Exeter Times, 1907-05-30, Page 4THE LXE T t' E TIMES, MAY 30th 1907.
£crfti mos
The Newest, Best and
Largest Assortment of Per-
fumes and Toilet Waters in
If you want
something good
we can please you.
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
Exeter, Ontario.
Terms of Subscription $1.00 per
fear in advance. $1.50 play be
*barged if not so paid. To United
eitutes subscribers, $1.50 strictly in
dvance• No. U,aper discontinue:I
until all arrears are paid, unless et
the option of the publisher. The
date to which every eubscriptio:l is
paid is denoted on the label.
, Advertising rates on neelication.
Reform Convention of
South Huron
A Convention of the Reformers of
the Electoral District of Scoter Huron,
as constituted for Dominion purposes,
will bo held in McDonell's
Opera House, Hensall
Friday, June 14th, 1907
at 11 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of
EelEcting a candidate to contest the
Riding in the Reform interests.
Hon. fl. B. fiuleswortb, K. G.
flttorneu General of Canada
is expected to be present and deliver
an address in the afternoon. A Large
attendance of delegates and friends of
Liberal principles is requested.
Meetings will be held in each Muni-
cipality on
Wednesday, June 12th
at S p. rel. for the election of delegates.
(See bills)
President. Secretary,
Exeter, Ontario.
HICKS' I: Olt ECMali
' A regular storm period extends
the 211d to the 7th. It is central on
the 4th. with the teloon on the, with
the Moon on the celestial equator
on the, 5th. The crisis of this period
Neill fall on and next to that date.
It will be preceded by marked rise
of temperature. with rapid pnd de-
cided fall of the barometer, and tbo
culmination will conic in sudden and
severe thunder etroms, cloudbursts,
hail. wind and possible tornadoes. 1'1'N'I'RAI.)
WOGI)l1Ael Our baseball i5tyM went clown to
Lucas on the 21111 end got trimmed
sir. Clarence KtlieI .pent be by the Irish Nine. but wait until the
21th in Exeter. return Atrne ii played.
Mr. Sydney Mills intends movie; Mr. Con. Coughlin. of _1lontrc.il,
into his new house Alis ecek. who ons viating him' te others here
Ire rt was down on /Sunday. hot returned hn►ne.
How about the scrap on Mason Mr. Gus• Coughlin .dripped several
8t reel• carloads of rattle to Montreal last
Mies Annie Itrook returned to week. The animate see for export.
• Mitchell for the 24th. Mils Julia Ryan is very ill at the
Tenn won the needle race. present writing.
'Mise Lila Hoe; and Walter .Ruston Mils Lillian Elliott took part in
spent the 2Ith in +Mitchell• the concert at Clinton on the nidtnt
err. harry Rodd spent the lath of the 2111t.
pith W. ;frown, iiirkton, The set vice., 'un the +Methodist
church wet Hund ty et'ening • twill
coneitt of a •mnng vet vice ander the
leadership of Mr. Nelson (licks.
Since Alt. Ilielet Icer taken the man-
agement of Iiv, choir it hast oreatie
improved bolls itt vineimt nttl num-
ber.. and tie now claim Ho baso the
best choir nor! 11 of London.
The Methntliet church recently tett
In a new piano to Ieplece the oreett
and adds greatly to the wort: of :1 he
Ali. \Vit,. !their tt•nr 11,t victim of
an acrideet Inst Friday and maty
Ione the !tiebt of ons' of his eyes
in rtti,e,luenre, Ifr :end some other.:
lentimaserwrimr were Kline hey. :mil 1%1r. )!lair bail
;one In t h" other r'd t of the horn.
torn. i
Many of our )'buns iaoele at-
tended the sports in Exeter on the
21th. while several drove over eo
Seafortl, to see an interestine game
of football between the tie afortIt
team and the Pan -Americans.
The teachers of our neighborhood
attended the Convention in Exeter
Inst week.
