Exter Times, 1910-03-31, Page 3ERAIiO ON A TRAIN
- ots Conductor and Pullman Car Porter
at Wilmington, Delaware.
deapat. h from 11'ilntingt.4n, )fiat instantly. When C(.nduetnr
says: Three men Here kilie 1 %Vellum,' saw the porter and rats
lurthbound Baltimore & Ohio! up, Bethea tired :t second shot into
ailroad train "n Wednesday af- the shored man's ,'hen,
ternoon in a fight which began at 11 11 111'11 n word. he shut \V4- hila11
Newark, Del., and costed in a dc, through the heart. TL•e conductor
pirate battle between the police, fell dead in his tracks. Before the
ded by the firemen and citizens,' 1•:Is . i. ers could interfere the
nd a windily'. at Delaware Sia 'f,• .lite murderer barricaded hinh-
lon here. following the arrival . f , -el in the toilet room of the 1101 -
the train at 5.17 o'clock. Several map ear and threatened to kill the
were wounded. The dealt are: O. first pence who ;,pl.roachecl. Mean
E. Wellman of Philadelphia. con- while, the tram reached \Vilii'g-
ductor of the train; Samuel \\-il- too. When it carne into tite statins
)lams, colored, Pullman porter. and a hurry call was sent to the police
J. H. Bethea of 1)iltol, S. C. The station. When the ofl'hters arritc41
triple tragedy was the result of an a:.:I called un Bethra to surrendei,
alttreation between Bethea, 'oho he ripened tiro un them with an "-
was a passenger, and Williams, tomatie revolver. .‘tier a battle
s'• --,ter nn the Pullman. lasting an It 4'r. the murderer was
• car was bound from Wa-h• ng- driven from hi - stronghold be tire-
t•m to ,,ersey City. Bethea, who no with hose. and continued his
had been drinking heavily, shot the fight from the car platform, where
porter through the heart, killing, he was at length slot down.
EF1'A1d1.1'Tl•S. titular specie the United States
I)ep't of Agriculture, Bulletin No.
A Rapid Cronin'; Hardwood -NA- 35, may he quoted:
five of Australia. But Being ,'roe (Page 77) The E. rostrata is
pogated Very Satisfactorily in
The rapid development of the
Eucalyptus growing industry in
California has been attracting much
attention of both the State and
Federal forestry officials, and more
recently this interest hart spread to
the point where many .•apitalists
are investing very largely.
With the one-time almost unlim-
ited forests of native hardwoods,
America looked upon the Eucalyp-
tus simply as a supply for certain
oils for Medicinal purposes, and
but little attention was given to tho
Wonderful growth and the intense
hardness of many species of Eu-
Rc•eent years, however,
have proven the fact that Eucalyp-
'll-glow• in Ualiforuia as read-
ily as in its' own illative country of
A:i tralia, and the following quota-
tion front "A Handbook for Eu-
calyptus Planters," issued by the
California State Board of Forestry
confirms this statement.
Page (33) Under favorable condi-
tions trees in seeding plantations
have reached a maxintunt develop-
ment of 5 inches in diameter and 67
feet in height in four years. This
el resents an .:.erage of 17 feet
height growth per year, though a
growth of 10 to 15 feet in height
3 nrly is the general average. ,
get most rapid seedling growth
noted was made by a tree which in
nine years reached a height of 125
feet and a diameter of 36 incites.
The Eucalyptus is a remarkable
tree -remarkable from almost every
standpoint as compared with the na-
tive Ameriean timber trees. 1t is
evergreen, (won
anbut a far 1 d. It
is one of the hardest of hardwoods,
but is a more rapid grower than
an. of our nativesoft%uo4ls. As a
seedling it requires about as much
care as a field of corn, and it grout
almost as fast, but after two or
three t --ars it requires very little
alit ntion, and yet will continue its
remarkable growth for rnany years.
Even when cut down there is a sec -
one growth (like our ('anadian
chestnut trees), more rapid than
the first. 1
'I'11e secret u[ this rapid growth
is due very largely to the tateroet
system that nature seems to have
worked int to perfcr•tion in this
species of her many wonderful chi!-
dien, Almost it►anediately after
transplanting into 811 8.11111 field .
