Exeter Times, 1907-06-27, Page 5s • :VILE EXETER TIMES, JUNE 27th 1907 Kirktone PoiIar SoodiforNow-- �� :Hiss Sar al( Loupe left un !'ucasda • D ) of last week fur tho West. eR,stof Season of week Marshall attending returned borne last ,55cck hour attcudin3 the \or- idol college at Hamilton. The t.'sborne Council has svou the TROUSERS IND WASU hearts of the liirktom proplo Hast I those living alone the 12th conees- UESTS FOR SUNNER e sion, by the manner in which they These worsteds are in blues and 1 are 1laviu3 the roads repaired. Thu gamymllttures.etccel in yyuality,beauty I[ a pant hunter pantless roadway en the hollow near Kirk' and finish anything of Oleic kind we � Is panting for pants and tinsels. end's on the 12th has been He panteth pantless ' graded and widened, and the hill at have ever shown. We are offering some beautifulUntil he implants himself into Kirkto►t cut down cotl,iderably. ' one of those fashionable pants ordered The anniversary services of .the Summer Suits for $io IatJ. toKirktou Alethodit church will take and upwards. 11. HOLTZMANN S place .text Sunday. W. 01. Kerr, Favored Worsteds A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we can not suit, we have yet to know of it. Big Clearing Sale of Grocery Stock editor of the Brussels cruet will Preach at both tuornin,3 and evening 1 child for these to overcome. and fin - ser vices. in-services. On (Monday July 1st .a ally we were obliged to •otten a Picnic t'4% iii he held in se. Jiirk'e. doctor. ile 'treated the little one for grove. The Kirk tort b:Ind 1% ill '.bot some .1 One, and •311 y(' %is piemcriptions, A Grateful Mot6er,s Message. '1.111-j1UK CL'itED IlElt CIIILD OF l'.CY,K %IA WHEN AI.14 E1.I E FAILED. Iu .gratitude for the ;teat frouefit her child received from the lege of VerineIluk. 'lbe pi('it herbal baler; Mrs. It. l;entlenetio of IWM) tit. Jartr.•s Street, iMont real, gave the follusv►n details +fur publication. She "nye "My little daughter Lydia. 2 )esry 'ryas troubled with eczema on her ebody and face for six menthe. Luring lint time we tried eevLr.11 edvertis::d t:cruediey but the tilis• ea.ie jh:1d loo %veil a bold we:r fie: -- 1 present ito furnish the music. t for various (salvers and n hlieinee. The Kirk ton and Woodham Or- \V(e tried theme and tried them ween aireemen will celebrate the 12th. of but kite child got no better. When July et St. 'Marys. i she got warm the itchin4 ,was 'ter• Airs. •Urquhard: had !Ile tmisfor- rible. and thee the pain ,macre her tune one day last week to recoivq cry and bo, very restless. One play a fracture of one of her limbi, which scomcbtx1Y y,trongly advised the to will compel her to remain in bed for . try Larn-link. .We obtained a enp. souse tiure. She was descending to PIS' find it W. really ,wmetertul 'how the cellar, where she missed her foots- the YkiII} Iluk cured the tACr1141, and lug and falling heavily on ono of gave almost instant relief. It 'crop - the steps caused the fracture. Mrs. Ped lthe itching. healed the aures and Mrs. Urquhart is nearly eighty years gave utmost instant relief. and in old, taut her many friend have hopes six weeks from first commencir.3 it of her recovery and ultimate rester, t lite child's kin Was :14 «moot! 11s ation lo health. when linen." s Our genial teacher, Air. T. W. '%:am -link eie compounded from rich 'Walker, lots a class writing at the Ist'(+ling. 'l1erb:11 es,encem. arid is an entrance examinations itt St. Marysider,1 natural combination of power this week. The following are writ- and rsurity, (suitable tux the delicate inz, John Manna, Earl Roadhouse. +skirl of infants. Thomas Hazelwood, Nellie liazlecwood For t,ummer skin troubles. sore and Maggie Shier. Mr. \VaPker is fret, 'teaset artistes. chafing gores. very conservative about allosying his bruises, ulcers, ;tbiceses, ekiri crup- pupils to try ars exatuin:ltion and ex• bort,,. scalp pores, Yarn-Ituk re un- pects everyone of those writing to equalled. It also cures piles. -All pass with hill mar ks to 1 heir cred- (lru3eiHt8 !Intl stores at. 50c. a box. WOODI-tiro it. or from %ani -link Co.. g'ternetto --- The Reps! Seed Cass.