Mr. David Chalmers of lteeina, ati l
his little son. Calvin, are at pres-
ent visiting ft iends tend relatives
here. On )vii return to the West*
he will be accompanied by 'Mra. Chas.
Barrie :ltd children,'who intend
making their future home in etc.
gine. Mrs. Barrie will he much
missed by (defies here rind their best
wishes follow her to Ler new home.
111195 Annie !Barber, of Missouri,
the guest of her cousins here.
Mr. Alfred '!.irks is at present suf-
ferine from an attack of pleurisy,
'Mr. Gcor ie Dew. of Iowa, lig re-
newing old acquaintances in our vi-
Sore Aching Feet
SOOTHED til' ''/.AM-IlL F
Alen, women and girls engaged in
Mores who have do he of their feet
all day, often rotifer peonies from
iChafin; sores, eofl corns, 'horny
patches, etc. In other 'oases ;ion;
standing and tt•alking Meads ,to bad
leg. varicose veins and 'It{Cers. 'Lam,-
13uk hakes the pain out of chafed
sores, prevents suppuration and poi-
son front titoc1.it; dye end generally
Ilea IS. t.
Mrs. N. Watkins, of CO Forzue
Avenue, •Montreal say's :' • "My boy
had a sore on his heel which was
rubbed by his stocking audit it be-
came a very bad avowal. Zane -Bek
took the soreness out almost lnst ett-
ty, and healed the wound up wonder-
'Lain -flak is rqually good for
cuts, bruises, eezern:a, scalp sores,
itch, barber's rash, bloat (poison and
all akin injuries end rleceases. All
stores and tlrit gists Fell ret 50e. a
Mr. and Mrs. M. J'.acrctt, of Brant-
ford visited with their daughters,
Mrs. W. A. Turnbull told Mrs. B.
W. .1', Beavers from friday until
Monday last. They also called eel
friends in Exeter and dray township.
Quite at number from here spent
the 24th in Exeter. A few also went
to S aforth.
. On Saturday :morning la,t the
house of Alr. francs:ltt•.I9 burned to
the ground. caused by nparks from
the --chimney. Considerable -of the
contents Stere saved but all tate
goods upstairs were destroyed. The
house was insured for $51)0 and the
contents for $300.
.lir. Simon Campbell is rtufferin;
from an attack of etueuntonia but iv
improving fast.
Messrs. .1. 1\'. liroderick tine Ii.
E. Huston. of Exeter, called on Mr.
and Airs. 11. W. d•'. Beavers on Friday
last, where they were azreeably
surprised to find their old friends
elle and Alts. 11. ,Eacrett, of Brant-
ford. formerly of Exeter.
Mr. Gen. :end ,Alester 'Lloyd Bee -
ver spent the 24th •in the village.
Mrs. Lucy llaeelwood, who teas
indisposed the last w•eok is better.
Fur coatis and all furs quite the
style yep.
Mrs, W. It. Kay ,has been visitin;
frieudi in London the past week.
Miss Fulton who has been visitin;
herr, returned last. %reek tto her home
in Walton.
Cllstonters will kindly !tote that
the store here chases every Tuc;day
night at 7.30 o'clock.
Mr. L. McTaggart. of May, was
itt the village last week on hu9itteme.
77I A y) I S 1tO,1 I I
\Yltile a yonne mon of •Mr. Alex.
Frazer' was drivin; the land roller
one (ley het week he got off :the
machine for a minute. when the
horses 1ootr frith! and ran away.
The aliment d.tshed across the field
end ran into a bathed ret ire fence.
One of them hod ifs legs no Amadly
loin that the veterinary pled very
little hope, (hat it :would be of any
113.•ren lion zit the :wound were
pee ed as 1lle ;seems :were btdly
When the
Hair Falls
Then it's time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi-
ment! You want to save your
hair, and save it quickly, too!
So make up your mind this
very minute that If your hair
ever comes out you will use
Ayer's Hair Vigor. it makes
the scalp healthy. The hair
stays in. It cannot do any-
thing else. It's nature's way.
