Exter Times, 1910-01-27, Page 7BSOLUTE $ECU!TYI �+A Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. 4asamaloslaummomaabanrallaamsmadOmmomboaat Hints for Busy Housekeepers. Recipes aid Other Valuable Information of Particular Istereat to Women Polka USEFUL 'HINTS. A cloth moistened with alcohol will clean piano keys. ('lean linoleum with warn water and polish with milk. Mia stove blacking with soapy water. This will give a fine finish. Waren dish covers as well as dish- es or the meat will be chilled. ('lean soiled .wallpaper with plaster of forts tied up in a muslin bag. LIVE UP TO YOUR FAITH Do Not Be Afraid to Stand For What You Believe to Be Right. 5,11,.1Ds. drop in spoonfuls over the cup. -----------. (femme Potato Salad.- -Boil six Serve cold. Heat 11 lemon before ac uccr.in it, Nicodenws-he that came to dead, he ,arae with unavailing tears large potatoes; when done, peel — 1 KJesus by night St. John vii. 50• and futile gifts to pap belated tri• a; the juice is thus more easily oh -The gospels are marvels of con• bolo, resp)ee and affection. }foo and slice while w rm, and pour TOAST, tattled, ever the following: Cut one-hu'lf (Ionisation. There is room for no tunic :'ss then ! It required some pound lean bacon in small (lice and • nattered Toast. -'Cake bread not wards) anddnslliev will nrom olemakex)'uuir • idle words in them: supertlu^us courage, doubtless, to do that. He fry brown. Scasou putatuee with too fresh, cut thin, tri►n oft thestatonlcnts are rigidly excluded• had progressed somrtchnt from his eyes smart. Moot Bear Si�riature of Ault, pepper, and finely sliced on- crust. First warm each side of the The importance of repetition is nocturnal and seeret visits; even ions. Mix thoroughly 'with the ba bread, then brown both sides, but addedA torakeni �ingful � lvilf thie pc icing therefore apparent. W e find in St. his sorry touch of the Master heti coy fat and dice. tlu•n add one-half ter, and serve irnntediately. Jc hr's Evangel n rico named Nico- , from cracking. wrought that much change. Per - sliced 0 cul: whits vinegar. Ouruish with Breakfast'1'oaxt—.Add to one pint demos thrice mentioned in sonnet haps sliced hard boiled eggs, of sweet milk two tablespoonfuls of A teaspoonful of vinegar in boil tion with Jesus. In the first refer- edat was chnnge,tle whiehginning of a would et (•n Sre Nac-Blaallo Wrapper Below. Cauliflower Salad. --Buil a head sugar, a little salt, and a well beat - and icing prevents it becoming hard core it is noted that Ise rune to Eustis snake him a bold adherent, ei white cattliflewer, cool for about en egg. I)ip in this slices of bread and erumbl'" Jesus secretlyand h • night. In the and fry on a buttered Iso make cabbage crisp. shred J q standing four square for whnt he !vents minutes in ice water, break griddle until and drop into a bowl of iced water next two, one of which took place thought and believed. We do not apart carefully, wipe dry, put in it is n light Brown on each side. an hour before using. before the death of the Nazarene know as to that. ,a FOt3i:I.EACIIE. Falad dish. Serve cold with ma)•- Mennonite Toast. --Beat up three Use and the other after, the fact of that CARTER F1lN olztllilss, onuaisr dressin eggs well. Add apint sweet bacon tut fur basting chick - g' ens; it is superior to anything nocturnal visit is restated, so that A GENTLE REPROOF. lir rC BILIOUSNESS. Cabbage Salad. --Shred one-half milk and a pinch of salt, cut slices P )' g elso Nieodenws, the rich, wealthy idem• ER head medium size cabbage, ;%c,(1 an inch thick from a loaf of baker's for the purpose. leer of the Sanhedrin, who was only How often have we looked at our lila TOF.P10 LIVER. A common crock snakes a finestens and longed for another op - p�pipour over it the following Three- bread and remove crust. Dip slices 8 half-hearted le- • ,1'• o Ls r hid COitSTiPATION. ► g :) f Jesus, is --�' quarter cupful of sweet create, one. into the egg and milk, fry like baking dill► for young chickon, as always and forests identified and 1,mrluuity to show them the affee- i0a ThECW =KIN. doughnuts in but lard or drippings I 1 tion and consideration which we ►; it kee )s the meat nits. 1Fiifl TNiCOMPLEJ(ION holt teaspoonful salt, sprinkle •,i K 1 I g referred to ns a elan t: lin sante seek- a_•.c•s.,.,.,,.r,.,.y,.