Mr seedlings develop what is called
a tap -root. That is the main ven-
tral. rout starts in a downwaid
course and simply keeps on growing
c � u-1147
t `ALsVAomit,
;Yet• erf'(iyLF
'1'12) 20'
I 1 1 11.1'1''Ft•S ROSTRATA.
TRADE l'1: \TRE,'.
Prices of faille. Drain. ('cheese mud
Other Dairy Produce at
Houle and Abroad.
BR):.\ I )s•I•l • 1:'FS.
')'emote. 'Il:11. 24'. Flour \Vin-
t, r wheat 00 per cell. patents, 8.1.-
2:1 to $ t.25 i►1 buy ern' sacks its
tin •k, `'erouto. and h1 -1.I0 to *1,iS
outside, in buyers' sacks. Manitoba
Ileur, first patents, $:,.70; sevemd
patents, i$5.20 to $5.30, and strong
bakers', is:, on track, Toronto.
\Ltnitobu t\heat- No. 1 North -
$1.13, )Bay ports, and No. 2
N4 ,there at $x1.11, Hay putts.
Ontario Wheat - \lis y mixed red,
1\ 1111er o1• %%hitt., $1.07 to 81.08 uul-
Barley- No. 2, 55 to 54;c outside:
N. :t extra, 53 to :ole; No. a at 511
1„ :.le, ut,d feed, 4"e outside.
Oats N.. 2. Ontario white, 39 tin
.c 4441,1,14', and 11 las
l rack, Tur.•1i14,. Canada 1V4- t
.sats, 11' c f.o N.,. •. and •10'24' for
N -•. :t. I:n, ports.
fens No. 2 fol shipment, 81 to
11',t4' \u. 2(lite outside.
Buckwheat1 to 51'..c outside
fes No. 2.
('0111 No. 2 .\Iiierieati, ;et.. 70'.c
and \o. ..:•Il..,t 4.7 to 4--!r, T.,-
ronto freight-. t amt.:ion corn, 03
to 63'.e, Toronto freights.
Bran - *22 to $2.2.50 in bags. To-
r' -oto, and shorts at 821 in bags,
Tel unto.
Apples- -81.50 t.. $2.50 per barrel,
411(urding to quality.
Beans ----Car lots outside, 81.t,5 to
*1.05. and small lots at *2.10 to *12.-
20 per bushel.
Honey -Combs, (10/en. to
50; extracted, to' . 10 Its Iter Ib.
Baled hay --N.. 1, $11.75 to $t5.-
50 on track, and \... 2 at $13.50 t1)
Baled Straw-- *7 50 to *7.75 .,n
t•aek, Turontu,
Potatoes - 40 to 45c per brig 4n
ttee k for Ont,rios.
Poultry J'tlrke:s. (Tressed. Is to
19c pl r lb.; chickens, 15 to Ife, and
fowl, 11 to 12e.
Butter Pound prints. 21 to 23c ;
tub: and Targe rolls, 20 to 21e; in-
ferior, 16 to 1Se; creamery, 29 to
30c; solids, 26!-;/1 to 2`4c per ib.
Eggs -Case lots, 21 to 22c per
Cheese -13 to I3.',;c per Ib. for;
large, and at II3!/c for twins.
Miceli Lime clear. 15 to 15'-4c
per lb. ill c:t-' lots; mess pork, '211
to $291 short cut, 830.50 to 831.
Hams-- Light to medium, I6 - to
174., do„ he:act, 1'.' . to 16e; rills,
1) to 15%e; sh'•ulelcts, 1.14'; break
fast bacon, 1 s' , to 19e; backs, 20 to
Lard --Tierces, 19'; to 16'.,c; tubs
10. to I0',c : pails, 111 , to 17e.
UNITED STATES M 1 Its l:l's.
