister. Mri.. Simpson.
Mr. Mamuet Couit,r, who is ntten'r-
ing the Medical College at London. i;
spending bis holidays with his par, nts
'41r, and Mrs. John Coulter.
'Fes Uo!ly Hagan. •of Iliac Green.
Toeeday w'i.h aricnde here. on
•• home lrorn London. w her.. Ah:•
d the coneeeration of ltishop
1 F'a:lon bee moved into the
devil:n,, recently occupied by Mr. A
IL King on Richmond street south.
(::r:s Wanted to Work in Clothin,l
Factory Exeter, ni .operators on ma-
chine. and hand st•wing. by the .lack -
son Manufacturing Co. Apply lo G,
Dara. Supt.. for aunt perticnlar-.
lilr. 1'. Mauch line been very ill the
fore part of the we:•k but is soot-'-
tt hat improved,
Mr. nrel Mrs. John Laporte. of th
$aub'.e h n.- left on Saturday after-
noon. for Stratford. '1'h: y wit} ;to tt
visit London and Chatham re:tidy,-i.
e realm.
before t hr t r rn.
Ucnth has removed a prom:sint
young man, forrner.y of Zurich. in
the p,•reon of Aired 1•:, Faust. eldest
son of alr. *1). 8. Faust. at Lewiston.
Idaho, 011 April 21st, as the result of
an opernr,on on -the 15th previous.
He never ra:licd from the effects of
the operation and gradually sank un -
death relieved hie sn([cringe. Alfred
wee n gen:rat favorete here and made
many friend.; nil through Ilia 'revels.
IIP left here 13 years ago. Ile lenve9
besides hie )ouneteidow in Leweeton:
his fath.•r, Mr. ,1). S. Faust, and one
heir r. of 'alitverton and Mrs. \Ym,
lloi'n,an. of this ;town and n host of
Persona: friends twha deeply 111011111
brother Mr. Sant J. Faust hot of
%ur:ch: 140 sis(ers, (afr=o h'nr. Fink -
h s !0+.,
Mr. .1. -1}ernrr 505rt:wed :roof
the 11•eet on Friday.
Rev. A, 1). Giechler eh:,. be •n !Oa-
t:oned here for another year. which
will make n fit • .year term. th 'don't
n'iolc<•d for th,. Kvan elic11 conzre-
,;al 011.
Mrs. L'ndenfi • d. of Exeter. visited
h -r eat •r Mrs. .1. .1. Merner. la••
" r. haver job lone r (' infOst. vie -
1,•(1 his mother, Tho.., ...• a :ow days
'a-, 44
Mr. and \ir•, 0, ort; •Thies and Mks
I'ran,t sp'nr Sunday at Mr. O,+wa:d's
Bronson lane
Mrs, Gordon. of Ciev,leMI. is in
town visiting her moth •r. Mre.
Seim •; r •r. who i:, 1lnite J!',
I' ,holy Exet r. a .operators on ma-
ch nes and hand setv,ng, by the •Iacl:-
1nnmlfaotur.wR Co. App': :0 t;.
t1 II,v A, Supt,. for dull par- r:'ar..
• L. itahb. of \titch•• I. : ' Je,
st of her s'ster. Mr . II '. -"n.
•Ir. and Mr-. J. Wesel el It ,: - e,.
day n i,h re:ativ in Cctl:ra:ia.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Goo:d.n r. 0•: Stra -
ford spent Sunday a: the former'.
The concert :r:vc•n in ;h • Town<hie
hall. on Tuesday _even' 0'. ender the
auApices of the Literary Society was
largely attended. notwithstnndint th •Always 00 Hand. Leave Your Order' r,i' Fall 111)
incleut•ncy of the ,weather. Mr. Owen
Snt''.r•y. of Toronto. ton• of Canada's PHa� 2
foremost e: ocutionis11. ea ve •a n':ntt).•r
of his ort otiac Phor• r1;- e is:':i R. Ge SELDON, Exeter.
of humor and tch'.ch 1w,•r • •c iv d
with much np;.'hive nod Fid -split! 1I1-7
lett atter. Mr. 0. A. Gamehy. o; (•r•
ono. [endr•rt•cl at neral of it's l+o{111'11[ - FOIE TO YOU AMD EVERY SISTER SUFFER.
satire. which war: meal appreciat d' FREE TO YOU MY SISTER IRO FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS.