The beet kind of a teetimonlal -
"Sold for over staty years."
£1.o -aau .terse of
when one of the men solteitte a co
picked up a shop;un to tlhoet at it.
Just as the trigger ;vas pulled Mr.
1111ir turned 11111 corner of the build-
,. .
hie , c tut the chit � c a'
r 1 'n tl
; l r; t i td •
al~ 1N fere. One of the shots went
111rou,h the mitre, of hi! tneuth and
another •truck hien in the etc.
Teenty•Ilnee !thole were Iak'n out
of his free. 11 wee fortunate (or
Mr. Blair 111:11 the heavy part of
the charge did pint strike him. The
hit he wag we:trine was riddled.
user Evelyn $imperm took "etre et
Ole re:well Riven in Ht. Patrick's
Ch•trch `k,intebury. nn 1'ridiy even -
Mr. Waller Il:u•ryli ern i9 visitin;
ret h:m (home here.
Mi•• Ftnrenee Iti.'. t I, of Net el'.
w•3• 1 h .tue.1 of eliv1 Annie (land•
ford lamp ever:.
A nntniteree
fr e 1• 1- nifetulr 1 f)a
1.1p011' -tl Ext.( r rile tike 21i It.
Mee, Filo) Wele,'r, wife has leen
visitin; ftiends in Ili urefi`1.1 ►r•
turned home het svgs!:,
MMsrs. Thos. Co- ere end tiro.
(iodholt street the 21111 itt �litrlmll.
sham (sense Mille %hilted test
with 'ler. tt,ttl Airs. Wm. Flet.
h. • :et Euler.
Mrs. !)avid Gouldi,; visited evith
her parents 'Mr. and Mrs. Wil. Flet-
cher at Exeter last week.
Mrs. '1'laos. Coward returned East
week front a visit with friends in
London. While there she was an
invited ,guest at the launching of a
pleasure boat belonging to'Mr.'Fran.
cis Jackson, son-in-law of 1t1r. Wet.
Messrs. Milton Clerk Charles God -
bolt and Alex. ettleDonga11 t•ititei
with Mr. and Mrs. 1). McDou;alt at
Comber last week.
The home of Mr. henry F ra.ncis on
the Uth concession was completely
destroyed iby fire last Saturday
morning;. The fire i+ supported to
have ori;iu:atcd froth a tltliitatk tfnont
the chimeey blowing heainst (the
East side of 1 he !rouse and had 'gain.
cd cousidol-able headway before bent;
noticed. 'fin! ttnnleil were looking
atter l be household duties in :tate
lower part of the atonic and did not
detect anythinz wt'one. until the then
who tvero working, in the fields came
ntshin; in yelling fire. The fire at
this time was confined to tbo upper
portion of the building. told it was
Impossible to save anything front
upstairs nit account of 11 he volume of
smoke. Ladders w -ere secured and
water 'poured on the (roof, but: the
gallant efforts of the Ohucket bri-
gade were useless. It was *seen that
the house was doomed and everyone
bent their efforts to t'Clnevine fur-
niture. etc., from the ground floor
and cellar. The clothing of the fam-
ily was upstairs and atothin; in this
line was saved. tiro occupants being
left with but 'the clothes on their
Lacks. It ,was lett n short ttime be-
fore the entire building ilvaa a heap
of ruins. There was a strong !wind
blowing at the time rind lied it not
Leen for this it is doubtful if !the
hones would have caught Tiro and itt
any event could let o been saver
without very considerable damage.
The many friends of iMr. Francis and
family extend to them !their sincere
sympathy itt the loss of' their horse,
ay the insurance carried was not suf-
ficient to cover the loss.
Mr. Thos. •Caward visited in Lon-
don last week.
hoist Norris. of 'Cromarty tis the
meet of the "filissaes Clemens.
Afrs. Turnbull returned Inst .week
after a visit with friends In Inger-
Mr. Thos. Coward and wife 'pont
Sunday in Fullarton the ,guests of
Mr. 'Chits. Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Sant. Brock tspent
Sunday with friends in Zion.