— 11uad Ices for ••r c 6 I e $gall at Finkbeiner's Grocery We have decided to give up business and have 'educed the price on all our stock and are selling below cost. Do not buy before you see us as you will never get a better bargain. A call solicited. W. A. FINKBE1NER, Crediton. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• fi. MILLS, Millinery --Our stock of what we have left to clear out at half price. i ,r. sox s for 2.,► . hcen ';received by 'All'. Win. Leigh., The married men of Exeter have merchant of this piece drat the judze I1M1Ied a eeh:tlien;e to play the mar - We have 50 youth's two piece Suits to clear out a, what they cost us; also has given . his decision in Li, rind men, of Crediton. Announce - 'favor tits tho moss' celebrated; cease of tnrnt will b` made later ,when the Near saris Pants and odd Vests m tie by the Coppley. Noyes and Randall of Ham -Near 5i. Leigh, which w:ar( tried at .,lane 5s it ( !r� 1111yed. Ilton, they are good fitters. tit. 111ry3 on J51:arc11 71 11. Mr. Ne ar Youth's, boy's and men's fancy Straw Hats to clear out at 15c, 25c, and is to pay :all caste, which in view tij� Mc, each. of the large !ember of witnesses; Dashwood %Ve have some of those fancy Muslin !roods for dresses left yet, reg. 15c will be no small atnoul:t. It .will be remembered 'that. T110..i. Near clainte:1 We have in stock all kinds of Hardware—Turnip Hoes. long Shovels. that John Sutherland at (his re - Spades and Manure Forks—We sell as cheap as anyone else, you do not have request purchased some seed from to drive 10 miles to get there, we keep ail kinds in stock. Leielt .which he supposed was turnip seed Ihu1 which turned out to -be Flakes, we keep in stock—Also nice fresh and clean Groceries and pure Spices. rape bees'. Ile Hue(! Leigh for $100 Highest price cash or trade for Butter and Egg's. damage's .for the" lose of the time sin cultivating 0 crop which was worth - MID '�� Woodham. less 10 hint. Leigh not only denied `/r ui• the sale of the rape sect but at ottee • secured legal advice and calgagcd a lawyer to defend hire. When these clay of the trial arrived both par- ties went to tit. Marys :with a host ( went from here were Alesers. Alfred of witnesses and one •f the biggest { Zimmer, Wm. Klcinstiver land Miss legal battles seen in St. Marys Di• Effie \Villert. They all 'report a vision Court for many years was that Clay fought nut. Near had em- ployed her. .1. C. Al.akiny, ,llarrister, of Stratford and 'Mr. J. W. Graham, of St. Marys to act for hien, 'while Leigh had placed his defence in the hands of Mr. J. G. eita.nhury, Bar- day 'morning next. Mr. Brown, of rister, of Exeter. After n lengthy Crediton twill take the services here trial judgment was reserved. That in morning. decision 'bus been delayed by reason :lfrthe. D. T]enean is "th}s week ctut- of ,t he plaintiff claiming, to have die- ( ting a metal roof on Mr. Itobt. Turn- ; and your family and l hat wherever covered itome new evidence but this 1 bull's . was dinall I s 'h rn and also on a big Wive tiour lot may be rant, it ,may be a y abandoned :111(1 the j11(1;C ;shed. happy our, ie the :wish of !lour }as given his judgment in favor of Mr. J. K. Goetz is this ;week ncjd- friends of Centralia Epworth League. the defendant 'with colts. Mr. in h verandah to his new house. 