Exeter Times, 1907-08-29, Page 4THE EZET 1 R TIMES, AUGUST 20th 1907. School Supplies School Books -Stationery Scribblers -Slates -Pens Ink -Pencils -Erasers School Bags and all School Supplies at BROWNING'S Drug Store The Exeter Times Exeter, Ontario. Terms of Subscription $1.00 per year in advance. $1.50 {nay be charged if not no paid. To United Suites subscribers, $1.50 strictly in advance. No. !paper discontinue) until all arrears are Laid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to w1tich every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates on npplieation. THE EXETEIt TIMES I"T'G CO. LitnitcttL (AM: '1'11I I:TY-FIF'1.1I 1111RTIID. Y. With this issue .the Times embarks qn tho thirty fifth year c,E its ex- istence and we feel oureeives Cern. pelted to say a fele words, on the passing of this milestonie. or these inany )-viiia le has paid i:s reauer_i ll•ce_tkly v Sit and during this long space of Laic: there are still many on our lists who were subscribers when the first number w::; 1)uuli'ri:- cd. The L E'TE1t. TIMES as It 1;:to hues' known sides it as;as founded by the late Jc•11n White, was tial Hato.t suggested by °Ur venerable towns- man William Drew and he has never missed an issue. We might name 'several who have also afforded us their generous support. But while •thankitlg them Ise may tae credit to ourselves for having fulfilled the promises and keeping tote interests of the readers before our (' C5. When the Ti'll's was launched it was expected it w.. a firth of yes- terday, a death of ,to -Morrow and a Blyth o: the future, that n six months' C i_tenee it might cii:c out but a twelve months' wu5 all inA- lpoesibility, bu;, we Blight gay that some of the journals which so eulo- gized us are {las: and forgotten lone; ago. The Timms was v st:shli.l.ed 1) £oro Exeter had a railroad llnil it twits partly through its endeavor:+ that. the L. II. & le'was built through, here and it has been 'throu;lt its un- tiring ss ork that industries Pave been brought to our prosperous town and we shall net sl:►cken our exvr • tions in the future, it being our in(- teiltions to live to our readers iha even fresh tone and spirit that w:• have given in ' thepa Our motto .g ; "Upward awl ut.- onward ; nothing t Nicnn:tte nor aught set down it: taalie"... • • • • • -if those subscribers who owe for four or five years and yes, more, don't hum) pay up, we'll stuff the kicl:ine out of them the next litho we meet. • • • • • -T'11, City of Kingston has facen trying for corse time to get ug) an Old Boys' Reunion, but so 'many re- grets have been received that the affair is likely to be called off. • • • • • --Some thought tic puffin: of an engine tut the reit of the 'limes of- fice last Motidey a as on account of a fire in our mechanical ciep'trtnleei. It wasn't. it !vac only Lon:? zinnual threshing bee. • • • • • --ANI ay back in '75 a crow, e1 i- (tlently 1('lig;iuusly trained, ailed to get into one of our chug cess by lap- ping loudly at t•ne of the a indow panes. Still it memo hard to wt. Rom; of the ,Clothed brethren to at- tend service' "lith ;the door "cid, open. • • • • • -Chief I;issett says that since 'tie TLnica called att(ntien to the utoe: n- tlemnnlc rnnduct of the boys on the streets Sunday evenings th= nuisance bas abated and all the young fellow, are acting like gentleman. "Ill -re's hoping ttey will continue to act so. Buy fair atAuction? At any race, you seem to be getting rid of it on auction -sale principles: "going, going, g -o -n -e I" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It certainly checks falling hair; nu mistake about this. it acts as a regular medicine; makes the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for it's nature's way. The beet kind ot a Sestdtontal- "Bold for overt slaty soars." �rW'tOis'.e�eestAs �r•f - _ 11.11. 