Exeter Times, 1907-07-25, Page 4TREE±ET 1'R TIMES, JULY 2iath 1947. T NDIHITE[IS For over thirty years we have supplied the farmers of this sec- tion with Paris Green Hellebore Insect Powder Without a single complaint or FAILURE TO KILL. BUY THE BEST, AT BROWNING'S Drug Store The Exeter Times Exeter, Ontario. Terms of Subscription 61.00 per year in advance. $1.50 pnay be charged if not no paid. To United States subscribers, $1.50 strictly in advance. No. paper discontinue;i until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to tvltich every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. • Advertisine rates on application. TIIE EXETEII TIMES P'T'G CO. Limited. -Ottawa, July 18. -The total %nsigration into Canada for the month of May was 45,677, ns compared with 37.191 for May of last year, an in- creatta of 8,486, or 23 per Dant. The immigration through ocean ports was 38,755 and from the United States 6922. The total immigration into Canada from July .1, 1906, ;to May 31, 1907, was 214,395, and for the same `period of tho fiscal year 1905-6 it was 161.744, an increase of 52,651. .The immigration into Canada for the i[ive ►uontba of this calendar year was 131,766, as compared with 106,133 for the same months oI 1906, an increase of 25,013. - -lion. Edward Blake, member of the British parlialuet't for South Longford, Ireland, has resigned ow- ing to in health. Mr. Blake is Can- adian ]roving been born near Strath- roy. lie, begaan his political in 1867, in that year he being .r cue(! to both the house of Commons of Canada and the Ontario Legislature. On the defeat of tho Sa.ndfiel(l Mac- Donald Government in 1871 Mr. Blake was called upon to forum a new administration for Ontario, And suoccedtd in the task. Upon the abolishment of dual representation some time later Mr. Blake resigned the premiership of Ontario, and de - .voted his oriole t. Leal on to federal politics. Ile was succeeded after- /wattle by Sir Oliver Mowat. When Non. Alexander Mackenzio became +premier, Mr. Illake acoeptcd a place in his. cabinet, but without portfolio, suet ie 1874 .lie resigned owing to ill. health.. in May, 1875, he ttccepled the o:ficc of minister of justice of Canada. .After the defeat oT the Mackenzie *Gm:element bo was chosen leader of the Liberal party in 1878. Ile held this position until 1887, when he vas sucoeeded by Ilou. (afterward S1r) LWi'lfrid Laurier. 1n June, 1892, Dir. ltlakc'ticccpted nn invitation cx- tendt3d to hini to 'take a scant in the British Route of C'onamoas under the n Irish lender: In the same ytrtr li•e contested'South Longford, and de - Seated his Comer opponent, 3lr. J. IL Miller, rt he vote standing 2,551 for Itpake and 317 for Miller. An nrd' tit glome Ruler, Mr. Blake en- hanced in imperial polities the rept- nlion he made for hanself in Canada, ante Ire u;ts elected a member of the executive comtnittce of the IQsh par- liamentary warty. Ile is also one of the ablest lawyers Canada has as yet turned out, and he frequently ap- peared in import,ent cases before the Privy lounoil in et tech Cali:it111na ,:were interested. 'berg of the House, it was made to du party political duty in a velem-, undefined way as the "Arctic" %san- d a l .,• The "Arctic" was fittest! out for 4 teen fur threes )-ears. -Tho Englest expedition in "Liacovc•ry" for tar years cost $600,000. The total cast of the 'Arctic" expedition was $155,- 451.01. The "Discovery" with a crew of 50 iron onrr'ied 11400 pouudt of mat. The "Mary E1leatt" st the 'American expedition, which was corn- itoi;.