Exter Times, 1910-01-27, Page 5ilii E1ETEit '111 2,1411 1910 ��NNN�NNNNNEIitfN�N�NN��NN�N. ) The Moisbns Bank1 incorporated 1855 CAP TAL (Paid up) .... .... $3 500.000.00 RESERVE FUND •••• •••• $3.600,000•oO : Has 05 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the • Principal Cities n the World. General Banking Business Transacted. Savings Bank Department at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Dlckeon At Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager i1N/NNN eaaN•N NNNN••A •IN►NN•e NNN •• N N• a a e ► • THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO ESTLBLISUED 1867 WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 yittTANDER LAIRD, GeneralManaser Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries. FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States, Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 133 Exeter Branch -G. W Harrison, Manager Branch also nt Crediton. intcr Tei Term \IOPENS �1�ary 3rd or • • 1 steles..o •• tudents may enter any day of the school year. individual instruction. Our graduates get the best positions. Nail Courses. \Ve train more young people than any other management in Can• oda! Affllated with ('ommerria) Educators' Association of Canada, Crediton Mr. Garnet ,Maker. of London, spent 4 Sunday in town visiting friends. Mr. Harry Filber left !'or Sarnia where be will remain for the winter. A.;few from here attended the skating rink ar Exeter on Monday * Miss Mildred .Braun and Miss Pearl t I Jailer spent Wednesday in London + trying their rnusie exrina. '.Ve wish + theta every success. Miss Lottie %VO'Ish returned to her . home in Exeter after visiting a few .I weeks with her Hunt Mrs. J. Cockwill. 1 Miss Margaret Kuntz, of Exeter. is + I spending a few weeks with her aunt + Mrs, D. Link. 4. `A number from here attet,ded the anniversary held at Centralia Mon- t i day evening. Mr. Roy Heider left for the north - 4 west after visiting his aunt Mrs. Sam. • 'Braun. 7, I Miss Vella Braun spent Wednesday in London visiting friends. or particulars t ' Miss i.ena Williams, of Parkhill, X spent a few days here visiting friends •- and relatives. n siness We are sorry to report that Dr College 'i: McCue is ill but we hope he will soon be around again. I Mr. Eckert Wilhelrrs held his nuc- X tion sale on the :!Ist, and disposed of Geo.• H(wtten, Principal. ' hIle his auschold effects. realized a potter,. Principal. figure. 44•1i=r S 4.+4 4.++++++++++++ tr+•: Fre ! i t t-! H -'r; .S- } The friends of Mr. and Mrs. George F.i1her gathered at their home Mon- day evening and pleasantly surprised then[. They numbered about twenty- five. went •- five. They all spent a very enjoyable evening. farmer should know that the Too Late For Last Week. offered by the dealers for cattle, Mrs. 8:(m. J3raiun returned home etc., is a fair one. How can he Friday alter attending the funeral of tkle if he does not take a farm her mother at Berlin. poi paper? What doctor or law- ', 31r. r. 'Gime of Centralia spent or business man would be without 1 rliesday in town. business paper? 