Exeter Times, 1907-06-27, Page 6LUMBAGO. This distressingly painful affection is muscular rheumatism boated in the It,rgo muscles of the loin. The attack usually comes on quite suddenly, sometimes seizing the eutfer- Pr in the middle of a walk without the sligtiteet premonition. The pain is in- kiise, and is increased by the siighte:'t emotion of the body. The victim of lumbago or any other krm of muscular (rheumatism becomes painfully aware of the fact, which per- haps he had not before realized, of .he great tlexiMlity of the body, and of the Intimate relation between the different • orilsc seems tn! s- b cd• t Iso ofthe , parts y F 1 sale for him to make any motion whatever, of the head or of the arms, without feeling a sharp twinge in the bock. Ile dare not turn in bed, lift his bead, or even raise his arms, for every movement seems to be originated and performed by the sore back muscles. Them may be a little swelling of the affected region, but usually there is no external sign of the great welt of mis- ery lying just beneath the skin. 1 he pain lasts a few days or a week, and may Then disappear as rapidly as it dune. although there is often consid- erable soreness or an occasional twinge tier a lay or two. Lumbago may be distinguished from pain in fhe back due to other causes t'y the fact that the agony is extreme whenever the slightest. movement is made, and is absent or at least bear- able when the patient lies perfectly quiet in bed, and also that the muscles are tender when gentlysqueezed. The q affection is more common in men than in women, and attacks adults chiefly. the muscular rheumatism of chil(Iran taking the form usually of wryneck. \Vhy this should be so it is difficult to say. Lumbago occurs more frequently to gouty persons, although that is no ex- planation, since we do not know why lite loins should suffer in gouty indi- viduals more than the muscles of the neck. In mild cases the drinktng of an abun- dance of water, to which some baking- sr:da is added, may give a measure ( 1 relief. Gentle rubbing of the parts with a cloth dipped in ammonia and hot water will often mitigate the (suf- fering, and after the rubbing a cloth wet with this solution may be laid on the paras and covered with a hot-water bot- tle The diet should be light, without - meat or highly seasoned food, and especially without beef tea or meat broths of any kind. 'fhe bowels should le kept open. Orme who is subject to lumbago should to careful to avoid a chill, and should live frugally, avoiding the use of much 'treat or highly seasoned food in his eict, and drinking only plain water or milk. Sometimes the attacks are prevented or made less frequent by the wearing of a broad flannel belt over the under- clothing. -Youth's Companion. A GREAT TRIUMPH. GAINED BY DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS FOR PALE PEOPLE. The Doctors o1 Motu.. Clemens Insti- tute Prove the Value of These Main the (:ase of Mr. S. Harris, Govern- ment Inspector of Elevators at Ila/nilton, Ont. From the Star, Dundas, Ont. SUMMER WEATHER, 1816 A FAIL OF SNOW IN Ti1E CITY OF QUEBEC IN JUNE. Starves( Was Fairly Plentiful- Drought Caine In October Then Severe Frost. We are much pleased to see Mr. S. Ilarris, the well-known Government in- spector of elevators of Hamilton, to Dundas the other day, greatly Unproved a•1 health and appearance since the lost time wo met him. As is known to taany of the Star readers, Mr. Ilarris has recovered from a long and severe illneas, and is now quite able to attend his usual duties. From this long ill- ness many predicted Mr. llarris would %- � nithat he Ls a ► the fail 'ecovcr, and ter once more able to go around very near- ly as spry as he did before he was at- tacked, is little less than tnurvellous to them. In reply to our reporter, Mr. Ilarris related the early stages- of the attack and subsequent sufferings which he ex- perienced, and while he did not court publicity, decided that in the public in- terest he would relate the circumstances of this wonderful cure. About fourteen months ago Mr. Harris woko up one morning with a stiff neck; try es he would, and after applying