Exeter Times, 1907-06-27, Page 13as
t1.8R EXETER TIMES, JUNE 27th 1907
forNow Po alar Ooodsand Miss Sarah Douve left on Tuesday
of last week for the West. ♦•
the Rest of the Season Nor -
Mr. Fred loom aft dii g returned home
last week from attending the Nor-
mal college at Hamilton.
The 1_TeborI a Council has wou the
Favored Worsteds � TROUSERS
These worsteds are in blues and I
fancy nlixturea,excel in (ualtty,beauty
and finish anything of heir kind we
bave ever shown. We are offering
some beautiful
Summer Suits for St() I
and upward.
If a pant hunter pantless
Ie panting for pants
He panted] pantless
Until he implants himself into
one of those fashionable pants ordered
at�;J. H. I10LTZMANN'S
A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we can
no suit, we have yet to know of it.
Big Clearing Sale
- of Grocery Stock
at. Finkbeine'r's Grocery
We have decided to give up business and have reduced the
price on all our stock and are selling below cost. Do not
buy before you see us as you will never get a better
bargain, A call solicited.
W. A. FINKBEINER, Crediton.
••••••••••••••O•••••O••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
fl. MILLS,
hearts of the Kirkton people ,'tna
those living along the 12th coneea•
sign, by the manner in which they
are )laving the roads repaired. The
roadway in the hollow near Kirk's
and llazel,.00d's on the 14th has been
Graded and widened. and the hill at
Kirkton rut down considerably.
The tnniteretry services of the
Kirkton )Methodist church will take
Place (text Sunday. W. ill, ,Kerr.
editor of the Brussels \Peet will
preach at both mental; and evening
services. On 'Monday July let a
picnic mill be held in 1t. Rirk'.
grove. The Kirkton band will !l>o
present Ito furnish the music.
Tho Kirkton and Woodburn Or-
angemen will celebrate the 12th. of
July at St. 'Marys.
Mrs. Urquhat'dt had the misfor-
tune one day last week to receive
a fracture of one of her limbs. which
will compel her to remain in bed for
some throe. She was descending -to
the collar. when she missed her foote
ing and falling heavily on one of
the steps caused the fracture. Mrs.
Mrs. Urquhart is nearly eighty years
old, but her many friends have hopes
of her recovery and ultimate reatorr
ation lo health.
Our :genial teacher, Mr.
Walker. has a class serail); at tho
entrance examinations in St. Marys
this week. The following are writ.
ing. John Manna, Earl Roadhouse.
Thomas Hazelwood, Nellie Hazlewood
and Maggie Shier. Mr. Walker is
very conservative about allo%vine )tis
pupils to try an examination and ex•
pects everyone of those writing to
pass with high marks to their cred-
WOODfif1M• it.
Millinery -Our stock of what we have left to clear out at half price.
We have 50 youth's two piece Sults to clear out at what they cost us; also
men's Pants and odd Vests in eta by the Coppley. Noyes and Randall of Ham-
ilton, they are good fitters.
Youth's, boy's and men's f•tncy Straw Hate to (leer out at 15c, tic, and
S5c, each.
We have some of those fancy Muslin goods for dresses left yet, reg. 15c
and 20e goods to (leer out at 10e yd., and l0c and12}c goods to clear out at Tc
We have in stock all kinds of Hardware -Turnip Hoes. long shovels.
Spades and Manure Forks -We sell as cheap as anyone else, you do not have
to drive 10 miles to get them, we keep al) kinds in stock.
Shredded Wheat, Orange )heat, Gusto, Life Chips, Grape Nut, Corn
Flakes, we keep in stock -Also nice fresh and clean Groceries and pure Spices.
Highest price cash or trade for Butter and Egge.