'there is but one i Mlias Lottie .Welsh of Exeter is the trrssers b :guest 'Mrs. and market paper, that ;B t at of her aunt .1, Cockwill 1. The Weekly Sun. Start 1910 tight by )(o a few Con the(Iay subscribing. ke Is obr sick list but 1te hope she will soon be around :(gain. i Sir. harry Either of Sarnia is spend- ing a few dna around here visiting friends. r "1r. Ir., 1Jrn'sn spent n few days in Dashwood visiting friends. Mrs. 1)3 ti Se it set left ,for Hoot River on 'Mfonelay to visit Mr. Writ Open Letter From Mrs. L. L(•wis n bo is very ill. Hermann Will Be Interesting M1 r. Adrian Coughlin eprni Sunday to All Women Readers. THERE JS BUT ONE a Woman Can Id Up Her Health hotollolowing letter written from r• er prettily n ( situs • h( Y 1u h the In Ossining, on th busks of the Iludsuri, gives idea. Ilerutanh's experience with 111 - health. "I a as never very strong in Centralia visiting ;parents and friends. A fe•tr from here attended the ROI h. -Id in Exeter on 'Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. stalls and daughter of Manitoba lice the entails of Mrs. Stahl last week. Mir. llownld of 'Zurich spent Sun- day in town visiting bis Brother Mr. 1. Chou/tends (here are Just like me, Fred Our keepers nrc busy getting who have to pay double toll for every in their ice fon next summer. little extra effort or exertion. When Miss Alrna trill spent n day In Ex - the weather woe tine, and 1 was able ter last Werk visiting 'friends. Ito get about. I enjoyed life and held .r n meeting 'iENSALL I , it.a to n,.u1 o t•. best gown was of brown striped venetian mat •r! tl rt hat t 1't • 1 The 1-)t,I;aI < sites taiuruent of the. wishes accompany thein iitd may their Illethodist Sabbath School was held:future be nue ce bappims. and pros• in the. church here I ,st Friday even-' L,crity. . int . An c seek, ut pragr:ui,un• 1vaal - - -� provided, Ender the instruction o(I Dashwood iia I)o: Y. of London. t A number of our soling people drove )Ir. James Jlengongl, was in the ttu Exeter on Friday eveuidg ant look village Last ueek and this, and in- in the hockey Match. tends going out west to work. ,Mliss Ada Siebert left for Toronto Mii \Wu1. noir has retiirued frons on Monday 10 attend the Milliner)• 1'urunto, inhere she has been visiting Openings. her d:,nghter. Mrs. Case. Mrs. E. Ot1erhew returned to her )1r. K. MacArthur. of Ailsa Cr:ti,;,;home here on Friday after visiting was in the village last it eek visiting with friends in Detroit Mich. his brother 'Mr. .1. ManArthate i Mr. and Mrs. 'Tota liluu111 are get. ',\Ir..1otnes Todd, who ha) been vis ting settled in their new borne h.•re. icing his ,.able, t\Ir. Cleo. Todd, left for!, Alesars. J:uu Illy :,ud Ted ltawdrn his horn" in I1iu) \at,'\lisle., Inst week.t'xet-r. here visitors 1n ton11 un Sun - Miss Emma Thompson is leaching nt present a short distance from Credi-' Rey. and .Mfrs. L. K. Eidt. left on tun. 'Saturday for Lishou to attend the Mr. :.n.! Mrs. U. F. Scott. of Lon- funeral of Mrs. Eidt's father, Mr. dun. ttho spent the past month with Wagner of that place. etre. .1. `etherlond. .lir+. Scott's, Owing to the ubacnee of !\Ir. Eidc sister. returned to Loddon last week. tit re were nu s,•rvices on S:u,(1.,y •imorning• The taping river Mi 'read Wt1) sn d 11 15 b lel Y l' A 1d to [ McLaughlin. of Haska-1 charge of the evening' service. Itoon, Sask.. for a handsome figure. Mrs. \'. hitter left on Tuesday for Mr. Wilson U. McLean. youngest Detroit where she o-lIl . visit her tion of l\Ir. I). D. Mt'Lo:ur, of Tucker- slaughter. smith. is attending the business col- Mrs. W.itSiebc•rt and son dlert re- within me. I can now eat, sleep, and re - lege in London. turned on Monday After visilin 1 live like a live roan." Mr. and Mrs. C. Sheffer. of Muni- friends in Berlin and 1'Jnttsville. 1 Ile advlsed-Ilse Dr. Hamilton's Pills tuba, oer.. here 1)131 w:•,•I: visiting Miss Tillie M1i:ler spent n few da)s' -they aro sure to do Mr. J. Sheffer. Al r. :chetfer's brut h -you good. 25c of last week 1* it h Ler sister, Mrs. i P, r Lux, at ell dealers, or The Ca - other relatives. 1l itm..r. 'Zurich. tarrltozone co., Kingston, Canada. 