1''. L. Es-:iery i'res., 'Vary Pym, It. Leigh rand his counsel etre being con- ►lir. Goetz is using cement blocks for \\'ikon. gratulalcd an their sttceess. tho 'foundation and when it is Sin- 11 r. A11(Li'c55s u11(10 a suitable re• Mr. James Beattie rotitrrled 1101110: ' ished'wil1 add ;greatly to the Appear- ply• from the West on Wednesday of last once and comfort of his ho e. At, :1 {special meeting of the Lad, week, sari after a short visit with Get your bread 1t Letwi. li.rrn0\. ica Alt! call '1')l mee y afternoon last his family will return again. deer during the hot weather. leTH. A,utrr,wrs wag prestttlted with a 'Air. ;Milton Beattie. of li;l x0neta- Mims Minnie Ehlers, North \Vee- piece of silverware and the follow - Ivan, Menu oulin, is vi,itin; friends tern College Napiervilto Illinois, .has ing address. in this vicinity. returned home for the holiday sea- 'l'o '1rs. An rew:t, Dr. Campbell Het week purchased on. •a1't t'lae me nlbcrof Ccitl r ilii La- ' n('W busey from Wm. Mr. John Holtz, who for the ;past (lies'e Ail h:twc: :IMSsA nlhlc(1 here thi•i 'Mrs. (;has. Duffield left last week 15 or 20 years has carried on a sue- (.venin,; for the purpose of expres- for the hospital at London to under- cessful tailoring business 'has moved sing in a slight degree our regrets go an operatoin for the removal of his effect» to Parkhill and expecte at ycur departure turc from among u'. goitre in her neck. to be favored with a share of (tile You have :always been willing (.o Many from here :a(treaded the Me- trade there. We wish hive success. ;':a1co your pael. in nny work connect- nlorial services at St. Marys last He 'will he missed amort; some erf etl with our Aid Society en* 'we Sunday, when a special 'sermon was our older (delete. would not fns rl the 'iIuable scr- preached to the Foresters by Rev. Mr. Jacob Kellerminn is stray ex- vices yo11 hive 1tiidrretl118. \1'e ask If. A. Graham, pastor of the Beth,e cavating the cellar for his new cc- you to accept 1 !elft of (silverware dist church. ment house, mot [nr it inlur, brit n 0viedrence 'Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Campbell! Mr. John Ehlers of the 14th ,con- of our 1spv:lrct aiid sv:r+�s erhop0 •that and three children, of Westfiletl, are cession still continues vsry ill. We wherever your lot may be cnst in the guests of l)r. 0114 Mrs. Carr. look end hope for a speedy recov- the order of di eine providence you Ur. Carr wia laid up 0 taw tknye ery. Wray ver titltl fineld of u9etulnr.s last week on account of a sprained A quiet wcd,litiz len "4 ,solcmnizritt and ine1110 evcrcaha3ing future masy back, which he 1519 unfortunates at the home of tic. 011(1 Mrs. ,1'.1 retain the same spirit bnd kindly na- cnottell to ;et sshile engaged in a Wagner, of 1441,0n, on Wednesday) gurn which marked you acre and we friendly wrestling thatch. The gen- .Tutee lith, when tLir (llughter Lae tray that when a long (life of CChri-•- ial Dr. is now fully recovered and is vine was united in rnarria:re to dress tiara use(ialne!.s ie ended it wjll be able to attend to his practice. L. K. Eidt, of D-ishwooet. The cert.- but, the beginning of an eternity of Mc'(8rs. John tiutherland arid John tnony was rot farmed by Itee. G. ill. joy.—Signed in behalf of the Central-. O'Itrien were vi'iline in :it. Marys Wagner, brother of the bride, as. ja Ladies Aid. last week. sisle4 by the It •v. Il, 4Dieriarnm.' hl re. T. Neil fres., 1'. Esvery Mee. Our esteemed teacher Mr. Walker Little like Myrtle daughter of Rev; bleu. An(U'ewy tna(le ss suitable re• has been enea for another year Mr. E!dt, marls a pretty fiwero ply. at a .rood r:ii.e in salary. girl. Rev, rind lira. E(ilt took .1 Rev,'Mi. going. of Exeter, preach - Mr, \Villiem Moore has completed trip to Astern points before rn_ r(L on Sonatas erenin> list, the cement ;'latform in front of )airs turning to Iashwocd. A re- Mrs. Will \V(I,Ster anti children. o[ store, which edelt sery much to elle ceptinn was 7iwen 'ta tiTr. nc':tr 'Coronto. nre visitin,e lee r fath- trshorne eid' of our sitleee. and Mre. L. K. Eitit, on 1'ri er 'A1 r. 