Exeter Times, 1907-07-11, Page 1•
$1.00 per year in advance.
Phone No. 32.
A Sale of Tempting1
. Warm Weather
Fabrics .�
Fresh, Crisp and New for the Summer II
Girl. She will find below every.
thing needed.
White Linen Suiting
Very much the go now,
neat and clean for
30c, 40c, 50c per yard.
White Duck Suiting
This make. a nice inezpen-
sive suit and looks fine.
1211c, 15c per yard.
Persian Lawns
Real nice for dresses and
particularly good for waist..
20c, 25c, 30c, 40c per yard.
Linen Lawns
Nice sheer goods for sum -
mer dresses. Prices
15c, 20c, 25c, 35c yard.
Swiss Dot Muslins
Large and small dots. Very
dainty goods for small cobt.
15c, 20c, 25c, 35c per yard.
Colored Irslins
A great big selection of all
the new patterns and colors.
10c, 15e, 20c. 30, 40c per yard.
Colored Chambray:
Splendid Shirt Waist Suit
Splendid Shirt
goods, do up
'eoals. Wash and do up beau-
12ya 15c yd.
- Chock einghams
A real knock -about v��-
or pic-
the different
suit. All the different
nicoeed checks.
colored checks.
1214c. yard.
12�a 15c yard.
All our Summer Millinery to be sold
for 25 per cent, off the price. Every
hat a bargain.
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford I
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••N••••N••••••
•••••HN•+N•••••• +N+NNNNNNNN+NN+
British Columbia Shingles
Barrel Beading and Hoops
Kept on hand or cut to order
Done on shortest notice.
Logs Wanted
Delivered or on the stump
We have a most com-
plete showing of Gold
Rings of great variety.
Every Ring we sell is
guaranteed to be just as
we represent it.
C. H. WARD & CO.
Change of
I wish to announce that I have
purchased the Harness Business
of Mr. Gilbert house and am
prepared to give your wants in
Repairing, Whips
Harness, ,t6.
Prompt attention. Give us a call
I A Good Way
to he Stylish and Becomingly
. Dressed and to have your Cloth-
ing as thoroughly made and as
carefully cut as possible is to come
here with your ideas.
First-class Workmen will turn
the materials which you choose
into pleasing, lasting realities.
Our experience is pretty good
assurance that you will be sorry
for nothing and prices arc always
at the bottom notch.
Any prison Icquirin; such help.
either ,nolo or female can do Po by
0ww writ ins the EXETER TIMES, stat-
ing the kind required, when want ed
i and wages offered. Every effort will
•••N••4t'••••••••••N•••••• i be mode to provide each applicant
with help required.
Merchant Tailor
1' A It M 11 F. L
ter met in ToWil Hail on Monday
The Council of the Village of Exe-
The third
Hl period. 04 C1ton-
,u Haturdrty, Sunday
nth 1007., at N.30 o'clock. A�• Mr. Will Jonas ateturncd Wittiness- andonday.a
the 13th, 14th, and 15.
scut, Councillor Neaman.day morning (rota the ts-e;t. Mr. The (planet Mars is not only passing'
The minutes of the napt i:e!d tones had been working for Mr. opposition. but he is nearer us 5 uly
June 24th were read and d approved. Geo. 1,:, Beaman at lie;ina 12th than for fifteen years past. or
A correspondence from the On -
Ontario \lunicipa! Association 'vita
rated and ordered to bo filed.
The following accounts were 'pass-
ed and order dratvii on the Treasur-
er for the required amount. ) lie unto Rev L \V (.ollut� and
Connor Bros. etc. to June 10th '07 W. W. Taman represrtttins 'the sec- 'It'd toltnntc dtnlurbances tytll be
estnatural��c t.
to f a period of �.
$2225: Connor Bros. etc. for repairs end went to Seaton)) .Puo4day tot 1 d t 1
for cemetery 42.95; Jas. 11. 1)etutia take part in the annual tournaments lest cennte•rin; on and ubeatt the 10
etc. lumber and repairs $4.95; tiaxon In the fist round for the trophy ih, the date of a ;clot eclipse. Low.
Fitton, repairing' and winding cloak Mr. 1'arnan's rink defeated a Sea -
threatening conditions
for 1 yaer to June 219t $25.00; Jay. forth rink skipped by A. \\'i43on• and probably heavy ntid•sununer
Connor, salary as librarian 525.00; The rink skipped by Rev. Jtartini storms will culminate about the 1.3,
Harvey Bros. c•oa! etc. 51.25; Bell went down before G. F. Ito er , skit), 14th end 15th. Existing rause@ nay
Telephone Co., mosso es, 40e.; U1xt3- seafortL. In the :coons rouni 1)r.