1 SARSAPARILLA. eTsPILLS. tl; PRCTORAL CI:tiTRALIA Threshing is the tattler of the day rivuie of the Sarumtrs have :already :►!ready finished hat venting. Mrs. leas. of I'ullarton. % as the guest of !gibs Annie liaedford out Sunday. Miss Sat;,h Neil retur(:od eteetue last meek after ';!lending a I•leasant w eek• %wait her friend Mips Liven,, of Scafortl:. Qu.te a number are taking in the t xitibition at Toronto this week. Master Loyd Rosenberger return- ed to his hOlue in Louden Olio ,NIeeia after spending a tlio months' Vuca- tion with Master Gordon Wilson. Rev. .;1r. Mutt is gain; to preach It special aermon to the Sound pe.opl' next Sunday evening it the "Early t►:oAGCr," sfiss Grace: Brock, of London, is the guest of Miss Laur:t, Butt. Mrs. Win. Buller and children, t•f London, aro visiting Mit=. 1'ym. Miss Iteta Esscry, of Eden, was the guest of Mi.. J. I. Evans On Sunday. Mr. Goo. Hicks lisited friends near Mitchell on Sunday. Miss Grace Brock, of Louden, i s the 'guest of Mss Laura Mutt. Vias Birdie. Boyle, of Exeter, was the tut of Miss Lydia Handford last week. The elisses 1lattle and Lydia Hand- ford. are vieitiuo their sister Mrs. Will Foster, of Toronto. stiasa Evelyn Simpson ii visiting friends at \Voodhc.tu. Miss Atilt, Wilson is vi-:'. ng her sister at St ra t hroy. Misses `"era Essery returned home on Monday after a I:ieas:t;_: , visit !lith friends in Scatort.n. The young 1)'3)10 of the community were very pleasent entertained at the parsonage on '1 I.urs'tay eve_ %.a last. Piles art -quick and certain relief front 1)r. Shoop's \logic Ointment;. Please note it is anode alone !for Ppiles. and its action Is positive and certain. Pepin;, painful, protrud- ing rotrud- in3 or blind 'piles disappear like rna.;ic by its ;I e. Large [tickle -cap- ped 'xlass jars P►O cents. Sold by \V. S. IIo4ey. \V11ALEN Ideal (harvest (weather though rain is badly needed. Mr. and Mrs. James llern. of Exe- ter lisitcd zeiations Hers on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Chas: Duffield and e(,n Allen visited here Inst Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. itoutcliffe and sort Nelson visited at !Mir. Albert Gunning's last Sunday. tiiiss Bertha. Sutrerby- returned from her trips -$.o Quebec last week. She intends returt,ing .to London soon av1iere she has bee::: svor i;ine. Mss Ilessie Morley is: resiting with her eiatcr in iia:melon. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright visited :.t Mr. J. V. blillson's Sunday fast. The &awns COInJneliced i"�y isle brick at the church last week. All disorders caused by a bilious state of the system can bo cured by using Carter's Little Liver fills. No pain, griping or discomfort attend- ing their use. Try then!. ZURICH George E:lher, of Crediton, Calrni on friend, hese'. this weele Don't miss the Labor Day races in Zurich on :11.uiiday, e4apt. 2nd. Miss Jennie Hardy, of Exeter, visited the 11isse; Iticabeil last_ week. Mr. Milfrcd Faust, of Napicrvitle, is visiting his parents, 'lir. and Mrs. Adam Faust. efts J. J. Merner, v.ho left for Exeter %vi1t visit her mother in God- crich for a 'tig'h't before she re- turns to town. The Voter's list of the '1'o" (1(11111 of flay contt.rls 793 names in part 1 ; 153 in part II and 41 in part 111 There are 471 t,er.nns (legible t ) .serve as Jurors. If you had taken two of *Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring you would not have bad that coated ton- gue or ball tanto in the mouth -this morning. Keep a vial with you for ocoamion tl nae. ('ttt VIA 1)OA1tI) 111:E"ri\t;. The iso:lyd of Ex::tuiners for the County of Huron 111't :tt Seafor1h on Saturday, Aug. 24th for the transac- tion of business. Ali the rr,embere were pies:• tt. Mr. itohb, 41. A., i. 1'.S., was oeptehtc(1 chairtnan f ). the yea r. The folloe ins resolutions Bert- hten passe d •- )tesotved that the candid:a.s who wrote at the Jun:or Teaci:•_r's or Sen?.or '1cachers • Exanlinatio:l .n July and failed, he allowed to attend the \logs!! School in accortionee a ieh tee regulation of the Edurntion Depart- ment in 1905. Krsulvcd that students be adtnitted to the tilcxiil Schots s 1sho will be IS y • irs of on or neforti the open:n.,' of the schools at the Au• tulnn terra of 1U0;+. Ite•s;)IVCd that students Ivito failed to write at the 1)epzr.brnental Ex- aminations in July on accnunt s►f sickness, but %%ere recommended by the principal of they Collegiate tut_) Attended ;is living sufficiently pre- pared to write, be allowed to at- i.p'ndee the SLad.