'Chnmaq lliteJi 11. swrd,'ine of their leer/. ,11i�i h:nlula Weirs. Shier rind Ma rebel! have dray evening last on their Saturn Miers Ilaeshas5, of Toronto, is 111 M r. Job it lhauch :rm(l 1u;. 'hist Brown, 1,1 5,, re( tithed borne 11ftrr rree(ed a very fancy wire fence in from their i,rtl+litie trip, by the Ger- guest of Mrs. Itich•ird Elston. spent a ct,upl(' of si. - :et (,'/.uric! t1 1'w dIa whit be•r(e• front of their property, and 11 hen mein and English Prayer nicotine? Afrw. l?tiisvlt'ely, of l.ucan, anal lies, yi'itine the learner's brother. ,11r. Harry Dyer, of Detroit, who wr say flncy we mein fancy. Clas psand the senior Y. I'. A'rt, who \V(1,1►. n[ Lnnd+r►n, arc wi-i:ing M r'. The 11:rx wilt hay Completed sty ; 5i•a< ►;.l(• virtue:• for 1 rot days, \1"r nae vary sorry to halt' tr►f the met nt Ihr plr9on:i,�.ea with well -till- (:hlrlr4' 1)upl:rn. work for this season enrich has been 1111 returned to his borne. dcat11 of one of our former rsleemrd ed baskets where` a pleasant evening M r. Wilia rd. of 'Melo %nod, vi -i t - a very h41 -y one. ti1i�1 hart)::t I:ii! r, of Buffalo, i3 Oleni.z;tr at11lllse person of Mr. Jetnei was 'spent in social chat and 'short (eh ft sends )cern on Sung:►). bvra. Gee. Lifter. who h1, been , visiting her parents Mr. and Airs. man. addresses. The, infant child e lir. Intl `.Tr ill for the i a -t six oeeka underwent Freer Eilie's. lir. Sutherland is i•xprclin;-----.�-_ Tho l:lylnn died on 1'1 idly Etat end apt Opera( i1,11 Sunday nee -nine 11+t• •ATr•, .Itosirt�l Fink beiner event -to(' visit from one of his friends Irons, FOR O�'Fit SIXTY YEARS s51s 1,urietl in i:xcter cemetery n:: Drs. ,\Inns :'tl(t II)•ti'Irnrn of Exeter. home oe 1etiodly 1e:( after a New "oak next we 'I:. Art Otn� sari kl'*ttTartu Hle;atenv.—Mrs Saiurtilw mflrrnonn. performed the operation. .\t time of ,visit Our hasr},111 (rim went to M t. Winslow sltoothing 9t•rap has been need for is ritir.t eh,. is not 111411 11 improved. ter Mrs. It. -}t t(nilt011�tb h(r deli eh- 1'leesatst on 1%ednesclay to pfay a !childrenwhilerteethin-tr nwith Oder "niece.* Mc. Latakia, of Granton, seen( Fri- �1r. 'trial e1r;. Danit•l 'True/moot' perrteetRncc d1)' la+t iia IL's sill:tge 5isitin,c 1111Y Apellt Suta(lay syith 1[r. an l lits. `--� pain en»ewindcolic.andisthe best remedy or Marinoa. Itis pleasant to the taste. Sold son Iteree• I tree• leaver. I.LIMVIT.LE by druggists, In every part of the world.2.5 '1118, nanny fi i(• r d. t.f Air. Ches. Mr. Harry ee5(itz^r left for Phil- -- cents a Dottie. Ire value is incalculable. 13e Taylor. of Elkton! t\i:ct,.. eve,0 rid 1phi,' 1'11. ot, tt.ut - i,l) ifierdman's grove will Le the place Syrupy daskfoe no other kind w'e Soothing pleased to see his 'uiiliiie fico IP,tlin. , ss here lie wd 1 juin his 1Illi, r rafter to go no Monday. July 1, when the Gunrantccd unrit►r the food lie is ;;p(•ndin,x .1 f(•55 .:1y5 visiti11 ss hick 1he)• 5s it1 annual strewherr festival tinder the r and azo to clki0w:+rr. Y Drugs A„t, June 30th, 11x0(3. 13etlaf tie eieter, lire. Chari. Holt email. _,f where Lis [:other has a large marsh auspices of the Methodist church will Number 1098 1 t held nSunday June 300 Rev, and 20c goods to clear out at l0c yd., and 10c andllic goods to clear out at 7c Shredded Wheat, Orange Meat, Gusto, Life Chips, (crape Nut, Corn A. MILLS, •••04,4s41►00001041►NNo0N0••♦•••••••••4,•41••N•41►•••••41t4!