Exeter Times, 1907-06-27, Page 9TH1RTY-FOURTH YSAB—NO 1752 I I { t f o••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •� ••�••••••NN•••••••N..••• N•NNN N• JONES -& CLARKS' Phone No. 32. • • A Sale of Tempting Warm Weather Fabrics Fresh, Crisp and New for the Summer Girl. She will find bellow every. thing needed. White Linen Suiting Very much the go now, neat and clean for 30c, 40c, 50c per yard. White Duck Suiting This make* a nice inexpen- sive suit and looks fine. 121c, 15c per yard.- Persian ard.- Persian Lawns Real nice "for dresses and particularly good for waists. 20c, 25c, 30c, 40c per yard. Limen Lawns Nice sheer goods for sum- mer dresses. Prices 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c yard. Swiss Dot Muslins Large and small dots. Very dainty goods for small cost. 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c per yard. Colored Muslims A great big selection of all the new patterns and colorsf 10c, 15c, 20c, 30, 40c per yard. Colored Chambray: Splendid Shirt Waist Suit goods. Wash and do up beau- tiful. 12iie, 15c yd. Check Binghaas - A real knock -about or pic- nic suit. All the different colored checks. 12ic, 15c yard. . Millinery All our Summer Millinery to be sold for 25 per cent. off the price.. Every hat a bargain. 1 Jones ex Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high gra4 sboes and wall papers. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••+•+•••••+••••••N++•+ 1 .-1-444-1-4-44-1-++++++++++++++++++44+++++++++++++++ Our Reduction Sale Owing to the lateness of the spring we have decided to extend our reduction sale and will give greater Bargains in Furniture for the next 3o days than ever were known in Exeter before. Every article in our large stock of furniture reduced to almost cost during this sale. Call and be Convinced before making your pur- chase elsewhere. Undertaking in all its Branches. ++-h++++++++++'I-+++++1++++++.+++++++++++++-H +f f ROWE & ATKINSON The Largest Home Furnishers in the County. s A'l' iIOME. The memhet s of the \\'omen'e In. institute gathered at the home of Mr. H. 'M. Sanders i,n honor of their re- tiring tiresidcnt, Miss Mills. w ho it about 'lo leave for Toronto. Mina Dalin has filled the pesition of 1'resident of the 'Society for con- lidcrahle line and ei1 ti marked abil• ity. iler jar;e-hearted end gcrnrous disposition less won the admiration end, treed will oI nil the member.. Mrs. tl)r. Arnos Was elected presi- dent rind Mrs. re-elected Pecretary. After n lunch was eervcd the fol- lowing nd.dress was read by the pres. !dent Mrs. Dr. Amort, to which Miss 'falls replied in fi most touching Mintier. "J)enr (,Miss (tolls, We the members of the 'Exeter Women's inetitute .greatly regret 1 h necessity whicle.cal Is n• together to -deny. tit the same lime we nre de- lighted lo do honor (o one who luta been n faithfiul friend awl member of our institute. It has come to our kilnwledge that you are about to leave Exeter and ;o to 'the City of Toronto to reside: and we feel that ,wo cannot allow you to do so with- out expreslli1ig our high regard for you oa n woman end ns a member of the institute. We nppreciatcrour worth and /u9'efulness among usl. During our intercourse with each other we have always found yon a fo'a'l, tried and true. Not only to 1 us iudiridually, have you been a friend. but in the work of the in- stitute you have been n great help. As its lrr(eidenl for Iwo year you Performed! your duties faithfully and well. Although nt times, with enc. rifire to yourself. During your few years in Exeter we have learned rto love you and ellen you n re igono we hilt III1P9 yon in the, home rand In. - minute However the best of friend, roust Earl and in the bidding "Fare.' well to Sou to-iley we alio hill you ' Gcd Spred" trustutg that jwhere- ever your future year.Inny he i'pent they ,nay be years of pleasure and profit in yourself 149 We know 'they w►.:l be to tltosl0 with whom you come in renewer -Signed, Idris. T. A. Antos. President : Mrs. Knight, vice. president :111s. Ifnetings, Secy-Treas. 1YINCHELHEA Mr. Robt. (Coward. who went ont West nbout She first of April, 're- turned Home last friday. Mr. )tarry fennels has 'the mater- ial on the .around for the 'erection of n nen boas( tto replace the ono re- cently destroyed by fire. The annual )nc.•tinZ of the Conser- vative Association will be held at !lensed', next Fr:dny, when the elec.