all 111e reme- dies externally that he could hear er think of, he was unable to get rid t f it The stiffness moved to the spine and shouklers, then to his hips, until it made almost a cripple of hien, and it was with extreme difficulty that he could get out of bed at all. As for walking tl was out of the question with him. The attack became so bad that he Was unable to put on either his coat. vest or hat. From limo to Imre he called in various medical men, none ct whom were able to give him much relief. It was almost impossible for hint to raise his feet from the floor, and all pronounced his a severe case el muscular rheumatism, giving hien little encouragement as to his ultimate tc- covery, However, one medicalgentle- man entle-n:an finally recommended the baths. and as a last resort Mr. Ilarris decid- ed to follow his advice, and went to Mount Clemens, Mich. As is customary with all patients, Mr. Harris had to undergo a thorough examination In order to determine if the system can stand this rigorous treatment. After several examinations had been made as to Mr. Harris' condition, the phy- sicians there finally decided that t e was not suffering from muscular rheu- ►nalisnt at all, but that his ailment was cr the nerves, and told htin that the baths would do him little or no good; that he required altogether different treatment. A r. llarris placed himself in the hands of one of tho physicinns there, and what seemed quite strange to hint, they did nothing for him but administer medicine in the shape .1 gilts. Shortly after ho coninfenced this treatment he began to improve percep- tibly, and his appetite greatly improv- ed Ho began to walk around slowly et first, but soon was able to get around more than he could for a year previous. He was able to put on his coat and vest, and began to feel like his former !self. Iris Improvement was sa rapid and perceptible not only to himself, but to others, that he was plied with all sorts of questions as' I.) his wonderful rcoovery. The medical attendant wens questioned as to the na- ture of the, medicine which was being administered. Mu :h to the surprise .1 Mr. Harris and other patients there, he was told that it was a well known Canadian remedy, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and was advised to continue Meir use for a time on his return home. Mr. Harris is loud in his praise of the won- derful curative qualities of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. end consented to make his case public In the hope that he :night benefit others similarly auricled. Mr. Harris las long been a resident of Hamilton, being a well-known builder of elevators, as well as Government in- spector of the same, so that his prom- inence and well known n integrity is evidence that he is sincere in the statements tie made. PROPER TREATMENT OF BURNS. In cases of burns death may be due Drat to asphyxia; secondly, to shock, and thirdly, to septicemia, says the London hospital. 'fho medical man seldom gels to the case in time to treat the first condition; the second is essentially a general con- dition, while the whole success in pre- venting the third depends upon the immediate local treatment. 1t is there- fore the last condition %phial must le a nsidered here. Among the public it is a generally accepted idea that the thing to do in the case of a burn is :o Aust flour over it or to cover it with cal, and indeed, even An some compara- tively late text beaks on surgery a mix- ture known as "Carron oil" is advocat- ed. The use of such applications cannot be fere strongly deprecated, and indeed if UK lay mind could be taught that the hest thing to put on a burn before the &,eter Ls culled is a hot compress which Should contain some boracic acid, if there is any In the house, It Is probable that the majority of deaths due to F.ep- ticremta after burns would be prevent- ed. For t1e'wh ale aim and object of Ilio kcal trentment ts to prevent sepsis; flour and olive oil may be soothing end may allay the pain, but there is no antiseptic prcbrerty in thein; Anther 11:ey are excellent culture media kr bacterin. Owing to the backward and unusually cold