•,,..•,,.. pepper. Three tablespoonfuls .( till a delicate Brown, and sprinkle (%house lamp wicks that arc soft, int; the truth xerretly and by nig it. withheld in lite and which the great Mari•owo voPatsb>c. +f:.. g J , wita powdered sugar and serve hot. and loosely woven. Soak them in ti termination has brought into our ar is �- aa. sugar. Stir thorough and :eel i French Toast. ]Beat two eggs and thoroughly (,) • ""..else '"'"` eau* three tablespoonfuls of vinegargg, vinegar and dry chosen hl before THAT T:11{I\(: 1r.11.1'C1', being as an illumination. CUP.' add two cupfuls of cold water and using; them. To trace his career is interesting. "Oh !" said the wife of a deceased Potato Salad.—Slice six tnediln : , When washingwoollen, especially g• cold boiled potatoes, one on: ,u ! a half teaspoonful of salt. Dip neat ! dally His eenditien in life has been stat clergyman man ton body of men who Had Weak Back. !slices of stale bread into tinct, wet- stockings, shake thoroughly to get ed; timidity was 1119 prevailing were passing resolutions after the -. chopped, salt and pepper to taste ! two tablespoonfuls of olive oil, lee: i ting both sides, and fry in a hot rid of the dust, before putting them rtl(arueteristle. He had insight to death of their friend and telling World Often Lia in Bed For e'upful of vinegar. Chopped etas !frying pan that has been well but- into the onuses suspect the truth, mentality to ac- what he had been to them. "Oh, 1. } mxy be added, Mix thon,lit+IJ . but- tered. Grease on a wall can generally knowledge it, blit not courage to gentlemen, if you thought thus of Dais, Scarcely Able To be eradicated by eoverin with clean R Turn Herself. tithe tw:, hard boiled eggs aa:! lay Egg Toast. --Cook an egg three -q live it and proclaim it. It ix well my husband, why didn't you tell ____ or+ top. fourths of an hour. make one- lel^fling paper, and then passing a that that lacking quality •which pre. tum while he was yet alive?" Mayonnaise Dressing.- ,p- fourth cupful of cream sauce, sop. warm iron neer it. Mrs. Arch. ?;rhnaro, lilrrk )'Dint, N.RR- One c► t Soft goal made from half a tented Linn from being numbered I. of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of crate the white and the yolk, chop I with the apostles shomlt be firelight writes:--' For years 1 was troubled with pound of shaved dawn hard sox) weak back. Oftentienew 1 hale lair) in flour, one teaspoonful rusatar I, the tchite and ac.d to the sauce, cuti t , the fore, for he is a type of hu- ehed for days, being scarcely able to turn , salt and pepper. four eggs beee':'i rounds of toasts. Press the yolks and two quarts of water will save inanity by no means enconlrnon. He myself, and I have also been a great separately. Add yolks first tee', through a sieve, pour the sauce the soap bill at cleaning time. knew whet was right, but he (lid not sufferer while trying to perform nsv whites. One-half cupful of vine 1- 'neer the toast, and spread the yolk When baking apples, core the have the courage to ',liaise his life household ,lades. I had doetoel attend-' i u 05er this. fruit and put in a clove and a lit- in acrordnnrn with his kn.;ulydge. tui me wit ,•,u nlsil and tried liniments;'weak(•ned to two-thirds; heat. then tin rugae. A small bit of butter on and plaateri, but nothing seemed to do, Pour in after eggs aro added. ('tot: His belief was not oneratil•e. it me an • all. I was about toup = g each will improve the flavor. > g givein.I I double holler, stirrin nil ;he A dish cloth should be thorough• was not practical. -e politics he et despair when my husband induced me to time until thick. Two lablesprom. J L1. :11iOC\ I) THE HOUSE. ly we!! boiled in soda water once worn rnr loudly for reform sand vet try Dosses Kidney Fills, and after using : fuls of „live c I or butter,vote for his party in the final test. two boxes I act now well and able to do; fainted Flours.