1. Jordan, who it two here from •Mr. fete MCIsaac, our enterprising - alio %.est visiting his relatives And furniture man, delivered a large load f purchasing horses, returned fast 'week of high grade furniture on 'Wednesday Dr. Hamilton's Pills with a car fond. last to 'th.• new manse at Mt. Carlow!. Cure Indigestion 'Mi-. and Mrs. It. Porterfield and family were near Clifford during the ' --�- Dyspepsia past week attending the golden wed- ' Klrk[on ding of 'Mrs. I'ortrrficld's ylarents. Tbc annual tuvetIn(( of the Agri- The are ;pleased to sec Mr. Georg% cultural Society .was he:d in Aber- Gr:uu. of `the township of Clay. out deers hall on Wednesday afternoon of 1u roli(.1'll COUNCIL :(gain after being confined to the Iasi v ek. Thc• Fres. John ilaaelwood The nest council met to pursuant to house for the past month owing trtr, %'+a, as ethic to b.• trrc•sent on account )yPresent. Davis.Jame Ca:er illness. - of illness. the 1st '`'ice %'res. occupied Ryan.11(11Nassau as .lames Hyder Mr. N. Cook was in \Wingbtun the the chair. The See. Treas. report land and It. T. Itnycraftt 1'he t reeve.,A. first part of last week. the financial statement was read b(•- curt was attending she high The tunny friends oI .Miss Florence fore the meeting' a hich .ihowed a court inLondon. The members presen: Foss will �be;l:eased to learn that she balance on band of '167,00. The o'd subscribed to the statutory ficatino, has successfully'Reseed her unior officers were all re-c:ected: t r,e• faun of the office of qu;tlificntiun. I Jfr, James Ryder was elected choir - set examination at 'Toronto lJnivrr- •Iohu IinzeltrooJ: 1st Vic .'res. (tobt. ,, , v. Berry : end Vice Pres. (tach. I'ayn:t•r. ulirhe collector, Mir. \\'n,. Turner re- ..rs. hurley is herr from San Fran-IDirectora: Wm. !)elbridge. .Wru, At- turned bis roll as (to:1 pod u p CISCO. being called owing'to the crit i- l kinsou, John A, Robinson. Kam y 1 ! e it iI,ness of her father, .Mr. 11.lDoupe. Jas. Robinson. John•iiellandt lend bad his bonds canceled. Thompson. li.:i;h (ferry. (c0. itrntly. A. lire- MI r. lt, 11. Radcliffe was re-appoin- --+- rhour. !toraarc Directors !les: 11. A. lire, ted Assessor. The hoard of Health ZURICH )t.• P. 1'., V. Block, 111. I'. 1'. all, I Walter Ilfodgons ins"11)W Dewan. and Mrs. Beers left for ber new hour,- \ • M1cLeau. M. •1'.. G. Meintyn . \1: Geo. K. Foster, Dr. 11.• Lang., M. in Ituff:ilo last week. 1', J)r ,\V, It. Carr, Itobt• Meaty. \Vitt. 11. U. Richard Course). was appoint - Miss Brown of Coderich visited with Hazelwood. eturlitors: Wu,. .Mlo:pre ed collector for 1910 and \Vol. Sor- the Misses It:urnie last week. .Th%II. 1)octors d c e. r'ainot 1tusto°llw (-reign. of the Lucau Sun. township Another appeal has dee, entt•red' printer. against the decision of the tare,. Jud - for .'air. but intend entering iii- Wm. T„rner the collector of taxes ca- ges in the now famous road case at • to the standing field competition. (or 190'► reap pail( his salary and tit. Joseph. The matter will cotne be- 'I he Fall Fair Zvi:! he held ou Tl, urs- tras,s$0,00; other accounts were paid fore five judges some time in April. 0a) and Friday. Oct Gib and 7th. Th.. in all $103.1 Mr. Leon Jeffrey Jr., on of Mr. - 1••',' tA1t rsDOli utlenp the 13 :tniioute I Thc council adjourned to meet again and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey of the 1vrs, ! on Monday. Feb). 7th. 1910 at 10 a. in. end. was married on Tuesday to Miss 1` 113 • 431(1 I{xhibiri005 h•'Id in ill,• Plante of B• :Joseph. The ceremony , C`l v !tall. Toronto. 