spring we have experienced this year, a good deal has been heard al --mut previous cold springs or summers, while tha year 181G has been quuttvl as a year which "there %vas no summer at all." That perlicular year does appear to have been somewhat abnormal In its climatic conditions, but still, as a whole, there was u fairly good season. SNOW IN JUNE. A Quebec newspaper, the Gazette, of June 6, 1816, has the following : half- 12, ck till a P "From 1 1 o'clock this day, the sixth of June, there tans been au uninterrupted tall of snow in this city." August 22nd, 1816, the same paper saki :--"The weather sinco the be- ginning of this month has been uncom- monly favorable for the fruits of the earth of every description. Ott Thursday it great deal of rain fell, which thi'eh- tened sortie hurt ; but yesterday the sky became clear, with a pleasant breeze, which has removed the bad effects of the rain. Contrary 10 expectation the wheat harvest will in some districts be very abundant, and in other; at least 1 mid- dling crop. In this vicinity the reaping will be general next week. In the Enst- ern Townships a great deal of wheat is unready cut and secured, the grain of astonishing weight. The occusional rains have been beneficial for the pas- ture lands. Upon the whole. the farmer was never more agreeably disappointed. be the Si4I11U nifty ) � o learn Weora a t nappy PY said of Upper Canada. There, as well as here. hay is, however, far short of en ordinary crop. Tho quality of flour at St John's Is great. Price sixty shil- lings." DItOUGiIT, TIIEN FROST. On October 10th, 1816, the same paper sus :-"Since the first week there has been a continued drought to the end of the month ; the weather has generally been very hazy, attended with cold winds ; on the 11111 n severe frost was experienced; the 19th and twentieth were extremely warm; the 26th, 27th and 28th, the frost was so severe as to complete the destruction of the potato crop, %Ode ll escaped That of the lilt►. The effect of such unseasonable weather lies been particularly felt by all the standing crops, which are in a backward stale, requiring warmth and ram to bring than to maturity. The wheat in the north and west part of the district, which remained at the date of our last report, has been housed and is very fine. There still remains out through the dis- trict a quantity of oats, a great portion of which cannot ripen and must be cut for forage. The early peas have been got in ; the quantity is great, but the samples will not be generally good, there being nearly one-third that were not perfectly ripe.... The Indian corn was destroyed by the frost of the itch; it is doubtful whether seed may be ob- tained for another year. . . . The po- tatoes cannot be rated at more than halt a crop. The meadows have made little progress since they were mowed ; the country has seldom witnessed so grent a want dt green food for feeding of stock as has been experienced this summer." — A MOTHER'S GRATITUDE. Nurses' 4 Mothers' Treasure ..haw mediae. for baby. L_— bar 50ysw.. Fk.t composed by Dr. P. E Pima ia 1655. Makes Baby Strom Rococo tis We ovum to pest bc. k Giro noted sleep, without rao.t is opium or odor inutigot drtgt' w Atdrw.irtt' 23r.. Croatia I.2S. Pi.rm.ID,a&Gb..iPtCa. Moaw1 IIEAi:III iIINTS. Hot water taken between meals is Rood Inc nervousness. Glycerine aids digestion. and is fre- quently prescribed for it. A teaspoon - tut after meals Is taken by many. Ilot milk, heated to as high a tem• pernlure as it can be drunk, is a most fcfreshing stimulant in cases of cold err over -fatigue. Its action is very quick tend grateful. The effect of hot milk is fat more beneficial and lasting than that of alcohol. 11 gives real strength, as well as acting ns a fillip. 11 is said that the most nauseous phy- sie may be given to children %vitheot +trouble by prew'1•,usty letting them take a peppermint lozenge, a piece of alum, ter a bit of orange peel. Many people snake the mistake of giving n sweet af- i( rwards to lake away the dLsagreeabte (este; it is far better to destroy it :n She first instance. Small doses of Cod-liver oil ore very Trrctul for children who catch cold easily. They should be given two :r (three times n day, directly atter food. It is a great mistake to give large doses of cont -fiver oil; they are not digested, 'and really do more harm than good. 