•d of 40 furan, and was for 2 years Mot • 59,000 pounds of iweat. Thu ('•Geos" expedition was compcisod.of 126 men, and NV all to occupy three years, carried 101,457 pounds of arcate. The "Arctic" expedition ntaa fur 4lat,g years with t18 Wren, and the (quantity of treat carried %tom 81,7511 pounds. The English expedition carried 36, 000 pounds of biscuits, the "Artini: carried 34,0011 pounds. Both the Dogfish and the Canadian expedittou carried the dance quantities of huger 15,000 pound';, The English expedie tion carried 7,500 pounds of Hutt/cr. the Canadian oarricd only 5,200 lbs. The English expedition carried 8,00 p.oundeg of milk, the Caned:an 4,00 pound,. The liquors carred on the Iinglish expedition made nit 10,000 bottles of Champagne, whiskey, brandy rind various wines, The Canadian o sedi- tion lied 10 case of Champagec pints, 10 cases of port wine, 5 sales of brandy, 1 barrel of whisky. The English expedition had 800 gallons pf ruin, the Canadians only 10u galloits. ...•. -The retirement of /Ion. Edward Blake from public life Is a rc*nind• er that hie is n enmittrativsly old titan and rias in politics at Confeder- ation. Feil- have thought of 'hien as a veteran because of his superb phy- sique, a youthful appek,ranee, and unimptefr'td vigor of intellect. 8 ee A . GREAT 1IO11SE EXHIBIT One ut the most interesting compe- letitions in the horse classes at the Canadian National Exhiaition will be for the King Edward Hotel cup, which is offered for the best horde not over 15-2 in the runabout clans. Another specially interesting oompe- tition in this section will be for a [string of ten- horses owned by oqe isa- hibitor, for which prizes of $100 and $50 are to let given do the first tend second strings. -Parkhill July 19 -While excavat- ing in McTaggart's gravel pit on Les- lie & Grieve's fartu on the emulate yesterday, an interesting find %vas trade. A human skeleton of gigantic proportions was unearthed. The skeleton was found in a sitting pres- ture, directly beneath the stump of a maple tree, more •than two lent in diameter.- :fudging iameter.:fudging by the size of the tree which had grown noove hh!s trend, the man whose bones Mill remained must have been dead (woor three hundred years at Inst. The bones of the forearm and the leg Pones were measured and their length indicated that he bad pion between seven and a half and eight feet tall. The skull which was much larger than the or- dinary still was intact and the teeth were perfect. A CASE OF COUNTERFEITING. \\'e have been informed that sone.1 merchants in this County are offer- ing for sale 25c and 50c. boxes of "RIVAL BEIM TABLETS." \Ve wish to warn the public that tllnsyo tablets are not genuine, ns the •true "RIVAL 111:1113 TABLETS" are put ftp oy us in dollar 'size, REI) TIN boxes only, and any pvrextn or pert - sons offering for Wale "RIVAL DEMI TAIILF:'1-S" in any but the original dollar box aro laying themselves open to the law for using tour trade ame to obtain money by ,fraud. The RIVAL IIERII CO. 2(17 St. James St. Mlontrc:tl. ALLEGED) "ARCTIC" SCANDAL There has bean much said in the press of the country, and upon the public platform. Orators have h4r- engued on the subject- of the "Arctic acanthi," so a tl•d, plow many cici- song of Can.ult malty know the plain, unvarnished facts ,.with relation to 4 h Arcyof The subject ns -as brought up in the- Iiouse-it became the ob- ject of nn en4uiry by a select com- pnittee of Parliament -it was vent'. anted upon every possible dies+ion, and after is had ceased to be a pub - question of interest to the mere - For that Dandruff There is one thing that will cure it—Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp -medicine. it quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhedthy scalp becomes: S healthy. The dandruff ilis.;i'- pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal to you--heahhy hair, no dail- druR,no pimples, no eruptions. The best /rind of a testimon'.al - "Bold for over sixty "sehti." #. -.4.11.4..:.,1:;;..„,,,;7;"•'" t 1r e(Cet1'5$I)l1. uers ;"i. GRAND IIE.NI) it is kcepine very dry here and farmers are iegituning to complain. Every cottage is filled. Some tea - Pie are willing to 1..'y $10 tloll;trr t week but can't get any. Don't forgot to wine• to 11 he Bend on August 6th our celebration day as %('•intend to snake it the "dtiy of all 1tys." See bills for particulars. Mr-. Wetfterspoon has ce,rnmenced to build ccnrent piers for the new iron bridge which tis' county is put- ting ii , berc. Mr. Le•ett is putting up a 1 urge cement block ice house and Will 1 lien be in order to supply all cnmeeer'c with rho needful in hot weathei.