'Mr. Will hunter and Luther Row-
cliffe. of Eden. spent Sunday with
'dr. 'Sherwood Brock.
Mies Sweet, of Exeter• spent a few
digs Inst week the .,guest of Mrs.
Charlie Godbolt,
A large and enthusiastic meeting
of farmers was held ret Woodham on
Wednesday evening of last !week. the
object of the meeting being to talk
over the matter of raisin; n sub-
scription for Messrs. Mills & Wynn
to assist them in rrebuildin; *he saw
mill recently destroyed by fire
Cunocillor Wm. Atkinson was called
upon to act ns chairman. After
considerable discussion twenty -tour
were appointed 10 solicit HubaCrip-
tio119. It was decided that Oct. 1st.
would be the date for the payment
of subscriptions, thus giving the can-
vassers enough time to raise suf-
ficient [nods.
Mr. W. 11. Marshall lost a two
year old steer -last ;week.
Mr. Yours;atop, manager of the
grist mill visited in Goderich the
latter part of last '•eek. Mr. Geo.
I3urton had char;c of the mill Bur-
i); his absence.
,Kirkton feels as though it has a
right to put on metropolitan airs
now. Last week the linemen for
the telephone company went on a
atrike. asking •for higher '•ages.
The directors felt that ,the company
could not stntd the increase and de.
caped to hire mew men.
Al r. '$'hos. Rieke and family spent
the 24th at Itannock.
Mr. llnzel White spent the 21111
visitin; friends in the burg.
Mr. W. T. ltondinuse 'i! 11tis week
atlendint the fourth annual conven-
tion of the 'Banshees!. Jtiddulph and
vicinity Sald,ath School Association
being held at the .Mo 1hole :t Church
it is expected a Newhall game 'will
be played in the near future between
the Kirk ton nine and llro \Vortmnn
& Wa cup's of London. As soon ne
the boys here get together and or-
ganize. the slate will be itnnounce,l.
Mr. tiubert Roadhouse, of Toronto
visited his loot her Thos. Inst week.
Mr. 1'. J. Ito'sdhouv', of St. Mary's,
the father•. carne over grid, him.
Mrs. ltobt. McGowan, of Toronto,
i• the guest of her mother 7irs.
l'multi rt.
Landlord Jacob Taylor. of tit, Vic-
toria !louse, is anxious to learn the
w'hcre:.botit of loo slick _retitle.
Omen Who Ixnrded with hire for sev-
eral weal:e anti left without rnak-
in; any effort to pay their bnird
(till and that of two horses which
thee had. One of (1, ' then is 1 al le r
than the other. nn+ dark and 1he
other fair. 'Their business is ,elfin;
medicine all';err to be n pain killer,
but really is nothing hut. rain water
into ttbeet motile drug i9 mixed, it
is 9o.' ev sold r v
Peed th . n 1 u dr I' the
1 1 t t t eta of h
!tuff :t,'nn,td lure. One of then!
Purifies and enriches the blond and
builds up the wli•eie ey+tern.
It radically cures all blood diseases,
from pimples to scrofula.
It Is the best remedy for catarrh,
rheumatism and dyspepsia.
At all times of the year It is the
most widely useful medicine.
These Abatements aro confirmed dally
by cured leen and women.
Over 40,(t') teetimonlals received in
two years - an unequaled record!
Insist on having Hood's and get it
today. 100 Doses One Dollar.
l' (1(1 I)Ito 1,
•nWflllDillillQlilu:1�1t841f11it11.d••atAir�1`n�1.H1IDtl:..i�.�-.. _.
smut t.•ams{riatavenumiaWlinuorumu1.,nannumiuumM.t
similatitigWood and Begilia-
ting the Sttamacks aitd of
\lel\ 1s l HILI)ll}.\
Pl motesDAgestIon,Cheerful-
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Morphine uric Mescal.