•l. Resolved, that teachere whose 'ftlird Class Certifi- cate expire at ahe cud of the y,,ar may have a Itenewa1 for n year plate a le:if by passing the final examit'- .lt:on of the Model School. Aft..,r some r0.1t.ee business ith:- !Board adjourned to me -it again at "eaforth .n December. GEO. BAIRD, Sec'y-. EDEN The Eden p cnic "t ill b_• •held at the [send next Saturday. As these affairs are aI"1 sys of an .entcrtniuin nature. everybody is invited. 11ENS.\I.L Rev. S. Toll was at the 11.0 %seek t;kinr part in the Summer Sunday School service's held there. Mr. T..1. Berry is over in the, old country buyin.2 hoses !which be in- tends to import. Mrs. 3. II. McArthur is visiting her f'sta•r at 1 .n!. Rev. J. L. !:endcrspon, of New West- minster, U. C., is here. S•isitin; f riondi WINCHELSE:1 Mr. Geo. Miller. of Mt. Cletuctt+, vieitr.d L:» fir!.!:.1 here for :r short time coming utl Monday unit returti:(ug jy iti on Tuesday. • Ilis sitter, bliss t;et'tic, accompanied hint aid will rout:tin two ur three we.ks. Misr; Edith Tti.'!bull dent to Tor- onto i stosday to visit f t iends ti41 while tls tc wi:1 :.ttcn(I t:on. etrs. W. W. lierr and I1iss Ella Itoltiusoti were i:l Lucan 'Monday and Tuca(tiy visiting ft ietnis. :alt'. (;c.o. l'ullyplank, of St. bt'irys, was iii the village 051 TueMla).. Mises Maggie C!'irk 11es the igue:(t of the hisses Lina end ilattio Hue- ter, of Irtirnyii10, on Sunday. Mrs. ('ilarley Gtt.ci.bolt, of this price w8)1 in Seatorth calling; un Mr. and Mis. Thos. \V heeler. Ali. and Mrs. ti. IV. Medd were in St. Marys on Tuesday un business,. 11t'. and Mrs. fiance► 1)ui dle, of Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. ,J. G. Jones, of Exeter, Were the pu;;st, of Mr. :inti 51r;. Lisa 1)urdlo here uu 1iutda � . Mr. Charley Fletcher, Will of Mr. Mr. Fletcher had the misfortune to get the 'troll,: of a fork run through his hand one 0.ay 1.-t week wheat 't.11 1..y hi•:t off daisy f::: :eW (11 V• . Thomas 1Vheet r, of Sottforth and formerly of \Winchelsea, ways ho no- ticed the Exeter Times says ther4 were several currant bushes .lve11 loaded with fruit on a Saturday night and on Monday morning by eight o'clock the currants had dis- appeared and the great problem was Who got the +currants? Ile said 'he noticed later that the paler stated that it Nva s alright now, that tits currants had been 'found, but Mr. \1'leeler says he _was tha sole owner of those currants and as someone has ''.ken the i)riwileZC of 5alyin 'ihi cur- rants were found, he asks that per- son to kindly inform hills as to ,their whereabouts end to keep a close - eye to the plum gees as ti._;e1ire loaded. FOR OVELt SIXTY YEARS OLD AND WILL-T[(ttD Itztseur.-Mis Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used to over sixty years by millions of mothers tar their children while teething. with rertect succe's ltd soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo. and is the best remedy for Diarrheas. It is pleasant to the taste. Sol by druggists in every pard of the world. 25 emits a bottle. Its value is Incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and aft for no other kind. Guaranteed under the 1''ood and Drugs Aat. June 30th, WOG. Serial Number 1098. 