♦ THIS IS TH5 $HtUT MLTAL AOC. Ordinary grades of galvanized steel are not considered good enough far "Galt Sure - grip" Shingles. A special snide of the best, wear -defying galvanized steel is pre- pared exclusively for them. Consequently, at the very outset, Galt " Sure -grip " Shingle have the power to outwear all others, wooden or galvanized. Then, Galt " Sure•grip" Shingles are locked together far more securely than ordinary shingles. Easily and quickly put on and when on will withstand the severest test of storm or lightning. The strongest shingles make the longest lasting roof --and Galt "Sure -grip Shingles are in every way the strongest. Cost no more than common shingles—are the most economical kind to buy. Write for bee Catalogue and further informs: tion to The Galt Art Metal Co., Ltd. GALT, ONT. alt Sure-gripShingl Crediton i'it of the I:s•:angelical church last Sunday evening send preached a pow- ' erful ,end eloquent sermon ;which D1ii. 1'. J. M Cl'E, '1EMIBEIt ON -ewes Kiehl)• appreciated by the large TARIO COL1,I•.+IE i'11YS1CI•: audience. LAS and but kenos, tSuccessor to DI. Ill the (1sc•nce of Rev. E. 11. Meson, E. A. Ilaist. Urcditou, Ont. who swill conduct quarterly tncetine 'Airs. N. lirov n :►rid t heir children i sews r•8 0 t Schein villc', Itev. L. It. are vivilili lice mother in Berlin. � Eidt. of Dashwood, will preach in While there Mr-. 1lross11 .att.e1(10.1 ! the•. Evan zelical church next Sunday the '5cdelin , eneiscr-try of lee +ig• ntorninz. ter Airs. Kencc1tic'. The annual Sunday school picnic Our merchants 5scrc kept Lucy on ' has been announced for July 3rd nt 8aturda)' nettingI'h( 4t cots i (.rand Bend. A tooet program of Were cross 41(' 41 'With 1•'01,1' spot t + is bring prcpa rr(1. 11r. and lira. Stomacher. of Roe - Mr. Ch•i /.sticke•r 't:I� in London tor k, salt, sere here attending the 1►u (in( �v Mersa+v The Children's Day held in con- nectiart with the Evanee}ical church last Sunday was largely .attendefi, both afternoon and -evening. The numerous selections were ,well :ren- dered and .;really enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Bean, of Crediton, gave a very in- structive address in the afternoon. The children of the church furnished the Programme in the evening. The excursion held by the I. O. F. lodges of Crediton and Exeter 'to Niagara Falls last Thursday +was well patronized. Anion; those who ,good time. Tuesday being our Civic holiday the. Dashwood School children with their parents picnicked at the Bond. Rev. L. K. hidt will preach in the Evangelical church Crediton on Sun - girl in a very pleasing mintier. Af- ter a trip, Mr. and Mre. ,tt1c•r;ut t ss i:1 reside at Centralia. As long as the memory of Matt run- neth Dominion Day Has hewn set aside specially for the strawberry festival at t'entralia, and the affairs have al- ways proved successful, However, the c•umutittes are this year making ef- forts to outdo any previous year in the line of entertainment. Although the season buy been backward, thi t e he plenty of atrewberries. ar,d as for the sports, well How! Everyone `as a chance to win it prize, that is, if they get a move on, and outside of all this, the greatest game ot base ball ever seen will be played between the fats and the leans. Last week we said SVIII Psrse;ns %sinal have charge (:f (re leanites. Theses wbele we made a.i,istakr, as Will Mill has charge of the team and from reports sent out about his playing a decade or so ago, the fats will have to get a wiggle on if they want to win out. Ne'aa.Hicks expects to play first base sold keep up the excitement on the coaching tine. John Brown, who has charge of the fellows of alderrnanic build, is also some shucks when it. comes to playing ball and has picked sonlct fast players some of whom with a little exertion san Make first base ot, a !tome run hit. Then again the ladies of the ladies of the church have provided for a concert in the evening that will be worth while remaining over to attend The very best of talent has been en- gaged, and the ladies always lo.,k out for the very best. so don't, miss the en- tertainment of the evening. At the regular reveling Of the Don't ft,l':►et that \vt' ha ii1t the best paint Epworth 'L(a,�ue art '1 lie- t:ty even- ing Rev. 0, W. (Andrew~ 5118 Cal 1;41 to •1 he ;►fatfor►n nll(I: 1►h(- fallossinr nddres9 way 3i%'erl Jii111: Lear Friend and Pastor: It is svi1li feelings of sincere u•i,- gret 1ha1 we hear of your inteudel removal from union gel us. and we take this opportunity of bidding you Gcd speed in your new lite. Looking tack over the l,:ist'we are dentin -dee of the quick flight. of lime, Iter ih strums itnpomsible to believe that it 1r three years t,ince you 1ir•9t (':1151 0itt011g 11:1. During 1110$(; (111•('ee years we. 0y a League, lone been heljaki and benefit It:,i by yourinini:try. \ou have taught u, by bot Ji precept end ex�lrnl►lc. Your 1t•eeJiin= kills al- 5w1y:t been of such a kind is eto tuck' u� better and 'humbler cllri;ti_4118, more 'faithful to our League }incl church. And not tio lour= ehurelt alone 00 to the feletho(I,i>,•t denoulino.. tion elope. but: to the church anisera et! 5wl1oee head :111(1 foundsr is tChri it himself. 11)• your rx:lInl,le you have tried 10 l►uit11 up our League. You were always 011 1110 look -011i for ,nnw members', and have tried to leave us in a better condition than 'when you came. and we believe you have, both tspiritttally 011(1 its strength. It is Laid that Ihr. test of a man's life ;lnyw)ierc is ts•llethe1 Jie letter's the place better I hall )lo found it, or. not. Putting that test. to your life here, We. can truthfully say that it has been a tit success and God's bicss:n; liUs reetcli ,on both you, :r:r pill- past or, and, ups, Inti your people. But now, those pleas- ant. rel:Moi a :Ire about to be iettvered 1111d 11(1 In11,1 Kiel you adieu. In .io- itig no, that t;c:d'sc richest blessing may continue to rest rricitly upon you SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS A New Supply Just Arrived Giant Yellow Intormediate at !2ic. per 1b. Ilrtlr(•'�t 1V h i r e Seeding beet at 1 sc. per lb. The te!t bratt'i1 -tet-1 litiggs' Jumbo Swede T,'rtiil) at 20c lb. `1•e have a number of straw hats of asKoi'ted sizes, which ‘‘e a t (' selling at prices away below cost. COWARD & CO., Winchelsea. If you need HIN GES or y'OU1 screen doors, we have them, also hinges of all kinds. We are agents for the Celebrated "Fox" Scale friendly ra ane. It. PO( thee the child. softens*. gutn(r, sllayti .11 *harsh, purgative remedies aro fast giving way to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver Pills. 1f you try them they will certainly please you . Ontario Gala for 3•rars been Joaine many entet•prisinz nericulturists to ter an extend t si•i through New 1 fv, ei. he h 11 O h, , '.�� --_— the ,Northwest. }meld in Hand sslth Ontario. Be ss : , ,zrcar ly st►Ice's:A , It, - 1,1r t.1im= in ,rroce•t sea .1t rink- S. T Albin Parkhill will deliver two the i•xl,loita1ion of Western wheat with his tt i;', and he also teireek'' bei:ler: for the next two weeks. serrnen one at 11) a. m. and the other (1 \ i t \ I 1 1 fields. tinct the exodus of farm labor, ' 1 ; spent nt 7 p. A sues prelt3 55edt1in; 5s 1y Qol• rev. j}l;is followed 1n ern of hizlt rtes. the siii l.(y of the improvement in ! Mr. i ry111(1 it Mrs. 11r.A,�n lytlr1' I ti�naet choir, �Music wilt A nue ie el by emuizc4 i11 of 1. Carmel Catholic cry tfor labor. tend a (10er004(1 in the I p.etinq church on \1'e411e (;I;t} June 26(1, , Markel Ontario 55 heat which h1s We 010 11001) to Irse two t►[ our McCoy, of Centralia. of the scholars will be held, when ad- w1ir•n Josephine, d tuzhter of Mr, seriously molt butts)• lc., feted titiz'•1-4 in t he 1lr. led Airs. C. Eithe r, of Zurich dresses wi:1 he deliverepd by Rev, Altin Patrick 1,1'11nizan 5s :1 elio 5. Not the prier of chcys Ierr'on..s of \1r. and Airs. 1V. \1 . herr ,;,,•nt smelly tsith fti•n•14 in town. and Mr, N. Martin, of Exeter. A eplen. Mr. Alex. Iter got1, ;ts nirov Ira ue l0 and nhorly. only haq the Ian who left 'tVc'd►l(e„dsy for 1;';rachelat• —�_ _ did program has been arranged for husrmrvs anon n[ Ctntr �lia,l The of the profitable homemarket been A .sbore lir. Kerr leis secured i peal' tthe Monday strawberry festival. Be- r,uretr.crny ss a= leer[ormed l' iter, 1 financial calamity to the Orinase tion ie I score. 