- tion lantion of officerr will take place. . HURON& MIDDLESEX GAZETTE EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 27th 1907, EXETER SCIloot, HOA1U) A 'lull attendenee marked the last regular encetin3 of the hoard ,held on (Monday evening and AN usual in the down Hall. The minutes were declared o. k. and passed. A 'liberal supply of ,gravel is to be. assured at once ior use in tiro walk. trwo ac.. counts :weft!, linseed. R. N. Rowe, W. J. Carling, one from the secretary of Net *15 fur advertising. Telephone charges. echoed requisites and he- ather from T. Ilartnoli for labor and material amount $28.65. A sample •gallon of floor oil offered by ((ho Cenadi:t.n Oil Co. 8. Martin"B,'fuston ie to he tested with n view to /fu- ture usth. 1'he 11. 8. Inspectors ire - port, 1i. Huston and 11. N. Rowe. nvas ndopted also that of Inspector J. E. Tom. These reports pronounce Exe- ter to ho the hest in the 'province nit its cquientent grading 1 & Miss M'ay Hawkins, 8. Martin and 8. Mood. receives the regular refund in fees. 'Miss Johnson, R. N. Rowe and W. .1. Carling. has been engag- ed for the rnext aeholostic year ani Miss Voaper, F. Weed and dt. N. Rowe. is expected to fill her old pos- ition. 'Mier; Johnson's salary alas been pieced at Hix 'hundred dollars W. J. Carlin; cleared the hall. EXETEItr COUNCIL NCiL The Council finished up its work as en Court of Revision on 'Monday night by striking R. ,p. iSeldon'a name off for one storehouse at t(he station which is being torn down. Tho asseeament of two lots on (Main Street were changed from the Car- ling estate to Wm. Tllaichfrcd and the Canning Company's hssesehicnt placed nit $1800 on account of the building nqt being completed. There w'3s some talk of changing the location of the new tanks, (tut the matter wnre held over until .tho members of the council can ngain look over the ground. -Thos. Hawkins &,€on were reques- ted to have the hell nt :the North End fire hall taken down, as it is not satisfactory and to repince it with another one. The following accounts were or- dered paid ; Geo. Neaman bal- ance due on sprinkler $286: Dr. Amos, medical service 7e. Fane son $5 : A. E. Pym. repairs $4.45: W. J. Bissett supplies, 50c.: Wm. Davis caretaker North End fire hall $10; 'sV. Neil. sl rcet watering $25 : R. W. Disney, on account painting cemetery house $50: .Night ylaich $313.50; Geo. Cudmoro, labor $2.00; Chas. Snell electric lighting $105.00. Thr+ account of Chas. 8nell, which was held over from the last meeting because an itemized statement was not furnished came in for consider. able discuss/on. Mr. Knight said he wanted a statement showing each night in the month, but Mr. !Snell % ted he would not do so, consider. ging it nothing but child'a work 40 ask him to itemize his bill. As Come missioner Riese(' eotd The bill was about correct it was cut from 8110.88 to $105. Mr. Snell was instructed to have his lights on half nn hour after sundown, and not after nine o'clock a4 was the carte on some nights. DDO\VLiNG The first game of bowls of •the season was played on the ltectory grounds last Tuesday nftcrnonn and besides 11 nr interesting was keenly contested. Fifteen ends were played and at the finish the Score stood :1 lie. each side lin vin; secured nine pointy. Iter. Collins and Mr. Taman were the respective skips null vljd (xccllcl ern k. W. I). ('lark. W. 11. Level t N. U. Hui don t'. C. Sii iI .fol'. 1)t vis W. J1. Rho Haw ,1 Iter. Collins W. W. 'Taman Skip 9 Skip 0 III(;KM FORECASTS The first (dorm i.cricd reactionary will center on the 2nd Mill did, with `Toon tit last quarter and on else re. les tial equator on the 2nd. On the 5th Enrth ,.s in aphelion. Mad t'ran- us is lin opposition. and Neptune js ill conjunction le ithin n few hours of each other. '1'o Fay the least, very threatening to violent July clouds and lhun'iergusts /will appear ;cn• orally from the 2nd. to the 4(1). Cloudbursts need not Aurprice ;my - one. Watch your barometer -squint at 'rising clouds -be ready. AP- ifA's' 'I'O1\'NH1I11' WINS AG,1fN, . . . . . The Tow n«liiP of )(ay hare again won in 1114* case of James Cochrane and three al hers azainst them for the 'chur) M? r1'rtain taxes. The case roosts over t?'^ '1) iters Award drain whirls pa=ss through the lands of the plaintiffs and which should be ntnin(nincd by 1ltern. This they 110 i0e144 to Ito and the Ton n.. ahiP ,was compelled to let the coy - tracts nod charge the cost til un ((Mil .!;Ir('. 1.111• plainlif(s paid the laze. 'Muter I:rolest and then sued for their ,tenni. 