1�ARQilliAlt :11r. and Mrs, Kuytl, of 'elan., art visiting- Mr. and Mrs. Wee Toler n. Mr. Fled. Borland, of Saskatoon, and Mfr. Harvey Borland. of Winni- peg, are visiting their parents :.Ir. and Mrs. H. Borland. Misses Ariel Beverley, of Exeter, and '(too;ie Fot►e, of liensalt are guests of Mrs. J. E. McNicol. Mr. Fred Page who has been :tn- ploycd v: ith Mr. Jas. Gardner left on atones} hist for Winnipeg. Rev. I)r. Turnbull and Mss, Turn- bull, of Toronto, who liavo been vis- iting in this viciirity for the, past month left ler their home on Sat- urday last. 3liroter Chris Riley no l 3 been1 enJa;od with Mr. Robt. it.idd for the past two months returned home o:: Saturday last. Mr. Janes Barris left last Mona.ty for Berlin to attend the Porester'a (;atleeing in that place. Miss Bate Irving, of Cit. Marys. i:( a guest of her 'tuts Bev. Colin Fletcher at the Manse. Miss Madge officiated at the or- gan its Thanes !toad onuroh last Sun- day in the absence of Miss McDon- ald. ---40 'iiiLLSGRI:EN Mrs. Frank Coleman. of Iiillsgrectt last week und"rwent :•11 operation at the home of Mr. fists llawden, Exe- ter. Dr-.. Browning and Macl)iartuid were the physicians in a•ctendancs. The I,at:wnt I:rogre=sin= favorably. IGORLIOTE VILLAGE To Ili Again Seers :it '1•oro:::i) Exhsbiticn. Visitors lo the Collodion National Exhibition will again !save an oppor- tunity of studying at close ranee the barbaric 1gorrotes from the 1'hillin- pine Islamist-, otiose village last year created such :1 eensattcut its Toronto. The exhibit this year ‘viii 1►v inore interesting oven than it wit, „rift year. Ind visitor:. will see al:' Nlorltt'st incest interesting wild people living as they live at. horny. Grass -thatch- ed 101 1.3 1.111 dc.t 111,1 enclosure. and all • roun(t the primitive industries of these 3t.rar;;0 !oil: 11'.1( be 50.211 in operation. All the sport.: and eastirnes will be lltown, att(1 thesis merry head-hunting 4lc-;-011015 1% ill show Canadians how their owns an- cestors may have lived NI•hen the world was young. Th l;orrotes are as wild ay heeds, but ore a likable People. differing zre:ltly from oth- er brown people. As was the raise year, the exhibit will be run nn (•ducationnl litter. "' it h ::fore vat'. itY ar- ity to it. it is cl:t unci, them at.y c tiler travelling (5:.shit. \1.Inl•tgcr Ott pra'ecs it in tete Offir; .1 lZuile- tin of the exhibition, a:id the fins: reputation the village made lest year aI=�:r lc.. that it obit 1e well worth a visit this year. Scrofula b vary oltso segstrod, though Bad air, l apure water, are among It b called "the soli for and where it, is allowed to twin tuber. !osis or consumption patty sure to tale root. Hood'sSarsaparilha Removestrace d �ood's. fa, Miliqida evessrteble arsea mos 06 Lova. maw EIL1 ])ltt:1'j 'fines ld.U1 11.11ui t.,,IN:IIsi1MIL,L)DMMW1.'entioal1':uta_.... q •,.,11101111111MUIiBt..NaL,80.0 ��tablePieprationforAs- siigdle%ti &flood ranct uila- utg si 7nmacks andHaor I\r.x♦ is (NILI)ltl.t Prornote s lie s ti o n,C hoe r ful- messandAest.Contains neither ,Morphine nor )ftt>leral. OT NARCOTIC. lisc;s tab-SyWLZZFYICiR I1•ryet1 Sal - Alia astir, • •t•1. • �'�J4ii• w: Aperfect Remedy forConstipar- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrt>Ioea. Woltms,Convul.Sions,Feverish- tiuess and Loss OF SLEEP. •-- Tac Sittry7lile Signature of NEW YORK. } .11 l► .(tut►Ihti e►)tt 3)-1)04,14,-35C I CXACT COPY Of WRAPPCB. CASTORIA For Infanta an.OAW...; The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of i' In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Toss oalinA 0 •oawa0r..Irw rolls e(n. VO011IS oi mflflOIllD Norm Wesi IIOMEtTIIA1) RIioULATIONS. ANY et en numbered section of Dominion lauds In wasitoha, ,aekatchew an and Alberta, excepting 5 and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a faintly, or any male ober 1Sye•rs of age, to the extent of one-quar- ter section of IG(► acres, more or less. teary meet he made personally at the local land 35 acres for sale on reasonable terms. office for the district in which the land is ajtuate. situate near 'lift. Carmel in Stephen tear) to pro.) may, how ow', be made on certain Township. First Class land and fair conditions by the father, .mother, son, daughter, builditi39. Near church and ee}loo!. brother or sister of an requiring o pert homesteader. Apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, The hose esteader is required to perform the con- ditionsc•onnectcdtherewithnmlerone of the follow• Barristers, .Exeter. Ont. ins( plans:- r --- (1) At the an months' year t r t upon and cults' House and Lot for Sale Dation of the land in each 'car sur thus years. House 0) If the father (or mother, i1 the father is de- ceased) of the homesteader residue upon a yarns in the • Mouse rind lot for sale Pt. Jot 156 vicinity of the land enteral for, the re.tiuremen's as , to re+idencet may lie satieflc.i by euci► g•ersou reeidir,g Con..12 Usborne. 