9th and 10t h of Acute Dysp,p,,a Restoration of Stomach Power Conies Quickly With the Right Medicine. "My food seemed to decompose In my stomach," write& Mr. Ralph Clem - mons, of Newbrldge, P.O. "I had a stomach that failed In some way to perform its work. Digestion seemed more or Tess arrested and I grew thin. yellow, nr•rvnus. The stomach became distended and Impeded apparer:Cy the action of the heart, fur often: at night it would do great stunts. At times 1 would vomit a mucous mass, and at these times my head ached most ter- ribly. A friend, who had been curer). of a similar condition, advised me -t.1 take Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly, which I did. The result in my ease was simply marvelous. Dr. Hamilton's Pills removed' the cause, strengthened the stomach, excited the liver to normal action. the kidneys, were released of excessive work. Health soon glowed February. - was performed by Father Landrevillt' y EA8t FOR'PiLES of St. 'Peter's church. Drysdale, The "1 Used to Suffer nut -- A party had their dinner at A GI .t�t,\XT1.1?, This is the experience- of a lady who the home rn of the {,room and after din- A ropy of yhr beautiful jpictur• en- used 10 suffer Dorn this terrible ail- ncr Icft for St. Joseph. The Herald fitted "The Foul's awakening." six,• merit, but found no cure. The writer extends congratulations. 19 a 21 inches. ready for framing. is in Mrs. E. al!, of 97 Scott See St, A serious and very peculiar accident 'still guaranteed to as 11 bo renew Theum& She says: 'I consider ii my happened to Mr, Jacob Wcidoon Wed- their subseriptione or becorn.. sub- 'pity to 'write of the benefice 'or d rived nesday• 111- was hauling a load of scribers to The family herald and from lining Lnni-ntlk, For `,•some [!ax for lialbtleiscb's will and owing p,,c,kly Star of Montreal. Too much irronibs 1 "as a constant sufgr -at to the bad roads the loud upset. and from bleeding piles. I used n gent' Jn felling ff, many ointments, but got no relief un- til I tried 'Zam•Iluk. it cured . mc.' and y hive had 'no return of :he trouble, Since my cure 1 bave ad- vised several others snfferin:r"lr,►rn • . to use %am -auk• end each iv - stance has ba dsotiefaetor). results. If you suffer from this ailment ap- ply Zara -Bilk at night before retiring and you 'will be satisfied with the trial! A contributory cause of piles is often constipation rind pa mild laxative will greatly aid the oper.'i- lion of %am -link. For fistula. inflamed pitches. and sores due to blood-pois •,n r• - sic.. Znrn-Buk is 0 tu.tlly o1 fedi ivc. it is a soothing cooling halal. which eliminates the cells beneath Ili • epidermis and t'pitheliu[n to natural nct,on. It relieves the t •nsion 11 hick in the care of ;piles causes such neut.- agony. :end in all reapecte w'i:I he found eminently satisfeetory. %ont-Iluk is also a cure for eczema uterus. casts. burns. bruises. rosily.% chapped hands. frost bites. cold sores had leg etc. All druggists and stores sell •,1 50c. box, or poet free for price from %aro-auk Co.. Toronto. Ir o one tine of the (-irk which fell with him, entered una r the jaw. was driven through the rou: of his mouth and out at the nose. Medical aid nuns quickly t)rocured. and although the injury is a severe one. if no complications set in he will-peedi:y recover. 1•:. Appel left :apt week for n visit with relatives in Stratford and Berlin. Mr. John Galatea- has purchased Mrs. Christian Meas' piece of land on the Zurich road. 5 1-3 acres for Y4lIu. Mr. Jerry Corrivea,t. postmaster n; Centralia Drysdale has his new building corn- Miss Francis 'Wallace.. of Toronto. Opted and has moved in. is visiting Mimi Marie 'Hepburn. The eetiri •,),nal election of the .run• The rutniv-rsary services of the for Y. 1', As,orficers in the Evan- Ladies Aid society of the 'Methodist gclical church resulted as follows: --, church were held any?unday and Mon - President. Marshall Zeller, Vice Olive day Dart. On Sunday special ser - O'Brien, , Cor.