Mr, -Lorne Robbins. ce Liskard, sena 1 am a wot.nn.
a nnn►ber of •o:os in : xeel'ent 5 1y1e. :- '( 1 k,ow'810.:411'9 sntleritags.
Mr, 1•', le Hutchison. President o: the 11
ha.0 found tt:c euro.
Society. act^d as.chnirm:lu. twill wail Tree et any charge, my hems treat.
>' agent with full instructions lit ally suttercr from
Ohs by on • the o d !andmnrks o. p;:, + ttoutcnbullmcnte l Want total!• I Nou.en ahoub
!libbert lost whip nn• i ;►spin; awn).daughter, yuur mother. or your sster. I want to
this euro- you, fey rutder, fur yourself, your
Robert Li vin ttton -. a: the a;_!.. of 79.
"great beyond" on r : tr11 you how to cure yourself at home. without,
was called t0 th
Saturday. A r!1 23rd. Deca had the hclp of adoctor. Atatuw'
cuaFu terieg+. What we woolen know from ez.
be:n in fainter .health 11:1 trimer and 'tt rlsar/a me know tatter nue, ar.ydoctor. I know
his dealt, ons :not a n:ooked for. H: that My horns lrt,t nlcut 1.+111...41.- and sure cure for
tette born at Net1•eost!e. flat. and come
¢ ' placement orEatllni �ofttoWomh,Profuss,Scasty
cant, west ;vitt] his tlife nod family
r orPalolulPeriods.Uterineur0$ariasTumorsor
nears tort ears-a;o. settling on lot '�. ➢p^ !iron -thin Rao pants is the head. hack indb web.
y ] ybe•ringdoenteslings, nervousness,creeptogfset.
1.2. con. I1. llibbert eh:rt h • resided Int up the spine, melancholy. desire to cry, het
unlit about ten Sear, oto. wUe11 h^ .1}:• 6 ►► 1 flashes, weariness, kidney and bladder troublea
retired and trent ,to ICirk(on to live. ., where caused by weakness recunar to our sex.
Two years A to he went to the home of I scant turcnti you weomplete 10 d•ys'trestm,et
�i estlrely free to prove to you that yon can cure
hs dos.;,( --r. NI/E, 13, Mc non eta 11 and `our,elfathome. aa'lly,quleklyanrisurely Itcmember,ttl+.tltwillCo$tyouno1 i.S&10give
whet[ she moved west last fall, he thetrcattuentacompletotrial;and(f)•ouehouldwish50Coullane.iluillcu+ry0110niyat)otlt12
came to this viiia;:• to lin+. IIis wid- rents a week. orics+thanhrocent+aday•. 15 will not iftterterew'i(h,-ourxorkoroteupntion.
uw a suffer,if 'ou w( -b nr 1 1 oil sendou t o
s n • 1 1y eh1 h
des ou►a m •ndaddress.. Im)
�•e children
s 53
r ••, i so thr.,
N• 11 V:t. him, M h 1 .,' 1 •tui mm to
o i n,.i ora r not ram d. iwllnl.wm•t u 1r
cwtnlent fu u ., • er r. o in} 1, n
tr r o raw I et1 11 / f
I ADVISEYY"wit ,h nn u i ustration;•sh w
Mr, John Livintatonc o; yra(Lt: 11r-. efcost,mybook-'•wo1MAN•SUwNINtiDIt:AL R heat 1 t rq 11 0
Thomas McCurdy. nenr I:'rkton. led lnitwhywntuenanRer,andhowlheyenncesiIreurothemselce+athoulo. 11!..); el
\Ira. D. llcbouta:I. of lJ0 .5i n), Sask. Uon�'yo�r an�lyfdteforh)�okn�IthThourat.Iyef4* neem, ecundoetur �lthcm.sI eiwithmyhome
interment took p'acc on Tuesday to reme,lq, It cores all, eldoryoun . '1'o Mothers of Dauihters, 1willozplainasimplehom0
i r 1 I1
, L,•nrnr h0•. , tern Sir ne,w and Painful u
,all stn k r
treatment w r ,: w '1 met%et )
lM t h1 h eth w l l
'!!11((11 cemetery. Irrr alar Meted rust in Young IAdlc-. Manninol and healti, lway3ar•esultfront its use.