- At a meeting at Grand Bendy elote- d >• 15th inst., it was fin',Ily (1.01cle! to hold a big Gita Day aril ('elebrli%• lion at the JJend on August 6t11. The, affair is intended to be quite tot ex- tensive aoale, consisting of acquatie' sp'or:a i..^. 1!.•• morning, trotting and running races, ('alithutiiii:an proces- sion, fo:tball lit Which valuable prizes will be given. In the evening th:ro will :he n band concert, and the big- geat'•firoworks display eser acct' out aide the large' cities. llesidcs the Well: - known pieces as seen at the Exhibi- tions, there will be steel ,Rome• new ef- fects never before exhibited IL're, air- ship asceneon, bellocar and parachute drop etc. 'All events are open. 'Cire affair is ut.der the• puspicce of t he busin••ei ;m(11 of Grand Reuel sed management of fir. A. W. Smith, %%ho has to successfully managed the Campers ('elcbrnlion at the Bend I1„rd sines their inauguration. Mir, W. Oliver, Scc'y-Trcas. a. 1'Lt•GTOWN. Mr. John McNiaol hart engaged wah Mr. ,Archie \l.:Curd)' for tiro Reason. Mr. ('i..-. Pletcher has engaged with Mrs. William Francis for 4h' summer. Mr. Samuel Routley !nit h very valuable whisker one dry het •week. Cans,. unknown. A number from here attended the cions. •r'• gard'n party list 1V ain's- day, Miss \ti":,l;,.r df Exeter, w 1 lhn guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc- Curdy o.i d'ty last.wr.(k. . • )lasing 3., nearly finish"d In this It►cali'}'. Mr. Archie- 'tcCurdy Meurer( a swarm of bees t• ^ nay Pitt• wreak. Mr. George l:cdbolt hiis engi p d It lir. Wm. Moor* for ehe 'leaser). Mr, Charles Briley purchased .. new bicycle this week. r • KlltICTOr Mies Edits Carr iy visitipg Mrs. Chaos. ('lark, of London, ter n temple of Wett'kei. Me. Chas. E. Taylor, p[ host; n N. Y., is visiting his parents here, Miss (;erne and ;triter 1''raoli A10WI1 are vlalting It heir 041111411/9 tis I seal and Bert Bissett, of les - borne. -- One of the best evening's outing and entertainrnekt ever held in this nc;ghhor)tocei ware given by the local Courts of the J.0.1'. on Wed. evens ing last ell the Agricultural grounds. The first event %va's a baseball mltch b,-tween• the ladies fa[ Fullerton rind ladies of Kirk ton and to 'say the least there certainly was tsotne exsollon1 piny'!ng on both nide. Kirktcan of course suffered defeat. The fielding on both sides Mas good. liiiirktou ryas ,t little superior int Ili, line, tiut the I'ullartoct girls were superior in the battery. Mr. Jordan raf Fuller- ton acted as ,refe•eo. Score 15 to 13. The twxt cs'nnt was the (supper. This of course) mem par cxecllenog someatbc$e dbout 500 or 000 laking tett. Alter tea as entert:'pinrncant was given in Aberdeen Hall. Tho pro- gram being complied by t ho Courts Peerless and Sf. uta rye of St. Marys. This was of n first class nature. Athkeg'es were 'given by W. A. lien- derson, of Sarnia and Mr. Chas. Mest- ryfityd of London, in contteotlon leith the working of thoO rder and etc. 1'recise's amounting to $98.79. Women with pale co lorless (aces who feel weak and discouraged, will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pills, whlob ,are made for the blood, nerves and complexion. — -+- WIIALEN Most of the farmers aro th,rcugl, haying. We are sorry to Lear that Miss 1'7thel Menson is on the sick tis. We bops for a speedy Iecos' ry. The cement mon have almost com- pleted their work at the ohuroh, and the masons will soot' be at acting' is work aa it. -�1fis Lottie Squire holidayed al hoate last weok. Mr. and Mrs. Jeckell are visiting with the latter's mother Mrs. 