'i'he •trial 'took place at Zurich in ,Tune of Inst year and in September judgment was given in favor- of the '('oen•ship with costs. The i'lainliffa, however. al)• pealed nskin; for n reversal of the decision or for :u n(w trial. After some delay the aplrea1 w15 afliguell at l:oderirh on the 101h inst. Ind judre 1110111 141 crud. ltis /loner •Judge Holl has mince .ritcn out his deci- sion dismissing the npl.enl with costs main in favor of the 'foe' whip. At the trial 11, 1', illair of Gcderich hl.• Peered for Il;e plaintiffs and J. 0. eitanbnry, of Exeter fol the Towni- ship, while upon Ole et'zument of the atoseal. W. 1',otidfoot. K. C. was for the plaintiffs, the Township having the aline ('otrnsnl ns at the trial, �i•e1sOA=i. Saw Ike The Kill Yu Ilfra Mtn esti !fiestas of The Raising of the School Flag. rhe rairing of the tlag presented by the teachers and pupil. of the Exeter. England public schools to our school took place on Tuesday evening and was an event long to be remembered both by the older people who witness- ed the affair and the children of the school. Shortly after seven o'clock the par- ade formed in front of the poetoftice and marched to the school• grounds. In line were Mr. N. D. Iitiedon as marshal!, the Exeter band, a squad of soldiers. two sons of Mr. Hurdon dressed in white naval costume, the immense flag and pictures, :a 'number of school children. followed by the town council, school hoard, lflt'emen and a number of citizens in carriages. At the grounds a photo :of the large assemblage was taken hy Mr. Senior, after which the ceremony of raising the flag was proceeded with Mr. Ar- thur Long, a former resident of old Exeter hoisted the bunting to the top of the flagstaff. The rope was then handed to Reeve Dobler. and after a few pulls the flag was unfurled to the wind and saluted with three volleys hy the soldiers while the:band played the national anthem. Reeve Dobler was then /called upon and in a short address thanked the people of Exeter for the loyalty they had (shown in turning out in such large numbers to assist in the unfurl- ing of the flag of the greatest empire in the world. Rev. D. W. Collins, Rector of the Trivitt Memorial church was then called upon. Mr. Collins referred to the occasion as a unique one and a fitting manner in which to recipro- cate itho I,*ererous attitude of the neonle of the ofdcity of Exeter. Enz• land, 'who had sent the flag. The ex- change of Ylage he said, was a sen. timent of loyalty and devotion and inspired a spirit of patriotism. The Union Jack in itself Is an. emblem of unity of the three countries which formerly made 'up the British Em- pire. There aro (three crosses, the cross of 8t. Geerr;e, adapted during the reign of Edward III; the cross of St. Andrew, white upon blue, 'the emblem of Scotland and incorporat- ed on (the flag In 1707 and the (cross of t. Patrick. red upon white. In- co porated in 11801. These ,three croasea constitute (the ono flog to- day that elands for the unification of tho .'greatest empire in the /world. One. of;nificant feature of the flag is that ell the crosses arc .united in a ena;nifieent ~Wapner. The two small islands of three countries, en- tirely isolated (have (!tie fla; float- ing over ;the navy that controls the entire world. Britain, lie Raid. was the country +that ,gave us the free- dom which eve now enjoy. 1 Which abolished slavery end did more for the ndvnncement of Christianity than any other /nation. •The friar wassymbolic of ttTree of the most in- teresting clseses of people, unsur- pnascd to-dny. Ile referred ito 4he Anzio axon, with their bravery itnd Fkill, the careful and Sheena Scotch, and the keen, penetrntin; and sen- sative people of Ireland. the greatest combination of races ever known. The erase is significant of something else -the 'greatest Trent in the his- tory of lthe world -it is the emblem of Jesus Christ. Mr. Collins spoke very kindly of the soldiers, referring to the forefathers who had fought on the battlefield and en the water to win for 11a the heats. ties of the freedom which wo now en- joy and to protect the honor of the flog emblematic of our country. The occasion he said was one that should be remembered by all and that the boys and girls should carry away with then) the imprer)ions of the twenty and greatness of our empire and to honor the flag that flies unfurl- ed a silent guardtan of the peace and unification of our beautiful country. Mr. Collins wail heartily cheered at at the close of his address. The patriotic song, written by