Mr. and D1re, .1. Carmen. ;Mitchel. t-herrver you lien, 1 can refer you to ladies of your own locality w'ilokno•v and w(ll gladly
visited re:ntives in'tbe village on Sun- tellwnr-urrernrthettthleMosretrealssestreally 11 women'.dl•atisc+nndmwkeswomcn
well strong. plump audro1,1-1 Just sendwasyoursddreas,andthefear:tenday;1ceatmeutto
your: al -u the book. It'ritu to nisi. a+you may not aro this offer again. A Idres.
MRS. M. SUMMSRS. Sox 11 N11
who need the serrlt•13 . f ext. ,'t spceialls(a
44 by xst
ae your 11,43 Ise 11.441 g with
d,n•tora you taw n„lh,:+g e(, xhy xasle
yeurnlotwy with uUlli Pts (-kettle belts
r drug More nostrums, xbe
u can get
euarauteed, reliable, s1100e45:1.1 treatment
trout these Master Specsrlists. Drs. K. • K.
1•.110 treated butler 1a tt,r t,;!.out Cannula
for over :d) ears and er.. les, onslblo fluau•
cull)•. They accept oily cr.ral le cares and
. Foul! your earn pmeo O,cu:uble tt uctd
1.4 t cost you a cant, 1f you ate unable to
call at our r Mee for apt rr.onal examination
tvuwiltsendat1ue 15 1) List for 3011 to hill tip
(ram x b11•11 wit can de e:nose your vase and
1--11 you xbether you are curulde or not.
'i hen 4.0 will prescritar spe•cit:o remedies
for your individual caro obich you can
at borne. We have uo el r••all remedy
ibat !.0,.1,1 to every(ndy aal:e ut most
specialists do. but no p1" ser:t:o the rent•
roles required for each lr,;h'1 lual ease to
complete a cure. Tiutt sone cf the secreta
Of our wondcr(ul sa-c x Fru ewers fall.
Send for our Free Eooklet on Diseases Of
Men ,I lium:aced. )
Wo Guarantee to Cure
Nervous Debility, Blood Di . , Varicose
Veins, Kidney, Ela!,'cr and
Urinary Dieea:cs
1f tunable to call, write for a Question Blank
for Homo Treelmcnt
Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
OTICE All letters from Canada must Le addressed
lerNto our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
s••••••••••••• mein in Windsor, Ont. 1f 4011 desire to
ser u.; personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
I,.1s,rjtory for Canadian lousiness only. Address all letters us follows:
"...Writs) for our private address.
Cement, Lime,
Bean. horts and iour
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
to po
Mr. F.d :at Boston o as Of, rat .11 on `' ' :theta 2't ,yen r9 -.v when las loss
,or ai1P-nd!citi, on Tu' !day by Drs. 11: nerd .o shout 1.' OOO, Hirt many
Mair. of Ssaffa. and (coat of $e•lfotth, (r:, anis d sire him In mbui:d and the
alas Il•:ugh Walkout and •r the proia,, its, nr.• Fat be will in the
doctor's care a; pr:!^nt. n nr future.
o:r't \Wnntrd ;o 'Work in Clotbin.r
:tory .Exeter, se operators on mat
chin •A and hand sewing. by the Jack• Failed to Cure Rheumatism
ton Manufacturing Co. Appy to 1;.
11, Ilnv .t, Supt,. for tfn!t plrticit ars.
Mr. Jncob Gai.ser is improving hi-
prop,•riy by pettin,t ne a it et- lawn
1 A man's wife should alweye be
front fent fele, Task.-" i was a sufferer the same especially to her husband,
male weakness - monthly It,ut it she is weak and nervous. and
periods irregular uses Carter's Iron fills, she cannot
,. "Peel ;►nd .slab!! and a
a ".!flet been enthusiastic ere likenn n hu
1 r make I cg tic user
,• r they Of
b fo 1
had discharR0. different person;' so they all say Nerviline for years, t feel It my duty
b a c k a c it e a nil
intheir husbands s.:y so too. t11 ten)a'u personally what your won•
w r r tette(' head- derful preparation has done for me.