\ 8 Del 1 reeler. nea, mons were n preacher) by Her. \\"m. See. Earl '\Weide. Treasurer. Ved1 (fiance. On Monday evening an oyster Fritz, Organist. Elva lleyrock, Asst. 3')('(er was given in the hesem• nt of organist. Dora Sinith, t.ibrarinn., the church after which nn exeellcnt L. anis Cairns, 'Ward Fritz. Page 110)4 musical and literary programme was it,.aci I'rceter. Leeroy O'Brien. given. Farquhar 1 A very Peelle 1(cddint; was so Mr. Catarrh8t nixed at for hone o[ 'M1 r. and Mlret, \Wen. Srewnrt "hill Crest". Farquhar.' On... on 'Wednesday. Jan. lift h. w their youngest daughter. Clara :flay' cannot be said of 'this lovely picture. It deserves all 'that hal been slid of it and more 'too. A copy .should to in every home in Canada and those w ho f til 1n snake sure of a copy now oil: t, .ret it later. 1t is safe to say that no um- who has a ropy would care to sell it for 'twice what be paid for The Family Herald Tor the yeir and the picture. One (foliar pays n oho'e year's subscription to tont (treat \Veekly, rind the- picture is presented to each subscriber. Don't miss It. became the bride of Dr. C, A. llouse,� \'. 8. of Harriston. Ont► The cere- mony was performed by Itev, 11• ( Correded Qalekly by :he Ilse o1 Watson. of Flimville, in the presence of about eigh.y gut•eta. Promptly at the n h hour o r o :live. i . 1 the be at r sins of ,i the wedding march "F'nntastilncp ei:(yed by ?Mrs. Geo. .Williams, tbe` bridal party entered the .parlo. an - der an arch of .•vvrgret As. with ;i 1 catarrh Is an ihnivinmation. Where back ;:round of white hun.in;r w•Jlb1 there le Inflammation there Is alw•ay- triuiniings o; white chryeenthe ins more or Ices offensive AecretMn, in - and ;white bell. A tan:e draped with su,ilnx and white satin ribbon reach- ing the floor contained •e wreath of o hite carnalions on which the bride's hand rested. The bride. leaning on the arra or /vs- ea.h, r lookedcharm- ing in a Princess goon of white Bad Breath atarrhozone flammatton may bt' of the very active Fort, but It Is often of the alnw kind, and tits la the particular form In which the breath Is rendered offensive and the presence ,:f the sufferer be- comes an ..ffenee t•, every person of Our to n -fathers called { ( delicate• s,rlslhlUty. hapsay etrc::,;th. tie )) much done,alwnor to discuss spent fire protection for I)uchesa anon trimmed with Itabr• urge you to correct it, because one dis- 1nY sir( i tittle too touch or same small sicknessthe village of Crediton. Our firemen Irish lace and hall 'fringe. the obite unpleasant to their friends, would Dot me do riot 'fret like a orking for but to be un le mise and 1 would daps Into the most nothing net veil 'being caught up with mature but this form of catarrh is dangerous mi::enable d( spondent stole unable to any more but the fire briegldr •an 1 th ' sleep nr enley my meals. 1 decided to sage tits most nourishing and strength- ening tome made. and was strongly oior- urg. d to use 'Ferrosone.'t After the ad herevisiting friends and refs Irst box I raw 1••err.•zone was doing lives. He is in'the dairy• business and ....a11rt • so I followed closely the is doing fine. .11 r. Eckert S\'iiJ . fns Is li',virtu' an -loci ion 5110 on Friday. 