Exeter Times, 1907-08-22, Page 8L X EZ RR '1' CA S AUGUST 22nd 1007, +++++t++++++++N�r+'+++•r r4$4 +++44444444-44+44++++++++++ STEWART'S WE ARE RUIDY Early Fall Goods are all in and Ready for Your Verdict. 2 Very strong lines with us is Dress Goods and Ladies Jackets we have been particularly fortunate in securing a special make of French Dress Goods, this new line comes in plain cloth with a rich bright mirror finish. "Just a Tip" on what is the very latest idea iu Ladies Dress Goods. The face or finish must be plain soft and bright the colors in vogue are Royal Navy, Robin Brown and Edward Green. Our price for this new French Cloth is 65c, 85c, $1.00, $1.35 See these splendid new goods. We will gladly intro'dtm them to you. Strong • Yes we are very strong in Ladies • Jackets. We are sole agents in Exeter for the Celebrated CONTINENTAL COS- TUME CO. We have found their Jackets to be up-to- date in every particular. The colors for this season are BLACK. ROYAL NAVY, COBALT SMOKE, and BEAVER. All 48 to 5o inches long, loose, semi and tight fitting. The COBALT BROWN is the NEWEST COAT COLOR in New York and Paris we have a swell range in this new shade, we extend to every Lady a very cordial invitat- ion to call and see the new styles in coats, they are very interesting our 3 leading prices are $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 Have Good Pickles Use our Special White Wine Vinegar, thor- oughly aged, matured and ripened. The best that money can buy. J". A. STEW ART • 4 -1'd -44++++1-++•I.+++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++444- 1+++++++++++++4•444.444--1-4-4-44 ii++++++++++++++.H-++++++++++++-$.+++++tt++ •+++++++++i+++++++ Market Report.-Tbs following to the report of Exeter 'markets. sor- recte+d up to to August 22nd. 1907. Wheat, 8Uc. per .bushel. Barley. 40 to 45 cents. Oats, 40 to 41 cents. Peas, 60 to G5 Dents. Jl Shorts, $24 per ton. Flour $2.50 per cwt. Bran, *20 per ton. leocd Flour $1.40 to $1.45 per cwt. f: Ilntteer. 17 cents per pound. Eggs. 16 cents per dosou. Hogs dre>,sed, $8.50 par cwt. Hogs livotwcight, $6.60 pier cwt. Hay, as8 per (teat. Clover Beed. $8 to $10 per bushel. Potatoes, 75c. to 90e. per bag. Dried Apples, 6c. per pound. Corl. $7 a ton. Wool, w'asbed, 20e to 22o per Ib. �• Wool. unwashed. 12o Qo 13o. a lb. LOCALS ••••.••• 1•a•••.•• -Miss Ida \Ver:diani silent Sun- day at Gr to d Bend. _Labor Day is two weeks (rop. Monday, Sept. 2nd. -Mr. Fra::1: Weekes, of Listowel, is home fora few tveek'a holiday. -Miss Edna Follick spent a few clays last week at the Bond. - Mr. Percy Brown, of Toronto, `.s home for a few -days vacation. -Miss Violet Willie, of Marlette Mich, is visiting friends .in town. - Miss Luella Fear is visiting Miss Cora Fowell at the 13t nd this week. - Itev. Mr. and Mrs. Gang and family are holidaying at the Bend. A splendid opportunity to secure land cheap at the big sale Aug. 21tb at 2 o'clock p. m. Positively no tesetve. S. Fitton, issuer of marriage li- censes. also complete lire of ,weds ding rings always on hand. - Miss Gertrude Kemp, of Toronto was the guest oL Miss Norma .110 - bier last week. -Mr. acid Mrs. J. A. Stewart left on 1Vednesday for a two week vis- it in Te.ronto and Muskoka. - Miss Lillie Rowe has ;returned home from London where she has been visiting for over a week. -Miss Vcrcy \Vittwer, of Zurich, is the guest of Miss Emma Hall at the North End. -Mss Lille Welsh, of London, is visiting friends in tt,wn for a few days. -Miss Bella Bill, of London, Iia spending a few days with friend in town. -Miss Edith Sanders leaves to -day (afhursday) for a two week's holiday up in Muskoka. - Mies T. White, of Jones & Clark visited the millinery openings held in Detroit last week. -Miss Etnma Seldom. of