Iiuffale, March 29. \t i+• at --
re. i.:Lt ; height. 13' ' Spring wheat firm: No. 1 Nerth-
rc;:tnfcr4 n' c, 13'4_ inch at
('arlead'. store, $l.2: , ; Win -1
ba-. '.'p root, 16'2 feet below stir t •4- steady. Cern N. ,l yellow,
face. Planted April 20, 190s. Dug 'i•'•_e• No. 1 yellow, 6t)' c: \o, :1�
up August 5,,1909. cern. hl!c; No. •1 corn. 5il;.('; \o.
" white, 01':,e. Ilats - Easier; No.
12 white, 47' c : N". :I minty, -161,,c;
(Limb /r that is very valuable for' No 1 white'. 1:K•. Hyc- No. 2, on
many purposes. It is very hard toe 1.. s:.4 -s
and strong -almost as hard as iron. ( Menge, March 29.-- ('ash Wheat
when thoroughly dried. 'lite great No. :t led, *I.is to *I.19; Ni.. 2
usefulne-s of this timber is due ren, $1.11 to $1.16; N... 2 hard, 81. -
principally to its durability, moth I't to aa11.I1: N. 3 hard, $1.1)9 to
ender ground and in water. a: 13. No. t Northern, $1.15'.; : \o,
Baron Vitl 1lueller says that well 2 Northern, *1.161._. ; No. 3 Spring,
minuted tie''s of this species, cut. :sone le $1.15' Corn No. 2
at the season when the ('Ircuintu .n '.: );Iles i:,' ..• : Nn. 3, TO In :,!1',4' : No.
of rap is least active, and carefully 't wlsit., ':1 1„ I;1' c: Nu. :t yellow,
(.laced for drying. have prey, .1 one to rile: No. 4, :,s to 50e ; No.
of the most durable of any timbers t whit• , :,7' . ((4 :r'•' (• Ne. 1 yel-
un1i1 it find, a Ripply u( water. � ',
'4-i.. fsll(,wing illnstr.,ti' n for of the .bole globe. 1.,..- :':, t' at;' r. Oats Ni.. 1214
which w. err indebted to Mr W. F.. i --. -- -4h-. ---- t., 1'4' : N••. 2 white, toe; No. :1,
Dyer, (•anaditin Represettt:•t. , f' 't , t'• t'4': N.,. 3 white, 11'._ to •1,1e;
the 1?uealyptus Timber 1 •. i •r.i-
tion of Loy .\ngeb-s. show - c.
nature acid scientific murk t4::1 ) t
due•• in the ,.bort space 4''f tin •4..1
'I'll;' i• 'rot (411e ..f the f -i 'est
I•.-• I ,•.t`t pt s, ,• is ..,t'• ,1 the
)Fan' -I :.4 •I ' • . '
b,r I.,,
11 11114 ,sl y.•r,th ons '.Ih..t in the' \., 1. s'' 4': Ni. t mhite, •10 to
+t ,I ( n Bonet) while 11n1(.l'rIL 1'' 0: standard, •1I' 10 15c.
_ 1„ 44.• in 1us mouth for anoth. l --
•i.••.d at. ) 1.11'1, tiT!('I( 1i.11ih1:'f F.
\Innlreal, ,1nreh 29. -'flier.. were
I:.. I'• nn-.lynni r I(•delnliun of tr• extra cattle on the mai Let, hut.
1..h1. •r I . line : tendert-Ike :a •, ole were sold at about 7c per ib.
i I .,f tilt' Phil- ,I'rsur beeves sold at 0 to 0!,,4' per
.' ;. 11. • per( tty gn111 nnlmals, 43, to
he : r.'r,ne'11 -t < k, 't', t•, 4;',t per
I nilelt . "4( -. f 5(34) to *60
1 ;sit I: ,I 4 to 7c per
REA»'f ft"ui , pal Ib, : lambs
'' ', t' • 1 - 1 111, 1111' I,tlyl'r
1,. ill' -i 1_' S ' ,111115 at *8 each.