Jets ✓ Old PrSAIWIZZfIM=
1 lord -
R..t.ta Ida -
Aj�mi�te,, Jars •
(brie/ •fipsr .
1lislr,Irew i7nst
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa-
tion. SourStomach,Diarrttoea,
Wornts,Gonvulsions,Feveri sh-
ores and Loss OF SLEEP.
TacSimite signature of
et Is months old
Deese -37)(1 \Iti
For Infanta and Children. CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • • • • • S3,000.000.00
RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• ••••
Assets Over $33000,00o.00
General Banking Business Transected.
♦ •• Savings Bank Department
The Molsons Bank
Established 1$53.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
$1.00 Opens an Account and Intorest added FOUR •
Times a Year.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
The Osborne and Hilbert HOMESEEKER9
Farmer's Mutual Fir elnsur
ante Gom enu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Pres. W. If, PASSMORIi, Fainktlhar.
Vice -Pres.: -J. L. RussELL.
JOHN EMERY. Exeter. agent for
Osborne and I31ddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. agent
for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan.
Secy.Treas. Farquhar.
CASTORIA Wesselton
WW1 oslnava S0ePSNe ever veal MTV.
tried to diispoec of oto of the Lorses
which had been hired frotn u St I Fine 150 acre farm on !'benne*
Marys liveryman. but as the !trice Road, Usborne Township. On 100
asked was too high. he could not I acres large two story frame ).oust,
tget a buyer, and returned the horse two bank barns and drive shed; bush
to the owner.and orchard; well drained and fenc-
Mr. Robert Fletcher and wife of ed; only two and one-half miles frocr
c )
our gilts;e have moved to
over hxtrter, and convenient to school
their farm on the 3rd. Con. of Blan- and churches; 'oil, clay loam withshard. 'Mr• Fletcher will ix' vr1'y running stream at the rear of farm.
much missed as ho nearly always
was on hand when needed.
Our boys in Blue put up the mus•
sic at Woodham on the 24th.
Dr. Carr has purchased a halide
some hackney driver from Mr. Amos
Doupe. '
A very severe windstorm passel
over villa;o on Sunday with the
blowiu; down of a few trees no
other damage (rein; done. 100 acre farms in Sleeken Townibip
Miss Moore. of London, is visit- good frame harm and Louse. Well
nt the honk! of her parents in drained and land all cleared. Creek
the villa;c. through rear corner of farm. Can
Mr. John Foster Quince is slow -1 be bought right, ;matt on easy terms',
for quick sale. Apply :,t once to
It:trristers, Exeter Ont.
Farm for Sale
On the fifty bores is a frame barn.
It is also well drained and fenced.
Farm divided and sold in separate
parcels if desired. For all particu-
lars apply at once to GLADMAN &
STANBURY Barristers Exeter Ont.
Farm for Sale
ly recovering from his recent
Mr. David 'Hazelwood lost n very
Valuable hired man one ,day dart,
cause unknown.
Auction Sale
tender and by virtue of the pow-
ers contained in a certain mortgage
which will be produced at tho time
of the sale there twill be offered for
sale by public auction on the prem.
Farm for Sale
We have a good farm of about
35 acres for sale on reasonable terms.
Situate near 'Alt. Carmel in Stephen
Township. First Class land and fair
buildings. Near church and school.
Barristers, 'Exeter. Ont.
Residents of town and city are now.