'they create disgust, and genernlly lead Is this medicine being given tip alfa' gel her. Some folks aro tontine111y ltnving sere throats. \Vhen, despite all precnu• tions, an attack teems imminent, you should dip the welled finger into bak- ing-soda. ak•ingi;soda. end rub CACI) tonsil well with This every hour or two. Many ntaeks r.ny be cut short thus. A rough dry PO -eking. or n clefh wrung out of Ice. 4'4.'4 sow 1414 r wrapped mutat the neck, and tut rr d Q illi enmeltling dry won for n tuaght w olI .J l goiiiJ. IHOW MARBLES ARE MADE. Most of the stone innrbles used by toys aro made in Germany. The refuse tnly of the marble and agate quarries is employed, and this is treated in such fi way that there Is practically t:o bane. Men and boys are employed 10 freak the refine atone into small cubes, 'and wf1h their hammers they acquire a marvellous dexterity. The little cubes are linen thrown into a mill con- sisting of a grooved b'vl.stone and a 'e - :allying runner. \Vater Is tett to the inill and the nmlvr is rapidly resolved while 'the friction does the rest. .n half an hour the mill is e,topped and n bushel or so of perfectly rounded 'marbles are taken out. The whole pro- cess costs the merest tripe. India's revenir' Is now $245,000,000, and exceeds expenditure by nearly $10,- 000,0U0. 10;0110,0(10, Mrs. V. Cheoret, of St. Penolt, Que., writes as follows: "It Is with feelings o! the deepest gratitude that 1 %write to tell you what Baby's Own 'Tablets have done for my baby. When 1 I e - gen giving hire the Tablets he was so thin and wasted that he looked like n skeleton. His digestion was poor; he was constipated and cried day and night. I got a lax of Baby's Own Tab- lets and from the first they did hien a great deal of good. Elis food digested better; his bowels worked regutnrly; his steep was natural; lie slopped crying and began to grow fat. I got another hox and stn happy to say before they were alt used he WAS in hrfect health and is now a plump, rugged child. 1 always keep a box of Tablets in the house and would advise other mothers to do the Fame." The above ts a fair sample of hundreds of letters that tome from all parts of Cnnnda prais- ing Baby's Own Tablets. The 'tablets cure all the minor ills of babies and young children. and are absolutely sate, as they do not contain one per. tick of opiate or norcolic. Sold lv nsedirine dealers or by mnil at 25 cents n box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. New York is rapidly catching London in point of population. She now blasts of 3.437.000 people, while the latest figures give Londen, 4,336,541. 11 Will Prslong Life. -De Seta, the Spaniard, kost his life In the wilds of Florida, whither he went for lire, pug• pogo of discovering the legendary "Fountain of perpetual youth," said le exist in I111i1 then unknown country. While Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will fot perpetuate youth. it will remove the bodily pains which make the young chi before their lime 01)41 harass the jnto this roofin question Get book 00 •'goof in Right" and see how little risk you take when you roof any y building with OSflAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES So11uader a plain GUARANTEE • that keel your roof good for 26 W Ms decent care, an Oshawa - led roof will last a CENTURY. asy o Put On With a hammer and a snipe (tinners' shears anybody can 1 l put Oso✓ w S hi les on : I• �f Shingles Ir perfectly. Locked on all four aides—see the side lock? It drains the shingles so that • water can't seep under. Top to c k (see below) makes whole roof practi- cally one piece and sheds water quick. Made in one grade only=?8-gguunge semi -toughened steel, double -galvanised (saves painting) thriorwegt po.abt sue ,rev 1: r couldn't you io value PEN-ANGL maranteea Underwear C.r (shrink :.or stretch nor bind nor bulge; out- lasts other kinds; and is sold with a guatantec that insures you against any possible