1-2 acre land good with the father or mother. brick cottage and stable. Must bo Co ifthe settler has his permanent residence upon SO'.d. Apply rhos. Cameron. Auction - farming land owned by him in the .irinity of his homestea.l, the requirement,' as to residence may , CO 1- )'arflultar. be satisfied t v residence upon the said land, Farm for Sale 100 acre farm in Stephen 'Township good frame barn and ]rouse. Well drained and land all cleared. Creek through rear corner of farm. Can he bought right, and on easy terms, for quick wile. Apply at once to GLADMAN & 8TANiIUIIY Barristers. Exeter Ont. Farm for Sale Six months; notice in w riting should be gi►en to the l'ornrniseioner of Dominion lands at Ottawa of titer tion to appy for patent. W. W. C(►RV, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. B. -Unauthorized pnblication of this advertiaee- n►ent wi11 not be paid for FARM FOR SALE. 123 'acres in the Township of Bib. bort consisting of lot 19 w. 1-4 18, concession 12. This is good property and must bo mold. 'Perm easy. Ap- ply Thos. Cameron. Auctioneer Far - Sheriff's Sale of Lands "bar' County of Huron. Store Property for Sale By S irttre of a Writ of Fieri Fseias issued out of His Majessty's County Court of the County of Huron and to nue directed and delivered against the In the village of Exeter, composed Lands and Tenetnents of Josephineof 'the North part of lot 11 on the Cantin and N M. Cantin at the suit of i Wast side of Main !direct, consi.tin; William Campbell I have seized and of ono •;ood store and the building taken in Execution all the right title, 510w• used for a postoff1ee. known as interest and equity of redemption of tbo JohnsBlock. If not sold •1'riv- the above named Josephine Cantin,ately on or before the 10th day' of and N. M. !_'amine in, to and out\u3ust will be sold by Public Mice of the following lands and premises. tion on the 31st dry of Au;ust. v z: Lot number One West of Valle For terms and particulars apply Street. and South of Campbell Avenue to Thos. Cameron, Auction 'r, Kar- in the Village of tit. Joseph ist the quhar. County of Huron and Province of On- tario which binds and Tenements I shall otTer for sale at nus Office, in the Court House, in the Town of (iodl'rich That vallunble fifty acre farm Con - on Saturday the ''_'wenty-Eighth day listing of N 1-2 lot 3 con. 10, Us• of September 1907 at the hour ot 12 of borne. On the farm is a franuo• the clock, noon. house good bank barn, driving shed, R. 0. Ill':l"1`U[,1)i, good orchard, two spring wells. Well Sheriff. Ilur:m• fenced and drained, 1 1-4 miles fro Sheriff's Otllce, (ioderieh, May 2;'h \\•oodli s,ii For further particulars 1SatJ7• apply to Chas. Canon, \Woodham• Farm for Sale. Med- :t fa: rn sir hes become a NOTIUE TO CREDITORSbusiness proposition, and men engaof! :n agriculture bscal:se C't return.% llnnu;il profits on the money and bor ir►vo stcd. The soil is the pay- ,naster, and the, variety. quantify and queiity of goads produced. (le- I terrnin. s the success cif the snarl en - r a lei! .0 the a z: lit:l;U:'::1 bU5►n''?-. !tut tete rnarket must be considered and dctnand must be created and ca- tered to. if Itusines• is to increase. rnfortunatcly for Canadian farmers :h- demand for 11'it::'t 4)t1 ilt. to bed the most valuable product of .their fields has drei:ned. Western millers have •ft rea1150 (i a flour, which. 4 i:ou;ih lack:ng in flava', contains :more "strength" or rltuen, than that is 11)il!•d from the more: fine- ry flavored Ont.irio wheat. Ontario consumers by the extensive a(1\'rrt, :sing of the :.iieged st:aeriori!y of \Wcstorn flour. were soon conymese that,•ftavcr must sacrificed to rtrefgtn, .eo :he hon1C market %%,ly ii1g :} lest, •'viae fa:':ners bcg;ltt in 110.10., t!:9 it:CrelIP:(1 Calc Cf feed, find the low prices to be obtained fo- the. ceoet d oneeit the )►•i: 1:5.1 .