-'l'nko teals of a a week. This will keep it a good •The last seems in his life is tragi - my work. . ant positive Doan's Kidney I Frui� Salad. -One cupful of or- Irnr of tshite luundr sun , shave color, and perfecll)• sweet. Pili. are ill teat you cl im for them, ams I �llr4r cut in small piece,, one c+lo- ! + tally typical- \\'hen the roan in fine. dissolve this in 'half a pint of To be sure of smooth mayonnaise 15.11orn he only halt believed, whom would adiis? all kidney sufferers to give ;fat of bananas, one cupful of green dressing add lableapoon eornstaroh than a fair trial." grapes, one eupful of English w l) nater with aid •'f gentle heat ; when h'• had defended faint-heertedl•, DOAN'S ?-:I,I�NEY PFLt.S are a purely 'milts. Salad dressing One tied di,solyed pour into n bucket of hot w,,lta b n teticingridid Allele bo ler. at all whore he hail sought by night, was vegeesble-aletieifie. realizing quick, tier- capful of vinegar, till cu , with (,•1•I water ; add one cupful of gasoline relief, without any after ill effects. 1 g 1 and use a soft cloth to wash with. :111 the cooking utensils should be .k m•dieine that will absolutely cure Back- water, add small piece of lime • 1 , washer) with soda immediately at- acarandallforms of Kidney and Bladder, three teaspoonful; of sugar ali.l n This will rcinoye all the dirt andJ • ter they have been used, which will / hsease. pinch of salt. Set on (.• h ' t , ' does not leave a spot or streak 4.n Price, 50 cents mer bot. or ;l for $I.'25, ; neat the yolks of two eggs. ,ter the wood. remove sten trace of gess.. at all dealers o' The T. Milburn Co., Lira- I I Easy )Ness of ('poking. An easy ('lean enamelled saucepans with iced, Toronto. Ont. t quarter teaspoonful of mu -turd, cue stone after they have bee i well In orderinge, if 'Doan's." tablespoonful of (lour. Stir lett way to roast beef or veal : Arrange' i Y II • roast as usual, thin cover with, boiled out. and they will look like ! the vinegar and boil. Set if to 1 new. _ j cool. 1Vhen cold, stir in one -lit if : thin slices of salt. pork. Slip them cup sweet cream and alt :n t: c' under string that is around the! Grated raw potat•, makes a splen - ii ER MANS LOSING 1' H11' k1.1:1 . roast, or fasten with toothpicks. did cleanser for carpets. Rub it fruit- Serve on lettuce leaves. Facer assail cad as sae, IUD %Asko as ssgar. .1nd the gentle reproof was well deserved. Do not be afraid to stand for what you believe. Do not proclaim your adherence to man and creed secretly and by night, but in the broad and open Tight of day. 1)o not wait until men or issues are dead and then seek to expiate your higotry Jesus completely overrides coeareliee by a tardy, if expensive in his plea for a universal good will recognition—too late. It will only which will unite all men in a eonl- serve to show, not what might be, neon brotherhood. This is the Ivgi- but what ought to have been. In cal outcome of verses 38-42. belief and action hold it firmly, live 15, Sons of your Father --- it fearlessly, do it now. aha treats all men lovingly, how- CRYItGS TOR'\S}:\U nR.1i►1 • ever. they !nay treat him, sets • i>! children an example of generous -- --- - ----- -. ---- lure. 1 IIE Sa S. LESS() the (cunt the penalty for guilt being 40, 4 The demand! for that ex - death. The council is the supreme ceeding righteousness which is made Sanhedrin of Jerusalem, with its by Jesus n condition of entrance in- Sanhedrin enc members. The hell of to the heavenly kingdom (verse 20), fire means the final divine judq rend whish is summed up in the next ment and its fearful consequences, verse. 