Exeter Times, 1907-07-04, Page 4THE EXET h:R TIMES. JULY 4th 1907.
the bluestene solutio} into a da Kelton
barrel an ordinary
tween 10 and SO gallons half fill the
bar, el with water. aladdt gallons of the
lime solution, fill up with water. stir
thoroughly and the mixture is ready
for use. For applying. a spray pump
will be found economical of labor and
material. and the gain in product from
one year's spraying of one sere of pot-
atoes will usually pay the entire cost
.of such rh appliance, but if none is at
hand, Bordeaux may be applied after
i the same manner as Paris Green would
' be applied in solution for bugs. The
�object is to keep the crop covered
with the mixture during the season
Iin which bligth is liable to occur, and
1 while modern ipraying machiusry
does this a little better than anything
leis*, there are stores of fanners in On-
tadio who are obtaining quite saris•
faction results from applying the
Borceaux by whatever means are at
their disposal. In preparing the mix-
ture where any kind of power spray-
ers are to be used, always strain the
lime solutiok when mixing with blue•
stone. The lime sometimes slakes
lumpy and clogs up the nozzles.If
required Paris Green ii ay be applied
with the Bordeaux. adding half a
pound of Paris Green to emit barrel
of the mixture. Spraying should be-
gin about July 15th and the vines kept
covered till September. Four applica-
tions as required, well ususlly accom-
plish this. Some have got fairly sat-
isfaction results from one good spray -
Terms of Subscription 61.00 per Ing just at the time the disease be -
year in advance. $1.50 lnaybe , gins to spread. and as we gain in spray-
chareed if not Iso paid. To United i ing experience. the number of applica-
Statea subscribers, $1.50 strictly ill' tions tray perhaps be decreased, but
advance. .No.. (/paper dieeontir)it:ea I ordinarily. it ie best to use the mixture
until all arrears are paid, unless at l at least four tinges.
the option of the publisher. The
date to which every subscription is Palpitation of the heart, tier -
paid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates on application. wouanesa, tremblings, nervous head-
ache cold hands and feel, pain in the
THE EXETER&IMES P'T'G CO. 1 back and other forms of weakness.
Limited, arc relieved by Carter's Iron Pills
made specially for the blood nerves
POTA10 GROWING. ( and complexion.
between bets twill et1ikcs s\ hen they
mere at Aral, nett then Gene teem
other d•'ciaiotw-. N hich ehou d plainly
that let 'wad iu .•ynipathy ssitlt the
tenni. N. 'flyer Beldon wan hbe
mottle fo the geritbemate S0 you can
ju<lte for eoursclt'\bother he trouts
favor Go fats or Icarus. Outside of
thesefew facia, lbowcver, it must be
see.d itaa a better conception of
the fine iwints of the gauze. plot ex-
te:prin3 John Brown, mho capered
around fir'et'Woe for the fats and ac-
e;+pied every chance (without utany,
errors Tbon Will CO3tc3 played
third tow like tan old timer, exist
Paul look evcrythine Ithat came lits
way. lti!},y art pitcher triad co neatly
be111, MA it twos impossible for Sam
Devi-) to gauge "bent all. It is ,we*1e►
lees to 'mention What the other fats
put up a good tame. As Ito the
team Berry +dills 'stopped everything
behind the bat ,tlhat the hitters did-
n't hit. J. Gctllave land T. Willis
t^xcltaneed places in (the }pitcher'. box
Loth using the isPit ball swish much
effectivewees. Will Elliott et second
fried, to'peal It !tree bastes at ante sins
eel uttered up N.ith a few grounders
but the sitar in the field .%% as George
Eescry. Ire d.dn't make nn csrror or
even touch 'ilio (pall, Its up to Kernel
of the hie leagues to open up negotie
anon:* itit11 'Will Parsons, as firet
baseu►an. The way he ihatedted the
bag was a eurptriae ito many. even
outcleesine Jack Brown 'with this
brv'Yn tisane catcitine glover. Both
'torn ltoytc and Dick Creech were
Ported from Exeter No help the decors
nett it is 'Monett they had apprcheh-
ed the unpile before the team. Ons
of the, fats /tried to work him, but
be wouldn't take the money. Whet
eaoror lout the scorn card.. trying to
et out of the rain drops, sot hat
we are unable Ifo to give 'the correct
snore. but on earn we mast certain
17 give Ole Sats tate preference. 'aa
they made more terrors and struck
nut Snore time:► ellen their opponents
thus entitle); therm ito the honor of
t% inning.