'Truly 4itan'.r eidceq ssnsusenrenteof all kinds, Mr. .1. miller rind (armor.bu( the i11, stock. boa. 55 !I n.• 11'i;ic1t'I el'- in. t CASI0 Father Foster. if ',rids Ionke:l men ;seal deiryrnln leive felt she R 1 A . Parnell Morrie of the Dundee Gentle cherminx in a (flinty ,awn of white �li.a Ni, icy Sieve( of I troll, is 1 church, London, will hiveseveral solos mull,, with white 'ilk veil trimmed drein cancer! by the ►ncre he l coat ah•'mdill ; 1 fee el:l\'� in Ole S'i!l11.e I For Infant,, and Children. and Mag. (Rev.) 11. A. Orahnm, of St. with or -11)4f, htotiOnts. 1TIs9 h1(lss'In:t of Ire rRsrrltiRl portion of their feed yirilin t ►sten + sad (11'11.14' ri n la. t►rior to + Marys, a splendid elocutioniPt. will re- with t-1 sister of the if they are to let ill" Lest 'results. ....,:z for the 11c.: it1 .1 wsee orgroom, .ulnas• While tome Ontario fermere have �� ��� You Naso Always �� ' cite. Addresses will be Riven by Revs 1 chermine brulesmeid. while Pat- helloed to build up the West 1►y it}�. Graham. AI)in and Johnson. Every- rick F)onnieen ase?sted the ?room. itt, the stroil x Western flour, aortal Bev. fear, of t he Ni lie at r''t Bears the body is invited to 1'e present and en- Little Alias Ileacs Brandon, niece of fereirs '11101ttod':t (forret] oeett.i, 1 the pal- 6:gnatereof joys good time. the bride filled the position as flower rept, r1in; thetlmarketrofti(li �rBirt. As - in t'anatht 1)8rrin,; 11'tlt(e, The "ARK BRAND" paint. W. MOORE - KIRKTON. otato Bugs Ar'' cumiuu f;tit. Kill them with our Paris Green. 20o in half Ib. tins 15e in pound tins Keep OW thOSt' t)C,ti1' tli'.i with a new Srme'eu Door or 1► indow Screen. Doors 1.0 l 1111 ? $1. 2..), ''ceeens 25c, Screen Door Hinges 100 C heli: c Gr 1; e ries and Fruits arriving weekly. B. W. F. BEAVERS, = Farquhar. FAILURE of eyesight can be retards.: by properly made glasses. Our specialists ha,e made ,h- correc- tion of eye defects their study for the punt fifteen years. All lenses prescribed by us are ground it1 our own laboratory, therehy perfect results. ensuring Appointment made by mail, or phone 1877. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS. 237 Marla. Street - London, Oat. Open daily 8 30 to 6.00. Evens,';, Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. 7 00 to 10.00. 4_25 000 �� - • NE'WILWOR DS are added to the last edition of Web- ster's International Dictionary The Gazetteer of the World and the Biographical Dictionary, have been completely revised. The Interna- tional is always kept abreast of the times.% It takes constant work, ex- pensive work and worry, but it is he only way to keep the dictionary th iamir STAN DAR D AUTHORITY of the English -s eaking♦world• Other dictionaries follow. Webaste leads. . It is the favorite with Judges, Scholars, Educators, Printers, etc., in this and foreign countries. THE CRANE PRIZE Highest Award) was given at the orld's Fair, St. Louis.) A postal card will bring you in- teresting specimen pages, eta . G.&C.MERRIAM CO., SPRINGFIELD, MAdd., PUgL1$N[Rs OF WEBSTER'S INTERNATIO A DICTIONARY YDOIS 01 IUO CllflllLllBfl NQEI Wt HOMESTEAD RE(ILLATIONS. 