thinking of their summer outing,
and those wlto live in the busy in-
land centres generally turn 'their at-
tention to the seashore. To those
who are undecided. Cushing's Island
at the hour of two o'clock in the Casco Bay, near Portland Me., 4s
afternoon by II. 8. Phillips, Auction. recommended. Two and elle-half
eer, the property known ps 'Miller's milt's Pram the City of Portland. it
Illackitnith and Carriage Works. is n combination of Heashore and
In The country, on one side tbo broad ocean
VILLAGE OF HE`SALL. and on the other a magnificent view
Being rho North half of Lots Nos. of Portland Harbor. The Ottawa
two hundred and ,sixty tour (26e) Ilouse, well known for several yearn
and two hundred and aixly five (26,5) is situated hero, and with the cot -
in Moir's survey in be said villneo tages in connection. accommodates
}mine it frontage o[ sixty six (1$6) 250 goes!*. It has been thorou,hly
feet on Wellington Street end ex• renovated and refurnished. The san-
tcncting the width of 11nid lots to a itary arrangements aro perfect, the
lane eleven (11) feet in width oft the house lighted with electricity, ,cater
East side of paid )ole. supply r+t'cured from an nrleHman well
TERMS OF SALE. 1 that is equal to nny of the famous
Ten per cent of the tturchaso sprints throughout the plate of
money to be Maid down at the limo Maine. Iiotel under management of
of sale and the balance in thirty Messrs. Boyce and Hatfield, rtwo ex -
day+ thereafter without interest. 1 perieneed hotel Manages.
For further particulars end con- All information, booklets, etc., may
ditions of sale apply to be secured nn application to J. I).
GLADMAN & STANBURY.' McDonald, Union Station, Toronto,
Barristers, Exeter, Ontario. Obit.
II. S. Phillips Auct., Ileneall, Ont.
Jetted at Exeter, the 22nd day of
May, A. D., .1907.
Monthly Auction Sale
The mot thly eur:tion tale will be
held at the Metropolitan H•.tel.Exeten
on 1RIDAY. JUNE iib, IL1117
when the following will be etTered for
erne, 1 draught. welding 1 yrs old; 1
3 yt s old; 2 dratght .
1 mare 4 yrs old; :3
2 :ed. 1
•tl'stught geldtitgs
geldings 2 yrs old,
11131es :3 yrs old; 2 nt•trrs
general purpose filly 2
ing colt 1f Id
11113.1'16 4
yrs old. 1
ear " 2 genii farmers'
years nod; 1 gond general
poet mare 8 )eats old. The above ate
the propel ty of Mr. ('. E. Hackney.
1 tante 7 ors ed. driver; 1 horse 5
yrs old; 1 home 12 yrs Del; 1 new
buggy; 1 eecon•1 Land buggy, also a
number of other itnplentent-.
Thene will also he ottere 1 for sale, We
term, lel 111 tv j 19, con. 12, Ilihhrr't,
(nnlislime of 125 aces, comfortable
log and frame dwelling, rK• larK
e h
boot, pig house, drier 1 o.1sP, 2+1 act es
good hatdlwood hush. Will be sold
cheap wit tt Priv terve* of payment.
('.lttage and lot. pt Int 15, con. 12
U',borne, nice brick cottage and
stat.!:.. hell sere of ore hard and ger-
dee. Mw't ire roll. Terms easy.
Auctii neer. Fist tpthar. !1
per -
1' airy
„ 14 n.
1 Inness.
en•1 . n'‘s.• , tnnr hone by
ne of omits s lest end
•, •
tell to ul jest the kind of
n fnr.
term+ o n eking i
f ' , Y.:\LF.n TE`trtr144 agars....! to '1:. I'enttna.tw•r
1 •tenrrai will 1.e rreei'••1 •ettawa:nto nen
other makes we have , en yri,tav t o,r 21.t June. 1407. for the con. e) •
t u,:•e of Ili. Majesty. Nail.• ren a prep -sled Contract
inr tour, ears .ix umr. prr week ent•h tray. between
I r•ashwon•1 and Scrt.r •irsn,l Tntnk kaitssr station
from the 1st 10.t01,er, nett.
Don't forget tis when you want Printed ni,es r•on,
taining further infornstii n a
Stationer ,Bah (0 mnditir.n,nf {pern .rt4.d rv,ntrart mar he Oren and M
y y (arrla ge! :end 1\'lor- (brManinsfrrna
reUrsof .Tewl•. rmmreapr thae antt taI,lnaer 1 eandthe! Ptrihtegone, Bicycles and Sewing Mach nes
tenor of the Poet •Mt,e Inspector at iosir,n.