Proton: sterni: and other disturb -
ter Stztnlake. labor at cemetery $18 Seliery, Mensal► defeated 1'atn:ut' :'aces t>n through the 18th and 17th,
.75; Jno. Cookson labor at cemetery rink, thug matins our boy; out of tato the next storm 4Aerio(t.
75c.; (rhos. Creech pt. payment on the running'. In the assoteation —�—
;ravel contract 5'250.00; th' Queen match both Exeter rinks were de- Lindsay, Ont., July 911.—Ties sui-
City O;1 Co.. ,gasoline $18.14; Jas. I fettled. ,ken anti unexpected arrest of Charles
Creech Sr. Labor Et115.13 0; Walter Mr. Thomas Shapton of the. and Burke of this town, char__>ed with
tt, labor $15,13 ; a 'format: counterfeiting' $5 Trader's Bank bills
Cruikshank testing milk 50c.; Rd.
Quance $4.50; Goo. Cudmore 51.25:
\Vm. Creeoh labor and matetrial,$1.75
ltd. ,Davis, labor, $1.75 ; Silas Hand.
ford.. labor, $1.755 ; Jas. 'Willis 75c.;
\Vey. J. Bistsett pt. salary $33.00; C.
W. Croat% salary cemetery, $'27.00;
C. 13. Snell, electric light for June
$102.12; C. 11. Snell Town Hall light
in; $3.60; W. W. 'Neil street water -
in.; $25.00, amounting in all to $f>02-
.54. Pasted on motion of J. J. Knight
sec. by W. Johns.—Carried.
Per A. E. F'uke y c. ,by W. Johns,
in future the street comrssioner
keep a sharp lookout for parties
•guilty of v;olatin; the 13y -taw by
riding LR\}•cles an the sitrcet side-
Adjourninent A. E. F'uke.
Two rinks of local bowlrel, Messrs, than he will be for taken years to
J. 'Davits. N. L. 7lurdlon, L. 11. Dick.
come. 'Phis fast enter: largely into
son and Rev. IV. M. Martin rt;>:'• terrestial problems thermal) all this
renting' one rink and C. Snell, W.
part of the month, nl,. .Jupiter's
conjunction •
on the 18th- Se:.;mics
The married mut of 1 xeter tvill
journey to Crediton Friday ,tight to
play a game with the beiiedicls of
that village. Exeter has some ;ooh
players creep; the marri(d men and
so has Crediton and a. fast game iz
Looked for.
Tho slauzhterin; ,of the innocent@
is about the only term you can use
in speaking of the tl,,feat of an Exe.-
ter team of ball t,layerg,by the Fars
quhar team on Thursday night of
last week. Our boys thou;ht it was
about as nosy to defeat the ball
tossers from Fariuhar, as It is to
pick cherries, and went down to the
ball ;round with a smite tirit final-
ly came off. With tho boys who
spent most of their time looking af-
ter crops, etc. it 'was different. Rel -
porta. of the Exeter's Rood playin;
had spread far and Itvide, and then
felt as though they Were up against
it, Ibut tatoutly resolved to take a
chance, and they took 4t with a trona
z.ance. The first ball pitched by
our slab artist was met sluarely and
when it landed was nitnotvt It.o the
hayfield. This took the starch out
of cur boys and they plays 1 ball
like a lot of has beetle. It was
arranged to play five Innin33 and it
darkness would not prevent to play
seven but as it was too dark to play
after the fifth, the (±nme ryas called.
The result should that Farquhar
had defeated Exeter by he score of
10 to R.
Just to show the Farquhar boys
that n mistake had been made some-
where, a game waa a rran ;cd for
last Monday night at Farquhar, and
what our boys did to that Fariuhar
tears is hard to rein 1 1 Five inning'?
1 ,• r dust had
, .1t the Av c a� and o f
er ► }td n
cleared away the 'core stood 10 to
4 in favor of Exeter. The Farqu-
har leant secured their Tuna ill the
last inn's, rs. The Exeter players
had their halting' togs on, connect-
ing with the ball four times for
home rune. Jelin O'ilrien, of Kirk.
on, At ac umpire and 'gave -rood s'tt-
tits -s Isahell Turnbu'1 is s "':fling'
a we••k in Ile}, t•i-itin; at tis.' home
of J1r. end '1r l'i'ter Munn.
Mrs. \Vm. Kay i+ 01 a Block tilt
this' week. I)r. ilyndrnn att'n:t•
Uri her.