1'lu' Rape Sceti cast. -Word has
been ir0C(•ived by 'Mr. \Yui. Leigh.,
merchant of this place ilial the judge
has given .his decision in his
favor in the not' celebrated case of
Near v.i. l,cigh, which w•:11+ tried at
St. Marys Du el:u•ch 7th. DM.r. Near
is 10 pay all costs. w•hiell ill view
of the large number of witnesses,
will he no small armour:l. It s'itl ba
remembered It hat Thoe. Near claimed
that John Sutherland ;1t (his re•
request .purchased Bo/110 Itced from
Leith .which he supposed was turnip
seed ibul which turned out 10 'be
rapt. heed. 11e sued Leigh for $100
darna3cs Jur the loss of the time in
cultivating a crop which was worth-
less to him. Leigh not only denied
a the ,ale of the rape seed but at once
secured legal advice and engaged a
lawyer to defend hint. When the
day of the trial arrived both par-
ties went to St. Marys :with a host
witnesses and one of the bi33est
lean! battles men in St. 1lfarys Di-
vision Court for many years was
that day fought out. Near had em-
ployed Mr. J. C. Makin%. Barrister,
of Stratford and 'Mr. J. W. Graham,
of St. Marys to act for him. avhilo
Leigh lied placed his defence in the
hands of Mr. J. G. Stanl►ury, Bar-
rister. of Exeter. After n Ie•n;thy
trial judgment was reserved. The
decision 'has been delayed by, reason
of dim plaintiff claiming to have dis-
covered 1101110 flew evidence but this
was rfina1ly abandoned and the judge
has given his judgment in favor of
the defendant ,with coats. %'!•r.
Leith rind hie counsel are being con-
gratulated on their s11CCess.
'Mr. James Beattie returned homy
from the \Vest on Wednesday of last
week. and after a short visit with
his family will return a7ain.
Mr. ,Milton Beattie, of Maganeta-
wan. Manitoulin, is vi,itinz friends
in this vicinity.
Dr. Campbell last week purchased
.new bu33y from Wm. Brown.
,Irs. Chas. Duffield left last week
for tin' hospital at London to under-
go an opera loin for the removal of
goitre in her neck.
Many from here attended the Me.
morial services at St. Marys last
Sunday, when a special sermon was
preached to the Foresters by Rev.
If. A. Gr Alam, pastor of the 3ietho•
dist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Campbell
and three children, of West filed, are
the _guests of Dr. and Mrs. Carr.
1)r. Carr w•as laid up a few (toys
last week on account of a sprained
beck, which he twas unfortunate,
enough to Set while engaged in It
friendly wrestling match. The ,ten-
ial Dr. is now fully recovered and is
able to atter.d to his practice.
Messrs. John Sutherland and John
O'Brien were visitin; in St. Marys
last week.
Our esteemed teacher Mr. Walker
1101 60011 r'n;n;:'d for another year
at a geed raise in valrry.
Mr, Willi trn Moore has completed
the cement pelt form in front of his
store, which ndle %Try much to the
Iraborite mid` of our village.
Messrs. Shier ttnd Marshall have
erected a very• fancy wire fence in
front of their property. and %then
rte soy fancy we mean fancy.
We are very !terry to hear sof the
death of one of our former esteemed
villae'ers in the person of Mr. Jarnrs
ltry.►Ie at i(amiett+. \Tan.
Mr. Su t 1 r • •
tc land is l xp[c1in; a
rail from•n
rail one n[ his fir bds from
New 1
nxt c 1.
Our 1)0se), ll tram went to Mt•
I'1resint on Wedneed.iy to play a
friendly .lune•
Ordinary grades of galvanized steel are
not considered good enough for"Galt Sure -
grip" Shingles. A special grade of the
best, wear -defying galvanized steel is pre-
pared exclusively Tor them. Consequently
at the very outset, Galt Sure -grip
Shingle§ have the power to outwear all
others, wooden or galvanized.
Then, Galt "Sure -grip" Shingles are
locked together far more secure) than
ordinary shingles. Easily and quicklyput
on and when on will withstanthe
severest test of storm or lightning.
The strongest shingles make the longest
lasting roof -and Galt "Sure•grip"Shingles
are in every way the strongest. Goat no
more than common shingles -aro the
most economical kind to buy.
Write for free Catalogue end further iwfoems:
lion to
The Galt Art Metal Co., Ltd.
Pit of the Evangelical church last
Sunday cvctlin3 end preached a pow-
' erful and eloquent sermon ;which
•was highly apprecitted by the large
audience. _
In the absence of Rev. E. 11. Ilean,
who will conduct quarterly meeting
services at Sebrineville, Rev. L. 1i•
Eidt, of Dashwood, will preach in
the Evan;elical church next Sundry
The annual Sunday school picnic
bas been announced for July 3rd et
Grand Betel. A good pro;rnrn of
sports is bring prepAced.
