Exeter Times, 1907-07-25, Page 3- CURE
l� fee4�se�s seed where all the ts011 alsm iniad
4isat to a bilious skate of t he aysaeea. sash se
Fia1aoeeethe BDrowsiness.io while tkeir meet
sates has beam shown tat ~hog
setSaeiU yet Ourter's ]Utile Liver P1111 me
equally rallshls La Constipation. curing and pre-
venting this annoying complaint while the alms
torrent ell disorders ofthe etomatb. timulatmthat
Dave ands d :waste the bowels. *via It they oat,)/
would be almost
. tt>Yir ros* We distressing vim We
plaint bumato t those
lately their goodness does net end hers,and those
who osoe try them will Sod these lit1le pills vain.
abls Ila so many ways that they will not be wit.
Um to do wltheupth m. But atter all sick bss4
la tis Imes et so many lives the 1 here le when
we nuke our great byest. Our pills onion while
etbers de set.
Carter's Little Lives Pills are very wsail and
very easy to tants. Oats r two pills makes dose.
?bey we strictly veseeble and do not gripe or
• 1he
by their wall. action phase all who
ObiTll Um= 011.,11? TOIL.
,kodia bull Da bull NA a
Mrs. John C. Yensen, Little Rocher,
N.B., writes : "I was troubled with a
stab -like pain through my heart. I
tried many remedies, but they seemed
to do me more harm than good. I was
then advised by a friend to try Mil -
'burn's Heart and Nerve Pills and after
•using two boxes I was completely cured.
1 cannot praise them enough for the
world of good they did for me, for I
'believe they saved my life."
' Price 50 cents per box.or 3 boxes for
:$1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct by
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
tion:(thing .tbeul 1 -our Body 11'hir•h
You Should Know.
Det an average tman'.> body there are
�10,I)11) hairs. Plucking one e\eiv .ee-
411141 it would lake hint twelve eight-hour
•working; days to pull there all out.
In his bi4k')d there are 25.000, 00.411)0,.
($1) r'PIl corpuscles. Laid out side by
side they would cover a surface of .1,-
Ja0 square yards.
tie Who Lives to Self -Satisfaction
Is Dead Already.
".1►n41 the Lord said unto Cain, Where
:s Abel thy Mother'" ---Gell. iv., te.
Social sel1isluless is the most serious
charge against the church of our day.
If the charge lie stlstaint'd it Simply
it:d:cates that the church has become
subdued to the Spirit 11md buhserv.ent
the method of the world, ter the grave
danger of this age is that it shall be
dominated by social sellbihnes.5.
Yet the correctness \5:to which this
ttccusalion is made agllinsL the church
for failure to enter upon her work e f
regenerating and reconstructing sect -
41)•, the fierce invective freely poured
41' the jlldividucl ur the corporation
which for gain s01is out /he lives e f
r:,r11 11101 w•onm•n 111141 disregards all hu -
111)111 rights, the popular indignation
against social ‘wrong h 'tile most prom-
F.:Mg sign of the lime.
There is an awakening social consci-
(rce; as never before men are realizing
that the old question, "Ain I my 10 -o-
ther's keeper?" must be answered in r)
clear and active affirmative. 'There
1'4 wet' \was 41 time When 111e1e vas mere
serious search for the right way of dis-
charging that responsibility which the
individual has Come to feel for human -
it:: .^.s 0 whole.
It w -►old b•' ;. happy thing if we could
sit down at our east' and say,
:11.I.'S \VELI. \\'1'1'11 TlllS
there i-, no g; od cause for poptrlar'ctis-
c,.ntent: hug it is a horrible thing; when
\tee thus sit tit efise and speak smooth
words while things are far front right,
when' justice is thwarted by greed and
Ilia lives of children are devoured by
the mono^11 of 111411nmop, when jhC ))0\V-
cr cif wealth 10 do wrong is coupled
\, ittt the inobilily of poverty to du
It is a stunted intellect that says con-
d:tion: are no worse in our day than
they used to 1)e. These things cannot
La measured by former conditions; they
must be measured by the present day
conscience. They are better than they
were, but they are utterly wrong and
bad until they cSonne to tl►at standard
we know to Ix' right.
If you measure things by
you will be satisfied with the
yest (:day
back Wanl
14 ok. nut every age must have new
standards. Humanity never can stand
still. Standards of living and ideals ;ll
life continually rise much higher. The
e,csire far betterment which you justify
1)t yourself ought to be reflected in dis-
content with anything short of con-
stant improvement in the tut o1 others -
Every mean bus a duty to society; 110
is debt44r to all hu. 'nmity; he is 1he in-
heritor of the high privilege oI making
the world better, fairer, happier. \lost
;I all dogs this duty and indebtedness
rt;St upon those who profess to follow
111_ tnan of Nazareth, who came into
.tile world 10 redeem society. The church
v"ill be pleasured not by the prevalence
+.f her creeds but by the production of
t) pe of character and the prevalence of
i4:e01 conditions f4,r its Perfection.