The Indies nee ile he compliments -el
on the excellent spread Itreperel for
the oCeti ion.
The Exeter band meta in attendance
durin; 1 be day and enlivened the
eroceeti nes with their exce.tle.nt mu-
sic. 'ram<i
A ftp: r emelt :►n into reit in e
of be se hell was'llayed, bol,weeii .Cen-
tralia and Exeter. u•ciulti .; in e
victory for the 'Exeter boys by the
Bore of 7 to C. The battery for
f:xelcr was (:.trlan+; turd Sent heed, t
and for Centralia Dorman and 'tlit-
In the evening a rf+lenttid Ferre
zram n as given ,in tile church end
was lar.3cly at. tended. The number
were t':t.ried and mere fi;hly nppreci-
� KD Ni mis
For over thirty years
we have supplied the
farmers of this sec-
tion with
Paris Green
Insect Powder
Without a single complaint or
The Exeter Times
Exeter. Ontario.
Ontario produced fewer potatoes in'
1900 than it ever produced in any year ads;c she old "If at [i rat you don't
in all the time the Provincial Depart-
been collect-
ollect i succeed. try, try e3,1.111" Laebeen tel.
anent of Agriculture bas
ing information concerning the acre- tweed out by ahe Exeter ball team
ages annually devoted to farm crops. all season, until kit leaf they attach-
-Within the past few years the area cd the: ecal i` -i of elle' Centralia 'players
planted to potatoes in this province
has decreased by 50,1100 acres: the pro•
duct by approximately 6'tK)0,01X) bush-
els. Present indications are that the
crop of 19K07 will he lighter than last
year's with the high prices that have
ruled for some time strongly maintain
ed. Farmers, on the right kind of soil
who have planted a good acre age to
this crop thit spring, will, if they are up 'their wittuine streak against our
able to successfully bring their crops players. the scure alien twine 4 to
to maturity, reap larger returns from 3 in favor of Centralia. Not content
potatoes than they could likely derive with being in the Vtad Centralia
from any line of farming in weice they chanted hitchers and It he t;lauehter
aright engage, and it Is to point out began. \\ he.never a ball came over
briefly one or two little things that iu the plate. it Iwo, pasted to elle out -
these days must he attended to, ii field where tory It player steed, and
potato growers is to be successfully when the ttlu,efest lovas nomptotccb 5
accomplished. Inability to cope with runners had crossed Hite plate. In
the rot eas been the great cause of fail- l he next two i+nnin;i the Centralia
use in potato growers in Ootaris, yet players were unable tp ceeeotiatc
five dollars or even less, will cover the with Torn learline'i Lenders, and as
entire cost for nlatereal and labor re- Ceattralia's Bret 1'itcLcr returned to
the box he kept our boy's from doing
any more dam:t e. The r -core, fieiatly
stone 8 to t in (favor of Exeter: '
to their belts. The time of ilio con
ftict .was daet lehursday vvenin; and
tete scalper; 'took place et the rec-
reation 'e rounds. Our boys showed a
wonderful irnpcovemant in form, and
outside of a few (pad errors. played
at geed .game. At Rho lend of the
fifth innings it leraked as though the
Central:( boys ;were going to keep
quired to treat one acre of potatoes
wits Bordeaux Mixture, and this mix-
ture properly made, and consistently
and intelligently applied. ie a certain
preventive of rot. From experiments
officially conducted at Guelph, at Ot-
tawa, and at practuallv every experi-
ment station in the United Stateb,
Miss Laura Fox, of Lucan and the
Misses Quarry and Robinson of Park -
and from the practical experience of hill, are spending a few dove with
growers everywhere. Bordeaux Mex- their friend Mrs. D. L. O'Brien.