'Mir. Phillips of Exeter will net as auctioneer. The Misses Finkheiner of t he North West were 'the grr•'sts of Mrs. Levi Stahl for n few flays last week. Miss l-i1i'l Clarke of London rr- tarned home Saturday evening t0 spend n fere weeks with her parents and ft -lenge. . gs winter in are feet very whenhigh anybody odyn title meets one they will raise their hats. \t'het 'a the matter ttitlt all the prophets 14 hich predicted an open win- ' Woman's Tonle ler but perhaps they didn't mean it ' to ht -ti they prophisie J. Mfrs. Robert Sweet %vim has hecn on t he sick list. is around again. a-- - ( 11•osson,s. Iter only ornament ►r;i_sh1. because it supplies a hotbed for the toe n•fathers have not at ruck a Far• groom's gift. a beautiful Brooch het development of Consumption or of Din r g yet. *vitlt emerald,' and pearls. Lill. (• other diseases of the throat and lungs. Mr. Levi (:riser. of Denver C .\1i,es Gladys tite•wnrt. of Heaforlh, Bad breath is nn evidence that the o is t' cousin or the bride acted rte ring mlerobe•s have found a gotta resting inane. and wore n brattti(ul dress place and sire carrying on their evil Inroads Into the health of the body. Catnrrhoxone acts at once and de- stroys the.+(' minute nrgnnisrns, but It does more ---it heals the Inflamed sur- faces in vs bleb they found a nestled place and consequently removes both cause and effects of their 'triton. If we only highly estimated the value of prevention and used Catarrh - ozone at the beginning o1 a cold or just before it becomes well seated, the deadly ravages of Consumption would Bad breath is in itself toff cient to zone Rules for Health.' and d steadily. At firt f didn't eat ell as Loner did -1 t •rtldrr't expect theft• was a gran,::I intpro ve- y appetite, and this buoyed opes, and convinced me Ferro. • whet 1 needed. R Is icss ear Shire 1 commenced Ferro/ - already 1 nm Ilk.. a new vn- "at more. Ale, p better, weigh stronger. 11e,1Ithler, better Fan ever le fete•.. RROZONE No tonic has su(•h a ionise real re- putation for restoring health to girls and women -it's n woman's nt•divine that does good: try one or toe Furro- oone Tablets with your (Weals -watch the result. Fifty cents +1 hos, six t.e. $$.60, nil dealers. or Thr Cararrhozone Co., Kingston. Canada. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA of 01111c p•si!etto si:k with trimmings of lacy and looking'pretiy in 11 'Mlle tulle veil. she score to r 1,yauyifeli bracelet se: ttlth:,n)thoed mand p•ar's a gift from the groom. After con- gratulations being over nl:s at down to a sumptuous wedding d' •r in the dining Loom which w as beau t;- 1nl:y decorated milk red, 'white arid I/ he et learners. .1apanes• InInt (•rn:c and ted b(•f1A. During supper h a number of toasts 11 ore ,,;Sven and be stayed and the terrible agonies of ail drunk to the Ihealth of the bride, sufferers of Asthma or Bronchitiscom- pletely abolished. There Is no remedy as effective for bad hry•alh. Catarrh, nronchitis. .\sth- also to 1111' host and hostt•st. After dinner heifer over all repaired 10 th; parlor w here a choice progrnni Ives given consisting of Ap•'ech(•s. shirts. mn, etc., as ('ntarrhosa r,e. Resides readiwss. solos and instrumental being healing and soot• r:g It Is germ music. The ('stern, in which 1 • destroying. Nothing ever offered to young couple pre h..:d urn' .aho,s 1, by I the public can compar.) with It In Its 1luethe many costly and ntcf'al gifts re- promptness, efficiency, and perman- m. The hr'ide ;and broom left t ('. enc)' of Hellon, and you can buy It fol:nwin r• veniea for their future from any dealer In medicine through - 10!'n in 'llorria is s1 here 4hef will out the Dominion of Canada, 26c, 600, and 111.00 sleet,. By mall from The be al tome to'Ihe:r friends 'arise (:atarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., ant! Jlatcb ist. The het/l.'s going Owes ILIngetOn, Ont. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA VII...,\(;,, tat' i•:Xi•:1'i':ft Scaled Tenders address, d to the Clerk of the Village of Exeter. *till be received tip to the P 1st da • of ruiry, 1910, for the purc'hase of `►''.385.97 :i per cent Local Improve- ment Debentures: Repayable in of $671.12. commencint x1instalments151 hof .1:11v1- y 1910. The highest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. 2t Jos. Senior, C:erk. GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM Rich • Strikes of Gold and Silver ftre•contintlQUv tieing nlndl' in I't..�nl)ine and (Towganda Districts Tile 1011te11-1•01111 • Dine is via (wand 'Trunk and I'. N. & (). Railway to Alatli- f'son. thence via Sleigh .Road The route t0 (ir:wg'(lll(lit is %'ia (.rand Trunk, 'I' N O Rail- way and 'I'olniskntning and 'iowg)tn(lh 'I'rat.q ort Co. Through tickets issued and and baggage checked through to latter point California, Mexico and Florida Round Trip Tourists If( kets on sa'e Full information from J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent, or write J. 1). MCDONALD, Mlles Depot. Toronto, Ont. Oraou Bela Dcpatwcn Sto January Sale Nov in F Swing MITf••• r I ow is the time for some big Snaps ail along the line It IS only for a limited time, Do not miss the opportunity, Comee at once,1;No trouble:to show goods. The oppCrtut.ity will be a pleasure,! For Ladies Childrons and Girls Coats Mantles $12.50 for $10.110 Mantles 10.50 for 8.00 Mantles 17,50 for 5.00 Natural Wool Underwear -2.511- per bolt for $ .00 Sr lips in allrother lines of Ut.derwc ars P Forj Gentlt niers Winter:Suits•. Thebe will Le reduc- ed from 2.110 to $3.110 per suit in older to clear out. Odd lines in Overcoats at about ; off regular price. The bal- ance of our Men's Caps at 25;: dis- count. amass -- f;- Space will not permit further details, All we ask is for you to come and sce for yoursclves,0aBring alonglyour cash and see what it will do for you, Produce cf all kinds wanted at highest prices. W. T. AMOS, - GRAND BEND At prices that will save you money Fully 25 per cent discount on these lines. All up-to•drale *.tyles and differ- ent patterns. Tht se goods W111 be sacrificed to clean up. Now is your chance Skirtings, Cottons, Sheetings Prints and Ginghams At old prices These• goods have ad- vanced abont 2:1 per cent.,, It will pay you well to buy now. Special Bargains Of small odd lines clearing daily in preparation for stock taking. WIIRT 1 A seven wire. all No. 9 best C:ereland steel readywoven wire fence for 29 1-2 cts. 'per rod. Yes! that's what it means ad better prices for cash on large efaantities. Some Reasons Why it is the Best Fence Built in Canada. 1 It is *,wilt by one of the best companies of America having instal- led new machines that build a fence 4*hirb .stands 'plumb when erected. (rhe ONLY all No. 9 wire fence that does.) 'If 'there is any bow your money will be cheerfuay refunded. Our lock is not n rand ..ire`cross 'hut in! drivenrat(andirectly ngloft 20 degrees er here t htoo 6the stt aytr ndnd �tThs Assures us that no pre:asure hos been put on strand and stay wires to dent them and thus weaken them at a point where strength is most necessary. (Did you ever notices a broken wirer was it not broken where the lock w AR driven?) We have over come this danger. s The ends. of lock are well hocked over strand wire '(o prevent lock from slipping or coming 'loose with rough usage. 