Is there any greater mockery today
than that of u b4)41)• bearing the mine
of 11in1 who cattle to Saye the wort('
standing with hand outstretched beg-
ging the world to
lo lift it to luxury, and to enable it to
(njuy soothing sermons and rich fur-
nishings? The deadly heresy is this
living for 4,ur:;elves, this selfishness
that puts -to sleep the SOCial.conscienct'.
Neither the church nor the individual
cnn live in "tt little garden wailed
around." We steadily are tempted 1 )
shield ourselves from. the Iot,lhs4nle (( the organs of the boy. The heart
s•ghts of poverty rend the heavy drafts 144-ing on the left side causes very much
r 11 our syitipnlhies 111adc by suffering. Weeder \weight than in The right. Dur -
Walled in by respectahility \0 1101)0 to ing active life the heart • and arteries
c,cap0 responsibility. Yet a1 the last filled with 1,'(40(1 remake the increased
'.\•c' shall but hear the words, Idle a \\•eigght of !hut side an item of some i►n-
\rithet•ing, wllirlwend. "Ina illucti ;le )4• I)4 deuce. The centre 4)f gravity is,
.1i(; it not to one of the least of Riese.•'
Nar is that 1111; every time we refine
t.; give ourselves. seine of our thought
and energy, our sympathy and love to
others, we cut of( that much of our own
Elves. The narrow, dwarfed soul is the
one that is ewer turned in on itself and
never reaching out to other's. He who
lives to self-satisfaction is dead already;
cel)' he who lives to serve humanity is
alive and lives more and more and for-
11ENIlY F. (:OPE.
the apostasy of the people had already
definitely and permanently separated
the whole congregation from Jehovah.
30. 'Die intervening verses (8-29),
which, while not printed in our lesson
!wipe, nevertheless constitute part of the
assigned lesson passage, record the in-
tercession of Moses with Jehovah on
behalf of the people, and the subsequent
return of Moses to the camp of Israel,
the breaking of the tables of stone, the
destruction of ttte golden bull symbol,
and the puniehnent of 'tie chief offen-
ders, excepting Aaron.
Sinned a great sin -:1 hey had not only
broken a definite promise, but in • s4)
doing had been guilty of gross ingrati-
tude toward Jehovah.
Peradventure 1 shall make atonement
fit your sin --Appease in some way the
wrath of Jehovah.
32. Forgive their sins--; and 1f not,
blot role. 1 pray thee, out of thy teed: -
We are to supply in thought the ellipsis
indicated by they dash, i0.;erting some
such words as "well and • good," or, "I
11111 content," or, "1 Bayo 110 more to
3t, 35. I will visit their sin upon them
---It is not cleat- whether tho threatened
visitation of punishment is 14) bee thought
r)' as following immediately, meat some
later time. Front the expression, And
Jehovah smote the people, some have
inferred the former, while others think
that the punishment referred to was the
ultimate perishing of the entire genera-
tion in the wilderness, spe,•ith•ally men-
tioned in Num. 14. 35: "In this wilder-
ness they shall be consumed, and there
they shall die." •
Wil.1'1' M.11iES YOU IIIGHT-11.1NUED?
Have you observed that infants who
crawl on all fours 1110110 much mu,re use
of the right 1111411 the loft halal unless
they are kft-handed? A scientist ar_.
c-4 ants for this, declaring that right-
handedness caused. by the location
J IL IN 28.
Lesson I1'. The Golden (Calf, Golden
Text : 1 John 5. 21.
Rased 011 the text of the Revised Ver-
114111 Svml1)15 in Hebrew 'Worship. --
The word translated "calf" in our lesson
passage is somewhat misleading. It is
The whole of the 11„•,d pas,cs fhr, iig!) 11,4'41 in Hebrew in 11 11111011 \vi(der 501150
tt n18t1's heart nearly twice in every and very frequently designates the full -
minute. It weigh, 4)114 -thirteenth of the g14)w"11 1111111101. 'I'huc i11 301% 31. 18, and
entire body weight. and it move.; in Pi Judg. 11. IS, the reference is to a
iliffereit parts 'ef the body al speeds yc•ung bull and a Young cow respective-
'.arying; from len feet lo 1,1;66 yards
trearly one mile) 044 hour.
The fat of your body is fluid. it be-
C:,lmee( Solid only WI►'•n Itte both'
after death. It is one of your most Ilse- vital energy was the young hull. 11 was
tui (Y)11StilUrllls, forming a mon-cumd11 t. natural. therefore, that this people when
in qut'.st of an appropriate 8)1111)01 undone
which to represent the presence of Jeho-
\ 011, whom thug far they had learned to
know almost solely as the God of power
and irresistible might, who brought
&411h and destru49 4)11 14) his enemies,
and spoke even 411110 his own people in
13full-grown and ready to be broken to
lit') plow. Among the agricultural
people. such as were the llebrew& the
1(10st natural symbol of strength and
to - sheath to protect 3.4u from cold.
actnt ing 118 pods. to preserve from shock,
.)n '111a lips of the lingers, the toes. and
the heels, and lying always ready its .1
r eierve food supply when you can get
]nothing to eat.