lure has proved the ynly effective The solos by Miss Maud Robinson
the eafor st tt ree peers, the Ottawa
a icrease in yield from spraying
with this mixture was 91.5 bushels
per acre. Bordeaux Mixture for po•
tato spraying Ls made from the follow -
In formula;— Copper Sulphate (Blue.
at the Monday night concert were
most delightfully rendered. Miss
Robinson possesses it beautifully clear
pleasing voice which has a distinct
charm of its own, her "Kitty of Coler-
aine" and "0 Dry those Tears" being
es �ecially good.
stone or Blue Vitro!) 0 pounds, I. D)r. and Mrs. Orrne returned home
jilted lisle 5 pounds, %Vater 40 to 50 Saturday after a pleasant honey•tnoOn
salkmstrip down the St. Lawrence.
As it 18 Inconvenient to weigh the Miss Ella Simpson of Ailsa Craig,
lime and copper at the time of mixing Miss Clara Simpson, of Ctandebove,
and quite impracticable to keep a sup• Mr. Cecil Simpson, of Luca'., were the
ply of ready mixed Bordeaux on hand.', guests of their sister Miss Evelyn
stock solutions of the copper tind for Line; ine:e G.on W. leeptktumn and daughter
are usually prepared ready
Ing as required. To prepare material i Rena, of Seafortll, visited at Mr. Jas.
• sufficient to treat one acre of potatoes ( Ilandfutd's list week
lour tituee, proceed as to}Inwva place 73 Mr. and Nits. Atthur iledden and
pounds of hluestone in s hag or basket children of Loedon, Visited friends
and suspend it near the surface to :30 here this week.
p will 1 of Clinton. and h
gallons of water in a barrel. It err. French,
dissolve in a few hours, and every l Hancock of Toronto, visited with
gallon afterwards dipped front this i Wm. Elliott for the ho
barrel will contain exactly 2 pot..:.ls of
bluestone. For a lisle stock mixture,
take t;u pounds of fresh unsia eek lime
and 31 gallons of water.
lime.hy the use of as little of the water
ae possible. mild whet. all is broken
down. lit mg the solation tom standard
strengthen by adding what remains
the 34► gallons of water. Every gallon
of lime mistere now contains exact)
2 pounds of lime. These mixtures. i'
kept under cover and evaporation pre
Tented will retitle their strength el
summer. to making Bordeaux it i
inipertant to remember that the
strong "stock- mixture roust never
bought together. Pour :f gallons
Is Your
Hair Sick?
That's too bad! We has no-
ticed it was looking pretty thin
and rough of late, but naturally
did not like to speak of it. By
the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor is
a regular hair grower, a per-
fect hair tonic. The hair stops
coming out, grows faster,
keeps soft and smooth. Ayer's
Hair Vigor cures sick hair,
makes it strong and healthy.
Tits beat kinod,: f aster onfal—
"sotd for r ,ears."
tt.e. Wu' 0..A.alw°sa.. L o f nomltnom
i lteasAPAa1Wt.
Cil' P£iTC(lA1
files ,get quick and certain relief
from .1)r. Shoop'i 'Magic Ointment.
I'lcaae note it is nnade alone tfor
PPilce, and its action Is positive and
certain. Itching, painful, !protrud-
ing or blind ii l s disappear like
ma;ic by its Ilse. Large itickte-ca
ped .;lass jars 50 cents. Soldby W.
S. IIowey.
Letters From the West
ll:tnla•y. Sauk., Rupe 11, 19117.
My Ilh:ar /lir. Editor.
I /thought a1 there has been much
uuaapprcltc►,aio►t anti misunderstand-
ing al hornn • egarding this much ad-
vcrteed rpr:ii.ttd and lately pluck
tn:tli.;nr•tl l(lan:tilia n \\rest, that for
information of my personal -friend+
anti <tcgnainlancea .1 would nvrita
You 111)3 impreseinns of the parts I
have teen and ata now visilin;.
1 lett 1:xcler on the n3rd of .April.
and tfprnt. the following Hunday in
\Viunilpt'3—tIto Chicago of the West.