'Je- sted) Morley. Mrs. John Tales, of London, is vis- iting with her mother Jlra. Sut'herby Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gunning and their daughter Elsie visited at Mr. Robert Cunnings last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gc.orgo hfdlson and family spent Sunday ar Mr. Archie Chit tick's. Miss Ella Brooks is Berne from London en her vacatieu. ` llarvest trine %%i1l won be Fiero again. Oats are a rather poor crop around here. FOR OVER SIXTY YEAItS OLD AND WIELL-TRriD ItEMaDY,-Ml, Win,Aow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by mii.lons of mothers for their children white teething with perfect mete.• It soothes the child, softens the truss, allays ail pain, cures wind colla and Is the best remedy for Diarrheas.. Itis pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists In every part of the world. 25 cants a bottle. Its value Is incalculable, Be aure and take Mrs Winelow'e Soothing Syrup and ask for no Other kind. Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs A3t, June 30th, 1:)05. Serial Number 109e. C Xt. 1E1ai°Ort. Z�. Bear. he _ ,,Th, Ked You Hare Alnays 80411 Signature of To the Editor c( the Exeter Tiniea. About July 1st, a copy of an Act. to amend the Public Schools Act, 1907, circular 15 A changes in the High and l'ublic Schools Acts, and Instructions No. 12, explaining the "Distribution of the £Legislative 'Grant" were sent to the Secretary of each l'ublic School Board in West lturon. Ay Trueteos are still asking "What grants are we likely to get this year?" please publish this letter for the leencf1t of all interested polies. 1. -Each school eectiun still rcr ceive [tom the Township general fund, a grant of $300 for each prin- cipar and $200 for ench as :etnnt em- ployed. 2 -The Education department oill pay about 40.per cent elf each princie pal's salary over $300 and up to e:600, mutt 40 & r cent of e3c11 nssistant'11 sal try over $200, aloe $20 for %%telt teacher holding a professi01131second class or first-class certificate. This gill be paid about about Sept. lat. 3-A grant for equipment and ac- eentmodatiw1 tthich depend+ on the value and relative grading of the equipment and ac: emmodetion of each school in the township. it is expect- ed tear this grant will ave,a.e about $30 for each Principal and $15 for each assistant. It gill fro paid about Dec. pat. • 4-A special library grant for all bulks purchased bet 51 rein July 1st., 1900 and July 1,t. 1907, No schen! i+ to rro0ive more than $3.00. Icy reading carefully "instructions No. 12" each School Board should be able to estimate very nearly what grants they should receive for 1907. The new regulations for Continua► tion Clates:et provides for increased grants. A copy gill bt• sent to each Secretary as soon as received from the Education Department. J. Elgin Tom, Inspector for \Viceat Huron. atarrh constitutional in impure blood constitutional treatment acting and purifying *slit :It permanent to Ulm Hood'aarsa Parda Nasal and other local forms( aunt wMth slay ilAsinestionbrad doodads* .ceditirterszieZero Piss r�lgM� ICON c";is said Ilse eW look ea Cato t3 , No. 4. C 1. lased Co" Lswt% Mesa CASTOR IA The Kind ikon Have Always Bought, and which has beet W use for over 30 years, has borne the efgnatnre of and has been made ander his perm izefd sonal supervision since its infancy. • Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "dust -as -good" are but E:perirncuts that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experienea against Experiment. What is CASTORiA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. gorle, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. it destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrbpea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething. Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates th@ Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Yauacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 1 The Molioni Bank Ilstabllsbed IBS& HEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL. CAPITAL PAID UP •••• -• -• S3.000,000.00 RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• •••• Asset* Over $38000,000.0o General Danking.BWiness Transacted. Savings Bank Department $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest' added FOUR ' Tltnes a Year. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. • N. D. HURDON, Manager •dwINaNanneneidM••••••••••••••••NNN1s•••N•••1 Highest Price Cash FOR all kinds old iron., cop- per brass lead zinc, pew- ter, rubber, rags, wool pickings, horse hair. Steel stone boats, bottle - yarding, iron posts. Sell or exchange for the above goods. M. JaGks011&SO Ike Kind You. Have Always Bought n MainSt1Exeter esu In Use For Over 30 Years.. vee Ot.YA u„ COMPANY, 77 MwaaaV , Nair YONA CM. syoopls 01 ire Canadiaa Nolle Well HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. ANY'en numbered section of Dominion Lands iu wauitolu%, taskatehewawand Alberta, excepting S and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by tiny person who is the sole head of a family, or any mite oxer 1d yep PI of age, to the extent of one -guar for section of lr3s acres, more nr less. Entry must be made personally at the beet land °nice for the district in tthich the land in situate. Entry b) proxy may, howe'er, be made on certain conditions 1+ the father. mother, son, daughter, brother or slater of an intending homesteader. The homesteader is required to perform lite con- ditions connecter! therewith under one of the follow • ing plans:— (1) At least six months' residence upon and cull• cation of the land in each %ear for three )ear.. (2) 1f the father (or mother, if the father is de• ceased) of the homesteader residse upon a fans in the vicinity of the land enteral for, the re,liuremeu'A as to residence may he eatl'fted by such person residing with the father or mother. (31 1f the settler has his permanent renitence upon farming land owned by hint in the vicinity of his homestead. the requirements as to residence may- be aybe satisfied by residence upon the said land. Six months notice in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion lands at Ottawa of WPC tION to apply for patent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. It.—Unauthorized pnblication of this ail%ertio• meat s ill not be pall for SEALED SEPARATE TENDERS addrewe,d to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon on friday the 23rd August, 1907, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on two proposed ooniracts for four years six & isle times per week each way, between Cromarty and Dublin, Exeter and Mitchell, from the 1st October next. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contracts may be seen and blank forms of tender may be obtain- ed at. the Post offices of Cromarty, Dublin, Exeter, Mitchell &c., and at the Office of the Post Office In- spector at London. G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent. GET THE BEST i' AVE -i -c J ‘>, 1(!P\\ i) Pkl/! • Ie • .1 es ." 1 U S i .11 R ',l I (11 i` WF.f>T(-il'S I,NTI:rNAl'I()\)AI. ;ii -""T) i)l"."r1()N;\RV Recently Enlarged :) MTM 25,000 Newel Words New Gazetteer o Om World with more than MOW Utica based on the latest census returns. New► t B osraphfoal Dlotleaar>r containing 1 ho names of over 10,000 noted persons, unto of birth, death, etc. 1'dtte,l 1•y1Y. T. IiAitlttS,Ph.D., T.L.D.. tatted elatesCumnissioucruf lelucatton. 2380 Quarto Paso* N.w elates. tom 14.3trstloot nkls 1Radtaa Needed In Every Home .ate, M'ebeter'.Collegiate Dictionary r::• r•aK 14001a4,tnti.v• Regular Editlnn 7:10a".'i I. a,t s bisdeanw De Luxe Edition 6,, 0,00. In. Tr441.4 tm;14 n,• r•.,... ww1ud. roper. at etilr.: 1I ;na!n1 . EREn,'•ttietiotarwritlet"lliestriRdramp!' tx 0. 