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Exter Times, 1910-01-27, Page 8
1 44444444.1 44++++++++++++44++++++++++.444.♦ STEWART'3 PHONE 16 WE SELL WE SELL Beresford Shoes King Hats For Dressy Men For Particular Men Now is the time to get your Spring Sewing done and now is the time to buy your Staples at the old prices. later you will pay more for them and will not get the sante selection as you can DOW. New Goods Arriving Daily Come In and See 'MEM. FURS 25" Discount is what we Are giving on every Fur in the store including Ladies' Fur- lir:ed (`oats. Men's Fur (`oats and all small Furs, You will pap nuti'e for these goods next Fears„ take advantage of this !pig 'ale. Dress Goods New Dress Goods are here all the newest weaves includ- ing plain, str:pe, check and diagonal stripes, in all the latest colors. M'FtN tLES We stave a number of Ciels' and Ladies (`oats in good btylea left We do not want to entry these over, Now is your time to get one at a very low price, Ask to see them. Overcoats You Will Feel like wearing away one of our Overcoats when you see what we are Felling and at what prices, Any Boys' or Man's coatin the store at a price that will suit your pocket, 10 and 12 I -2C Embroderies Sale Price $c. All our new Embroderies for 11110 are now in stock and a lovelier lot you never saw. especial quality and good patterns. All widths. See Centre Window. t000 Yards on Sale for 5 Cents. Flannelletes PRINTS 37 In. Wide Flannelletes in Every One is waiting for the all nswest. patterns. 'These New Prints. They are here goods are all advanced but we Everything new in stripes, bot1Kht early and will pas; sputa and fancy patterns. All them on to you. at old prices :17 ins. wide, Special 1'?ic. to and to I -s tests. Toilet Sets Dinner Sets We have about 40 Toilet Sets 10 pieces to each set. all kinds and all prices. Call and see them, you can save money. $2, $3 5o, $3.50 to $3.50 Here's a Chance to get a !)inner Set. You needn't buy aset at once, buy any piece you need and keep adding as you feel like it. (ienoe Rose pattern, open stock. Complete Set $15.00 All Klnda of Produce Wanted. We will pay the highest prices for Mutter, Eggs, Poultry anti Dried Apples. They are just as good as cash at this store. J"• A. STEW 3.RT +++++++++++++++++•++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++4++++++++,-++++++++++++++++ rr r - SOLIDhTY JNTER(HANGEABIl1TY THE LONG II IT 11 WAZt` Ei have aefuiird /rte h yhe'r, irpLverOn /hmu'hou/the menfe/s of/,tie ,v r/d, of accoc:o/ of/heirsrrefu/meet *averen./ &vie./ ycv/ifies. !'cry eumeiv •r owvpds v/ !f/liverSel/ Erhi6i/ro,, s have confirmed Afeii' supertor etre/%oce, omzny /sere vwve'o's , mi9h/ 6t eheeee/ y m_rn/io4.cd.' 5 (',,RANDS PRIX ANVERS 1885 - PARIS 1889 - BRUSSELS 1897 - PARIS 1900 MILAN 1906 - 1 A. MARCHAND, Jeweler, Exeter. Exeter Opera House Friday, 28th Jordon Muuro [ntcrtIoffl6nt Go. NH Glass Moving riGtures and Illustrated Songs Master Ernest Davis 13 year old Tenor in Costume Mr. J. East Jordon in Specialities 2 hours and a half of Solid Enjoyment I'lan now oyen at W. S. Ilowey's I)ru,.;gtore. Prices 35c., 25c. and 15c. X t:l'isk '1'1Mt K JAN. 27th 11010 Market Report. -The following is The Legislature of Ontario met en the report of Exeter markets. tor -'Tuesday of this week. reeled up to January 117th. \\'beat from $1.01 to $1.07. oat.; al to 35e. 