Mr. Munro•, of Sarnia, was the
truest of Lis niece Mrs. 1'. M. Mo -
Curdy, on Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Turn')ull. via-
ited friends ut Sexrmith on Sunday
Mr. Join Hackney, of Detroit and
Rev. Geo. Hackney. of Clinton, ria-
-iced their moth.: r Mrs. •latae+ Hack•
ncy over Sundry.
Mr. and Mrs. ilea vera returned on
Tuesday last from Brantford 'where
Mrs. Beavers Las been visiting' her
parent' Mr. and Mrs. M. Facrott.
M:ti• Tuffin, of St.affa, is visiting
her sister 'Mrs. "Wel. l'olltn at ,.res-
The read work in this efat.ion is
being dant: it h1+ w (c k.
Mrs. Warren McGill is rusticat-
in; at the Bend (h;, Beek.
Mr. end Mra. W. Ii. Passmore rc•
turned on Saturday from the Seo
where tl•y have been visiting' their
scan Mr. A. Passmore.
Mr. and Ctrs. John Hazelwood. of
Kirktcn. spent Sunday with 'Mrs.
ili.z.1weod'.+ parents Isere, Mr. and
NI: s. Jolat COT (Ie.
Mr. Alex. ilerren 1..,s cn;azed
with .Mr. Clue 'Borland for the rturn•
The game of baseball here on Mon-
ni;ht between .Exeter and Farqullir
proved a victory for the v:.situ:
tears. Th if makes a eeme each.
Mrs. W. ,F.. Saylor, of Sarnia Tun.
nc 11. was a anent at Mrs. Joh!' M.
Cullou;h't durina "the tvc:k.
Mi'.a E. M. Dore, of Bowmanville,
is the igu•sl of Mrs. T. Rune. ur
eoucsesion, Stephen, was the • victim
of a horrible accident on Thursday
last, his death resulting on Saturday
from the injuries suat•lioed. The
deceased was mowing hay when hid
horses became frightened and ran
away. In endittavorin3 to stop his
team. Mr. Shapton was thrown in
front of the whrecla. which passed
over his (head and body. In roma
manner one of his legs tot caught in
the machine and he was dragged a
outtsidorabic distance. When as-
sistance reached 'him he was uneon-
soious. He ,vas' taken to the house
and Medical aid summoned. An ex-
amination showed That several ribs
were fractured besides other inter-
nal and external injuries. Every-
thing possible was drone to prolong
Life, but his injuries were so severe
that very little hopes were entor-
tatned. The funoral was held from
his late residence on Monday, ins
tcrme_nt being; in the Exeter ceme-
Mises Mollie Lamport, of London,
sister of Mrs. Marshall, and daugh-
ter of Jant^a Lamport. Crediton was
seriously burned at London on Mot -
day by the explosion of a ;aso)inc
stove. Miss I-amport lived with he:
sinter, Mrs. It. J. O'Neil and was in
tho kit,obu alone when the accident
occurred. :firs. O'Neil heard the ex-
ptosion followed by the screams of
the unfortunate woman and hurried
to her aaistance. She found ha:
sister lyir-z on the floor writhing'
in atony. Mrs. O'Neil did what she
could to relieve her sufferings. and
called in Dr. Jas. James \Nilson.,
who immediately ordered the suffer-
er removed to the hospital. Thera
it was found that she was (ha31y
burned on the body from the waist
up and also her hands. Some of the
hair was burned from her head. Mrs.
Marshall left Monday evening to
wait on her sister. Miss Lamport'
died at 'tttc hospital Tucnday nista.
The remains were hrou;bt from Lon-
\Veclruesday afternoon ,to the home
ofher is t r:
e arse a (, t Miss
,dt ou•
Lamport Arai 24 years of are this
month and was the dau;htcr of Mr.
and Mra. James Lamport, of Creditor
and is; survived by tour sistc.ra and
three bro(hers a,3 follows. Miss
Ethel, of Creditor': Mra. Marshall,
of Exeter; 'Mfrs. R. .i. O'Neil, London
Mrk. McKittrick, ui \Vcia,tkiw•an,
Alta ; J. J. Lamport. of Flint, Mich.
Charles of Hanley Sask. ; and \Nc. -
ley of Crediton.