Ingersoll. is the guest of her brother for a fete weeks. -Mrs. L. 1!. Dickson and daugh- ter Miss Dollie are holidaying at. the Mend. -air. hill, of Toronto spent the forepart of this week wit h.his father Mr. Geo. I1:11. __t -Miss Lillian Boyle, returned home from Marlette, Mich. where she spent the past merit's. Every Regina Watch carries with it a universal guarantee. That means, if you purchase a Regina from this store, we en- dorse the universal guarantee, which will be honored by any other Regina watch agent anywhere. Add to this, the manufacturers' absolute and permanent guaran- tee against structural defects and you will see that you cannot make a mistake in purchasing a REGINA WATCH. A. MARCHAND, Exeter. NEW alL Suitings AN D F�shig!n PIafe Just �rsiue0 fnaear TIIE ('iIIEF REASON why you should look after your eye- sight ie --that Nature never offers us a new pair of eyes. The best. of rem. sons why, at the first sight of trouble, you should consult an Call and MakeJ OPTICAL EXPERT for relief. N1 e can add to your ap- a Selection be- Ncarance as s ell. Examinations free n t delay. Pike it the chief busi• fore the rush. off your div -TODAY. ",e,i goods in complete stock. W. W. T \uf a store our own. Try it. Merchant Tailor. W.O-DhEY, Phm. Be EXETER, - ONTARIO. EXETER, Optician. ONTARIO -Miss Veda Cousins, of London, • is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Parsons for a few weeks. • -Mr. Edward Gill, of the Bend, spent a few days this week tli fguest of his brother Mr. John Gil:. -Mies Marjory Station %returned home last Saturday after spending a few weeks holiday at Ingersoll. -Mrs. Edwin Jones arra daughter and Miss Leila Cooper cf London ere this week camping et Grand Bind. -Mia- Emma Il;il has returned to Exeter after spending two weeks hol- iday at her home near Crediton. -Mrs. Ilurnc•a and little daughter Berniice, of Winnipeg, are the guests of Mrs. \\'m. ,Howard for a few weeks. -Mr. and Mrs. Aquilla St -ere anri little daughter Fernwho :rave been visiting at the fornrcr•s 'tome here, have returned to Lana';::; Mich. - lid Mrs. W. li. Moncur end 9i,.- Edith who have ben damping at the Bend for a couple of soaks returned home thia %vo'•k. Should you require land for growing stuff for the Canning factory which is close by, don't miss the sale Aug. 21 at 2 o'cicck p. in. GIANT AN TRIPLETS LFTB "Currency "Bobs" and 'Stag' Chewing Tobaccoes in big ping,. Quality always :the RAMC. -Mr. Frank Wood last week pur- chased 25 hear! of 2 year and heif- ers from Mr. John McMahon, ,of Iiay. t • -Mrs. ]Lowe, of Toronto, on her return from England is vi_aiting her mother Mrs. Wnr. Jeckell for a few days. -A number of our •townspeopl•a visited Dashwood on Sunday to see the ruir.s the result of the big fire of Saturday evening. -itev. Ernest Grigg will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church next Sabbath in the absence of (.h: paster Rev. W. Mau tin. -The fence at the Weat end cf the new roll running to the statiotre was taken down last week, and the road is now oaten to rho public. -Mian Mabel Baillie, who hnit been visiting Miss Dela Treble for lho pest two weeks, returned to her home in London on Saturday. -Res. Hazelwood, of :the Ellett-� v,Ilc cercurt preached at both seer - vices in the James Bt. nn Sunday. His !Crowing were very helpful and interesting. Mr. Then Cameron will be in l:x-'• ter every Saturday afternoon to make arran;'menta with those Who wish to hero a sale of tiroperty, stock of household %node. Orders left at the Times office \rill be ^romptly Attended to. Th•- Lad:rs Guild, of the Trii(Tt *t"^t=':al Church have engaged Mr, Fax. ti;. eminent comedian, of Tor• or.to tar 'heir Are•:;t Garden pirty to a held on the Rectory grounds oa Friday, August 