A Mlle nitery passe:: from your brain
through the skull into the scalp, which toles of thunder from the dotal -covered
.Acts its n safety w81ye when the brain mountain height. shauld do H3 so man).
13 cr4Ilge.t4vl with hl4k)d. other peoples sirnilnrly Situated, and
The skin csnn4et grew regain once it seine of them closely related 14) the Is-
is destroyed. Hence. the' unsightly scares mettles ra^ially, had (tone, and clothe
heft by burns and severe wounds. 04113' their ideal of the Divine Presence in this
the surface 18) er can renew itself; when 41144101 181 forte. The origin of bull sym-
th4e whole thickness is deston041 it nev- 6115111 among Ithe Hebrews may there-
tr re-form:. This i5 Ihr more curious, fore 1►e sought in the native religious
a15 muscles, lljreec. 1,14)4)41-\4'.c;cls, 814(1 tendencies of the people themselves --
tik•t14`s, till 10:5 liahl' to injury than the tendenciits which they shared with other
\vhich Moses was to bring from Jehovah
onto the w•triting people at the foot of
the mountain. This detailed legislation
wyl s Inas( nece.;snr3 1)) w•ay of concrete
repplication of the precepts set forth in
the Dt'calogue, the meaning of W111011
precepts proved toe profoundly spiritual
to t)0 rightly understood b)' the people
at that time without this further de-
tailed legislation.
Moses delayed lo come down from the
lucent. -During their leaders absence of
nearly six weeks 0''1111'. Dent. 9. ll, 12)
the 1-"„ )pie grewimpatient 414)41 began to
fear 'vat lie would never return. 1101100
their ►ltg;C1lt request. to .‘droll l'p, Snake
u; gods. 'rho team "gild,- nifty also be
rendered in the sitgulnr, and is to be
understood in the sense of an idol, that
is, a symbol of deity, in wallet' sense the
ward is used in many passages of 1114'
Old Testament.
Canning Peaches. -In cru1ningg Peaches
crack the stone's and can the kernels in
601110 of the juice. Yeti.will trod 1110111
an' exeellcnt addition to fruit toiled.
Sponge hounds. -Cut circles an inch
thick fty)nt stale sponge cake, nod by
scooping; out n little (1f ilia cl'llmlb, 1)101.4•
1110111 like shallu\v (nt'tiet-s ; .noisten wilts
0 litlle 05(1.0(1, !trap \with berries, and
add sugul' 1111•( whipp0tl creal41.
(-graham Wafers. -Two cup: sugar.
one cup buttermilk or sour milk. one cup
lard, one egg. one teusroon soda. a little
nutmeg, rine cup wheat flour; nttx as
much graham (loot as you cnn. roll thin,
pick with fork thoroughly before cut-
ting; cut in squares.
Grape Shrub. -Four quarts grapes to
one quart of Vinegar; let stand four
cloys, theft strain. '11) each pint of juice
add Otto pound of sugar; boil twenty
minutes, bottle and keep in 0 dry, coil
place. fled raspberries or blue!: are 3.1130
Jam (Cilie. --Otte nnZl one -11(11( cups sit -
• two -thirds of a cup butter. one cup
jam, three egg.;, two and one-half cups
114,ur, seven tables1x►on, Sour milk, one
114.4)0011 soda, 0110 dominion. one nut-
meg. Mix sugar. butter. jam anal spices
together ; break the eggs 44nte at a time
and 5hii in.
naked• 1'114'.--C4u•0hully prepare and
till oath plain 1414'011 stuffing it three -
J). unci pike. Sore 111.' upper side three
or four tinie.s diagonally and lay strips,
4.1 salt fat pork in the incisions. Dredge
with horn(, Solt and pt'ppet'. T1uce in n
hakingC pan with a little' 1144 water, 1111(1
bake for thirty-five (minutes. Serve with
a brown tomato sauce.
Egg ['offs. -Five eggs, one pint milk,
tree talles[x)on.s flour, one tablespoon
►tttter, add one tablespoon .illt to but-
ter, prix eggs, butter and 411i114 and stir
therefore, thrown more to the left side. ` the mixture into the flour gradually ;
'['his being the case, the right ares i.; iut''lt 41 small piece of butter in a frying
Iliac)* 1110r•e free than the left. '!'here ran and turn in 1110 above mixture;
1:'ay be also a provision of nature ;n \\'hen set, turn and brown on the other
the use of tlhe right hand more than the sale.
left. Throwing a 6111, striking wills Inexpensive \Ir11t Dish. - Put two
a hammer or other violent exercise,
alight have a depressing or injurious
4-41001 upon the heart if done %vittt the
left hand.
i4) spite of 1t1A growth of know•le'dge,
c.1d illusions about wild animals still
hold their 0 s n. To begin with. Inc be -
11('f that the human eye can control a
wild creature is held by many people -
end intelligent people. lo0--nr,tw'it1►-
sstanding tl►e 1111111)' proofs in evidence
against it. It is true that any ratan risks
his life every time he liirtl5 his back
en wild animals; lilt riot on account
of his eyes being turned away. It is Potato Salad. --Boil until (lune a quer-
because f he animal is treacherous. 041.1 ; ler peck of good sural! petatocs ; peel,
knows by instinct that anything \sill► anti wllilee hot cut into slices of about an
its book turned toward it is defenc''14's . • eighth of an incl) thick ; cover so 8S to
Snakes are looked upon as evil at all 1:^ep warm. (:hop 11110 0110 tial;ill onion.