ache. and had felt Mr. Wm. Su elite:- spent Sunday .I. ••1 rutfered torture from rheumatism
weak eversincethe 7 :teen. and heart trouble, tried scores of so•
birth of my twins• called remedies', co, -ulted for weeks
l tried rlhal )1r. Iltoken'h re o' Dashwood me - and months with T,.ronto's most c•mi-
ant no relief. I be. r''s'liar Ir.p; to our ticitr•t4. tions •nent physicinne. but derived only slight
Stan to take Lydia al.rnctioiu. benefit,
E. 1'inkhatn's veg.
Th,• cote lagging bnsinc! f seems to "�\ friend Inslgte d on my using
etable Compound, `) • 1 h order of the day. Itatepeycrs a.ervIIIne, and t•. nmy surprise at vig-
and after three o- ho pound any cattle all caul • th • orous rubbing ,.f this pnwerftll 11111"
weeks Iiiasfeelin bet'' no fan. centred mike mon.•)• '115, stent mean my pairs and reduced thot
notch better, and now I am well again." a r, What about 81epbc•nf atlfint ss In my j•)Inta. 1 I'er continued to
R use \ervlline and w'ai hcrtnnncnlly
-Mrs. Its:ssii: lithe, Dovedale, Sask.,
I:. Illnl, .1. Sw -iii r. of Serail. eurod. I nm note {.,•rtoctly welt, and
Can:ula• I hotu•• 11 i f••r three yenrs hate
: f.•t: drip: at li s
Another S'onsn1i ('urrtl. ,1, CURED had no nc�umat►sttt
Christiana, Tenn, --"1 suffered from
\I r. 11. Patton Ind n:�o Frank !' ;• at all. I know ninny,
the worst fails of female tiutlhh• Sofernlike where no
that at times I thought I could 11111 't r have !eft for Cai_3;r). Alta. �,� other medicine but
live, and my nerves Were in a dreadful Mast 841 tt:r i; filen:1r r:t P. YEARS Nervilhte Is kept -
condition. Lydia F:, l'inkham'gVege• ,::!,,; .'lai:!s. ,. it Is so useful In
table Compound cured T11 1' :uttl'Made l.l:no1 a„nlrnt, Ilk.• earache, toothache,
me feel like a different woman. Lydia
Mae T. A. Br:•'ldman ndtn ni!t+ r •i neurnlgla, coughs, roldtt, lumbo, o, and
E. 1'inkhant's Vegetable Compound is ;it • 83crnn1 •nr nt t ho St1'pk 1 M, : i Kers-Hine- !viatica. i call Kers-Hine my "Life
worth its weight in gold to sutTertnl(d';t chetah au 4::ntlay. Moy l•', (guard, and urge all to try it ,)crit:'
ttnlneln. \1rs,MAisY\V'(lrmf), H.1'.1)3. ()n Satnrdn A •ril 23rr1 ;h; tarot.' Dec. t.th, 113 Palm• r-,
if you brhHt to that rnnnticss arm ) 1 Avenue, •f :oto,
,. R Y bni'din,t n!ed na n setcmill. flax frill
of 110111en Who suffer from some form .,,,d eho rr combin^d, mw•ncd b • Mr. Refuse anything CIAO offer nstead
of female ills, don't hesitate to tr • ; PP ) of Nrnlllne, GOe per bottle • al alae,
5 vane! Swearer. Reeve hi' Stephen- •+;,c, All dealers. er The to • :hosone
Lydia 1•:. 1'ttikiiam's \'t'getable Com- twat envoi/41.'1y destroyed by fire '4 i• h
pound, made from roots and herbs. 1-I it• contents, Th • fire took i1
For thirty years this f;tmntts remt•(ly 11 th • ni;tht and had got conoid ran'
• standard a l f rtes of
has been thI I headway n - 'torr Fein,; tnOtic.�d, rncen-
female ills, and has cured thousands of c1 -1r3 Is et ou,rht go nt• 1h • cause. Th
women who have been tron,blcd with 'os -t tilt. diweitter will be nhoet
such ailments as displacements fibroid .Loan, Ther. was no insurance on
humors, ulceration. irregularities, ,h,• nai'din;T. This is (iv second tint
backache, and nervone prostration he he 4 14(0(hirrned out. th, first time
Miss Flora Chapman Viv-
idly Describes Her Suffer-
ings and Ultimate Cure
With "Nerviline."
Cures Rheumatism