Forty year% a practitioner in one
place and still in active terrier, is
the distinction of ehieh 1)r. I3row'n•
int justly leek proud. let IFiiti the
I e villa •e t M
1)r. tree in lh �l •►,_ r( atkham
near Toronto, and was c1udyit:; mod•
'cine. in flee same year he visited
Samuel Iteesor, of flay, who advised
him to locale in this r.ection. The
next year the doctor gtatluattd and
returned to flay. intending to locate
at Zurich, but as he could not s.ccuro
a house at Zurich sante ;o Exetsr
:Ind hung out his t:hittgle, July .lr+I.
At that time Exeter twat a aemit
village, but the Dr, aeon batt (esti-
:don to take his medicine case, con
tainin; bottles, powders and pills,
which whatever may be thou;ht of
them now, seemed to b: sufficient'
for all emir;eneia., to Fay t:oth;n;
of the tooth Pullin; tool.; and other
s1:;vet• breeding instruments exposed
to view (win; .to 1b: absence of many
of the remelt',, 1111 uppiiancrs note
in use. he in •t lark ntrttsuie stip.
Plied the t:eftciency by h, rd headed
judgment and careful Horsing. 114• •
vid,"t it w:ts in gift'. favor• hh-tt he
did not have to bother his head with
atony of the nee ly invent•tl and re
fined diseases that afflict mankind
tied,,.. Ile had no allotted hours
for his patients, hut ;Was 11 '. rH
fluty, and everybody knee the round
of Ili: di,t as .it 1)1(11ed lost in the
night. \':hen the Pr, came ir're he
W:15 but a mere slip, tvt't shin; in
the !lei -Titian moat of !I3 ) min Is mill
to took at hint 4o•day'mitt' his 195
,pounds arm dtipcic, ec catt'I hnl'p
but believe os•r rood ilitu.tle ha.;
agreed with hint. During all thesc
years he hos nt'd,• thous:41,l. of (ripe
into the country. than) of nisch
Msre ec ndmit
t� ttt wlu'tl.t:r rain,
.Leet or snow he wan al treys randy
to tespend to a null, never think -
ill; if the pa lien! shite :thy ttl•e.tts
with wt,:eh t0 pay hitt or eels
F:teryt•tdy was the sone, to Lint and
i. !low (r:' Ilett !natter. Ifs was
never 1.1,111. Ord 19i111' potent• mrtt hut'
encs and when they (runt tit • eld..et
of their attack w•a% it doctor they
fled in eenfuvien, evidentty bin;
aware that doctor" and editors come to tell Toil to have a hot water bottle
under th'e sone' headier, ilial is; not handy so you can use it at midnight
e,rry:nr any 01 nay. for reasons 1), at if it's needed. Look over our druggists'
know n t themselves, The Dr. is sundries and buywhat yoiu need while
the iossert.er of• mans ol.f relics e,f ourstockisfresendnew.
, )itch lie takes zrrat pride. In 11'92
Dr. I1rov Hitt, teak a poll: ,•ts•adnrte W. S. HOWEY, Phm, B. ! Exeter, Centralia
emirs.- under Mr. (now sir /revs+-
iekl Treevca. Leaden heat.;�tal Lnr►- 1 ('hentist and Optician. Residence,
don England, thus keeping abreast EXIsTEK, O11TARiO., and Clan a eye draw street.
I n( the lime!.
caused treat excitement in Lindsay
last evening'. The finding of a nhot-
o;raphin; outfit and of tools, dies
etc., paid to be used for counterfeit-
ing was the result of a search of
the house in which The prisoner liv-
ed. Suspicion has been directed to•
ward; Lindsay for some time as a
probable place from whence counter-
feit $5 bilk came. Dominion Detec•
Lives Parkinson and Cowan have
been here for some time on the case.
Their invcsti;atioti combined with
those cf Cirief Ralph Vincent, Of
Lindsay, culminated in the arrest of
Burke last evenin; about 5 o'clock.
Burke is a well-known citizen of
town, middlea;ed, and reported well-
to-do. Ile has lived a retired life
for yearn, and is a bachelor. Ile
lives avith his bro4her in Pumpkin,
hollow•. Accomplices were suspected
and Archie litiuyca, a you"tli of
town and R. Wynne, a farmer near
Downeyvilie, were arrested at Sault
Ste Marie. Burke wa5 lod;ed in
jail and appeared before Police Ma;-
istrate Jackson this morning, to be
remanded for : izlt days vending de-
velopments. The Counterfeit; were
exceedingly poor ones, and the dif-
ference betwoen them is easily dis-
tin;uishable. An inkling 'vas had
from the statement of rt your;
Englishman at Montreal, who is
said to have been circulatin; bo;u3
money. Rumor says the counterfeit,
in; has been going on for some years
The pretence of Col. Sherwood, corn•
mi_sioner of police, is nccouneed for.