23rd. Rememb'r tho date. , t Money Saving Bargains Look over this Bargain List. 0 LJ Q Bargains In Lace Curtains $2.50 Quality for $2.00 $200 Q'iatity for $1.50 $1.50 Quality for $1.10 Bargains In white and colored Muslin* 25c Quality for 15c 15c Quality for 10c 124c Quality tor Sc Bargains In men'afancy summer rests HAI and dark colon. $1.25 Quality for 89c Bargaing In Umbrellas splendid top with beat steel and fancy handle. $1.25 Quality for 98c Bargains In men's Neckwear only 3 doz four in hand ties left to sell. 35c Quality for 19c Bargains In ladies Fancy Hose Black Cashmere Silk Embroidered different colors 50c Quality for 42c Bargains In ladies leather Belts assorted Colors 38c quality for :ac Bargains In Japanese Matting 20c Quality tor 12ic Bargains In Tapestry Cashion tops. 35c Quality for 18c Bargains In Boy's strong evening shirts blue with white spots guaranteed feat colors. SOc Quality for 30c Bargains In Boy's leather belts 25c Quality tor 15e Bargains In ladies Black Cashmere Hose warranted all pure wool 35c Quality for 25c„ Bargains In Men's Fancy Socks 35c Quality for 19c SNELIj & ROWE Don't sweat and worry about get- ting a lot for yourself when you can get one for very little money. Sale Aug. 24th, 2 o'clock p. m. -Mr. Nelson Sheere returned Tues- day after visiting for a -couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. 'Garfield Sheere, of Brantford. - Miss Ethel Sweet left Tuesday for Toronto where she will attend the millinery openings. previous to resining her position in Bt. Marys. -Mr. Aquilla Snell, of Winnipeg, visited at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Snell. Mrs. Snell and child have been visiting here for a few weeks. - The G. T. R. last Friday com- pleted building the siding running' to the Canning Factory. This will be more convenient in :ha loading or unloading of cars. - Mr. Cham. iTehbutt, a former. teacher in our school hero •has ac- cepted a ,position as Vice-Prhncipal of the Dickson School in Galt nt a 1 goo( salary. DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR BUR-, goon. will be at the Commercial Hotel. (lours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye car and nose treated. next visit, Friday, August 9th 1907. -Mr. John IIeywoo,l, on Saturday, showed us a tomato partly eaten by worms taken f r om the garden of Mr. Peter Frayrc. In the tomato were two brown %worms about an inch long. These worms work at ,night and hide in the ground during othc day. Considerable damage is being done in this section by these worms. -In our report of the Junior Tea• chers Exams, the name of Herbert Stoneman of Ifenaall, wag. omitted. Herbert, who is just 14 years old. passed with hnnora the Junior Teach- ers. Exams and also the Junior bi«t- triculatien. Th{'i shows +that ;nine out of the twelve candidates who wrote. at Exeter ,sere succes,tful in- stead of eight as reported last week. -A Successful School. -The Cen• trul Business College, of Stratford. which has an advertisement npl.car- ing elsewhere in these columns, is %without doubt one of the most Fuc- cessful business training schc•ol in the Province. it is well and favor- ably known for the thoroughness of its %work sued for the eucccs4 of ire students. 