1:41 h e .i at 10% to 10s,'„e
t, s
Will Play au Important Part in Navi-
gation This Season,
.1 h f, ''u Windsor, Ont..'s1. L;en on Isle Idoynle, one of the
i i.. , . t' '' -s tel(graplh i,. es pi indite! danger points in hake
:4!) a,+ll.,)1'tntlt part 111 `i;( ('Pint'. and tyitl the st'Itien to
I.' erected I., the ('nnnelialrh (loy-
i:i' • t 4 i „ , , :1,i'.•\ ,•4-1:nlrtlt nt. Pelt A111 1111r )1,C 1:11 gent
, 1 ..11 •' • 4 4 ' Ikl• is the chain will be thorough
t 1 ,1.1,••.1 ` '• I), :11 - :441.1 ..i 11 '••leErtl. Tl,cre are now 1e•tdy
t..t • i . :•. i,'u 1.•. .,11,•rnlien station+ at Sa1111 Sty.
,v. I„ ,; , - t!,. t;1. If 1., -. - a �I:Ii ,-, 1'nlnm'•l. (: rate 1 1!arai-,
out of 'Ink. .f 1•.0meto. 11:4, 411111,. '(14••,.itr11,
1)n,. w ekes , '1npalty 4 `_ "' 1.4.1
lewd a111
.1 1 1. 1 11's 111.1 111111 111 sl \ I.5..
Splendid sheeiti� of the Useelsior
Lite DI -trance t•ump:tn).
Neatly all the l'nnndinn Life In-
snrauler• companies bate in the past
f•w years shown tetnnrkahlo
gr, nth. '1'hd• confide:ace of the pto-
ph• of Canada in their 4.4411 irrst11u-
li.•n- 1111:4 been melt in. 1 its d. The
tinll'lt;e 1.11'11:t, of the Itn.'f +'eat's%
fa. tonhpaihie' l itye been (•-peeially
: •t•:4h 11,) 111 tbe'.h effort, to keep
1) 44 1 4 ..1.4 1,.+' .: while enl11rk'1i54 their
t'4'•!•: 4. .,''.•4-41 col,;, 8(1.lillt( t;) their
asset' and increasing their diyi-
Formulae Have Been Well Tried Out
Though the NA -DRI' -CO line of Medicinal and Toilet Preparations have been on sale
for a few months only, don't think for minute that in buying NA -DRU -CO goods you are
exleriuleuting with new or untried prcparatious.
Their Origin
The twenty-one wholesale drug Gnus now unite,)
In the "National" had all of them lengthy careers,
smile for fifty to one hundred years, ptier to the union.
Uselt run hail acquired or de.c!ul,ed a rowdier of
valuah,. formula. for nude inal and toilet preparations,
all of whi. h became the property of the ••\,tti.ual".
Since the union our esprit rift chemists hat e carefully
gone over these formula. and selected the lest for the
NA -DK t' -CO line. Every formula has been carefully
studied by those experts, improved if possible, and
then thoroughly tested again, in actual use, Iwfore
we consider it good a aollgl: t.. hear the NA•URL'-CO
Trade Mark.
An Example
A good example of what we meal) is NA•DRU-CO
Nervozuae for ))rain Fag ur ntryuus break -down.
The formula was prommuccd the t scientific com-
bination of uet%e medicines, but this was (trough fur
us ; tit• had it tried out with a (10,4-11 different kind of
Brain workers - School Teachers, lawyers, nook.
keepers as well as Sovjety leaders and home worker.,
stud everywhere the result was so good that we adopted
It as one of the best of the NA -DRU -CO line.
There are therefore no experiments among
NA•I,RI'-Co preparations. We have invested alto-
gether too nn:cb time, work and money in the
NA -UR l' -CO line to take any chances of discrediting it
with preparations that Wright not prove satisfactory.
We make absolutely certain that each preparation is
satisfactory before we endorse it with the NA-DitU-CO
Trade Mark.
Ask your physician or your druggist about the
firm behind NA -,IRU -Co preparations and about the
NA -1)81'-00 line. They can tell you. for we will
furnish them, un request. • foil Wt of the ingredients
in any NA -DRU -CO article.
"Money Back"
If by any chance you should not he entirely
satisfied with any NA -DRU -CO article you try. return
the unused portion to the druggist from whom you
bought it and he will refund your mousy -Willingly,
len. because We return to mint every cent he gives
hack to you.