He stopped at a local hotel with
the two detectives, Parkinson and
Gowan, incognito. The Englishman
at Montreal who was captured with
the counterfeit mcney on •him and
who confessed the whole affair, was
in company with another Lindsay
man named Lo;ie, tvho cached. The
town it greatly slirrcd over the
affair Burke being univer'ally
known. Ile i3 repuited to be worth
thousands. L'ouyea, Wynne :i:, t Lo•
;io had always plenty of money
NV et it o n fi a}ct
with a black moustache. Wynne
is a widower. The utmost secrecy
is kept as yet. as other arrests are
likely to follow.
Mr. Tho.. Cameron will b. in Exe-
ter every Saturday afternoon to
stake art-anremcnt. with Ukase w•tie
wish to have a sale of i roperty,
stook of l:ouaeln,ld goods. Order:
left at the Times office will be
promptly amended tc.
DR. 1IIYl'I,Islt W11.1. 111: A'1' Ci:N-
tral Hotel, on Friday, June 11th„
Friday, July 12th. Orders for
lasses executed by, Tait Brown Op.
Co. 237 Deed:tr SI. London, or Veal
A car of Sampson Brand received 'Tuesday
unequalled for Walls, Silos, Walks and
Cow Ease
In quarts and gallons to prevent the dread -
e(1 by pest on horses and cattle also for
poultry and swine. Can be applied with
an ordinary sprayer.
Iiarnmocks, from
• , .
Coal Oil Stoves from . .. • ....... . - $2.00 up
.......... ti5c up
2 �0 !b, Farmers Scale ......6.50
Screen Windows from .... .... . ........... 20c up
Screen Doors, fancy $1.20 up
Paris Green, and Bug Finish
1 -+++++1 t++•! -+++•i-+4-++3• : +444-44,1+444•44•144+44+4.44
++ Our ReductionSaIet+
Owing to the lateness of the spring we
have decided to extend our reduction sale and
will give greater Bargains in Furniture for the
next 3o days than ever were known in Exeter
before. Every article in our large stock of
furniture reduced to almost cost during this sale.
Call and be Convinced before making your pur-
4 chase elsewhere.
•i �
I'Undertaking in all its Branches.
+++++++++++++++++++44.+++++ + :4. : i4•t-++++++++•F•1-+
The Largest 1-Iome Furnishers in thejCounty,
++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++4 •+::.++++++++++++++++++
If You Want Cheap hardware Go To
The Leading Hardware Store in Town
Where you will find a full stock of
Building Supplies
Glass, Nails, Cement
Plaster Paris,
Galvanized Steel Shingles
and Siding, Etc.
Always in Stock at Lowest Prices,
Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire.
•1•++++++++++++++++++4 ++ : +++++++ 3 + : •' '04 : +++++++++++++++
Store Property for What About the Up -to -Date Store Goods?
In the villa,•• of Exeter, ('cus-coed
of flee North part of lot 11 on the
West side. of Alain 3tr; et, consisting'
of cite good store an:l tl.' building'
now used for a postofficc, known as
the Johns Block, If net sold {priv-
ately en or before the 1011 day of
August will he so'd by I'ublic Auc-
tion on the 31st (fay of Au;u't.
I'or terms and particulars apply
to Thos. Cameron, Aur1ioneer, Far-
in large variety. A hot water bottle
often prevent a Ferious illness. it
costs only a small sum hut many a
time saves a big drug and doctor's bill.
1T R (1001) I)K('(I ADVICE
They are alright; the lowest; the cheapest; the best.
What's the use of the house -keeper or hired girl sweating to bake, het -
send to the
and you can get all you need. Sardines, Salmons. Dates, Prunes, Breakfast
Foods and alt the different kinds of Fancy Cakes, 1'2 and lac per lb. Soda
Biscuits in bulk and boxes, Cheese. Almost everything an Up to date store
If you are a little late with house cleaning do not let
it platter. We have still some wall paper and lace curtains
Now that the hot weather is here there is a lush for
something cool to wear. ,Well we have it, ready for you t, )
put on. Call and see our Ready-made Clothing for then and
Don't forget to give us a call, We are sure we can please.
Corn Itiouse DeGorator
Plumber (41n• ,n•tt *IA, ,r1.
---AT-- Sign Writing and Graining
Exeter and Centralia
Will exchange for other grain
if desired.
Richard Seldon
With R. Dinncy last year. Esti-
mates furnished on application.
A Trial Solicited.
Exeter, Ontario
corner James and An.