1• even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba, 'askatchewan and Alberta, excepting sand 26, not reserved may be homesteaded by any person who is the head of a family, or any male over Iy s er rs of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres, more or less. ; Entry must be made personally at the local land office for the dis'rict in which the land is situate. The homesteader is required to perform the con ditions connected therewith under one of the follow ing plans:— ! (1) At least six months' residence upon and cut cation of the land in each Near for three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father ie (ea.sed) of the homesteader re•sidse upon a farts in ' vicinity of Inc lane) enteral for, the reyiuremen's to residence may be satistte•el by such person restdin with the father or mother. (0) If the settler has his permanent residence upon fanning land owned by hint in the vicinity of his - houlestea(l, the requirements as to residence may be satisfied by residence ii t, the said land. Six months' notice in s' ting should 1* (given to the ('ommissioner of Domia•ion lands at Ottawa ot intention to apply for patent. W. W. ('(t.tY, Deputy of the Jlir,.ter of the Interior. �. R.—t'nauthorire.t p„ iie•atlon of this adrertirls merit will riot be paid for Rheumatism !have founds tried and tested ears for lteatism 1 Not a remedy that will straighten ditstorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn • growths back to flesh again. That is ImPeedkipe But I can now surely kill the penins and made di this deplorable disease. In Germany—with a Chemist in the aty t� Darmstadt —I found tho lap ingredient wigs which Dr. i3hoop's Rheumatic Remedy was math+ a perfected, dependable prescription, W10000 thee last ingredient, I successfully treated mater, may cases of Rheumatism : but now, at lap, it ads !orally cares all curable eases of this hetetofetell much dreaded disease. Those sand -like graotilille wastes. fount] in Rheumatic Blood. seem to Moot,. and pass away tauter the action of this remedy OS freely es does sugar when added to peze WOOS And then, when dissolves). these poisonous wattle freely pass from the system, and the 'Calais 01 Rheumatism is sone forever. There L DOW se i real need—no actual excuse to suffer longer wltbe out help. we sell. and In confidence rsessasso4 Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy, W. S. IIOWEV. time I'rovincr9 by 0 cr:r+fully h' rid• I tssill tnnil you (rco'to pT0%13 merit ed flour mattes by snfficirnl W. stern sanrtl►las of my :Ur. 19boQp'a ItrtttoraM 5511(01.(11 t o hrin; up tem here( 1t1 0 - r, t►f rive, rend tris boo]: nn (ither 1)yspcp� lain, T110 heart or tl'Iro ;li:idne nollten. 1� Oft fluor he circ�nl the r Troubles of t11r. .'stomach, Heart or y 1{idncys 3re rnercly nymptom� of is b(•9t Untririo 5winlc•r s5he•at. 7•It fla• dee[r(:r e,til►neml. Don't hake the ver of (he ef. ref a, t gl;i irr,i,ruvc''lj common error of treating m lours and the lec•rcrnta{•• u[ miter) is But' ;only. Symptom I r0atmeent ri' arrest, t fur all rc gititerncnty. : ilex lh0 r li(o of ot Illy Lr ran iI(Inpt(•(I . trier;y by ; your ailment, SEKI Tor - unprejudiced con+u 111014 111 `own' not th' catty'. 11'e.tk H1ornaeh,nerye Scot in nay well deserve he athen- flu: i 15idr rinses—mean Eitomach tion of 1hr Ontario erve •. In Tor• 55(1knoas el ways. And tiro heart, Intl Kidneys 0s sv( 11 Have their Con natio .and other Cf.nt rci l h rte i8 u l t rnllin. or in51(1 nerves. Weaken reedy n keen dentef el fur the n•"'5s thew. nertee and you inevitably have product hs titch i.i earl I Ly several of y sst•ak vital nreeres, Here is la•hero the 1trgest fitnly r,[ es h„tryal.• bvk.• 1)r. Shoo1,'s Reel°relive has mail* ars, A 'f 1ir l riot of t 1e ' t►ew I,1: ndo'i its fettle. No re hes Ontlr ip flout ., Iii 0 115int'e t h(' r remedy ever elnirnv to I rc0t the "inside nc'rses" most nke•ptic el 11r:rt flee flotlr j' Also [or hlortlin:f. hiliouanes�. snrpa4v(d tl,y none, :,net 114 mere+ • std cti cnnsunlplinti ss ill (r t Ihr. ,melt t`r ' 8th nr ront•,r'xion. u�(' Dr .8lesep's i('storltivo, WI i10 mo -d rillvint tar• t,( tit. 0.111,, 1,,rtners o ty fOr and Ihr l,nhlie 3rner;r ll} Ilarouzhout It' -ranine 004 free hook. Dr. stroop. the provirtc' . •lcirlr, Wis. This R toratirr'e is sold by W. 8. if owey.