Any 'impressions 1hlt 'Ire \Vest was
down and out. that I may have ,had
in ally mind on account of the (it --
titles 'writ ten for 11tc papere dtrine
tite t.evere winter were quickly dis-
pelled by t}le activity awl prosperity
I %few ren etety band—in this one of
the greatest cities of modern times.
Leavitt; Winnipeg vie the C. 1'. R. I
travelled '4lime ;It the great grain
fields of Manitoba, where on every
hated may be even teens of aurresa,
wealth and happy homes. 'Truly it
i i;nod In have tits i'Icamti a or :liv-
ing in thiel greet 'Vest where Ihings
fro I arc .41010 oft a lar;0 w,rnle. 1l woo►'1
Ii /cern Ill Oiling!'a trip lo Whites
Ire. pee contained all the sur;ri, s ihtt
one roithl enconneer in the •u'ay of
tapir( tend rtle:tdy growth, lint finch
ii dtol the case unles'i one Lav meet
Regina. Here :you find (he ,,r'.it
waliolrs,lc and railrn:ttl enntcr of ih'
West, (OnlainiIl v03l d''ve'lno►uc.,ls
111:t1 would du reedit to an Eaalent
city of fully or fifty year. From
1t iszin1 I tiacoll•tl North vi 11,0 C.
N. le t(1 1lanley, arti%iuz about flay.
Ne lee! 1 trached 1lir' a lease Iotw11
I found the propel t•Ijoyinz 1 h sett'
hest se health anti nl:to enjoy inr the
erewsont'e joke perpetrated 7)11 /ben%
last avinirr of sayin; that tet y score
in 14 ine4.1 of 'seeable.; from lack of
furl tied (1001 slarvatinn. 'rl • t\holo
%eery, 1 ant told by tle, a-eli h)r cit•
1/0114 „( Manley. tr:1.1 a fcltrie;itine
from nett t t o finivls ; 1l,r vt salt or
Ih,e rlliilllell' l.tal,:lie't of t 'tow '.p -
per ,r'opor14t in dict rr of p'risleinX
lot lack nl tint r•ri^tv. 'I t:-.! see&nz
hit Ntd cn Sint thecl in I lits 1':trt fir
mine tits^, au,l teat ,111001410 in ,_•neat
tiny. ; 1 :ant infra op -EI 1'v 1 h , n1,leit
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beet
iu use for over 30 years, has borne the signateue of
and has been made under his per.
,!� sonal supervision since its infancy.
•Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Luitations and fuJust-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Chlldren—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is n harmless substitute for 'Castile Oil, Pare-
gorfe, Drops and Soothing iiyrups. It is Pleasant. It
c(nrtalusi neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo
substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys WorniS
rind allays Feverishness. It cures Dlarrltora and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Pauacea—The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You gage Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TM[ CCNYAON CO -►a N.. T, M Mew T.Na O,T1t.
The Molsons Bank
CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • :3.000,000.00
RESERVE FUND ••• •••- •••• •••• 53.000,000.00
Assets; Over $33000,0oo.o0
General Banking Business Transacted. ,
•Savings Bank Department
• $1.00 Op/ns an Account
Year.erest added FOUR
Timesi Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, manager
Btstablished 1865.
Auction Sale
House and Lot in Exeter
Under and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain mortgage
which will be produced at the time of
the sale, there will be offered for sale
by public auction at the
SATURDAY, JULY 0th, 1907
At the hour of 3 o'clock in the after-
noon by John Gill, Auctioneer. the
following property teeing
in the
On the said propetty is a good frame
house. well finished inside and well
built, situated convenient to station
and canning factory.
20 per cent. of the purchase money
to be paid at the time of the sale and
the balance in 311 days thereafter
without interest.
For further particulars and condi-
one of sale apply to
JOHN GILL. Auctioneer,
Barristers. Exeter. Ont.
b ll match 11•tit<^n
The Kidneys
they are weak, tor-
pid, or stagnant, the whole
system suffers. Don't neg-
lect, them at this time, but
heed the warning of the
aching e badii. the bloated
face, th
10 main feature of the afternoonthesallowoom n
Nirorl�. has0 i. .„ ani
the •fol. nnrt 'lean.. bas int:', thplee `eginh'eatzne tatontlewl:b
he a elle npeur of /rain before 1 hep begin
inninei stns cornier -tee '11
three run'• 'eel Site d tte,l
tlte rwme encore le titre Caine ap.