Mr. N. Dyer Hurdon and set to music by Prof. William Brawn was then sang by the school children. Owing to the lateness of the hour Revs. Martin and Fear asked to be excused from nicking any remarks. Mr. Fleminir, principal of the school was the next speaker end said It was a proud moment for the Exeter school and thanked the Reeve and others for their untiring efforts in assisting in the undertaking. He Raid this event would be the means of nuking for Exetera history of which it would feel proud. ile had investigated the matter and could notfind where such an exchange of flags hull ever taken place and felt confldent that other ace) would take up the precedent nd stake similar exchanges, but at Pi a all events Exeter would foo down on the records as the first place to show such tangible patriotism. The school I would prize the flag and the beautiful pictures would he hung on the walla of the school to be admired with pride. OOIN(i ON Ttit'ltSl)AY. After five most atrccessfitl weeks in Exeter, Prof. O'Brien will leave for his third annual visit to Stratford on I Thursday next. Those who hav e not yet consulted him will do well to do so I at once, ail this will be their laid; chance to consult such an eminent; Phrenologist and Palmist in their i own town, During his visit bete, es • well as everywhere else he has visited he has gained the confidence of the public by his n.ost truthful and scien- tific examination of both head and hand, Parente should not neglect bringing their children. !Iia ofllce is ' at. the Central hgEel. Hours 10 to 10. Children halt price. �7Al�TOXL AIL. INN 6.41:1 M �1Ae hind Yle Nate 1Ma119ttlyltf Locals. Don't forgot 1'rof. O'Brien's lecture tonight. -Mrs. Drown, of Marlette. Mich. is visiting her mother Mrs. Thos. !lis sett, Ir. Mr. Clifford Spackman Inas off duty this week owing to 1n attack of pleurisy. Mr, and Mrs. E. harry. of Culloden visited at the home of Mr. J. 11. Scott last neck. Apprentices for Dressmaking Wattled. Apply to 'Miss Toni ' over Snell & Itowe's. 3 w. Miss Mary Gidlcy spent n few days the former part of this week visit- ing friends in Myth. Mr, Fred McDonell and family, of Mensal1 were the _guests: of Mr. John Hawkshans on Sunday. Mr. and Dirs. II.Stattam, of Acton arn visiting friends and relatives in town for a couple of weeks. Miss Iltizel Browning, Lsylm been attending Whitby Cedlege returned home for her holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur INneh and ne tliew Harold of Sarnia are the 'guest; of their daughter, Mrs. .7. W. Pow- ell. Dr. Neil. of betroit, and Miss Car day (he guests of Mrs. John Thatch -- list. of Luca!), spent last 'Sun' Miss Hattie Eollick derives this s%risteiti:kt. for the Bend where, where idles will spend the slimmer eith her Mr. nnd Mrs. j. Brooks nttended Pie funeral of die infant son tif Mr and, Gauld, of /Benson, on Toes day last. '1'1,1iF49 Annie Fish, who lies been n her home here for the p'ast meek lef hfnodny evening for London, where she will visit friend'. Mrs. M. L. Iloose,lformerly of Lon don, who visited here 'during the past week, left yesterday for her future home at Allinny N. Y. Oa account of the vnrious tittrac thine on Tuesday evening \the lecture by Prof. O'Brien was postponed un this (ffhursdaY) evening. Mrs. Samuel PopleStone, Blyth Was ;filled here on 'Monday evening owing to the illness of her 'nether,. The Hensall laundry has establish - a branch oflice at Ed. Willie' barber shop. Any orders left there will re- ceive prompt attention. Prof. and Madame O'Brien's daugh- ter:in:la*. Mrs. F. Crowley and Mas- ter Eddie Crowley. of Toronto, are their guest at the Central hotel, Mre. G. A Young, nee Edith Beer, gave a reception to a number of her friends at the home of her parents, Wednesday eveinng of last week. Mrs. Monroe this week received a beautiful benr skin from her brother in-law Mr. James Monroe, of Roblin Man. The bear %ens shot on Mr. Monroe's own ranch. hlr. and Mrs. E. Follick leave 'to- day for a trip West visitinz friends in San Francisco, 13erkley. Vancouv- er'. New NVestrninster. alley will 0140 visit avills their son Edgerton ot has hns liev. Dr. Bannon. of Chatham. for- mer pastor of the Jamee etreet church, arrived in toWn Tuetelay morning for the purpose of shipping his furniture, which lins been stored here for some time, to Gondon.wheTe4 he intends to reside. Word has been teceived brie :M. 1101Inein 1 he marriage of Mr. Fraisk Willis, of Setin;side, a former 'resi- dent of Exeter, to Mi!,M Andernon of the flame place. The Times extends heartiest congratulations. Methodist church and E 11. Been, of the Crediton Esengelical church ex- changed pulpits last Sunday evening This was Bev. Bean's first opportun- ity of preaching in this church and his sermon was greatly appreciated. 