23. Thy gift at the altar -Jesus' t8• Re perfect --In loco, as the often appealed to the Jews' sever- Patches in Beaten is perfect in lore. once for the temple, but went there; 1 11 'absolute religious and social Brown thoruu hl then add neves• over the surface and relish off withI ideal' representing the summit of g himself only to teach. In this verso sary water. Onee or twice turning a clean cloth ening ,:ot of .yarn Lesion 1'. Some 1•'111% egg the hinR• and the next he teaches that no ndtihuman attainment toward whit•! :all is sufficient. This saves basting ! water. "Bronchitis. TRE SYMPTOMS ARE Tightness across the Chest, Sharp Paint and a Difficulty is Breathing, a 3`'crcticn of T;,ick Phlegm, at first white, but 'ater of a greenish or yellowah color coating from the bronchial tubes when coughing, especially the first thing in the morning. Bronchitis is generally the result of a cold caused by exposure to w,et and inclement weather and when neglected wiil become chronic, Chronic Brenchitis is one of the most ••neral causes of ('ousun,ption. Cure the :dist symptoms of Bronchitis by the us* of 1)r. 11 oocl'a Norm ay Pine Syrup +++44++++ Miss Martha Bout- ; ♦ get, Little Patrol. ♦ Bre.rchitis + Que., writes: "Last ♦ Cured. ♦ spring I was very + poorly, had a bad ♦ ♦♦4♦♦♦ rough. sick bead - no sleep, and was tired all the time,l! d I con - suited two doctors, and both told ole I had bronchitis, and advised me to Nice up teaching. I tried almost everything but none of the medicines Nave me any relief. one of niy friends advised me to try 1)r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. 1 had scarcely taken the first bottle when 1 i,eg:sn to get better and when 1 bad taken the fourth bottle I felt as well as ever, m cough had left nye and I could sleep well." Dr. Wood's is the original Pino Syrup. It is put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark, and the price 25 cents. There are ninny imitations of "Dr. Wood's" so be sure you receive the genuine when you ask for it. i Manufactured only by' The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. (43). But it implied as much, and certainly that represents the ),•n- eral Old Testament idea of seeial duty. The Jews treated all f••r:•:ga- ers with a haughty disdain which amounted to hatred. This nationil I. 1 EItN 1T10\.11, Leeen\, J.1\. 30. fl1'graerfi l Oeeurrenre 'look Plaee Macaroni Salad.- )'lace the con - on Berlin Streeto, tents of a 5 cent package of macar- umi in boiling salt water and boil One of three stylishly dressed twenty minute.. When dune .and sum, Malt. :i. 17-2ti, :3•+-4s, fiel of worship is acceptable to God so should strive. and does a'way with the hard out•; en Test. ,laic, v. 4s. t•n as the worshiper brat+ a ------,),----- side. An easy way to cook squash:, rel" _against Isis neighbor. a women who were quietly (slid, clip with s.iesmrr into quarter Hubbard squash is usually su hard 1'HI.OIttIFOIIM}:l) THE 11 11. Verse 17. The law The Jct:�u 25.>G. fon touts [I1i.11't: )111'f[iI:R'S .1G/1\1'. ng Berlin the other clay was inch lengths. Cut two bunches • ( to cut and peel it will be foundy iw•t:alions ate •,fv __ Fuddonly s izcd by x middle-aged ;('dery fine and elle'. in hard boiled much easier to Break in large pied• s -- lutokalt,[IOId�Testame,it literati the ate Reny hat red n man n ut S;tm iter Three l'hildtl nFtG1► g 1 Photographer's Del ice to Oleucin- man, also well dressed, and drag eggs. When read} to serve. the ea, then buil, and afterwards scrape Lifelike 1'iclurea• la. One n ( from his heart if he Through lee in Deep fond. ged away from her companions. I macaroni. celery, and eggs should put the inside and mash and ea-� jot— The smallest letter would have the diving furgivcnesx; The poor woman begged*for het be mixed to ether with two ,intra- I f., the man} strange as, that'll' the Hebrew alphabet. 