fault. Trade -marked like this is red as ere sign of value. Made in many fabrics and styles, at various prices, in form. fitting sizes for women, men and children. ! -YOU r3 13 1F I _.. i f: N �� �� � business write wont a %%, tau nus e us ; large lists ; hotels, livery stables, stores, and others, 'I the Minton Mansell Co., business brokers, Saskatoon. OZ� 31131111C1 AT Toa Cream of the KOOTENAY It you aro Intended In Prult Lands writs for our bookie,. Ila IYRI)L nsINIRMID a lcNARDY, M.'4•ea, Q.C. WANTED. FIFTY MI -ART GIRLS for our spinning, !, wfndlnK and weaving reon, (7o,d w rSes steady employment amiptea:ant surroundings. Tares paid, Appy, giving full particulars, tv TORONTO CARPET MPO. CO., Toronto. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COM PHI UNITED. ppreni . River and Gulf of Stl taw IUI1� `` Wind - water - and - f ire - PROOF. Keep buildings safe from MAGISTRATE CriIED rev Z.tN-DCK. Magistrate Perry, of Goldfields. has teen cured by 'latieltuk of a skin din - case, which had defed doctors for five years. Ile says; - "Gentlemen, -After n very fair trial 1 lave proved Znm•Ruk eminently sntis- fnetory. 1t cured nae of a ekiri disease of five years Mending. which no dee. ler hail been Able to do any good for. Zam-Ruk certainly dors even more Ihnn you clnrin for 1t. and for my own part, I would not be without i1 ht my house. "'ours truly. "ROGER F. PERRY. "Justice of the Pence," Zion -Ruh is a sure cure for all skin talres. sore feet, Insect bites, lenient.), blisters, heat -rashes. eczema, ulcers, etc. 11 alma cures pike. varicose ulcers, bad leg. All druggists and stores sell at 50e. n box or mailed post free from Zane Ruk ('.n•, Toronto. for price. 6 boxes $2.50. Send 1e. stamp for Irtat box. aged into untimely graves. NOT STiLL., NOR SMALL. "When you do something you know is wrong doesn't a stilt, small voice keep reminding yeti et it eternally?" "A still. small voice! I guess you never met my wife, did your' Lightning. Cost only 4.50 a square (10 ft. x 10 ft.) Send for book- let and learn ow little a RIGHT `roof costs.��y3 Address ThePPYO ALE Of Oshawa Montreal Ottawa std- Craig R. W. d211 Sussex St. Toronto Loado• 1W I�1 ft Iep i g Velery Dundee 1 MR Lombard Pt. lig Peale et. 1lis Lordship -"Whatever could yo Lave been thinking of to steal the sheep?' The Prisoner -"i dunno, my lord; 1 must ha' been wool-gatherin'." Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Renew Iron 55 lights, electric bells and all nr*.ana," with atrll ,i.rn comforts. 8A11.5 )!ROM \lostfREAL ON MONDAYR at lm., and and 17th June, lit, isth sad 10th July, !tab and $44b Atq gurt. .th and 2S4d S.ptamber, and fortnightly thr.►eter far Ptotou,U- leg at Quab.., Oasp., Mal Ray, Parva, Cape cove, praad Pi•sr, Euro .r,lde, P.li.L, and Chariot. town, PILL BERMUDA Phittl.OUS ARCTIC JOURNEY. :rltler'a Long Dog Sled Drive to Save les NYfe's Lite. Uotvn (coni the north co111e6 another the fine stories of love and enduronco 'utt lend to the silent northern places uc•h warm human interest, says the ': innipeg cerresp n dent of the St. Paul Dispatch. The story is of ono James P. ,nlbrailh, who brought his sick wife solo Dawson by dog team from the Duly 'an district -a distance of 175 miles. %frs. Galbraith became seriously ill some veeks age. There was not a doctorany- :dtero in the remote camp, and heroic steps were necessary. Galbraith Was nut 1 pian to hesitate because ofdistance enc of or tbstacics. g trained dogs in the camp, he carefully s,lOcod Moa. Galbraith in the basket neigh, and with the crack of the whip \vim oft on the long rue early in the morning. The first day cut they made sixty oilers. 