Eines; but in nearly . \sly ca,e the at- , 11:: careful that there are no pi.rec telt,
lack is made from sll•'('r nervousness. a, onjy a delicate taste of onion is des
Ne erontttl'e _i+ more nervo1ie than 1
bard and boll twenty minutes lottg'er.
Stir us little as poisib1e ua older not to
break the rhubarb.
A pinch of baking soda added to the
water in which peas, beans and other
vegetables are boiled will keep there
beautifully and quite harmlessly green.
!lubber rings that have bce'onte hand
and inelastic will become ser•vlceabhee
once more if laid in water and ammonia
-oils part of ammonia to two of Hater.
When olive oil 1s, used at the table 11
sl10111d be put in dark -colored bottles and
removed to a cool, dark elect' 11u110-
diatel(• after tilt; meal. It is injured la
being kept in the right.
leiji; labels on tie, onion ptiee makes nn
escelleit mucilage; stnr•:•I► paste, to
\\1110(1 n bit of gime has 1.4eon added. fas-
tens labels firmly 10 cans and tin;, if
111'0 stilt which (4441(1, the 1,11101 is first
washed with a baking -soda , ultttlon.
'1'o avoid a remote possibility of pre-
serve's becoming mouldy, a bit of sali-
cylic acid-- a tiny knife-point full to tw e
pounds of fruit 440 fruit juice ---should be
aided to the fruit when lint owed over
the tire; a sure and perfectly harmles,
For pasting labels on glass. make a
inneiinge of whites of egg; beaten up
and 411u\vet) to rut down again ; labels
moistened with this and pressed 1►y
means of a cloth firstly 4,n jar or jelly
g1414s will not Collie off from damp and
net until inlnler,,'d for a long time in
water ,
A sheet of clean whip' blotting paper
makes tui idial filler for all .'old juices
(111(1 liri110415. A (whole sheet of 1110 payer
should be folded over to half and again
1.elded over to quarter its size ; then
"pinched" over anti over again like a
foe into ,stripe -like corrugations. Un-
folded and laid in c0ianler or funnel
these little ridges keep bark eeeey impur-
ity, allowing 0111)• the clearest, chemesl
lo 1i'o kl0 slowly enough ink) the
sluts'•J)am underneath,
LNIIi:Rl'1'.t N(:1•: OF '1'IIE DOG.
Saute I1l•eeds are Born With Strong
Friendship for alai'.
1)y It143 environment of his forbears
ter generations balk yeti rmuy know
the dog. An Eskimo e)i• sledge dog, or
u Chinese chow chow, could never ere~
paumds of rough steal:. small piece of vie the deep friendship that 0 deerhound
suet, small onion through 1111' rne'ilt 07 an old English Sheep dug 0r collie,
.hopper; 1141(1 154) cup, of bread that Inas, c r It bulldog, or a terrier is capable 01
been soaked in Wider, three ego;, sill inspiring.
and pepper, and shape like a roll of but- 1'4 are before nny of us were thought
ter. Put in a stow oven about one hour. 44f the sledge dog was n beast 4)f bur -
Serve hot or co)1(1. (len. tolerated beceause human lives de-
lllouher•b t:herlolle.--(:111 the rhubarb petaled on his "motet' power, 114'grudg-
in inch pieces, and place in 11 dish with cd the tie'cessary wherewithal to keep
twice as much sugar as rhubarb. one lea- his "machinery" in good order 811(1
spoonful of minced ginger root and treated not as a companion, but as a
lemon peel, ;eel hake ,until lender. Des- pariah ami as a brute without feeling;
64.1)0 1)541 tat►10,1)04►pfts1, of gelatine in without thought. without hope.`
a litlle 1144t water for 0 quail of rtluharh. flow expect 0 descendant of these
nd)1 lit'' juice of a lemon, slruin inl4) the half-starved, cuffed 01141 buffeted ani -
rhubarb, and pour into a mould. \\lien reals mit to shrink frons the uplifted
chilled and Jinn turn out in 0 dish and hand and treat with suspicion all
garnish wilts whipped cre11111. friendly overtures? All 111811 has done
for him and his forbears has been to
t.lay the brute and make life a weary
And in all parts of the globe where
the struggle for` life is most desperate,
and pt"411)te. according to our estimate,
aro brutes of semi or whole savage, S44
sired. fait ono -quarter Jx)und of bacon are the dogs of that people.
ilia) little cube's and fry. Put onions and Persian wolfhounds, chow chows,
10104111 into the potatoes rind shake up "(lingoes" in the wilds of Australia,
81111 down, as stirring break, 1110 slices 'filet mnclifs, all more or less 411044(1
u' potatoes. .\•141 51411. pepper 11n.1 vine- man, who many years igo beat therm
got to lista. New potatoes make a more Into s,ihjecti4)n. not affection.