1; that it s a matter �•f µ +Arlt,. Thrrc 1 ds (- (' t ' (la.a.tl opent:e, all be.1- but unavailingly. When 11 policeman toes chopped fine, and %alt td taste. son. The squash has a bitter Ila- chloroform tray be put Dr. Francis 19. The apparent benching I•1 prudence for a elan lu banish ill circ rs, erre playing oh t}Ase ice of u Orally appeared, the man who at- Then a boiled (Ire -sing, made as 11t cooked this way, ))seed u[ Ipswich has added vet an )Jesus in thus verse js !11x1 t mutt - will if be w•r rl lar a )ons At i)unruurn Bella<t ties l t d get slung well with $ ! , larked the little woman told biro fellows, should be. added to make To Clean fight Paint. Tu clean ol'sr, gees tine T,ondon Daily Mail. ate observance and inrulcatlmu jf his fellows. Prison can mean either Ireland, when the ice gave wa; white and light colored paint : Put 11' chlnrofornas fish, not for surgi- every detail of the law is stri • Is -general punishment or the inter- The h('J''s mother was the first t,, a lump of whiting into a pail of tot cal purposes but in order that fse necessary to hila who is to h•• ra mediate stats, from which it was hear their erica and, Acrumpnnird water, with two tablespoonfuls of may obtain lifelike photographs of member of the kingdom of brace • thought pma;ihle to (-wale.. The by other women, she rushed to tht. heft soap: use soft flannel, and them in their natural environment.; But, again, ve ars I•urr this :a,,. pri+onrr's release. ax -••,,n ns Ice spot. The pond wee veru deep, clean soft cloths for drying the; "The greatest difficulty I had to' not be the meaning of Jesus It has paid the final farthing of debt,and the mother though she cool 1 it uta... no affair of his as the we the salad the desired eonsinteney: r,,an was his' wife, and he was tak Beat three eggs until foamy, add iii her home though she did not two tahleslu,ontjlls of sugar, one e antto go. 1 tablespoonful butter, one teaspoon - The policeman unconcernedly' fol salt, one cup of vinegar, one cup !'ave up the, point, and walked ''1 milk and two tablespoonfuls paint. 1 c intend with in this fast -Mating has been explaml'd, that +nr of is cuntr►uplxtcd, and thin excludes not swim, jumped in to save he's away. A foreigner who had taLen flour. Stir while it cook., and To ('lean Windows.- Place pal !ebbs of photographing fish in their their least commandments dies not the idea of hell. children. But for the efforts of the i•. the whole situation at a glaA�e wh n thick remove from the fire and verized pumice stone between the nature! environment in tanks was refer to the Ian as it 1'11111. freer 3•i. Eye for , .. eye.. , , tooth for ether women she would have been • and endeavored to aid the woman s't• away in an earthen regard t.. piece of soft mus- the rapid and unexpected nose- lf.sscs, but to the law as is r! used , , tooth The justification of this drowned, and she had t„ be fore - layers of a folded was ndviec d by the policeman not eonl. When root. just before mix - keep and stitch around the edge to runty of the •uhject9," 1)r. )Vass) and accomplished by Jrrus- Ino IAy in the limitati„n it all hp Ably restrained from again throw- lin interfere. In the meantime the • tug with the .salad. add one enpful keep the powder from spilling. Wipe explained. "The idea occurred to, 20. Except your right •.