Mr. and Mrs. Stomacher. of Roe -
tock. w ho were here attending the
w•eddint of their riiere .li-a Enol. -
Drown, have returned horn nater
:1 f•'%% d'I)-+ vi -it lice(•.
Mr. harry Dyer, of Detroit. who
was here ¶:<iti:l; for a Lee [lave,
LA./ returned to hie home.
Miss Martha Eicher, rt Buffalo, is
visiting her parent. Mr. and Mrs.
Fria( Either.
MI .Itosinn Finkbeiner •1c'turn.d
home 011 Saturday .I;l•rl after a
three week's 'lilt with her (11 nth.
ter Mrs. it. it imilten.
'Ir and \ll finned T i
spent Sunday with Mr. :In•t Mrs.
Il si ry Ina ver.
Mr. Derry Sweitzrr left for t'hil-
'ttl••lphi 1 l'a. on The: -lay :
'% to. i(' he will join his tallier utter
%% Bich t try u ill , o to tbelaware,
where his father hes a large morel'
lir her rains in groecli^s at Fink•
beiner+ for the next two weeks.
Mr. and llrs. August 11111 spent
:'fondly with Mr. and Mt .8. Samuel
McCoy, n( Centralia.
M r. amd Mr.. C. Farber, of Zurich
s •, nl Sundry w ith frierols in town.)
DR. 1'. .I. McCt E. MEMBER ON -,
anti and Sut Recons. Successor to Dr.'
1. A. Heist. Crediton. Ont.
.Itrown and their children
are vi+ilii,; her mother in Berlin.
While thele ;Mrs. Brown dttcnde•I
the %%cddin.e unniversary of her sis•
to Mrs. liencchtle.
Our merchants mere kept busy' on
saturdly crenate last. The streets
We 10 ero" ded with people.
Mr. Clia=. %wicker %%as in London
On busine,s .Monday.
Mr. .JoIo Minch ant) Au;. llaist
Opcnt 0 ("0%11.1•• of d 1) - :.t sZurich
vilitin; (11e fol no 'r'y brother.
The nix mill 11 ), completed i:1
work for this -.•:.seas %%hick hie loan
a very busy one.
'Mrs. Gee. tallier, who has been
ill for the past >{x weeks .11nd•rwent
an operation bunds)' morrtint 10•t.
Amos 11 ndnlan n Exeter.
r 11 s tt t f
Dr 1 o and )
performed the over:Eton. At time of
writhe; she 1= not much improved.
) r. Lankin, of l;rint0n, -fens Fri-
day last in the %IIL• s 'i•itin, ills
son flirty.
The many ft i.•1 d, of 11 r. ('has.
Taylor. of FIk.un,t s�1ic11., 1)0)0
pleased to eve bis 'matin; fare steel!).
Ile is :.f(ndiI'' a few 'lays
itis mister, Me.. Chuue. lleltzrn.in, al -
ler en ,•xlcud ,1 visit throu411 New
Ontario. 11,. t':.. _r' itIy
with his tr);.. and he also !1N'ako
(very- !dthly of the improvement in
the villa.;e.
We ore sorry to IQs. two of n'ir
most highly ies, tel(d (itii•r4 in 1110
ipersons JI .:Ind Mrs. \V. W. Kt rr
on of r
who left Wednesday NT-
or \1'inchcl.ea,
wh'•re Mr. Kerr his secor.•d a posi-
tion in 't recite. Tin!% 1. -
. ill tie \%'ineh.•Isei'- in.
11 is. Mercy ass ect el I trait. Is
•ix•r.dinz 'u fro day. in 11%e 'alta=•
tiaitin; ta,em,a :Ir.d ft n'•, prior tt.
lee vin z fer the %%est in 1 week or
R v. ay. of (he M.tin atr.•et
l.eItiod••1 church ncen' led the ptil•
Iol a. rUC tuner
For Infants and Children.