'Pias NO to t'5 cents !parley 48 to 60 cents. Shorts 524.00 Bran $22.00 Star flour $2.90 Feed flour $1.50 to $1.55. Butter 21e. Eggs 27c. Iles:'., tit: n eight"'.1:, Hay $9.00, $10.010_ Potatoes 75 to 00 Ceuta Coal, $7.25 a ton. Turkeys lite. dressed Meese 12e. dressed Ducks 12e. dressed Chickens 12e. dressed Foul 9e. dressed Dried Apples 5e. 00.0+0000•••••••••++••N•• LOCALS ? •••••••• e••••••v a:p per cent. of all furs at It. N. Itowe'a bit' sale. Miss Ella O'Brien im viait'.ng the Misses Huston'. Mr. Xerxes Elliott returned baste Saturday from \Winnipeg, \Will Knight and Roy Farmer came up from London Friday evening to witness the hockey match. Mr. and Mrs. A.. Evn11a visited for n'. few days pith Mrs. Evans' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wel. Treble. 51rs..1nrvitaine. of London, who has been visiting Mrs. Glielutan returned home on 'Monday. B. \V. F. Beavers left on Tuesday for Sitncoe. Jarvis anti Toronto on letsiness. Ladies and Chitdrens coats roing at Mrs. A. Taylor visited relatives iu 1ltvtsull this week. 'Mrs. 1',;G:Irdiner and ,little son, of IJIyth, are visiting tit town. '51s. John Jtalsden. of Langden, 1c: 1).. is visiti«:; 'Mrs. ,Quante. :Nils Mary Acheson is conuned to her room through i1lueas, Mr. Knott. of London, visited Mr. Shirley idubier it few dap; 'this week The Mutsuns .flank has erected n nett .i1;11 in front of their premises \1r.'1'. Creech has purchased the bus and dray business from 'Win. Arnold. Miss Marjory Jlroderick is visiting with relatives in Ailsa Cram and llriusley. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Coullis have re- turned horde after a two weeks visit with friends in Missouri. Itev. Mr. Fear will preach to the children in the Main SSt. Methodist church next Sunday morning. on account of 1 11' I 113 sturany weather the residence of 'Mr. A. E. 1'y«t was not sold Saturday. Miss Butt. of Ileimall. visited n fen days this week with relatives in ton n. ..Mr. Geo. 1)elhridge. of ll;uniota. is visiting bis father '51r. Richard Del - bridge. 'Miss Cora Jlunn, of London. is vis - Mr. Iter parents. 'Mr. and Mrs. Peter !Munn. Mr. Itobt. Campbell. of Tiverton, \\ as the guest of\Ir. .1.11. Scott lust. week. Mrs. Wes. Huston. of Morningside, Alta.. is visiting 'Mr. and Mrs. 11. Ruston. 'The skaters were delighted 'to hear the band at the rink :Monday evening It was the first 'time thin winter. Mr. I.rank fiamw•eil, or Kingston. half price at It. N. Itowe's giving upl visitt•d his grandmother. !firs. lx business sale. Sattt+vell for a few days this week, \lisv Veale. of London. returned Mr. 1•'. !tannic. w ho has been sick on Moodily after a pleasant visit 11, his house a: •Zurich resumed his with Mrs. .1. A. Stewart. Position atilt 1•:d. Willis'\tondnyl 'Mr. G. K. Beaman. of Regina. 'Miss Charlotte Drinkwater. of Lon- Sask.. and formerly or 'Exeter, is t- don. spent a few days in touts visit- pected in London 1his 'week. ing her sister. 'Mr.. Shirley itobier. Come quick! i( you want a bargain %ir. and Mrs. Al. Olaslines find in Boots and shoes. They are going daughter Lula returned home'I'hura fast at R. N. Rowc'm clearing sato• pl at Crusshil1. ay .last after visiting with relatives Mrs. henry !Bindle is visiting at The attendance at the churches on the hone. of her fattier. \I r. John Stitiday was not large owing to the Kerslake, London Mond. south. heavy snow storm on Saturday- which 'Mr. T. 1:. !landlord shipped n, ear- blocked the sidewalk: and roads. load of horses to 'Port Arthur Tuns- Mrs. M. Sbeere entertained a num- day. Mr. Xerxes Elliott :1CCOnlpan-'ber of iriends on :Monday evening. :ed t leen. 1 Church Directory • JAMES STREET THE UktLIAbI METHODIST CHURCH Rev, Richard Hobbs, Pastor Stock Taking Sale iu the company stere :riends from 1:. t. Colin Fletcher. • of Thames Regina. London. Strathroy, Ilensall Ito id. preached in Caveat Church on ani Exeter. ei :relay evening, Rev. Sharp deliver. 