•u:nese , ti the natural thirst fur vengeance. Me herself info the water. woman was thrown into a taxicab clean] and heat well. This maks, lamp chimnr}x or wiuJowA with this. ,s that 1 could mike the fish more shall exceed ))shat the srril,ee This pricitild• idea of lunisluncrlt Some men who wren working at by the alar who railed himself her a.1 excellent main .lisp to sane (1r3 cloth and they will becornr'tractable 11' 11108114 .,f ell"ruf'(rnn. 5learnr<I atudrmt�, bra 1,•:., ;use. i i degree and kind, was ►mlahly a tnill came to the boys' aid, and husband and driven away, tNrlvc at luncheon. Sunday .toning clean and sparkling almost instant- • if tit how to administer the attars- judges of the law) and lhnriaccs adapted to the cruder instinete ,1 two of then,, marled Press and Me• The local newspapers are cont- teas, or card parties. Ii Enough powder will remain in thetic : l:ventualle [ derided up- ,did mad taught was insufli •tent to an earlier cisili/stiun (I:xod. °ll. Cook, exhibited the greatest Berl menting on this disgraceful occur- rence. the cloth to use several times. Ion the process of drawii•g the water adroit thele to the king I •'11 ( f lien- tet -25), els. Be breaking through the ire erne.. 'I'hd• Tageblalt wants to )fall Paper. --To remove grease { slowly away from th•• tank while at len. Instead of doing awns with 3t), Resist not evil iesua they were able to reach two of the marks from nail ),epee make a paste the same time administering the the requirements of the I•ia. as the abrogates entirely the right of pri- lads, who were ultimately teetered kr.ow why the bents was not sound- DESSERTS. chloroform through another tube. Jews charged, Jesus ascot'!- d1- true leugennce. When a cindi•: toeon,ciousness, but (hay ssere un. the Germans have lost whatever Pineapple Snow Pudding. one.. ! Spread ave r the spot and let it dr • ; "The experiment was profoundly mended more than the s_ ribrs, w:rh liveshit to sate clic third, whose body whipped, and says it appears that •'t fuller's earth and ammonia. interesting.• I spirit is let lops. it will not was not reroccrrd until 11►r sinter sense of chivalry they Doer had. I halt box of gelatin soaked in one- brush off u ith a clean, stiff brush. At first the fish be- all their loudly proclaimed d ev- stop ata bare justice of like for Who the parties involver) in the' half cupful .f cold water for one 1 Fur (1011(atd• paper fold pmwderr•ct `same cxlrvulr•I•v excited. Darting tion to the IAN. ('ompan• Matt. like. The only safety is in the rf. Bed born run oft. case are is not made known. half hour. •fake hall of the juice Leers! chalk flat inside a tilirknrss, mettle from one side of cher tank to '23. 2-3. Ilio) of all human right to ret -i':• the other- It appeared ,cared as though 21, it wag said to them o ,� from a ran •.f pineapple And asst of gauze, Inv the ehalk pod ngainstl I 1 R f dd nus. ()1''l' (IF THE N.1TUR.1i. ORDER. --eke-- enough cold water to make a pint 'the grease spot, and press well with m) effort was (o be in vain, tut hr- time -This introduces n section Turn to him the other --The lieu( 1' this add one cupful of sugar And an extremely hot iron; there should' fore long Inesititde is-ereame them (serscs _'1 Is) wherein it is shown ntive language must be kept Kurt- ")'spat dugs always chase • nus oa IIONI•:STY. boil for three minutes. Pour this, 1'' nn mark, but tl►e (rrra a willand they rested lazily near the led- that the Old Testament and phnri stantIv in mind. tieing spoke as an land, dull'l they l" "Honest +mixture over gelatin and strain have dianppenrrcl. tom of the tank. 'rims I was able ,nit siew of life is inferior to that 'Oriental to Orientate. Otherwise he "They d(, everywhere, my inn.” y," said )'nets Eben. 1 through Ghee -r stmt!. Lrt this slnnd To ('lean s'nres Itottrnslonr and f.. make a nnrlrarted photographic higher life tchie6 Jesus 011111,' t•, . s omnis not have been heard. 11'e "But, 1)1]1,8, flu ocean greyhounds `'11on't allies aeent to bring de quick- "Honesty," until it begins to tine Let then beat!soft soap miss d intra a ,sits are expe,ure with excellent results. tallish. This is door lel nu•an+ 1 ,+ r profits, but it's de onises' way to ( I " resist felloN, not the literal our ls, chair a 504 puss?" rr until it is perfectly white, .,dd the owl for 1 "Continuing %111' experirneuts, } six illustrations: (1) Anger, (:,') •,n but the r�a,•Illlal principle. ('.