0 C.)IERRIAM CO., Publlshore, $prlastlold. Mass. Farm for Sale 100 acre farm in Steelier► Township good frame barn and house. Well drained and land all cleared. Creek through rear corner of farm. Can be bought right, anal on easy tering', for quick sale. Apply at once, to GLADMAN & STANi1L'RY llarristers, Exeter Ont. Farm for Sale We have a good farm of about 35 for sale on reasonable terms. Situate near 'Mt. Carmel in ijtepben Township. Firer 'Class land and fair buildings. Near church and school. Apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Exeter. Ont. House and Lot for Sale House end lot for halo Pt. lot 156 Con. (12 habotne, I-2 acro land Good brick cottage and stable. Must be sold. Apply Threes Cameron Auction• cor Farquhar. FARM FOR SALE. 125 tierce in the Township of nib - Bert consistin; of lot 19 w. 1-4 18, concession 12. This is ;nod property and must he sold. 'Tereus easy. Ap• ply Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer Far- quhar. ------- Store Property for Sale Its the village of Exeter, composed of 'the North part of lot 11 on the West side of Main Street, consistin; of one good store and the building now used for a postoffice, known aa the Johns Block. If not sold priv- ately on or before the 10th day of August will bo sold by Public Auc- tion en the 31st day of AulLSt. For term. and particulars apply to Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer, Far- quhar. Auction Sale -of - VALUABLE FRlt51 IN leS1IOI1NE- There %Sill be offered for elle by Public Auction at COMMEJU'iAL HOTEL, EXETER -on- i1 SATURDAY, AUG. 3rd„ 1907 at 3, o'clock p. in. Lot 6 tioutl, Thames (toad t'sborne, and the Were half lot G, North Thames Road con- taining 150 acres more or less. On the 100 acres is n .Toed frame house 2 bank barns and drive 'shed, fine orchard, running water at rear of farm, well fenced and drained, good hardwood bush soil a clay loam 2 1-2 ruike% from Exeter. 1 1-2 miles from solus l anil churches. The fifty acres are wept fenaal and drained. Has frame barn. 14 d: - reedy opposite the 100 acres. The nurehaser %till have the priv- ilege of going on the farm niter the harvest this summer to do fall ['low- ing ant ss ill trot full poggession on November Iftt h. The 150 ;'rets will be offered in separate lot-. TERMS O1' SALE. 10 per cont. of the purchase ,money on ;lay of silo and the halpnce on November 16th, without interest. i artiu [ cl aqe r o p r ; money may remain mortgage if the purchaser wishes. For further particulars amity to Samuel Switzer, K:rkton Ont. or Madman & titartbury, Barristers Exeter, Ontario. W INCIIELSEA Thom. (its;;aid inrt-ed ice cream rya the Jaen last S•iturtlly eening ai►d i! went so well that 'he 11.18 (been 0.5 quested to have it twain for next Saturday evening nrxl hes agreed to hate ,OI ,bund cure art hand. trim `— ( 71R. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. LD. 8., Honer gradttate.of Toronto Univeasity, Dental Surgeon Office over Gladtsan & Stanbury's• Main street—Err/um. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D, tl. D. D. 8., Dentist, Member of ' R. C. D. 13., of Ontario and honor (araduate of Toronto University. grits:—Over Dickson & Carling'a O1SCes in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. W. BROWNING, M. D., M. O P. 8,. Graduate Victoria Un v.rslty. Mos and resideneooe. Dominion Laboratory, Beater. nI Associate Coroner of Huron, ■s t D R. A, F. MALLOY. MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- Maas and Surgeons. Successor to Dr. J. A- lkaline. Offices Main street, Residence, east so nest street north of Poet Office, kxstem Outset Fall Terms Opens Sept. 3rd CENTRAL 1/r STRATFORD. ONT. to Tbis school which is an old Z. tand well established one stands to the forefront as the greatest 'i' Commercial and Shorthand "'school in the West. Our leash - Iers are experienced instructors, courses thorough and practise!. + X41• We assist graduates to posit- ions. Writs for our free catal- ogue. ELLIOT & MULACHLAN, Principals& *4 t.F +++•F•F+++++++++ 7•+++++'1•,a++++ Beautify and enliven your home by placing in It one of 'ianada's hest and most famous l'it nos THE HEiiNTZMAN We sell them on just the kind of terms you are looking for. if you want other makes we have them. Don't forget us when you want Stationery, Baby Carriages and Wag- gons, Bicycles