This \lose,, the plan that brought us! ter of ills'.' If )nor livor L; 4.11 riy,ht• kte( Inti Cate anning )ern sus.- P4'4'1 some 1)e \\itti 111e $5(M►, te1,($KI and 52,000 chanl-
t1g) out of the land of Egypt----lfttr an i g. 1. fine pions and their liruthers, sisters and
absence of forty day; and nights \loses the trouhle,nlny be )011 dale n0ver trit'tl fresh asparagus. cul it in even lengths. cousins who claim prizes at IN'nch
5115 regain a stranger whose appearance! t 111king 11f(. worth w 11114 for olh. t S, If pita fit it neatly it Wide -111411111101 glass sl:ows, the story is different. Neither
e)1) the scene of action 111 Egypt, inter-
)r)1. are cite of lhnse unforfunate; M110 jars. Mix four quarts cold water with they nor their nncest411s have -known
\ention on behalf of Israel, brief ]raster- imug7ines 114, 111 a cynic, try thi, plan for 1\w4) (111100.; salt ; 1111 tho Or, to over- what it was 144 turn cannibals to avert
dowing with this ; close and hal Ihcnl starvation. Man did not beat them In -
in 0 boiler Or canner inertly minutes. to drudgery. Man warmed to them (11).1
our. work 114mu,ye the jars; 01.011 041011 en.' 411 14141- t'..ey gave their all to Mali. And of the
with )our associates, rind ) 1110111 ; close quickly , return thele to Z.(X1l► dogs gathered Together from here.
will be easter. At 1Mme you will ix)' (I►e• b41111 and cool; 1)wo anal a half hours; there end t'yery\1•here_, at a Show, there
tic( the difference in the cheerfulness 4't t;tke Out the jar,, set them Upside (10wn were probably not a dozen wino \would
by following the shine sy+teim. ilut on n dry 0144th ; so, that they ore air- cl4uriehly snarl at a stranger's greeting.
Ito main difference 5111 be w•itdl your- tight. and when cold put Intent in a cool,
self -you'll sleep better! dry pia^e, (rcen pens aro prrseived in
-ef►- •-� 11.,, 6111110 5413' 0, asparagus, only 1►oi1
1)K:1D �t10TS. th.'nt halt (1\1::,111;.(4_1_1 r longer,
\lnrhlc'(f (g►c)k gently until len-
Ne plan's re.,itect for old age extends d(•, a pickled beef tongue. \Viten doneto eggs. slice as thin as possible. Boil with the
The wily 4f the transgressor is hard longue about four pounds of lean veal,
('11 outer p4'Iche leg is beat, Chop 1h6 IlnO. Sca.,on
Sunie ienplope c.an't even do their duty 1t110 iIIE'at well with salt. pepper and n
little grille.) nutmeg. Add to the veal
De poi find life 11npleasnnl and think
woe stiffer more than the average 11u111 -
ship tile; far, end recent (Reappearance ('1)e: 418):, 110 helpful and k1nt to s.)1114
into the solitude of the awful mountain `'114 hesle` yourself; you eemn do it
whim"incunwenien•_e'. 130 PleliSant
fr(►m which God had spoken. all seemed;
tut as n Vision 10 the waiting and int-
putg4'rlt pen[ le.
2. Aaron said unto them. Break 4')(f
111 a g44lden ring,-Aftrot1 no)her,e ap-
t•'('ars 11z a strong or independent per-
son. Eloquent, no doubt, and p4'r.al(1-
S1yein speech, he was a valuable assis-
tant t41 \lose:;, whol was "mew of speech.
41141 of a slow tongue"; but 4H)n( with
the people ho w•as n mere tool in their
Lands, either unable rn• unwilling
oottragenusly to oppose their will.
\Vivol Sore.,, . . . dnughtr'r s --'The
explicit mention of both wives and
daughters, together wills the omission of without striking an attrtud4'.
the husbands or men. seem; In imply \ Irue artist i3 ogle 5110 w4►u141 i.ne
(hat the men dict not 111 this time well'', :\tet for Art's sake, if he could afford ;t.
tit' 3111h'1ee of jewellery ro(errot 14) A young man done not think serious -
M. tl'FD will CORDITE.
Dangerous Toys of Northamptonshire
A number of children in the North-
amptonshire slllego of Ilrixworth, Eng-
land. 11115.' he.'n playing \with 110a1h for
gradunlly \\•h1le making and pounding a week. and two .,f them have hecll Se
ii to a paste. half a 1)uund of huller melt- \cr4ly injured.
