Exeter Times, 1907-05-23, Page 5THE EXETER 'TIMES, MAY 23rd 1907 P�pular Goods for Now end DASNWO� ROVER MISS the IIest of the Season THE t I wish to announce to the public Favored Worsteds � TROUSERS AND WASK that I have pttrchaeed Mr. E{idt's bite- 1 tercet in the Holler Mills and solicit These worsteds are in blues and l VES a FOR SuuirER your patronage. fancymiztures,excel in ualit ,beau% II s pant hunter pantlesra y p y I Is panting for pante �'t e make a specialty of Family and finish anything of their triad we He pantetb pantieee Flour. have ever shown. We are offering some beautiful 1Until he implant. himself into one of those taehionable pants ordered Try Our Graham Flour. Summer Suits for Silo Jat'J. h• IIOLTZMANN'S All kinds of feed always cn hand. and upwards. A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we can Chopping Promptly attended to not suit, we have yet to know of it. Highest Price Paid for Wheat. •NN•NN•N•NN••••N•• •NN•N••••NNN•••NN• WM fl. MILLS, - WOOD(HfM' Men's fancy Print Shirts for 75c, 85c and$100, men's stripe duck working Shirts for 75c each; all kinds of Straw Hats and fancy Straws for youths, boys and mens at right prices; children's fancy Sailors for 25c and 35c each; we have about 30 different patterns in muslin for dresses, colored, we are clear- ing out at less than cost, regular 12c 15c and 20c goods, out they go at 1Oc yard, 10c ones to clear out at 7c yard; we have a few pairs of those women,s Ane button Shoes left yet, regular $1.50 and $1.75 you can have for $1.00 a pair; we keep the paint that 1e paint and is the best, the Sherwin-Williams and we have all colors in stock, buggy. wagon, oil stain and varnishes. also paint brushes all sizes. In seed we have I think the best, Bruce's and Steele Briggs, and they are all fresh new seeds this year. long Red Mangold, the Yellow Intermediate and the Sugar Beet, also all kinds of Turnip seed, and in the Grocery line we can fill your wants, we always buy the beat and always buy the pure goods --10 lbs. Cornmeal for 25c.; 12 lbs. Oil Cake for 25e.; ercatly enjoyed and \\'es served same appearance of the fart's. ns well as 10 lbs. Salts for 25c. ; 4 pkgs. Corn Starch 25c.; 6 bare Bee Hive Soap 25c.; 10 in proper style. bring; a great help to t 1,e roads in bars O. K. Soap 25c.; Pure Maple Syrup $1.25 gallon; Highest prices cash or Our up-to-date begetter is work- the winter in iallowitia llhe snow to trade for Butters and Fggs; Potatoes for sale. ing up a fine .trade. Ile keeps .a drift instead of making big unow I very fine assortment of meats of all banks for miles. Woodham. 1 kinds. tlausaec. .sunset . s 'iia. bologna etc. which he maks wield Dl r. and Dlrs. Valentine s s EHLERS Prop. of Dashwood Roller Mills. Dir. Gottfried Geiser who pur- chased the lot and dwelling of Mr. Fred Wein. sometime ago, is mak. int; extensive improvements which add greatly to the Appearance of the place. Sir. Chas. Kinestey put in a day The rail and ,board dence3 on our on the ,Exeter dtaco track with the main roads will noon ibe a thing of queatiores by eh:akiva her head. Mrs. 1 to town from London, at here they, Kuhn is Olio of the old pio1 . rs of I went Last fall. this section urld has many friends 1 Mr. Gee. Mcdiay has secured the w hu eyrupnthize with !ter. cout1Jct of Laying tL' flew cement The Y. 1'. A. of the deutbertue walks tea both ei(l s c.( Queen pt. church intend .diving a lawn Lucie' aid also both sides of ltiellitIOltd St.i in n few weeks. ,particulars of tiouth on the West bide of the track, which will be Niven later. The Hun- The foundry is fa -gain reunite; of-' day school have decided to have their ter a week's shut duel, uxin_ to annual picnic to Grand Bead same repairs twine made. time in June. Rey. S. L. Toll excta:rll,ed pulpits Mr. Fred Willis. of Exeter, sj•ctit with Rev. Mr. -111eTevista, of Gran - Sunday in Dashwood. ton. on Sunday. 51r. 'Poll ttreachine One day last .wook ;;onto one at- anniversary sermons at Granton. tempted to poison 'a valuable Irish Mr. Ira !lice, of CL'utdeboye, ;ave terrier dog be1oiseiuo to Mr. Bete his old friends a call on Saturday. man Eidt. It was noticed that the etr•. Joseph Deinst''in, of Zurich, doe was _ick and the l.niuial was visited in town over Sunday. at once looked atter with the re,- Mr. Robert 11i; iu+ arrived home stilt that 110 •i8 now alright agai�t. from Ht rathcona 0n Friday ni;ht It is not very encouraging to kaon Inst. a good dog when it ii likely to lee Mr. A. 11. King spent Sunday with p018o11('td. his parents in Kincardine. It will be !tally Day in the Evart- Dir. It. Cruicksh.•tuke visited with gelical church on Sunday Inext. The his parents in \Viii;h:lm over Sun - Rev. Mr. Eidt will preach in 'the day. morning and in the evening a pro. A large number from .neighboring gram will be given by the young places attended the 'Sunday School people. A cordial invitation is ex• convection held in !Carmel Presby - tended to all. terian church here ou :Slond:ly. The many friends of Mrs. 1'. Me- Messrs. W. Geiger and Arthur Ste - Isaac will be pleased to learn that Allister of the Toronto 'Steeical col - she is again able do be around after lege are home visiting their respec- an illness of several 'weeks. tiro parents. Potato planting in tete order of Revs. Jir. Toll and hart :sed J. C. the day in our village snd seeding Stoneman were in Parkhill on Fri- 1 in (hie vicinity will h0 finished this clay attending the district meeting week. t of the 'Methodist church. \\'c are pleased to note that .Dr. Forbes Godfrey who leas been chosen us 11ie Conservative Ica ididate en \Vest York was once a liensall boy hein; the son of ,ltev. Mr. Godfrey who was stationed here tonne years a;o. -Mr. and Mrs. Hassell, o[ \Vilming- ton. Del., are Little visiting the l,lt- ter's parents Mr. and ,Mrs. Ortwein. Mrs. 1'. Hudson event several days in Seaforth the last 'week. Nits. Yeo and .bliss Cantclon, of Sit. Forest spent Friday of last week with T. Murdock. Nle. It. 11. Stewart of Ilenbrooke is in town this %week ;tutting pianos: 51r. Geo. Joyut has placed a new cement walk around his house which adds greatly to its tippeartncc. 511•. James Johnston is trushiu; his new house to completion. He ,etas also built a new brick .table this road scraper uud also a flay on the recreation grounds here. Charlie's ateady hand is in great demand. The ice cream, first of the season at W. Einkbeiuer's t(lrocery was the past. Every farmer is .car by year, putting up the wire fence and now wire fences can be seen on both sid'•s of the roads ,for miles. It is certainly a big improvement in the A. MILLS f N••NN..N••NN••N••N well deserves to be patronized. l A Magistrate Invests` ••••••NN••NNN•••NN• ,lea t z spent'Sunday last in the village vis- iting their daughter eIrs. Charles Crediton D".1'. J. ateCUE, MEMBERON- TARIO COLLEGE PI]YS1CI_ acts and Surgeons, Successor to Dr. E. A. HaL t. Crediton. Ont. Mr. T. J. Trevithick has his new show rooms completed and has on band a large and select collection of buggies of the very Lest makes and styles. second to none and at right prices. If you intend purchasing a buggy. it would be well to call and inspect Mr. Trevithiok'e display. 'Mr. Gast. Either who Chas been laid tip the past week with an attack of pneumonia is rapidly reoovering. Don't for;et _ to 'take in the sports on the recreation grounds on 'May 24th. A splendid program has !leen arran;ed including two exciting games of baseball by two of elle fastest amateur teams in Western Ontario, "The Workman and Ward" team of London. and the Stars of Crediton. Our Town Acetylene Gas Plant is making rapid strides and it will not be long hence ,before it will .be An accomplished fact. Mrs. Rosana Finkbeirrer spent a few days visiting her daughter Mrs. Trimmer, of flay. Ontario fall wheat supplies -What Manitoba spring wheat lacks; What Ontario fall wheat lacks, Manitoba spring wheat supplies. OFFICIAL 1 PIRFEUT BUND LABEL PLOUVI 4OCIAswv The right blend of the two makes the only perfect flour for all bread and pastry. Just try it and prove it. e "Made in Ontario" gates Zam-Buk. ?.wicker. ! _._ 5i r. \Viukertve(er read son Arthur SAYS, ISA WONDERFUL HEALKR of .Dashwood is spending n few days in the villa,( visiting; eel;hives at i AND DOES 'MORE THAN 13 Mr. A. 11i11's residence. I CLAIMIE.I) F011 11'. Mr. C. '!.wicker, Sr.. of London. -- a few the 'guestwas in ! of bis•%googe f Chute. Zwi kers Probably uo household .remedy in Mr. August Kuhn and Rhe Diisses existence leis won such glowing trib- Kiuhtn were the uesls of Miss Annie ut0(l from people in thigh pl ccs as g has %ars- lltik. .lir. Itozer 1'. ferry. 5iorlock, of Exeter, on 6unday' Justice of the Peace for British Col- lies lis Redfern true ,eco propri- t uwhia, recently tested itbis famous tor of the 'Royal Hotel was here for balm, and this is nvliat lie sales of tit : a few days last week and is ex- pected to be in charge this week. "1'he Pavilion. Remember the basball (games to 1 •.• "Goldfields, •13, C. To the 'Late -!till: Co. be played on the recreation ;rounds ' G to -morrow. Friday May 21tb., be- ! tri•enticmcn. - After a very fair tween the Wortman and Ward team ,rave. proved lam -lick )min of cntly sstis(atcory. In ray case it The time inn he t]e morn. glia cn ello!! for cured a skin rash of five year's 3•scantling which do doctor ,clad ben for 10 a. m. and in the afternoon at 2. The London team 'ie Reed, up of some boys silo played here last year and they are !fast players. Como out and help our boys, as credit is due the management as (well as The boys for the (amusement and pleasure given our citizens last pear and this I would certainly encourage nny person to keep Zatn.•I3nk in ll heir home. It I t lily does even snore than You claim for it. For Vny own part 1 would not .now be ,without it in the housr. Yours very truly, N:31e(1► 'Roger F. ferry, being the first game [this summer encoura;e the boys Ly coaling out "Justice of •the Peace for I3. C. in large numbers 011 Friday./.anr•Ihtk differs from ordinary Mr. Fred Pound and Miss "a" these and-etnbrocalions, .for while Young left this evening for a two these mostly contain animal 0113 and week's visit in .Toronto. fat Zara -Birk •i9 purely troths!. It \Its August Hill and daughtercloses, and heals cuts Mastering sores Sloss Walla•, visited friends in 'lit- 1 ulcers' eruptions, boils. • eczema, chain; sores, etc. 111 Ihe household rich for a few d:lys• it rs I1 , ]landlrsl os9iLle remedy Frank Boyle gold Clarence Duplan(t for burn:, scalds, chtldre.n's renieinjuries, Centralia visited fri0lds hero on It Sundly. Mr. Harry Laskin, who is serving tit t 1 1 < pretests fcstcl as apprentice with •Mr. 1'. Clark is It;curve hilts, varicose slicers, and spending a few days .%working for fistula, Alt (lees Mr. Alf C1aik, of Ailsa Craig• alar• druggist and et ores r)' is bein; greatly missed. sell at 50 cents 11 hoz. or from the Our town has been invaded by. Zam-Bok Co.. Toronto, for Inc.ie6 • ra;pedl ors. hence our town is rid boars for $...0. of all its debris. They have taken • 1113 31111y cleanses any /ww'oun(1 to which it is tt plied: , _ inflammation or blood poison up tl.-;r lod;in„s in the house tor• C7' .1t9TOR=A. lterly occupied by Mt. 11. walker. Bears the _4Tle kind You Hart Always Bought The la.,cheis are attendin; tha Stdnstttre I stomal Teachers' Convention held at of Exeter. school boin; closed on Thursday. Dashwood House clrnning time. All kinds of Furniture Stains and \'arnish, Floor Dn•wing. Carpet Felt, &c.. also a line of L•iwn 'Mowers at the pard - ware. D. Tiernan. Mr. John Eidt was in •Parkhill, Brantford and other •place. ,this week combining business with pleas- ure. MIs. .1. Kuhn, egad 70 years, had paralytic 811 else on Sunday. The whole body i+ it(tralyzed ani she is unable to speak, althou;h she un- derstands what is said and answers These Barns Are Fire and Storm Proof During the last few years the losses from barns struck and orad by lightning hove been enormous. You never know when it may be your turn--onless you take the only sure way 01 avoiding lightning's havoc. That is to cover the rc.oe of your barn with Galt " Sure -grip " Steel Shingles. and engined try conductor, to the ground. or cover the sides also with Galt Steel Siding, as shown on the right 'o1 ed.; or to armor the barn with Galt Co.:. rugated Steel Sheets, pictured on left of ad. Then your born is ire proof. as steel cannot burn. and lightning merely glides over it and escapes into the ground. Wind and rain have no effect on these kinds of buildings. either. Galt "Sure -grip" Shingles make the best rooting that has yet been devised. Qukhly end easily laid -will not leak. and cannot be blown ol( ; neither do they rust. warp. crack or curl up: Cheap as common shingles. neat and attractive in appearance, built to lot e life•tiaae. No rooting investment can compare with Celt "Sure•Grip" Shingles. More information In our Free illus. %rated Catalogue. which we are analogs to mail to you. THE GALT ART METAL COMPANY, Limited, Galt, Ont. --THIS IS TMC SHEET METAL AOC. - alt SuregripShingle 111•;NSALL Many from here will ntl(•.ti(1 the ;rald celebration at Exeter ,to -mor. row. There will be no celebralioe in Helmut! this year. Mr. and Mrs. Wrrl. Moore and d au h t( r , of London, visited in the vi11aee Inst week. Itev. Mr. Wella. of Ailsa Craiz, was the guest of '51 r. and Mrs. Ar- nold last week. • Mr. Ralph Chapman, of Buffalo, who has been visilin; his mother for a week lel a r+Turiled home. Messrs. D. A. Carttelon and Joseph Ellis attended the recce in Toronto oil Saturday and ,saw the Kin;'9 1'Inte Race. 511•. and Slrs. 11. Colbert, of Sea - forth spent Sunday with the litter':( parents 51r. anal 51rs. 11. Fulton. 51r. A. Brandt have London .1 bus. Mese rill a couple of days last week. 51 r. and NI: s• Joseph Pinckney vis- ited friends in Sea(orlh ower Sutt- day. Mr. 1'ricst of 'Columbus, Ohio. is here visiting 11i3 sister 51rs. Hawk. Sirs. John Chapman, of London. is spending a few weeks with relatives here. The lemmas of the late Robert Robertson of nein' Lake. Sisk., ar- rived on Saltulday duornine accom'- panned by his brother An;us. Inter- ment took place en Sunday after- noon at 2.30 4o liens:all Union Ceme- tery. Mrs. Newell, sister of he de- ceased arrived home Hurn Montana on feitnrday night. Tlie C'tsc 10 the 'jua.shine of Lo- cal Option will be eric(I at O: roc<i.' hall, Toronto, to -day. The flew boiler has deer( placed in the electric light power lion -e and the (own 14 own more lighted raf- ter a week's 41:11 krteas, Stiss Ida Peart, of London, sleet 1 - Irl; a few (lays with .her parents. 51r. Thornysor. of Gcdtericli :w13 in town on Saturday on bueinr$s. att. and Mrs. Stooge have removed CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Nato Always Beat Bears the Signature of SEEDS SEED A New Supply Just Arrived Giant Yellow Intermediate at !2'.c. per lb. Bruce's White Seeding beet at 1l4o. per 1b. Tit' ce',ebrated Steel Briggs' Jumbo Swede T.'rnip at 20c lb, COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea Yes! Spring was a long time- coming, imeCOlning, but its here. Next will conte the tlieq to bother yon, but if you will get your screens and screen doors from us. you will not be bothered with the little pests. We have a large supply on hand. We also have a lot of fence wire also hooks a n d staples. Everything in the Hardware line kept by us. W. MOORE KIRKTON, - ONTARIO. sprilt3• D�L ����YYY Messrs. !!styes ])avis 11)1(1 Simon 'McKenzie, of Clinton, were in town . on friday last on business. Alr. Phomas Cameron and daughter spent Sunday with iCraibrook 'rel- <etives. A By-law has been (passed by our Council prohibiting the cows to run at large on our village streets af- ter the first day of Julie. large nunmberfaof rcattlereceived last Fruits fresh this week, Bananas, Orangesf wcck and drove them ko his pasture land near Ailsa Craig. •Mr. Tom, Inspector. of Gcderich wave our school a call on Monday. Mr. Joseph Gibson was united in marriage to Miss .Davis on Wednes- day last. Itev. E. F. Smith perforrn- edthe ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott, of Exeter, spent Sund:sy with relatives in town. About your new shoes. We have just received another shipment of the celebrated Williams Shoes, the kind that are made of solid leather and made to wear. Try a pair and be convinced. Pineapples, Cocoanuts, Then our Grocery List is Complete. B. W. F. BEAVERS, = Farquhar, famous. till you're ready to put the meal ot>t Considerableinfloprogress has been the stove I Think of the saving Ito C .A. 121 T O R. I g. trade titer rhIetidin3 in Ontario, your strength -and the saving is Bears the TM Kind You Hats Always BOIt� and after nearly Oil bears of ex- your time -time 'that yon may have Signature����y _ l'rrirncnt on [ho alar1 of expert mile for fancy work -or music -or read -1 o!�{ It , : :end bakers. the ,411181101 quality of the blended quality leas been de- d f.ATIIAbisKITCHEN monstrated by the demand already Cing.A131NET not oIInly avtla your etopst created. andAnyourthe 'time, but lessen. your Is - There seems to be every reason in bur in many other ways as !well, favor of the adoption by the people You have no cluttered -up sink -No of Ontario of She one of such a flour disordered kitchen 'v'hen you have a 8n increase in the snilline of Ontario C]IATIIAM-for you keep all then wheat Itlean7 an enlarged ntftrkct clutter right in one place -the zinc- and money in 'the %farmer':+ pocket. covered table of your Cabinet -which It the manufacture of (he blended takes but the rub of a damp cloth. flours were merely in the ezperi- to clean! No continual scrubbing of rnentall stage. arguments in favor of the sink side when you have a its use :generally tthroughnut Ontar- Chatham. 'Just (a simple rub -off io might prove ineffective; but now with a damp cloth and your table that some of .the lareest wholesale 13 8IIC mid spars and ready for use unable to run more than ei;ht or bakers in 'Toronto are enthusiastic again. tett !tours a (la)•. and ns a result !about the increased sales of bread Now there are many other special the price n( Iii 111 1111(1 81101(9 has made of blended Stour ,for Ontario features of the CIIATHAM KIT., risen to twenty :end lutnly.-two dol• poopte, it is surely worth chile to CIIEN CABINET that I haven't la rs a Ion. 114 come:li 41 'with tho purcttawe an 8iticle'tchich mtnt>v in- roomt o tell you about here. I'wonG foresee !armee u[ tuelvc to fifteen, creased prosperity all over the I3an_ to send you my big Free .deft guy in the palmy (lay:4 of wheat erow'ing tier Province of the Dominion. -it will %quote price acrd detailed descriptions -and I'll send it to you. FREE, for your name &ad nddresi on a postal. 'Wily NOT OWN 11 you 'want to simplify your house work -if you %want to do away wills • 11eedlee3 toil tend drudgery -if you want always Ito have n n(szte atfr.lc- pp� five kitchen. you 911ould own al h Co (nV II V I K � C iATll \ hh � A.i It T h�III� I cnry R CIi . CABINh, Write for any catalogue today -it The Greatest Kitchen Labor will tell you how to cavo time lied I Saver Ever Invented. strength -and quote priors that I know will :interest you. Just 801)4 The preparation of even the comp- your nanlo and address on a postal. lest meol is a task of no meatl size and UO 11' NOW. schen you think o[ the number of Address me ' etcos you take from kitchen Ao pan- /personally. try -tree nutntx�r of trips you make' utter things forgotten -Iota the salt .11t 1 b N CANIPI3ELI, -then the Spice -than the if.(vurin„ President. and no en. COOKING mould be Manson Campbell Co., Dept. totem -at of till its drudgery if you could keep your euppleee and cookie.; CHATHAM, During Ihe. 111st tan years (ho great nlillin:; Jhelum( ries of the \Vest leivc been eo rxlensivcly ad- vertised in Ontario that many farme ars have ,given u1 raising tevheat, The fanner who formerly helped to make a market for his home-grown product 5o•day bust the evestern flour for fancily use, and thus con- tributes to la 0810i prosperity, In. stead of put lin; money into his own pockets by pall ()!ruin. an Ontario industry. Ontario io rntllt 1 s have been in Ontario. This conipetitiorl of the '.western wheat lands iv a tremendous tact in the aggregate the derlin•' in the market in Ontarire .for Aha ,flour manufacture(! in this jnowilece has atnountrd to a lose of trillions to the farruing community. No proof is nw•dCII 1ln convince the General public that isle wwestern flour iv "s1r011;44.1-„" d 11:i5 is. richer 11) 'gluten, Ulan its Ontario rival. But that the .flavor owl color of Ontario flour hi etipe l0r anent bo conceder! even by those most inter- ested in Mashing I be oil oduct of the Prairie provinces. Down East, in the Maritime province.%, the demand for a levet-class flour }n13 1rd to the blending of the rnstern and western ehente 111 such proportions that enough ,{!Holo is nddr'I fn tie! On- tario prrsIuieI lo 111111; it 1111 to the strep;lli of '.resl(•I11 flour, while re- tainim; the delicate and tasty :foal- iti.•s for which Ont:,rio flour is Synopls 01 Ihe Condign. North West IIOMIOlT)Al) nROULATIONR, \1' es en numbered section of ilorninion lands in ANY saskatehe wan and Alberta, excepting n a• nd 'H) riot reserreil, may be homesteaded be any person *hr.: is the head o5 a family , or any male neer ty '. r n of age, to the extent of one quarier section of 113i/ acres, more rr less. Entry mast 1,e marl, pcnionaily at the local Isrml nflIec for the district in which 11,e land is situate. The homesteader is rerluirt4 to perform the eon• dition$ennneetedthere%ith under one of the follow. int; plans: - (11 At least rix months' residence upon and runs• l ation of the land in ear h %ear for three years. (11 1f the lather for mother, if the father is de. t ••weal) n1 the homesteader midge upon a farm in the sicinit' of tr,e land enteral for, the rr(turemen'( as to residence may le satisfied by sm.h person residing w it It the father or mother. 1:H If the settler has his perman(n) 1..idew upon farming lar,•I owned by him in the 25'initl (f his M,mestea•l, the requirements a. to residence may be satisfied by resident, open (he midland. Sia months' notice in wri'ing should be siren to the ('omndwsioner of Itrimiu:,n lands at ntMwa..i intention to apply for patent. W. W. (loll'', Deputy of the 14ini•1et el the interim,. N. II.-- rnauthorteevl pn•,lketion 'ethic adrerilaa meet will not he paid for - ONTARIO, utensils close to hand -and within arm's reach. And that is; just 'what IIAM`` CAN (AISINEr--fort the CHATHAM i9 the Cabinet that Las a place not only for every ingred- ient needed coa t but for elle utensils to cook with it wth uv well. Now i will tell you n %Cl1ATllA5l KI'TCIIEN CAIIINI T an My Liberal 'rime 1'a Payment Tnpmrntrngtthsrt.renly,1 tIbdberetdaa, y II am fuml,htngt7 41 8' thrrough d Nlan ree Trial i) 5 4 et 1 r. ';hoop's (natant I do this be fuse I n ui so e rtaln, that Dr, n plan that 1 vwnnt to explain to (a•tarrh (art will trlrg atttnl sulAtant Nothlns o•rtnlnlr. 1 so r.rlvinelnf ae a sow ill (!also!. 1 want to tend to you teat of any article of nal, genuinemey5 . my altalopt of CiiAT1iAM KITCHEN asIdfelemustloss•-(stniemerlRelse the ooa1tmn, rather than a'lvanon It. Ur. ' Clstarrh (Lee is a snow wt,lt., healing an balm, put up In t antifal 11:kel capper u descriptions ' ions at ✓34c. Such W,c4hing age eta u oil ISG and quote prices that twill interest 'thymol. M.nthol, (.1.• . are Incorporated Velvety. engem lilt.. 1' trr,latttrr�Q.tmpoiI you. The flhonp fr"m Europe. If catarrh of the Stl.e throat has ext.•nd• d to tho stomach, there by '•1 mean s al sn eau In t.. rtta l l r. i r. Nbnop's Reetorft t� Stomach distr.-as, a lark of general etre gII is the most complete toilettes Cab- bloating, bel.hing. hlltoatsntlss, Tad tett•, e10. inet in the market. It i+ P(11111113'3I aarelr rw11 1.,r Dr 8hnop'e R•stotatlre. with Flour and Sugar bins .-with For tmMrnplI(mbd le=rerh on 1y of the noes seal compartments your tints for supplies of all Throat nothltlg alae, hoverer, otaal be treed bug sorts -with racks for the display of your pretty' china -with a complete' ret of handsomely japanned cans for 1 flr thiuun'a small groceries as well as a full set of Spice Cans and many other con veniences that MC haven't room ,tot rleecribe here. The arratigrrnerit of the ClIA'A-' IIAM 14 rruch that you may sit at ' ease while preparing a meal-atk1 i have every Ingredient within reach of your !sand. Not a step to take RH CABINETS -it's free for your name on •1 postal -and it will give give youfull 1 l t of my Cebrnets Ghatham Kitchen Cabinet atarrhCan