11 your druggist should not have the particular
NA-1/MS-CO article you ask for in -tock he can get
it fir von within two days from our uearest wholesale
Some NA -DRU -CO Preparations You'll Find Most Satisfactory.
CalswAor It.
Gressette* Toilet Creams
Talcum Powder
Tooeh Put.
Tooth Powder
TRPCC Y -••a
Rally's Tablets
Carbolic Salve
Cascara Las.ters (Tablets)
Cod Lover Oa Compound.
Tasteless (2 Smits)
Dyspepsia Tablets
Herb Tablets
Pale Ointment
National Drugand Chemical
Company of anada, Limited
Wholesale Branches at i
Rheumatism Cur.
Sugar 4l Milk
St.inlese Wine Ointment
Toothache Gu..
Whit. raiment
£LWl1•. LOOS /OR TN,e
TRLOC M.1.1 6
Telegraphic Briefs From Our 04'11
and Other Countries of
Recent I:tents.
C:\N.\ 1)A.
1\'illiuml Bradley was acquitted at
St. Catharines of the charge of
murdering George Holman.
The Arthur B. of Tacoma, with
captain and five men, foundered in
the Fraser River, off Sa,dheads.
Contracts for construction, in-
volving the expenditure of millions
of dollars, have been let at \Vinni•
pcg by the C. P. R.
'Phomas Gorman, one of the gang
of American crooks who rubbed the
postoffiee at Wright, Quebec, has
bet a sentences) .to live years in
Lord Rosebery's third resolution
declaring that the possession of a
Peerage should no longer give the
right to sit and vote in the House
of Lords wan passed in the upper
Chamber on Tuesday.
The United States naval appro-
prih.tion bill, presented to Congress
Thursday, provides for the expen-
diture of $129,037,602.
\ minister at Butler, Pa., has
:y r.
mints issued for six other min-
i ter; of the town, charging hecto
w its criminal libel.
(, EN ERAI..
The French Senate has passed
dends t., policy holders. Canadians importance of a low mortality ratio such earnings is too apparent for the workmen's pension bill.
11::4 4 not been slow to recognize the sonnet he overeatinlated. It is of further comment. The new Chinese Minister of \Var
r>' client opportunities for safe and vastly great(r 'igniftc•anee to the til the year which has just closed is planning a ,system of universal
pr• lital)le investment afforded by Ip,.!„ •y holder than even a low ex- the Excelsior increased its Cash Ino military service for his country.
Case well-managed and thoroug1,ls.- pcm'e ratio. come thirteen per cent.; decreased
it, crvised financial in.tilutiees.. 'I'iiat Ecoiumy of Management its Expense and Death (•laiu,s,
il.• security offered by the regular ,has :flue's been regarded in its Ratio mete per cent.; increased its MR. 110111,1\ MAT RETIRE.
. anadian companies is second tot test importance in the conduct of Assets sixteen per cent.; increa'e•d --
neue. In practieally no other line, the affairs of the Excelsior is attest- its Government Reserve ttt'•uty- Premier of Manitoba is in Very
.,f financial activity can it be said !ed by the fact that Counsellor Til-
tha' any company Iles ever entered Icy mode the following reference
three per cent.; decreased its Lia - Poor 114'01111.
bilines thirty-seven per cent.. all A ales oel► frons \\'tool )('r secs:
Into liquidation or failed las meet to this company before the Royal ded to its Net Surplus on 1 eli,�v 1 1 Is
It, obligations in full. ' l'5nimission : "I have gone over the 11+ !tiers' Account forty-thrye per Outing to failing health it is umder-
'rhe Excelsior Life insurasc•e snluries; I du not think there is ctnt. and more than d••44i.icil its s'`-.$) that Premier Roblin has peac-
e'• nipany has from the fiat held a all:y thing tii be commented upon ex- Net Cualloted Surplus. The tete! t , a'ly derided to retire fro111 active
1.osition of pronlinenre in those f.1••- cel t that it has been the effort of a•.ets for the security of n.1t,y' i''litns in the imun(diale 111(11re.