1l was a fairly good trail. but no- thing comfortable or enjoyable for a r wwuuinn suffering Ili., pontis of illness. The dogs did nobly and- trotted along almost every step o1 dile way. The mal r ( t streams were bcl,uut ng _t, runwater. At cleat' creek the water was a foot and a halt deep and 200 feet wide. There was lie way to make the crossing but to ,twins the dogs. Tho intrepid masher ,wrapped his wife easefully in canvas Ind made the binding so that bhe was -: urtually in a targe canvas bag. Then he dogs were given the lash and headed oward the opposite shore. Galbraith .wailed behnid. but the dogs tied to swim 4044 (draw the sleigh. The old faithfuls did their work splen - tatty and carte out panting on the shore (boost exhausted, bet soon hint their breath and were again hot footing it •Iww•n the trail, Galbraith bounding along behind lifting his 195 pounds and drying his wet extremities by vigor of his exer- tion and his brisk circulation. Between ' Govern - Sumner n- 'r M\ 1 HI h ct the n \IcQueslen and b Saramer F.:cerlons, ant, by the new Twin Screw 1e1se d1se. !Mille; Mb and 19th June, Srd,4tr..sid i�tth nd 11August.hlSeptember, a. 18thItth Uatiherfib,ltthalth Novena. Isom Temperature (tooled by sea btsesas N1dom its., AS ,,. N d.v..s. Tba aae,l trips of the season for health and sotrr..rt. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. A. E. OUTEN�IDGr1E.A CO., Agents, tO Broadway, Use the safe, pleasant and effectunl %term killer, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator; nothing equals i1. Pro- cure a bottle and tuke it borne. Germans eat more bread than any other European nation. The German consumption is 11% pound per head a week, or ►pore than one-third greater than odors. ilnve you tried Holloway's Corn Cure? Ii has no equal for removing these troublesome excrelences as many have testiliett who have tried 1t. Boy Passenger (lo porter) ---"i say, how mutat longer are we going to wait at this station? I've been here an hour already." Porter -"That's nothing, my sen. I've been here fifteen years." A MACHINE FOR WOMEN Should le the t ot nbtentable. The Singer and \Vheeler & \*, iLoni sewing machines are acknee Inlg'd the light• est running, moat du;::ble and conveni- ent of nay. look kr ibe Ite•d S. Singer S' wing Machine Co. Write us at Male moll Chambers, Toronto, for set of Itird Cards free. M1::. R. --"l suppose you find your (Infighter very much improved by her two years' stay at collrp(•?'' Mrs. Proud -Mother --"1.11, yes. Mary Elim beth ie a carnivorous render new, aryl she frequently impnverlshcs music. But she ain't n bit stuck up --she's nnnni- r:ous to everybody, nn' she never kee,,s a caller %w•nitin' for her to dress: she Just runs in novo do plume. an' yon know 11181 makes one feel so Com - f .rtable'." - Austria-Hungary has nn fewer Ihnn (11 - teen distinct races within her honors. In Austria itself are aver 11,(100.00n Ger- flume. and it is their hostility In thin• gory that makes the situation so dan- gerous. r MiGHT HELP SOME. "Bodkin says he has discovered n new asthma cure." "Ile ought to experiment with II nu scone of tno,e• wheezy old jokes of his." 4 li 1•, II 1 i; 1 ,, v' til, 150-ves A Lot of Bother The starch that needn't be cooked.. that won't stick .. that gives a bril- liant gloss with almost no iron -effort -isn't that the starch you ought to have there use on your clothes? Buy it by name.. your dealer sells R. 101 A tt meat trail cut lust hill, waS the course of !ravel. Had it not leen built there would have been no means of getting to Dawson and a death perhaps would have :a be recorded because of the enforced isolation of this particular season. Through the heart of a deep forest this 'hew trail passes, winding among the, foothills and above the gulches and •reeks, and it was while passing through This remote wilderness that deep baying of a baud of wolves was heard by Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith. The dogs were not allowed to tarry then and they scarcely needed the warning of the anxious driver and feeble sufferer. The second ,lay nut sixty guiles mere was made, and that brought tho travellers to Dominion +'etch, From there it was a good road. Incl Dawson was reached. They Never Knew Failure. --Careful observation of the effects of Parmelee's Vegetable ('ills has shown that they act immediately en the diseased organs 01 the system and stimulate Thein to healthy action. 