Exter Times, 1910-03-03, Page 10•. t, r.vancs5IUn oro targe
establishment and livingby m self
-so to speak, for, of course, tho I -
burden of it will bo upon me. Butj sl'''' villa
i; is trine that, I began to assume you so turn -Lincs, and wondered
—wait wirer_
((.self all these year.
red. "I }lave thought e
my dirties, and it will be a great
deal better for the place to have
it managed in a systematic man-
"How far from London is the
manor t" frank inquired.
"About twelve or fifteen miles, I
"Ono coold du it in n day eas-
ily V'
"Oh, yes."
"'then I shall Purely conte to
mskr you a cell. when you are set-
tled -that is, if your ladyship will
bid me welcome," said the youth,
with a smile and an appealing look.
"Yost know. Frank, it would give
me a great deal of pleasure to have
you do so," Ether gravely return-
ed. "I would gladly invite you to
Porno and male me a 'nice long vis-
it ' as we say in America—my dear
friend. you understand; only I do
not ai• h to influence you to do any-
thing contrary to your mother's
"1lnmph ! If mother only realiz-
e 1 what your influence over me is,
she might bo very glad to have me
cultivate it, even more than I do,"
said the youth, with some spirit.
"I'd like the 'nice, long visit' more
than i can tell you, Esther, but I
Pt•,ppose, under the circunmstances
I shall have to make an occasional
call d... I'iI tell you a secret," he
added, in a lower tone; "mother
lin. promised the that, if stocks are
all right this fall, I may stay over
here, for a year or two, and go to
1:ton. I'm almost afraid to build
melt on it, though, for most of
what. father left us is invested in
Atchison, and that has been very,
yr ry shaky of lite."
"Eton is only about ns far from
Irvington Manor ns tho manor is
from London, and if you do remain,
I (mope we can arrange to have you
come to me often," Esther said,
ith kind thoughtfulness. "It
.could be rnthc r comfortable to feel
tlmrit ten had n kind of home to go
1.. N. II' n yon hnd a vacation or want-
s 1 :1 little change.,,
"I'm suro it is very nice of you
t , think of such a plan." Frank
rc�lutnded, appre-:atively, but
i'rn not sure yet of staying. -
Having now finished their lunch
th4 two young peopit nrnse to leave
'1.•• place, and as Esther turned
titan the table she found herself
looking direct!, into t ace of
row you managed trot disappear so
mysteriously frorn the steamer the
day we landed. I wanted, so much,
to give you my address, and get
yours, so that we might see each
other occasionally."
"Humph!" returned the spin-
ster, while she searchingly regard -
el the bright face looking so smil-
ingly into hers. "I --I had import-
ant business, and had to hurry off."
J;-ther here introduced hor com-
panion, who greeted her in a gen-
tlemanly manner.
"And have you been in London all
this time?" our heroine then in-
"Yes, most of the time; and what
havo you been doing?"
"Oh, I have been at seller'', try-
inp, to get a little knowledge into
this head of amine," was the smiling
"Well. you haven't lost anything
physically, whatever you may have
gained mentally," dryly observed
bliss Percival.
„Thanks--3•es, niy health has been
"And you've been happy, too, if
I'm any judge," with another keen
glance at the lovely face looking
down upon her.
"Yes, happy, too," said Esther,
with a low, sweet laugh.
"Where do you live?"' inquired
the. spinster.
"Hight here nn this street," re-
plied Esther, giving her the num-
ber; therm added: "You remember
the gentleman with whom I carne
ubrnnd_. i ani still with his family
for the present. Won't you conte
to see true, some day, Miss Perci-
"Yes -maybe; thongh I don't go
nut a great deal. I haven't had
vera gaud hick since I carne to Eng-
land." said the woman, with a sigh.
"I aro very sorry," Esther regret-
fully responded.
"I suppose you
what I told you
shipboard," the
"Xo, 1 haven't forgotten," was
the gentle rejoinder.
"Well, I made up my mind that
1'4.; try your way of settling mat-
ters," Miss Percival resumed, but
in a lower tone ; "but when I went
to riglit tho wrong the --the person
was dead 1„
"Oh 1" raid ]tether, sorrowllully,
haven't forgotten
that last clay on
spinster abruptly
at leas
even if she
She found her
woman of about
with black hair and
complexion, tall and en
in figure, but with very gent e
ners, which seemed rather at vari-
ance with her general appearance. 1 a
She seemed to understand just day to
whet would be required of her as cream was s or
housekeeper at Irvington Manor, which was used for Pt.
and presented what appeared to be c t; of loud stuf[s. Ae veer
unexceptional refs mimes. Borba odors very readily, it is com-
On the whole, Esther was favor- mon to find butter with fruit or
ably impressed with her, after half vegetable flavor or a mixture of
an hour's conversation, and finally these and the flavors of treat, pre
toldher she would think the (natter tritons, and ether fund stuffs. In l
over, and let her know her decis- addition to these individual flrtors'
ion within a day or two. the butter would acquire the same
The result ul was ns t
hat wlater,
a ce
6nractcristic aroma as funnel in
Mrs. Bellows was established nt Ir- such refrigerators. This practice
vington Manor, with the necessary should as far as possible be +fifeen-
number of servants, who were to tinned, and the "all-purpose" re-
t the great mansion in readiness frigerator for staring cream should
f,.r its young mistress, who expect- be replaced by jacketed cream vats
ed to take possession ab..lit the first or some nrrnnirement by which the
of August, and would keep open cream can he kept cool in a pure I
house fur a month or more. nm i'lating the cans in tubs or
Masons, carpenters, decorators tanks if cold water is one of the
and upholsterers had already been simplest and nnu.t elf( ctive means
atwork for n couple of months put- for controlling temperature.