tort. which are of eseential import- tits company to keep down expens-' holders ttow stand at *1 to.0Q f. t Ile is lit Present sojourning it Hot
ante to policy holders. Et/enemy of e+ " Iev(ry $100.00 of Liability, a mu. -t `flings, Ark., and while he is suf-
tnanngenlent, productiveness and; In some respects, however, the unassailable position 011 through. ticicntly improved to be able to
security of investments and fiver- most interesting feature in the re -11 The (management o1 the Excel-,, r with: around he is still n very rick
abie mortality experience have sults of the Excelsior's business ishasshown a most praises.. tt!'. man. His 11eart is end.1st:1ml to
been the watchwords of its manage-! tlr.' productiveness of its invest- conservatism in the selection of or ,4 1• • 1''I'lly aafferted, Shenld Isre-
ment Intents. During the part five years business and in every essential , f ' ' the 1'4-'miershi�l uiSeilc...fre
The Mortality Experience of the' the average rate of ittcrest earned pr.gressiveness, consistent with the •-n H. 114,i,. -,t 1✓.Kers, and Mr.
Excelsior I.ife is t(anarkable. The h; all the companies operating in utreest safety. It has given a m'• t ' rtlelr nlrtnbrr (11enIKIre's
average mortality experience pi r 1'arada was a shade under five per- remarkable and satisfactory :. I i'•• taken into the for Glatt with
1,009 lives at risk 14•r 10 years of cent. The average earrings of count of itself in the conduct of it t,4'• Portfolio ..f Agriculture. Ilio.
all active Canadian companies 1s I:lithsla Companies from the sante company's affairs. 11r Vegeta is 1ea11ng at enc' for
slightly over ten and a half per source was four, and a fifth per L 4.I ' on a p)ensure (rip nue 4t ill
+ ---
cent. The average of flit Prnminc'(tl cant„ while American companies � --- it he' ubseut ahem two tnunths, and
American companies for 1907 was 114,18grd slightly be iter than the \ hill passed the Mose ..f lice {i{ no divinity nunonneemeut is 11111ici-
exactly twelve per cent. The Kxcel- English. The Excelsior Life, how- r(•sc'tltativcs at 1Cashington pruvid-f putted moil his return or until th.a
`VA.'S avera;re for an entire period' ever, earned during the same ing for the raising of the baattleship (".'• of the general election.
of nineteen years is only about four' pc►ioci�the reuenkable suns of more Alaine, which '.411s sunk in Havana _ 4. -- --
per cent. ; and the year 1909 shows than seven Per cent. on its invest- 1 Imo hors +
the !truest percentage in mortality' nit nta. In 1905 its interest earn -I \ large deputation from the h.+4-
crit f the ....., el... 1,:•,l•�-..-r _....
1.111: 111E 1'11 1 1' 1 N P S.
experience nce o any year stat.
co►r.pany began operations.waited Will be 114.141 at I ondon. Niagara
The pans in Canada and for many years h1•,,x at Washington on Wednesday
cul erienco of the Excelsior in this, it has
r••e':I 141 is certainly noteworthy. The' p':(ce.
not ranked below ser1'11(1 to protest. against the intpusitie'Il of and hincslon.
'cite far reaching effect oft the xineurn tariff against 'a nada. :\ kb -4'a°. from Ottawa rays:
The elates ter annual militia train-
1'011 1'1,.111 ENDING DEFERRER 315'1'. 1910
Net i.edger
31, 1904
Preu.lants (net)
Interact ...
('1S11 .1( ('0I \"I'.
.sects, December
-- --
DUl litrliSF, `1 EN Th.
To Policyholders -
Death claims $384,127 ?6
Matured Endowments 240,1,' 7 4.0
burrenderud Policies. 96,357 79
Surplus 66,044 I.4
Annuities .. 11,643 05
Krp•nsn.. Tates etc
Balance Net nearer Assets. De•
cembt•r 31st, 1909 .. ,. 13.634,174 38
8)6.106,322 22 115.10G.322 29
$ t:R t;n! 61
452.3^1, 20
HALT \ 1' 1: f411 E1:1'
)Iort,are s
D(+bentnrea and Aon4a
i,oans on Pollees
Premium Obligations
Real Estate (Company's plead
Omce► . , .. .. ......