4 ix ade of No. steel w hich will Lock l lruntll quicker and break wire. Beware fJ(Your fence s no strongerall soft wire ocks, than its weakest part. r nee is new wire manufactured L is it not better 'L ..: (lar tba bas been out tot ' `• e r for n vear ur H0fore buying your fence bc•sur.. to ask for 1910 catalogue and prices ('intdian Monarch Fenec, 12 ft. (rates c$4.75. Made by hold by of the Owen Sound Fence Co. B. M. FRANCIS Owen Sound. Winchelsea. These priers good for orders Rivett b••for,• Feb. Fit h. only. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY CURE DISEASES OF MEN PATIENT✓, TREATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR 20 YRANO & K. nee L(w rahly known through- out t'a11N•l:a Where they Lave done hush 1,41 (er .,ver A) years 'l(ioie ands of patients hate 1.eert tr-at,- l and cured by their great skill ao l thre eph the virtue of their New Method Treatment. tt-he•3, )ou (mat with ltwin you km .w y•u are dealing with reviews ,lite physicians as they own and occupy their own osteo building in Ipetroit, valued •t f100.'Jq. When they decals your ease Is curable. till your worry Is 'insults! for jou know they w111 out (:ecelte you. They guarnnt40 1, euro ail curable cases. Nu matter haw many d. (10n have failed to benefit your, 1111 mnt1 r Low much m, ney y.,uhavespent. Intai:- ,., ,natter how (Ls - a•..0 r• I .ru n e ,t t s 1 ... , t give ( , ' r n1 des- pair ti cs I 1•atr unl)l yon get n free rr:):ion fr, m these,naster ap.-eiA isle. If you are a! prescript within the clutches of (.n?• secret ant ,t to huh is sapping your lite 1 y (.egress: it ))ou ase suReruRZ from the results ( f boot h•,Lvere- tion.; if your Weed bet 1, en taint,.! *re • n( surly private disease an.l) • w dare net merry; it you are married and tit •n dread of sy mp• t• -,ms Lrrakingg wit and eri •sing your oast: ((yen aro suffering as the result of a tis - NJ) l't life - Day. IC, A K. s►c your Refuge, Lay )'uirea:e before the mconfider' WI) nr.d they will tett y, ti 1t'rstly If )(mare curable. YOU CAN PAY WIZEN CURED Pa. Rsstrzrr. Mrnrrat. )rnr.-rna n► Ins. K. R K. CONSULTATION FRF hooks Free on Diseases of Men. If unable to call. write. for • Question Blank for 1110ME TREATMENT We Treat r.n.l Cure VARICOSE VEINS. i:r.'IVOUS D18111T BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAIN.,, KIDNEY and MADDER Diaea(res and all 01...,. Peculiar to Mtn. DR3.KENNEDT&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich, NOTICE All letters frou, Cateula roust by a,idresse,l te, nor Canadian Correspondence I)ep.(rt- osegesmegumeme mrnt in \Win•lw,r, flat. 1( you desire to see u•: lmr:lemeliy 0111 01 our Medical institute in Detroit as 1'.(' see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and 1,aiooratory for Canadian 'business only. A•l,ire•ss all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write f.,• "-le Priv vt.• a:!drr?a. 'MON Mi►, Lewis Ifern is cai:ing on ft:e•nds rewind here. Frank Corui.eh is the 'first to thresh tine Bear. by Fred EJlerington, of Lun,1(•7. Miss A. llrimncombc, Of ,London. is visiting Phillip (fern. Mrs. Maria Gill, of grand Rend, Is coshing on friends. Miss Etta Whiteford, of Exeter, is renewing acquaintances here. f :0 YEARS ilsXPEItIENCE c;t•' AY OLD .NURSE. Mts. Winsiow's Soothing • • rup JS tho prescription of ono of , .10 best female physicians and nu:- - in the United States, and has b..-.. "bed lot fitly years with never -failing modal by millions of mothers for lbel! children. 1t relieves the child fro(s pain. cures diarrhoea, griping ftp the bowels and hind collo. Py giving health to the child, it teats the mother. Twenty-five Seats p pptthet