'Mrs. l'cdlnr left Monday evening for tilt the anniversary sermon there. Clandeboye where she was called ow - NOTICE -Take notice that all ac- ing to the illness of Mr. Samtiel Lain - counts due A. E. Pym not paid by port. (who is suffering from iut(la« t- mation. Frby. pat. 1910 will be placed in other h,nds for collection. -A. E. i'ym. 6.3sirs. Redden and Misses B. Dodds. Mis' Victoria Miners. (who was un- ah'r to resume her studies at Norma! an acco tit of ihumetism. i< still conrin' : to the house. The ease apainat Mr. John it. Hew- er. of London. before Magistrates Kay and Sanders teas dismissed on Monday aft, r several adjournment!. Dickson for Prosecution. 1'itanbury for defence. Whit a•e ndvertise we de. we are giving ep business and this is n genuine sale we want to clear out by \larch lst. Come and help us. It. N. 11050• 'Mr. John Kerslake arrived borne from n very enjoyable trip to Eng- land on Friday evening. In honor of him return borne. his children tendered him nn oyster supper at his borne on Tuesday evening, Mrs. W. Wark. of Strathroy. and Mrs. Tomlinson and son Clifford. of London. returned to their bonnet on Tuesday evening. NI 44. 'Tomlinson e• as accompanied by Mrs, G. K. Ilea - man and 'Miss Lizzie Fravne, NO'I'I('I' - A. the Economical 'Thresher Co. have disposed of their threshing outfit and ire now sihiding 'ip the business. all accounts must he paid by hit of Febrtinry. 'rhe annual meeting is to he held nn the 4th of February to wind up the cmnpany•- Chas. Monteith. Hecy-Tress. 14-31 11. N. itotve installed ibe officers I ,titer ((1 oir , No. "I (I, (1, 1', I' on Friday evening Iasi na lobous I'. 'C. Friend. \N, H. It t' 1, .t i ('. 1(. Friend. Rd. Delbridge : V. C. friend. "1 rs. 1' Ilawden : Rec. and Treas. !'send. R. N. Rowe ; J're!nte friend. \irs. Ilirney : .Marshal! Friend. \Ir• Quante : Warden i•'riend. \liaa E. lull: Guard Friend, \Vm. Miners: 'en,ry Friend. A. ford -It, ! . ituwe l'• r. Mr. T. J. Berry. horse,• importer. of Hensel!, hat sod the'last five of the shipment of fillies he recently im- ported from the old country to Mr. 1'. F. ll:,ndford. of l'.ieten. The other five item disposed of to fanners in the neighborhood. The following were the tu,rchamerm: Loins Flatter. Kippers: Robert Derry. Kirkton; and John M. Bell. Robt. McLaren and James Smillie. Ilenaa:l, 'rhea • m tls are said by ieading horse«tevi to have been the tl n bust fillies for nit • and breeding brought inth the co''n- Iry by one rnnn. Tate annual meeting of the Smith Huron Framers' institute was h .1 at !lrueefield on friday last. Mr. t Hent wam itppointed 10 1110 eti rh.• fol low ing officers and dirertois were appointed Pres. 'V, 1). Nand' r<: iit Vic•.. .1,.J'nllcrson; 211d.. Ti(e.. 1. Murdock : Sery,-Tream., \\'tit. Mc Lein. of Heaforth. llnnorary direc- tors, Wm. Charters, .1. Kitcheti Di- rectors, E. Christie, 1), McIntosh. W. Dickson. Ii. Smith, T. Runnel', Mr. Fraser, \Ven. !terry, Me. Jlnvd and Wm. 'Murdock, Messrs. A. Scott and D. Jlclntnsh tier(' appointed riedllort. M(•mera. E. Christie find .1. Murdock were appointed 10 attend the Farm- er's convention at Tnrnntn. it It as decided to hold a feed fair on the Ilth. of 'March and to horse fair on April 2911.. at llrecefield. Do not despair nt curing your nick headaehe schen you can no easily ob- tain Carte, 'a Little Liver fills. They will effect a prompt and permnn- r•nt cure. 'Their action is mild and natural. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CAST©R I A Sunday Public Worship -10.30 a.m` , and 7 p.m. Cla;a Service -Sunday 0.70 a.m. and after Morning tk.rviee and Wednes- day night. Toting Men', Class and CatncbumenaStiA few sets of Furs,both in Stole and Ruff shape,with Sunday hat o2 p.m. muff to match at 7 ad $35, to clear $14 and $28. Sunda • Echool and Bible Classes 'L 910 $1. P•rrb• A number of Odd Ruffs ranging from $3.75 to $22. 