•r build up a steady trade.P g pnlishiug hrae�rs, The found that just bef.,rr nnarsthrsia sial puri!, (a) .li,orcr, (t) nal11 t:lints rlll(lners ruts i— mpostors ird + beaten whites of Iwo eggs. 11'hen brass should be rubbed with n Ilan- is complete it i+ possible to take a (1, retalintioIl, tell mnivrr-s1 loco Home rut' m , ' • take a speci• enough to hold up the frnit!ne: dipped in the pacts, then with; ,h, to rn ►h of fish in an n not to hAas• their wap Nithont rr, city of m: m, . ,rmr►itirs. add one-half cupful of chopped 'a dry cloth. and lastly burni'h,',I:I d Iaggressive Our lesson includes I, :,I and 0. ►:trains, Rut forgiveness and toe- pineapple. )sour into a fancy dish, with len(hrr dl , ,ed in find tons ntlltnde. Inaesthetiee ore }rami- Thou shalt not kill Th,• .fetes .d•lfi,,hnees most have their w•% •, dipped J I 13.1/ le useful inthe phi they irros- con.cimltimusly kept the leiter of 'fhe r'lenning herr is blain : n mn.] Could Not Slflr'(s'+ ) and before nerving decorate with errs bath brick lr,.t,. ..i "t1 tartar. Once they are the sixth commandment and nl Maraschino Berries. ' it is well to To ('Iran 'ellen'''. in defining' most not he thinking eseitiret ill: ,r t' removed from the rhhlroformrd stained from the act ..f murder; but .If his rights, or net as it his chief In The Dark• make thin the day before it is hren,e ornnmenta dust thmrnnght tortes the subjects rapidly recover." she principle invoiced they disrc needed. with a soft brush, !wirer careful to, aim was to avenge every o-iiaht. (:lC(i. fussing. -Une-lhi:d el p• +g, Arlo all certie(, dip a rag in "'f ---- gelded, and therefore f,•It no tem, 10. Let him, have thy eloek ale,. -- Doctor Said Heart and fu: of butter, oar -hall cupful of olive nil, qc t.1,,%• ilehly over the yL('('i?a5, pmnctiona if III, v chanced 1.. be an The nater garnu mt as w :11 as the Nerves Wore P.osp� nsibin. sugar creamed, two and a quarter surface, then poli,{. with n moth Nmgl l(s "How is your boy ,,t- gre with their brother. or to. 111'.' , shirt (coat). The ec•c•c,nd illa'Ira- cupfuls of Iluur, one egg, well hes• and finally a ith chamois leather. (ting ahem at school q t►in1. !tion of the unselfish le leper. The 0o r ten, one-fourth teaspoonful salt, Cleaning ('ntpet. Eight ounces' ('!Bald rn "Nlrlendu y, splendidNay nolo you- Ina,mo.,•11 as - two teaspoonfuls ginger, four tea- spoonful.; ea- x,, s r n 1 i• , t]Is baking powder. k cl r . :1d •1• 1 d d► R I 11 f „ tin_ chloroform, 1 I, t of ;nine , an n i , w'1 fu rl , that 1 11 make e n ( 1 khiswar IIC 11 11 t in the world, don't you fear. Dur- ing the eight years hr's been going to school they have had thirty-two examination's. and he's Illanagr•tl to dodge every one of '0111." Troubled With Constipation For Years. Any irregularity of the bowels i., al. -ays dangerolu to your health and should be corrected et once for if this is not de + ' e con. tl scion and all, so P Pria ,f aeut•s are liable to attack von. Militant's Laxa-Liver Pills mire Con- sition and :ill Stomach, Liver and .1 colnplaiots. Henry Pearce, $ Standish Ave., Sound, Ont., writes: Having tee:Med fat years with eonatipetion, trying various soealled remedies eh eel me no geed whatever, I ARA r+uadrd to try Milburn's Leen-Liver Piths. 1 have fount the:n nines !seise - facial; they are, indeed, a splendid pill, and I can heartily recommend them to all those who suRer from constipation." Price 15 ce:lrs a vial or 5 for $1.00 at ell d,a5 -_, or sent direct ou receipt of pre by ')'he'l'd Milburn Ce., Limited, leeway), out. ofm- atom mist one-half ounce other, It . 