'i'here may be cases in which the disease has been long feat- e,t and does not easily yield to medi- cine, but even in such cases these Pills have peen known to bring relief when al other so-called remedies have failed. These assertions can be substantiated by many who have used the Pills, and medical men speak highly of their qua- lities, "Vett certainly look better; you must have followed my (Maim and had a change." "lees, (teeter, so 1 have," "Where did you go?" "I went to ano- ther physician." AWFUL. Mrs 'i'niketise: "Mrs. Chatter is n dreadful gossip." \hr;. luiger : "Is she?" Mrs. Talkative : lees. indeed. \Vhy you can't 1011 her anything scandalous Minot anybody that she doesn't know already." ISSUE NO. Y.i- Y7. 'there is 5 per cent. of water in sugar, 13 per cent. 111 rice, and no less than 1'1 er cent. in col'11age. A Great Combination. " Teryrorize " the beet Ionic all who are run ( down oruld be rout ken f sorts. all n•Itlbuilds up, git03I141/ lite. CI(BAM ; WEJT FhOUN A pure, hard Manitoba Rour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. STR0NG&WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEAJ.ERS EVERYWHERE VPPtlfD /LOUR AND FEED Il'RITE uS. WE ALSO MAKE 'QUEEN CITY' A BLENDED (LOUR THAT HAS GA11.1£0GREAT FAVOR AS A t:EnCRAL • HOUSEHOLD .ALL euarestS' FLOUR, • `lir CAMPBELL MI LUNGED. TORONTO el UNCTION '1 O N WILSON'S FLY PADS Owe packet has actually killed a bushel of Alen -- SOLD •V — DRUCCISTS, CROCERS AND DEMERAI STORES too. per packet, or a packets for 211e. will last a whole octagon. YOUR OVERCOATS sal raged Ault. ww11,1 look bettor 1'ye.1. If on sere .t .tam la your town, write dib act Montt a), ltua 110 ••1TIIH AMLRIOAM DYEING CO. MADE IN CANADA Complete Launches 2 and 4 Cyclo, Lnslnee HAMILTON - MOTOR- WORKS. Ltd. 11AMMILTON. 011T. COMFORTABLE WHEELS ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in htumnn or animate cured in 30 minutes by \Vol• frrd'e Sanitary Lotion. 1t never fails. Sold by all druggists. A recoil sponge, 10 feet In circumfer- ence and 2 feet thick, was found a tow year; ago by some sponge -fishers oft the Bahama Islands. A Purely \'rgettible Pill, --f nrmelee's Vegetable Pills are compourated from roots, herbs and solid ex Inlets of known virtue In the treatment of lit' r and kidney complaints and in giving tone Io the system whether enfeebled 1,y overwork or deranged through es- c..saes in living. They require no testi- monied. Their excellent twenties ire well known to all those who hate used them and .they oommcnd themselves to dyspeptics find those subject to bilious - nese who are in quest of a beneficial medicine. "\Vint kind of a looking man is that chap Gabblelon? 1 don't believe 1 have met hien." "Well, if you See two nien in n corner. and one of them k,oks bored to death, the outer one is Gabbleton 1" Many Thinks are due from the proprietors at We.k•er's Comte to friend, who have written to tell of the hunters, scall headind other skin (Rotates.uloss Fnrmer (engaging new hnndl: "All right, you can go and nitend to the nni• mals. 1 hope You'll Fuji me." N,•w !land: "That's all right, sir; I've had a Lit to do with pigs." 1f etock(d with cholera or summer complaint of nny kind send at once for A bottle. of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysen- tery Cordial and use It according to di• rectiona. 11 anis with wonderful ra- pidity in subduing that dreadhll itis - ease that weakens the strongest Testi and that destroys the young and deli- cnle. Those whet have used This Chol- era medicines `fay it acts promptly, and IDEver falls to effect a thorough cure. AT COMFORTABLE PRICES. NONE SO GOOD FOR COMFORT AND WEAR. TO THE FORE IN THE Aa Good as Ever. GREAT BICYCLE REVIVAL As Popular op Ever. The Clsvelartd, Massey "laver Ribbon", Perf•ot, lrantford, Imperial. Rambler and blue Flyer With Cushion Frame and Coaster Brake, "MADE TO SERF. AND StTISFY" On a'; F,dr- you hear. "Is the bicycle coaling bac k?" 1 tie un.,twer is all around yr 'i, It's ilere. .;teddy this season than the last tee .ens•,ns together. More wwhl-cls seta Canada Cycle and Motor MAKEIP: (►1' 1 H WO Rf.D'ti itc.sT Toronto Junction, Branches \\innipcp. nitrous er, Melbourne, • Co., Limited, Canada, Asst. BA IANCr_S WiINCJS ACCUINTS WHEN KEPT WITH US DRAW INTEREST AT FOUR PER CENT PER ANNUM,COMPOUNDED • QUARTERLY,. AND ARE M All TI MES SL:BJLCT TO CritQUE.