20 Epworth League-Tetosday at 8. p.m I'rayer Meeting -Thursday at 8 tt.rn. per cent off. Sunday. Kin. 23rd. Mr. 1). C. Taylor Black Astrachan Collarettes at $6 and $4.50. Black of Lucknoty, in the morning, JIr. C. 11. C. Fortner. of Toronto, et night.' Electric Sable Collarettes trimmed with Astrichan. 20 per cent off. C lea r i nMen's Fur Coats, good reliable Furq, such as Galloway gChina Dog, Calf Skin ind Wallaby, 20jper cent off. 1 UNDERWEAR Sale $24, $22 and $20 Suits for $12.00 A number of lines in this department must be cleared out. A good lot of Men's Fleece lined Shirts only 85c to $1.50, to clear 75c. BLANKETS A few Pair of all -wool Blankets, to clear $4. Flannelette Blankets at 1.25: 1.50 and $1.65. Prints 121c to clear 10c. $6 and $5 Trouseringsj This table is now laden with short ends of Flannelettes, Dress Goads, Sheetings and many other articles to numer- for $3 and $2.50 1Ve tti11 t•urely please you. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER - ONTARIO. race with the Iron.. the Secretary- of Stale. E. N. Levis, -M. I'.. and Mt Y, !McLean M. I .. on (natters of Social and Moral Reform. The var- ious remits (i'om the Assembly were considered. w hen some were definite- ' ly approved and the consideration of t others delayed. The resignation of the Clerkship by Dr. A. McLean was regretfully accepted and Measra. An- derson and Small and an eider were ••r'nted to formulate a resolution, expressive of the mind of the Presby• tory. The election of a new clerk was by ballot and resulted in the ap- pointment of 4'1r. .1. Hamilton. No - 11, itamany and Rattle Hunter return-, tice of motion ons given by 'Mr. Smith `laturda) -evening from Clintonllimiting the amount of travelling ex - h a they (;pent the Inst two weeks [tenses of members to he General As- •• eta the Jackson Mfg. Co. 8°11114' paid by Presbytery. Leave DR. OVENS EYE AND EAIDSUit. "`1s giv''tt to ;Nil!r• Davidson. of \'dens.. geon, will be at the Commercial hotel, to int°'!('rate a Cnl1 et Ilaylield W J SEAMAN Iio'tra 9 a. m. to 1then the jn'ople are ready. Mr. Mus- n p.in. Glosses • • properly fitted and diseases of eye, lard. of J)rucefield, was ordered to b' f ear and nose treated. Nett visit Sa- certified to Knox College. A 1 icotn. --" - - -_-_ turday, Feb. 5th. all day. ,mittee consisting of ;<Teamrs Larkin. Vi Word was. received herr of thrlCarswell and Shaw was appointed to • death o: Mirka Ann Trick of Clinton.(coundi with Cbiselhurst and taur- e hich took pines on 'Monday. .Innn- rounding congregations if found int. - wry 11 supply I• tt ary y.lth. The deceased was N0 years old. She was a sisl(•r-in-law of `Mrs Geo. Mamwell and w'as we.l and favor. ably known in Exeter. Thu remains were taken to Ingersoll Wednesday for interment. Mr. A. E. 'Wood, Leon of Mr. and Mrs. John T. 'Wood. -it ho is with the Ilome !lank. nal on 'Monday mina - (erred from !lead (Mire. Toronto. to acting manager of the 11tdertnn branch. •Mr. Wood is to be cungral- ous to mention. Call early and make your purchases. CARLINC BROS. "20,000 Razors for Free Trial!" A new scientific discovery -a secret We want yott to !mess era en,.y Process --bas revolutionized the mann- the smooth allaying c•,min 1 3..0 t-.,:( facture of razor's. This discovery ea- obtain only tfuough yet I n{ sneep- aWes us to offer you a blade of Carbo- lug ding. u;(I atiol:e of :t 'h'ai' ht blade steel -(steel plus cartrnnt-whlrli you standard rays-tl„• Carts, -Ma oho not have to hone or grind; u blade which cuts the hairs c11..inly tvllitout that stays sharp always. splitting than or turning the teals To prove it we will distribute Carbo- bark into the skin to curio Ittitnttcn, etagnetie 1i...-,. s ,.a 1 u It.iyt' Trial ab- 1•imples,, and event worse troir t. ea e:dutely freo--them Is ono here for ,,.me In today and yet n (•.t-'.•- ..u. 