041 ton (rena). Put 8 layer of the Seal in About a Week ago .54)1114' I);►ys found n
skin, 0111 grow regain. St mitdc peoples about there. In the re- though ill an earlier day the members ly about merringe until after it happens• the katom of rt mould 411. ti,. then rit rattily of retrain, 'fleeting cnrtr idg;.�� in
' ' ' I\ t+) the contention that the 15r3101i10s of the household of 1arnh, inelu•iin ► the
Ninny a elan gambles 4 with hi, iepute- slier' of tongue. then another layer (►[ the bed of 4► email stream, and shared
You are really a water, rather than a ply 6 ben, losingit in an effort 10 gain a !^ them out nnlong their playmates. The
6veal, and so (1n ttnlil the cup, air full,)., h:lvO been carrying the r)►rfrillgt(w:
Cug;ger• one, having the veal on top. Pack firmly in a•')ut, and early yesterday 114)race I.
land animal. .51111ough. as a whole, simply imitatedthe Egyptians, \with, teen. Berm Io have worn rings.
J•ou live 011 dry land, your body eon- whom they had so long been closely S. Fashioned it with a graying tool_
aista 4►f C 'tintless 11111114411. '1f Separate nsa)rial('d, it may be said : 1. 'fit(' 'e 11u14e h0 11eh''\i; du
biting particles. and thee., pre all inr• Egyptians worshiped 114(1 widen, but 1,I'hinde'rstrincld, r11t1d111h1). 1)r44'n5 vnri0UiRicslyll 111;1-
tners(ed In the Water \\•hich constitute, 113 Ing hulls. which were regarded as thetel prated. The Annie Hebrew verb
f4;ur-Ottlns of your snlistance. incnrnntion.s of certain well-known translated in 2 kings 5. 23. "bound [that
\Vithin the inner part of year ear, national deilio.5 ; 2. it would seem in-
dsv+p in the hone. is 41 rivantlt% of flui.l ccnsi-tent. if not nlsut•d, for Aa4Y•n i))
rutile'► net:. a: a Spirit !mei, and en- speak rte he del of the golden calf ng
, all;les you to keep your balance. representing the god that had delivered
Ili ' lsr•aehles frv)111 the hand of the
It is a purelyf�'aable compound pos-
sessing perfect regulating powers over all
the organs of the system and controll-
ik\ irtg their secretions.
It so purifies the blood that it cures
1111 blood humors and diseases, and this
combined with Its unrivalled regulating,
Plea/ming and purling influence, renders
it unequalled for mill diseases of the skin.
Mr, Robert Parton, Uillhank, (Mt.
writers : "Some time ago I was troubled
with boils and pimples, which kept break. \''reg' 1. The ,'hnpters infer\ ening be-
ing out constantly. After taking two t\\ 4'11 the last lesson 31141 thea one are
bottles of nurdoek Blood Ratters 1 aro 111 a large measure devoted to the '64l-
talF mad." brut 4a►rUa at lbs detailed ltglisiah#n
Egyptians. hail the calf neon a reflection
of ally Egyptian deity ; ;t. In the case of
sunder ai..'.stn,y under Jeroboam n1
the time of the division of the kingdom
1 hinges 12. 25). the anemia of the new
king; to !consolidate different parts of
hi,, the northern, kingfllonn, .lcnlnnd(41
that the form of 5.)t:,hip established 1,0
genuinely national, 11101 not nn imports•
1.4411 (rem n foreign land. We are, there -
fere. 114)t 1') flunk in either (:iSe of al)i.
l,lsy of a .10111)01111.' illll'o.11lch.)11 ..f erns;
1 !olalr,5. hal rather of 0 sincere, 1114.uggh
(Mistaken 1111d 5.re►ng attempt to sym-
bolize I+„Ih ill' pl':;''nc1 and the co\•e-
1)31111 of Je'1i. 111► with his peep!". 'this.
114.w'.'wc1', 41'es ilea, 441 course. .s'u ' (hl.'
5,11 4)1 either Aaron 4)r J'•r4)1.4)alll. 11)111 of
5511.mi a' 1, 41 agiin,t 11101r Inoue( klio\r-
;e',lg,' in 1111)3 14)w•4v•ing the st41n.t31r.l 4)f
w1'rilllp of the one eternal e1141
(;ed. The worship of Jehosah in this
5ynoeei' form. moaner, furthered
greatly a grdnusl asst111ilatio►1 of the
lellgir)n of Jehovah to that of llnal : an,)
it is the full appreeittien of tltlz daing;or
that prornple.I the later t t'.lphets like,
114 :ea to 41er►oul)c4' s.) vigorously this
fo'rin of apostasy.
A jury is a 1s)41y of twelve men ailed- the cups and pour some melted butler
e.1 (u dc'Cide which •4f the cunles1111111) over the Ie*);. Giver with 1)8rrlll)1 paper
Inas the Keller lawyer. and keep in a cool, dry place.