The ht. rt;ln'4
tit so e. ell ill the
'ween rl imanz bu• 4he le -;►»i trete'
fnti wcot 1n d'at first and dpc;otiatr (
Notice to Creditors.
Farm for Sale
Fine 450 note tam on Thames
/toad, Usbot rte 'Township• On 100
acres Large two storey frame house
two bask barns and drive Rived; 'bush
and orchard; well drained and fenced
only two end one-half miles, from
Exeter land sanvenicnt to sichool
and Churches; toil, elay loam with
running stream at the 'rear of farm
On /the fifty acres in a frame barn.
It Is also well drained n,nd fenced;
Farm klivided and sold in r'�e.paratto
parcels If &Aired. For all particu-
Iaras ripply at once to GLADMAN &
STANBURY. fltarristcis. Exeter Ont.
Farm For Sale
Splendid 150 acre farm in Usborne
Tpt.. mot Wood harn. Good /clay
barn, well drained and fenced.
bank barns with running water in
stables, supplied by windmill; brick
house with furnace and every mod-
ern convenience. Farm may be di-
vided if desired. Terms arranged to
suit purchaser. Apply to Gladman &
Slanbury. Solicitors, Exeter. Ont.
Farm for Sale
Highest Price Cash
all kinds old iron., cop-
per brass lead zine, pew-
ter, rubber, rags, wool
pickings, horse hair.
Steel stoneboats, boule-
varding, iron posts.
Sell or exchange for the
above goods.
M. Jd6KSOII & Son
near the old market
Main St. Exeter
100 acre (arm in Stephen Township
good frame barn and house. Well
drained and land all cleared. Creek
through rear corner of farm. Can
In the matter of the estate of he bought right. nnN on easy terms',
Robert Burns, of the Towttahi for quick erste. Apply at once to
of lllanehard, in the Coused. Y. o Barristers. F.xcter Ont.
Perth, farmer, deceased.
Notice is hereby riven pursuant to
It. S. C3., 1897, chapter 1'29. that all
creditors and othere Navin; claims
aof the said
Robert Berainst eacwho odied on or bbeput
the 18th dry of April, 1997. are
;quired on or before the, 15th
day of July, 1907, to send ,by.
post prepaid or deliver to
MCaits. Ghanian & Stanbury.
I citots fotlllt•) 1'.xecutor'teof ie tie
atilt deceased, their chriatiett and sur -
t Ines, addle:45es :end descriptions,
t he lull pat bruises of their claims
t he at:ttt+utero 4.f their accounts at,d
the nelut0 of 1l,o sC:Cttl Lies, it qtly
he'd le them. And further t tke
curative substance*.
lin; rep t le 'runs t h e n the it s i n ill- foe soli bat's et r merlaN curse
Ville, eau• SAN 2114 do fi►C tIt.iW)ity rt( C.LHeed Oa, Lwwlill ,M Pim.
twit't'ed The faM however, Plains wd tib Beek N "
tie umpire to tell tiro (difter•'tice
notice 1h t alt.•• sych 1.04 mention eel Farquhar.
dile rho -till 'traitor tall 1' OCICd
to distt elute I he assets of the de-
cc.t.ed stunt,: lho p:e:ties entitled':
1Itt ttu III% 7 _ l ill duly to lite
el teas of a loch they shall then hive 12.i Oct ea in Il:e 'Pott nrhip of ilih•
notice, and t It tt the s tial tete :ins t I be" eon.istin; of lot 1e tr. 1-4 18,
will not he It �hlc lor .c � •' � roncrs;iun 1'l. igs ;{cwt '
Farm for Sale
DIt. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8.. D.
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & titanbui y't.
Main street—EXETER.
4• Was established twenty years 4
ago and by its thorough work I
and honorable dealings with its +
patrope has become one of the t_
largest and tnost widely known ..yy..