Crush In ilanka
CR111 at ilea.t Ori:re
Ilse and Deferred Premiums
Werra' due and accrued ...•
4,4:,4 594
50.529 on
233,6:13 42
3.786 90
2r44.;17 93
292,GG0 24
$14,518,441 81
Reeerve, 4"4', 3',i . and 3S staad-
nrd . , 812.06 5.1 46 IS
Ferervs on lap:ed p.:)1,rle5 in
wh:.h rut render values are
C1111121 11 ... .. 1,511 67
Heath ('istms at,ad;•:sted 41.247 00
('resent value of :,mounts not
Set doe on matured Instal-
ment policies .. .. ..... 74,404 78
Matured Endowments, unad-
)nst.A ...• ... , ..... , ?.74:2 !•9
Prernlur.,s paid int advance 14,24.2 G3
Due ter medical fees and sundry
accounts .. ill c;s 6R
Credit ,.edger Balances 94-. 101 nn
�111r1,1119, 1)ecen.ber 31st 19092.:4x.•01 26
igurphas on Government Stand-
ard of Vnluat(on, 82,973,-
$14,618,441 61
Antilles, and ("sod c,.rr1.1.
.1. M. f1'1'Ltd)', PI('.A.. Auditor
et 4-1 , .►emery 21, 1411)
New Malawi (all Ca•4adiaa) written in 1903
Assurances in force, December 31 '4109
Iaaete. Doceatber 11, 1900 . .. . ,
Surplus, December 0•
Booklets cont
11814 March '(rd, 191
(1WO WEOEN'ST, managing T)ir,.t•'r.
'.8 8,125,676 ; Increase ever 1908....11 877.114
69,241,999 ; !tierces,. over 19.18 ... 4,56X.077
14,618.449 ; increase over 1908 1,634,778
3,369,692 ; Utopias earned in 1909. 608.921
-0^.PPdings of the 40th Annual MectlnR
'allotted among poltc.holdcrs In due
ing camps this summer 11841• been
mmtiouneed by the Militia 1)4 part -
mein. The camp at Lond,.n a ul
even June 13, and the one at Nia-
gara on Jung 1.1. The Kingston
camp mill begin 011 Jun(' 13 and will
be attended by all the regiments in
the Ottawa district, there b( ing t10
01111111 at Rockliffe this year, accord-
ing to the present arrangements.
It is ex))eete(1 that the number of
sol.),. 4s ening into annual training
this • • • r will be alightly larger
than r bt fire.
1:I\t I\ E1U1''IION.
"t':un if Lava threatening IFA
loon of \ Icolosi.
.1 sp'4'c1;11 .1. 1111101 1, the L.'ndoll
Daily Mail frons Catania. SU ily,
Revs : Haunt Etna !trek.. into erne.
tio.i 4,11 Wcchlrtclny 1111)111ing at '1
o'clock after a night (hiring which
a nnplluer of -slight a:arthelunkes
recorded. The eruption Is tii1 iii
an alarming form, and a stream' est
Intn i': advancing and threatening
the small town of Nieelosi. las its
coati 4-s., the 111.11 dent ruycd Run's
house's and ( allies. The p('nplc of
the towns in the vici:,ity are shoo-
ing alarm.
Ili ELI }: 1111's 1\ ‘1 OOHS.
hilly Used 1 p 1'inl:luder Brought
to the Sso.
.\ (14918te!) foam Snell Ste.
Alert.. says :.1 Finlnnler who was
f.'und sundering aimlessly in the
v111 ds betty 4'"11 North Chippewa
tool linteliewana 111y w a:, brought
to the Sun en Wednesday evening.
11^ ails in 14841 rendition and had
be,.n picked up 11y Indians. ile
had Ir (n I"ol:inn for work in the
vamps and lost his soy, re'enining
the Bash nlene for twelve days,
l t: tsc ort animals caught in the
t'a,- ..1 t'.,• In lions. }lig: fret will
,(''t 1 1• :'•rratted, as they
as.re '.eol,y frost/11.