1 pot tell }-mi, my old friend, e ne- Ia (, '•e ' n materials to egg, butter. Aid sneer 5saspsonful carbonate of soda, one - is, alternation With one cnpfn' ,,1 half teaspoonful of alum, pult•erie- milk and on( cnpfn of dry cryfetal e(1 ; one half tablespoonful of tattle iied ginger. Steam. Serve with salt. three bars of white soap (large cream or with the following, sauce: sife), dissolved in two gallon'. of br,ileig water; turn firs out. add other ingredients, stirring ns you add each one; bottle or put in jars; time three cups to one pail of warm water. shake up, • and use foam; with n seruhbing brush (the hroorn kind). go over e:lrpet, small space at time, wiping with n dry cloth. Your carpets will look like new. bringing out the colors fresh and raising the nap. You trust use Ono and one-fourth cupfuls of but- ter, one-half cupful of eream, two cupfuls of powdered sugar, one tea- sponnful of ginger, all th'•rnughly mixed together. Uncooked Custard. -- One-half cupful of sugar boiled until it hairs poured slowly over yolks of three eggs well heath. Flavor to taste. The longer this is beaten the nicer it is. )sour the mixture over half a rinser lady ftngere. 4h -i, whites judgment regarding the scrubbing. of eggs whit powdered augaP d according to your carpets. ^•1 tark',, gobbler. -Life. 'Ther^ 14 Many a 11111• .lad w'J,1, 111 (J•,a• in night Ij R t afle: night upon " sleepless bed. .• ,.•••••.(•.•. ., sena ,. ♦ nrr+itan Their eves Ie 11•)1 eleee in the sweet and 11111 , IC i ' 1 f 1 1 precept , •, cc t a ,. hdld.l, from �i m .:n must be ready l.. stiff •r n rung relrrah, is r•rl.tw• -Bar metre to cheers clod, and diems claims for his in tis pant with hi. e,,,,•1- f.,r rhe :1 1.1 whose heart tart Henri are right. Sono; jcnrlioe an equal anthorits• lir a. t•t pence • eanlitte-,nal dstmetinee, worry es c 1 dlaeese :ese .. icbilit. ted and irraise.l smiles nu nqualily with (fed. 1 11. \1'hn-mr•,,•r .hail coif, " I tt:. •• •r the n: -.,•,,a system, that it cannot be F.5 pry one elle is tinge; .11' ,••,l0 1'rv,tll the cit tom .•f ..tot r 1!;tie, 11 e1 rein:, time; of hatred and amuse ell.• .,+, i•lh:clitani- :,f 11 tit Marc to d :,1'I''' Mrs. •'akin F., Ir;: I:n ssnUlre, ,►", fill, even if they rte not 1"Ilr ill a• le baggage p'hee Alm., ,• „a ' wriIM• - •. hu-•:; '-so ran; ago 1 t,egan I ( ••1 I;.rlr tlr"rn•i,1e't w•.,h a smntberint( Prr„ra' Of t'is,leuee. Tlils Is the :' -1 „1 a t:a\ '1'1•r. :,tee, •pint m1 1(u 1,1•rdrl threefold, cumulatitI' rharael,•;Ir:, ; pito a-1, ni let whc.l I nd.'eid to she'i. t •tali•n•rtt ..t Ihr 1laslr:r i4 tm :1c• . �l r, b=r� l �.•ould n•Y steep in t6� ,lstrk, tin (,1 (lie spirit srf halt•, It 11" ,,I,, ,..((...•• Ilett only lull .t be .5ilhne t., anti wo'II.1 hlvo to sit up and rut, my Morels. -,•d nog. r, as distineeted. : I.4 lee ire. 11 tot Ills puhlir tow!. blob4 'hey nevill hr'ome so :emits. e.! from the anger whirl1 break` 1 ' �. '1.1.. L'1'1':It t1 U!'d i l )!lis 11•x•1•' ))iV deetor tats my Ilrart ane weep,. cert -1 fol tit in contempt time:. eoitlef i. 1;1, e. Tlur I•,t,• which rile• t, v,l1 \ rse )'ilia ;t•I'. rt;.Ililleim's1Hear and (Hat -1. or ••erepts h•vul"1. and That eke. in the true spirit +t hr th.•r'v' try 111rrri. l took the».' boles ana e+l II wlii:h Ia+111\ tillt,1. ;1 lel',,, il,rl,'1 I,N(•. I• 1m realm 1! ' : t ',,•t 1 •r a .t he •1 ,va'i,et 5tee)) without the titch:' log lack mf lntl•!III'•rllr, , 1 hmu lm,•1). e.\eel,tl'l,r 1 rt114e:111• r :I Ir•1'.m11 11 I, 3:;,3741 311.1 ran rs:'t well. I era r-'P,nn• The judgment •1'11 •:, • ,I ,1 'roller- 1 r• , 1 'tem Mph,- - to nrrtoui It:.i rut. , I,.•r ,l nos .i! t,o it �•,I, Y , . it , threefold femme' i•, . • .•1,. .1.!•'!ell,ei, cannot. et.' ed 1 r( -.i e 410'11 ,1.1.1'1 "°hen's. ti,111 of punishment. The feet re. -0., rl'•i.v! ;i1) rent, •ter 1••,•; •r'i C6-. (''I,' f rove veal r meek. .1•',u+ '., +' a, y ,;yteN• ,r ntslc,i •:,reef cn rerans (els to the offteiat 1o, al i,;al of the the old lbw tate beds' it -i ei r . t of '--re, by tnc'1' M:Ib.ru.:o., -:.:Initcis murders b, the al►pr,.p,iota 'le'. ish say esplicitty, Hats. thine 'tatmyl '1'..•;m:1., bat.