'tette Razor on 30 Days' Free .•c. This il:tsor Is tempered t•y n secret LOOK rc.i1H a 'MADE Naa,( tleetrle proves at -til ab nlut.-ly even t. to:er:inure of 2.f.00 dr,,tt, .. The re_ ...o- . _a•,,, tc- s •°-%_ y shit Is the harde't cuttIli edge known 10 iu•lence. A blade of Cut bo -steel t11:(( 'eco• - ` -Kt at.• Ku..r:,n1e.• 1,•: :t Ilf. tied.• , [ pert et1 ae6GiareCt hf% CipAoc wear, no honing -no grinding, V cesmary, sot a reg t ar . tppl might When You Get EXETER, ONT. mmnrmmm+nrmmmmnM► You Take No Ghana he obtained for Chiselhurst. The r_.:. port on Church Lifts and Work tens given first 'place on the docket for the afternoon ttcesion of next meeting, Messrs. Fletcher. Dr. McLean and Lindsay addressed the Presbytery on behalf of Queen's Col'ege. The. next regular meeting is to he held on 1st Tuesday of 'March in Willis Church. (Minton. Bev. Sant. Small delivered bit pop- nlatrd on his appointment as he is the ' ar 'u'Ci :r.. 'Ills Maieaty The 11•ri:" )'oungcst ruin the Borne flank has in the .James Street Methodist eti .rch turned out. 114• t' as Chosen over six last Thursday evening •o over a senior men, tthich speaks well of thousand people. Seldom have the the ability avid integrity of the young people of !:refer hid the opportunity man. of hearing so great 'a man and those We nista to draw the attention of our renders to the communications ap- pearing in another column of this issue, 1f you knots nut item of nines mail it to us. or better still call as the office and we will be g:nd to got it. if there is any matter touching who failed to hear hint missed 't rare treat. Mr. Small described the (a!1 of 8:11an. Gave a enrol picture of "Ilia alajesty" :us ea. picture hien to- day. 111' also described the eng:•'s in the likenras that artists i.irlure th' m for its. 51r. Small a:fid he ,didn't the welfare of our 'Ion n or any quos- woe! to be nn nngrl. When he was Fon t•0,1 '+,o'f'd :at,. to (liscnsa. we a 'itt!u ;ad ht' "ttonid hive followed will p'nce the columns of the Times at 1 1 nor o.I11 3 free ticket bended that tray" 11e vaunted out the true place of angelit ns recorded in the scrip - Wren. They were made ns n rico of servants. teiniaterinir spirit'. One maniple won where the ant'e's crime too it to ante lot and his fami t• from he demi Port ion of Sodom. Ile said ' the best They emit(' do wast save the 1 ip's" being gleed. The 'Graf wan o;r1 rmut nttrl tees l'ir'a Mit :fist the .•1.00kt'1 " by let vier. Dr. G. V. ° d uomen on the rand." in making Itoutstun; then "Lift 1'p"iby'Mtn. A man land roads the best thine: he C. Bunnell: "!tend 1'p" 4,t fed Vita. • t"Id make. and never will snake any - Miss .1, Ilnrdy: •'Urumh 1'p" by 411, thine( better. Mall hating; the form (no of Vice, Miss •11. Miners: ';W rite 1'p" „f on ih(est ttork.11Thretnre two by the Secretary. V. j, Sweet: wave for man to Irl the devil rip in. one 1;p' by )he rre:tmurer. Clio on Hee •1 ; a "to open up :utd ret hint ran the ' Hummed Er by he Astor. Itev. It. 'emillenatton. or get into some other Robby. The addresses were int.:r- apersed by instruncenta!s from.1s- :Ws M1'- inn .01 I 'et Ii m run Ihr aituntinn ctrl :Ws\i, Wood. and Gladys If m•••, 1. a , Ir•••t tt a h:'te t rpub'e to beat the:Ws violin so'o by !Miss De'ight Ilobhs, !^ referenr• to ntan'.b, s •.1 n rendinu by 'Miss \'. I'rnyne. so!o by 11. 0. tiouit hoot 1. The President..Mr. A. E. Mune-ell made nn excC-leni choir - man. After the pro'(rantrne refresh- ments were served. A very enjoy- able cvenign 'ons spent. The Presbytery of Huron held its regular January n,e,,I:n:c ill Church. Clinton, on Tuesday..lanutarw 18111. '!'here w err pr•.••• •nt E. 11. Saw - yrs Moderator and \pears. 11, McLean, I)r. Stewart, ,1, A. Ander'on. E.' Mel.. Smith. C. Fletcher. D. Cu -atter. ;