Commeroial Colleges in the .1•
4 rovince. The demand upon us
for commercial teachers and
office assistants greatly exceeds
4. the supply. We assist graduates
to positions. Students are enter- T
ing each week. Catalogue free. •t•
f Principals. I
R. G. F. ROUL1iTON, L. D. S.
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE:—Over Dickson & Carling'e
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
al • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Ute
wens. °Sloe and resldeneace. Donlntou
Laboratory. Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
dans and Surgeoae. Successor to Dr. J. A.
Rollins. Office Main street. Residence. east
on first street north of Yost Unice, 1•;x *ter
e Civil Engineer & Arc hltect
(Late Department of Public wor ks, Canada.)
Corautting Engineer for Municipal and County
Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and waterwotk3
3tstem Whams, (fridges and Ire -enforced Concrete,
Phone Y'A London Ontario
• e have unlimited private tunds for invade
sob upon tarn or village Property at lower
sues of interest,
Barristers Solicitors Notaries Coay. aaceres
Conmisstoa.H, Solicitors for lbs keelsons
Hank. Eto.
Mossy to Loan at lowest rates of latere.b.
■. Ca&L(Ra 6 A. L. R. DIOR:OW
The Farm, the small Town and the ("(ONRY TO LOAN.
Village, furnish a very Large majority
of our successful merchants, financiers Yrs heave a1arge amount of private tends tee
professional men and leading states- Dan on term and village properties abtonnte
With many, the sitar impulse, and Berrtaten &Meiners, M ale etelExeter
the first well-directad, ambitious
movement towards the goal, are in- AUCTIONEER
cited by the practical education re-
ceived at
The WeSt6rn B us1BtSS
EI 8ho(111aNd COUP
110 Dundas Street;London
What it has done for others it can
do tor you.
Ladies are equally beoefltted by
taking a Book keeping or Shorthand
Course with us.
Write for catalogue cont+ainit a full
To the Secretary Western B..siness
College. Louden. Ont.
\Vc have a good farm of about
35 acres for sale on nasoltabio terms.
Situate near Mt. Carmel in Stephen++
Township. First Class land and fail
buildin;i. Near church and school.
Iiarristers, ,Exeter. Ont.
and Lot for Sale
I House end lot for sale l't. lot 155
Con. +12 l:sbotne, 1-2 acre Erne Bond
brick rot tage null stable. Must be
eo:d. Apply Throe Comet out, Auction•
I1 'at +1 :insets 'l l' i 1 1 roiMrty
o, any 1„ t t het rot to any person and rimer Lc roil. Terms easy. Ap•
or per!ony of 1%Itoto eve
notice ply Thns. Cameron, Auctioneer Far -
,h At not h.,tc been received ley tItetn g1)h.gr.
.'l the time 4,1 such dist Iibettion.
Solicitors for still Executor
Uaeed al Exeter (hitt '21(h
dry tot
Jeue . 1907.
farmer-, tied those hest qualified .to
otne u1)
lter,a`it i d wile
hat etv 1 init hag wth:chistory
cif ihia reentry teas there t► bcttt`c
',inspect fur a hnnrper crop. ns pet
ia. ii a fact that the +{rain titre, it,
in t oinewbat Later than last year,
ii likewive' true that o\\ in;
io u'a 1 na 8-:1191 111a1 ut I his M7•attet► the
wheat ii as far alisaucett es east
1 w:14 ater4ria'•t}• tuning a`4
1 ,I 'I
trout 1110 Ecst .teed Ws11; ,
111'ctril .try l h ucwipap,el 10lpnt 14.
lu find 111^ P"oglC rnoremvlinrmtlitle
.11141 10(11(7 114(71011.011y
the futile" of This ntry dn
1,1,1', L.,nil 'his /Mcouen alradiiyeieinver•
erre ; in value ate! inure' ties
nil i, nicl.:tat'r+ air root ill; in at an
unl.1ecedentc,l .rale. '1hcte. Kering to
1.• (les year .t marked increaiato
1I4,• ittunit i4 of nettle retails 't''•
Money to puiehise and
I •, mina 0) 1 '1n n%0. ,(h' land.