1' 'w do he school :send- ing 1 on now ve t 1 r n ing out its 21st annual catalogue, and we would advise anyone inter sled in n Commercial. Shorthand or Tel• egrahpy education to write the Cn1- lege far that free cafrlogue. e 'The Fall Term we believe, commences on •Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. Th • September Woman's home Companion is remarkable principally for two thief:! -The exquisite cover, by Karl Stetain Crawford, which won the $1,500 prize recently offered by the Cornpaniem and for an excellent article on "Tire Influence of Ilusirn•ei Life on Women," by Anna Stec'' ltichardann. This September cover repres..:.;< the highest achievement • in magazine•cover work yet produced and the article mentioned above will rnake a profound impression on 'ell people inter -^gird in the subject of women in business life, as It is the candid expression of a woman lobo his made a gsrorounced business atICCeas of l:crlelf. A regular Str.rnr re rind cover' 'r, perturbing power the /let to •the 26th. During this pericd the Moon pa, see perigee en the 21st, full on the 23 d, and the celestial 'quator on t • 28th • The Venus liisturbar.re, wl.ich is central in September, will nl n effect Storm :Iran weather ren- d.rions at t his period. This preiod may also be put down al a decided! seismic period, centering on the gird l and coverign the whole period. The Telegraph will report seismic Shakes I 111 widely different part! rot •our Ea planet. The barometer will elan give; timely 1ndieation, of actire inland • e storm. between the 22nd and 26th.! In case of iew barometric condition.,g in the South, northerly wind! and! high barometer will follow (inland; Storms froth the r:orchee.t. making 1%.; froate more. than A po'uihility in the I northern Sections during the .iast meek in August. NEW TIRE SETTER The House Gold Tire Satter It is our motto to keep up•to•date all lines of our business. Reasons why this tire Better does its work better thah the old way: The ties stay tight longer. There is no cbaring or burning the wood. No danger of over dishing the wheel. The paint is not scratched or injured. Can get your job done in one quarter the time. *We will guarantee all work done by this machine. We are also prepared to cut down wheels or any other repairs that your rig may need. R. ROBINSON, Winchelsea. Wagon Maker. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big Plugs of "Bebe," "Stag," And Currency chew- ing tobaccoes. -Mr. Wm. Reid. of North Exeter, was up before Magistrate Kay on Monday evening and was fine'd $25 and ccets. as a re=ult of the recent trouble and has agreed to close his Temperance House. -lir. William Bawden, who ihas been to the old country for the past month returned on Thursday morn- ing last with six fine horses. Four of them arc Clydeadalen and two are , Shire horses. -ars. G. F. Oakes and children, of Chicago have been visiting friends in Clinton but returned this week to visit a. few drys with her parents Mr. aria M: A. Tirov. Gregory before returning to Chicago. -Miss Stella Gregory has returned frorn a ,month's (`•iait an '-(fount Forest and Left Tuesday evening for Goderioh to visit friends and attend the Re -Union of the Collerate Insti- tute cx-students held there Thurs- day and Friday of tins week. tt -Tire track laying on the Guelph & Gcderich Railway wag completed i through to Elie passenger station on Tuesday and everything is 4,eing rushed ahead for the opening of the r a o dn• f r r rg;ul^.r paasong:cr •traffic on .Monday morning, August 26, when the first train ail! leave for i.ha Tor. onto Fair at 7 ;r. m. The rural schools opened on Monde Aug. 19, with n fair attendance. The city aehu,is will not open until the Turas-lay after Labor Day, and the country boy Ls feeling that he hay lost a fw' more s mks that he could attend with much more f,,ieasure. Teachers are not so rscarce this year AA las;, nor the year before ;t iaaaid although they :ire none too plenti- ful yet. A more optimistic opinion seems tr, be prevalent concerning the Teaching profession, and improved conditions are reported by the edu- ccnf.ionnl department. For the first half of last year, rhe department received 382 npelicalier,s for tempor- ary certificates, while for the Farnn perird this