The finest color and
brilliant stones
found come from the
Wesselton mines.
We have a most com-
plete stock of these,
mounted in rings or any
kind of jewelry desired,
:'at 'moderate prices.
C. H. WARD & CO.
374 Richmond St.
Highest Price Cash
all kinds old iron., cop-
per brass lead zinc, pew-
ter, rubber, rags, wool
pickings, horse hail'.
Steel stone boats, boule-
varding, iron posts.
Sell or exchange for the
above goods.
RATESAre the same from all points in Ontario.
ranging from 532.00 round-trip 19
Winnipeg to $4250 round-trip to Ed•
mouton. Tickets to all points in the North-west.
Excursions leave Toronto Tuesdat.s
Jun.,, Ills July 2,10, 30; Ausudf
13, 27; 1lopt. 10 anal 24. Ticket,
to return t vi h n sixty days from going
A limited number of
Tourist Sleeping !'are
will be run on esti;
excursion, fully equipped with bedding. etc.
smart porter in *barge. Berths must bo secured
and paid for through local agent at least six day!
before excursion loaves.
In which there is no
extra charge for
berths, passenger',
supplying their own bedding, will be used as far
ss possible in place of ordinary coaches.
Rates and full Information contained In fro.
Homeseekers' pamphlet. Ask t C.P.R.
agent for a copy, or write to
C. E. FOSTER. Di.!►bt Pala. If.. &P.R., Toesftt&
In the matter of he estate of Thott s
as Cudmore, late of the villago
of Exeter, in :the County of Hum
role ?gentleman, deceased.
Notice i! 'hereby given pursuant to
R. 8, 0., 1897, olutp. 129, that all
creditors and others having claims
against the estate of ilio said Thom-
as Cudmorc, who died on or about
the 11th day of IMay 1997. are rel.,
quired on or before the 11th day of
June. 1907, to ;send by poet prepaid
or deliver to MM•eaers, Gladman &
Stanbury, eolicitors for .the execue
tors of the acrid deceased, their cbrise
tial and surnames addresses and des.'
criptions. the full particulars of their
clairns. the statement of their ace
counts and /the nature of the se=
surities, if any, held by them. And:
further take notice (hat after :such
last menlioned dale the said Execu-
tors will proceed to distribute the
assets of elle deceased among thQ
Partici: entitled thereto. having rc-'
gard only 4o the claims of which•
they shall Olen have notice and that
the said executor's will not be liable
for lite said aMyets Or any part there-
of to any Inrrlon or persons of whose
claims notices e11ea11 not have been..
received by them et the, time of such.
dist ribul.ion.
Solicitors for maid Executors.
Dated at Exeter .this JBIh., day of
'May. 1907.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of
John Muir, of the Village of
Exeter. in the County of Huron,
gentleman. deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
1t. 8. O., 1897, chapter 129, that all
creditors and others havine ciiims-
against tbo estate of the said
John Muir, who died ott or about
the 17t1t day of April, 1907, ars
required on or before tho 26th
day of May, 1907, to send by
post prepaid or deliver to
Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury,
of the Village of Ezetee, So-
Iicitors for the Executor, of the
af you sI►f he [u t ttaidumesdec';oseddres, thseseir aCnhdristidaanescriptindons, ad,
11 ,ar iculars of their claims
Ute statement of their accounts and
the natere of the securities, if any
held by then!. And further take
notice that after such last mentioned
date the said executor will proceed
to distribute the assets of the de-
ceased anon; the parties entitled.
thereto haw.; retard only to lite,
cl.ti .ts of which they shall then have,
notice, and that the s:.id executor
will not be 11•,bte for the said assets
or any par thereof to any person
or persons of whose claim notice -
eh ill not 'Live been received by them..
at the time of such distribution.
Solicitors for stid Executor
Dated at Exeter this 1st
day of May, 191t7.
near the old market
Main St. Exeter
�� ECi•r •
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College, London. Ont.
W. C. Coo, C.S.R. President