and Sewing Machines S. MARTIN & SON GRAND TRUNK SY`SW V) To Summer Tourist Resorts Muskoka Lake Temaganli Late of Kays Kawartha Lakes (ieorgian Bay Thousand Islands Algonquin Park Quebec Portland and old Orchard, Me., White Mountain. All reached by the Grand Trunk Railway the "Tourist Route of Amer- ica. Direct connection with all Coat lines Tourist tickets on sale daily to all resorts. For further particulars, Tickets, etc. Call on. J. J. KNi(111'r, Depot Agent. or write J. 1). McDONALD, Union Depot, Toronto, ()nt. 1 twill trail you free to prove merit samples of my Dr. Shoop's Reetora• five, tied my book nn either 1)yap>ep. Ria. The heart or The ICidneys. Troubles of the Stomach, Ilcart or Kidneys are moiety symptoms of 8 deeper Ailment. Don't make Iho common error of trentin; pymtwms only. Symptom treatment is .treat• In; the result of your ailment, and riot the cause. 11'e,at: 5!orn,ch varves -the inside nerves-rnean Stomach weakness alw•a>s, And the Ilcart, and Kidneys as well, have their con• troliin; or inside nerve)). Weaken these nerves and yon inevilnbly have wenk vital orearm. Here is where Dr. Shoop's It••storalive Las made its fame. No I►ther_- Jefnedy ever claims 10 i real 1144. "inside lie! Veit." Also for hlotlin4, biUuitsrlert�, bad ere ith nr ;Omar tine, a •e' Or .Sh0ne'e Reeterat iv,. \\'t ito nun l o-dty for sample and free hook. 1)r. Shoop, itacine, Wis. The Itcstorative Is sold by W. A. Ilow('y. JLEWiS THOMAS ' Civil Engineer & Arc hitect (Late Department of Public Wor ks, Canada.) Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County Work, nectrio railroads, Sewerage and waterworks *stem Whan es, Bridges and ite•enforccd Concrete,. f hone 2430 London Ontario MONEY TO LOAN a We have unlimited private funds for Invest -ant upon term Or Mirage sroperty at loon anon of interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter • DICKSON & CARLING, B dliottors Notaries, Conve aaeere• • oaere,)joliottorn for the Motions% BankMo. Mossy toLoan alt lowest rates of taterees O7r10111-YAII'f STREET. au ag. E. CARLING S. L. H. Dl 0)P CONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private mods Me can on farm and village properties at lowest* interest es � GLADMAN & STANBURYa-- Barristers Solicitors„ Main Ot. Exeter' AL'CTIONEEIt . 8. Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer for the County uron. Charges moderate, All commuhieation,. (Med 10 R. S. Phillips, Ilensall, or orders left a Office ai11 receite prompt attention. FRANK BALLANTYNE Licensed auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Perth. Special attention given to farm{ stock sales. Town and village pro. perty aold by auction on moderato, commissions. Orders may be left at the Timer oftico or at .reeidenoe, Elimville, Cbar=es moderate. WILLIAM BROWN, Prior. Dis LOM A OF ROYAL INCORPORATED SOCIETY OF MUSICIANS, ENGLAND. Organist of Tris itt Memorial Church, Exeter, Piano, Organ, itarmony and Theory of Music. Terms on Application Exeter, Ontario. The Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Inbar ansa Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar,;Ont.- Pres. W. I1. I'ASSMORE, Farquhar, Vice -Pres.: -J, L. RUSSELL, ItUSSELLDALF., P. 0, DIRECTORS, WY. ROY, BORNHOLY P. 0 WM. BROCK WINCHE1.FF.A P, 0. T. RYAN, DQRLIN P. 0,. ROBERT NORRIS, Staff ,. - , AGENTS, JOHN EMERY. Exeter, agent for Osborne and Jliddulpb. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. *goat for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy. Trecs. Farquhar:. GLADMAN & STANVHi3RY, Solicitors The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is about to issue a new Telephone Directory For the District of Western Ontario" including the Village of Exeter Orders for new connections, changer of firm names, changes of street ad- dressee or for duplicate entries should be handed in to the local Manager AT ONCE, A. MARCHAND, Local Manager. vs11111Toasa, Saws the _A 1114 Kind `lot N>n1Aim t 8151g Leaman of