In Mad Yon Have Always Bought
Bears the
Bigaatare of
A Grateful Mother,s
ie gratitude for the jurat f.on^fit
bet- child received from rho use of
Zane -link, 'the et cat herbal Jet 1Ins
Mrs. 11. Gentlenlau. of 10911 tit. Jarurs
Street. Mont real. gave the folIuwin4
detail" ifor publication. She say,: :
"My little daughter Lydia, 2ycary
o'd. 'was troubled with eczema on
her body and face for six months.
During That time we tried set'cra1
advertised s emedive but the tris•
came shad too well a hold soil. Slit:
child for these to overcome, and fin
ally 1we wore obli;ed to •oneilt a
doctor. Ile ttiealed the little one for
some time, and .gave us pieseriptIW) )
for various delves and itaNlicines.
\Ve tried them and 1.ried 1heut welt
but ithe child lot nn better. Whet
she tgot warm (he itelina was ter•
ribir. and then the pain ,made her
cry and be very re.vllese. One (slay
oomebody a trop;ly atIvieed mo tto
try Zam•Ituk. JYe obtained a Num•
ply rind it wax reully ,wonderful )low
the Aata•lfuk cured tub eerie. and
Savo almost instant relief. It t►fop-
r•ed itho itching. healed the sores and
gave utmost instaot relief. and in
six weeks from first commencing it
the child's .skin was as smooth as
when Irorn."
Zam-Iiuk is compounded from rich
heeling, 'ilerh:ll cssenct:s, end is an
ideal natural combination of power
and l,urily, csuiiaide for the delicate
skin of infants.
For l;urnmcr skin troubles. sore
feet, 'mica sl in ns. chafing furca,
bruises. ricers, obsceses, skin crup-
lill►v1. I,ealp Mores, Vara-IJuk is ull.-
equalled. It: ;luso cures Oiler'. .All
drateists and stores at 50c. u box,
or from Gam-Iiuk Co.. j['clreitto
for 1.1;ce. (i home; for $2.50.
The married men of Exeter have
issued a challenge to play the mar-
ried men, of Crediton. Announce-
Incnl will be made later when 4be
2arnc will I,a played.
The Children's Raj. held in con-
nection with the Evangelical church
last Sunday was largely attenders;
both afternoon and evening. ,The
numerous selections were well en-
dered and ;really enjoyed. Rev. Mr.
Bean. of Crediton, :;are a very in-
structive address in the afternoon.
The children of the church furnished
the Programme in .the evening.
The excursion held by the 1. O. F.
lodges of Crediton and Exeter to
Niagara Falls Inst .Thursday eves
well patronized. Amon; those who
went from here were Messrs. Alfred
Zimmer. Wm. Kleinstivcr end Miss
Effie Willert. They all 'report a
good time.
Tuesday brim our Civic holiday
the Dashwocd school children with
their parents picnicked at the. Mond.
Rev. L. K. Eidt will preach in the
Evangelical church Crediton on Sun-
day morning next. Mr. Brown. of
Crediton will take the services here
in the morning.
Mr. D. Tiernan is this week t,ut-
d• a metal roof on Mr. Itobt. Turn•
Turn -
hull's barn and also on a biz elrive
Mr. 3. K. Goetz is this ,ave:'k ridd-
ing 11 verandah to his new house,
131r. Gootz is using cement blocks for
rho (foundation and when it is •fin-
ished'will add greatly to the appear- -
ance and comfort of his home.
Get your bread at Lewis li:Imtr,.
cher during the hot weather.
Mims Minnie Ehlers, North Wee -
tern College Napierville Illinois, has
returned home for the holiday sea-
Mr. John Voltz, who for the :past
15 or 20 years has carried on a suc-
cessful tailoring business'has moved
Iris effects to Parkhill and expects
to be favored with A share of Ithe
trade 'there, We wish hien success,.
Ile will he missed noon; some of
our older friends.
Mr. Jacob Kellorrnanrl is busy ex-
cavating the cellar for his new ce-
ment 'house,
Mr. John Ehlers of the 14th con.
cession atilt continues very 01. We
look and hope for :1 speedy recov-
ery. -
A quiet eed'linz wits solemnizr•li
at the home of lir. and Mrs, ,1'.1
\VnSIu'r, of Lisbon, on Wednceday,l
June 11111, whe.rl their daughter I.•t,
vine w:15 united in marriage to Bev.