ting the place in perfect repair, un- The method of storing cream in
der the superintendence of Mr. cans directly oil the cellar floor
Kine, who appeared to take as does not always lead to rati.fac- ---
lnuch interest in having Esther's� tory results. The fact That the tem -
future home all that could he de- 1 perature of the eellnr Aaor as n rule .�
sired. as if she were his own dough- is lower than the tempernturc of
ter. lire nlmnsphe -e is nouarantee
Some portions of the structure that the cellar is sufliriently cold
were very old, and it was built f.•r the storing of cream and butter.
partly of stone and portly of brick, The temperature of a cellar may
additions having been made from vary trent •i., degrees F. to ns high
time to time, n9 the needs or en- as 75 degrees F. depending On time
price of its various owners had time of clay. and the efficiency of the
prompted. cellar to obtain n kw temperature.
The grounds were extensive, and, In one case the temperature in
hating been under the care of a the early morning was C7 degrees
skillful gardener and his assist- r. if cream is to he stored on a eel -
SITAR all summer, were now in fine lar floor, it would be well to place
condition, when the new lady of a thermometer where it could be
Tvintine igtf the month, arrived,
rbringing en i the easily seen, and when the temper-
a ature becomes too high, al,ove Co
of friends with her. do gree, 1•', to make other arrange -
(To be continued.) ments for taking care of the creast.
y dt,onhur.A granulated au
eddmit mispleine. a atGr'cue ave.
a at•r:p better liken talo€ *. Y
prr-c--. It pot uccd r- fcr 2 se. battle •
re- i, a bnolr. Crofton, Pte. 1',.. /t.etd.. Wn
23 i
y 6 Foot t seam.
12 h p. iairbanis Morse Marine Double COuneer Engine
Very strong Hull,_
built for heavy seas. Boat
fitted with Conboy Automobile Pop and largo
wicker chairs. Complete outfit cif (cols. etc., all
in firs-, class order. In use cnly a short time.
Ibis float is Being 'o1(1 Smith! a1 1:ore Pri
Cox 2''. 73 W -4;_t Adelaidri St
Moans •
The florwcr et the family isn't ne-
cessarily a blooming idiot.
Fortunate i9 the 1u1Fha•,d who is
'lowed to (pend a little of his own 111 men ar
money, called upo
Even the biggest fish began life
(el n small scale.
it's always the last word that
brings on the first blow.
yr until they are
c goo(i.
c •\ 1111; OCJ• AN 1 1:r,NT,
411. {
A weealea•nt tan••try Pre proof e4ltti,•a lf)nft 1.In''s mpt•N1 rnall�j torr tau.0
bstolrt tan sawn, e14 a„t np 6.•.dat• or Crawl, (.11 1144•1/ A now fft;ar• 4.19• asr.tal
dib nt the Lad masa. •,•,+etas .9 tut 1414,•.
lrer� roam a .a..ytd. me ...•oat view, Lath atteel•J with oat and (re b w•Nr uhip•al.
Slum'1'• ,..y 1N• lramp•nttu,e reea;atH bj Thernt_adatt. uhf :at•.t rt•••t•p.n,1t fe
boot let. ?e'•pb ,.Ine•egrvoat (aoifprl•lJ.2., ('apA..t/ckta frJNl_rWaft et•J
CHARLES 0. IIARQUi:T1r, TRAYMoRf' tun -rt. CO1PAti1',
U. S. \\ til i t, t'rke.Jer.1,
tshcd rlt,
and did not recognise them.
A Queel:on For the King,
Div billy
d .t t•r'
.U1 Ill w ily H fledge 1
king. 'filer, have ben many mien
who could tube as well as Kite In tbf
bilag line. The rn•.et striking in•
ftan• a of this klod in set a In the case
of Charles II., that gor.t natured etiu 1111
nrt, who once asked nl; chaplain. UC
St(1!ittg ice -t:
"1!o% is It that you ainays read
yr.nr sermons before me when, ns 1
unoer..tsnd, you can I•renrh eloquent',
Paoum b elsewhere lclthout Ii' ek m
The good tloe (or answered thnt ht
n ICON 0 u so overwhelmed by his n.ajoyty't
peevenre that lie could n••t tritrt hits
(self otherwise, continuing. "And vow,
.ir••, stay It please yuit to tell Hie wh)
yen reed your'- vetches worn oq have
no slosh e1Cuser'-\t_ (Anis it;
ter Own Corn.
Thies wog mate 8 me
big t ni 8 certain bridge par
iutid rt troy with tier own 1. (1
Thi lady said It was most ungentle
manly. She mild she wnu'da't hart
minded being terld hark in het ow
cots, but she tits:Ike.] piper iu.•uey._
tricky." quo ,
" Yew. It's hart
tricks." added the simple ,.
drlphla Itccenl.-�—�
Well Bred.
(1rn:lerran--'l'' Ir. k� n well turf
ring. iitvn. r- 1 sbonld trunk hr w:u
well I.re(I. t\ hr. he w.'4 t litre a by
of dinner till he's got his centre on;.
''here are shont :'n'dvl w'Grm• I•• at
sere of copies** P1.t1