11, nkiy.*, yott 't,. Ftlitor (07 the
.,;tarn you lire ,buts,► me. rind 151811•
in; you ell the Au400s01 llt•il it elle
Ton, 1 lisp In remain
Yours sincerely.
Jno. Charlton.
1 eel have a .i.t.e of /fat -
July 11th.
C. E. iiackney•
W. C. Coo, C.S.R. President
s 0:1
1 Mill nine you free to prow merit
samples of Puy J)t. Stoop's ltt•stora-
live, tied my bout: on either 1)ysl'eP-
Sia, 111,1 Ileal t or The Kidneys.
Troubles a, 0 tnt,•t i l ttylttftton►sp ofoa
Kidneys Y
(1.,0i<r t,ilmcnt. Uon't tnakin bore
common et I or of (reatie; e) l
only. Symptom 1reatmrilt i+ /rear•
in; the: result efyoutrto imcitach l and
not i b'• a sit,". \ti ee
—the imide tee \-ca-1110.11 e`it°mach
w•eaklt,'.i aiw:i)•N. 111141 the
and ICit'.(1rys as well. base their con-
lrolliee or inaisll brevet. Weaken
Riese nerve% and your inevitably have
weak vital or .{.1114. llert: is wwhcrc
Dr. Sheep's Restorative has made
its fame. No IAthoc remedy ever
elaim' to Treat the "intcide nerves"
Also ter tilottther. biliouane"ta, bad
ere eh or cotner•xio1,, t,_0 tit .Shoe's
11:'itorativ". \Vsite nee today for
"temple and free /pool:. I)r. Shoop,
ltatin0. \\'is, The Restorative is Bold
by W. 8. lloweY-
. S. Phillips. Licenstd Auctioneer for the vounty
(iron. Charges moderate. All eornntunicatlone •
reseed to B. 5. ('hiliipe, Ilensan, or order -11th 1
es Office will receite prompt attention.
Licensed auctioneer for Coudtiee
of Huron and Perth.
Special attention given to farm
stook sales. Town and village pros
perty sold by auction on moderate
com miss ion,s.
Orders may be lett at the Timm
office or at residence. Elimville.
Cbareea moderate.
Beautify and enliven )'tt,tr bonne by
placing in it one of Canada's best and
most famous Pianos
We sell them en just the kind of
terms yott ore It.tkit.g for.
if you want other mikes we have
t h( rn.
Don't forget its when you want
Stationery. Baby ('srriogt s and Wag-
gons, Bicycle. Hell Seeing Machines
Or�fst of Truitt Memorial Church, Exeter.
Piano, Organ, Harmon) and Theory of Mush-, •-W,
Terni. on Application t;peter, Ontario.
Inc Usborne and Ribber%
Farmer'sEMutual Fire' liuur
once fiumpanU
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. -
Pres. W. 11. l'ASSMORE Farquhar.
Vice -Pres.:— J. I.. Russitt•L.
1ttI*RLLDALE. P. 0..
WM. Mice IS WIN('HEIJtFA 1', 0.
T. RYAN, Venus P. 0, .
ROBERT NORIt18, 8leffa.
Usborne and Ifiddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS. Munro. anent
for Hibbert, Full:irton and Logan.
Secy.Treas. Farquhar.
[MADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitors
To Summer Tourist Resorts
M s.koka i.ske Tem,agen,i
Lake of Bays Keesitha fakes
Ueurgian tiny 'I'houseed !elands
Algonquin Peek fetcher.
1'urthend and old Orchard, M. , While
All reached by the (:t-'nd Trunk
ltwilwny the "retiree Item.. of Amer-
Direct confection with all limit lines
Towa'ikt tick, la ' n sale daily to all
For futther pet Ven er. Tickets, ate.
lee' on
J. J. KNiGHT, f).'pu.t Agent.
or write J. 0.elt-BONAI.0, Union
agent tor•
The Bell Telephone
Company of Canada
is about to issue a new
Telephone Directory
For the District r f Western Ontat io
including the
Village of Exeter
Orders for new connections, changes
of ern) names, changes of street ad-
dresses or for duplicmte entries should
he handed in to the local Manager AT
Local Manager
Bon Ow
- ter•