L. K. Eidt, of Dashwood. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. G. i11.
Wagner. brother of the bride, as.
misled by the It- v. if. 'Dierlamm.'
Little Miss Myrtle daughter of itev;
Mr. Eidt, made a pretty (twerp
girl. Rev. and Mrs. Fitlt took .t
trip to Eastern points before rn-
turnin; to Dashwood. A re-
ception was Avert to Mr.
and Mre. L. K. Eidt. on Fri -
dee evening hist on their ,-eturn
from their wedding trip. by the Ger-
man and English prayer rneetin,tl
lasses and the senior Y. 1'. A's. who
net nt the parsonage with well-fill-
ed baskets where a pleasant remain;
"as spent in soder chat and abort
AN OLD •1111 tV
Wlnalow's Soothing Syrup bas beenawseed for
over slaty years by mil -Ions of mothers for their
children while ttee.thing, with perfection/vete
11 POI thee the AM1d, soften. the irons, allays all
poeonsn, eos woad collo. and Is the heel rentedi
for Illasrhow, It Is pleanant to the taste. Sold
y druggists is every part of the world. is
cents a oottie. Ittiyalue Is Incalculable. He
re and tate m Wla+low's Soothing
t;'yrupaod ark for no otter kind.
Guaranteed under the Food and
rugs Aat. June 30th, 1906. Serial
umber 1098.
EL1MV1LL), b
Ifcrdnlan's grove will be the place n
to go on Monday, July 1, when the
annual strawberry festival under the D
auspices of the Methodist church will N
be held On Sunday June :10th, Rev,
S. J. AIIin. Parkhill will deliver two
serrnens, one nt 10 a. m. and the other
at 7 p. no. Mteic will he furnisheli by r
the choir. At.'2 p. m. a mass meeting c
of the scholars will be held, when ad- %%
dretr!es will be delivered by Rev. Allan 1
and Mr,N. Martin of Exeter. A splen-
did preprnln has been arranged for )
the Monday strawberry festival. Be- c
sides mmmsements of all kinds, Mr. J. 1:
Pernell Morris. of the Dundas (`entre e
church, London. will Aiveseveral antes n
and Mrs. (Rev.) 11. A. Graham. of St. t
Marys, aeplendid elocutionist, will re- ; i1
cite. Addresses will be given by Revs a
Graham. AIIin and Johnson. Every- ri
body is invited to be present and en. J )
joy a good time. t
A very pretty wedding was Set-
mnizod at tMt. t:a rine, Catholic
torch on Wednesday June .'lith.,
hen Josephine. dtu;titer of Mr.
'.-.trick I'Imini;An, was nelr:ld to
ir. Alex. iler;ot1, ,t prosperous
wsiness men of Cs:Miele:. The
ercmotly %%,= l.rrformrd by Ree.
ether Foster. The arid` +onke:1
barman; in a dainty' ;own of while
/1111y,wi111 while silk veil ttimrned
villi orange bio=soma. Miss Late ine
erzott, sister of the _ronin, mod'
chermin; brid.•stnaid, while Pa t•
ek Flenni;in as./sled the ;room.
attic. Miss Irene Brandon, 111000 of
he bride filled the position as flower
girl in a very pleasing mintier. Af
ter a trip, Mr. and Mrs. flcr.tot
will reside at Centralist.
As long as the memory of man run
neth Dominion Day.has been set aside
specially for the strawberry festival
at Centralia. and the affairs have al
ways proved successful, However, the
comnhittes are this year making ef-
forts to outdo any previous year in
the line of entertainment. Although
the season has been backward. theta
wi.l be plenty of strawberries. and as
for the sports, well now! Everyone
has a chance to win a prize, that is, if
they get a move on. and outside of all
this. the greatest gauge tet base ball
ever seen will be played between the
fate and the leans. feast week we said
Will Parsons would have charge of
the ieanitee. Theme where we made
a a.istake, as Will Mill has charge of
the team aced from r•eporle sett out
about his playing a decade or so ago,
the fate will have to get a wiggle un
if they want to win out. Ne'se,Hicks
expects to play first base and keep up
the excitement on the coaching line.