seer only 227 have been received. During tie vacation list year the department w:as deluged with applicants for t'mporary cer• 1ificater:, but this year only Fix were received. Still, here is a Consider- able ahnrtage of teachers. The mit• oalion is caged uta r+om'. but the pro- blem i' by no means Oninal. The de- partment Are )aping that .the acme. - al raising of Salaries, tf. ;:renter cenfi'l• nee of teachers in thio Fitua- tien, and the ietter torte of public epinion trill Folvr the problem in a very short time. lfneover, the feet of the matter is t};at there is n !serfage of teachers. both in Ontario nal in the ter seat, and there aro not enough fcachera in eight ':o etch up with the scarcity for Ferns ears to cnrn'. ERNFST ELLIOT onveyancer Accounts Collected MONEY to lawn .t Inw.w, rats., North West l..n•1a for gale. Office, Mate Street. Beeler y THE OLD RELIABLE We Beg to Announce that we have more Ladies . White waists Than we care to carry over, consequently will reduce the price. $1.00 for 75c; 1.75 for 1.25; 2.50 for $2.00 $1,25 for 1.00; 2.00 f x..1.50; 3.00 for 2.50 $1.50 for 1.25; 2.25 for 1.75 These goods will go quickly Come early and get your; choice. We Stili Carry a Fine Range in the Asteria Sher Nobby 6o.ds. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE CARLINC BROS. The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE :-TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: . . $3,000,000. MAU OF A aaIL1us $ARMS, Esq., RANDOLPII MACDONALD, A. A. ALLAN, Esq., Hox. D. MCMILLAN, ARCH. CAMPBELL, Esq., M.P. A. E. DtMaNr, Esq., M.P. F. G. jEMMrm. General -Manager. DRECTOLS: . - - ' President Esq.. First Vice -Presided . Second Vice -President HON. PETeR McLAREN, W. IC. McNAucxr, Esq., M.P. ALgx. BAUCH, Esq., K.C. R. Cassius, - Assl. General Manager. Savings Bask Department. Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. Branches -:EXETER. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, JOSEPH SNELL Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors HENSALL BRANCH, - H. ARNOLD, Manager. Amor Book -Keeping Penmanship t , Shorthand and Touch Typewriting Taught by Professional Teachers at Western Busiuuss and Shorthand Goll6U 110 Dundee Street, London, Ontario. Every Graduate Placed in a Situation. Fall Term 6omfflco6cs Sct 3rd, 1907 Catalogue Free, address WM. C. COO, C. S. R., President. Fall Term • OPENS SEPT. ? Thia management during the past year trained over Two Hundred young la- dies and 200 gentle - men, ae steno- grapbers, bookkeep- ers and tel telegraphers, and placed them in excellent situatios in leading Canadian and American cities. individual instruction. Write for catalogue. GLINTON BUSINFSS GOLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• AT CENTRALIA SAWMILL British Columbia Shingles Barrel Heading and Hoops FENCE SLATS Kept on hand or cut to order CUSTOM SAWING Done on shortest notice. Logs Wanted Delivered or on the stump THOS. ELSTON Avoid Oompefifion There is a market for the BEST and the surest way, we think, to get away from colnpetition is to make a little better floor than the other fellow Our motto is "not how cheap but how good". Don't forget the hig sale of land either in lots or by the acre. Aug, 21th 2 p. m. Station road. •xr Ask for STAR flour it stands alone. MANUFACTiURED BY HARVEY BROS. A Good Way to be Stylish and Becomingly Dressed and to have your Cloth- ing as thoroughly made and as carefully cut as possible is to come here with your ideas. First-class Workmen will turn the materials which you choose into pleasing, lasting realities. Our experience is pretty good assurance that you will be sorry for nothing and prices are always at the bottom notch. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor k