Exeter Times, 1907-05-23, Page 71 YOUNG FOLKS TIIF WASP CURE. 1t was a rainy day, and Aunty Ne Who had creme to spend the night beton a.uld not let home. So there was L'ltle sewiobi.t(o in the a,zy satin room. "Ruth is Just like her Aunty Nel smilingly sighed !nether, with a tun little kook of despair. "She has 1 same weakness for bright colors, at 1 can't teach her to love plain, ever day work. A great girl past ten yea cid, toe." Aunty Nell awl iluth baked up each other, and Then down at the we sin itt it halts. The big girl was he ming dinner napkins and the tape e was Lrier-rtitclting a silk bag. 'I'll they smiled, h:cause they both had ; Idea that whatever the .,deer one ti was pretty nearly right. "1'11 tell you al.,ut niy cure for 11 'all -fancy -work' baba, Itulhie," said 11 pretty Y yoar !g aunt, "though you c r exactly take it yourself, because it a happened last summer, and it can't ha pen just the seine wary again, but pe haps the story will help you." "Somebody scolded you," suggest Ruth. "No, indeed; and you never, nev Could guess right," said aunty Nel "But If you will hem a whole napkin, Angers that can do such even brie stitching, should he -able to do wee henlmiig; I will tell you how I fell tit of a bad habit into a good one, and ho filch happiness I find in the new way. "Well," she went on, after Ruth ha remised and was fairly started on tie Work, "when I went away to the Adit endacks in July I knew there were n stores to buy embroidery silks, and se I carried a supply along with me. unpacked my things, and on the tabl right by the window overlooking th lake i put my tray with a row of spool lying down on their sides. This wa where 1 meant to sit and embroider. ' 'There was a spool of white collo for sewing on buttons, which I mean to persuade remcbody else to do for me fl i could. The coarse black toren was for shoe buttons, the fine white wa for baby clothes I had premised peat Mas. Doyle, and the darning cotton pall, of course, that was for darning 1 positively had to.'' "And the beautiful colored silks,' prompted little Ruth. "I only put out one at a time—the first day a spool of delicate, blue whirl I meant to uNe for scalloping a kimono. You know 1 always love to work on light -blue fancy work." "I could hardly wait to get at it," Aunty Neli continued, "and 1 was just reaching out for the silk thread when a wasp flew in at the window, and circled round my work -tray, so that I stopped to hole" "Was it a stinglr.g wasp," asked mo- ther. "No, a small black one -perfectly harmless She carried a bit of clay in her fe�eclegs in sante mysterious way. and she flew carefully about each spool In turn. I think she. too, had a weak- ness for color, for she finally daubed the clay plump on the open end of the blue silk spool, and flew away for more. 1 was too curious to touch my spool while she was gene, nod soon she came back and daubed on more clay." The "grown-ups" stopped to discuss the species of the insect it must have been, until Ruth interrupted eargerty, "Aunty Nell, and—" "Well I watched every trip until the bole at one end was covered over tight and fast. And then what do you think little Mother Wasp did? She ust crept inside that spool, and I Think she must have laid some eggs there, for she staid some time. When she carne out again she began once more making trips, and etch Trip she came back she brought a small green wnrm and stuffed it into the spool, for food when the larvae should conte to life and bo hungry. When the opening was just as full ns It would hold, the busy little creature brought clay and fastened up the other rod as neatly as could be. I don't think any one with hands could have done a neatest thing." 'This took two or three mornings a1- logether, and i watched with the gri:,r- est interest. and would not toueh the spool for fear of frightening off the wasp. But when it was n11 finished. Fut a spool of pink silk into the tray beside the others." "i)id she like pink." asked Rnlh, tan much al�se bed in listening to keep fingers going. "She came hnek ngein.--r another one. but 1 like to fancy It w the seine. --and reernined biers all i turn, and chose the pink. Then it was the snrne way w all 1111' yelk v silk and ray green; mai.- finales) Aunty Nell, with n 1nnQh, ; "I crime to the conclusion flint rather than he stung with the little builder V ho turned Illy sprx,ls into lovely hcrees to; her hnhfee. i s•nnlol occupy my fin- I gers wi11t c+,n o of the plain work that 1 ought to he done. 1 diol nil nay plain mending first and Then 1 did some whirl' sewing niid used my Jr.rieneglected er nal of w hila thread, This led me to think of the huge pile of stockiti s al Many• waiting. rind 1 hegen upon those. S.. h. fere I realized if. 1 hall fnrnw,l n hr,hil. And 1t you will try to form n tide! frac! like it 1 will give you n11 the et - I resid••nees to Inke to sehocl and e arch there develop, fe•,r 1 brought them o home for Met very purpose. 1 "i wish it wend strop raining." said Ruth. with ouch n hie. happy- sigh (haat I everyhndy laughed, "so we r„u!.1 an s over to your hence and get the lovely naspy speeds right new, this minute." -,I.. Mrs. Peekem : "L,kre'.s nn im•itnlien to my cousin's wrdd:ng. ,\V111 ;oar Pa 7" Peekem "No. i hale weddings. 1 slime.. limes wish 1 hadn't attended my ew-n." A lV'hen a Hien is n genius he feels Ih t 11 he has the p,ri%itege of taking a drintj when.•ver he wants one. For drainage and irrigation Holland aens the astonishing total of 1,900 mites fo canals and ditches, 11, •e, a ny he t.f Y- rs at rk u- ne •11 u1 id le ie 1' 1 11 r- ed er 1. r- t It w d r n 1 0 e • s n d s r • �"'"'`E° "'�" SCIATICA.. -PHYSICIANS ARE NEEDED Made Well and Strong by Dr. Williams' Pink PIUs After Doctors Had Felted. Mr. I1. W. Awult is one of the lead- ing merchants of Hemford, N. S., A few years ago he was a great sufferer from that most excruciating trouble sciatica. Ile says: "At the time I was afflicted 1 was living at Baker Settle rent. The attack was so severe thus 1 had been off work for seine lirne. The cords of my leg were all drawn up and I could only limp along with the aid c f a stick. The -pain 1 suffered was ter- rible. 1 was in misery both day and night. Every moment caused me such pain as only those who have been tor- tured with sciatica can know. 1 was treated by several deet. rs, but they did eel help me a bit. In fact 1 almost be- gan to feel that my condition was helpless, when Dr. Williams' Pink fills were brought to my attention. I got a half dozen boxes. i had used about the entire quantity before 1 found any Lentil!. But 1 was encouraged and got a second half dozen boxes and beiorc those were all gone every vestige of the onl • this. tremblehad disappeared. Nott tr tis d pp,c } but 1 was improved in health in every way, as It will be readily understood That the kung siege of pain I had suf- fered uf- own .• r t e e badly rout d 1 f Ic i hod left m carf't spank ton highly of Dr. \', Ilhnnis' Pink Pills. I can't recommend them loo strongly to other sufferers." Dr. Williams' Pink fills cure sciati- ca simply because they make the rich, e P> soothesandstrengthens a , 1 nt cd 1 l+x, i that the jangled aching nerves. That is wiry they cure such nerveetroubles as neuralgia, St. Vitus dance and partial paralysis. That Is why they curd all ailments due to poor watery blood. That is why They make weary, despon- dent. br ken -down men and women t.right, relive and strong. But only the genuine pills can do This, and they have the full name, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. on the wrapper around every box. Sold by medicine dealers everywhere or by !rail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.5e) by addr•ess- IIIg the Dr. Wilyliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. VICTIM OF RUSSIAN TYRANNY. Tragedy of a Young Woman Held With- out Trial. The suicide in the fortress of St. Peter and Sl.. Paul, St. Petersburg, of a young woman named Dorofieff. who had been imprisoned there for nearly six months vvilliout trial, has caused as painful a►1 impression as that of the girl Vielrnva, who committed suicide in the same piece !tout eight or ten years ago by pouring over herself the oil of the lamp with which her cell was provided and setting herself on fire. Dorolieff strangled her- self by tying her hair round her neck, fastening the end of the plait to the foot of the bed and then leaning back till death released her. She was a young married woman, barely 22 years of age, who carne to Sl. Petersburg with her husband in the spring of last year. The two lived a quiet, simple life, and nttractel little no - tire from their neighbors, until shortly after a revolutionary outrage, when they disappeared. The police made a desee•nt upon their apartment and left a few mors in permanent ambush. When, two days latter, the husband returned alone, he had hardly entered the hall when they rushed out with loaded revolvers and arrested him. Two days later he was executed in accordance with the verdict of a field court-martial. The following day the woman Dorn- fieff was arrested. She was Immediately incarcerated in the Fortress of St. Peter and Si. Paul, and since then, according to the newspaper accounts, she was kept in complete ignorance as to the fate of her husband, the jailors not being allowed to reply to any of her questions. 'fie news of her husband's death, it is said, was conveyed to her on the eve of her suicide. She had been dead for several hours before it was discovered thnt she lied put an end to her life. She was buried secretly at night time in the i'reobajen- sky.Cernelery, where nre the graves of many of those who fell during the shoot- ing to lied Sunday. \Vho sho was and who her husband remains a mystery. Those who knew her during her stay in St. Petersburg describe her as an ex- ceptionally beautiful and attractive wo- man of superior intelligence and educa- tion. CfIILD110OD AILMENTS. The mother who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in the home has a feeling , f security thnt her child's health is sate. 'These 'tablets cure such 0ilncnts as colic, indigestion, constipation, diar- rhoea and bimplo fevers. 'they break ur• colds. destroy worms, make teeth- ing painless and give the child healthy natural sleep. And the mother hes the inn to a g e n a of a g, avernrnent anal} -sl that tie. Tablets nre absolutely safe. Mrs. Robert \\'alsnn, Cembermrre, Ono., says: ---"I find Baby's Own 'labials just he medicine needed to keep children tealthy.' Sold by all medicine dealers or by rnnil at 25 cents a box from The Dr. \\'illiams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. AN I:NGLIMII GIRL'S PLUCK. Sawed Herself From a Would-be Rob- ber In Paris. Miss Nellie McCarthy, an English girl I nineteen, who had gene to Paris to nee n situatten ns n governess, hnd 11 exciting adventure with a would-be •eblier in the flue itarnhutean. She lost her way among the Paris Irrels. And fished it w•onian nettled n•es• eft to direct her to her hotel in the rue St. Ilonore. The w.,annn offered c show her the way, and led her in- tend to her own apartmrnty, on The wornan Induced her to Enter, Qir the e 1 't. ;ct.aithy's jewels and money. pro he English girl answered by producing to rcvnl•er and shooting the woman In le shoulde , Of Fe p0 be been w PIMA FOR MIa)IC.AL MAN IN TILE MACKENZIE RIVER VALLEY. Hundreds of Moes of Thai District Are Without • Single Doctor. Mr. E. Stewart, recently Dominion Cenontiesioner of Forestry, writes re- garding u !latter of importance to all roma:nuns. It has occurred to me that i was per- haps neglecting a duly in not calling public attention to the sod condition ct II•e sick and afflicted in the Mackenzie Iiiver country. The distance by the ordinary travelled mole between Atha- basca Landing (which is itself about one hundred miles north of Edmonton) and Feet \Icl'herses, near the Arctic Sen, is 1,651 !tiles, ,old over that whole distance th, in ti abitanis—Indians, half-breeds and while.•-- ► 1 are wilt physician. tool a single e o . i . u t h cnan. Of missionaries there are many, and the good people of Canada send liberal support to maintain thenar, but surely, as the eloquent a nsfl Labrador tr, e t the [ a alar P says, it is poor comfort to the suffering and dying to be told that we love them and that the Lord Ls good when we fail to do anything to relieve their physical distress. NO SURGEONS THERE. My attention was forcibly- called to the condition of (hese people in this respect during my visit to that country last sum- mer. Only two days after leaving Atha- basca Landing in a steamer our cook took sick with what was apparently ap- pendicitis. 11 was soon evident that his case was serious, and it Was extreme d. tressiug to see him growing wor day by day, while of the fifty or oto on the Leat no one could do anything save his life. After about a week of i tense .suffering he expired, and now fol a lonely grave on the hank of the Ath bnska Iiiver, far from his former home in England. 'J'kere are many in the country who aro afflicted with certain ailments that would yield readily to simple surgical operations. in such cases there aro only two alternatives; either to endure the affliction or Make a long journey of perhaps a thousand or fifteen hundred Whiles to Edmonton, which is not only expensive, but if the journey Ls from the far north. where there is only one or two boats in the year, it will necessitate an absence from home of about twelve months. Just before we left Edmonton we heard or such a case. The wife of an employe of the Ihrdsons' Bay Company at Fort Simpson, on the Mackenzie, nearly 1,2(10 miles [rout Edmonton, canoe out to the latter place on the return of the steamer in 1905 in order lo undergo some simple operation for her eyes, which, I believe was quite successful, and only necessi- tated her slay in the hospital for a week or two, but as she could not get back to her home that season she arranged to stay in Edmonton and return the follow- ing year by the lxonf. Unfortunately n week before we left Edmonton she took suddenly ill and expired. and instead of our having her as a companion on our journey we were compelled to be the bearers of the saddest of all messages to her husband, who mine aboard, es soon a: the stennter touched the bank, ex- pecting to meet his dear one after n long ycnr's at:sence. 11. is unnecessary to say IMO this incident was most distressing. but it Is not singular, for this annual steamer brings similar messages every trip. ffa ori Ms gold -water starch gets ironing -day over quicker, with less wear on the ironer's muscles and far ess on the starched pieces. Gives a beautiful gloss. Needn't be boiled ..yet cannot stick. It's a starch you'll like. ri:.. to • •f. KAISER URGES SIMPLE LIFE. Sends ills Opinion on Subject to Army Officers. The Emperor of Germany has a de - clued desire to promote temperance and simple iv' l 1 living linking officers ,fit p g clstl g of fence • } and navy. as recently manifested by an inlperinl note circulated among the re- giments. The note, which emanates from the emperor direct, states that duringa midday a a me 1 which f l' - he W- eer For attended at one of the regimental messes tie was extremely annoyed to see the luxuriousness and profuseness dispinved In regard to table delicacies, incieding French champagne. In his note the emperor expresses rt desire tantamount to n command that when he is present at any regimental meal the menu should he restricted to iy, sane fish. vegetables, toast, cheese and se butter'. Beverages should consist c.f loo s'mpte red or white table wines or a to claret gloss of German ehnmpaf,me n - en be handed round on occasions as Is en accompaniment while "hrnlen" is a being served. Liqueurs nfler• meals are ANOTIIF:R CASE. I shall only mention one other in- stnnce : Some lime in April of last year i received a letter from a trader of my acquaintance, whose post was at the Arc- tic River, on the lower Mackenzie, be- yond the Arctic circle. This letter was written on Christmas Day. fully four months before it reached me at Ottawa. It described lite in that far northern re- gion mnst graphically, and the general tone was cheerful, and reflected the life of a man greatly Interested In the strange surroundings eat his new horde. 1 knew a reply would not reach him sooner than 1 expected to myself, and 1 locked forward with pleasure to the sur- prise that 1 would give him when 1 should present myself in person to an- swer his communication. On ranching Greet Slave Lake 1 was informed that would find my friend at Fort Coed Hope on our way down. This post is about Three hundred rnile.s this side of the ,\rc- ti • Red River. So wtien our steamer, the \\'rigley. reached Good Hope 1 looked gingerly among the crowd of Indians. halt -breeds and a few whites, everyone down to see the arrival of tie first steamer. If not the only one of the year; but 10 my' surprise my friend ('mild not lie seen. I soon had his quarters on the hank of the river printed out. and In a few• minutes more had found him In e small log huh in n dying c'onditi'on. He hail a few inenlhs before centrnelerl n severe cold. which failed to yield lo nay remedies tlint were available. 1 learned on my return that he died the day after i visited hint. A GIIENFELI. NEEDED. These are but n few of the distressing eases 1 met with on my journey. there is 1 Ileld far anther Grenfell of vaster' ex- tent than that afforded on the cons!. of 1 al,rndor, and 1 r'nnnol but believe that. if our people realized the condition of the s,•;ittero.l settlements, ex lending over two thousand miles from Edmonton to the peter sen. with regard to medical aid they would r,•sponil cis willingly In pro- vide one or two hospitals as they now 410 ti. the support of the missions 1n that region. It Is true ttiat the missionnries are generally sul plied with n few drug., and home of them have a limited know- ledge of medicine, but I do not knew of e capable of performing n serious sur - ,1 •ge•itlon, and provided he were, .. r- - �► Iheee • et -moment' df the ttgp�r Irf rr pie would certainly not be favdfauie convalescence. Will not eomo one undertake the work establishing • small hospital. say, at rt Simpson? This would be a central int on the river, and would, i am afire, soon patronized by many who have afflicted for years, and who other- ise could never receive the {restrain that their saws require. P.1 n M ktv tF'o de Qr and darllar..s. Tho poi%I< were Called by the neigh - hers and explanations at the police sta- tion led to the release of Miss McCarthy. The women Bassett Is 1n the hospital end will be charged with attempted fr hbcry. taMxted, also all other beverages. These restrictions. together with the emperor's endeas•ors to suppress all ex- pensive sp.orls in the army. such ns WO. show• his keen desire to bring the German officers' menial and physical qualities to the highest standard pos- sible. ,t. SORE ACHING FEET SOOTHED BY 'LAM-Ri'K. Men, woolen and girls engaged in Stores, who have to be on their feet all day, often suffer agonies fro►n diet- ing sores, soft corns, horny pa'1ches, etc. In other cases long standing and walking leads to had leg. varicose veins and ulcers. T.am-Iluk takes the pain Cul of chafed sores, prevents suppura- tion and poison from stocking -dye, and generally heals. - Mrs. IC. Watkins. of 20 Forgue Ave- nue, Montreal, says: "My boy had a sere on his Heel which was rubbed ny his stocking until it became n very bad_ wound. Tarn -Bute took the soreness out almost Instantly, and healed the wound up wonderfully.' Tenn -Birk Is equally good for outs, bruises, eczema. scalp sores, itch, bar- ber's rash, blood poison and all skin injuries and diseases. All stores and diuggists sell at 50c a box. "Father, i am not sure whether i shell be a specialist for the ears or the teeth." "Choose the teeth, my boy, everyone has thirty-two of them, but only two ears." 11 will do no harm to remember That the rnnn in front never has any kick about the dustiness of the road. "Didn't you find It hard to choose a name for the baby ?" "Not at all. He has only one wealthy uncle, you see." Worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator de- ranges worms and gives rest to the suf- ferer. 11 only casts 25 cents to try it end be convinced. RIGHT. "Gitlin' a grouch," said Uncle Josh this morning, "Is th' easiest thing In Ih' hull 'larval world 1 il'a th' giltin' red uv tit' blamed thing (het pinches, b'jinks MEANINGLESS WORD. "I'll sue the scoundrel l" exclaimed Algy in a terrible rage. "fie calls me a blithering Idiot I" "1 wouldn't pay any nttentien to it," counselled Percy. "'Blithering' doesn't really mean anything, you know." F1YTST.( Ht'N1)RRD BUYS 000D WILL and stock In trade of old established ming van business; honer, vans In erst-alas condition; spot each • owner wishes to retire; investigate. --John J. Biggs, London, Ont. Y DUNG MEN WA,YTFD—MIR- A. FOR IR- rnen and brakemen; experience un- necessary; over 500 peytilions open al uie present time; high wages; rapid promo. tion *e"' gay„*;',alclrs�i to ogoo pe n l; intit1061.4 „ moot .i roti? bomo without n.er•rupl$on with present occupation; we 'mist each stu- dent in securing a pantie% don't delay; write lo -day for free catalogue, tnsiruc• lions and application blank. National Railway Training School, Inc., 1432 K.. Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. SUE NO. $S—q. KIDNEY TROUBLE glittered Two Years-1teltes-ed in Three Months. MB. C. B. FILER, Mt. Sterling, writes,: '1 have suffered with kidney and blad- der trouble for ten years past. "Last March 1 cotumen:ea using Pie rune and continued fur three months i have not used it since, nor have 1 telt a pain. there- fore Well and! believe att "1 b o th t 1 a •u c d altars t o fore give my highest. nun n the curative qualities of Peruna." Pe-ru-na For Kidney Trouble. Mrs. Geo. II. Sintser, Grunt, Ontario, Can., writes: "I had not been well for about four years. 1 had kidney trouble, and, in fact, telt badly nearly all the time. "Phis summer I got so very bad 1 thought 1 would try Peruna, so 1 wrote to you and began at once to take Peruna and Manalin. "I took only two bottles of Peruna and one of efatialin, and novo I feel better Ihnn I have for some time. "i feel that Peruna and elanalin cured me and made a different woman of me a!tegether. I bless the day i picked :•p the little teed( and rind of your Peruna." 11 is the business of the kidneys lo remove from the blood all poisonous materials. They must be active all the time, else the system suffers. There are tunes when they need a little assist- ance. Perunn is exactly this sort of a rem- edy. It has saved many people from disaster by rendering the kidneys ser- vice at n time when the}' were not able to bear their own burdens. h}'., VERY INJURIOUS. "What is there about betting at horse races that is so Ind for the health?" said young \Irs. Torkins. "I newer heard of anything," answered the visitor. "Didn't you/ Every lime Chnrli. makes a bet he comes home and says there is something wrong with his sys- tem." A Small Pill. but Powerful.—They Met judge of the powers of a pill :ay he size, would consider Parntelee's Ve- getable Pills to be lacking. It is a lit- tlr, wonder among pills. What it lacks in size it makes up in potency. The remedies which 1t carries are put up in these 'aerial] doses. because they are so powerful that only smell doses are re- quired. The full strength of the ex - !reels is seeured in this form and do their work thoroughly. A company of settlers. in running their new town, called it Dictionary, because, as they said, "that's the only place where peace, prosperity, and happiness nre always found." ITCH, Mange, Praire Scratches and every form of contagious Iteh on human cr animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford'a Sanitary Lotion, It never fails. Sold by all druggists. An artist Is a roan who puts his dreams into such shape that the rest of the world can realize how beautiful they aro A lady writes: "I was enabled to re- move the corns, root and branch, ly 11,e use of Holloway's Corn Cure." Others who have tried it have the same experience. "fins young Dudleigh nny occupnllon ?" asked the dear girl's mealier. "Indeed he has," replied the dear girl. "Ile's raising a moustache." They are Carefully Prepared.—Pills which dissipate themselves in the sto- mach cannot be expected to have much effect upon the' intestines, and to over- came eosllveness the medicine admin• tslered must Influence the action of these canals. Parmelees \'egelnhle I'i11e are so made, under the supervls- len of experts. that the euhstnnce in them Intended In operate on the Irtles- tirtes Is retarded in action until they fess thrnugh the stomach to the bowels. A ft.n1 can milia n wise conn quicker than another wise men can. Alice : "I'll lit you kiss me if you won't tell nnyhodv." Willie: "1 tiro- niter, ormnitre net In fell it, but 1 wnn't promise not to repent it." AN UGLY FAMILY of skin diseases is the one generally described by the word Keno In all its forms It resists ordinary legatee! but Is complete) cured by Wearer's Cerate in co rection withs Wearer's Syrup Women. ns n rule, bore peer bends f.)u figures. That may be why It Is al- most impassible for one to figure her age cc,rr,s•tly. -- Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Ceirdinl tan speedy cure for dysentery, dinrrhmn, cholera. summer oompinjplt, sea sickness and complaints Incidental to efliklren teething. 