John Brown, who has charge of the
fellows of aldermanic build, is also
some shucks when it comes to playing
ball and has picked .dine fast players
some of whom with a little exertion
San make first babe on a home run
hit. Then again the ladies of the
ladies of the church have provided fur
a concert in the evening that will be
worth while remaining over to attend
The very best of talent has been ee-
gaged, and the ladies always !oak out
for the very best. so don't miss the en-
tertainment of the evening.
At the regular meeting oT the
Epworth League Oil ' ane ter even-
ing Rev. G. \V.IAudrewe was called
to the platforniondt bI,i: foflowing
adareee was ti•%•en him:
Dear Friend and Pewter:
It is with fcelities at eiuecr0 1)0'
ret that we hear of your intend .t
removal frtnn :umouget us, and we
take, this opportunity of bidding you
God speed in you new life. Looking
Vick over the plRt ac: aro u-c'uhilitic'1
of the quick flight. of time, 'for it:
scenes impossible to believe that it
is three years Mince you first c:1t11J
1)11100. 114. During those. three years
we. 04 0 league, have been hetl,Cd
and benefit led by yojfr ruini.'t a y. 1 ou
hero tau. 311 f. uv by holt precdllt and
cx'lniple, 1ottr lcarJiiii tli.ls al-
ways been of such 0 hind :1s do utak`
vi better and ,liurml>lcr chrisliaus,
more faithful Io our League told
church. And tint rlo 4nur ahln'ch
alone or 10 the!.11iehodi,'t deuntnina-
lio►t alone. but to the church univere
Mal whose head 1111.1 founder is Christ.
himself. lay your ('x:ihii is you have
tried to build up our Lea ;I e. 1'ou
were alway', 011 the look -out for stew'
members. and have tried to leave us
in a better condition than' when you
cater. and ire believe you have, both
spiritually and in strength. It i4
iraid that the test of a man's lite
anywhere is whether he (eave., tho
Place better than }ie found it, or not
Putting that test to your life herr
we can truthfully say that it
has been a ',great success at.cl
Gcd's biess:ng has rt.*'ted ,on
both you, :,:l our rim! or, and, us, 11e
your people. ltut. note, those pleas-
ant relation- :ire about to be eevcred
011(1 we must Lid you adieu. In do-
ing so, 111:11 God'.1 richest blessing
may continue to rest richly upon you
until your family and that wherever
pour lot may be cant, it .clay be a
hippy one. is the a%}sll of pour
friend,. of Ccnl:ralia 1;pw•orth'Lea;ue.
la'1e ry Prem., 'Mary J'ym. R.
Wi kelt•
Mr. Andrews made a euilablo re•
A6 a 1.1ierial meeting of .the Lat�-
ies Aid nu Thursday afternoon last
Mrs. Andrews ryas presented with a
piece of si1verw•nre :1�Id rho follow-
sltg address.
h11 s. A n are w•'(.
\V r, tele rncnhbOl1 of Centralia La -
(lies' Aiil 1104e ass-•r►Ibled here this
eeerlirlx fur the purpose of expres-
sing in ii alight degree our regrets
at 3tur departure• from among a-.
You have. al.wa)4 bccii willing /.'o
;eke your pa: 1. in any work connect-
ed with our Aid Society out awe
would not forgc1 the valuable ser-
vices you have rendered us. \\'e attic
you to accept [hie gift of eilvcrwarc
not for arcs value. but as 00 evidence
of our ieepeet and en hope 'that
svl,erever your lot rney Lm cast in
tum order of divine providence you
clay ever find a field of useful ole e
and in the evcrcli:ul;inn future may
retain the seine spirit and kindly na-
guro which 11101ked you there and eve
Pray that when a Ion; life of iChri=-
tiara usefulness is ended it will be
lint the beginning of an eternity of
joy.-`di3nrd iu behaIf of the Central -
01 Ladies Aidl.
Mrs. T. Neil Pres., F. Esaery See.
hire. Andrews tn:lde n suitable re-
ltev. Mr. Going, of Exeter, pre,eIi-
((L on Sunday (.venin; last.
Dies•. Will Webster and children. of
near Toronto, are vieitin,j h• r fath•
er 'Mr. Thomas ,etitchell.
Mae 1in,tsbaw. of Toronto. is the
;urst of J1rs. Richard Elston.