The is a15nys thinking of what
g..ing to eat, the dysp•'pli'l 4 t
he lie, just eaten.
the gold' in bags." illi; rendering I14' 1.4
here would '+teni neuro in tuirmeny what
following clause, and made i1 a
neaten calf. '1 h0 r.'n•let•ing "fashioned
.1 with a graving( tool." is, ho\se\•er, In
liermr)ny \vitt' conclusions based on a
MEMOlil• '111:\IVIN4;.
careful t`ompnris4►n of this verse with There i; no .k,111)t that it lying 4I
verse 20 14 the r4tlf Whi •h they hail a peel', of string round Ile' Ager i; a
mad., end tnirnt it with fire"). and of really 34)4od aid 1') a poor memory. t)irt
14)Ih these verse. \\•1111 4)!1101' passages in there is n well nu.nenticoled ense of a
which the m)nuf41clur'e 4,f similar man who tied a p1040 of 044114411 04)1111(1
111141gfrS is .ieeeriMvl '1)43111. 7. 25; isn. has finger in the morning to remind
30. 22 ; S0. 19 1S. 10), allof s ltieh hint to get his hair cut. On the way
seems to point leo a wooden oo e -overland Sete. 14) dinner Ilia! evening he 11011'.-
5ilh g(1l.1. in 6up[x)rt of Ibis siow• it 4.1 the pd.ce of cotton.
may be retied4tint the espl•e:eSiotl in "Ah, yes. i remember,- he snit!. .%I1.1,
11o'•'1s d4nunciatiotl of the practice of t;nliling proudly. he entered the (teens -
Ills very form of idolatry"los. 5. G) tented shop. and sat flown before the
irun.slontc•l "pieces- ("yea, the calf of accustomed barber.
Senlarin shall he broken in piece.;") i, "Ere -yes, sir?" said the barber, puz-
ill the 'Talmud ren4ler01 'splinter; or 71041 inquiry in his hill's.
shivings of 54)n1," seeming to indicate "Er! Oh, yes, cut my hair. plees4'.'
11,at the objrcl 'woken was at least 111 e.41nn11111de 1 the ahs''llt-tninded one'
pert cornl.o.S4',J '4f wood.ferny.
Offered blunt offerings, m11(1 brought "\\'hv. certainly. sir. if you wish it,"
pea .4e offerings- We have in this Stale- wits the reply. "But you won't mind
mend very conclusive evidence' of the 41') mentioning the filet 114311 1 0111 it
fact that both Ihese forms of sncriflee thio morning, will you, sir°"
eei.,ted prior to the peCiflc regulettolls
.•f the tabernacle (hunt given h)• Mosce.
The people sat 41054) to Fat And to
drink, And ruse) up to p1ny--Feasting;
n11(1 merry -making were Among the
more innocent a.e.x)(npitni111431)1.3 of
)(14 latrous worship. Often, however,
these degenerated into the most corrupt
prncti•ee.i, so common flinging the nearest
neighbors of the Hebrew pmpl.•.
7. Thy people, that thou lerlughleest
to. out el the lend of hgJ t --Aa though
SlIOW ME THE 110.11)!
.`1140)\\• rue the toad 14) 1,87)•\ 1114' --
1t 081.1 be far away---
\Vh''re shndows linger (.101 And :till
• And idle ,unheams pia),
\\bore rustling 1('n\•os are
And .skies ore mild and blue.
end placid cloud -banks drift aloft,
With o')Ihingi else lo do.
11111'11.\1111 IY)it 1VIN'rr:n.
i're'served Ilhubnrb.--I't,l the rhubarb
if et :411 tough and cut into small pieces.
lloil it with it \'•r)• little Willer 1111111 per-
fectly soft. Weigh ntel for each !(1111111
0: the. rhubarb all.n Otic' pound of grim -
Waled sugar. one 0111)4)4' of sweet
nlnlond; ;llanehed (111.1 chopped that,
and half n lemon 1:111 into tiny dice. Roll
sclnw)ly for nn hour, stirring very fre-
quently, 1t; 11 \5111 1eorch r11'ily, then
pue the preserve., into Jars.
Rhubarb Marmalade.- -To each (Mart
of finely ch.pp".I rhuba, 1. add si5
oranges thin. lime, leen iteel4(1, the \t hit.'
pith ant pips renlOwr•l, and the peel 111)(1
pulp sliced thin, and one an4l one-half
iound1s (.f granulated sugar. 114.11 slowly
Ithuharti nn.1 Fig; Jntn.--\\'rigth the
ri►tlbarfitil nftoi' 11 i•4 t t'4 I('4I 411141 1 ul up for
coeking rind to every six pounds nllos
one-fourth of n 1K,tu►4E of catdi'•d lemon
peel, cut in Thin cl►iJ,.';, 1111.1 1/441111/1 0(
nit, that have been well 511,1)01, dried
ani Citt in halves, 1'Inee the ilge and
lent4►n p4'0l r►wrr 1114' rl,uharh, 005 "1' With
•1 oc po1.11.ls of peel moist roger and lel
'tAnd 1111111 the n•'st 41313. '1'11011 lu ll
Slowly together. With frequent stirring:,
1. r 4)04' hour. '1•hia is 5ory Mee sealed in
r.IIIrnti114141' pnls.
Rhubarb Jnn1.-4:111 the rhubarb 11114)
nice-siref pieces. and to every qunrt add
one palm of good 1110151 sugar. Put
the sugar over the timber', and let it
stand o\er night to extrecl 1114( jui4•ee to•
oath 'r (1110 sugar will net be 411%cnlved)
for twenty Minutes, then put in the rho-
Man, seven yours old, placed one of
them in the kitchen lire. 11 explo(10d,
J,kss jngl the }grate lu 1)11.4(:., amt injw•-
ing; 111111 severely.