0ii Tuesday even:tag last the lip - worth league of the :fames Street it611 It) Dr. and Bonk( on and Mr. niid Mra, W. S. Cole svho have just lately retuned, from a 'honey - mon') trip. A splendid program eon, after which ice cream ard li411( Mr. Arthur Davis sustained .1 bad- bY fallitsz Irons 1 hoard on which he Wai working last week. Ile was painting }souse ot the time and had the hoard r^sting on the tilde of (he eree, nround elect' some vines were growing. In ecane manner 1ho • e of flintier slipprd throwing him ir'es vily to ;the sr ousel. causing the injuries. Mr. Davit wne laid up in 4 OPENS SEPT. 2 Ihut is now tbre to set oround withi $I.00 • Per year in advance. JUNE WANTS Screen Doors, fancy ones Screen Windows Gasoline Stoves Farmers Scales, weighs from t oz to 250 lbs ....6.5o Lawn Mowers Washing machines Garden Trowels Ready Mixed Paint .... Varnish Stains .... Paris Green, Bug Finish and Spray.e.r.s5. zo, 15 and 20 We do Earetroughing, Furnace Work and Plumbing . 10 BEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE ti Corn and Mangold I You can get the following for Fodder and Ensilage 3:c White Cap, YeLlow Dent Improved Leaning Yellow and White Sweet Corn. II We Have* Four Varieties 1 Yellow Intermediate, MANGOLDS Mammoth Long Red Danish Improved Sugar Mangold. l• T HAWKINS & SON t Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire. What About the•Tp.to.Date Store Goods? They are alright; the lowest; the cheapest; the hest. What's' the use of the house -keeper or hired girl sweating to bake, Pat send to the UP-TO-DATE STORE and you can get all you need. Sardines, ,Salmons, Dates, Prunes. Breakfast Foods and all the different kinds of Fancy Cakes, 121 and 15c per It). Soda Biscuits in bulk and boxes'. Cheese. Almost everything an 1:1) to date store If you are a little late with house cleaning do not let it matter. We have still some wall paper and lace curtains Now that the hot weather is here there is a lush for something cool to wear. Well we have it, ready for you to put on. Call and see our Ready-made Clothing for men and women, Don't forget to give us a call. We are sure we can plt•ase. D. COB1E3L,EIDICK EXETER NORTII. f $35 Columbia Disc Phonograph and $t 5 worth of records been used 1 $25 Columbia Cylinder Phonograph and 12 records 24.00 t Rex Disc Phonograph and 2 records Records for cylinder and disc machines in stock Call, See and Hear the kind you like The PURITY illFG7 CO., a " "„x„Pi de is: g I Fall bed for ieveral days in eonerquence.1 at n cane. The annual people's picnic was held in Wm Kernick'e grove on Thursday, Jinx eoth. in the afternoen. The slay WWI everything that cosild be desired rind shortly after I o'clock a large and enthuviestic crowd began to gat her to enjoy the sporte. %OIL!' consisted of races, football. etc. The children's races which were nemeroliss, were itn- der the supervision of Mies Horton. teacher of 8, No. 5 and to whom inech err dit 14 due for the manner in which t heels contetes were carried The lerger reees were contested for very strongly by the older people and ceused much merriment end leughter. The rare!) over. the holies repaired to the tehles, where an ebendance of provisions were served to satisfy :the inner man. After tea an eliciting game of foothell was played between two chosen team) and was "watched with intereet by both old and youn The sport- being over all left with the expressions of having had a good lime This management during the past year trained over Two dies and Hundred , An young la - men, as 2UU steno- graphers, bookkeep- ers and telegraphers, and placed them in excellent situations in leading Comedian and American : Individual instruction. Write for catalogue. MINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 0E0. SPOTTON, Principal. are popular only ill liospitas. Busi- ness men and etrenefilis workeis heves no need of them. If yolk get, ono though, (lent thrtm away, len come to us and get. it firull. We have PILLS FOR COA1 El) TON011ete and it wouldn't be s I.a41 idea to buy box of Howey's Stomach and Liver don, biliousness or A had (lad may coat the tongue. Oat pills will cure it. Only Zic ig.x, Chemist, and Optician. EX KIER ON TA RIO.