•otit led thereto having regard only to the o1:,1 ass (►[ 1, hien they !h:61 t nen hive notice and that the en id :1 1rti7lii.atra- trix will not be liable for said aswpts For Infanta and Children. i or any part thereof to any person 1 or perfon1 of "whose :1 notice The Kind You Hare Always Bought + shall not have been Teri i n t i' hy them at th.' time of 'uc8dist :iieitinn. (MADMAN & STANBUItY Solicitors for paid a'iministratrix I)stovt at Exciter this 17th d' of Au,ru.t. 1907. wheat. CASTOR IA In the 11::5iter of the set:lte sf \\'illi tut lly.lnl Spicer, late of the Township of 1'st►orne in the County of Iluron, brick layer, de- ceased. spier:' is hereby ziven pur•utnt to It. S. 0., 1897. chapter t'_:a, that all ctetlitots and others having ciaiattt against the estate of the paid William Hyatt] Sg,.C•'1, who tii'ad on or abo•.tt the 17th day of October, 1965, are required on or b:•fo:e the 16th dad' cf September in the Sear 1907 to scud by I►cg-: ip: t•;, int yr :ic.iver to 1lessrs. t;t dm ;n & S!atibury. of t tie ' iliag" of Excite., So- licitors for the :idnlirti.Stratrix of the ,till their rltriai•tii ►nd +ur- 11'►1155!', 0.1.11(•.-eM ;Intl descriptions. the full ee t:cntats of their claims the state meet of their accounts trig 11re 11:11111 1 the C11 .tt if any 01 t held by 1tr^rn. And farther take not ire th it :.(5('r Quch 1 sit nx'ntioned date the e1;01 aslminisiref* iS ••iii pre• veva to d. tributXe the asa:itgof the de - Bears the Signat•are of ♦N••NDN•N•N•N•••N*/N•••••••NNN•$NNN•N• 2 The lVlolsons Bank Euttablisited 1836. HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. CAPITAL PAID UP •••• • ••• RESERVE FUND ••• •••• ••-• •••• S3.000000.00 Assets Over $33oo0,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted. Savings Bank Department $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FPU R Times a Year. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. H U RDON, Manager • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Highest Price Cash FOR all kinds old iron., cop- per brass lea(1 zinc, pew- ter, rubber, rags, wool pickings, horse hail'. D&NTAL H. A, It. KINSMAN, L. D. s,, D. 1). S., Manor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Madman & Stanbury'a Main street --EXETER. DR. G. F. RO U LSTON, L. D. 8. D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. t3., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. Steel stone boats, boule- - ---- -L - - W. BROWNING,M. D., M. 0 varding, iron posts. Sell or exchange for the J• P. S., Graduate Victoria Uv w Dirisoc ioffice et residen.nee. Dominion above goods. Asiate Coroner of Huron. • • Jafiksoll. " so -- DR. A. F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- cians and Surgeons. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Onlcer Main street, Residence, east on nt,firi t street north of Post Office. E x stet near the old market Main St. Exeter Fall Terms Opens Sept. 3rd CE IAL STRATFORD. ONT. +' This school by being bl(o best has become the largest Busi- ness training schcol in the West. We have threro depart- ments ; C•caurnorcial, Shortland and Telegraphy. If interested .;. in obtaining a practical educa• tion, write for our now olttal. ogue. Graduates assisted to .} poisitions. 4.+ ELLIOT & MCLACHLAN, Principals. +++4-++#++1*++++♦♦ +44444* The Good Old summer Time Ie still with us but its days aregrow- ing shorter and soon the long evenings will be ours to enjoy and the question will be what shall w•• do or what shall we get to make t 1 •• hrurs pleasant and prrflt*ble?. '1'I p.