Mre. F:dw'a1'•is. of 1.ur.1n, and Mrs.
\Ve1)h, of I.ond'nn, 01e
Cha, IOs• 1)np1:111,
Mr. Willard. of l)0.lwnod, 1iri1-
(d' ftirmda hrr0 on Hutt.l.ly.
Tho infant child of Mr. and ;\11 ..
Phos. dastnn died on friday Lust ;tn•l
was anti, d in Exeter cemetery ora
Saturdly eflernoon.
!larsb, purgative irinedies aro
fast giving way to the gentle action
and mild effects of Carter's Little
Liver Pills. If you try them they
will certainly please you
Ontario Utas for years been losing
ming entcrprisin; agriculturists to
the :Northwest. [lend in hand with
the 'exploitation of Western wheat
fields. and the exodus of firm labor-
ers. 1111.5 followed an era of hi;h pri-
ces !for labor. And a rlecreaee in the
market Ifor Ontario wheat which has
net-iouay raised the .prier of 'bran
end aborts. t r .. Nnl only ham the los.
of 'the profitable home-m,erkt't been
a financial calamity to he Ontario
miller end fermrr_bni the it • sleek•
man ,•'rd dairymen I'.lvc felt elle
drain censer] by th' lucre .I.•1 cost
of an esseolis! portion of their f^ed
if they are to zet the heat
\\'talc some Onterio farmers has,
helped to l.uild up the West by buy -
in; the .t ron z \Vcstern flour, some
farsighted millers hate sueceerted iti
cSpturina the market of the Miri-
A New Supply Just Arrived
Giant Yellow Intermediate at !2i -c. per lb.
IBrnet''s While Seeding beet at 1$c. per lb.
The ('e;e1)ratl'd -tet 1 Briggs' Jumbo Swede Ti'rni3at 20e I
We have at number of straw hats of as. orted siz
which we illi• selling at pries away below cost.
COWARD & CO., Winchelsea.
If you need
or you' screen doors, w
have them, also hinges of
We are
agents for the
Don't forget t hat. we Lt1:.1110 the best paint
in Canada t barrill_' 31'111(', The "ARK BRAND" paint.
otato Bugs
A1. conlilig f.t'-t. Kill them with our Paris Gr
•?00 in half Ib. tins
33O in pound tins
Keep ow; those 1)es'.V tli ,i with a new Screen Door
in11oR Screen.
Doors $1.0) awl .$L•'.', - cri'ells ?.>c, Screen Door Hines
e Gr 1. r rie4 and Fruits arriving weekly.
B. W. F. BEAVERS, r Farquha
of eyesight can be retarde l by proper!, made
gloves. Our specialists have mode the correc-
tion of eye defects their study for the post fifteen
years. All lenses presented by iv, are ground
in our own laboratory, thereby ensuring perfect
Appointment mode by meal, or I.hone 1877.
237 Deeds* Street • - • Loaders, Oat.
Open daily 11 30 to 6 00. Even.,.:s, Tuesday.
Thursday and Saturday. 7 CO t3 10.00.
425,E ,
� s
are added to the last edition of Web-
ster's International DictionaryThe
Gazetteer of the World and the
Biographical Dictionary, stave been
completely revised. The Interna-
tional is always kept abreast of the
times.%It takes constant work, ex-
tpensive work and worry, but it is
o only way to keep the dictionary
of the English-speaking"world.
Other dictionaries follow. ebster
It is the favorite with Judges,
Scholars, Educators, Printers, etc.,
in this and foreign countries. .
(Highest Award) was given at the
World's Fair, St. Louis.
A postal card will bring you in-
teresting specimen pages, etc. a
lime Pro%'ince. by a r,irefully It' • eft •
cd Lour male by sufficient \1- Tern
wheal .lo brine up the It(•rc•nteze of
;Tulin, aid k:•epin; IL:r color 0u,t
nutty taste of flour m ado f to the
twat Ontario winter selleet. The fla-
vor of the bead ii mach iuf;tov(t
and Ihr 1.4•rc(1111,. . of ;listen is 8111-
fi(ient fur all requirements.