11 gives irrp cdjiga relief to Vioss suffering from the effects of in - di cret(oit Th tilting unripe fruit, cream. hers. etc. 11 acts with h►roliaerful ra- pidity and nev°M' fails to conquer the diteace. No one need fear cholera if ttt'y have a bottle of this medicine oars- venient. The way some men live they evidently' forget that they cannot hire an attorney I) represent them on the Judgment Dv. • A TRIUMPHAL TOUIL Vial) of South Lancashire's Band to Calais and Lille. If the band of the and South Lanca- shire Regiment had been a company of vi• torous soldiers 1t could flat have had a more triumphant welectnc then it had on its recent trip from Calais to Lille, France, where it wus to play at a 0h811)- concert. Y In the black hours of night Calais citizens stormed the gangway to the mail -boat, and a 1.111e committee. in evening dress, weletaned (admirl Adam and his sixty-one khaki -clad bandsmen. To the accompaniment of songs They marched to supper in the Genial Hotel at 2 a.m., end were astir again ir, full dress at 0. The municipal band escort - of them to the Town Ila11 for the May- cral welcome before the station was reached. At the rampart nt Lille the artillery fired A salute of twenty-one guns; for a mile out the railway's was lined with a flrg_weeing crowd. and as the train en- tered the station five nifiSSNi military tiFfitIS Sf rUrk tin "Gest nd Save ve the King." The I.ancosbires gave three tremendous cheers for the French. end then began v triumphal h it march l' h hmtI g h erowded end heltagged streets. Thousands of ho- liday -attired people cheered again and again. Al the Cfly hall the Mayer of- fend champagne, end reminded his teems Ihnt red coots and red trou- se's .1 . . r had not n e fr � rr c' I n.z i since the Cri- mea. Then to the Prefecture, another welcome. and more champagne. Then to the offledal residence of the General (> nlrnnnding the district. who drank to the "nehle British army." A herr of ladies invaded the Gen- eral's salons to chat with the British officers. After serenading them the bond was taken of( in ring -bedecked tramway Cala to hunch. end at 1 o'clock twelve thousand people --everybody in the district is mare or less of a need - cel critic --assembled in the Hippodrome applaud enthusiastically. so well did the l.nnenshire poly, n'twithstanding their fatigue. The President of the committee went tip on the platform end kissed blushing nnndmesfer Harris oto tooth cheeks, before. handing him n great geld laurel lent. The General Cnnlnlanding and all the effi-er.s of rank were present in ten - term at night at the banquet In hotel de Metope. FACETIOC'S. Time tries to age a woman fair, But she destroys the trace; For Time sho doesn't seem to care— But at him slakes a face. A \\'ids Sphere of Usefulness. -- The consumption of Dr. Thomas' Eclrelrie (.1, has grown to great proportions. Notwithstanding the fact that it has now been on the market for over thirty- one years, its prosperity is n.5 greet a; ever, end the demand for it in that period has very greatly increased. It 1� benefleinl in all countries. and wher- ever the -educed fresh supplies are con- stantly asked for. in IR50 the fastest stenmer aflnnl was the Asia. Site could do 11 knots, and held the record until the Persia was launched in 1856. FF.RROVIM, WHAT IR ITT It is the name of the best tonic. It builds up Ike system, gives new lite, makes people well and strong. Be sure you get the genuine •' Ferrovim." The first organs built in the eleventh century had keys five inches in width, which had to be struck with the ftsl. Before you ad Elena k is take o u t. ,.enwming Pen - Angle Underwear keeps you ootn- yas well as warm,beeause the short fibres that make some under- wear itch are taken out of Pen- . le wool. Is a variety eI fabrics, dylss a ■d paint• ha all sizes for worsen, •ea _sad chin. and guaranteed by jeer owa dealer. f1iL 1M WC)1' Fiotit Apure, hard P Manitoba • dolor Ibr bikes and others dsmaad- iat; strtltngtik color sad rnitbrsltit . STRONG&WHITS AT YOUR GROCRM DIAlaas avaaywasac suPPLlto at1N �LQYR AND FILO. f'Ha1Ta tie. We ALSO MAI 'pastil arts a alstloW MOON THAT HAS GAMED omen moon Al A GMIAAL M0111[M01a'M& pYRIpear PLOW. ~i l \`11'IRL1.L MI.I Iti6( 0 F(Iit01 (t1 it NI 1 IIIN Uhl CHENILLE CURTAINS an 1.1l blade sr hews Hasgtsgs, aloe 1 1.01 CURTAINS "18.11114."" Writs se w skeet Iowa SIMMS AMMAN MEN N.. 1141 IM. Noserme CANAL -JAN PA(•IFIL iRRIG,t TED FARMS SUNNY ALBERTA Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Eastern Selling Agent., los .CORISTINE BUILDING, RIOMTRIRAL. OA/ 470 On Your Savings Compounded Quarterly gond for booklet "BANKING BY MAIL' it *imbibes how our Savings Department Is no train from you than your nearest Mall hoz. Capital and Maseru 12,900,000 THE UNION V'RU8T Ocbg LIMI .o Tempt• Building. • Toronto • 1'