- ; i (IV suggestion ' A Piano is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Try it. We also have a good second hand square Piano for sale or rent. Sewing Machines always in stock. S. MARTIN & SON I twill mail you frtao to prove ,'merit samples of my ,1)r. t3hoop's Itcstora, tivc, and my .book on either Dyspep- sia. Tho heart or Tho Kidneys. Troubles of the Stomach, Ileart or Kidneys art) merely symptoms of a deeper tlilnlent. Don't mako tl►o common error of trcatin; rympoms only. Symptom treatment is treat- ing the result of your ailment, and not the cause. week Stomach nerves -the inside nerves -mean (Itomach weakness always. And the heart. and Kidneys as well, have their con- trollin; or inside nerves. 'Weaken these nerves amt You inevitably havo went: vital organs. Ilere is twbere I)r. Shoup'» lb'estorative has mads its fame. No other remedy ever claims to treat the "iside nerves." Also for blo:ltine, biliousness, bad I►re !til or rottli f Ur .Shoup', Itestorative. \V1 ite n►e to -day for stlnlplr :ind free Crook. I)r. Shoop. ihacine, \Vis, The Restorative is told by W. S. liow(•y. FOR SALE The North half of lot 2A Con. 2 McGillivray next to Alex. Smith's stock farm, fifty acres more or less bring the estate of GO). Wind. d •reese'l. A good barn with nee roof. a lean to, w ..ever S)iling� "well cf water and a running spring creek ; alt cleared but four ncras, end partly doves wire fence. Th's farms must by Fake ter settle the r'stase. Sealed b ds afiresaeil to '( :orge Windsor, administrator. Lucan. On- tari') %veil be received up to and in. clud:ing August 30th, 1907., tp r('• c.•ive any l,eIs to be rna(in that (lsy. The right s reserved to reject any ants :111 bls. Terms -$31.0.00 on the (lac nt sale, i,slanre .id thirty (ays. GEOIt(;F: \VINDSOR, Administrator. J LEWIS THOMAS Civil Engineer & Architect (Late Department of Public worts, Canada.) Coi►sulting Engineer for Municipal and County Work. Electric railroads, Seweragj and !Waterworks Svistern Wharves, Bridges and He-ecforcett concrete, Phone 4220 -London Ontario MONEY TO LOAN 1 We have unlimited private tends for inveeb sub upon farm or village t roperty a0 lowes .tree«iinterestt. DICIDION R CARLING Exeter DICKSON & CARLING, Barristetg Solicitors Notarise Coave ales 0 Oomm�eed ser. Solicitors, tore Notarise, �j��►►a Bank. Mo. the motion, Bodey to Loan at lowest rates of fate:fe.tt. OVJ'10E,-MAIN STREET, ILXILITKIL S' wire B. A. L. 8. D1Qld010 fONEY TO LOAN. We have a large aa31ouu0 of private tunes b Dan on farm and village properties at Iowa* . intterest, GLADMAN & STANBURY Barrister. Sollcrtors.l Main St-! Ezeter AUCTIONEER . s. Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer for the Count). uron, Charges moderate, Alt communication emit to It. S. Phillips, Dental), or orders left s ( Office will receive prompt attention. FRANK BALLANTYNE Licensed auctioneer for Cour'tie• of Huron and Perth. Special attention given to farm stock sales. Town and village pro. party sold by auction on moderate com m i ssions. Orders may, be left at the TIMI offloo or at .residenoe, Elimvllle. Cbarzes moderate. WILLIAM BROWN, PR OF. DIPLOM A OF ROYAL INCORI'o}(ATED SOCIETY OF Mt'SICIANB. ENGLAND. Organist of Trititt Memorial Church, Exeter, Piano, Organ, Harmon) and Theory of Music. Terms on Application Exeter, Ontario. Tne Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- anGe Compaq Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont, Pres. W. H, PAS►SMORE, Farquhar, Vice -Pres.: --J. L. RLSSELt., Ii:),'88ELLI►A LE, P. 0. DIRECTORS. WM. ROY. BORNHOLM P. 0 WM. BROCK WINCHEI.SEA P. 0- T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0 • ROBERT NOi;IiIl9, 19t.atta. AGENTS. JOHN ESSERY, Exeter, agent tel Usborne and Riddulph. OLIVER HARRIS. Munro. sp(ea for Hibbert. Full:irton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.Treas. Farquhar. (MADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitors .' ► The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is about to issue a new Telephone Directory For the District c.f Western Ontario including the Village of Exeter Orders for new connections. changes of Hrrn names, changes of street ad- dresses or for duplicate entries should he handed in to the local Manager AT ONCE. A. MARCHAN D, Local Manager. Cds•TOrt. =• Ivan the 1M Keil Ys Naw lusts 6a1g &Peeen of 11