Whit has bran adopted .acedy by
unprejudiced consumers 111 Nnvl
Scolia m:ly well deserve floe :.tten-
n of lhr Ontario i 'r In Tor•
{ u1)1t
onto rand other rent rev III 're is al-
ready n k••en II' roan.' for (111• 0''))
ptt>dnet 1%5l ieIi t1 Ilse.) by iv'vera) of
the largest farms of w h',le.; e • b,k.-
ere. A [-lir t(i11 or tI,' ne%v 1)1.11(1011
Ontario fleet %%ail c.•t:%in1.1• the
moml ,.14.34 i1 ,1 111:11 this flour j•
sute:le el ay Bone, end ite i►tcreaa-
(4 consuniptiott "ill Lc tI, the grrar
ndv'S t 1;e (f 111:' O'•lar in (.l ruler(
and the pupae generally thrnu;hour
the province.
s oupls el Norlh
(A 1• e'en numbered section of Dominion 1
rlanitoba, easkatc•heaan and Alberta, ex
s and 26, not reserved, may be homeste
i any person who is the tread of a family or any
over 13 'elm of age, to the extent of one -q
section of 10) acres, more or less,
Entry t be made personally at the lots)
office for the dist in which the land issitue
The homesteade s required to perform the
(Orion, connecter! t erewith under one of the
ing plans:-
(!) At least six n.orlths residence upon and
ration of the land in each %ear for three years.
('') If the father (or mother, if the father 15
eased) of the homesteader r%•lidae upon a (arta is
%icinity of the land entered for, the regturemen•
to residence may ire salistd by such person
with the father or tuother,
1 131 If the settler has his (al nutrient residence
i fanning land owned by bine in the %Trinity
• homestead, the requirerner is as to residence
be satls;fin;d by resides. up n the sold land,
Six mths' notice In '•.aloe[ should !. ¢lusts
the('onlssioner of 1)011.1?."•.n (.ands at naso
intentioo apply for pater•.
Deputy of the Minister of the ulterior.
N. i►, -Unauthorized p:, 'IPatfon of this ad
nlrnt willbet be paid for
I have forma a tried and tested ears for
inseam! Not a remedy that will stfafthteo
distorted limbs of chronic crlpoles, nor taro
growths bock to flesh again. That is imposdbb-
But 1 can now surety kill the Barns sad MINT
this deplorable disease.
In Germany -with a Chemist In the aty S
Darmstadt -I found the last ingredient leap.,
which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was rets
a perfected. dependable prescription. W1tbgM
that last ingredient. I successfully treated msa►e
many meant Rheumatism ; but now. at last, aper.
formly cures all curable cases of this her,So/Ole
tomb dreaded disease. Those sand.likevanidlir
wastes, found In Rheumatic Biood. seem iodised!,
and pass away under the action of this rsssds SIP
freely as does sugar when added to pore Naha
And then, when dissolved. these vamoose waw
freely pass from the system, and the mase Of
Rheumatism 1s wort. forever. There L now MO
real need -no actual excuse to suffer longer wltav
eat bele. We sell, sod to ooafdsaeregeosseIlf
Dr. Shoop's •
Rheumatic Remedy
W. S. 1 1 OWEY.
1 twill mail you hem to prove writ:
samples of my Dr. Shoop's ltestora.
live, rind my .book nn either Dyspep-
sia. The Heart or .Tho Kidneys.
Troubles of the stomach, Heart or
Kidneys are mei ely symptoms of at
(1001•0r uilmcnl. Don't make tha
common error of treating pympomie
only. Symptom 1 reatment Is Itreat•
ing the result of your ailment. an(lt
not tip. cause, ‘Veale Stomach nerves
-ill• iueiclr decwas.oct-r.
oro eitomacb]let
wr1l;?teas al
end Kidney, es well, ,have their eon.
trot:ins or inside nerves. Weaken
th••-e nerr-r1 noel you inevitably have
week vital nr;arta. Iiere is Weber°
Dr. Hhmop Restorative has made
its fame. No re Ler remedy ev+!r
ctlims to ireat Ibo "insido nerves"
Also for Monthly. biliousness, baei
hr •(1, or cornr.r•xintl. w.( 1)r $hx>p'„
Restnr0lire. Write foe lo -day for
sample and free book. Dr. . Shoop.
iI'teineW. f!. , . i Tby( RSs: torative 1s sold
WHowe., .