Annttler boy struck one of thecar-
tr•i41g.'s with hammer and nes also 111•
The village schoolmaster made all the
boys turn out their pocket, the other
morning, and he con1(5011.sI fifty car -
fridge; which 110 found in the ieleseeeion
of about n dozen boys. 11 i, supposed
that the were stolen from an ironstone
g141rr3 in the neighborhood.
1►I1,1 LItEN(:E.
1lrmgiga,t : "Did you spy pills,
Little Girl : "1-e., sir, please."
DrugggJirl : ":lntibiliou s ?"
i.i111e Girl : "Nu, sir, but
uncle 1s."
it's nim'' to 61111.1 frim') under when
the 111811 who► knows it nil ,tart., lu
Ii't )4,ti 811 he knon•s.
Sound will ire\ el four limes n. rapid.
le 1hr(ugh Rater ns through Air, rind
seventeen times more rapidly through
iron than through air.
In Norway wheel ean lie grown 314 70
degrees north. \vhiln on the eastern
shores of America 54) degrees is the
northern limit of successful when( farm.
Genii/My 1)3114 n greater length of tele-
graph lines than any other nation. She
has nearly 1 13,0000 mile'_,, beating (tussle
shout a lhoi sand mile's. Germany
had nearly 30,(1(10r teIegra1llotll'•glrr, but
Russia only 7,000.
Mrs. Hiram Itevoy, Marmara, Ont..
writes : "I was troubled for five years
with my hack. 1 tried a great many
remedies, but all failed until 1 was ad•
vised by a friend to use DOAN'S KWDNai
PILl.9. I did ao, and two boxes wade a
complete cure. I can heartily recom-
mend then to all troubled with their
back. You may publish this if you
Price 50 cents per box or 3 for 111.25.
at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt
of price by The Doan Kidney Pill Co-,
Toronto. Ont.
110W 7'O SIIOP.
Education Committee of the l.nndoil
County Council Submit a
:\ novel scheme for the training of
girls to tannage a home hos been sub-
mitted to the Educati in Committee of
the Loudon (:aunty Council by (1147 dima-
14,; of the Shoreditch Technical insti-
The eon is to make 111e. girls .profl•
tient in the domestic duties they ((041141
have to perforin as the wives of anti.
531115 carping; from 2$s. to f3 a week.
The six weeks' course of (raining pro-
pesed would include \vashing, cooking,
and ('1ea11i11g, general management at
the home on n systematic Lasis, and
"to shop."
A certain sutra would be set apart et
the ix'ginl►ing of each \\•(4'11 for .rent,
(alt's, clothing, insurance, 'revelling
t•xpenses, and fol. providing a fund for
"a ricin)- day." The remainder would
l.) available for food and any little lux-
uries that might be possible.
in order that the training may be ai
prn''tical as possible, it is necessary
that the time occupied in attending to
1 baby ill most homes should not bo
o\erloekest in the programme of the ex-
ta rirnentol home. It is proposed each
\\ eek, therefore, to 11114.1ert8ke 111.) caro
of a child belonging t4) a working class
!amity ill the neighborhood.. mid 111
this way the girls would gain further
valuable exJx'rience.
The hunt.' would he provided as
!lentos 4,f the \\orking class are, only
1110 furniture would be more ta4t('ful,
and probably 11014e useful, at lees civil.
item is to be seen in Ihr avei'ag;e' arli-
ean:s !tense,
11 is proposed, of ceurae, to spend
It* 111 tri;, to ,13 a weak on 1ti.e esi>f'n'I-
menlal home. Apart front the 1041011-
(1e' salaries• it can be run for (44niid-
rrat)ly under a pound a week. Tho
initial expenditure is estimated 11t £150.
It is proposed to establish ail experie
mental doing, either by building an
annex to the Shoreditch Instituto or
renting or leasing a house in the vieln•
i1y, rind 14) teach girls who have gone
through the theoretical training at ills
institute in batches of six.
The scheme i; to (14e carefully c•msid.
ereil by 4110 Education Committee.
.11111, _AMEN
Russian omcial : "You cannot slay in
this country, sir." 'Traveller : 'Then, of
course, i will! lease it." "Have you e
pima. to leaver "No, sir." "Then l
must tell you that you cannot go. I
give you twenly-four hours to (make up
your (mind 41.4 to what you will do."
For Diarrhoea,
Summer Complaints
It has been used in thousands of homes
during the past sixty-two years and has
always. gives satisfaction.
Every home should have a bottle OD Si
to be ready in due of emergency.
Price 35 Dents at all druggists and
dealers. Do not let some unprincipalled
druggist humbug you into taking so-
called Strawberry Compound. The or.
Isiah' is Da, Fowi.sn's. The rest are sub•
Mrs. 0. Bode, Lethbridge, Alts.,
writes : " We have used Da. Yowt.se's
fazed it a great remedy for Diarrhoea,
Sommer Complaint and Cramps. Ws
wand not Bloc i,bs wkkeri it i, the
beim" 'p.